Chapter 2 Psych: Life span development

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germinal, embryonic, fetal

3 stages of prenatal development


A cell's nucleus, including the chromosomes, duplicates itself, and the cell divides

Down Syndrome

A chromosome-transmitted form of intellectual disability caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21 is called what?

natural selection

According to the ___________ perspective, adaptive behavior is that which promotes and organisms survival in the natural habitat

Adoption studies

Allows researchers to compare adopted children with their biological vs adoptive family members 8in order to investigate the relative influence of genetics and environment


An egg and sperm cell fuse to create a single cell


Angela describes her friend as tall and slender with blue eyes and red hair. She is describing her friends ________

natural selection

As the environment changes, some species adapt in a way that helps them survive and reproduce, while other species do not adapt well and die. This process is called?

Gene-linked abnormalities

Conditions such as phenylketonuria or sickle cell anemia are produced by__________?

Evolution shapes behaviors and thought patterns, not just physical traits

David Buss argued that _________


Environmental agents such as radiation, errors in the cellular machinery, and chance can all lead to a __________gene

genetically-influenced characteristics

Evocative genotype-environment correlations occur because a child's ___________elicit certain types of environments

intellectual disability

If phenylketonuria is not properly treated, it will lead to___________?


Individuals of a species that survive and reproduce pass on their characteristics to the next generation. Darwin argues that these survivors are better_________ to their world than no survivors.

Hereditary-environment correlations

Interpreting the results of adoption and twin studies is difficult because of the complexities of _______

active (niche-picking) genotype-environment correlations

Jake likes to read and write; therefore, when jake has any free time, he likes to spend it in the library. This would be an example of which type of correlation?


Niche-picking, or ________ genotype-environment correlations occur when children seek out environments they find compatible and stimulating

When characteristcs reflect the influence of many different genes

Polygenic inheritance occurs ________


Sickle cell anemia, in which the red blood cells cannot carry ________ properly and die quickly, occurs most often in African Americans


The ________ view states that development is the result of dan ongoing, bidirectional interchange between heredity and the environment.


The growth of the human brain and gaining the experiences necessary to master the complexities of our human society takes place in the extended _________ period of the life span.


The human genetic process creates several important sources of_________

gene x environment interaction ( G x E )

The interaction of a specific measured variable in DNA and a specific measured aspect of ones surroundings is known as the ________


This is a specialized form of cell division involving egg and sperm


True or False : An X linked disease is more likely to harm men than women?


True or false? The disorder that occurs more often in the children of mothers who are pregnant when younger than 16 and older than 34 is Down syndrome?

Hereditary-environment correlations

What is it called when individuals' genes may influence the types of environments to which they are exposed


When a sperm and egg fuse, they create a single cell called?


Which genetic disorder results in the inability to properly metabolize a particular amino acid

All evolved mechanisms are adaptive in contemporary society

Which of the following is NOT an idea held by evolutionary developmental psychologists? +all evolved mechanisms are adaptive in contemporary society +many aspects of childhood function as preparations for adulthood + many evolved psychological mechanisms are domain specific +the mind has specialized modules adapted to process specific types of information

attachment to a caregiver

Which of the following is an example of adaptive behavior that favors infant survival in humans? + quiet crying + affinity for cows milk + attachment to a caregiver + early walking

evolutionary psychology

Which psychological approach emphasizes the importance of adaptation, reproduction, and survival of the fittest in shaping behaviors?

Women have an extra copy of the X chromosome, which usually has the non-mutated gene

X linked diseases are more likely to affect men than women because _________?

evocative genotype-environment correlations

Zack is always smiling, therefore, his teachers tend to respond to him in a more pleasant and attentive way. This is an example of what type of correlations?

Adapted behavior

_____________promotes an organisms survival in the natural habitat


__________genotype-environment correlations occur because biological parents, who are genetically related to the child, provide a rearing environment for the child

Behavior geneticists

_______try to figure out what is responsible for the differences among people : genes, environment, or a combination of these


approx 1 week after conception, when differentiation of the cells begin, the zygote is now a group of cells called_________


approx. 11-15 days after conception, _______takes place


conception to two weeks post conception

umbilical cord

consisting of two arteries and one vein, the ___________ connects the baby to the placenta


during the germinal period, the zygote is undergoing rapid_____


kiley has just felt a quick fluttering feeling from her baby's movements. this information tells us that kiley would probably be in her ______month of pregnancy


middle germ layer; develops into muscles, and much of the circulatory, reproductive, and excretory systems


organ formation that takes place during the first two months of prenatal development


outer cells of the blastocyst that provide nutrition and support for the embroyo


outermost germ layer; produces sense organs, nerves, and outer layer of skin


the _______is a disk shaped group of tissues in which small blood vessels from mother and offspring intertwine but do not join


the _______period of prenatal development takes place in the first two weeks after conception


the inner germ layer that develops into the lining of the digestive and respiratory systems


the life support system that contains a clear fluid in which the developing embryo floats is called the

1 week

the specialization of cells in the zygote begins approx which week following conception?


two months post conception to birth


two weeks to eight weeks post conception

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