chapter 17 anatomy and physiology

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Olfactory receptors are found a) throughout the nasal cavity. b) only in the superior portion of the nasal cavity. c) only in the inferior portion of the nasal cavity. d) from the vestibule to the pharynx. e) only in the mid-nasal ridges.


This is a thin mucous membrane that protects the inner aspect of the eyelids and the portion of the sclera covering the anterior surface of the eyeball. a) Palpebral fissure b) Conjunctiva c) Lateral commissure d) Cornea e) Choroid


which of the following structures senses change in rotational acceleration of the head in order to help maintain dynamic equilibrium? a) cochlea b) semicircular canals c) maculae of the vestibule d) organ of corti e) vestibulocochlear nerve


How many extrinsic eye muscles are responsible for moving each eye? a) 10 b) 12 c) 6 d) 4 e) 20


The lens is made of layers of proteins called a) choroids. b) ciliary bodies. c) crystallins. d) cones. e) rods


The main function of this structure is to regulate the amount of light entering the eyeball through the pupil. a) Retina b) Cornea c) Iris d) Choroid e) Ciliary muscle


When sound waves strike this structure, they cause it to vibrate back and forth. a) cochlea b) pinna c) tympanic membrane d) organ of Corti e) vestibulocochlear nerve


Which of the following nerves conducts impulses associated with the sense of gustation? a) Vestibulocochlear b) Oculomotor c) Vagus d) Trigeminal e) Spinal accessory


Which of the types of receptors listed below is primarily used for detecting light rays under bright light conditions? a) olfactory hair cells b) rods c) cones d) ganglion neurons e) amacrine cells


infection of a sebaceous ciliary gland can result in a) blood shot eyes. b) inhibition of tear production. c) a sty. d) glaucoma. e) blindness.


The first step in the visual transduction process that occurs in the retina is a) activation of amacrine cells. b) absorption of scattered light by the pigmented epithelium. c) interruption of the dark current. d) absorption of light by photopigments. e) generation of action potentials in the optic nerve.


This darkly pigmented structure reduces light reflection within the eyeball. a) Sclera b) Conjunctiva c) Iris d) Choroid e) Retina


Which is the correct order in the flow of tears? a) Lacrimal gland, lacrimal sac, lacrimal duct, superior or inferior lacrimal canal, nasolacrimal duct, nasal cavity b) Lacrimal gland, lacrimal duct, superior or inferior lacrimal canal, nasolacrimal duct, lacrimal sac, nasal cavity c) Lacrimal gland, lacrimal duct, nasolacrimal duct, superior or inferior lacrimal canal, lacrimal sac, nasal cavity d) Lacrimal gland, lacrimal duct, superior or inferior lacrimal canal, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal duct, nasal cavity e) Lacrimal gland, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal duct, superior or inferior lacrimal canal, lacrimal duct, nasal cavity


Which of the following types of papillae do NOT contain taste buds? a) Vallate b) Fungiform c) Foliate d) Filiform e) Circumvallate


Which of the structures listed below converts vibrations in the endolymph into action potentials? a) macula b) pinna c) tympanic membrane d) organ of Corti e) cupula


Taste buds are found on a) the epiglottis. b) the pharynx. c) the soft palate. d) both epiglottis and pharynx. e) All of these choices


These cells provide physical support, nourishment and electrical insulation for olfactory receptors cells. a) Dendritic cells b) Glial cells c) Basal stem cells d) Bowman's glands e) Supporting cells


These receptor cells provide for the sense of taste. a) Olfactory hair cells b) Pacinian corpuscles c) Basal stem cells d) Hair cells e) Gustatory cells


This is the transparent layer on the anterior of the eyeball through which the iris can be observed. a) Retina b) Choroid c) Sclera d) Ciliary body e) Corne


Which is NOT considered an accessory structure of the eye? a) Eyelids b) Eyelashes c) Lacrimal apparatus d) Eyebrows e) Retina


Which of the following structures carries action potentials generated by sound transduction? a) vagus nerve b) basilar membrane c) tympanic membrane d) organ of Corti e) vestibulocochlear nerve


Adaptation of the olfactory sense to the continued presentation of an odorant a) occurs rapidly. b) increases sensitivity to that odorant. c) occurs slowly. d) does not occur. e) enhances gustation


Binocular vision a) gives better depth perception. b) provides more accurate color vision. c) is only seen in humans. d) occurs when one eye focuses on two separate objects. e) is all of these choice


The smell receptors that actually bind the odorants and begin signal transduction are located on a) olfactory hairs. b) glial cells. c) basal stem cells. d) Bowman's glands. e) gustatory receptor cells


This lies between the lens and the retina. a) Vitreous chamber b) Anterior chamber c) Anterior cavity d) Cornea e) Aqueous humor


This outer layer of dense connective tissue serves to protect the inner parts of the eyeball. a) Sclera b) Pupil c) Iris d) Cornea e) Retina


Which of the following is the space between the upper and lower eyelids? a) Palpebral fissure b) Levator palpebrae c) Lacrimal caruncle d) Lateral commissure e) Conjunctiva


the olfactory tract a) projects directly to the primary olfactory cortex and to the limbic system and hypothalamus. b) conducts impulses directly to the thalamus. c) contains only motor neurons. d) receives information from the taste buds. e) consists of the olfactory and vestibulocochlear nerves.


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