Chapter 14

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If the frequency of the cystic fibrosis allele is 0.022 then the frequency of the dominant allele is 0.978. What is the the proportion of people who are heterozygous, carriers of the cystic fibrosis allele?


Place the steps of dating fossils in order from first at the top to last at the bottom.

1. assemble a collection of fossils from a group of organisms 2. date each fossil based on radioisotope decay, not on what the fossil looks like 3. order the fossils in a sequence from oldest to youngest 4. examine the fossils for evidence of successive change

Which of the following would have the greatest effect on a population's gene pool?

A very large number of individuals bring new unique alleles to a small population.

In his book, The Descent of Man, ______ proposed that humans and living apes descended from a common ancestor.

Charles Darwin

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection was written by ______.

Charles Darwin

During his voyage on the Beagle, Darwin read Principles of Geology written by ______, which described Earth as much older than previously thought.

Charles Lyell

Which of the following statements describes what Darwin observed in Galápagos finches?

Differences in beak size were related to the utilization of different food sources.

What was the name of the ship that Darwin served on as naturalist from 1831 to 1836, traveling around the world and along the coasts of South America?

HMS Beagle

How has natural selection favored individuals heterozygous for the sickle cell allele in Central Africa?

Heterozygotes are less likely to contract malaria.

______ structures are derived from the same structure in a common ancestor but may have different functions, while ______ structures have a common function but vary in structure and origin.

Homologous; analogous

Why is sickle-cell an example of the heterozygote advantage?

Individuals with one allele for the trait have increased resistance to malaria.

Select all of the reasons why the founder effect causes changes in allele frequencies.

Rare alleles can become more common. Founder groups are often isolated.

Lack studied the finches during the wet year when food was plentiful. What can be concluded from his work?

Slender and stout beaks work equally well to gather the abundant tender small seeds.

Darwin's theory of natural selection is based on the idea that not all members survive to reproduce. The key idea that population growth is limited by food supply and deaths was proposed by ______.

Thomas Malthus

Before Darwin's theory of natural selection was published, it was thought that the Earth was ______.

a few thousand years old

Which of the following is used to measure the accumulation of genetic changes over time?

a molecular clock

The evolution of a cluster of species as a result of adaptations to a series of habitats within a region is a process called

adaptive radiation.

As ancestral finches arrived at the Galápagos Islands, they were able to occupy vacant niches. A niche is

all the ways that an organism interacts with the physical and biological conditions where it lives.

a(n) _________ frequency is the relative frequency of a specific version of a gene at a particular locus in a population, often expressed as a fraction or percentage.


The number that represents the proportion of a particular form of a gene in a population is called the ______.

allele frequency

Charles Darwin was influenced by Charles Lyell's 1830 book Principles of Geology, which described Earth as ______.

ancient and changing

A mutation is ______.

any change in a nucleotide sequence of DNA the ultimate source of genetic variation in a population

According to the biological species concept, populations are members of different species if they ______.

are reproductively isolated

Traits such as small size, certain coat colors, or long legs in certain breeds of dogs are the result of ______.

artificial selection

Select all of the following that describe prezygotic isolating mechanisms.

can be behavioral or geographic barriers prevent the formation of zygotes

Evolution is best described as ______.

changes in a species through time

Unrelated organisms that possess similar characteristics because they have evolved in similar environments are examples of _________

convergent evolution

After industrial pollution increased after 1850, what form of the peppered moth became more common?

dark colored moth

Prior to Darwin's theory of natural selection people thought that species ______.

did not evolve

Select all the ways in which natural selection can lead to the vast diversity of organisms.

different environments "select" for different favorable characteristics different habitats offer different opportunities organisms become suited to their particular environment

Select all the reasons why different animals are present in different places.

different traits are desirable in different environments evolutionary forces are different in different places diversity depends on the availability of different resources

Snails are observed to either have shells with many stripes or no stripes at all, no snails have only a few stripes. This is an example of ______ selection.


If more than one extreme phenotype in a population is favored, such as both small and large beaks, but the intermediate phenotype, such as an intermediate-sized beak, is selected against, what type of selection is occurring?

disruptive selection

More _______ related organisms will have more genomic differences.


The presence of pharyngeal pouches and a long bony tail in the ______ of vertebrates demonstrate the evolutionary history of this group.


Darwin thought that evolution occurred at a very slow pace. However, in recent years, in some circumstances, many case studies have demonstrated that evolutionary change can occur rapidly. Consequently, it is possible to

establish experimental studies to test evolutionary hypotheses.

Select all the ways that evolution can be studied?

experiments in the field observations of natural populations fossil record laboratory experiments

Critics of Darwin argue that fossil intermediates do not exist. That claim is incorrect because ______.

fossil intermediates in several vertebrate lineages have been found

The five evolutionary forces affecting allele frequencies include mutation, migration, nonrandom mating, selection, and ______.

genetic drift

Select all of the forces that can cause allele frequencies in populations to significantly differ from the proportions predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg rule.

genetic drift selection migration mutation

If two species do not interbreed because their ranges are in different areas and do not overlap, it is called ______ isolation.


Match the Galápagos finch with its appropriate niche.

ground finch: feeds on seeds corresponding to beak size feeds on seeds corresponding to beak size tree finch: grasping beak for insect-eating; some use tools grasping beak for insect-eating; some use tools vegetarian finch: heavy beak to feed on branch buds heavy beak to feed on branch buds warbler finch: slender beak for eating insects slender beak for eating insects

Guppies raised in low-predation or no-predation environments in laboratory greenhouses

had a greater number of spots than guppies in more dangerous environments.

Structures derived from the same body part that is found in a common ancestor are known as ___________ structures.


Select all of the following that are lines of evidence for evolution.

homologous structures fossils DNA molecules

Match the structures on the right with whether they are homologous or analogous structures on the left.

homologous structures: cat foreleg and human forearm cat foreleg and human forearm analogous structures: wing of a bat and wing of an insect wing of a bat and wing of an insect

Although he didn't directly discuss the idea in On the Origin of Species the fact that ______ followed directly from the principles he outlined.

humans have a common ancestor with apes

When Darwin published On the Origin of Species most people believed ______.

in a Divine Creator that created unchangeable species

In recent years, critics of Darwin have begun new attempts to combat the teaching of evolution in the classroom, stating that life is too complex for natural selection and so must reflect ______ design.


Select all of the observations made by Darwin that contributed to his theory of natural selection.

island plants resembling those on the nearby mainland variation in finch beak size fossils of extinct animals

Civil rights groups used the case of what high school teacher to challenge the Tennessee law of teaching evolution in 1925?

john scopes

Galápagos finches with large crushing beaks eat a diet consisting of _____, whereas those with smaller probing beaks eat mostly _____.

large seeds; insects

Before the industrial revolution, the most common form of the peppered moth was ______ color.

lighter in

Desert pocket mice with disabled MC1R genes have black fur, display ______, and have cryptic coloration on black lava.


Select all of the following that were observed after dry years in the Galápagos in studies conducted by Peter and Rosemary Grant.

more birds with larger beaks fewer seeds produced by plants a greater population of larger seeds

Field studies of guppy populations below and above the waterfalls demonstrated that the differences between the populations were the result of

natural selection

When organisms with certain heritable traits have an increased chance of survival and leave more viable offspring in a particular environment, then what evolutionary force is operating?

natural selection

On the HMS Beagle, Darwin eventually took on the role of the ship's ______.


Select all of the following that are true about the Hardy-Weinberg equation.

p + q = 1 sum of genotype frequencies adds up to 1 p2+ 2pq + q2 = 1

The study of the properties of genes in populations is called __________

population genetics

This graph shows Malthus's assertion that while ______ demonstrate a geometric progression, ______ shows an arithmetic progression.

populations; food supply

A zygote formed from the union of gametes of two different species that does not develop correctly demonstrates a(n) ______ isolating mechanism.


Reproductive isolating mechanisms that prevent the proper development and functioning of zygotes are ______ mechanisms.

postzygotic isolating

Mechanisms that prevent individuals of different species from forming a zygote are called ______ reproductive isolating mechanisms.


Genetic drift is ______.

random changes in allele frequencies

Select all of the assumptions that must be true for a population to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

random mating occurs no mutation no new alleles are being added to the population

An increase in the number of individuals displaying an intermediate phenotype results from a form of natural selection called ________ selection


Variation in beak size of Galápagos finches is attributed to differences in

the BMP4 gene.

A new population is established by a small group that migrates away from an original, large population. The alleles carried by the small group will make up the allele frequencies in the new population. This is a form of genetic drift called ______.

the founder effect

Nonrandom mating is ______.

the selection of a mate based on certain physical characteristics

Select the four groups of Galápagos finches as distinguished by niche.

warbler finches tree finches ground finches vegetarian finches

Researches have conducted studies on guppies in both high-predation and low-predation environments. Select all of the characteristics of guppies in the high-predation environments.

younger reproductive age in males drab coloration in males

Select all of the following that are true about more closely related organisms.

have a smaller number of DNA differences have a smaller number of amino acid differences for a particular protein

Why is Tutt's hypothesis currently being reevaluated?

recent selection against melanism does not appear to correlate with changes in tree lichens

_________ -cell is a hereditary disease affecting hemoglobin molecules in the blood. It causes red blood cells to be misshapen ad less able to carry oxygen as a result.


Embryos can indicate evolutionary history due to ______.

similarities during development

The process that describes the formation of new species is called ______.


Survival of human babies is highest at an intermediate birth weight, and the intermediate weights are the most common in the population. This is an example of ______ selection.


Match the term with the correct example.

stabilizing selection: birds with an average beak size are more likely to survive birds with an average beak size are more likely to survive disruptive selection: adult male deer are either very large in size or very small adult male deer are either very large in size or very small directional selection: more light colored peppered moths survive in rural areas more light colored peppered moths survive in rural areas

Darwin and his contemporaries could not explain genetic variation within natural populations because

the ways in which meiosis produces genetic segregation among progeny had not yet been discovered.

Select all of the following that are examples of fossils.

tracks preserved bones impressions of feathers

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