Chapter 17

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The small intestine consists of three sections. As food passes from the stomach through the small intestine, it passes through the ___ (indicated by the letter "A"), then through the ___ (indicated by "B"), and then through the ___ (indicated by "C").

Blank 1: duodenum Blank 2: jejunum Blank 3: ileum

The alimentary canal consists of four layers that are, beginning with the innermost tissues, the ___, submucosa, muscularis externa, and ___

Mucosa and serosa

What is the main function of the small intestine?

absorption of nutrients

List the substances absorbed from the stomach.

alcohol small volumes of water lipid-soluble drugs

The pancreatic enzyme that digests starch is called pancreatic


Where is the pharynx located?

back of throat

The hormone secretin stimulates the pancreas to secrete a solution high in ______.

bicarbonate ions

The liquid that is created and secreted by the liver to help with lipid digestion is


The largest segment of the stomach is the


Enzymes in saliva begin the chemical digestion of ______ in the mouth.


Pancreatic amylase breaks ______ down into ______.

carbohydrates; disaccharides

The large intestine consists of the ______, ______, ______, and the anal canal.

cecum, colon, rectum

Secretions essential to stomach function are regulated in three phases: the ___ phase, the ___ phase, and the ___ phase

cephalic, gastric, intestinal

What are the three phases of gastric secretion?

cephalic, gastric, intestinal

Breaking down macromolecules into building blocks, as when amino acids are released from proteins, occurs during ___ digestion


Enzymes breaking down nucleic acids into nucleotides in the small intestine is an example of what type of digestion?

chemical digestion

Once food is mixed with gastric juice, it is called


The soupy mixture of semidigested food formed in the stomach is known as


The ______ is formed by the merging of the right and left hepatic ducts.

common hepatic duct

What are the effects of sympathetic impulses on the digestive system?

decreases secretions and peristalsis

The mechanical and chemical breakdown of foods into forms that the cells can use is called ______.


The pancreas secretes ______ by exocrine mechanisms, and ______ by endocrine mechanisms.

digestive enzymes and insulin

The ___ is a straight muscular tube conveying food from pharynx to the stomach.


Which structure has no digestive function, but conveys food to the stomach?


Which is NOT included in the alimentary canal?

gall bladder

The mucus-secreting cells in the epithelium of the intestine are called ______ cells.


The roof of the mouth consists of a bony anterior portion called the ______ and a muscular posterior portion called the ______.

hard palate and soft palate

Where is the parotid gland located?

in front of the ear

Parasympathetic impulses generally ______ the activities of the digestive system, including motility and enzyme secretion.


What is the function of bile salts?

increases surface area of fatty substances, allowing better access for lipase enzymes

Sympathetic impulses generally ______ the mixing and propelling movements of the digestive system.


Some of the unique aspects of the wall of the large intestine are that it ______ villi, it ______ teniae coli, and it ______ haustra.

lacks; has; has

The digestive organ that runs up the right side of the abdominal cavity, then across the top and down the left side before entering the pelvic cavity is the ___ ___.

large intestine

The structures surrounding the mouth opening that contain skeletal muscles and sensory receptors useful in judging the temperature and texture of foods are the


Where is bile produced?


The large, lobed organ in the image is the ___, which is mostly located in the upper ___ abdominal quadrant

liver, right

When responding to hormones such as insulin and glucagon, liver cells ______ blood glucose levels by polymerizing glucose to glycogen, and ______ blood glucose levels by breaking down glycogen to glucose or by converting noncarbohydrates into glucose.

lower; raise

The oral cavity functions in ______.

mastication, speech, and sensory perception

The physical breakdown of food into smaller particles (by processes such as chewing and segmentation) is known as ___ digestion


There are two main components to digestion, ______ digestion and ______ digestion.

mechanical and chemical

The movements of the small intestine include segmentation which ______ intestinal contents and peristaltic contractions which ______ intestinal contents.

mixes; propel

What are functions of motor movements in the alimentary canal?

move the contents along the tract. mix the contents with fluids

What do goblet cells secrete?


What is secreted by the large intestine?


The three parts of the pharynx are the ___, ___, and the ___.

nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx

The first stage of swallowing involves the tongue moving the bolus into the ______. This process is a(n) ______ action.

oropharynx; voluntary

A spongy retroperitoneal organ located posterior to the stomach and partially attached to the small intestines is the


Distension of the intestinal wall stimulates ______ reflexes that trigger the release of small intestine secretions.


Which nervous systems innervate the alimentary tract of the digestive system?

parasympathetic division of autonomic nervous system sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system

When swallowing, a bolus of food moves from the mouth directly into the ___ before reaching the esophagus.


Openings at the ends of tubular gastric glands in the gastric mucosa, as indicated by the arrows are called gastric


What is a definition of segmentation?

rhythmic contraction of the tube that allows for mixing of the contents

The common hepatic duct is formed by the convergence of which two structures?

right and left hepatic ducts

The substance that functions to moisten the mouth, clean the teeth, inhibit bacterial growth, and aid in swallowing by moistening food is called


Identify the accessory organs of the digestive system.

salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas

The hormone that stimulates the pancreas to secrete an abundant amount of fluid rich in bicarbonate ions when acidic chyme enters the duodenum is


The type of movement in the small intestine that is alternately contracting and relaxing of muscles, and that results in mixing of the contents, is called


A salivary gland has two types of cells: ______ cells that produce a watery fluid containing salivary amylase to digest starch and glycogen, and ______ cells that produce a thicker secretion that binds food particles together and lubricates the bolus for swallowing.

serous and mucous

A tubular organ that connects the stomach to the large intestine is the ___ ___.

small intestine

Which organ absorbs the greatest amount of nutrients?

small intestine

Name the J-shaped, pouch-like organ that hangs inferior to the diaphragm in the upper left portion of the abdominal cavity.


The small intestine is a tubular organ that connects which two organs in the digestive tract?

stomach and large intestine

The alimentary canal of the digestive system is controlled by which nervous system?

sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

The hardest structures in the mouth that are not part of the skeletal system are called


Identify the accessory organs of the digestive system.

teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas

The ______ is a thick, muscular organ that occupies the floor of the mouth and nearly fills the oral cavity when the mouth is closed.


The liver is located mainly in the ______ quadrant of the abdominal cavity just ______ to the diaphragm.

upper right; inferior

Small projections of the mucosa of the small intestine that increase the surface area of the intestinal lining are the intestinal


The image is of a small structure within the small intestine known as a(n) ______.


The forceful ejection of stomach and intestinal contents from the mouth is called ______.


What stimulates goblet cells and intestinal glands to secrete their products?

Chyme provides both mechanical and chemical stimulation.

Which are functions of the oral cavity?

Mastication, ingestion, chemical digestion

Why are teeth not considered to be part of the skeletal system?

Teeth contain proteins not found in bones. Teeth have a different structure than bones.

The parasympathetic nervous system controls digestive functions and alters the activity of the digestive system via the ___ nerve


Serous cells in salivary glands secrete a fluid containing an enzyme called salivary ___ which aids in digestion of starch and glycogen. Mucous cells secrete a thick liquid called ___, which lubricates the food during swallowing.

amylase and mucus

The structures forming the lateral walls of the mouth, consisting of outer layers of skin, pads of subcutaneous fat, muscles associated with expression and chewing, and inner linings of moist, stratified squamous epithelium, are the


Which are functions of the liver in the metabolism of carbohydrates?

converts noncarbohydrates to glucose breaks down glycogen to glucose polymerizes glucose to glycogen

The process of breaking down foods, either mechanically or chemically, into forms that cell membranes can absorb is called


Describe the primary function of bile salts. They serve ______.

emulsify fats

The sac on the underside of the liver that serves to store and concentrate bile is called the ______.


Indicate which of the following root words means "stomach."


Tubular glands that open into gastric pits of the fundus and body of the stomach are called ___ glands


What is the body of the stomach?

main part of stomach

The strong and infrequent peristaltic movements in the large intestine that occur only two to three times each day are called ______.

mass movements

The break down of large pieces of food into smaller pieces without changing their chemical composition is called ___ digestion


The motor functions of the alimentary canal are ___ movements that combine food with digestive fluids and ___ movements that move materials along the digestive tract.

mixing and propelling

What is the correct order the layers of the wall of the digestive tract starting with the innermost layer?

mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa

Which accessory organ is located posterior to the parietal peritoneum and closely associated with the small intestine?


Which is an accessory organ of the digestive system?


The largest salivary gland, located anterior and inferior to the ear, is the ___ gland


A wavelike motion of muscle contraction along the wall of the alimentary canal that propels digestive material progressively along its length is called


The movement of the small intestine that mixes its contents is called ___, while the movement that propels its contents toward the large intestine is called ___.

segmentation and peristalsis

Peristalsis is a wave of muscle contraction that occurs in the ______ muscle of the esophagus and other parts of the alimentary canal.


The J-shaped, 25- to 30-centimeter long, pouchlike organ located inferior to the diaphragm in the upper-left portion of the abdominal cavity is the


The large muscular organ that occupies most of the oral cavity proper is called the


Most of swallowing is an autonomic reflex. What part of swallowing is voluntary?

tongue pushing food into the oropharynx

When the stomach lining is irritated significantly, sensory signals are sent to the brainstem, and motor signals return to various structures to cause ______.


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