Ch 17. Endocrine System Lecture

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The endocrine system has many functions including ______.

controlling movement of food through the digestive tract, regulating blood ion concentrations, and maintaining blood volume

biogenic amine

modified amino acids and water-soluble (with one exception)

The more receptors a cell has for a hormone, the ______________ sensitive it is to that hormone.


Compared to the nervous system, the endocrine system has

more widespread and long-lasting effects

Parathyroid glands are located in the ______.


The thyroid gland is located in the ______


Eicosanoids are locally acting hormones. If the target cells neighboring those from which they were released, this is an example of ______ stimulation.


Identify the cells found between the follicles.

parafollicular cells

Which of the following glands is not controlled by the hypothalamus?

parathyroid gland

An example of a peptide hormone is ______.

parathyroid hormone

principal cells produces

parathyroid hormone

The parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland synthesize and release ______.


Ultraviolet light is involved in the synthesis of


A single target cell of a hormone ______.

can display differing numbers of receptors for the same hormone

Steroid hormones are a type of lipid derived from ______.


Steroid hormones are lipids, derived from


The anterior pituitary gland secretes ______ to stimulate the follicular cells of the thyroid gland to release ______.


______ diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Type 1

Select all that are examples of endocrine system functions.

- maintaining blood volume - regulating blood ion concentrations

Choose the accurate statements about how communication by the nervous and endocrine systems differs. Check all that apply.

- the nervous system releases neurotransmitters at synapses at specific target cells - the endocrine system reacts more slowly to stimuli, often taking seconds to days - the endocrine system communicates by means of hormones

What are the effects of glucagon that end up increasing blood glucose levels?

-decreased glycogenesis in the liver -increased glycogenolysis in the liver -increased gluconeogenesis in the liver

All type ______ diabetics require daily injections of insulin.


Place the events that describe the regulation of the release of cortisol order. Start with the earliest event.

1. Hypothalamus releases CRH 2. Anterior Pituitary releases ACTH 3. Adrenal cortex releases cortisol

Place the events of how a lipid-soluble hormone affects a cell in order. Start with the earliest event first.

1. Lipid soluble hormone binds to intracellular receptor 2. Hormone receptor binds with hormone response element 3. mRNA is synthesized 4. mRNA is translated into a new protein

Place the following events in the order that describe TH regulation. Start with the earliest event.

1. The hypothalamus releases TRH 2. Anterior pituitary releases TSH 3. The thyroid releases TH

People with type ______ diabetes can often be treated with changes to their diet and increased exercise without the use of medications.


The hormone that stimulates the cortex of the adrenal gland to produce corticosteroids is ______.


Which hormone directly stimulates the adrenal cortex to release cortisol?


synergistic example

estrogen and progesterone are more powerful together than alone

TRH travels through the portal system from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary gland causing the release of ______.


Insulin promotes lipid storage.


zona glomerulosa

mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)

Water-soluble hormones bind to plasma membrane receptors, which initiate a signal transduction pathway with which of the following processes? Check all that apply.

First messenger hormone docking with plasma receptor First messenger hormone docking with plasma receptor Activated protein kinase enzymes Second messenger pathways including G proteins and phospholipase Second messenger pathways including G proteins and adenylate cyclase

In signal transduction pathways, once a hormone binds to a receptor on the cell surface, it can activate a complex called the _______ protein.


In signal transduction, adenylate cyclase is activated by a ______.

G protein

Which is NOT correct regarding growth hormone (GH)?

GH stimulates the kidney to secrete somatomedin

Homeostatic mechanisms controlling growth hormone involve negative feedback by GH and what other hormone?


When the hypothalamus releases ______, the anterior pituitary then releases growth hormone.


Which hormone directly causes the thyroid gland to release thyroid hormone?


Identify the cells within the red circle that produce glucagon.

alpha cells

In order to stimulate the thyroid gland, there has to be a release of ______ from the hypothalamus.


Eicosanoids are a primary type of local hormone.


Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is released from the hypothalamus in response to which of the following stimuli?

a decreased level of thyroid hormone in the blood low body temperature

When a water-soluble hormone binds to the target cell, the subsequent cascade of intracellular chemical reactions can result in which of the following?

activation of enzyme pathways growth increased secretions

The anterior pituitary is also called the ______.


The hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system connects the hypothalamus to the


The hormone leptin is released by the

adipose tissue

The release of hormones from the adrenal cortex is stimulated by

adrenocorticotropic hormone

The testes produce the male sex hormones called ______, many of which are converted into testosterone.


One hormone inhibits the secretion and action of another hormone, or has an opposite effect

antagonistic effect

Glucagon and insulin work _________ on blood glucose levels.


The bulk of the pituitary gland is composed of the ______ pituitary.


Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is secreted by the

anterior pituitary, and it targets follicular cells of the thyroid gland

Eicosanoids are locally acting hormones. If they target the same cells from which they were released, this is an example of ______ stimulation.


Menstrual cramps are caused by prostaglandins which are both produced by and affect the uterus. Because they are produced by and affect the same area of the body they are considered ________ hormones.


Often a viral infection triggers a(n) ______ condition where the beta cells of the pancreatic islets are destroyed resulting in type 1 diabetes.


If blood glucose levels are high, what type of cells of the pancreatic islets produce the needed insulin?


If someone has type 1 diabetes, it is because the _______ cells in their pancreas are no longer producing insulin.


Identify the cells within the red circle that produce Insulin.

beta cells

Lipid-soluble hormones

bind to a DNA molecule, initiating transcription of a gene

Amines that are small hormones produced by altering the structure of a specific amino acid are called _________ amines.


Thyroid hormone is somewhat unique in that it is a

biogenic amine that is lipid soluble

Endocrine glands secrete their products directly into the _______


Aldosterone release can be triggered by the presence of the blood-borne messenger angiotensin II or by low levels of sodium, and so its secretion regulation is said to be

both hormonal and humoral

Lipid-soluble hormones travel in the blood joined to a protein carrier and are thus called ______ hormones.


The adrenal cortex synthesizes over 25 hormones collectively referred to as


Chronic inflammation is often treated with the glucocorticoid called


A hormone secreted by the hypothalamus is ______.

corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)

The hypothalamic hormone that triggers the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is

corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)

If a rat is hypophysectomized (the pituitary gland is removed), cortisol levels will


If a target cell is becoming overstimulated by a particular hormone, in general, it will ______ the number of receptors it has for that particular hormone in order to maintain homeostasis.


Type 2 diabetes results from either decreased insulin release or ______

decreased insulin effectiveness

Insulin ______ the level of all nutrient molecules within the blood.



derived from cholesterol and lipid-soluble

Less severe type 2 diabetics can be treated with which of the following treatments?

diet exercise medications that enhance insulin release

If a target cell is continually overstimulated by a hormone, it will decrease the number of receptors it has through ______ regulation.


Glands that are ductless organs that secrete their products directly into the bloodstream are called _________ glands.


What are the two major controlling systems of the body?

endocrine and nervous system

Hormones that are transported in the blood are released from ______.`

endocrine glands

A lipid-soluble hormone passes freely through the plasma membrane and

enters the nucleus, where it binds to the DNA molecule

A hormone only has receptors on one type of cell in the body.


All cells require insulin for glucose uptake


Both the endocrine and nervous systems stimulate target cells. However, endocrine stimulation typically results in a faster response time.


Lipid-soluble hormones are easily dissolved and travel freely in the blood.


Lipid-soluble hormones require a transport protein in order to pass through the plasma membrane of a target cell.


Lipid-soluble hormones, which bind to nuclear receptors, produce a faster response than water-soluble hormones that stimulate secondary messengers.


T3 and T4 are secreted by the parafollicular cells


The nervous system, through the release of hormones, can communicate with any body cell that has receptors for it.


The reaction time for endocrine effects is generally measured in milliseconds.


The thymus gland secretes erythropoietin in response to low blood oxygen.


follicle-stimulating hormone

follicle maturation and estrogen secretion; stimulates sperm production in males

Which of the following hormones primarily affects the reproductive organs?

follicle stimulating hormone

______ diabetes is associated with some pregnant women.


antagonistic example

glucagon and insulin raise and lower blood sugar levels respectively

adrenocorticotropic hormone

glucocorticoid hormone secretion

zona fasciculata

glucocorticoids (cortisol)

Insulin promotes ______.


This person has an enlargement of their thyroid known as a


zona reticularis

gonadocorticoids (androgens)

A hormone secreted by the hypothalamus is ______.

gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

Multi-step signal transduction pathways provide ______ opportunities to regulate pathway activity than direct pathways.


_____ stimulates cell growth and cell division specifically in bones and muscles.

growth hormone

Target cells of a hormone are cells that ______.

have receptors for the hormone

The pituitary gland is located in the ______.


A lipid-soluble hormone binds to its intracellular receptor and then binds to a portion of DNA called a ______ element (HRE).


The endocrine system releases chemical messengers called ________ into the bloodstream.


The endocrine system uses ________ to maintain homeostasis.


Elevated levels of blood glucose are to type 1 diabetes, as decreased levels of blood glucose are to


The regulatory hormones that control the anterior pituitary gland arrive from the hypothalamus by way of the ______.

hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system

Sometimes called the "Master Control Gland", the ______ gland oversees most of the endocrine activity in the body.


The anterior pituitary gland is controlled by regulatory hormones secreted by the ______.


Which structure produces ADH?


If one is administered high doses of corticosterone, they may experience which of the following side effects?


How are most hormones transported once they are released from an endocrine gland?

in the blood

Hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels) would cause the pancreas to _________ insulin secretion, and hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels) would cause the pancreas to _________ insulin secretion.

increase, decrease

growth hormone

increased growth in tissued

Insulin has which of the following effects on cells?

increased lipogenesis in adipose cells increased glycogenesis by liver cells increased uptake of glucose by most cells

When a water-soluble hormone binds to its target cell, the subsequent cascade of intracellular chemical reactions can result in which of the following?

increased permeability of the cell membrane muscle contraction

Antidiuretic hormone (known as ADH or vasopressin)

increases water retention from renal tubules

The thymus is relatively large in:


The pituitary gland is connected to the hypothalamus through a thin stalk called the ______.


What is the support structure that suspends the pituitary below the hypothalamus


As thyroid hormones increase body temperature, TRH release is


Because of their structure, lipid-soluble hormones bind to the receptors of target cells ______.

inside the cell

Which hormone induces its target cells to take up glucose, thereby lowering blood glucose levels?


Type 1 diabetes is also referred to as which of the following?

insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

In T3, the 3 refers to the number of __________ molecules in the hormone.


In signal transduction, activated adenylate cyclase increases cAMP levels which then activates the enzyme protein ______ A.


Prolactin is produced by cells called _____.


Which hormone is released by adipose tissue and is associated with decreasing appetite?


_____________ hormones bind to nuclear receptors, usually found in the nucleus; _____________ hormones bind to membrane-bound receptors.

lipid soluble; water soluble

Lipid-soluble hormones are


Type 1 diabetes is characterized by ______.

low to no insulin secretion

Calcitonin ______ blood calcium levels.


Epinephrine and norepinephrine, hormones involved in the fight/flight sympathetic response, are produced in the region of the adrenal gland called the adrenal


The adrenal ______ forms the inner core of each adrenal gland.


The outer region of the adrenal gland is the cortex, within which lies the inner region called the adrenal


Which hormone helps set your internal 'biological clock'?



milk production in lactating women

In response to high blood glucose, the pancreas releases insulin to enable glucose to enter body cells. When the blood glucose level returns to normal, insulin release stops. This is an example of regulation by

negative feedback

The endocrine system works closely with the ______ system to bring about homeostasis in the body.


The nervous system affects target organs through the release of chemicals called ________


The nervous system uses nerve impulses and ______ to transmit information.


Gestational diabetes ______.

occurs typically in the later half of the pregnancy can pose a risk to the fetus and pose delivery complications

Water-soluble hormones bind to their target cell receptors found ______.

on the surface on the plasma membrane

The adrenal glands are located ______.

on top of the kidneys


one hormone allows another to function

Where are the target cells for follicle-stimulating hormone?

ovaries and testes

luteinizing hormone

ovulation and progesterone production; stimulates testosterone production in males

permissive example

oxytocin does not cause the release of milk in the absence of prolactin

Which are hormones that are released from the posterior pituitary gland?

oxytocin, ADH

If someone suffers from type 1 diabetes mellitus, which organ transplant would benefit them most?


If you remove the stomach you will find the ______ posterior to it.


The class of hormones called ________ hormones are formed from chains of amino acids.


A hormone enhances an organ's response to a second hormone, or increases the activity of the second hormone.

permissive effect

In a signal transduction pathway, activated G proteins can then activate which of the following enzymes?

phospholipase C adenylate cyclase

The gland that is an endocrine gland and is found in the epithalamus of the brain is the

pineal gland

The gland that is also known as the hypophysis and lies inferior to the hypothalamus is the ______ gland.


Oxytocin is a hormone released by the ______ pituitary gland.


In females, ______ regulates mammary gland growth and breast milk production.


Which of the following are types of locally-acting hormones called eicosanoids?

prostaglandins leukotrienes thromboxanes

In signal transduction, phospholipase C is activated by a G ________


Polypeptide hormones, such as FSH and TSH, and biogenic amine hormones, such as epinephrine and norepinephrine, are all considered ____________ hormones.


Most hormones are made of chains of amino acids and are therefore


Only cells with specific ________ for the hormone respond to that hormone.


Only cells with specific _________ for the hormone respond to that hormone.


The hypothalamus is sometimes referred to as the "master control center" of the endocrine system because it

regulates most endocrine function of the body

The endocrine system has many functions in the human body including which of the following?

regulating blood consumption, controlling metabolism, and overseeing reproductive functions

GH stimulates liver cells to increase gluconeogenesis; as a result, blood sugar levels


GH stimulates liver cells to increase gluconeogenesis; as a result, blood sugar levels ______.


Once activated by G proteins, phospholipase C creates DAG and IP3, which are considered to be two ______ messengers.



short chains of amino acids and water-soluble

Because of their structure, water-soluble hormones bind a receptor on the cell membrane initiating a series of biochemical events across the membrane known as a transduction _____________ pathway.


The pancreas is located between the small intestine and


Testosterone is an example of which type of hormone?

steroid hormone

The adrenal cortex synthesizes more than 25 different ______

steroid hormones

Which of the following hormone examples are lipid soluble? Select all that apply.

steroid hormones thyroid hormone

The kidneys secrete a hormone that performs which of the following functions?

stimulate production of red blood cells

Two or more hormones work together to produce a result.

synergistic effect

Cells with specific receptors for the hormone are called ________ cells.


Thyroid hormones increase metabolism and increase body ______.


Testosterone is produced by the ______.


Which of the following is classified as a steroid hormone?


When the effects of water-soluble hormones on their target cells are considered, the hormone itself is

the first messenger

The thymus is located in the ______.

thoracic cavity

An example of a biogenic amine hormone is ______ hormone.


The anterior pituitary gland secretes TSH, which stimulates the _____ gland.


The _______ secretes triiodothyronine.

thyroid gland

Which of the following hormones are lipid-soluble?

thyroid hormone and steroids

thyroid-stimulating hormone

thyroid hormone secretion

Thyroid-stimulaitng hormone (TSH) is also called:


A target cell may have receptors for more than one type of hormone.


Generally, only severe cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus require insulin injections.


Glucagon stimulates glycogenolysis in the liver.


Lipid-soluble hormones must bind to a transport protein to be transported in the blood.


Norepinephrine and epinephrine are amines.


One advantage of signal transduction pathways is that the binding of a few hormone molecules can affect millions of molecules within the cell.


Paracrine hormones don't circulate through the blood, but instead have their effect on neighboring cells.


T3 and T4 are secreted by thyroid follicles


T3 and T4 are stored in the thyroid follicles as part of thyroglobulin.


The hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla are amines.


The posterior pituitary does not produce its own hormones but stores hormones produced by the hypothalamus.


Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates T3 and T4 synthesis and secretion



two hormones work in opposition to one another


two hormones work together

__________ hormones are not attached to a carrier protein and are able to exit the blood and bind to cellular receptors.

unbound (Free)

If a target cell is continually under stimulated by a particular hormone it has receptors to, it will increase the number of receptors it has through ______________ regulation.


Protein hormones are

water soluble

A lack of dietary iodine can render the thyroid gland unable to synthesize TH. Without the negative feedback of TH, the anterior pituitary ____________, ultimately resulting in the development of a goiter.

will increase the release of TSH

Which layer of the Adrenal Cortex releases glucocorticoid?

zona fasciculata

Order of zones in adrenal glands

zona glomerulosa zona fasciculata zona reticularis

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