Chap 8 motivation and emotion

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the evolutionary perspective of motivation

notes that many animals are neurally prewired, born with preprogrammed tendencies to respond to certain situations in certain ways


tendency to remain steady. when the temperature in a room drops below the set point the heater stays on until the set point is reached. similarly most animals eat until they are no longer hungry

sexual responce cycle

the changes that occur in the body as men and women become sexually aroused

seuxal oreientation

the direction of his or her sexual and romantic interests toward people of the opposite or same sex


the state in which an organism experiences an inducement to do something

cognitive perspectives on motivation

theorists note that people represent their worlds piagets cognitive developmental theory they see people ass natural scientists who strive to understand he world so that they can predict and control events. therefore people try to eliminate inconsistencies.

two parts of the hypothalamus involved in the hunger drive

ventromedial nucleus(VMN)


when the VMN becomes destroyed causes or catalysts excessive eating,and continues eating until weight is doubled


..., An eating disorder characterized by an obstinate and willful refusal to eat, a distorted body image, and an intense fear of being fat


..., An eating disorder characterized by repeated episodes of binge eating (and a fear of not being able to stop eating) followed by purging

4 phases of sexual response

Excitement Plateau Orgasmic Resolution-ofactory period in here

Maslows hierarchy of needs

Maslow organized human needs into a hierarchy, ranging from physiological needs such as hunger, thirst, through-self actualization. he believed that we naturally strive to climb this hierarchy. maslows ordering of needs from most basic physiological needs such as hunger and thirst to most elaborate and sophisticated.. (level 1, starting from bottom to top!!) Physiological Needs-hunger thirst, elimination,warmth, pain,avoidance,sexual release (level 2) Safety needs-protection from environment(housing,clothing,crime) (level 3)Love and belongingness-intimate relationships, social groups. friends (level 4) Esteem needs-Achievement, confidence, approval, recognition,prestige,status (level 5) Self Actualization- fulfillment of unique potentials

humanistic theory

Maslow, Abraham maslow suggested that human behvaior is not just mechanical and aimed toward survival and the reduction of tension. Maslow believed that people are also motivated by a conscious desire for personal growth.

the cannon bard theory

SEE SOMETHING BUT RESPOND AND FEEL AT THE SAME TIMEevents are first processed by the brain.body patterns of arousal action and our emotional responses are then triggered simultaneously , experience physical and emotional reactions simultaneously

Both male and females derive their sexual orientation from testosterone


wiliam james and william Mcdougall

argued that humans have instincts that foster survival and social behavior, james numbered love, sympathy, and modesty as social instincts. Mcdougall basic instincts included hunger, sex, and self-assertion


being satisfied

adaptive thermogenesis

causes the body to produce less energy (burn fewer calories) when someone goes on a diet

Extrinsic motivation comes from

external source

lateral hypothalamus

if stimulates tells you to START eating,an area at the side of the hypothalamus that appears to function as a start-eating center

Intrinsic motivation comes from an

internal source

ventromedial nucleus(VMN)

involved in hunger drive, a central area on the underside of the hypothalamus that appears to function as a stop-eating center


muscle tension, which causes grimaces, spasms in the hands and feet and the spasms of orgasm.


needs give rise to these. a condition of arousal in an organism that is associated with a need

biological influences on hunger


4 taste buds

sweet, sour, salty, bitter


swelling of the genital tissues with blood, causing erection of the penis and swelling of the area surrounding the vaginal opening

orgasmic phase

After orgasm the body returns to its unaroused state Men enter the refractory period...., The third stage in the human sexual response cycle. It's characterized by rhythmic contractions in the sex organs; in men, ejaculation occurs. There is also the subjective experience of pleasure, which appears to be similar for men and women.

Drive-reduction theory

Clark Hull, according to Hulll primary drives such as hunger, thirst, and pain trigger arousal(tension) and activate behavior. we also acquired drives called acquired drives through experience we might acquire drives for money because it enables us to obtain food, drink, and homes, and drives for social approval and affliction because people and goodwell, help us reduce primary drives, especially when we are infants

theory of cognitive aprasial

SEE SOMETHING, RESPOND IN BEHAVIOR AND INTERPRET SITUATON, THEN FEEL EMOTION. theory that states that all emotions have similar bodily response patterns; people label their emotions based on their analysis of the situation., you think about an expierence, processes it, then feel it

the james lange thory

SEE SOMETHING, RESPOND IN BEHAVIOR, THEN FEEL suggested that our emotions follow rather than cause our behavioral responses to events believed events trigger specif arousal patterns and actions. emotions result from our appraisal of our body responses


a state of deprivation, we must meet physiological and psychological needs.physiological needs like oxygen,food,drink,pain avoidance,proper temperature, and elimination of waste psychological needs include need for achievement, power, self-esteem, social approval, and belonging


also called species-specific behaviors and are inborn, they are genetically transmitted from generaton to generation

hunger pangs

an empty stomach leads to stomach contractions


an object, person, or situation that can satisfy a nneed or is desirable for its own sake. ex. money , food, sexually attracted to a person, social approval, and attention can act as incentives


begins in the mouth, where we get signals that regulate our eating, we also get signals from our digestive tract, although it takes longer for these signals to reach the brain therefore if we do not receive signals of satiety from chewing and swallowing we might eat for a long time after we had taken in enough food. the state of being satisfied; fullness

The Psychology of motivaton

concerned with the why of behavior, ex. why do we eat? why do we strive to get ahead?


feeling states with physiological cognitive and behavioral components , A response of the whole organism, involving (1) physiological arousal, (2) expressive behaviors, and (3) conscious experience, A subjective conscious experience (the cognitive component) accompanied by bodily arousal (the physiological component) and by characteristic overt expressions (the behavioral component).

excitement phase

first stage! cause erection in men, scrotal skin thickens becoming less baggy testes increase in size, in women its vaginal lubrication which may start 10-30 seconds after sexual stimulation begins. Vasocongestion swells the clitoris flattens and spreads the vaginal lips and expands the near part of the vagina. the breast enlarge nipples may erect in men and women

resloution phase

fourth stage the body comes down graduallly returns to prearoused state


hypothetical states that activate behavior, propelling us toward goals. we call them hypothetical states because motives are not seen and measured directly, motives may take the form of needs, drives, and incentives which are inferred from behavior. hypothetical state within an organism that propels the organism toward a goal.


if you destroy the lateral hypothalamus might stop eating altogether, characterized by undereating

cognitive-dissonance theory

people are generally motivated to hold consistent beliefs and to justify their behavior. That is why we are generally more likely to appreciate what we must work to obtain

refactory period

period after orgasm when men arent able t orgasm or ejaculate, indivdyal isnt responsive to sexual stimulation

plateau phase

second phase of sexual response cycle is the sexual response phase as sexual arousal remains somewhat stable, prepares for ejaculation and may reach one-and-a-half times their unaroused size defined by Master's and Johnson where the tension prepares the body for orgasm and there is increased stimulation of body parts and functions. heart rate may increase to 100 to 160 beats per minute


self initiated striving to become what we believe we are capable of being. maslow believed this was as important as human hunger. the need for self-actualization pushes people to strive to become CEO'S pianist,best-selling authors even if they may have plenty of money to live on

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