Ch10 Studytable

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52.Using good body mechanics includes:

1.Twisting at the waist; 2.Carrying objects far away from the body; 3.Standing with the legs shoulder-width apart; 4.Keeping knees locked when lifting

21.Which of the following are appropriate ways to behave at a job interview?

1.Use slang words; 2.Dress neatly and arrive early; 3.Smoke during the interview; 4.Bring friends with you to the interview

8.Which of the following should you do to look professional?

1.Wear large jewelry; 2.Wear anklet socks with sandals; 3.Have your uniform clean and pressed; 4.All of these

24.Which of the following questions is NOT appropriate to ask at an interview?

1.What training do you provide?; 2.How much money do you pay your nurses?; 3.Will I get paid for holidays?; 4.What are the benefits?

41.When completing a job application, you should do the following EXCEPT:

1.Write neatly and clearly; 2.Provide references; 3.Give information about employment gaps; 4.Leave spaces blank that do not apply to you

22.What should you NOT take with you on a job interview?

1.Your children; 2.Names of previous employers; 3.Addresses of previous employers; 4.Your birth date

14.What can you do to stay motivated on the job?

1.always do things the same way for every patient; 2.discuss your problems with your residents to keep them informed; 3.find a balance between work and home; 4.cut corners to get your work done in time

40.A nursing assistant is allowed to:

1.give medication from the bedside table; 2.give water through the nasogastric tube; 3.accept orders from a physician over the telephone; 4.empty the resident's Foley catheter bag

44.Not managing stress can cause:

1.good relationships with residents; 2.satisfaction with the workplace; 3.abusive behavior toward residents; 4.feeling well-rested

2..Exercise is a vital part of life. The health benefits of exercise include:

1.muscle strength; 2.good circulation; 3.maintenance of healthy weight; 4.positive self-image and mood elevation; 4.all of these

17.Which of the following behaviors helps manage stress

1.poor nutrition; 2.regular exercise; 3.smoking cigarettes; 4.sleeping only a few hours per night

18.Which of the following are appropriate people to turn to for help in managing stress?

1.residents; 2.supervisors; 3.residents' family members; 4.residents' friends

16.When the heart beats fast in stressful situations, it can be a result of an increase of which

1.testosterone; 2.estrogen; 3.adrenaline; 4.progesterone

36.How many hours of continuing education per year does OBRA require?

1]10; 2]12; 3]14; 4]16;

5.How much water/fluids should a person drink per day?

1]2-3 quarts; 2]1-2 quarts; 3]2 gallons; 4]6 glasses;

7.To maintain good health, how many hours of sleep should a person average per day?

1]4 to 5 hrs/night; 2]2 to 4 hrs/night; 3]5 to 6 hrs/ night; 4]7 to 9 hrs/ night

33.Which of the following is a tip regarding appropriate body language to use when resolving conflict?

1.Lean back in your seat and cross your arms as you talk to the other person; 2.Maintain eye contact and lean forward slightly; 3.Lean far forward in your seat and stare at the other person; 4.Slouch to show you are relaxed

63. The best response an NA can give to hostile criticism is

(A) "It's not my fault." (B) "You'd better apologize to me." (C) "You are being irrational." (D) "I'm sorry you're disappointed."

65. Which of these statements is an example of constructive criticism

(A) "You really need speak kindly to pts, having a bad day." (B) "You're rude and disrespectful." (C) "I've never seen somebody take such a long time to learn this job." (D) "Did you sleep thru class. You should know how to do this."

58. Why must an employer perform a criminal background check on new aides hired

(A) Aides are known to steal from facilities. (B) It is best never to trust anyone. (C) Employers like to have power over their employees. (D) The law requires it for the protection of residents.

66. Which department often maintains a state's nursing assistant registry

(A) Department of Revenue (B) Department of Homeland Security (C) Department of Health (D) Department of Agriculture

69. Which of the following is a guideline for managing stress appropriately

(A) Drink whenever it makes you feel more relaxed. (B) Get enough sleep. (C) Skip meals in order to get more done. (D) Take regular smoking breaks.

60. What should a candidate for a nursing assistant job be sure to do when going for an interview

(A) Find someone to care for her children so she does not have to take them along. (B) Put on all of her most striking jewelry. (C) Wear perfume so that she smells nice. (D) Wear flip-flops so that she feels comfortable and relaxed.

64. Which of the following is a tip regarding appropriate body language to use when resolving conflict

(A) Lean back in your seat and cross your arms as you talk to the other person. (B) Maintain eye contact and lean forward slightly. (C) Lean far forward in your seat and stare at the other person. (D) Slouch to show you are relaxed.

57. Ideally speaking, how many pages long should a résumé be

(A) One page (B) Two pages (C) Three pages (D) As many pages as needed to convey all important information

68. Which of the following is true of stress

(A) Only negative experiences cause stress. (B) When a person recognizes stress, he can use simple methods to help manage it. (C) A new job is never stressful. (D) Everybody knows when they are experiencing stress.

71.Which are considered forms of identification

(A) References and NA certificates (B) Driver's license and high school diploma (C) Social security card and driver's license (D) Job application and GED

70. Which of the following people would be the most appropriate resource for an NA to discuss her work-related stress

(A) Resident's friend who visits almost every day (B) Facility dietitian (C) NA's supervisor (D) Activities director

56. Which statement is true of references

(A) They should come from relatives. (B) They should come from former employers. (C) They should come from friends. (D) They should come from parents.

67. The federal government requires that NAs have ___ hours of continuing education each year.

(A)10; (B)12; (C)14; (D) 16

23.Which of the following are considered identification?(which you also need to bring to your state exam testing)

1.Library card; 2.Social security card and driver's license; 3.Telling the resident how unappetizing their meals look; 4.Insisting that residents eat everything on their trays no matter what

15.Which of the following statements is true of stress?

1.Not managing stress does not cause problems; 2.Stress is always caused by bad situations; 3.Stress is an emotional and physical response; 4.Everybody has the same tolerance level for stress;

53.Which statement reflects a good work attitude?

1)It's not my fault."; 2)"Please show me how this works."; 3)"That's not my job."; 4)"I did it yesterday. It's her turn."

39.Which of these qualities and traits do employers look for MOST?

1)cooperation. 2)courtesy. 3)dependability. 4)empathy

43.Recognizing needs that are expressed and those that are not expressed shows that the CNA is:

1)dependable; 2)mature; 3)sensitive; 4)accurate

49.Peter and Doug are angry with one another because Doug feels Peter's assignment is lighter than his. This situation is best handled by:

1)discussing it with a resident; 2)discussing it in the hall; 3)discussing it in the dining room; 4)discussing it with the supervisor in private

45.The nursing assistant notices that a resident who is not assigned to him is walking unsteadily down the hall. He should:

1)ignore the situation; 2)assist the resident as needed; 3)notify the supervisor; 4)inform the assigned nursing assistant of the situation

51.The CNA has not had the time to carry out the exercises that had been ordered for a resident. It is now time to go off duty. She should:

1)tell another assistant to do the exercises; 2)go off duty because it is not really important that the exercises be done; 3)tell the supervisor right away; 4)plan to do double the amount of exercises the next day

50.A letter of resignation should include the following EXCEPT:

1)your reason for leaving; 2)the last day you will work; 3)what problems you had during your work; 4)a thank-you to the employer

3.To maintain a positive attitude, you should

1.Try not to think about difficult situations; 2.Let family and co-workers make difficult decisions for you; 3.Be mindful of and open to others' point of view; 4.Avoid hearing bad news on the TV or radio

32.The best response an NA can give to hostile criticism is:

1."It's not my fault." ; 2."You'd better apologize to me."; 3."You are being irrational." ; 4."I'm sorry you're disappointed."

11.Which of the following is a guideline for developing a good relationship with your co-workers?

1.Not questioning anything the charge nurse tells you; 2.keeping problems and concerns to yourself; 3.being accountable and honest; 4.waiting until the end of the shift to report changes in the resident's condition

12.In the chain of command, to whom do you report?

1.Nothing by mouth; 2.administrator; 3.charge nurse; 4.staff development

55.Which are wise choices for a healthful diet?

1.Plenty of vegetables and fruits; 2.Moderate use of salt; 3.Moderate use of sugar; 4.All of these

20.Which of the following statements is true of stress?

1.Stress can be better managed by healthy habits of diet and exercise; 2.Everyone has the same tolerance level for stress; 3.Nursing assistants should discuss their stress with residents; 4.Smoking and drinking help manage stress in a healthy way

1.Good health involves physical, mental, and social well-being. Which of the following contributes to good health?

1.Adequate sleep; 2.Nutrition; 3.Stress Management; 4.Lots of Water; 5.all of these

27.Why must an employer perform a criminal background check on new aides hired?

1.Aides are known to steal from facilities; 2.It is best never to trust anyone; 3.The law requires it for the protection of residents; 4.Employers like to have power over their employees

4.What is a good aerobic exercise?

1.Bowling; 2.Weight Lifting; 3.Sprinting; 4.Walking

35.Which department often maintains a state's nursing assistant registry?

1.Department of Revenue; 2.Department of Homeland Security; 3.Department of Health; 4.Department of Agriculture

37.Which of the following is a guideline for managing stress?

1.Drink whenever it makes you feel more relaxed; 2.Get enough sleep; 3.Skip meals so you can get more done; 4.Take regular smoking breaks

29.What should a candidate for a nursing assistant job be sure to do when going for an interview?

1.Find someone to care for her children so she doesn't have to take them along; 2.Put on all of her most striking jewelry; 3.Go to the salon for a new set of false nails; 4.Arrive right after the interview time

6.It is important for young and old alike to eat a balanced diet with food from each of the main food groups. Which of the following breakfasts contain the best variety of foods?

1.French toast with syrup, milk, & tea; 2.Grapefruit, cereal with milk, sausage, and coffee; 3.Eggs, toast and butter, coffee with milk; 4.Toast with butter and jelly, coffee and milk

19.How should a nursing assistant react to constructive criticism?

1.Get upset; 2.Ask for suggestions to improve; 3.Hold a grudge;

42.Which behavior is poor during a job interview?

1.Good eye-contact with the interviewer; 2.Shaking hands with the interviewer; 3.asking the interviewer questions; 4.crossing your arms and legs

46.Regular activity and exercise help improve

1.Interaction between coworkers, residents, family, and friends; 2.Spiritual fulfillment and out-look on life; 3.the structure and function of ALL body systems; 4.All of these

54.Which of the following should you do when lifting a heavy object from the floor?

1.Keep your feet together; 2.Keep the object far away from your body; 3.Lift using the muscles in your legs; 4.Keep your knees straight

25.Which statement is true of letters of reference?

1.They should be given from former employers; 2.They should be given from friends; 3.They should be given from parents; 4.They should be given from a husband or wife

34.Which of these statements is an example of constructive criticism? 1."You really need to remember to speak kindly to the residents, even when you're having a hard day.";

2."You're rude and disrespectful."; 3."I've never seen somebody take such a long time to learn this job."; 4."Did you just sleep through your whole training course? Don't you know anything?"

31.Which of the following is one reason a job description is important? 1.It can show the resident what you are supposed to do;

2.It outlines the steps you need to take if you have a disagreement with another care team member; 3.It can reduce misunderstandings about your duties between you and your employer; 4.You can refer to it if you forget how to perform certain procedures

28.Which of the following statements is true of job applications?1.Leave anything blank that you do not want to answer;

2.You can write "N/A" for questions that do not apply to you; 3.It is best to fill out the application before reading it all the way through; 4.Do not tell the truth if certain answers will make you look bad

48.Which of the following is FALSE? 1)ALL costs for the required 12 CNA continuing education hours per year are reimbursed by the federal government; 2)ALL CNA training and certification testing costs are reimbursable by the government; (cont.)

3)CMS facilities are allowed to charge for CNA training; 4)CMS Facilities are NOT allowed to spread reimbursement for CNA training out over a period of up to 6 months.

47.Which of the following is FALSE? 1)Many states' require more than the minimum hours required by the federal OBRA law for CNA training; 2)Employers do not have access to state CNA record info; (cont.)

3)The state CNA registry has record of any finding of abuse, neglect or theft by nursing assistants.; 4)CNAs have access to their CNA registry record information.

30.Which is not a good thing to say to your potential boss? 1."I love the idea of making people's lives more comfortable."; 2."I left my last job because my boss was always criticizing me even though I wasn't doing anything wrong."; (CLICK for more)

3."I have three younger siblings so I really started taking care of others as a child."; 4."My last supervisor was fantastic and I learned a lot at that job, but I'm really excited to gain new skills as a nursing assistant."

38.A good way to make sure you are doing your best is:1.When time allows, look for other tasks that you can do if time allows; 2.Ignore your coworker when he is having difficulty getting all his work completed (Click for more)

3.Always leave any task not specifically assigned to you for the next shift since it is assigned to that shift; 4.Leave some things undone since it is better to take an extra break

10.Assertive behavior is 1.taking steps to do what you think is important without hurting people; 2.hurts people, makes them angry, and usually doesn't accomplish what is important;

3.Does not speak up, keeps feelings and needs inside, and does not accomplish what is important; 4.does not take other's feelings and needs into consideration in conflict resolution

26.Which of the following statements is true of the state registry for nursing assistants?1.The registry does not apply to nursing assistants, only to nurses; 2.The registry contains the expiration dates of CNA' certificates;

3.Nursing assistants are not allowed to add written statements to their files; 4.The registry does not include information on hearings regarding abuse and neglect

9.Aggressive behavior is 1.taking steps to do what you think is important without hurting people; 2.hurts people, makes them angry, and usually doesn't accomplish what is important;

3.not speaking up, keeping feelings and needs inside, and does not accomplish what you think is important; 4.considers others needs and feelings in seeking resolution of conflict

13.What is the best way to prepare for the state nurse assistant exam? 1.ask another CNA if they remember what was on the tests; 2.glance over your notes and skills list the night before the exams;(CLICK HERE for more CHOICES)

3.practice and study your notes on a regular basis between graduation and the state exams; more preparation than successfully completing the CNA program is needed

61. Which of the following would be the least appropriate thing to say to a potential employer when interviewing for a job

A.I love the idea of making people's lives better. B.I helped care for 3 younger siblings so I started young. C.My last boss cut staff incl me even tho I wasn't doing a bad job. D.My last boss was great. I learned a lot & I want to learn more.

59. Which of the following statements is true of job applications? The candidate should:

A.leave anything blank that he does not want to answer. B.write N/A for questions that do not apply to him. C.complete application before reading it all the way thru to save time. D.not tell truth if certain answers will make him look bad.

62. Which of the following is one reason a job description is important

A.shows the pt what the NA is supposed to do. B.tells steps NA needs to take if disagreement with other NA. C.reduces misunderstandings between NA & boss re duties D.NA can refer to it if forgot how to do a procedure.

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