chapter 25 review

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The National Industry Recovery Act provided for

$3.3 billion in spending through the Public Works Administration (PWA), codes of fair practice for industries, and the right of workers to form unions.

The first large scale experiment with federal work relief was the...

Civil Works Administration

As head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, John Collier hoped to eliminate tribes and fully assimilate Native Americans into the national culture.


The "Hundred Days" refers to the long waiting period between FDR's election and his inauguration .


The New Deal's programs ended the GD.


The Scottsboro case in 1931 involved efforts to organize workers in the Southwest.


The first act passed in March 1933 was the Economy Act, designed to reopen the major banks.


The Share the Wealth Program was proposed by....

Huey P. Long.

A recession occurred in 1937 when FDR ordered sharp cuts in federal expenditures.


By the end of 1936, the supreme court had ruled against New Deal programs in seven out of nine major causes.


Franklin Roosevelt's talented pool of advisors was called the "brain trust."


One part of the Works Administration was the Federal Writers' Project.


Perhaps the most enduring voting change brought by FDR was the shift of the black vote to the Democratic party.


The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) of 1933 tried to help farmers by getting them to reduce production.


The GD had an impact beyond the U.S.


The Twenty-First Amendment to the Constitution brought an end to prohibition.


The Wagner Act, passes in 1935, gave workers the right to organize an bargain in unions.


The defining characteristics of President Roosevelt's leadership was his ability to act, even when he wasn't sure of the outcome.


The Supreme Court packing scheme of 1937 was all of the following except.....

a successful attempt to gain popularity among progressives.

The Civilian Conservation Corps...

created jobs for unemployment men of ages 18 to 25.

As a result of the dust storms on the plains,

many farmers could not pay their mortgages and lost their farms.

The congress of industrial organizations (CIO), led the campaign to organize workers in...

mass production industries

Walter Reuther was a leader in....

organizing automobile workers.

In political and economic matters, FDR was...


The New Deal's "cornerstone" and "supreme achievement," according to FDR, was/were...

social security

Eleanor Roosevelt helped the president by

taking political risks by making alliances with black, labor, and women's groups.

The fair labor standards act provided or all of the following except...

the right of workers to form unions

President Hoover tried to push through congress the highest peace-time tax in order to stop the great depression, but this was precisely the wrong response as...

the struggling economy needed increased consumer spending .

In united states v. Butler, the supreme court overturned the Agricultural Adjustment Administration(AAA) because...

the tax on food processors was unconstitutional

The Tennessee Valley Authority....

was a bold attempt at regional planning, fostered soil conservation and forestry, and built dams to create electricity.

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