Chapter 15 Macroeconomics

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In the figure to the​ right, the opportunity cost of holding money _______ when moving from Point A to Point B on the money demand curve.


The goals of monetary policy tend to be interrelated. For​ example, when the Fed pursues the goal of​ __________, it also can achieve the goal of​ ________________ simultaneously.

high​ employment; economic growth

According to the Taylor rule... ​, what is the federal funds target rate under the following​ conditions? Equilibrium real federal funds rate equals 44​% Target rate of inflation equals 44​% Current inflation rate equals 33​% Real GDP is 11​% below potential real GDP The federal funds target rate equals ___


What two institutions did Congress create in order to increase the availability of mortgages in a secondary​ market?

​"Fannie Mae" and​ "Freddie Mac"

Why did the Fed help JP Morgan Chase buy Bear​ Stearns?

Commercial banks would be reluctant to lend to investment banks. B. Failure of Bear Stearns would lead to a larger investment bank failure.

What is inflation​ targeting?

Committing the central bank to achieve an announced level of inflation.

The Fed uses monetary policy to offset the effects of a recession​ (high unemployment and falling prices when actual real GDP falls short of potential​ GDP) and the effects of a rapid expansion​ (high prices and​ wages). Can the​ Fed, therefore, eliminate​ recessions?

The Fed can only soften the magnitude of​ recessions, not eliminate them.

Nobel laureate Milton Friedman and his followers belong to a school of thought known as monetarism. What do the monetarists argue the Fed should​ target?

The Fed should target the money​ supply, not the interest​ rate, and that it should adopt the monetary growth rule.

What can we expect from the Federal Reserve Bank if it seeks to move the economy in the direction of​ long-run macroeconomic​ equilibrium? If the​ Fed's policy is​ successful, what is the effect on the following​ indicators?

The Fed will pursue a contractionary monetary policy. decrease does not change decrease increase

As the figure to the right​ indicates, the Fed can affect both the money supply and interest rates.​ However, in recent​ years, the Fed targets interest rates in monetary policy more often than it does the money supply. Which interest rate does the Fed​ target?

The federal funds rate

Changes in interest rates affect aggregate demand. Which of the following is affected by changes in interest rates​ and, as a​ result, impacts aggregate​ demand? ​(Mark all that​ apply.)

The value of the dollar Consumption of durable goods Business investment projects

The federal funds rate

is the rate that banks charge each other for​ short-term loans of excess reserves.

The _____ is considered the most relevant interest rate when conducting monetary policy.

short-term nominal interest rate

In the figure to the​ right, when the money supply increased from MS 1MS1 , the equilibrium interest rate fell from​ 4% to​ 3%. Why?

All of the above. Increased demand for Treasury securities drives up their prices. Increased demand for Treasury securities drives down their interest rate. ​Initially, firms hold more money than they want relative to other financial assets.

The figure to the right illustrates a dynamic AD-AS model Suppose the economy is in equilibrium in the first period at point A. In the second​ period, the economy reaches point B. We would expect the Fed to pursue what type of policy in order to move AD to AD2 policy, and reach equilibrium​ (point C) in the second​ period? If the Federal Reserve​ Bank's policy is​ successful, what is the effect on the following macroeconomic​ indicators? Actual real​ GDP: Potential real GDP Price level unemployment

Expansionary monetary policy increase does not change increase decrease

In the figure to the​ right, which of the following events is most likely to cause a shift in the money demand​ (MD) curve from MD 1MD1 to MD 2MD2 ​(Point A to Point ​C)​?

Increase in real GDP or increase in the price level

How do investment banks differ from commercial​ banks? ​(Mark all that​ apply.)

Investment banks generally do not lend to households. Investment banks do not take deposits.

Which of the following is NOT a monetary policy goal of the Federal Reserve bank​ (the Fed)?

Low prices

Consider the figure to the right. Can the Fed achieve a​ $900 billion money supply​ (MS) AND a​ 5% interest rate​ (point C)?

No. The Fed cannot target both the money supply and the interest rate simultaneously.

Suppose the economy is in equilibrium in the first period at point A. In the second​ period, the economy reaches point B. What policy would the Fed likely pursue in order to move AD 2AD2 to AD Subscript 2 comma policyAD2, policy and reach equilibrium​ (point C) in the second​ period? ​ (What policy will increase the price level and increase actual real​ GDP?)

Open market purchase of government securities

The figure to the right illustrates a dynamic AD-AS model Suppose the economy is in equilibrium in the first period at point A. In the second​ period, the economy reaches point B. What policy would the Fed likely pursue in order to move AD 2AD2 to AD Subscript 2 comma policyAD2, policy and reach equilibrium​ (point C) in the second​ period?

Open market purchase of government securities.

If the Federal Reserve is late to recognize a recession and implements an expansionary policy too​ late, the result could be an increase in inflation during the beginning of the next phase. Even though the goal had been to reduce the severity of the​ recession, the poor timing caused another​ problem: inflation. This is an example of what type of​ policy?

Procyclical policy

The figure to the right illustrates the economy using the Dynamic Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Model If actual real GDP in 2006 occurs at point B and potential GDP occurs at LRAS 06LRAS06​, we would expect the Federal Reserve Bank to pursue _____ monetary policy. If the​ Fed's policy is​ successful, what is the effect of the policy on the following macroeconomic​ indicators? Actual real GDP Potential real GDP Price level unemployment

a contractionary decreases does not change decreases increases

When the Federal Open Market Committee​ (FOMC) decides to increase the money​ supply it _____, U.S. Treasury securities. If the FOMC wishes to decrease the money​ supply, it ___ U.S. Treasury securities..

buys ; sells

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