Chapter 13: The Impact of Computing on Society

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Business concerns

Fraud Computer Crime Data and Equipment protection Diasaters and Recovery


Significant correlations between computer-mediated-communication and loneliness have not been detected. A study as Penn State University found that those who send e-mail more frequently are more social and even less socially isolated, because the computer is now being used as an additional means of communicating socially with others.

Chief information officer (CIO)

Sits as a senior officer on the strategic decision-making committees of the company.

Social concerns

Use of computers is not without societal concerns. Initiatives range from protecting children from undesirable material and predators, to banning certain materials are discussed frequently by the public.

art and fine arts

Artists use computers as media as a tool. Videography Display Virtual galleries Graphic design Theatre

Psychological stress

A first time computer user may be anxious about making mistakes and consequences. Lack of sufficient training can lead a user to experience loss of data and communication messages and produce anxiety.

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

A frequent computer user's eyes may become irritated, vision may blur, and they may experience headaches and even exhaustion.

Data and equipment protection

All computers users will want to protect data and equipment.


An expert in some aspect of the organization's production process need not be stationed at each plant or factory. Instead that person can use video conferencing technology, inexpensively through the Internet, to communication face to face with plant engineers around the world. Companies are finding that they can reduce the travel expenses of bringing experts to where they are needed by using communication technology instead.

Child protection

Blocking web sites Sting operations


Commuting to central work place is provided by telecommunication links. Allows employees to have flexible hours that can often help when the need to care for young children or elderly parents is involved. The handicapped and people living in remote areas may also become employable due to telecommunicating. Society benefits, too, as fuel is consumed for transportation and less pollution is produced. There is a downside. People are social and telecommunicating breeds business isolation making job advancement more difficult to achieve. Informal communication is largely lost. Corporations also face the increase risk of data loss and compromise to data integrity resulting from the loss of direct corporate control over the telecommuter's physical work environment.

Types of computer crimes

Computer as the target Computer as the instrument of the crime Computer is incidental to other crimes Crimes associated with the prevalence of computers.

Computer affecting many professions

Computer use has had profound impact on numerous professions. Medicine Business and Finance Science and Engineering Social Sciences Sports and Physical Education Government and Law Publishing and Communication Travel Arts and Fine Arts Education

sports and physical education

Computers are found in sports and physical education uses that range from management performance to analysis of athletes. Records Sports Management Numerical analyses

science and engineering

Computers were born from science and engineering and use is wide spread: Research Aviation Chemistry

Assistive technology

Erogonomics plays an important role in the conceptualization and design of technology solutions for people with impairments.

Property rights

Generally software remains the property of the author. A staff programmer who works for a company usually agrees to give ownership to the employer. But the end-user rarely obtains ownership. When you purchase software, you are really purchasing permission to use the software, but you don't own it. Since you are not the owner, you may not give copies of it to anyone.

government and law

Governments use computer technology to perform law enforcement activities. Gov'ts also enact laws to protect citizens using computers.

Database designer and administrator (DBA)

Has jurisdiction over the organization's data storage and works with database management systems, and determines ways to organize and store data.

Braille keyboard

Have Braille symbols on top of each key. The output will be conventional ASCII characters processed as if from any keyboard

Information overload

Having too much information to make a decision or remain informed about a topic. If not dealt with, Information overload can cause a person to freeze when asked to make a decision.


Human factors is the scientific application of information about humans to the design of objects, systems, and environments that humans use and interact with. This field has made contributions to the design of computing equipment making use of computers and peripheral technology more comfortable and less likely to induce strain or injury.


If lower skills are expected then more people are qualified for the job. With more people qualified, the salary can be lower.

Work and workspace design

Most IS professionals assume responsibility for challenging assignments, using technology that continues to change. It is quite common for an organization to provide continuing education programs just so that its staff can remain current.

Disaster and recovery plan

Security is a system of safeguards designed to protect a computer-bases information system from accidental or deliberate damage or access.


Online classes Access to class material on tools like WebCT, Blackboard, and eCollege. Online peer reviewed articles available on library sites. Groupware and collaboration tools.


Online fraud rates for merchants are higher than fraud rates of brick and mortar stores. Fraud rates for transactions where a customer personally presents a credit card are usually about 1 percent of sales but only fraud rates exceed 1.4%


People with limited sight can benefit by using screen magnifiers.

Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI)

Repetitive action, often to fingers, wrists, and arms, can create discomfort or even permament disability.

Health issues

Repetitive stress (or strain) injuries (RSIs) Computer vision syndrome (CVS) Low level electromagnetic fields Psychological stress Information overload Isolation Cyberbullies Environment

Network administrator (NA)

Responsible for making sure that the data gets delivered to the right people at the right time. The selection, purchase, installation, and maintenance of network servers, communication gateways, modems, and terminals.

System analyst

Solves computer problems and design the application of computer technology to meet the needs of an organization. They help to maximum benefits from investment in equipment, personnel, and business process design. The may plan and develop new computer systems or devise ways to modify existing systems to meet new requirements. They are aware of the potential of technology but must also understand the business of the organization they are working for. The tend to work in domains that use specific types of systems including: accounting, financial, scientific, or engineering systems. They are not technical developers, they don't write computer programs, design networks, or develop databases.

Computer operator

Someone who has to keep the computers running. Responsible for scheduling processing jobs, mounting tapes and disks on drives, and making sure the printer is loaded with paper.

business and finance

Successes in business depends on provides quality goods at a competitive price to customers. Computer use has penetrated all business including: Manufacturing Finance Sales Planning

Job losses

Technology replacing workers leads to this.

Communication and organizational structure

The automation of information flow has changed the way that people communicate within organizations, and the consequences has been job loss, this time middle managers. Email and other communication tools make parts of these jobs unnecessary.

publishing and communication

The communication industry's job is to deliver information to those who desire it. No other industry, except perhaps financial services, is better suited to use of computer automation. Custom publishing 24-hour news cycle WWW

Screen reader software

This software aides those with hearing impartment by reading documents, Web pages, or other content and transforming the typed words into synthesized speech. JAWS EYES

Software engineer

Translate the recommendations of the system analyst into designs that are implemented by a development staff. They establish testing criteria to certify that programs were written correctly and that completed systems perform as required. While software engineers usually possess strong programming skills, they are more concerned with designing algorithms, analyzing and solving programming problems, and testing outcomes than with actually writing code.

The computer profession

The explosion of computing technology has spawned a whole new career area called Information Systems or IS. Businesses employ many people as programmers, system analysts, and as other related professionals. They work in a corporation's IS department.


The federal and state governments have enacted child protection laws. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 2000. This act requires a Web site that collects information from or about children under 13 to publish a privacy policy which parent should read before allowing access to the Web site. Protection is really only as good as the vigilance of parents and their determination to teach their children to act responsibly.

System administrator

The information systems employees responsible for the efficient use of computers and networks by organizations. Their job is to ensure that an organization's processing environment is designed with compatible equipment, including computers, the network, and software that work reliably. They also monitor and adjust the performance of networks and continually survey the current processing center to determine future network needs. They troubleshoot problems reported by users and network monitoring systems and recommend fixes and enhancements.


The person responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining a Web site.

social sciences

The social sciences involve research, social policy planning, and delivering services Computers have impacted all areas: Social Policy Research Program delivery

Green computing

The study and practice of using resources efficiently and with a world perspective. Green computing principles take into account these factors: Economic viability Social responsibility Environmental impact


The travel industry has changed dramatically due to computing. Vacation planning Reservations Cross-selling

Computer crime

Theft of computer resources or use of computer systems while committing a crime.

Computer addiction

There are people who feel the compulsion to spend so much of their time computing that is causes problems with their health, finances, relationships, and career.

IS Director

This person runs a organization IS department. The IS director is responsible for the IS department's budget hiring and firing of staff, staff development and retention, computer operations, and negotiating with other senior managers for project selection,financing and priority.

Speech recognition

Windows provides a way to command using spoken commands instead of mouse clicks and keyboard strokes. Software that hears and understands human speech is sophisticated technology.


Writes computer programs in what are called programming languages such as Java, C#, and Visual Basic. This person must have the ability to take a design specification prepared by a system analyst or software engineer and implement the concepts as computer programs.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

pain and weakness in lower arms and hands.

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