CH 12 Summary Quiz
Which of these muscles moves the wrist?
1. extensor carpi ulnaris 2. flexor carpi radialis 3. abductor pollicis longus
Muscles with origins on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
1. include the anconeus and supinator 2. are mostly extensors
Muscles of the pelvic girdle and lower limbs are grouped by all of the following criteria
1. muscles that move the coxal joint/thigh 2. thigh muscles that move the knee joint/leg 3. intrinsic muscles of the foot
Appendicular muscles
1. stabilize the pectoral and pelvic girdles 2. control the movements of the upper and lower limbs 3. work in groups that are either synergistic or antagonistic
How many layers of intrinsic muscles are on the plantar surface of the foot?
serratus anterior
Abducts and protracts the scapula
Flexes and adducts the humerus
Most of the forearm muscles in the anterior compartment originate on the
Medial epicondyle of the humerus
gluteus minimus
Medially rotates thigh; abducts the hip
Plantar flexes foot
The ____ flexes the knee and causes a slight medial rotation to unlock the knee joint.
teres minor
Rotates arm laterally
Rotates arm medially
On the foot as well as the hand, the dorsal interossei ____________ the digits.
The dorsal interossei muscles in the hand
abduct fingers 2-5
The dorsal interossei muscles in the hand _______ fingers 2-5
Which thigh adductor has an origin on the ischial tuberosity?
adductor magnus
adducts and flexes thigh
All of the following muscles flex the forearm except the: brachialis. biceps brachii. brachioradialis. anconeus.
All of the following muscles flex the forearm except: brachialis biceps brachii brachioradialis anconeus
In the lower limb, hip flexors insert ____________ on the thigh, while knee flexors insert ____________ on the leg.
anteriorly; posteriorly
extensor retinaculum
connective tissue band secures the muscles that cross the dorsal/dorsal radial side of the wrist in place. Role is to prevent underlying tendons from bowstringing away from the radiocarpal joints during active wrist motion.
Of all the scapular muscles, the only one that flexes and adducts the arm is the
In terms of adduction and abduction of the arm, which muscle opposes the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi?
Muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg _____ the foot and _____ the toes.
dorsiflex extend
Muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg
dorsiflex the foot and extend the toes
tibialis anterior
dorsiflexes foot
The tibialis anterior opposes the soleus by performing which action?
rhomboid major
elevates scapula
All of the hamstring muscles work together in which actions?
extending the thigh and flexing the leg
quadriceps femoris
extends leg
Which action is performed by most muscles in the posterior compartment of the forearm?
Which action is performed by the most muscles at the wrist?
The ____________ all insert on the tibial tuberosity (by way of the patella).
extensors of the knee joint
Eversion of the foot is caused by the contraction of the ___ muscle.
fibularis brevis
Eversion of the foot is caused by the contraction of the _____ muscle.
fibularis brevis
Which leg muscles work together to evert the foot?
fibularis longus and fibularis brevis
The _____ causes plantar flexion of the foot.
Because the two heads of the ____________ share a common tendon of insertion with the ____________, these muscles are collectively called the triceps surae.
gastrocnemius; soleus
Which muscle has the same actions as the tensor fasciae latae and is a frequent site of intramuscular injections?
gluteus medius
The contraction of the _____ causes medial rotation of the thigh.
gluteus minimus
Which muscles originate on the ischial tuberosity and extend the thigh plus flex the leg?
hamstring muscles
Which muscles originate on the ischial tuberosity and extend the thigh plus flex the leg?
Of the following, which two muscles are antagonists to different actions of the gluteus maximus?
iliopsoas and gluteus minimus
Which muscles are antagonists to the subscapularis?
infraspinatus and teres minor
The tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior act synergistically to ____________ the foot.
Which joint has the most flexors?
Which action is performed by the most muscles at the coxal joint?
lateral rotation
What is the sole action of all five deep muscles of the gluteal region?
lateral rotation of the thigh
teres minor
laterally rotates humerus
Which muscle extends, adducts, and medially rotates the arm?
latissimus dorsi
Which muscles allow you to shrug your shoulders?
levator scapulae
Both the gluteus minimus and the gluteus medius abduct and ____________ the thigh at the coxal joint.
medially rotate
Thumb opposition is caused by contraction of the ____ muscle.
opponens pollicis
Thumb opposition is caused by contraction of the _____ muscle.
opponens pollicis
Which muscle of the upper limb inserts onto specialized areas of deep fascia rather than bone?
palmaris longus
The posterior muscles of the leg
plantar flex the foot and flex the toes
plantar flexes foot
prime abductor of humerus
pronator teres
pronates forearm
serratus anterior
protracts scapula
Which muscle performs most of the actions required to cross one's legs?
The only muscles that flex both the thigh and the leg are the
sartorius and gracilis
Which muscle contributes most directly to the careers of boxers?
serratus anterior
Which muscle is the prime mover in protraction of the scapula?
serratus anterior
The gastrocnemius and soleus are like the psoas major and iliacus in that each pair
shares a tendon of insertion and is often regarded as a single muscle
What are the rotator cuff muscles
supraspinatus infraspinatus teres minor subscapularis
What causes compartment syndrome?
swollen muscles that compress blood vessels in a limb compartment
1. originates on the iliac crest and anterior superior iliac spine 2. inserts on the iliotibial tract of the fascia lata 3. abducts and medially rotates the thigh
tensor fasciae latae
The ____________ assists the subscapularis in medial rotation of the arm.
teres major
Which muscle is the primary antagonist of the muscles that insert on the calcaneus?
tibialis anterior
Which muscle is the prime mover in extension of the elbow?
triceps brachii
The quadriceps femoris is composed of which of the following muscles?
vastus lateralis vastus medialis rectus femoris vastus intermedius