chapter 19

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Provides support for infectious disease laboratories and collects data

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

virulence factors.

Characteristics of a microorganism that enable it to establish infection and cause disease.

descriptive epidemiological study

Collecting data that characterize the occurrence

common source epidemic

Graph would show a steady increase in number of cases over time, followed by a slow tapering. exposure to a single source of an infection that occurred over a period of time.

Drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa growing on a bar of soap used by a hospitalized but ambulatory patient

Healthcare environment

A physician with a mild case of undiagnosed influenza who reports to work.

Healthcare workers

nosocomial infection

hospital acquired infection

Report on isolation of pathogens with epidemiological significance in treated patients

hospital laboratories


inanimate objects that act as transporters of a pathogen. Ex. dirty tissue

A disease is included on the Notifiable Infectious Diseases List for the CDC if it

is of relatively high incidence or poses potential danger to public health.

morbidity rate

number of people affected

What is a zoonosis

A disease of animals (other than humans) that can be transmitted to humans.

Lack of proper air filtration or regulated airflow

Airborne transmission

Attempt to determine which risk factors are relevant to disease development.

Analytical studies

Attempt to identify potential risk factors that lead to disease.

Descriptive studies

analytical epidemiological study

Designed to determine which potential risk factors are actually relevant in the spread of the disease

propogated epidemic

Graph would show a rapid increase in the number of cases over a period of time. An epidemic sustained over time by its spread from person to person

An unusually large number of cases of a disease in a population.


Used to evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment or intervention in preventing disease.

Experimental studies

Improper sanitation of medical devices

Fomite transmission

A sneezing and coughing patient sharing a room with another patient.

Other patients

Group of cases of a disease in a specific population.


An epidemic that spreads over several continents.


Staphylococcus epidermidis on the patient's skin around the site of an IV catheter insertion.

Patient microbiota

A state entity responsible for infection surveillance and control

Public Health Departments

Report absentee rates for young children

Public schools

characteristics of a pathogen that may affect disease spread

Virulence factors, Disease incubation period, Infectious dose of pathogen

Agency of the United Nations

World Health Organization

zoonotic disease

a disease communicable from animals to humans under natural conditions; like rabies

Diseases constantly present in a population.


The type of epidemiological study that determines the characteristics of the people involved and the time and place of the outbreak


Infection through contact with an infected individual such as another patient or a healthcare worker

direct transmission

HOST factors that would influence epidemiology?

religion, previous immunization or exposure, age of population, gender, health of population, genetic background

The natural habitat of a pathogen or microorganism is called its


Some people are genetically immune to disease such as HIV/AIDS and malaria.


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