Chapter 24: The New Deal, 1933-1939

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By the time Franklin Roosevelt was inaugurated as president in 1933, employment stood at

25 percent

Between 1930 and 1932, about how many banks had failed?


What politician of the 1930s promised "fewer radio talks, fewer experiments,and a lot more common sense"?

Alfred M. Landon

Mary McLeod Bethune

An educator who sought improved radical relations and educational opportunities for black Americans, she was part of the U.S. delegation to the first United Nations meeting (1945)

The Civilian Conservation Corps was administered by the


What opponent of FDR was known as the "radio priest"?

Charles Coughlin

Roosevelt's most popular and successful program was the

Civilian Conservation Corps

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Created under Roosevelt's New Deal program to help farmers, its purpose was to reduce production of staple crops, thereby raising farm prices and encouraging more diversified farming

Eleanor Roosevelt

Diplomat,writer,and First Lady of the United States (1933-1945) as the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. A delegate to the United Nations (1945-1953), she was an outspoken advocate for human rights. Her written works include This I Remember (1949)

When did the new president have his "fireside chat" with American citizens about banking?

During his declared "bank holiday" when all banks were closed

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

Enacted on June 16, 1933, this emergency measure was designed to encourage industrial recovery and help combat widespread unemployment

Who did not gain notoriety as a criminal during the Depression era?

Frank Capra

What did Franklin Roosevelt do as a part of his reiteration of the Good Neighbor Policy?

He recalled hundreds of American Marines from Haiti.

What would describe the style of FDR?

He was willing to experiment and he said that to the American people

The person who advocated making "every man a king" was

Huey Long

Whose plan would have given every family a house, a car, a radio, and a minimum $2,500 income?

Huey P. Long

What did not contribute to Roosevelt's reelection in 1936?

Many of the country's Republicans newspapers supported him against their own party's candidate.

What prominent African American did Eleanor Roosevelt invite to tea at the White House?

Mary McLeod Bethune

The Blue Eagle was the symbol of the

National Recovery Administration

The Grapes of Wrath

Novel by John Steinbeck depicting the struggle of ordinary Americans in the Great Depression, following the plight of the Joad family as it migrated west from Oklahoma to California

Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)

One of the New Deal's most popular programs, it took unemployment young men from the cities and put them to work on conservation projects in the country

Marian Anderson

Opera singer and human rights advocate, she performed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial before a crowd of seventy-five thousand after being denied the use of Constitution Hall by the Daughters of the American Revolution. She helped focus national attention on the radical prejudice by African Americans in all facets of national life.

Huey P. Log

Populist but dictatorial governor of Louisiana (1928-1932), he instituted major public works legislation, and as a U.S. senator (1932-1935), he proposed a national "Share-the-Wealth" program

The New Deal program most associate with the establishment of codes for businesses was the

Public Works Administration

What program was responsible for building the Golden Gate Bridge, Grand Coulee Dam, and many schools and hospitals ?

Public Works Administration

Harry Hopkins

Roosevelt's choice to run the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. He eventually became Roosevelt's closest advisor.

New Deal

Term for the domestic programs and reforms instituted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his administration in response to the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Civil Works Administration (CWA)

The agency tasked with creating jobs and restoring self-respect by handing out pay envelopes instead of relief checks. In reality, workers sometimes performed worthless tasks, known as "boondogles," but much of the $1 billion budget was spent on projects of lasting value including airports and roads

Dust Bowl

The name given to areas of the prairie states that suffered ecological devastation in the 1930s and then again to a lesser extent in the mid-1950s

John L. Lewis

U.S. labor leader; president of the United Mine Workers of America (1920-1960) and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (1935-1940)

Which of Roosevelt's agencies was created with the intent to create "jobs,jobs,jobs!"?


The focus of the investigation of the Nye Committee was American involvement in

World War I

At the time of the 1934 elections, most Americans

approved of the New Deal Programs but felt that they needed to do more.

One of FDR's first moved in the area of foreign policy was his

formal recognition of the communist government of the Soviet Union

Conservative business leaders formed the American Liberty League in 1934 to

get FDR voted out of office in 1936

FDR misjudged the reaction of the American public the most when he tried to

implement an Old Age Pension plan

The worst violence in a labor strike during FDR's second term took place

outside Republic Steel Mill's South Chicago Mill.

In regard to organized labor, Franklin Roosevelt

preferred to help workers through the government rather than through unions.

Under the Agricultural Adjustment Act , the federal government paid subsidies to farmers who

reduced their crop productions

In early 1938, the Nazis took a fatal step when they

sent the first Jews to Buchenwald

The "first hundred days" referred to

the Congressional session that was held just after FDR's inauguration

What began in 1937?

the Social Security payroll tax

During the 1930s all of the following grew in popularity except


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