Chapter 3- Psychology of aging

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" The Aging Eyes " - The lens od eye becomes flatter and loses ability to change shape - this causes difficulty in seeing objects close up

What are the initial symptoms of a Myocardial infarction?

- Chest pressure, burning pain, or squeezing that radiates from the chest to the back, neck, and arms . - May also be nausea, vomiting, severe weakness, and sweating.

what ways can people with hearing loss be helped by?

- Hearing aids- mot common and least expensive, but provide the lowest- quality sound - digital hearing aids- microchips that can be programmed for different hearing situations, - Cochlear implants- do not amplify sounds; rather, a microphone transmits sounds to a receiver, which stimulates auditory nerve fibers directly

What are the causes of COPD?

- Leading cause is smoking - Second hand smoke - Air pollution - industrial dust - chemicals

What impacts do aging have on our sense of smell?

- The ability to detect odors remains fairly intact until the 60s, when it begins too decline, but there are wide variations across people and types of odors.

when men age, What psychological changes do men have in sexual performance ?

- by old age men report less perceived demand to ejaculate - a need for a longer time and more stimulation to achieve erection and orgasm - a much longer resolution phase during which erection is impossible.

What changes does aging do to your hair?

- gradual thinking and graying of the hair of both men and women occur inevitably with age

What effects do aging have on Somesthesia ?

- older adults have more trouble regulating body temperature so that they feel comfortable. This is because changes in the perception of temperature are likely caused by aging of the skin and reduction in the number of temperature receptors, as well as the peripheral nerves.


- wearing away of the cartilage that cpas bones in the joints - Gradual inset and progression of pain and disability - Minor signs of inflammation

What 4 types of changes in the inner ear result from Prebycusis?

-Sensory- atrophy and degeneration of receptor cells - Neural- Loss of neurons in auditory pathways - Metabolic- fewer nutrients going in ear - Mechanical- atrophy and stiffening of vibrating structures in ear

Losing body sensations can have what major implications?

-loss of sexual sensitivity and changes in the ability to regulate one's body temperature affect the quality of life.

What is the difference between Hair growth/decline of males and females ?

-males:Usually do not lose facial hair as they age; men often develop busy eyebrows and hair growth inside ears - Females: Develop patches of hair on face, especially on the chin. This hair growth is related to the hormonal changes of the climacteric.

What are the major Psychological consequences of changes in smell?

A concern in eating, safety, and pleasurable experiences. Odors play an important role in enjoying food and protecting us from herm. - Unaware of body odor - loss of odor cues mean may mean that our sense of the past suffers as well.

Myocardial infarction

A heart attack that occurs when blood supply to the heart is severely reduced or cut off.


A second cellular theory in which certain proteins in human cells interact randomly and produce molecules that are linked in such a way to make the body stiffer. - Not a fundamental cause of aging but an affect of aging

Free Radicals

A third cellular theory in which aging is caused by these unstable molecules which are highly reactive chemicals produced randomly in normal metabolism. - Reactive chemicals causing cellular damage - Changes the oxygen in our cells -

What are Free Radicals suppressed by?


What is the typical treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Arthroplasty: Replacement of the joint

When does Premenopause occur?

Between ages 50 to 55

______ _______ may accelerate the changes that occur in telomeres, and thereby shorten ones lifespan.

Chronic Stress


Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease -Most common and incapacitating respiratory disorder in adults - infused chronic bronchitis and emphysema - In 2012 COPD was the 3rd leading cause of death in the world -

Hair loss is caused by what?

Destruction of the germ centers that produce hair follicles

What can slow down the rate at which telomeres shorten?


Hayflick Limit

Focus on the number of times a cell can divide, which limits the life span of complex organisms

Antagonistic Pleiotropy

Genes that increase the probability of good reproductive years decrease probability of long life - To carry along our species its important to keep people alive in their reproductive years, and once they are done they age and die

Research shows that by late 70s, roughly ______ of older adults have Presbycusis.


What are the three cellular theories?

Hayflick Limit Cross linking theory Free Radical theory

Menopausal hormone therapy

In response to these increased risks and the estrogen- relate symptoms that women experience,women take low dosages of estrogen, which is also combined with progestin.

Neurofibrillary tangles

Insoluble twisted fibers found inside the brain's cells. These tangles consist primarily of a protein called tau, which forms part of a structure called a microtubule. The microtubule helps transport nutrients and other important substances from one part of the nerve cell to another. In Alzheimer's disease, however, the tau protein is abnormal and the microtubule structures collapse.

What happenes to the enzyme telomerase as you age?

It is not not normally present in somatic cells, so with each replication the telomeres become shorter. Eventually, the chromosomes become unstable and cannot replicate because the telomeres become too short

`What are two rate of living theories?

Limited energy Excess Calories

What adverse emotional reactions can the loss of hearing cause later in life?

Loss of Independence Social isolation irritation paranoia depression

Do men or women have greater hearing loss?

Men, but this may be because of differential exposure to noisy environments.

Is Osteoporosis is more common in males or females, and why?

More common in women because women have less bone mass in general, become some girls and women do not consume enough dietary calcium to build strong bones when they are younger, and because the decrees in estrogen following menopause greatly accelerates bone loss.

Neuritic (amyloid) plaques

One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease is the accumulation of amyloid plaques between nerve cells (neurons) in the brain. Amyloid is a general term for protein fragments that the body produces normally. Beta amyloid is a protein fragment snipped from an amyloid precursor protein (APP). In a healthy brain, these protein fragments are broken down and eliminated. In Alzheimer's disease, the fragments accumulate to form hard, insoluble plaques.

What is the leading cause of broken bones in older women?


Light/ dark adaptation

Our ability to adjust changes in illumination, declines - Going from outside into a dark ended movie theater involves dark adaptation, going back outside involves light adaptation. - It takes time for both types of adaptation to increase with age

the time of transition from regular menstruation to menopause is called.....


What do Antioxidants do to the Free Radicals?

Prevent oxygen from combining with susceptible molecules to form free radicals.

programmed cell death theory

Programmed cell death appears to be a function of psychological processes, the innate ability of cells to self-destruct, and the ability of dying cells to trigger key processes in other cells. At present we do not understand how the self-destruct program is activated, nor do we understand how it works. Nevertheless there is increasing evidence that many diseases associated with aging have genetic aspects

How does Resveratrol contribute to anti aging?

Scientists found a substance in red wine that slows down the aging process in mice. ... Researchers have also figured out which gene allows resveratrol to produce SIRT1, and believe that some drugs currently in clinical trials may be able to provide the same anti-aging benefits as well.

Excess Calories Theory of Aging

Suggest that in culture where there is limited to calories they live a longer lifespan - Metabolism doesn't directly relate to longevity across species

Limited Energy Theory of Aging

Suggests that we have a certain amount of energy once we run out, we then shall pass

What causes cells to limit their number of divisions?



The cumulative effects of noise and normative age related changes create the most common age-related hearing problem: reduced sensitivity to high pitched tone, which occurs earlier and more severely than the loss of sensitivity to low pitched tones


The loss of bone mass and increased porosity create bones that resemble laced honeycombs.

What happens to men's prostate gland as they grow older?

The prostate gland enlarges, and may obstruct the urinary tract. Prostate cancer becomes a growing threat during middle age

What happens to vision as you age?

There is a decrease in the amount of light that passes through the eye, resulting in the need for more light to do tasks such as reading - this is the reason why older people cannot see as well in the dark


Tips of chromosomes that play a major role in aging by adjusting the cell's response to stress and growth simulation based on cell divisions and DNA damage

Common Antioxidants include.....

Vitamins A, C, and E , and a coenzyme Q


When women pass from their reproductive years to non reproductive years

Graying is caused by what?

a cessation of pigment production


a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball, causing gradual loss of sight. - Fluid on the eye doest drain properly - Can cause internal damage of eye, or even loss of eye

unlike women, men do not have a physiological event to mark reproductive changes, but there is

a gradual decline in testosterone levels

Rheumatoid Arthritis

a more destructive disease of the joints that also developed slowly and typically affects different joints and causes other types of pain. - morning achiness - Swollen joints

Dalton an his colleagues found that people with moderate to severe hearing loss were significantly more likely to...

have functional impairments with tasks in daily life. In addition, they were more likely to have decreased cognitive functioning.

Why are abnormal changes in the ability to smell turning out to be important?

it is a differential diagnosis probe of Alzheimers disease

Osteoporosis is caused in part by having

low bone mass at skeletal maturity, deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D, estrogen depletion, and lack of weight bearing exercise that builds up bone mass

The decline in estrogen that women experience after menopause is related to an increased risk of

osteoporosis, cardivosacualr disease, stress urinary incontinence, weight gain, and memory loss.

an enzyme called ________ is needed in DNA replication to full reproduce the telomeres when cells divide.


Antioxidants also postpones....

the appearance of age-related diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and immune dysfunction, but there is no direct evidence that eating a high diet in antioxidants actually increases the lifespan


when menstruation stops

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