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15. The researcher(s) who initially used X-ray diffraction to gather information on the DNA molecule was . A. Franklin B. Watson and Crick C. Hershey and Chase D. Pauling E. Chargaff


21. The fact that the helixes of the DNA strand are arranged in opposite directions gives DNA its characteristics. A. antiparallel B. complementary C. redundant D. water-soluble


32. Avery used the enzyme to remove the proteins from the cell extracts. A. protease B. DNase C. RNase D. All of the answers are correct


35. The pyrimidine bases are . A. cytosine, thymine, and uracil B. adenine and guanine C. adenine and thymine D. cytosine and guanine


37. Adenine and thymine form bonds. A. 2 , 3 B. 3 , 4 C. 3 , 2 D. 4 , 3 hydrogen bonds between them, while cytosine and guanine form


41. An RNA strand with sequence 5'-GUACAAUGACUUAUGUAC-3' can potentially form which structure? A. bulge loop B. internal loop C. multibranched junction D. stem-loop


9. What is a component of a single nucleotide? A. A phosphate group B. A six carbon sugar C. All five nitrogenous bases


4. These individuals determined that DNA was responsible for the process of transduction in T2 phage. A. Hershey and Chase B. Avery, Macleod, and McCarty C. Watson and Crick D. Creighton and McClintock

a. hersey and chase

10. How does DNA differ from RNA? A. RNA uses only purines B. RNA uses a different five-carbon sugar C. RNA has a contains different sized phosphate groups D. RNA has multiple bases attached to the sugar


16. What were the conclusions of Franklin's work regarding the structure of DNA? A. It did not have a helical structure B. The helix had more than one strand C. The helix contained about 1 bases per turn D. The helix had only one strand


17. According to Chargaff's rule, if the DNA of a species contains 20% adenine, what percent of guanine will it contain? A. 20% B. 30% C. 50% D. 75%


20. How many bases are necessary to complete three complete twists (1080 degrees) of a DNA helix? A. 5 B. 10 C. 30 D. 60


23. What DNA form is most common in living organisms? A. B. C. D. A DNA B DNA Z DNA Triplex DNA


33. The was labeled using the radioisotope 32P in the Hershey-Chase experiments. A. RNA B. DNA C. protein D. carbohydrates


34. Cells are treated with a drug that blocks purine synthesis. Which bases would not be made in those treated cells? A. B. C. D. cytosine, thymine, and uracil adenine and guanine adenine and thymine cytosine and guanine


39. Which of the following is a correct matching of the researcher with their discovery? A. Pauling provided information on primary structure in biological molecules. B.Franklin suggested that DNA was a helix with more than one strand and that there were about 10 bases per turn of the DNA. C. Watson and Crick collected a large amount of X-ray data on the structure of DNA. D. Chargaff demonstrated that the adenine and cytosine bases and the uracil and guanine bases interacted in some manner.


40. What is the most complex structure DNA can form? A. individual nucleotides B. a folded and bended double helix C. a single strand of DNA D. a DNA double helix


5. What is a characteristic of T2 bacteriophage? A. It does not require a host cell for replication B. The phage attaches to the cell wall of a target eukaryotic cell C. The phages injects its DNA into the host cell D. The new phages are formed outside the host cell .


8. The building blocks of DNA are called A. amino acids B. codons C. nucleotides D. alleles .


1. Frederick Griffith is responsible for discovering what process? A. Replication B. Transmission C. Transformation D. Transduction

c. transformation

12. The backbone of the DNA molecule is formed by A. peptide bonds . B. ribose sugars C. nitrogenous bases D. phosphodiester bonds


13. The individual(s) who used ball and stick models to identify the three-dimensional structure of proteins was . A. Franklin B. Watson and Crick C. Hershey and Chase D. Pauling E. Chargaff


18. The first group of researchers to correctly identify the double-helix structure of DNA were A. McClintock and Franklin B. Hershey and Chase C. Pauling and Avery D. Watson and Crick .


2. The fact that the type R and S strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae that Griffith worked with possessed small differences in capsule structure satisfies which of the following criteria for genetic material? A.Transmission b.Replication c.Information d.Variation


22. One strand of DNA is 5' - AGGCCTTA - 3'. What is the opposite strand? A. 5'-AGGCCTTA-3' B. 5'-TCCGGAAT-3' C. 3'-AGGCCTTA-5' D. 3'-TCCGGAAT-5'


36. The idea that the adenine and thymine bases of the DNA interact in some manner was first proposed by . A. Watson and Crick B. Franklin C. Pauling D. Chargaff


6. What was the conclusion of the Hershey-Chase experiments? A. Their results suggested the presence of a transforming principle. B. Their results suggested that DNA is a double helix C. Their results suggested that A+G=T+C D. Their results suggested that the DNA is the genetic material


26. In the Hershey-Chase experiments, the protein coat of the bacteriophage was labeled with the 32P radioisotope. True False


27. A nucleoside consists of only a five-carbon sugar and a phosphate group. True False


28. DNA is recognized as a left-handed molecule. True False


31. A DNA strand can be described as antiparallel but not complementary. True False


3. The individuals who determined that Griffith's transforming principle was DNA were A. Hershey and Chase B. Avery, Macleod, and McCarty C. Watson and Crick D. Creighton and McClintock

b. Avery Macleod Mcarty

14. What is the directionality of the DNA molecule? A. front to back B. top to bottom C. 5' to 3' D. 3' to 5' E. all DNA molecules are different in their directionality


19. In a double-helix DNA strand, the adenine on one strand forms a hydrogen bond with a(n) other strand. A. adenine B. guanine C. thymine D. cytosine on the


24. Which DNA molecule form is a left-handed? A. B. C. D. A DNA B DNA Z DNA R DNA


38. What is one of the criteria that all genetic material must meet? A. It does NOT contain the information necessary to construct the entire organism. B. It must be passed from offspring to parent. C. It must be able to be copied. D. It must have a limited amount of variation.


11. Which base is not found in DNA? A. Cytosine B. Guanine C. Thymidine D. Adenine E. Uracil


25. DNA can exist as a triple helix, although its function in biological systems is not well understood. True False


29. A purine on one strand of the DNA is always paired with a pyrimidine on the other strand. True False


30. The helical shape of the DNA contains major and minor grooves, which assist in the regulating of gene expression. True False


7. All living organisms use DNA as the genetic material. True False


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