Chapter 13: The Age of Dissent and Division, 1500-1564

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Medieval Christian Views

Marriage is a sacrament that did not need a priest.

Identify the decisions made at the Council of Trent.

-Good works are part of Catholic doctrine -The seven sacraments are essential for salvation *The council reaffirmed the legitimacy of the seven sacraments as Church doctrine. -Celibacy for clergy was reaffirmed. - Extra info >The priest consecrates the Eucharist as part of Church doctrine. >The Council of Trent reaffirmed the doctrine of indulgences, although it condemned the worst abuses connected with their sale

Place the events of Henry VIII's separation from the Catholic Church in chronological order.

The English clergy allow Henry VIII to approve church legislation Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, annuls Henry and Catherine's marriage. Parliament declares Henry VIII "Supreme Head of the Church of England." Henry VIII dissolves England's monasteries and convents.

Identify the main beliefs described in Ignatius Loyola's Spiritual Exercises.

-Service to God *The Jesuits vowed to serve God in poverty, chastity, and missionary work. -Missionary work*The activities of the Jesuits consisted primarily of proselytizing. Jesuits were dispatched to preach to non-Christians in India, China, and Spanish America -Education *The activities of the Jesuits consisted primarily of proselytizing and promoting strict educational standards, which led to the creation of Jesuit-run schools and universities throughout the world. Extra info <Jesuits supported existing Catholic doctrine.

Identify the effects of the reformed Catholic Church on Europe.

-increased literacy of laypeople *Catholic theologians emphasized scholasticism, which led to an increased focus on reading and education, particularly by Jesuits. -increase focus on charity *Because Catholicism continued to emphasize good works as well as faith, charitable activities took on an extremely important role. Exta info >Christian humanists lost favor with the papacy, and even scientists such as Galileo Galilei were regarded with suspicion

Identify the key aspect(s) of John Calvin's religious beliefs.

All souls are blessed or condemned before they are born Those that are blessed by god outwardly follow god's laws God is omnipotent

Analyze the following passage from Canons on the Sacrament of Matrimony (1563): Canon 1. If anyone says that matrimony is not truly and properly one of the seven sacraments ... instituted by Christ the Lord, but has been devised by men in the Church and does not confer grace, let him be anathema [cursed]. Identify which one of the following religions most likely agrees with the statement above regarding marriage (matrimony).


Match the following religious concepts to either Luther or Catholic Church traditions.

Luther: 2 sacraments authority of scripture justification by faith Priesthood of all believers Catholic Church: belief in purgatory holy orders 7 sacraments prayer to the saints

Match each of the following religious beliefs to either Luther or Calvin.

Luther: Worship involves alters and music Passive suffering in the world supported a church hierarchy Calvin: Active work in the world assemblies of elders governed the church Simplicity of worship

Identify the reason(s) why Henry VIII sought an annulment from Catherine of Aragon.

Male Heir Infatuation with Anne Boleyn

Identify the key developments that made the Peace of Augsburg (1555) a historic milestone.

No state should allow religious diversity Catholic rulers acknowledged the legality of Protestantism

Identify significant changes made to the Church of England under Edward VI.

Priests could marry Sacraments were reduced to baptism and communion Services were in English, not Latin

Match the characteristics of the Elizabethan settlement as Catholic or Protestant.

Protestant: Established the 39 articles of faith Used the book of Common Prayer Had a "supreme governor" of the church Catholic: Required clergy to wear vestments Used hierarchy such as bishops

Identify the Protestant view of brothels.

Protestants banded brothels as a form of sin.

Identify how Mary restored Catholicism in England during her reign.

She rejected marriage for priests. She restored Latin mass.

Identify how Protestant governments viewed the role of the family.

The family was the basic unit of religious education.

Identify which symbols in the images below criticize Luther and which symbols criticize the Catholic Church.

This Catholic engraving shows Luther as Revelation's seven-headed beast, with its seven heads labeled: "Doctor-Martin-Luther-Heretic-Hypocrite-Fanatic Barabbas," the last alluding to the thief who should have been executed instead of Jesus, according to the Gospels.-The seven-headed Martin Luther reads a book, challenging the papacy. This Lutheran engraving shows the papacy as a biblical seven-headed beast, with the seven heads representing seven orders of Catholic clergy.-This Latin word refers to the papacy as the devil.

Identify the key characteristics of Calvinist Geneva.

Work and play on the Sabbath was outlawed. The consistory supervised morality.

Match each group to their reasons for supporting Martin Luther's beliefs.

liberation from foreign popes -politicians seeking power freedom from power of lords -Correct label: peasants political independence -Princes thought that Luther's reforms would allow them to consolidate their political independence.

Match the correct definitions of the Catholic Reformation and the Counter-Reformation.

part of the Catholic tradition dating back to the eleventh century -Catholic Reformation *This definition emphasizes that the Roman Church of the sixteenth century was actually continuing a reforming movement. reactionary movement to strengthen the Catholic Church in contrast to Protestantism -Counter-Reformation *This definition insists that most Catholic reformers of this period were reactionary, inspired primarily by the urgent need to resist Protestantism. This powerful reform movement within the Roman Church, a reform that resulted in its rebirth, leads to both perspectives' validity.

Identify which one of the following groups developed as a Catholic response to Protestantism.

-Jesuit *Ignatius Loyola founded the Society of Jesus, commonly known as the Jesuit

Identify the late medieval Church's view of salvation.

-Salvation was based on sacraments and good works. *The late medieval Church supported salvation in quantitative terms. For example, performing an action such as a pious donation could reduce the amount of penance someone owed to God by a specific number of days

Place the following events regarding Luther's religious actions in chronological order.

1. Posted the ninety five these *Posted in 1517, these arguments sparked Luther's religious reforms. 2. Pamphlets *In 1520, Luther composed a series of pamphlets setting forth his three primary premises: justification by faith, the authority of scripture, and "the priesthood of all believers 3. leo x condemed beliefs*In the year 1520, Leo X issued a papal edict condemning Luther's publications as heretical and threatening him with excommunication 4.Although Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms proclaimed Luther an outlaw, this edict was never enforced

Martin Luther regarded men as more sexually driven than women. T or F

False Luther regarded women as more sexually driven than men and less capable of controlling their lusts.

Identify which of the following views of marriage most directly challenged the Protestant view that men and women should marry young.

Men Should marry after they become an expert craftsman.

Identify how Protestant views of marriage allowed parental control of marriage.

Since marriage became secular, local authorities left marriage matters to families

Because Switzerland was ruled neither by kings nor territorial princes, municipalities could adopt Protestant reforms without challenge.

True- The lack of a centralized government to enforce one religion allowed for religious change.

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