Chapter 15-17 InQuizitive questions

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Identify the groups the Ku Klux Klan targeted.

- African-American political leaders - white Republicans - teachers - blacks who became landowners

Andrew Carnegie was an industrial giant of the Gilded Age. Identify the statements that describe Carnegie.

- Carnegie distributed much of his wealth to various philanthropies. - He leveraged vertical integration to create the largest and most technologically advanced steel factories in the world.

Identify the statements that describe Chinese immigration and immigrants to the United States.

- Chinese immigrants were required to carry identification at all times. - The Chinese Exclusion Act temporarily barred immigrants from China.

What does it reveal about the relationships between freed blacks and former slaveowners after emancipation?

- Freed blacks no longer had to show reverence to their former owners. - Freed blacks and former slaveowners still interacted frequently after emancipation.

Identify the statements that describe the political scene in the United States during the Gilded Age.

- Powerful new corporations raised disturbing questions about the American understanding of political freedom and self-government. - Americans during the Gilded Age saw the country as an island of democracy in a world dominated by undemocratic governments.

Identify the statements that describe Social Darwinism.

- Social Darwinists believed that the poor were essentially responsible for their own fate. - Evolution was a natural process of survival of the fittest; as such, the government must not intervene to aid the less fortunate.

Identify the statements that describe the relationship between Native Americans and white America.

- The Bureau of Indian Affairs established boarding schools where Indian children were sent to become "more American." - In 1871, Congress eliminated the treaty system that dated back to the revolutionary era, by which the federal government negotiated agreements with Indians as if they were foreign nations.

Despite promises in promotional pamphlets, farming on the Great Plains was not an easy task. Identify the statements that describe farming on the Great Plains.

- The Homestead Act led to thousands of families moving westward to farm. - Wheat and corn were primary crops grown on the Great Plains for the national and international markets.

Identify the statements that describe the United States on the international stage prior to 1890.

- The United States was only a second-rate world power. - The United States was focused on internal growth rather than international expansion.

During this period of time, how did the workers' ideas of freedom differ from those held by the owners and managers of the industry, and how did the courts construe freedom?

- The courts overturned numerous laws that controlled aspects of economic activity. - Laborers looked to the government to protect their rights and ensure fair working conditions. - Owners did not want the government to regulate business or interfere in the economy.

In what ways does the contract (A Sharecropping Contract (1866)) limit the freedom of the laborers?

- The freedmen are contractually obligated to "obey" the landowner. - The freedmen are required to compensate the landowner if they miss work for a day.

What are Chief Joseph's complaints about the treatment of his people?

- The white men do not keep their word to his men. - Despite his view that all men are brothers, the white men do not treat Indians as equals.

How did the new state constitutions drafted during Radical Reconstruction expand public responsibilities and provide for equal rights?

- They established a state-funded free public education system. - They created state-run and funded institutions like orphanages, prisons, and homes for the insane.

How did the Reconstruction amendments change the Constitution?

- They expanded the definition of citizenship to include non-whites. - They established the federal government as the protector of rights.

How did the Black Codes attempt to regulate the lives of former slaves?

- They prohibited blacks from serving on juries. - They denied blacks the right to serve in state militias. - They denied blacks the right to testify in court against whites. - They did not allow blacks to vote.

In the 1890s, the Farmers' Alliance evolved into the People's Party (or Populists), the era's greatest political insurgency. Identify the statements that describe the Populists.

- They spread their message through pamphlets, newspapers, and speakers. - They wanted government to move beyond partisan conflicts to promote the public good.

Why was education so important to freed blacks?

- They wanted the opportunity to take part in politics. - They wanted to be able to read the Bible. - They wanted to prepare to participate in the economic marketplace.

Identify the statements that describe the Redeemers and the impact of their rise to power.

- They were a group of merchants, planters, and entrepreneurs who dominated regional politics and sought to undo Reconstruction efforts - They reduced budgets for schools and hospitals, as well as reduced taxes for people who owned property. - They passed new laws authorizing the arrest of virtually any person without a job and greatly increased the penalties for petty crimes.

Identify the statements that describe American westward expansion.

- Western states used land donated by the federal government to establish public universities. - In the twentieth century, the American West became the focus of many federally funded public works projects.

The Populist platform of 1892, adopted at the party's Omaha convention, remains a classic document of American reform. Identify the statements that describe the Populist platform of 1892. T or F?

- called for public ownership of the railroads to ensure farmers would have inexpensive transportation to ship their crops to markets - put forward a list of proposals that would restore democracy and economic opportunity

Identify the statements that describe the objectives of the Freedmen's Bureau.

- establish schools for blacks - secure equal treatment for blacks before the courts - settle disputes between blacks and whites - provide aid to the poor and aged

Identify the components of Andrew Johnson's plan for Presidential Reconstruction.

- repudiation of secession - refusal to pay Confederate debts - appointment of provisional governors - abolition of slavery - state conventions to establish new, loyal - state governments - pardon nearly all white southerners who - took an oath of allegiance to the Union

Who...published The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890), in which he argued that no nation could prosper without a large fleet of ships engaged in international trade?

Alfred T. Mahan

Broke up the land of nearly all the western tribes

Dawes Act

Who...inspired many of the religious missionaries who ventured abroad in the late nineteenth century to spread Christianity to prepare the world for the second coming of Christ, and uplift the poor?

Dwight Moody

According to Social Darwinism, the evolutionary process in humans was based on the survival of communities working together. Democratic Social Darwinists wanted the state to be the means of alleviating poverty to ensure the survival of the community.


Most of the farms on the Great Plains were bonanza farms that covered thousands of acres and employed large numbers of agricultural wage workers.


Populists refused to support the creation of labor unions and opposed government interference in the economy. T or F?


The Battle of the Little Bighorn was an example of how the Indians ocassionally managed to defeat army units as they sought to defend their tribal lands.


The conquest of the American West was a unique phenomenon in global history, whereby settlers moved boldly into the interior of regions of a great continent with a temperate climate, bringing their families, crops, and livestock, and establishing mining and other industries.


The new state governments under the control of Republicans failed to improve life in the South during Reconstruction. T or F?


Why did Congress bring articles of impeachment against Andrew Johnson?

He violated the Tenure of Office Act.

Who...was secretary of state to President Benjamin Harrison who urged the president to acquire key territories for naval bases?

James G. Blaine

Identify the statements that describe the Knights of Labor.

The Knights of Labor included women in its membership.

How did the Populists try to appeal to industrial workers?

They protected striking miners.

Former slaves worked to reunite and stabilize their families in the Reconstruction period.


The Bargain of 1877 decided the election of 1876 in favor of the Republicans, while the Republicans promised to recognize Democratic control of the South, essentially ending Reconstruction.


The Fifteenth Amendment divided the women's movement, as some of its leaders, who were disappointed that it didn't enfranchise woman, separated from their former antislavery allies, while others stayed aligned with them in support of the greater cause for equal rights for all. T or F?


The Fifteenth Amendment prohibited the federal and state governments from denying any citizen the right to vote because of race.


The Fourteenth Amendment established the principle of citizenship for all persons born in the United States and empowered the federal government to protect the rights of all Americans.


The Gilded Age marketplace proved to be chaotic as businesses in all industries engaged in ruthless competition. In response to this chaos, many businesses created trusts—legal devices whereby the affairs of several companies were managed by a single director. T or F?


The Knights of Labor were the first group to try to organize unskilled and skilled labor, both men and women, and black and white, though they gave into West Coast racism and excluded the despised immigrants from Asia on the West Coast.


The Ku Klux Klan was a racially motivated terrorist organization that spread throughout the entire South during Reconstruction. T or F?


The Liberal Republican Party began to side with Democrats in believing that the federal government's power had grown too much during the war and needed to be curtailed. T or F?


The Social Gospel movement originated as an effort to reform Protestant churches by expanding their appeal in poor urban neighborhoods and making them more attentive to the era's social ills.


The era from 1870 to 1890 was called the Gilded Age because it suggested that outward appearances were misleading, and one needed to look under the surface to understand what was happening.


U.S. soldiers opened fire on unarmed Ghost Dancers, killing 150 to 200 of them out of fear of an uprising.

Wounded Knee Massacre

What was Coxey's Army?

a group of unemployed businessmen who marched to Washington, D.C., to demand economic relief

- Northern whites relocated to the South after the Civil War. Southern whites believed they had come simply for economic gain. - Their name suggests they packed all of their belongings in a suitcase and left their homes eager to take advantage of opportunities in the South. These are what?


- Interruptions to cotton exportation led many farmers to go into debt and threatened them with the loss of their land. - Mainly tenant farming

farmers in the south

- Mortgaged land to purchase equipment, seed, and fertilizer

farmers in the west

practice of buying out competing firms in an industry to monopolize an industry

horizontal expansions

Established to ensure that railroads charged farmers and merchants reasonable rates and did not offer better treatment to some shippers

interstate commerce commission

lone dissenting Supreme Court Justice in Plessy v. Ferguson

john marshall harlan

State laws that required separate but equal facilities for the races

plessy v ferguson

business leaders who wielded power without any accountability in an unregulated marketplace

robber barons

The Supreme Court invalidated most of the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

the civil rights cases

the process of controlling all aspects of business from procuring raw materials, to manufacturing, transporting, and distributing the final product

vertigal integration

The idea of the Lost Cause was a romanticized view of the causes of the Civil War, slavery, and the Old South. This myth was perpetuated by many southern churches and denominations, creating a mythology that equated the South's defeat with the death of Christ, as if the South had been sacrificed for the sins of the United States. T or F?


Created a merit-based system for federal employees, with appointment via competitive testing rather than political appointment

civil service act of 1883

- These were wartime Unionists who cooperated with the Republicans to prevent "rebels" from returning to power. - Southern whites supported the Republican Party and were believed to be traitors to their race by many southern whites. These are what?


Banned all combinations and practices that restrained free trade.

sherman anti-trust act

What direction was the women's movement taking in the late nineteenth century?

- As women moved into areas that had previously only been open to men, they demanded a political voice. - With the rise in the employment of women came a new focus on woman suffrage.

Identify the statements that describe the Haymarket Affair.

- Eight men were charged with carrying out the bombing. - Four strikers were killed by police on May 3, 1886, when they clashed with strikebreakers.

Identify the statements that describe the experiences of African-Americans in the South.

- In most of the Deep South, African-Americans owned a smaller percentage of land in 1900 than they did at the end of Reconstruction. - Black men were excluded from white-collar jobs.

What does this cartoon reveal about popular attitudes toward companies like Standard Oil in the 1900s?

- Industries disregarded the rights of individual employees. - Industries had become too big to control, and they threatened to take over the world. - Industries functioned outside the law and were viewed as more powerful than the government.

Why did former slaves believe that landownership was the cornerstone of freedom?

- It allowed for the development of black communities independent of white control. - They were entitled to the land because of their unpaid labor.

Identify the statements that describe examples of Christian moral reform and its successful attempts to stamp out sin.

- Mann Act of 1910 - Gambling, prostitution, polygamy, and birth control were all targets of the legislation attempts to control or eliminate by - - Evangelical Christians in the Gilded Age. Christian Temperance Union

Identify the statements that describe segregation in the south.

- Plessy v. Ferguson provided the legal grounding for the institutionalization of segregation in the South. - Segregation was part of a larger system of white supremacy.

Within the labor movement, the demise of the Knights of Labor led to a shift away from the broadly reformist past to more limited goals. The ascendancy of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) was indicative of this new direction. Identify the statements that describe the AFL.

- Rather than confronting the owners of industry head on, the AFL devoted itself to negotiating with employers for better working conditions and higher wages. - The new AFL policies became known as "business unionism" in the language of the era's business culture.

Why did southerners oppose Reconstruction?

- Reconstruction governments were corrupt. - Poor southern whites did not experience the improvement to their economic situation as they had hoped. - Southern whites could not accept the idea of blacks' equality.

The "overwhelming labor question" replaced slavery as the hot-button topic in the late nineteenth century. Identify the events and actions that illustrate the "overwhelming labor question."

- Troops fired on striking workers in Pittsburgh, killing twenty people. - the Great Railroad Strike - The federal government built National Guard armories in major cities to ensure troops would be on hand if strikes got out of control.

Identify the statements that describe the Ghost Dance and Wounded Knee massacre.

- U.S. troops opened fire on Ghost Dancers, killing 150 to 200 of them. - Fearful of a general uprising on the reservations, the U.S. government sent troops in response to the Ghost Dance.

Identify the statements that describe Booker T. Washington and his ideas.

- Washington urged blacks to adjust to segregation and abandon agitation for civil and political rights. - Washington emphasized the importance of vocational education that would lead to a job over a broad education.

Which of the following are true concerning the 1896 election?

- William Jennings Bryan was the candidate for the Democrats and the Populists. - Republicans' main challenge to the Populists' candidate was the "gold standard" as gold was the only "honest" currency. - The election of 1896 is considered the first "modern" election by many historians.

Identify the functions of black churches in Reconstruction South.

- a place of worship - political gathering spot - a place for social gatherings - housed schools

Identify the statements below that describe the Reconstruction amendments.

- consisted of three amendments, which ultimately led to the incorporation of black Americans into society as citizens - served as the constitutional basis for the civil rights movement of the 1960s

Identify the statements that describe the Civil Rights Bill of 1866.

- defined all persons born in the United States as citizens - ensured all citizens enjoyed a set of basic rights

What does Washington believe are the main routes to black advancement?

- embrace the work that is available in order to prosper - collaborate with white neighbors in order to support mutual progress

Between 1890 and 1906, every southern state attempted to enact laws and constitutional provisions meant to eliminate the black vote. Identify the methods and laws implemented to disenfranchise African-Americans and, to a lesser extent, poor whites.

- grandfather clause - poll tax - literacy requirements

Identify the factors that contributed to the weakening of northern support for Reconstruction.

- northern journalists' depictions of the failure of southern black leadership - the growth of Democratic power in Congress - the Supreme Court's failure to fully uphold the rights of blacks - the economic depression of the early 1870s

Identify the statements that describe sharecropping.

- preferred by former slaves because it allowed them to work without white supervision - a compromise between blacks' desire for landownership and whites' need to discipline their labor force - guaranteed planters a stable labor force - required farmers to divide the crop with the landowner at the end of the year

Identify the provisions of the Radical plan for Reconstruction.

- the Fourteenth Amendment - state guarantees of black men's right to vote - creation of new state governments - temporary division of the South into military districts

Native American victory over the U.S. army in June of 1876

Battle of Little Big Horn

How did Congress attempt to eradicate the power of the Ku Klux Klan?

Enforcement Acts

Between the end of the Civil War and the early twentieth century, the United States experienced stagnant economic growth and the loss of international markets.


Every Republican candidate for president from 1868 to 1900 except for James G. Blaine had fought in the Confederate army in the Civil War.


In 1879 and 1880, an estimated 40,000-60,000 African-Americans migrated to Alabama seeking political equality, freedom from violence, access to education, and economic opportunity. T or F?


In 1879, the United States went off the gold standard to help debt-ridden farmers.


In 1899, Secretary of State John Hay announced the Open Door Policy with China demanding that Chinese authorities allow immigration to the United States. T or F?


The Immigration Restriction League, while having a large membership, failed to have any impact on legislation in Congress limiting the influx of immigrants to the United States. T or F?


The Platt Amendment in the Cuban constitution was a guarantee from the U.S. government that it would not interfere in Cuban domestic affairs. T or F?


The Republicans in Congress were unified in their vision for Reconstruction.


The United States was the only society to experience problems with labor during the transition from slavery to freedom.


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