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Which of the following is NOT true of the plantation mistress? A) She often had a lonely life. B) She was responsible for the health of the slaves. C) She was in charge of plantation hospitality. D) She ruled the plantation with an iron hand. E) She supervised the house slaves' daily performance.

...D) She ruled the plantation with an iron hand.

Which one of the following is NOT a state that migrating southerners rapidly pushed into during the time between the War of 1812 and the 1830s Flush Times? A) Texas. B) Alabama. C) Louisiana. D) All states grew during the great migration. E) Arkansas.

.E) Arkansas

This was one of the most common violations of the southern paternalistic code of behavior A) Defiance of their husbands by plantation mistresses. B) Economic fraud against slaves. C) Sexual abuse of female slaves by their masters. D) Cheating poor whites. E) Plantation mistress cruelty to house servants.

. ...C) Sexual abuse of female slaves by their masters.

Southern apologists for slavery linked slave uprisings to A) Northern antislavery opinion. B) The Second Great Awakening. C) Free blacks in the North and South. D) Excessive restrictions on slaves. E) Operation of the Underground Railroad.

...A) Northern antislavery opinion.

Southern cities did not keep pace with northern cities in urban growth after 1800 with the exception of A) Mobile. B) New Orleans. C) Charleston. D) Atlanta. E) Richmond.

B) New Orleans.

Prior to the Civil War, only this fraction of white families owned slaves A) 1/3. B) 2/3. C) 1/10. D) 3/4. E) 2/5.

A) 1/3.

This percent of slaves in the South worked in mining, lumbering, industry and construction: A) 10. B) 25. C) 12. D) 18. E) 5.

A) 10. ...

In 1836, Congress passed the "gag rule" to prevent discussion of A) Antislavery petitions. B) The international slave trade. C) Constitutional revision. D) Successful escapes of slaves. E) Free black suffrage.

A) Antislavery petitions.

This was NOT one of the southern states that had at least 40 percent slaves: A) Arkansas. B) Mississippi. C) South Carolina. D) Louisiana. E) Alabama.

A) Arkansas.

Under the French and Spanish, Fort Rosalie or Natchez under-the-Hill was a/an A) Diverse inclusive community. B) Missionary center to the Natchez Indians. C) Agricultural center. D) Dying town. E) Center of large plantations.

A) Diverse inclusive community.

Which one of the following had slaves but no cotton production? A) Maryland. B) Florida. C) Tennessee. D) South Carolina. E) Georgia.

A) Maryland.

Which one of the following was NOT part of the black codes? A) No ownership of property. B) Liable to slave criminal penalties. C) Could not carry firearms. D) No jury trial. E) Banned from holding office.

A) No ownership of property.

The Missouri Crisis of 1819-20 alarmed many southerners because they were A) Shocked by widespread antislavery feeling in the North. B) Finding evidence of slaves planning revolts. C) Afraid of nullification. D) Still reeling from the laws ending international slave trade. E) Losing many slaves escaping to the North.

A) Shocked by widespread antislavery feeling in the North

Hinton Rowan Helper's 1857 work The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It was a/an A) Southern attack on slavery. B) Attack on northern abolitionists and manufacturers. C) Protest to the congressional "gag rule." D) Northern defense of slavery. E) Justification for southern wealth in agriculture.

A) Southern attack on slavery.

Denmark Vesey was to South Carolina as Nat Turner was to: A) Virginia. B) Mississippi. C) Georgia. D) Louisiana. E) Alabama.

A) Virginia.

Poor whites in the south were families that A) Were landless tenant farmers. B) Had occupations other than agriculture. C) Were factory workers that rented dwellings. D) Owned no slaves. E) Worked for plantation owners.

A) Were landless tenant farmers. ...

When a slave was "sold down the river," it meant that he was A)Sold to an owner in the deep south B) Being punished for trying to escape down the river. C) Sold to a riverboat captain. D) Sold as a member of a chain gang. E) Betrayed by a fellow slave as a conspirator in rebellion.

A)Sold to an owner in the deep south

The cotton gin, an invention that made cotton growing profitable and entrenched slavery, was developed in A) 1795. B) 1793. C) 1801. D) 1798. E) 1812.

B) 1793.

In 1830, this percent of southern white people owned slaves: A) 20. B) 36. C) 2.5. D) 25. E) 10.2.

B) 36.

In 1850, this percentage of all slaves were engaged in cotton growing: A) 15. B) 55. C) 33. D) 25. E) 40.

B) 55.

Slaves were NOT generally used in growing this staple yeoman crop: A) Hemp B) Corn. C) Tobacco. D) Wheat. E) Strawberries.

B) Corn.

By 1860, America's largest single export was A) Rice. B) Cotton. C) Rum. D) Tobacco. E) Slaves.

B) Cotton.

Which was NOT a slave state in 1850? A) Indiana. B) Delaware. C) Texas. D) Florida. E) Arkansas.

B) Delaware

Solomon Northup in his narrative, Twelve Years a Slave, illustrated this slave experience: A) Plotting a slave revolt. B) Doing a variety of work, including carpentry. C) Solace of religion. D) The charade of being a house servant. E) Being secretly taught to read.

B) Doing a variety of work, including carpentry.

The planter elite consciously worked to create a lifestyle that resembled the A) Spanish Grandees. B) English aristocracy. C) New rich in the north. D) Creole aristocracy. E) French aristocracy.

B) English aristocracy.

This state had a large number of slaves but NOT due to cotton production: A) Texas. B) Florida. C) Virginia. D) Alabama. E) Georgia.

B) Florida.

Of the 12 million people who lived in the South in 1860, this number were slaves: A) Seven million. B) Four million. C) Six million. D) Three million.

B) Four million. ...

Of all the New World slave societies, the one that existed in the South was the only one that A) Did not import female slaves. B) Grew by natural increase. C) Freed the children of slaves. D) Never had a slave rebellion. E) Imported its slaves from Africa.

B) Grew by natural increase.

Which one of the following is the MOST true of the South in regard to industrialization A) Urban growth kept pace with the North. B) Southerners chose to concentrate on cotton. C) They failed to recognize industrial and transportation potential. D) They had 75 percent of the nation's railroads to transport cotton. E) They hoped technology could replace slavery.

B) Southerners chose to concentrate on cotton.

In 1831, the South began to close ranks in defense of slavery for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: A) "Outside" slavery propaganda. B) The Portuguese abolition of slavery in Brazil. C) The British abolition of slavery in the West Indies. D) Hysteria over the Nat Turner rebellion. E) The publication of William Lloyd Garrison's The Liberator.

B) The Portuguese abolition of slavery in Brazil.

An area stretching through western Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi that was blessed with exceptionally fertile soil was called A) The slave belt. B) The black belt. C) The fever belt. D) The sun belt. E) No man's land.

B) The black belt. ...

The phrase "black belt" refers to this in the South: A) Places struck by the plague. B) The fertile soil of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. C) Law codes that restricted free blacks. D) Center of large plantations. E) The areas of greatest slave population.

B) The fertile soil of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.

Southern politics was largely controlled by A) Landed aristocracy. B) The slave-owning elite. C) Southern land speculators. D) The small slave owners. E) The professional class.

B) The slave-owning elite.

Which of the following was NOT used as a southern defense of the institution of slavery? A) American history. B) The views of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. C) The histories of Greece and Rome. D) The U.S. Constitution. E) The Bible.

B) The views of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

While slavery and slave owners dominated the South and its economic system, this number of southerners did NOT own slaves: A) Three-fifths. B) Two-thirds. C) Four-fifths. D) One-half. E) Three-quarters.

B) Two-thirds.

Which one of the following is NOT one of the reasons the South closed ranks on defending slavery in the 1830s? A) Increasing antislavery propaganda from the North. B) U.S. extended participation in the international slave trade. C) Garrison began publishing an antislavery newspaper. D) Nat Turner's revolt. E) West Indian slaves were freed by the British.

B) U.S. extended participation in the international slave trade.

"Flush times" refer to A) the booming period of credit given by Northern banks. B) feverish land speculation. C) the period of economic prosperity in the 1830s. D) the profit following the sale of slaves at market. E) the period of intense cultivation of cotton in new soil.

B) feverish land speculation.

Flush Times" refers to a wave of westward expansion by southerners from A) 1790—1800. B) 1816—1820. C) 1832—1838. D) 1825—1830. E) 1803—1807.

C) 1832—1838.

Which one of the following lists these events in the correct chronological order? (1) Nullification Crisis. (2) Black Baptist Churches founded. (3) Great Migration to Old Southwest. (4) Cotton Gin invented. A) 3, 2, 1, 4 B) 2, 3, 4, 1 C) 2, 4, 3, 1 D) 4, 1, 3, 2 E) 1, 2, 3, 4

C) 2, 4, 3, 1 (2) Black Baptist Churches founded. (4) Cotton Gin invented. (3) Great Migration to Old Southwest. (1) Nullification Crisis.

As a result of the uncovering of the Denmark Vesey conspiracy in 1822, A) Immigration from Haiti was halted. B) The children of existing slaves were freed for perpetuity. C) Black seamen were seized and jailed while in port at Charleston. D) South Carolina passed legislation making it easier to free one's slaves. E) Whites appealed to the African Methodist Episcopal church to restrain its members from encouraging slave rebellion.

C) Black seamen were seized and jailed while in port at Charleston.

Religion in the slave community A) Was a mix of Arminianism and Calvinism. B) Encouraged many slave rebellions. C) Combined African tribal traditions with evangelical Protestantism. D) Counted for little in the slaves' daily life. E) Was based entirely upon their African tribal traditions.

C) Combined African tribal traditions with evangelical Protestantism.

The "black belt" of the south refers to the those parts of western Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi that A) Had the highest concentration of slaves. B) Was the poorest most depressed area. C) Had unusually fertile soil. D) Suffered the most from malaria epidemics. E) Had the thickest forested lands.

C) Had unusually fertile soil.

Which one of the following is NOT one of the six new slave states added between 1790 and 1821? A) Arkansas. B) Tennessee. C) Missouri. D) Alabama. E) Kentucky.

C) Missouri.

Which one of the following is NOT a negative effect that King Cotton had on the economy of the South? A) Most mercantile services were in northern hands. B) Industrial growth lagged behind the North. C) Most acreage was devoted to growing cotton. D) Attention was drawn away from the development of southern cities. E) Slavery was more firmly entrenched.

C) Most acreage was devoted to growing cotton

The most successful slave revolt was led by A) Denmark Vesey. B) Hinton Helper. C) Nat Turner. D) Gabriel Prosser. E) Sojourner Truth.

C) Nat Turner

Which one of the following was NOT an event occurring AFTER the Missouri Crisis that alarmed southern slave owners? A) Turner's revolt. B) Vesey's Conspiracy. C) Prosser's revolt. D) Abolition of the "gag rule." E) Garrison's The Liberator.

C) Prosser's revolt. ...

Partly as a result of this 1800 revolt, Virginia tightens laws on granting freedom to slaves in 1806: A) Whisky Rebellion. B) Vesey. C) Prosser. D) Turner. E) Gullah Jack.

C) Prosser. ...

A common defense of the institution of slavery by slave owners was that A) Slaves lived better on southern plantations than the natives in Africa. B) They were becoming Christianized and thus their souls would be saved. C) Slaves were treated better than northern industrial workers. D) Slaves lived much longer than whites. E) Slave children played with white children.

C) Slaves were treated better than northern industrial workers.

The largest group of slave owners was comprised of A) Rich plantation owners. B) Middle class professionals (e.g., doctors, lawyers, and merchants). C) Small yeoman farmers. D) Urban industrialists. E) Poor white tenant farmers.

C) Small yeoman farmers.

An examination of life expectancy rates in the South by 1850 indicates that A) There was no difference in life expectancy for whites and blacks in the South. B) Slaves in the American South suffered less illness than expected. C) The difficulties of slave life resulted in a shorter life expectancy than whites. D) It was not unusual for slave masters to work male field hands to death. E) Slaves often lived longer than their masters.

C) The difficulties of slave life resulted in a shorter life expectancy than whites.

When the United States took possession of Mississippi in 1798, Natchez-under-The-Hill became A) A ghost town. B) A religious commune. C) The most important settlement in the old Southwest. D) A way station for the Underground Railroad. E) A reservation for the Natchez Indians.

C) The most important settlement in the old Southwest.

Slave communities provided all of the following EXCEPT A) Access to African values and attitudes. B) Secret contacts between rural and urban slaves. C) The opportunity to live in urban areas. D) The possibility of building a family. E) Their own form of religion.

C) The opportunity to live in urban areas.

A major reason for the reduction in the number of slave owners in the South prior to the Civil War was A) The abolition of slave markets in the United States. B) An increasing mortality rate. C) The rapidly increasing price of slaves. D) A rapid decline in slave birth rates. E) Increased competition for available slaves from the West Indies.

C) The rapidly increasing price of slaves.

For slaves, the ultimate resistance was A) Suicide. B) Maiming themselves. C) The slave revolt. D) Breaking tools and killing livestock. E) Running away.

C) The slave revolt.

Natchez County had the highest concentration of this in the nation: A) Free African Americans. B) Slaves. C) Wealth. D) Cotton plantations. E) People on government assistance.

C) Wealth

In general cotton production spread this direction, especially in 1840 and 1860: A) Southeast. B) Northwest. C) West. D) South. E) East.

C) West.

The failure of the South to industrialize in the nineteenth century was A) Due to northern opposition. B) Because of a shortage of labor. C) Due to a lack of natural resources. D) Because they chose to depend upon "King Cotton." E) A matter of lifestyle.

D) Because they chose to depend upon "King Cotton."

To African Americans, being "sold down the river" referred to A) Breakup of unofficial slave families through sale of slaves to different owners. B) Having other blacks turn in conspirator and rebels. C) Being ignored by the North and British anti-slavery leaders. D) Being sold and moving from the Upper to the Lower South. E) Free blacks being forced into slavery.

D) Being sold and moving from the Upper to the Lower South.

Which one of the following was NOT true of southern "plain folk?" A) Lived in small family-based communities. B) Independence was more important than wealth C) Self-sufficient property owners. D) Favored industrialization over slavery. E) Usually lived up-country.

D) Favored industrialization over slavery. ...

Tenskwatawa was to Tecumseh as this person was to Denmark Vesey: A) William Johnson. B) Andrew Marshall. C) Red Stick. D) Gullah Jack. E) Robert Turnbull.

D) Gullah Jack.

Black codes were A) A code of conduct for house slaves. B) Rules governing slave conduct on the plantation. C) Secret codes used by slaves to organize rebellion. D) Laws limiting the rights of free black people. E) Codes regulating land values in the Black Belt.

D) Laws limiting the rights of free black people.

In these two states, the enslaved African American population outnumbered the white: A) The Carolinas. B) North Carolina and Virginia. C) Alabama and Tennessee. D) Mississippi and South Carolina. E) Georgia and Florida.

D) Mississippi and South Carolina.

Ironically both enslaved and free black people could be in these occupations in the South while denied them in the north A) Professions like medicine and law. B) Domestic service. C) Butlers and valets. D) Skilled trades like carpentry and smithing. E) Farming and fishing.

D) Skilled trades like carpentry and smithing.

The new international economy of cotton after 1794 included all of the following regions EXCEPT: A) Southern ports. B) the Old Southwest. C) industrializing Britain. D) South America. E) New England.

D) South America.

Both enslaved and free blacks had more opportunity to do skilled occupations in the South than in the North because A) They were seen as an alternative to a technological society. B) Southern whites wouldn't do them. C) Southerners felt blacks were more intelligent than northerners did. D) The South failed to attract much immigrant labor. E) Southerners preferred their loyalty compared to white laborers.

D) The South failed to attract much immigrant labor.

One of the most noteworthy features of the slave community in the American South was A) Its refusal to incorporate Christian religious practices. B) Their belief that they could do better in America. C) Its animosity toward free African Americans. D) The expanded kinship network that developed within it. E) Its acceptance of white paternalism within its own social structure.

D) The expanded kinship network that developed within it.

The Evangelical religion which spread after the Second Great Awakening A) Was totally rejected by the slaves. B) Had no impact on slaves or slavery. C) Was accepted wholeheartedly by the slaves. D) Was used by whites as a means of social control over the slaves. E) Encouraged many blacks to rebel.

D) Was used by whites as a means of social control over the slaves. ...

As provided in the Constitution, the Congress prohibited U.S. participation in the international slave trade in A) 1820. B) 1833. C) 1825. D) 1800. E) 1808.

E) 1808.

Both Nat Turner's rebellion in Virginia and Garrison's publishing of the Liberator happened in A) 1822. B) 1826. C) 1816. D) 1800. E) 1831.

E) 1831.

What percentage of all slaves worked as field hands? A) 60. B) 20. C) 50. D) 33. E) 75.

E) 75

As a slave, from which of the following state would you have had the LEAST chance of escaping? A) Delaware. B) Virginia. C) Kentucky. D) Maryland. E) Alabama.

E) Alabama

In the first half of the 19th Century, the American economy A) Depended primarily on northern industrial production. B) Suffered the ill effects of a mixed economy. C) Depended primarily on profits from slave-grown cotton. D) Suffered because of the South's slave system. E) Benefited greatly from the connection between southern slavery and northern industry.

E) Benefited greatly from the connection between southern slavery and northern industry.

In 1835, southerners tightened these to protect the slave system: A) Migrations. B) Manumission laws. C) Gag rules. D) Laws regulating slave marriages. E) Black codes.

E) Black codes.

Louisiana, Virginia, Delaware and North Carolina had this in common in terms of population patterns: A) Slaves were almost exclusively in coastal lands. B) No free blacks were allowed. C) Slaves outnumbered whites. D) The total African American population was less than 20 percent. E) Free blacks made up 3 percent or more.

E) Free blacks made up 3 percent or more.

The word "yeoman" was often applied to A) Large plantation owners. B) Slaves who worked on the riverboats. C) Slaves who had families. D) Large slave brokers. E) Independent farmers who lived on family-size farms.

E) Independent farmers who lived on family-size farms....

A "gag rule" can be invoked by Congress to A) Prevent the media from publishing accounts of congressional debates. B) Censor mailed material. C) Silence certain members of Congress when they have been intemperate. D) Limit free speech. E) Prevent consideration of sensitive issues.

E) Prevent consideration of sensitive issues.

Which of the following had the LEAST to do with the aggressive defense of slavery that developed in the South in the early 1830s? A) The appearance of The Liberator. B) British emancipation of slaves in the West Indies. C) States rights arguments. D) Virginia's slave revolt. E) The "gag rule" in Congress.

E) The "gag rule" in Congress....

For many southerners, one of the worst surprises of the Civil War was A) That most slaves remained loyal to their owners. B) That slaves paid little attention to the Emancipation Proclamation. C) Northern willingness to die for slaves. D) That many slaves were willing to take up arms against the Yankees. E) The eagerness of their trusted house slaves to flee.

E) The eagerness of their trusted house slaves to flee.

The most important export crops of the American colonial period were A) Cotton, tobacco, and rice. B) Cotton, sugar, and rice. C) Sugar, rice, and tobacco. D) Indigo, sugar, and sorghum. E) Tobacco, rice, and indigo.

E) Tobacco, rice, and indigo.

Slave marriages A) Had little chance to survive. B) Were considered legal in most southern states. C) Encouraged many slaves to rebel. D) Were expressly forbidden by most slave owners. E) Were encouraged by most owners.

E) Were encouraged by most owners.

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