Ch 15 Differential Reinforcement

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Types of Differential Reinforcement (AOL)

*DRA - Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior-*reinforcing a specific behavior *DRO - Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior-*any other behavior than the problem behavior *DRL - Differential Reinforcement of Low Rates of Responding-*the maladaptive behavior is occurring too often

Variations of DRA

*DRI - Differential reinforcement of ***incompatible*** behavior -physically incompatible behavior reinforced to replace the problem behavior Examples: *running-> sit down=can't do at the same time talking & eating=can't do at the same time** *DRC - Differential Reinforcement of **communication** (functional communication training) communication response is reinforced to replace the problem behavior. Example: *child yells out answer->ask child to raise hand...this is used with children w/autism spectrum

DRA - Points to Consider

*Establishing operations - make reinforcer more potent *Consider use of rules or instructions (ahead of time) *Fade artificial reinforcers to natural reinforcers for maintenance *Premack Principle -use highly preferred behavior as reinforcement for lower probability behavior. e.g get home->do homework->then go outside *3 Ways to choose reinforcers: **ask, observe, test** *Differential Negative Reinforcement - desirable behavior produces escape or avoidance of aversive stimuli and undesirable behavior does not produce escape or avoidance.e.g. autistic kid rocks->if you don't rock for 10 sec you get to play with your truck->if they rock the 10 sec starts over

D. R. A.: Mrs. Williams

*Frequent complaining; nearly zero positive talk *FA: complaining reinforced by attention *Plan: See Mrs. W -> give attention when Mrs. W talk positive -> Mrs. W complains -> no attn Reinforcement & Extinction

Types of DRL?

*Full Session DRL - reinforcer delivered when fewer than specified number of responses occurs per time period -Reinforcer delivered at end of session -Timing of responses in session is **NOT important** *Spaced Responding DRL - reinforcer delivered for response when separated from previous response by specified interval -Response before end of the interval interval is reset -Response reinforced only when interval > specified time **TIMING** of responses becomes very IMPORTANT. **Specific interval of time between each response** ***Spaced works better than full***

Types of DRL?

*Interval DRL= reinforce for a maximum of one response at end of time interval -Divide session into intervals & provide Reinforcement if no more than 1 response occurred in each interval -Average time between each response


*Procedure for decreasing a problem behavior by reinforcing a functionally equivalent alternative to replace problem behavior 1) Reinforcer delivered for desirable behavior *Desirable behavior must serve the same function as the problem behavior 2) Extinguish the problem behavior

Differential Reinforcement

*Process- method of reinforcement to increase adaptive behaviors and decrease maladaptive behaviors -e.g. Nutmeg wanted attention *Response to one stimulus is reinforced consistently *But making functionally equivalent undesired response to the stimulus is not reinforced.


*Reinforcing the individual when the inappropriate behavior **does not occur** during time interval ***Differential Reinforcement of Zero Rate of behavior*** *Intervals chosen based on baseline level of the behavior *Goal - extinction of the occurrence of the problem *If problem behavior occurs - the ***interval (time) is reset***


*Reinforcing the individual when the rate of engaging in the inappropriate behavior is below a specified level.

DRO interval strategies?

*Whole interval DRO - problem must be absent for **whole interval** for reinforcement *Momentary DRO - problem must be absent at **the end of the interval** for reinforcement.**



DRL Steps

1) Decide if DRL is appropriate? (Think about the goal) 2) Determine the acceptable level of behavior 3) Full session DRL or Spaced responding DRL? 4) Inform **target person** of criterion for reinforcement->the person needs to know the goal 5) Give feedback on number/timing of responses 6) Set intermediate goals if necessary

DRA Steps

1) Define target behavior & undesirable competing behavior(s) 2) Collect **baseline** data 3) Identify the **reinforcer** for the problem behavior 4) **Choose a reinforcer** for the desirable behavior 5) **Reinforce** desirable behavior **immediately & consistently** -Prompt the desirable behavior if necessary 6) **Eliminate**/minimize undesirable behavior reinforcer 7) Continue to collect data to **evaluate treatment**. 8) Use **intermittent reinforcement**for maintenance 9) Plan **generalization** across settings and times.

DRO Steps

1) Identify **reinforcer for problem** behavior 2)) Identify the **reinforcer** to use in DRO 3) Choose the DRO **interval**-specific to how often the behavior occurs->start w/shorter interval 4) Use **extinction/minimize** for problem behavior ***5) **Deliver reinforcer for absence** of problem in each interval 6) Occurrence of problem **resets interval** 7) Gradually **increase** the DRO interval 8) Use **instructions** when applicable

When to use DRA?

3 conditions... *When you want to increase a desirable behavior and/or decrease an undesirable behavior *When the behavior you want already occurs at least occasionally *When you have a reinforcer you can use.

full-session DRL

A differential reinforcement of low rates of responding (DRL) procedure in which the reinforcer is delivered if fewer than a specified number of responses occurs in a specific period (the session). It is used to decrease the rate of a behavior.

spaced-responding DRL

A type of differential reinforcement of low rates of responding (DRL) procedure in which the reinforcer is delivered when responses are separated by a specific time interval. If a response occurs before the interval has ended, the reinforcer is not delivered and the interval is reset. The interval between responses is called the interresponse time.

interval DRL

A type of differential reinforcement of low rates of responding (DRL) procedure that involves dividing a session into consecutive intervals or time and providing the reinforcer if no more than one response occurred in each interval.

DRO vs. Spaced-Responding DRL

DRO *End of the interval, the reinforcer is delivered for ***the absence of the behavior *** *A response before the end of the interval **resets** the interval. Spaced-Responding DRL *End of the interval, the reinforcer is delivered for ***the first response*** *A response before the end of the interval **resets** the interval. ***this one is more effort, maintenance and time but more effective

paired stimulus assessment

Two potential reinforcers (from an array of potential reinforcers) are presented to the individual and the researcher records which stimulus the individual approaches. Each stimulus is presented with every other stimulus multiple times and the researcher calculates the percentage of times that the individual approaches each stimulus, indicating which stimuli are likely to be reinforcers.

momentary DRO

Type of differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) procedure in which the reinforce is delivered if the person is refraining from the problem behavior at the end of the DRO interval. the problem behavior does not have to be absent throughout the entire interval for the reinforcer to be delivered. momentary DRO typically is not effective unless it follows a whole-interval DRO procedure

differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA)

a procedure for decreasing a problem behavior by reinforcing a functionally equivalent alternative behavior (a competing behavior) to replace the the problem behavior


a procedure in which a lower rate of a particular behavior is reinforced to decrease the rate of the behavior used when the goal is to decrease but not necessarily to eliminate the target behavior


a procedure in which the reinforcer is delivered after intervals of time in which the problem behavior does not occur. DRO involves reinforcing the absence of the problem behavior

reinforcer assessment

a process in which the item from the preference ass. is delivered contingent on a behavior to see if the behavior increases. If the behavior increases, the item functions as a reinforcer

preference assessment (pa)

a process of identifying reinforcers for an imdiv. that involves presenting potential reinforcers and measuring whether the indic. approaches, manipulates,or consumes the item. PA can be conducted in at least 3 different ways: single stimulus ass., paired stimulus ass., & multiple stimulus ass.


a type of DRA procedure in which a communication response is reinforced to replace the problem behavior , aka functional communication training


a type of DRA procedure in which a physically incompatible behavior is reinforced to replace the problem behavior

whole-interval DRO

a type of differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) procedure in which the problem behavior must be absent throughout the entire interval of time for the reinforcer to be delivered. most DRO procedures involve whole-interval DRO

functional communication training

aka DRC

multiple stimulus assessment

an array of potential reinforcers is presented to the individual, for example, 8 stimuli are presented on a table in front of the person), and the researcher records which potential reinforcer the individual approaches or chooses first. this stimulus is then removed from the array and the researcher records which stimulus the individual chooses next. that stimulus, in turn, is then removed from the array and the process continues until the individual has approached or chosen all stimuli. the array of stimuli is presented a number of times (with the stimuli in different locations on the table each time) to identify the order in which the stimuli are chosen

single stimulus assessment

each potential reinforcer (from an array of potential reinforcers) is presented (i.e., put on a table in front of the child), one at a time, to see whether the individual approaches the stimulus or not. after each stimulus is presented numerous times, the researcher calculates the percentage of times that the individual approached each stimulus to indicate which stimuli are likely to be reinforcers

stereotypic behavior

repetitive behavior that does not serve any social function for the person. they are often called self-stimulatory behaviors because they function to produce some form of sensory stimulation for the indiv.

multiple stimulus without replacement (MSWO)

see ^^^

interresponse time (IRT)

time between the occurrence of consecutive responses

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