Chapter 2 - Key Issue 3: Why Does Population Growth Vary Among Regions?

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When was abortion legalized in India and how many are performed annually?

1972 and 7 million are performed annually

What TFR cause ZPG?

A TFR of approximately 2.1 produces ZPG

What is the One Child Policy?

A couple needs a permit to have a child and receive benefits from the government for obeying the policy

What is a "family-planning fee" in China?

A fee that couples who want a second child must pay the government

What do Critics of Malthus believe in terms of the population growth side of Malthusian Theorem?

A larger population could stimulate economic growth and therefore production of more food. A large consumer population can generate a greater demand for goods, which result in more jobs

What is the Malthusian Theorem?

A theory created by Thomas Malthus stating that world's rate of population increase was far outrunning the development of food supplies (because population increased geometrically and food supply increases arithmetically)

How have government-sponsored family-planning programs in India emphasized education?

Advertisements on national radio, television networks, information distributed through local health centers (Limited success)

What would characterize a possible stage 5 of the Demographic Transition Model?

After several decades of very low birth rates, a stage 5 country would have relatively few young women aging into child-bearing years. As the smaller pool of women each chooses to have fewer children, birth rates would continue to fall even more than in stage 4.

Where HAS emphasizing the importance of contraceptives already had the largest impact?

Bangladesh (56% of women use contraceptives than previous 6%)

Why does the Chinese government allow for a "family-planning fee"?

Because it covers the cost to the government of supporting the additional person

Describe STAGE 3 in the demographic transition model (CBR, CDR, NIR, etc.)

Birth rates rapidly decline Death rates continue to decline Natural increase rates begin to moderate

What declined in India after 1976 and why?

Birth-control drive because many opposed sterilization program (fear of being forcibly sterilized)

_____ in China provide _____ on a wider range of _____ options

CLINICS in China provide COUNSELING on a wider range of FAMILY-PLANNING options

How did Europe and North America reach STAGE 2?

Caused by Industrial Revolution which began in the UK in the late eighteenth century and diffused to the Europe and North America during 19th century

How did Africa, Asia and Latin America reach STAGE 2?

Caused by the medical revolution in which improved medical practices eliminated many of the traditional causes of death in developing countries and enabled more people to experience longer and healthier lives

Where HAS emphasizing the importance of improving the local economic conditions already had the largest impact?

Colombia, Morocco, Thailand (Acceptance of family planning)

What conclusion did Thomas Malthus reach based on his theory?

Concluded that population growth would press against available resources in every country unless "moral restraint" produced lower CBRs or unless disease, famine, war or other disasters produced higher CDRs

Identify STAGE 4 countries

Denmark and many other European countries have reached stage 4.

What is the dominant form of birth control in India currently?

Dominant form of birth control continues to be sterilization of women

What is "lowering birth rates through education and health care"?

Emphasizes the importance of improving local economic conditions

What is "lowering birth rates through contraception"?

Emphasizes the importance of rapidly diffusing modern contraceptive methods

Identify STAGE 2 countries

Europe and North America after 1750 Did not diffuse to Africa, Asia and Latin America until around 1950

What improbable fears are there due to the relaxing of the One Child Policy in China?

Fears that relaxing the One Child Policy would produce a large increase in the birth rate have been unfounded

What benefits do couples in China receive in return for only having one child in accordance with the One Child Policy?

Financial subsidies, a long maternity leave, better housing, more land (rural areas)

What kind of countries are more likely to already have negative NIRs and why?

Former Communist Countries (ex. Russia). The low CBR can be attributed from a long tradition of strong family-planning programs and deep-seated pessimism about having children in an uncertain world. The high CDR may be a legacy of inadequate pollution controls and inaccurate reporting by the Communists.

What were some features of India's national family-planning program?

Government established clinics, provided information about alternative methods of birth control, birth-control devices have been distributed free or at subsidized prices

In what ways was Malthus mistaken?

He expected population to quadruple in half a century but he did not

What do Critics of Malthus believe in terms of the resource depletion side of Malthusian Theorem?

His views are unrealistically pessimistic because they are based on belief that the world's supply of resources is fixed rather than expanding

Which country was the first to create a national family-planning program in 1952?


Which Indian Prime Minister was defeated in 1977?

Indira Ghandi

Why is Japan's population expected to decline?

Instead of a very high percentage of children, Japan will have a very high percentage of elderly people

How is Japan's population expected to change by 2050?

It is expected to decline from 127 million in 2010 to 95 million in 2050. By 2050, the Japanese pyramid is expected to be reversed from that of 1950.

Identify STAGE 5 Countries


What caused India to create a national family-planning program?

Low CDR, High CBR in 1947 (population rising too quickly)

Identify the TWO strategies that have been successful in reducing birth rates

Lowering birth rates through contraception Lowering birth rates through education and health care

Where has Malthus's theory proven right?

Malthus was fairly close to the mark of the food production side, however overall it has increased during the last half-century somewhat more rapidly than Malthus predicted.

Why would a STAGE 5 country experience an increased CDR?

More old people. With more elderly people than children, a stage 5 country would experience an increased CDR because of high mortality among the relatively large number of elderly people.

Why has "lowering birth rates through education and health care" been successful?

More women in school = learn employment skills and gain more economic control over their lives Women better understand their reproductive rights and make more informed choices in terms of contraception More likely to choose to make more effective use of contraceptives to limit the number of children and ensure the survival of more infants

Identify STAGE 3 countries

Most countries in Europe and North America moved from stage 2 to stage 3 during the first half of the twentieth century Second half of the 20th century in many countries in Asia and Latin America - like Chile (developing)

What did Indias 'new' government in 1977 emphasize in terms of the family-planning program?

New government (1977) emphasized the voluntary planning nature of birth-control programs

How many elderly people are there in comparison to young people in Stage 4?

Number of young and elderly people is almost equal

When did India's sterilization numbers peak and what were they?

Peaked with 8.3 million sterilizations performed in a 6-month period

What do most people in Stage 1 depend on for food?

People depend mostly on hunting and gathering for food

Where are people more likely to live in Stage 3?

People more likely to live in urban than rural

What benefits do couples in China receive in return for only marrying at a certain age in accordance with the One Child Policy?

People receive free: Contraceptives, abortions, sterilizations

Why does the population grow in Stage 3?

Population grows because CBR > CDR

What age are men and women able to marry in China?

Prohibit marriage for men until 22 and women until 20

Why has "lowering birth rates through contraception" been successful?

Putting more resources into family planning programs can reduce birth rates much more rapidly than waiting for economic development In developing countries, demand for contraceptive devices is greater than the available supply - therefore, must distribute more cheaply and quickly

Describe STAGE 2 in the demographic transition model (CBR, CDR, NIR, etc.)

Rapidly declining death rates Very high birth rates Very high natural increase

What event signifies the beginning of Stage 2 and 3?

Stage 2 - Stage 3 when CBR begins to drop sharply

Where WILL emphasizing the importance of contraceptives have the largest impact and why?

Sub-saharan Africa because only 1/4 of women use contraceptives

What policy is responsible for substantial progress in reducing China's rate of growth?

The One Child Policy which was established in 1980 (Since 2000, China has actually had a lower CBR than the US)

Demographic Transition

The demographic transition is a process of change with several stages and every country is in one of the stages.

What was a controversial feature of India's national family-planning program and why?

The establishment of sterilization camps in 1971 because people were paid to become sterile (about the same as average monthly income)

Identify the two "big breaks" in the demographic transition

The first break: the sudden drop in the death rate The second break: the sudden drop in the birth rate

What are the causes of the second big break in the demographic transition?

The sudden drop in the birth rate that comes from changing social customs (has yet to be achieved in many countries)

What are the causes of the first big break in the demographic transition?

The sudden drop in the death rate that comes from technological innovation (has been accomplished everywhere)

What do Critics of Malthus believe in terms of hunger and poverty?

The world possesses sufficient resources to eliminate global hunger and poverty, if only these resources are shared equally

Identify STAGE 1 countries

There are no countries in Stage 1

What were some of Thomas Malthus' predictions based on his theory?

Today: 1 person, 1 unit of food 25 years: 2 persons, 2 units 50 years: 4 persons, 3 units 75 years: 8 persons, 4 units 100 years: 16 persons, 5 units

Describe STAGE 1 in the demographic transition model (CBR, CDR, NIR, etc.)

Very high birth rates Very high death rates No long-term natural increase

Describe STAGE 5 in the demographic transition model (CBR, CDR, NIR, etc.)

Very low CBR Increasing CDR Negative NIR (declining population)

Describe STAGE 4 in the demographic transition model (CBR, CDR, NIR, etc.)

Very low birth rates Very low death rates Almost no long-term natural increase and possibly a decrease

When do countries reach STAGE 3?

When people have fewer children

Why is a decline in population problematic for Japan?

With few immigrants, Japan faces a severe shortage of workers. Japan is addressing the labor force shortage primarily by encouraging more Japanese people to work, especially older people and women. In the long run, more women in the labor force may translate into an even lower birth rate and therefore an even lower NIR in the future.

How have countries reached STAGE 4 of the Demographic Transition Model?

Women enter the labor force. People use wide varieties of birth-control methods

What do Neo-Malthusians believe in terms of Malthusian Theorem?

World population growth is outstripping a wide variety of resources, not just food production

What is ZPG?

Zero Population Growth is when the CBR and CDR are close in value

What government agency enforces the One Child Policy in China?

the State Family Planning Commission

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