Chapter 10 The Presidency

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What entity was established by the Employment Act of 1946 as part of the Executive Office of the President with the tasks of analyzing economic issues, making economic forecasts, and preparing the president's annual economic report to Congress?

Council of Economic Advisers (CEA)

Which of the following describes the constitutional theory of the presidency?

A narrow interpretation of presidential powers

What is the difference between a natural-born and naturalized citizen?

A natural-born citizen was actually born in the United States, whereas a naturalized citizen was born in another country and later became a citizen.

What is required to override a presidential veto?

A two-thirds majority of each house of Congress

Which of the following is not one of the methods available to Congress to reject presidential initiatives in foreign affairs?

Adjourning until the crisis or situation has passed

Which statement below accurately portrays the difference in attitudes toward warfare between Americans of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries compared with Americans of the mid-twentieth century?

Americans of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries believed in having no permanent military alliances, limited international interests, and a small standing army, while Americans of the mid-twentieth century favored collective security and armed strength.

The Doctrine of Preemption, established by President George W. Bush, stated that America's strategy would be to do which of the following?

Attack potential enemies before they could attack the U.S.

__________ is the source of the president's appointment power.

Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution

Which of the following best describes how the contest between the president and the media is generally seen?

At a standoff

Pardons may be granted by the president at which of the following times?

At any time in the process, even before a conviction or indictment

In 1998, __________ became the second American president to be impeached.

Bill Clinton

The role of the National Security Council grew significantly when President Nixon appointed Dr. Henry Kissinger to be his national security advisor. What is not one of Kissinger's great accomplishments while in that position?

Bringing an end to the Cold War

In 1972, what act did Congress pass, requiring the secretary of state to submit the final text of any executive agreement to the Senate, and it also allows agreements concerning sensitive national security matters to be submitted privately to the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs committees.

Case Act

All of the following were members of President Obama's Cabinet in 2015 except __________.

Chair of the National Security Council

Being commander-in-chief means the president is which of the following?

Civilian head of U.S. military forces

Which of the following is not one of the roles contemporary presidents play in military affairs?

Commanding a small army

Who or what group has the power to declare war, according to the Constitution?


What is not a provision of the Twenty-fifth Amendment?

Congress can declare the president disabled by a simple majority vote

All of the following are part of the president's cabinet except the __________.

Congressional Budget Office

Which of the following best describes the structure of the Executive Office of the President (EOP)?

Dominant issues of the time

According to your textbook, what is an accurate statement about the role of the vice president?

John Adams called it, "the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived."

What causes the greatest gap between what the public expects and what the president can do?

Economic policy

President Franklin Roosevelt used which of the following as a serious tool of foreign policy?

Executive agreements

Theodore Roosevelt interpretation of the presidency was not supportive of the stewardship theory.


What is not an important legislative skill a president should employ?

Force his program through Congress without cultivating support from opposition leaders

Which president has used the veto 635 times—more than any other president?

Franklin Roosevelt

__________ presidency influenced many to regard the office in heroic terms.

Franklin Roosevelt's

Which of the following statements best describe how a president's popularity rating fares over the course of his term in office?

Frequently, presidential popularity will decline from the beginning of a president's term to the end of it.

The president with the highest recorded approval rating was President __________.

George W. Bush

The pardon of former President Richard Nixon before any charges had been filed against him gained some notoriety for President __________.

Gerald Ford

Which of the following is not a part of the president and the media's relationship?


Of all the presidents since the 1930s, no one's approval ratings dropped more than President __________.

Harry Truman

All except which of the following are constitutional requirements to become president?

Having eight years of government service

What is not a true statement about Franklin Roosevelt?

He is the only president to serve four full terms.

Why is the American president considered both king and prime minister in the American system?

He reigns as well as rules.

Republican presidential candidate John McCain, in 2008, holds which of the following distinctions

He was the oldest non-incumbent, at age seventy-two, to run as a major party nominee.

Who did the president depend on for his primary source of advice and counsel prior to Franklin Roosevelt's presidency?

His cabinet

The Department of __________ was the most recently created Cabinet department.

Homeland Security

Which of the following is a power granted to Congress by the Constitution?

Impeach and remove the president

What is the difference between the inner and outer cabinets of the president?

The officers of the inner cabinet handle issues of broad national importance, while those in the outer cabinet deal with sharply defined programs.

Which of the following may not be removed from office by the president using his removal power?

Independent regulatory agency commissioners

The __________ was the subject of an investigation by a special presidential commission appointed by President Reagan and headed by Texas Senator John Tower.

Iran-contra affair

Which of the following is true of the war power?

It allows Congress the power to declare war rather than make war.

What did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution do?

It gave President Johnson broad authority to use military force in Southeast Asia.

Which of the following made the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution unique?

It granted President Johnson the authority to undertake military activities in Southeast Asia.

What has been the effect of the War Powers Resolution?

It has had little effect on presidential behavior.

All except which of the following statements about executive privilege is false?

It is the right of the president to refuse information requested by Congress or the courts.

What is a true statement about the presidential power to pardon?

It rarely gains headlines.

What role does the media play?

It tends to develop themes in news stories that can oversimplify issues or treat personalities as stereotypes.

Which of the following happened in the presidential election of 2008?

It was the first time in over fifty years that neither an incumbent president nor vice president appeared on one of the major party tickets.

Which of the following presidents did not enjoy notable success in the honeymoon period immediately after taking office?

John F. Kennedy

Which of the following statements about the removal power of the president is not true?

Just as the president can appoint Supreme Court Justices, he can also dismiss them.

Which of the following was not one of the actions taken by President Lincoln without congressional approval at the beginning of the Civil War?

Launched an invasion of the South

Which of the following best describes the typical relationship between the president and the media?


Which of the following is not a responsibility of senior White House aides?

Making travel arrangements for the president

Which of the following is a description of the presidency that tends to demonstrate the plasticity of the office?

Molded according to the energy and personality of its occupant in combination with the needs and challenges of the day

__________ is used when the president's chief of staff presents many different viewpoints to the president to better inform his decision-making process.

Multiple advocacy

What was not one of the original agencies or boards that were included in the Executive Office of the President when it was created in 1939?

National Security Council

The presidency of George W. Bush was shaped primarily by which of the following issues?

New directions in foreign policy, especially in regard to terrorism and war

The secretary of labor is a member of which of the following groups?

Outer cabinet

What authority or power did President Nixon attempt to use to prevent members of his administration from testifying during the Watergate investigation?

Power of executive privilege

Which of the following is not one of the responsibilities of senior White House aides?

Preparing the president's social schedule

The __________ makes the Speaker next in line after the vice president to succeed to the presidency.

Presidential Succession Act of 1947

The ultimate weapon wielded by Congress in the ongoing struggle with the president is which of the following?

Presidential impeachment and removal from office

The Cold War had which of the following effects on presidential powers?

Presidential war-making authority grew.

The president can only remove people from which of the following offices?

Purely executive offices

What can the president not do with his power to pardon?

Setting the date of the pardon for after he leaves office

Which theory of presidential leadership did Theodore Roosevelt develop?

Stewardship theory

What did the Supreme Court rule about President Lincoln's use of constitutional powers during the Civil War?

That President Lincoln was within his constitutional powers during the Civil War

All except which of the following statements about presidential appointments are false?

The Senate must confirm many of those appointments.

According to the vesting clause, found in Article II of the Constitution, who has executive power in the United States?

The president

When a person is appointed to the White House staff, what is their first loyalty to?

The president who appointed them

What did the Supreme Court decide about the president's removal power in the Myers v. United States case in 1926?

The president's removal power was unrestricted and beyond the reach of Congress to intervene.

Which of the following rights is not included in the presidential power to pardon?

The right to grant a pardon for violations of state or local laws

What do treaties negotiated by the president of the United States do?

They often require presidential concessions.

One of the major responsibilities of the Office of Management and Budget is which of the following?

To clear legislative proposals submitted to the president by various departments

A resolution supporting a single six-year term for the president passed the Senate in 1913.


Developing themes that oversimplify issues or treat personalities as stereotypes is a tool used by the media.


Dictatorial control over the economy, as a result of a congressional grant of power during World War I, was vested in President Wilson.


Executive privilege is not an absolute right according to the Supreme Court in United States v. Nixon.


The Senate has the authority to refuse any presidential appointment for any reason.


The outer cabinet is usually responsible for policy formulation on broader issues like national security and the economy.


The president can send troops into combat, but only Congress can declare war.


The __________ limits the president to two elected terms.

Twenty-second Amendment

The secretary of __________ is not a member of the president's inner cabinet?

the interior

Who was the first person to be appointed to an office under the Twenty-fifth Amendment?

Vice president Gerald Ford

President Lyndon Johnson's fall from grace was caused by which of the following?


Which piece of legislation prevents the president from committing troops to combat for more than sixty days?

War Powers Resolution

What new type of war was President George W. Bush the first to become involved in?

War on terrorism

When was it that independent war-making powers were asserted by American presidents?

When American became a global power after World War II

Being __________ is not a constitutional requirement for becoming president.

a naturalized citizen

The __________ is not one of the permanent agencies of the Executive Office of the President.


The group or person who serves as the president's arm in controlling the massive federal bureaucracy is the __________.


According to an order from President Franklin Roosevelt in February 1942, Japanese residents (many of them United States citizens) were ordered to forfeit their jobs, homes, and property and move to __________.

detention camps

Of the president's many duties and obligations, among the easiest is his ability to manage the press.


Preparation of the annual federal budget is the primary responsibility of the Council of Economic Advisers.


Presidents rarely deal with economic policy any more.


Since the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in 1964, all presidents have been required to consult with Congress before sending troops into combat.


The Case Act requires the secretary of state to submit all executive agreements to the House of Representatives.


The Twenty-second Amendment removed the term limits imposed on presidents earlier.


The cabinet has always been the closest advisor to presidents for any policy decisions.


The three requirements for being president of the United States are being at least thirty-five years of age, a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years, and a naturalized citizen.


The president can issue pardons for those convicted of violating __________ laws.


The number of Cabinet departments today is __________.


The __________ of the president allows some presidents to be more influential than others even though they have all had nearly identical formal constitutional powers.


Foreign policy was dominated by the __________ between the beginning of World War II and the end of the Vietnam War.


The __________ consists of cabinet secretaries, undersecretaries, administrators and deputies of the various independent agencies.

president's administration

When the president refuses to turn over information requested by Congress or the courts, he is exercising executive __________.


The __________ is not included in the inner cabinet.

secretary of commerce

All of the following are members of the National Security Council except the __________.

secretary of treasury

The one listed below that is not a member of the president's National Security Council is the __________.

secretary of treasury

A president cannot be impeached for __________.

sex scandals

Theodore Roosevelt's broad interpretation of the powers of the president became known as the __________ theory.


According to the Twenty-fifth Amendment, the vice president can act as president if the president declares himself disabled.


Executive agreements are between heads of state but have no legal distinction from treaties.


Justice Robert H. Jackson of the Supreme Court proclaimed a "zone of twilight" in which the president and Congress might have concurrent authority in some cases.


President Nixon preferred a formalistic system and had a highly structured staff.


Sending troops to defend South Korea against a North Korean invasion is a clear example of independent presidential war-making powers by President Truman.


The National Security Council reached the zenith of its involvement in foreign policy operation during the Iran-contra affair.


The president's appointment power is limited by the constitutional requirement that the Senate confirm those appointments.


There is no power to line-item veto for the president of the United States.


William H. Taft's view of the presidency led to the constitutional theory.


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