Chapter 11- Concepts of Cardiovascular Exercise

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What are the benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise?

-Reduces fatigue -Improves energy levels -Reduces depression -Reduces stress and anxiety -Prevents some types of cancer -Enhances self-image -Slows the effects of aging -Improves sleep -Improves mental acuity (sharpness of the mind, determined in memory, focus, concentration, and understanding)

How do you calculate Mets?

1 MET = weight (kg) × 3.5 mL

How is Maximum Heart Rate Calculated?


What is Erythropoiesis (EPO)?

A hormone with a role in the proliferation of red blood cells.

What is Aerobic Capacity?

A measure of the ability of the heart and lungs to get oxygen to the muscles.

What is Myoglobin?

A protein in muscle cells that carries and stores oxygen.

What are Rates of Perceived Exertion (RPE)?

A subjective sliding scale of a client's perception of their exercise intensity.

What is a Taper Period?

A training period where the volume or frequency of training decreases to allow the body adequate rest and recovery.

What is Fartlek?

A training system for distance runners that continually varies terrain and pace to enhance conditioning and eliminate boredom.

What is Sleep Deprivation?

Achieving a less than ideal sleep duration.

What are Acyclic Activities?

Activities that incorporate different movement patterns throughout.

What are Cyclic Activities?

Activities that use the same movement in repetition.

What is a Spirometer?

An apparatus for measuring the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs.

What is Circuit Training?

Body training that combines endurance, resistance, high-intensity interval, and aerobic training.

How do you calculate calories burned per minute?

Calories burned per minute = (activity METs × 3.5 × bodyweight [kg]) / 200

What is Peripheral Vasoconstriction?

Constriction of smaller arterioles near the skin to keep blood closer to the core of the body and preserve heat.

What is Evaporative Heat Loss?

Cooling the body and releasing heat via evaporation of water and electrolytes from the skin.

What is Aerobic Exercise?

Exercise that improves or is intended to improve the efficiency of the body's cardiorespiratory system in absorbing and transporting oxygen.

What does the acronym FITT stand for?

F: Frequency I: Intensity T: Time T: Type

What are Endorphins?

Hormones that promote feelings of well-being.

What is Shivering?

Involuntary contraction or twitching of muscle tissue as a physiological means of heat production.

What is Hypoxia?

Lack of oxygen.

What is Heart Rate Reserve (HRR)?

Maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate.

What are Growth Factors?

Proteins that stimulate nerve cell growth and the creation of new neural pathways and connections.

What are Anaerobic Exercise?

Short-duration muscle contractions that break down glucose without using oxygen.

What is the Talk Test?

The ability to speak during exercise as a gauge of the relative intensity.

What is Cross-Training?

The action of training or practice in two or more sports or types of exercise to improve fitness or performance in one's main sport.

What are Acute Training Variables?

The components that specify how an exercise is performed.

What is Angiogenesis?

The development of new blood vessels.

What is Target Heart Rate (THR)?

The estimated beats per minute that need to be reached to achieve a specific exercise intensity.

What is Maximum Heart Rate?

The estimated maximum number of times the heart should beat per minute during exercise. Calculated by subtracting a person's age from 220.

What is the Karvonen Formula?

The formula to estimate a target heart rate with consideration of heart rate reserve and resting heart rate.

What is Vital Capacity?

The greatest volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs after taking the deepest possible breath.

What is Tidal Volume?

The lung volume representing the normal volume of air displaced between normal inhalation and exhalation when extra effort is not applied.

What is VO2 Max?

The maximum amount of oxygen an individual can utilize during exercise.

What is Lactate Threshold?

The maximum effort or intensity an individual can maintain for an extended time with minimal effect on blood lactate levels.

What is Metabolic Equivalent (MET)?

The measure of the ratio of a person's expended energy to their mass while performing physical activity.

What is Ventilatory Threshold (VT)?

The threshold where ventilation increases faster than the volume of oxygen.

What is Minute Ventilation?

The total amount of air entering the lungs over the course of one minute.

What is Atrophy?

The wasting away or loss of muscle tissue.

What are Health Markers?

Tools at the service of health professionals that objectively measure and evaluate indicators of normal biological processes or pathogenic processes (i.e., blood pressure).

What is Altitude Training?

Training at altitudes greater than 2,500 meters above sea level with the goal of increasing the blood's oxygen carrying capacity.

How is Heart Rate Reserve Calculated?

max heart rate - resting heart rate

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