Chapter 4 Sociology Stereotyping and Roles
Saturated self
A post-modern idea that the self is now developed by multiple influences chosen from a wide range of media sources.
Role taking emotions
Emotions like sympathy, embarrassment, or shame that require that we assume the perspective of another person or many other people and respond from that person or group's point of view.
Role conflict
Experienced when we occupy two or more rules with contradictory expectations.
Face-to-face interaction or being in the presence of others.
Judging others based on preconceived generalizations about groups or categories of people.
Feeling rules
Socially constructed norms regarding the expression and display of emotions; expectations about the acceptable or desirable feelings in a given situation.
Role exit
The process of leaving a role that we will no longer occupy.
Role strain
The tension experienced when there are contradictory expectations within one role.
Emotion work
the process of evoking suppressing, or otherwise managing feelings to create a publicly observable display of emotion.
the set of behaviors expected of someone because of his or her status.