Chapter 3 Terms

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web server

computer that hosts the website you're requesting—so that you can see it on your computer

linked data

data that is formally defined and that can be expressed in relationships, does not currently exist. However, the movement to define the data and to link or create relationships between data has begun.

Cloud computing

refers to storing data, files, and applications on the web and being able to access and manipulate these files and applications from any Internet-connected device.

social networking

refers to using the web to communicate and share information among your friends and others

Metasearch engines,

such as Dogpile (, search other search engines rather than individual websites.

path (or subdirectory

such as in The information after each slash indicates a particular file or path (or subdirectory) within the website.


(specific words you wish to look for or query) and then returns a list of the sites on which those keywords are found

Each country has its own top-level domain. These are two-letter designations such as .za for South Africa, and .de for Germany.

.au - Australia .ca - Canada .jp - Japan .uk - United kingdom

Evaluating Websites

1.Authority: Who is the author or the sponsor? If the author is well known or the site is published by a reputable news source (such as the New York Times), then you can feel more confident using it as a source than if you are unable to locate information about the author or the site's sponsor. 2.Bias: Is the site biased? The purpose of many websites is to sell products or services or to persuade rather than inform. Look for sites that offer several sets of facts, or consider opinions from several sources. 3.Relevance: Is the information in the site current? Material can last a long time on the web. Some research projects (such as historical accounts) depend on older records. However, if you're writing about cutting-edge technologies, you need to look for the most recent sources. Therefore, look for a date on information to make sure it is current. 4.Audience: For what audience is the site intended? Ensure that the content, tone, and style of the site match your needs. You probably wouldn't want to use information from a site geared toward teens if you're writing for adults, nor would you use a site that has a casual style and tone for serious research. 5.Links: Are the links available and appropriate? Check out the links provided on the site to determine whether they are still working and appropriate for your needs. Don't assume that the links provided are the only additional sources of information. Investigate other sites on your topic as well. You should also be able to find the same information on at least three websites to help verify the information is accurate.

How do search engines work?

1.The first component is a program called a spider, which constantly collects data on the web, following links in websites and reading web pages. Spiders get their name because they crawl over the web using multiple "legs" to visit many sites simultaneously. 2.As the spider collects data, the second component of the search engine, an indexer program, organizes the data into a large database. 3.When you use a search engine, you interact with the third component: the search engine software. This software searches the indexed data, pulling out relevant information according to your search.


A form of digital media comprised of a series of audio or video files that are distributed over the Internet

How can i distribute or video files over the internet to a wide audience?

A podcast

Which of the following best describes a blog?

A social network

How can I make sure a website is appropriate to use for research?

Authority: Who is the author of the article or the sponsor of the site? If the author is well known or the site is published by a reputable news source (such as The New York Times), then you can feel more confident using it as a source than if you are unable to locate such information. Note: Some sites include a page with information about the author or the site's sponsor. •Bias: Is the site biased? The purpose of many websites is to sell products or services or to persuade rather than inform. These sites, though useful in some situations, present a biased point of view. Look for sites that offer several sets of facts or consider opinions from several sources. •Relevance: Is the information on the site current? Material can last a long time on the web. Some research projects (such as historical accounts) depend on older records. However, if you're writing about cutting-edge technologies, you need to look for the most recent sources. Therefore, look for a date on information to make sure it's current. •Audience: For what audience is the site intended? Ensure that the content, tone, and style of the site match your needs. You probably wouldn't want to use information from a site geared toward teens if you're writing for adults, nor would you use a site that has a casual style and tone for serious research. •Links: Are the links available and appropriate? Check out the links provided on the site to determine whether they're still working and appropriate for your needs. Don't assume that the links provided are the only additional sources of information. Investigate other sites on your topic as well. You should also be able to find the same information on at least three different websites to help verify the information is accurate.


ITunes or feedspot, An aggregator locates all the RSS series to which you've subscribed and automatically downloads only the new content to your computer or media player. If you have several favorite websites or podcasts, rather than checking each site for updated content, aggregators collect all the site updates in one place. Thes

What's the best way to mark a site so I can return to it later?

If you want an easy way to return to a specific web page, you can use your browser's Bookmarks feature (Microsoft Edge calls this feature Favorites).

How can I ensure the material is authentic and or timely?

Look for specific information as to dates that reflect when an article was written or when a website was updated. Also look for the author's name, or an "About us" section or biographical information. These features are good indicators of a website's authenticity and timeliness. Examining a website to see if the author or editor are identifiable and their qualifications are listed is a good way to determine legitimacy. Looking for dates or references to timely material is a good way to determine the currency of web content.

How do metasearch engines work?

Metasearch engines search other search engines rather than websites.

Other strategies can help refine yOther strategies can help refine your searches when entering your search keywords:

Search for a phrase. To search for an exact phrase, place quotation marks around your keywords. The search engine will look for only those websites that contain the words in that exact order. For example, if you want information on the movie Captain America: Civil War and you type these words without quotation marks, your search results will contain pages that include any of the words captain, America, civil, or war, although not necessarily in that order. Typing "Captain America: Civil War" in quotation marks guarantees that search results will include this exact phrase. •Search within a specific website. To search just a specific website, you can use the search keyword, then site: followed by the website's URL. For example, searching with processor site: returns results about processors from the website. The same method works for entire classes of sites in a given top-level domain or country code. •Use a wild card. The asterisk (*) is a wild card, or placeholder, feature that is helpful when you need to search with unknown terms. Another way to think about the wild card search feature is as a "fill in the blank." For example, searching with Congress voted * on the * bill might bring up an article about the members of Congress who voted no on the healthcare bill or a different article about the members of Congress who voted yes on the energy bill.

What are specialty search engines?

Specialty search engines search only sites that are deemed relevant to the particular subject


The advanced Research Projects Agency (this agency

semantic web

The project has begun with formatting and linking the structured information from Wikipedia but intends to broaden the sources of data as the project evolves. This web of linked data is being coined as the semantic web. The semantic web is an evolving extension of the web in which data is defined in such a way to make it more easily processed by computers. Ultimately, each website would have text and pictures (for people to read) and metadata (for computers to read) describing the information on the web

How do I get a sense of whether the information on a website is biased?

There isn't one specific way to identify bias. You need to review the material carefully to determine if the information is one-sided or based on opinion. When you're using the Internet for research, you shouldn't assume that everything you find is objective. Look for clues of bias such as whether the author/host of the site have a specific political, social, or commercial agenda. Does the information promote the author's own published works or product at the expense of other information? Is the website published by a special interest group?

Internet backbones

These transmission lines are similar to our highway system of roads, with some roads having different speed limits. The transmission lines with the fastest speeds are referred to as

What strategies can I use with key words to help narrow down the search results?

To improve a search use quotation marks around a search phrase, use wild card characters, or search within a specific website. To refine your searches and make them more effective, use quotation marks around words to search for an exact phrase. You can also use wild cards, which are certain symbols (such as the asterisk) that some search engines let you use to replace a letter or a word in a search. These symbols are helpful when you're searching for a keyword but are unsure of its spelling or if a word can be spelled in different ways or may contain different endings. Lastly, you can search within a specific website by using the keyword, then site: followed by the website's URL.

Another way to refine a search is to use an exact phrase

To search for an exact phrase, place quotation marks around your keywords. The search engine will look for only those websites that contain the words in that exact order.

Are Twitter and Tumblr considered blogs?

Twitter and Tumblr are examples of microblogs, where users post short text with usually frequent updates. With Twitter, the posts are limited to 140 characters.

What is texting and how is it different from instant messaging?

What is texting and how is it different from instant messaging?

What precautions should I take when shopping online?

What precautions should I take when shopping online?

Why is this a issue?

Why is this an issue? User location data is often shared with third-party advertising networks and even with law enforcement agencies. Although you can modify or turn off the location aspects in most mobile apps, these measures cannot guarantee that data will not be shared with third parties because the location data is "leaked" in other ways. Even with app location tracking turned off, your location can be captured when your device is turned on. This feature has been useful to pinpoint users in emergency situations, but the data, if placed in the wrong hands or used for the wrong purposes, can be a violation of your privacy. Retrospectively, historical location data can be discerned from service provider records, and additionally, Wi-Fi hotspots can be used to track mobile devices. Moreover, other features of a smartphone, such as the camera and phone, can capture a user's geolocation data. Therefore, the privacy implications still remain. Although legislation has been initiated, no specific law has been passed to address the privacy concerns of location tracking devices and applications. Although most mobile device users are aware of location data collection practices, they're not aware of what was being collected and how it is, and

Access issues

With cloud computing, you access your files and programs only through the Internet. If you couldn't access the Internet due to a power failure or system failure with your Internet service provider, you wouldn't be able to access your files. Storing your most critical files and programs offline will help reduce the inconvenience and loss of productivity while access to the Internet is being restored.

Ray Tomlinson

Writes a program to send email over ARPANET and develops the User@hostconvention

Uniform Resource Locator (URL

You gain initial access to a particular website by typing its unique address, or Uniform Resource Locator (URL, pronounced "you-are-ell"), in your browser. A website comprises many different web pages, each of which is a separate document with its own unique URL. Like a regular street address, a URL is made up of several parts that help identify the web document it stands for •the protocol (set of rules) used to retrieve the document; •the domain name; which includes the top level domain •the path or subdirectory.

Is there a way to refine the list of results when using a search engine?

You should trying using specialty search tools or a specialty search engine to refine your searches. That is right. You should try using specialty search tools such as those available on Google to refine your searches. You can also use a specialty search engine that searches only those sites pertinent to a particular topic or industry. This makes Internet research more efficient so you can narrow your search results to a more manageable and more meaningful list.


a combined search and address bar, so you can both type a website URL or search the web from the address bar.

search engine

a set of programs that searches the web for keywords

social media

and include social networking, project collaboration and file sharing tools, blogs, podcasts, webcasts, and media sharing

Boolean operators

are words such as AND, NOT, and OR that describe the relationships between keywords in a search. With the simple addition of a few words or constraints, you can narrow your search results to a more manageable and more meaningful list.

Digital activism

describes the use of hashtags and posts to raise awareness and foster discussion about specific issues and causes via social media. You're probably familiar with many hashtag campaigns and their causes: •The #IceBucketChallenge hashtag campaign raised awareness for Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) and also resulted in raising over $110 million in an 8-week period, a nearly 35 percent increase in donations for the cause. •The #BringBackOurGirls hashtag campaign was initiated in Nigeria when 276 schoolgirls were kidnapped there but quickly found its way to the United States, where many joined in and took notice, including celebrities and politicians. Although the political awareness spurred a U.S.-led search for the girls, unfortunately, most of the girls are still missing at the time of this writing. The campaign continues two years later with the goal of bringing awareness to the issue, but the fervor of the initial campaign has decreased significantly. •After a shooting rampage in Southern California by a man who left a hateful message for women, the #NotAllMen (practice violence against women) hashtag campaign began. What followed was the #YesAllWomen campaign that started a conversation that #YesAllWomen live with the threat of male violence and gender inequality. •In an effort to offset the rampant consumerism that kicks off the pre-holiday buying frenzy starting with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday, 92nd Street Y and the United Nations Foundation initiated #GivingTuesday. The social initiative, which began in 2012, designates the Tuesday after Thanksgiving as a time for consumers to encourage each other through social media to donate their time, talents, or cash to a cause or an organization. The hashtag campaign has amassed over 3 million uses since its inception. The cause has also expanded beyond U.S. borders, with people around the world making millions of contributions in a 24-hour period.

Project management tools

incorporate tasks and calendars so the individual components as well as the entire project can stay on schedule. Trello, for example, is a free project management tool that organizes projects onto boards and specific tasks onto cards


is another type of Internet harassment where some individual scams others into a false romantic relationship. Catfishers create fake profiles and trick others into thinking they are someone else entirely. The fabricated relationships are developed through online and phone interactions, but never in person

Mobile commerce (or m-commerce

is conducting commercial transactions online through a smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device. Apple Pay and other digital payment systems are becoming quite popular, as well as making payments using mobile apps such as at Starbucks. Tickets and boarding passes can also be sent to smartphones, adding another level of convenience.


is the act of posting inflammatory remarks online for the sheer pleasure of soliciting an angry or negative response. Although both trolling and cyberbullying are generally done anonymously, and with the intention of inflicting fear or anger, the main difference between trolling and cyberbullying is that a troll generally does not personally know his or her target

Metasearch engines

search other search engines rather than individual websites. An example of a metasearch engine is Dogpile. Specialty search engines search only sites that are relevant to a particular topic or industry

Web 2.0

technologies. Web 2.0 technologies enable us to collaborate with others on documents through web applications such as Google Drive, to collaborate on projects with tools such as Slack and Bootcamp, to rate and recommend products or services with Yelp, to make business connections on social networks such as LinkedIn, and to share a video on YouTube or a favorite image on Pinterest.


the act of targeting consumers by their location, has become a valuable technique that allows businesses to analyze and sculpt customer behaviors and to increase consumer traffic and ultimately revenues.


the largest computer network in the world—was developed in the late 1950s while the United States was in the midst of the Cold War with the Soviet Union

Business-to-business (B2B)

transactions occur when businesses buy and sell goods and services to other businesses. An example is Omaha Paper Company (, which distributes paper products to other companies.

Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)

transactions occur when consumers sell to each other through sites such as eBay (, Craigslist (, and Etsy (

Cyber harassment

used to describe the pursuit of individual(s) by an individual with the intention to frighten, embarrass, "teach the victim a lesson," or seek revenge. Cyber harassment includes acts such as cyberbullying, cyberstalking, trolling, and catfishing. There is currently no federal law prohibiting cyberbullying, but a recently passed law against cyberstalking may cover this area. According to the Cyberbullying Research Center (, currently all states have anti-bullying laws or policies on the books. However, only 48 state laws cover electronic harassment, and a mere 22 state laws cover cyberbullying.

Most browsers offer caret browsing

which lets you use your keyboard to grab text instead of swiping across with a mouse. To activate caret browsing, press F7 on your keyboard while you have the browser open. You might have to add an extension (Google Chrome) or enable a preference (Firefox) before you can activate the feature. Then, you can use your mouse pointer as an insertion pointer (similar to working in Word) and the arrow keys to move around. Press Shift and an arrow key to select text. Press F7 again to turn off caret browsing. This method offers more precise text selection and is very handy when you frequently copy and paste text from web pages.

Domain name uses

.biz-Businesses .com - Originally for commercial sites, but now can be used by anyone .edu - degree granting institutions .gov - local state and federal US governments .info - information service providers .mil - U.S. Military .net - Originally for networking organizations but no longer restricted . org- organizations (often not for profits)

Are there different types of e-mail systems?

1.Web-based e-mail, such as Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, or Inbox, is managed with your web browser and allows you to access your e-mail with an Internet connection. 2.An e-mail client requires a program, such as Microsoft Outlook, to be installed on your computer. When you open the program, your e-mail is downloaded to your computer. The primary difference between the two is access. Web-based e-mail allows you to access e-mail from any Internet-connected device, but you can't use your e-mail when you're offline. With an e-mail client, you view your e-mail on the computer on which the e-mail client software has been installed, but you can then view and manage your e-mail while you're offline. E-mail clients often have advanced functionalities such as calendar, meetings, and task management.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of VoIP?

Although VoIP is affordable and convenient, it does have drawbacks. Some people regard sound quality and reliability issues as VoIP's primary disadvantages. Additionally, when using VoIP at home, you lose service if power is interrupted. Another issue with VoIP is security risks. Having a hacker break in to a VoIP system to make unauthorized calls is a serious but avoidable problem. Encryption services that convert data into a form not easily understood by unauthorized people are being deployed to help protect calls made over the Internet.

The first real communication occurred in 1969 between the computer at Stanford and the computer at UCLA

Although the system crashed after the third letter of "Login" was transmitted, it was the beginning of a revolution. Many people participated in the creation of the ARPANET, but two men, Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn, are generally acknowledged as the "fathers of the Internet."

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

As its name implies, FTP was originally designed to transfer files from a computer to a web server. Today, FTP is often used when you have large files to upload or download. To connect to most FTP servers, you need a user ID and password. To upload and download files from FTP sites, you can use a browser or file transfer software such as CuteFTP, Fetch, or FileZilla.

What do B2B and B2C mean?

B2B is an e-commerce term that refers to businesses buying and selling goods and services to other businesses. B2C is an e-commerce term that refers to transactions that take place between businesses and consumers.


Because even the devices in these large data centers and server farms inevitably will break down, the cloud computing systems have redundant systems to provide backup. However, for critical files that you must have, it might be a good idea not to completely rely on the cloud, but to have your own offline backup system as well

client/server network

Because the Internet uses clients and servers,

Which site might you use to search for blogs on a subject?

Best of the Web Blogs Blog Search Engine BlogCatalog Option​​All of the above.


BitTorrent, like FTP, is a protocol used to transfer files, though it's not part of the Internet protocol suite. To use BitTorrent, you install a software client program. It uses a peer-to-peer networking system so that sharing occurs between connected computers that also have the BitTorrent client installed. BitTorrent was developed in 2001 and is popular especially among users who want to share music, movies, and games. Use caution, however, when accessing BitTorrent content. Because it is a peer-to-peer system, it's possible for copyrighted material to be shared illegally.

Who uses instant messaging?

But with the proliferation of texting and social networking, instant messaging has begun to lose its attraction as a social tool. However, instant messaging still is an important means of quick and efficient communication in the business world. In fact, some IM services, such as Cisco Jabber and Oracle Beehive, have been developed primarily for business use.

Vincent Cerf and Robert Kahn

Develop set of communication rules the TCP/IP protocol that allow different types of computers to communicate.

Tim berners lee

Developed and made public HTTP Protocol and the world wide web. Subset of hypertexte


Developed as the standard for computers from different manufacturers to exchange data.

What does e-commerace mean?

E-commerce is a term that refers to conducting business online for purposes ranging from fund-raising to advertising to selling products.

What are the different types of e-commerce?

E-commerce—short for electronic commerce—is the process of conducting business online. Typically, e-commerce is identified by whom the business is being conducted between

Why do I still need e-mail?

E-mail is the primary method of electronic communication worldwide because it's fast and convenient. And because it's asynchronous, users do not need to be communicating at the same time. They can send and respond to messages at their own convenience. E-mail is also convenient for exchanging files via attachments.

How does the data get sent to the correct computer?

Each time you connect to the Internet, your computer is assigned a unique identification number. This number, called an Internet Protocol (IP) address, is a set of four groups of numbers separated by periods, such as, and is commonly referred to as a dotted quad or dotted decimal

Which of the following is something you can do with a mobile blogging app?

Edit existing posts Include an image Include location information Option​All of the above.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of VoIP?

For people who make many long-distance phone calls, the advantage of VoIP is that it is free or low cost. Portability is another advantage: As long as you are connected to the Internet, you can sign on to your VoIP service and make your call.

HTTP is the most common protocol, but it's not the only one.

HTTP is part of the Internet protocol suite, a group of protocols that govern how information is exchanged on a network. Another protocol in that group is the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HTTP is the protocol that allows files to be transferred from a web server—a computer that hosts the website you're requesting—so that you can see it on your computer. The HTTP protocol is what the web is based on. Since it is so universal, most current browsers no longer require you to enter the http:// protocol or the "www."


Hypertext Transfer Protocol

How does the Internet work?

Internet acts in one of two ways: Either it's a client, a computer that asks for data, or it's a server, a computer that receives the request and returns the data to the client. Because the Internet uses clients and servers, it's referred to as a client/server network

Can I create my own podcast?

It's simple to create a podcast. To record the audio content all you need is a computer with a microphone, and if you want to make a video podcast, you also need a webcam or video camera.

When working with a group whose members are not in the same location, screen sharing or videoconferencing software can be helpful and Screenleap offer free screen-sharing solutions, and Skype and Google Hangouts are handy solutions for videoconferencing.

What is an identifier that an online transaction is safe?

Look for third-party verification from TRUSTe or the Better Business Bureau symbol

How do I create a blog?

Many websites provide the tools you need to create your own blog. Two sites that offer free blog hosting are Blogger ( and WordPress ( Such tools also let you add features like pictures or subpages to your blog. You can also choose to host your blog yourself so that the URL reflects your name or the name of your business. If you choose this option, you'll need your own website and a URL so people can access it.

Where can I find podcasts?

Most online news and radio sites offer podcasts of their programs. Although many podcasts are news related, others offer entertaining and educational content.

How do we collaborate on the web?

Over time, our use of the web has evolved from passively browsing web pages that were created for us, to actively creating our own web content and sharing and collaborating on it with others. This collaborative, user-created web, sometimes classified as the social web, in which the user is also a participant, is possible due to Web 2.0 technologies. Web 2.0 technologies enable us to collaborate with others on documents through web applications such as Google Drive, to collaborate on projects with tools such as Slack and Bootcamp, to rate and recommend products or services with Yelp, to make business connections on social networks such as LinkedIn, and to share a video on YouTube or a favorite image on Pinterest

What must you do before others can view your blog?



Really What makes podcasts different from other audio files found on the web is that podcasts deliver their content using Really Simple Syndication (RSS). RSS is a format that sends the latest content of the podcast series automatically to an aggregator

Security and privacy

Right now, the security of information stored on the web is built on trusting that the passwords we set and the security systems that the data centers put in place are able to keep our information away from unauthorized users. Caution is always warranted, as nothing is completely safe and private.


Short Message Service (SMS) to send short messages between mobile devices. Some texting services that use Multimedia Message Service (MMS) can include images or videos. Snapchat is a popular texting app that allows users to send brief videos or images. A differentiating aspect to Snapchat is that once a message is opened, the video or image is available to be viewed for only a brief amount of time and is generally not able to be saved.

What is social commerce?

Social commerce is a subset of e-commerce that uses social networks to assist in marketing and purchasing products.

Are there any problems with blogs?

Splogs, which contain links to other sites associated with the splog's creator, have the intention of either increasing traffic to, or increasing search engine rankings for, these usually disreputable or useless websites. Although not really harmful, splogs are another unwanted form of content that continues to flourish on the web.

What's in a domain name?

The domain name identifies the site's host, the location that maintains the computers that store the website files. For example, is the domain name for the University of California at Berkeley website. The suffix in the domain name after the dot (such as "com" or "edu") is called the top-level domain. This suffix indicates the kind of organization to which the host belongs. Some browsers don't require you to enter the domain if it is a .com—the browser enters the domain automatically. For example, you can just type in Amazon in Microsoft Edge and the browser automatically fills in the .com

top-level domain

The suffix in the domain name after the dot (such as "com" or "edu")

Are all blogs text-based?

The traditional form of a blog is primarily text-based but may also include images and audio.

Who created the web?

The web began in 1991. It was based on a protocol developed by Tim Berners-Lee, a physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), who wanted a method for linking his research documents so that other researchers could access them.

side hustles

The web offers many opportunities through which you can earn extra money by working part-time The web has facilitated side hustles such as becoming an Uber driver, renting your home or apartment through Airbnb, being an errand-runner through TaskRabbit, writing a blog, creating websites, or offering child or adult care services through You can also explore freelance opportunities through The list is seemingly endless, requiring your time and particular interests and skill sets.

What other tools can I use to navigate a website?

To move back or forward one page at a time, you can use the browser's Back and Forward buttons (

Where was the first message via internet?

UCLA sent first message via networeked computer system to Stanford UNI

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of creating a user profile?

User profiles enable others to contact you via telephone.

Can I make phone calls over the Internet?

Using apps such as Skype, FaceTime, or Google Hangouts, users can communicate using audio (voice) and video. These services use VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), a fully digital phone service that allows calls to be transmitted over the Internet rather than over traditional phone lines or cellular networks. VoIP uses technology similar to that used in e-mail to transmit your voice data digitally over the Internet. VoIP calls can be placed from anywhere you have Internet access.

What tools are used when collaborating on a project?

Web-based document products such as Google Docs and Microsoft Office Online have features to promote online collaboration. These products offer wiki-like capabilities that allow users to add, remove, or edit a document's content in real time. A wiki is a document created collaboratively by multiple users, resulting in an emergent "common" output rather than multiple outputs of individual writers. Wikis allow all who have access to the wiki page to post their ideas and modify the content of the current version of a single document. Wikis provide the extra benefit of users being able to access, review, and even revert to past versions at any time.

The modern Internet evolved from an early U.S. government-funded "internetworking" project called the Advanced Research Projects

Who invented the Internet?

Secure Messaging Apps

You probably know that the messages you send may not be secure and can be intercepted. In addition, you can be impersonated online. Luckily, messaging apps exist that encrypt your messages before they leave your device, so if they're intercepted, they'll be meaningless. Encryption ensures that no one can read messages while they're being sent to the recipient. WhatsApp and Signal use end-to-end encryption, meaning conversations can't be read by anyone but you and the person you're messaging. ChatSecure uses Off the Record encryption so you can also verify who you're speaking to.

What other precautions can be used to ensure secure online transactions?

You should also keep in mind that you should shop at reputable sites, investigate unfamiliar sites, and save the details of your transactions

What's the best way to get around in a website?

You've no doubt moved around the web by clicking on hyperlinks, specially coded elements that let you go from one web page to another within the same website or to another site altogether (


a computer that asks for data


a computer that receives the request and returns the data to the client

, some sites provide a breadcrumb trail

a navigation aid that shows users the path they have taken to get to a web page, or where the page is located within the website. It usually appears at the top of a page. By clicking on earlier links in a breadcrumb trail, you can go directly to a previously visited web page without having to use the Back button to navigate back through the website.

Instant messaging (IM

a way of communicating in real time over the Internet, was a primary means of chatting with friends in real time

How private is e-mail?

e-mails are not really private. Consider the following: •Because e-mails can be printed or forwarded to others, you never know who may read your e-mail. •Most e-mail content is not protected, so you should never use e-mail to send personal or sensitive information, such as bank account or Social Security numbers. Doing so could lead to your identity being stolen. •Employers have access to e-mail sent from the workplace, so use caution when putting negative or controversial content in e-mail from your workplace. •Even after you've deleted a message, it doesn't really vanish. Many Internet service providers and companies archive e-mail, which can be accessed or subpoenaed in the event of a lawsuit or investigation.


is a document created collaboratively by multiple users, resulting in an emergent "common" output rather than multiple outputs of individual writers. Wikis allow all who have access to the wiki page to post their ideas and modify the content of the current version of a single document. Wikis provide the extra benefit of users being able to access, review, and even revert to past versions at any time.


is a personal log or journal posted on the web. Anyone can create a blog, and there are millions of blogs available to read, follow, and comment on. Blogs are generally written by a single author and are arranged as a listing of entries on a single page, with the most recent blog entry appearing at the top of the list. In addition, blogs are public, and readers can post comments on your blog, often creating an engaging, interactive experience.

Social commerce

is a subset of e-commerce that uses social networks to assist in marketing and purchasing products. If you're on Facebook, you've no doubt noticed the many businesses that have Facebook pages asking you to "Like" them. Consumers are voicing their opinions on Facebook and other social media sites about products and services by providing ratings and reviews, and studies show that such peer recommendations have a major influence on buying behavior

web browser

is software that lets you locate, view, and navigate the web.

World Wide Web((WWW or the web)

is what we use the most, we sometimes think of the Internet and the web as being interchangeable

social networking

refers to using the web to communicate and share information among your friends and others. Professional, business-oriented online networks such as LinkedIn are helpful for members seeking clients, business opportunities, jobs, or job candidates. Like a true business network, these sites can help you meet other professionals through connections with people you already know. In addition, businesses use social networking for marketing and communicating directly with their customers

How do computers talk to each other?

the data request from your computer (the client computer) is sent via Internet communication pathways to a server computer. The server computer (in this case, Amazon's server) processes the request and returns the requested data to your client computer via Internet communication pathways. The data reply most likely takes a different route than did the data request. The web browser on your client computer interprets the data and displays it on its monitor.


the location that maintains the computers that store the website files. For example, is the domain name for the University of California at Berkeley website

Business-to-consumer (B2C

transactions take place between businesses and consumers. Such transactions include those between customers and completely online businesses (such as and those between customers and stores that have both an online and a physical presence, such as Target ( Such businesses are referred to as click-and-brick businesses

video log

vlog or video blog) is a blog that uses video as the primary content (although it can also contain text, images, and audio). Vlogs are a popular means of personal expression, and many can be found by searching YouTube

What is a webcast?.

webcast is the (usually live) broadcast of audio or video content over the Internet. Unlike podcasts, which are prerecorded and made available for download, most webcasts are distributed in "real time," meaning that they're live or one-time events. Some webcasts are archived so they can be viewed at a later date. Webcasts are not updated automatically, like podcasts. Webcasts use continuous audio and video feeds, which let you view and download large audio and video files. Webcasts can include noninteractive content, such as a simultaneous broadcast of a radio or television program, but some webcasts invite interactive responses from the viewing or listening audience. For example, ConcertWindow ( enables musicians to broadcast live to their fans, and ORLive

What other web tools are used to help with project collaborations?

wikis and wiki-like documents, other tools such as videoconferencing, screen sharing, and project management tools are used to facilitate collaboration.

What are some tips on e-mail etiquette?

•Be concise and to the point. •Use the spell-checker and proofread your e-mail before sending it. •Avoid using abbreviations such as u, r, LOL, and BTW. •Include a meaningful subject line to help recipients prioritize and organize e-mails. •Add a signature line that includes your contact information. •Include only those people on the e-mail who truly need to receive it.

What distinguishes the web from the rest of the Internet is its use of the following:

•Common communications protocols that enable computers to talk to each other and display information in compatible formats •Special links that enable users to navigate from one place to another on the web

What are some dos and don'ts of social networking?

•Keep your personal information personal. The year you were born, your physical address, and the routines of your life (sports games, practices, work schedules) should not be broadcast to the general public. •Know who your friends are, and know who can see the information you post. Review your privacy settings periodically, as sites change and update their privacy practices frequently. •Do not post information such as your favorite teacher or your first pet's name because these are often used as security questions to verify your identity. •Use caution when posting images, and know what images others are posting of you. Although privacy settings may offer some comfort, some images may be available for viewing through search engines and may not require site registration to be seen. Online images may become public property and subject to reproduction, and you might not want some—or any—of those images to be distributed.

•Look for visual indicators that the website is secure

•Look for visual indicators that the website is secure. Check that the beginning of the URL changes from "http://" to "https://"—with the s standing for secure, indicating that the secure sockets layer protocol has been applied to manage the security of the website. Also, look for a small icon of a closed padlock in the address bar (in both Microsoft Edge and Firefox) and a green-colored text or a green address bar—indications that the site may be secure. (However, note that even if a site has these indicators, it still might not be safe. •Shop at well-known, reputable sites. If you aren't familiar with a site, investigate it with the Better Business Bureau ( or at Bizrate ( Make sure the company has a phone number and street address in addition to a website •Pay by credit card, not debit card. Federal laws protect credit card users, but debit card users don't have the same level of protection. If possible, reserve one credit card for Internet purchases only; even better, use a prepaid credit card that has a small credit limit. For an extra layer of security, find out if your credit card company has a service that confirms your identity with an extra password or code that only you know to use when making an online transaction or that offers a one-time-use credit card number. Also, consider using a third-party payment processor such as PayPal or Apple Pay. PayPal also offers a security key that provides additional security to your PayPal account. •When you place an order, check the return policy, save a copy of the order, and make sure you receive a confirmation number. Make sure you read and understand the fine print on warranties, return policies, and the retailer's privacy statements. If the site disappears overnight, this information may help you in filing a dispute or reporting a problem to a site such as the Better Business Bureau. •Avoid making online transactions when using public computers. Public computers may have spyware installed, which are programs that track and log your keystrokes and can retrieve your private information. Similarly, unless you have specific protection on your own mobile device, avoid making wireless transactions on public hotspots.

Examples of cloud computing

•Posted pictures on Instagram that your friends accessed from their iPhone •Used Dropbox or OneDrive to store your files instead of carrying around a flash drive •Used Google Docs or Microsoft Office Online to collaborate on a team project •Used Carbonite to back up your data online

What features do web browsers offer

•Tabbed browsing: Web pages are loaded in "tabs" within the same browser window. Rather than having to switch among web pages in several open windows, you can flip between the tabs in one window. You may also save a group of tabs as a Favorites group if there are several tabs you often open at the same time. •Pinned tabs: You can "pin" tabs to lock your most used tabs to the left of the tab bar. Pinned tabs are smaller in size and can't be closed by accident. They will display automatically when the browser opens. •Tear-off tabs: An opened tab can be dragged or moved away from its current window so it's then opened in a new window. •Thumbnail previews: Another convenient navigation tool that most browsers share is providing thumbnail previews of all web pages in open tabs. Microsoft Edge also enables you to display newsfeed items as well. •Tab isolation: With this feature, tabs are independent of each other, so if one crashes, it does not affect the other tabs. •SmartScreen filter: Most browsers offer built-in protection against phishing, malware, and other web-based threats. •Privacy browsing: Privacy features (such as InPrivate Browsing in Microsoft Edge or Incognito in Chrome) let you browse the web without retaining a history trail, temporary Internet files, cookies, or usernames and passwords. These features are especially helpful when you use public computers at school or the public library, for example. •Add-ons and extensions: Add-ons (also known as extensions) are small programs that customize and increase the functionality of the browser. Examples include Video DownloadHelper, which converts web videos like those found on YouTube to files you can save, as well as a Facebook toolbar that integrates Facebook functionality into your browser. •Session Restore: Brings back all your active web pages if the browser or system shuts down unexpectedly.

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