Chapter 15 & 16 World History Test

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How did the works of northern European artists differ from the works of Italian artists?

A key difference was the scale of their works.

How was education during the Renaissance shaped by humanism?

By creating a liberal course of study that prepared the whole person through varied studies.

How did humanism help define the Italian Renaissance?

By stressing the individual, the classics, new approaches to education, and new artistic techniques and subjects.

Why did Calvinism become an important form of Protestantism by the mid-sixteenth century?

Calvinism became an important form of Protestantism because of new ideas and theories about salvation. Calvanism stressed the idea of predestination.

What contributed to the rise of the Italian states during the Renaissance?

Causes: their independence, in the absence of a central Italian ruler, and their wealth, derived from trade.

Why was the Holy Roman Empire forced to seek peace with the Lutheran princes?

Charles V's need to keep the Holy Roman Empire unified and to protect it against external enemies forced him to make peace with the German Lutheran princes.

How did Desiderius Erasmus and Christian humanism pave the way for the Protestant Reformation in Europe?

Erasmus said faith was more important than external practices and rituals. Both the movement to end corruption and the emphasis on faith were key to the Reformation.

Who is the father of Italian Renaissance humanism?

Francesco Petrarch.

. Who was King Henry VIII and what did he do?

He dissolved the catholic monasteries in England and founded the Church of England so that he could grant himself a divorce. The was known as the English Reformation.

How did Machiavelli's work influence political power in the Western world?

He encouraged ruthlessness in the exercise of political power in the Western world and he argued that political activity should not be restricted by moral principles. The ends justify the means.

What was a key difference between the northern European artists and the Italian artists?

In the north, the Gothic cathedrals with their stained glass windows did not allow enough space for the fresco painting that the Italians were doing. Therefore, many northern European artists concentrated on painting illustrations for books and wooden panels for altarpieces.

What was the Peace of Augsburg?

It recognized the right of the German states to choose if they want to be Catholic or Lutheran

What made the English Reformation different from the Reformation in the rest of Europe?

It was mostly political, not religious.

What role did Martin Luther and his ideas play in the Reformation?

Luther's Ninety-Five Theses started the Reformation. His refusal to compromise with the Catholic Church or the Holy Roman Empire sustained the process.

What two major developments in the Renaissance combined to vastly increase the literacy rate (the number of people who could read) among Europeans?

Mechanized printing and texts written in the vernacular

How did the Reformation affect European society?

Protestants established new schools; the women's role was reinforced and family life became more central; anti-Semitic sentiment grew.

How was society characterized during the Renaissance?

Renaissance society had a rigid social structure largely based on wealth, and fathers dominated family life. Society had been divided into three social classes: the clergy, the nobility, and the peasants and townspeople. Peasants still constituted the vast majority of the total European population

What idea became the chief teaching of Lutheranism?

Salvation through faith alone.

Who were the Anabaptists and what were their core beliefs?

The Anabaptists had the following dangerous beliefs: people had free will in religious faith; the church and state were separate; all believers were equal.

What happened at the Council of Trent?

The Catholic Reformation was prompted by corruption in the Church and the papacy. The Church also needed to regain ground it had lost to the Protestant Reformation. The final decrees of the Council reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings in opposition to Protestant beliefs. Both faith and good works were declared necessary for salvation. The seven sacraments, the Catholic view of the Eucharist, and clerical celibacy were all upheld. Belief in purgatory and in the use of indulgences was strengthened, although the selling of indulgences was forbidden.

What were the major territorial states in Italy and what enabled them to rise to power? What kind of power did they have?

The city-states of Milan, Venice, and Florence, the Papal States centered in Rome, and the Kingdom of Naples were the five major territorial states in Renaissance Italy. The Italian states rose to power as a result of a prosperous trade that had expanded during the Middle Ages. Each state dominated the economic, political, and cultural life of its region.

What group was key to the spread of Lutheranism?

The german princes

How did the growth of monarchical states in Europe affect the Italian states?

The growth of monarchical states in Europe caused problems for the Italian states. Monarchies in Europe wanted the riches of the Italian states, and the result was decades of battles between the French and the Spanish, who fought to dominate the region.

Who was Ulrich Zwingli?

The head of the reformation in Switzerland. He tried to form an alliance with the German reformation but failed to do so because they could not agree on issue of the rituals.

What was Machiavelli's most influential work?

the prince

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