Chapter 16: Urinary System

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What's the product of cellular respiration?


Hormone that increases sodium reabsorption


Hormone necessary to concentrate urine or that stimulates birth anatomy of nephron?

Antidiuretic hormone

Why is urine yellow?

Because of the destruction of Hemoglobin

Chemical system that prevents dramatic changes in blood pH

Blood buffers

Receives urine from collecting ducts


Starting at the medullary pyramid, where does urine flow to reach out of the body?

Calyces, renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra

Function of osmoreceptors?

Detects changes in osmotic pressure

The 3 layers of the bladder wall are collectively known as what and its mucosa consists of what?

Detrusor muscle; transitional epithelium

Fluid within nephron


What's the difference between filtrate and urine?

Filtrate is formed in kidneys while urine formation is taking place then urine is formed in the bladder

Process that occurs within renal corpuscle


What're Nephrons responsible for?

Formation of urine

Where does the filtrate flow from and to?

Glomerular capsule, PCT, loop of Henle, DCT, papillary duct

What is normally present in filtrate but not normally present in urine?


Location of thirst center


Where does most reabsorption of substances from the glomerular filtrate occur?

In the proximal convoluted tubule

Largest fluid compartment

Intracellular fluid

Type of nephron located at boundary of cortex and medulla

Juxtamedullary Nephron

Involved in long-term regulation of body pH


What's the functional unit of the urinary system?


Emptying of the urinary bladder


Functional unit of kidney


What's a fat mass that surrounds each kidney that provide protective cushioning?

Perirenal fat capsule

Receive substances reabsorbed from filtrate

Peritubular capillaries

Location of seminal vesicle?

Posterior to urinary bladder and/or prostate gland

What is not normally present in filtrate?


What're kidney stones also called?

Renal calculi

Glomerulus plus glomerular capsule

Renal corpuscle

Outer region of kidney

Renal cortex

What's the most superficial region of the kidney?

Renal cortex

Deep region of kidney

Renal medulla

Triangular region of renal medulla

Renal pyramid

What enzyme produced by the kidneys helps to regulate blood pressure?


A fast-acting system for regulating body pH

Respiratory System

Position of kidneys against posterior abdominal wall


What're osmoreceptors?

Sensory receptor found in hypothalamus

What's the urethra made out of?

Smooth muscle fibers

What's the term used to describe how much heavier urine is than distilled water is?

Specific gravity

What does spermatogenesis produce?


What're the external sphincters?

Striated muscle that's voluntary

Where's sperm produced?


What're the primary sex organs of both females and males?

Testes and vulva

Blood leaving an afferent arteriole would enter where?

The glomerulus

The smooth triangular region at the base of the bladder is called?


What's known as the uptake of substances from the renal tubules of nephrons?

Tubular reabsorption

Carries urine into urinary bladder


What structure carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder?


Carries urine out of body


Where does fertilization occur?

Uterine tubes

Antidiuretic hormone stimulates tubular reabsorption of what?


What're the internal sphincters?

circular muscle tissue that's involuntary

What're the layers that cover an ovulated egg?

~Plasma membrane ~zona pellucida ~corona radiata

What does urine formation require?

~glomerular filtration ~tubular reabsorption ~tubular secretion

Describe the hileum of the kidney

~hileum is a concave indentation of the kidney ~hileum is where ureter exits kidney ~renal blood vessels and nerves enter and exit hileum

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