Chapter 3 Reading Quiz

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b. False

(True or False) When you lift an object off the ground, its gravitational potential energy decreases, relative to the ground. a. True b. False

b. The linear momentum of both vehicles is equal.

A car and a truck are traveling in the same direction along a road. The truck has twice the mass of the car, but the car has twice the velocity of the truck. How does the magnitude of the linear momentum of each vehicle compare? a. The linear momentum of the car is twice that of the truck. b. The linear momentum of both vehicles is equal. c. The linear momentum of the truck is twice that of the car. d. The linear momentum of the car is four times that of the truck.

b. The kinetic energy of the truck is twice that of the car

A car and truck are traveling with the same speed along a road. If the truck's mass is twice that of the car, how do their kinetic energies compare? a. The kinetic energy of the truck is one half that of the car. b. The kinetic energy of the truck is twice that of the car. c. The kinetic energy of the truck is four times that of the car. d. The kinetic energy of both vehicles is the same.

a. No.

A student attempted to push his stalled car by exerting a force of 1000 N on it, but was unable to move the car. Did the student do work on the car in this case? a. No. b. Yes. c. Maybe, depending on the amount of time the force was applied. d. Maybe, depending on the direction of the force exerted.

c. Car B has four times the KE as that of Car A.

Car A and Car B are traveling in the same direction along a road. Both cars have the same mass but Car B is traveling twice as fast as Car A. How does the magnitude of the kinetic energy of each vehicle compare? a. Car B has twice the KE as that of Car A. b. Car B has one-half the KE as that of Car A. c. Car B has four times the KE as that of Car A. d. The KE of both vehicles is the same.

a. be converted into KE.

If air resistance and other types of friction can be ignored, the gravitational PE of a falling object will a. be converted into KE. b. increase. c. remain constant. d. be destroyed.

d. The two bodies must have equal masses.

In an elastic collision between two bodies, which of the following is NOT true? a. The total linear momentum of the bodies is the same before and after the collision. b. The total KE of the bodies is the same before and after the collision. c. The total energy (all forms) of the bodies is the same before and after the collision. d. The two bodies must have equal masses.

b. results in a person exerting less force than directly lifting the object the same distance.

In situations with negligible friction, using a simple machine like a lever or an inclined plane to raise an object, a. results in a person doing less work than directly lifting the object the same distance. b. results in a person exerting less force than directly lifting the object the same distance. c. results in a person applying a force through a smaller distance.

d. inertia

Momentum can be most closely associated with what idea from our previous unit? a. weight b. mass c. friction d. inertia

a. All of the students.

Three students determine the gravitational potential energy of an object at a given location. Student A says the gravitational potential energy (PE) is positive in value, student B says it is zero in value, and student C says it is negative in value. Which of these students can be correct? a. All of the students. b. Either student A or B, but not student C. c. Only student C. d. Only student B. e. Only student A.

d. The linear momentum of both players was equal in magnitude.

Two football players run toward each other and collide. The large player was running slowly, while the small player was running quickly just before the collision. Upon colliding they stuck together and immediately "stopped in their tracks". How did the magnitudes of the linear momentum of each player compare before the collision? a. The linear momentum of each player was zero before the collision. b. The linear momentum of the larger player was greater than that of the smaller player. c. The linear momentum of the smaller player was greater than that of the larger player. d. The linear momentum of both players was equal in magnitude.

b. kinetic

What type of energy is associated with a moving object? a. potential b. kinetic c. friction d. weight

a. pontoon boat

Which has the greater momentum: a 2100-kg pontoon boat going 8 m/s or a 550-kg speedboat going 18 m/s? a. pontoon boat b. speed boat c. Both have the same momentum. d. Cannot compare the momentum without more information.

c. frictional

Which of the following is NOT a form of potential energy? a. gravitational b. elastic c. frictional

b. it is accelerated in a straight line.

Work is done on an object when a. a force is applied to the object. b. it is accelerated in a straight line. c. it is carried horizontally. d. All of the above.

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