Chapter 11

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The Trent Affair

Union forces arrested two Confederate diplomats off a British ship, causing an international controversy. Lincoln backed down and apologized to Britain to prevent English admission to the Civil War

Division of Virginia

Virginia secedes from Union following attack on Fort Sumter. The anti slavery portion of Virginia separates from the whole to create West Virginia and joins the Union as a free state.

Habeas Corpus

a court order requiring authorities to bring a prisoner before a court to determine whether the person is being held in custody legally. Without habeas Corpus, prisoners can be held indefinitely without ever being formally charged

54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

regiment lead by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, was one of the first official African American units in the Civil War. Suffered massive casualties at the Battle of Fort Wagner, but inspired thousands of new African American recruits

New York Draft Riots

4 day protest in NYC in response to the draft, over one hundred people killed. Poor workers and immigrants didn't want competition for jobs that free slaves would create and took out frustrations on African Americans

John Wilkes Booth

Actor and southern sympathizer who plotted to resuscitate the Confederate cause by assassinating Lincoln

Battle of Vicksburg

Battle for the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River. Union victory finally cut the Confederacy into two

Bull Run

Battle on the Virginia Maryland border. Confederate victory gave South high hopes, and forced north to rethink its overconfidence. Yankees retreated to Washington. Rebels too exhausted to give chase


Bloodiest battle in the US history Union repels Confederates from invaiding North. McClellan did not pursue retreating rebels, missing a golden opportunity to end the war early

Battle of Shiloh-

Bloody battle on Mississippi-Tennessee border. Union won. Both sides learned they needed scouts and trenches

William T. Sherman

Commander of Union military division in Mississippi. Famous for his destructive total war campaign in the South

What were the reasons the South surrendered?

First, Total war crushed civilian morale, and the Confederate states were not working together. Also, there were costly defeats in Gettysburg and Vicksburg and supplies and ammunition were depleated.

Union has more available soldiers Railroads and manufacturing gave Northern considerable financial and supply advantage Naval blockade eliminated Southern shipping Lincolns wielding unquestioned federal power

Confederacy has first rate generals like Jackson and Lee who won victories with superior strategy. Southerners more accustomed to shooting and riding than Northern factory workers Southerners defending homeland, knew the terraon of geographically compact 11 states

Stonewall Jackson

Confederate General victorious at Bull Run. Known for his refusal to retreat, and inspiring soldiers to achieve victory through steadfast dedication. 2nd one to Robert Lee in Virginia army

Robert E. Lee

Confederate commanding General in Virginia, brilliant military mind. Lee outmaneuvers Union forces to win several battles despite inferior manpower. His army took the brunt of fighting in the Civil War

Fort Sumter-

Confederates fired on South Carolina Fort held by Union forces, forcing a surrender and initiating Civil War.

Fords Theatre

DC based theatre where Lincoln was assassinated

Battle of Gettysburg

Day battle in Southern Pennsylvania thats considered the turning point in war in favor of North. The confederate war effort was badly crippled putting them on the defensive for the rest of the war


Drafting citizens of a certain age of military service who did not volunteer

Emancipation Proclamation

Executive order issued by Lincoln, freeing slaves in all regions behind Confederate lines

Maximillian Affair

France sent an army into Mexico and established a French protectorate under puppet emperor Maximilian. US stationed troops on the Mexican border, took no action due to distraction from Civil War

Gettysburg Address

Lincoln's speech at the dedication of a national cemetery at Gettysburg. Redefined the American values held in the Declaration of Independence for post civil society

Team of Rivals

Lincolns Presidential cabinet, made up of his cheif Republican rivals in the 1860 election. Lincoln let them talk freely on issues of importance, but reserved the right to make the final decision himself

Andrew Johnson

Lincolns VP and was pres during post civil war reconstruction


Northern Democrat who advocated for making peace with the Confederacy, and recognizing them as a separate nation.


Northern iron clad

Clement Vallandigham

Ohio Congressman, convicted by a military court for urging Union soldiers to desert and advocate for an armistice

Jefferson Davis

Pres of Confederacy during Civil War


Pres of U.S during Civil War. Saw war as quest to preserve the Union and wanted to permanently end slavery

William Seward

Secretary of state under Lincoln, Played a role in preventing foreign intervention early in the war and securing enough votes in House of Representatives to create the anti slavery thirteenth amendment

Sherman's March

Sherman's troops left a path of destruction on farm land and through villages in Georgia and South Carolina


Southern in clad

Battle of Chancellorsville

Stonewall Jacksons north virginia army out flanked and defeated the Union army, allowing the Confederates to launch their first attack in the North

Ulysses S Grant

Successful Union General and was known for fighting a war of attrition (life for a life) and continuing the fight until he achieved unconditional surrender from his enemy

What was the Anaconda Plan? What steps did Winfield Scott consider necessary to conquer the Confederacy?

The Anaconda plan the Union strategy to defeat the Confederacy. First, to Conquer the Southern Ports to prevent the export of cotton and import of needed foreign goods. Then, to take the Mississippi River and cut the Confederacy in two. Finally, the confederate capital would be captured at Richmond.

Civil War Essay

The Civil war left one of the biggest impacts. The Civil War effected millions of peoples lives and changed society today. The impact of the Civil War left social impacts like Emancipation and loss of men, political reasons like the federal government becoming more intrusive and more power of war time, and economic reasons like the northern economy booming, and slaves plantation economy in ruins. The social impacts changed life for many generations. FIRST, the Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Lincoln and it happened because of the thirteenth amendment. It did not free any slaves immediately because it applied to only areas behind the Confederate lines. (outside Union control) It put millions of former slaves on road to citizenship. But, there were not enough jobs to satisfy newly emancipated slaves. There was an entire generation of men who were wiped out. Besides Social, there were political impacts. POLITICALLY, There was an increase of power of wartime President. Some aspects included Habeas Corpus, which was a court order that requires authorities to bring a person held in jail before the court to determine why he or she is being jailed. Lincoln used this strategy and conscription was another aspect that forced members of the population to serve in the army. The Emancipation Proclamation was also an inportant aspect because it was life changing and powerful. There was a more intrusive federal government because of income tax, a tax taking a specified percentage of an individuals income. Lastly, telegraph lines were seized during war. Economic impacts from the Civil War were extremely important. ECONOMICALLY, The Northern economy was booming, there was steel manufactering and corporations transition from war supplies to other industries. Cotton textiles boomed but wages did not keep up with prices. Also, peoples standard of living declined. There was also a huge economic gap between the North and South. The Slave plantation economy was destroyed because of Total War and a big loss of slave labor.

George McClellan

Union General during the first year of the war. A wise strategist but overly cautious. Fired by Lincoln in Nov. 1862 for failing to take advantage of the Norths advantages.

How did the Civil War lay the economic foundation for the US to become an industrial giant?

The Federal Government subsidized the building of the railroad, new regulations strengthened the banking system and entrepreneurs built giant corporations based off income from war supplies.

What was the impact of the Gettysburg Address?

The Gettysburg Address ress by Lincoln challenged America to live up to the idea of "all men are equal" And the U.S is now recognized as one nation not just a collection of states. The Union was worth fighting and dying for. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address ress was said that it "remade America"

How did Lincoln view emancipation as a weapon for the Northern war effort?

The South needed slaves to aid their economy. The Emancipation would prevent Britain from siding with the South. The North benefitted from slaves joining the Union military.

What were the major advantages for the North and South during the Civil War?

The major advantages were there were more available soldiers to fight, also there were railroads and manufacturing which gave the North considerable financial supply advantages. Also, the Naval blockade eliminated Southern shipping and Lincoln wielding unquestioned federal power.

David Farragut

Union Admiral, capture New Orleans and set up a blockade of commerical Southern ports. Idea was to disrupt the cotton tafr with European buyers

Matthew Brady

civil war photographer and took pictures of war devastation

Total War

combat where anything that aids the enemies of war effort is open to attack (including soldiers, farms methods of transportation, villages ect.)

Clara Barton

former Union Nurse founded Red Cross

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