Chapter 12: Teams: Processes and Communication (Part 4: Group Mechanisms)

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What are some categories of taskwork processes?

- Decision making - Boundary spanning - Creative behavior

The most in-depth method of team training is __________ _________, in which each team member "walks in the other's shoes."

Positional rotation

The extent of team members' belief in the team's effectiveness is referred to as?


When emotional bonds develop between members of a team, the team develops?


Job shadowing is an example of what type of cross-training?

Positional modeling

Rank the network structures in terms of centralization of communication, with the network structure having the lowest level of centralization listed first and the network structure with the highest level of centralization last.

- All channel - Circle - Y - Wheel

What are some benefits of the nominal group technique?

- Members do not have to wait their turn to express their ideas - It reduces social loafing - It reduces production blocking

What are categories of transition processes?

- Mission analysis (Identifying tasks, challenges, and resources - Strategy formulation (Developing courses of action and contingency plans) - Goal specification (Specifying and prioritizing goals)

List the steps of the nominal group technique.

1.) Participants meet as a group to outline the purpose of the meeting 2.) Participants independently document their ideas 3.) Participants share their ideas with the group, clarify ideas and build upon the ideas of others 4.) Participants independently rank order ideas and submit their rankings to the facilitator

Developing new, exciting ideas to work toward the final solution of a task is characteristic of?

Creative behavior

What is motivation and confidence building?

Actions or words that affect the degree to which members are driven to work hard on the team's tasks

What is affect management?

Activities that foster emotional balance and unity

Adam made a presentation to the senior management team, detailing the progress his quality improvement team has made and citing statistics that point to a reduction in manufacturing reject rates, which are all kinds of what type of activities?

Ambassador activities

What is cohesion?

An emotional attachment to other members of the team and the team itself

Information and meaning is transferred through the process of?


The degree to which each team member has sufficient information to perform his or her task responsibilities is known as?

Decision informity

What is task conflict?

Disagreements among members about the team's work

What is relationship conflict?

Disagreements among team members in terms of personal values or preferences

T/F: Team processes are readily observable and measurable?


T/F: To facilitate better communication, it is always advantageous to choose the channel with the highest inforatmion richness?

False: Recall that the appropriate level of information richness depends on the task at hand. High levels of communication richness may over-complicate the communication process when the task is simple and straightforward)

Adam is an effective team leader because he seems to have an innate ability to weigh the opinions of team members and reach the optimum decision for the team. This is an example of?

Hierarchical sensitivity

What is transactive memory?

How specialized knowledge is distributed among team members

What occurs when a team is able to produce more or better output than the combined efforts of each team member working alone?

Process gain

When disputes arise among members over personal values or preferences, there emerges?

Relationship conflict

The final project in Alonzo's class is a group research paper. Alonzo hates group work but he also knows that, even if he doesn't do much work on the project, his team members will probably pick up the slack so they don't get a poor grad on the project. This is an example of?

Social loafing

According to research, there is a _________ _____________ correlation between effective teamwork processes and team commitment.

Strong positive

Interpersonal activities that help a team accomplish its work without accomplishing the work itself are referred to as what type of processes?


Training that is intended to facilitate the development of team processes related to goal setting, interpersonal relations, problem solving, and role clarification is referred to as?

Team building

What is potency?

The degree to which members believe the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks

What are mental models?

The level of common understanding among team members regarding the team and its task

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