Ch. 30 The 1950's

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The First Indochina War ended when the French suffered a major defeat at:

Dien Bien Phu

Adlai E. Stevenson was:

Eisenhower's opponent for president in both 1952 and 1956

Since the nineteenth century, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia had been ruled by:


Which of the following is NOT true of the GI Bill?

Its huge cost did not justify its benefits.

The location of William Levitt's first suburban development was:

Long Island

The African American writer who explored the theme of social alienation in Invisible Man was:

Ralph Ellison

Life magazine's ideal woman of the mid-1950s was:

a white suburban housewife

Jackson Pollock pioneered the style of painting known as:

abstract expressionism

Dulles's policy of "brinksmanship" involved:

averting war through the threat of nuclear force

By 1960, about 65 percent of Americans:

belonged to a church

While college enrollments soared in the postwar period:

black veterans encountered barriers to entrance

Elvis Presley's recordings:

blended a variety of musical styles

The postwar economic boom was fueled mainly by:

cold war-related military spending

In the postwar era, the trend in the corporate sector was toward:

consolidation and concentration

Alan Freed was a notable:

disc jockey

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles could be viewed as a sixteenth-century religious zealot in that he:

divided the world into forces of good and evil

Many critics of American life in the 1950s believed that middle-class society suffered from:

excessive conformity

The Reverend Norman Vincent Peale emphasized:

faith, enthusiasm, and joy

The youthful rebels known as the Beats:

favored road trips, Buddhism, and jazz

With the end of World War II, women workers were encouraged to:

give up their jobs to returning veterans

During the 1950s, novelist John Updike observed:

he and other writers felt estranged "from a government that extolled business and mediocrity"

Ultimately, the Beats:

helped inspire the youth revolt of the 1960s

Two decades after 1940:

life expectancy for nonwhites rose ten years and black wage earnings increased fourfold

Before becoming president, Eisenhower was most shaped by his experience in:


Blacks who moved to northern cities found:

new problems and forms of exploitation

In The Affluent Society, John Kenneth Galbraith pointed out the:

persistence of poverty

A very important reason for passage of the GI Bill was to:

prevent the return of the Depression

After the war, Americans were most eager to:


In regard to the Rosenbergs, who had been convicted of atomic espionage, President Eisenhower:

refused to halt their executions

In regard to New Deal programs, Eisenhower:

retained most and even expanded some of them

The music Alan Freed labeled rock and roll was actually:

rhythm and blues

Between 1945 and 1960, home ownership:

significantly increased

The baby boom:

started in 1946

In the Brown decision, the Supreme Court:

struck down "separate but equal" in public education

Elvis was especially controversial because of his:

suggestive gyrations on stage

One sign of the times came in 1954 when Congress added the words "under God" to:

the Pledge of Allegiance

Senator Joseph McCarthy's power began to unravel when he made reckless charges about Communist influence in:

the U.S. Army

One major reason for religion's growing appeal in the 1950s was:

the desire to combat godless communism

Most blacks who moved to Chicago were fleeing terrible poverty in:

the rural South

The postwar era witnessed its most dramatic population growth in:

the sunbelt

By the 1950s, suburban life was marked by an increasing:


The phenomenon of "white flight" in the 1950s:

was a major cause of the growth of the suburbs

By the mid-1950s, most workers:

were white collar

During the 1950s, the income gap between whites and blacks:


Newsweek magazine discouraged women from even attending college when it proclaimed that:

"books and babies don't mix"

In The Crack in the Picture Window, John Keats described suburban life as:

"homogeneous, postwar Hell"

Houses in Levittown in the early 1950s all sold for just under:


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