Chapter 4 US History

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Colonists opposed new British taxes by protesting violently and writing defiant

two-house legislature

Each colony's government mirrored the government of Britain since had a

Treaty of Paris

Ended the American Revolution, recognized America as independent and set generous boundaries for the new Nation

colonial weapons

Fighting began in Lexington and Concord when British troops came to arrest colonial leaders and take

Continental Army

George Washington received command of this group at the Second Continental Congress.


German soldier fighting for Britain

Thomas Paine

Influenced Thomas Jefferson heavily when he drafted the Declaration of Independence.

Stamp Act

Law that taxed printed materials in the colonies

breaking the law.

Loyalists believed Patriots were

new taxes

One effect of new British taxes on colonists was that outraged colonists protested the

white settlers and Native Americans

One effect of the battles fought on the western frontier during the American Revolution was the deepening of the hostilities between


One of the Patriots' greatest strengths was their persistence in


Slavery in the South continue after the Revolution because the plantation economy depended on .


The American Revolution began when shots were fired at


The Battle of Bunker Hill was considered a Patriot victory because the British lost twice as many troops than the .

New Jersey

The Battle of Trenton was fought in the state of

Townshed acts

The Boston Massacre led Parliament to withdraw nearly all of the


The French made an open alliance with the United States following the Patriot victory at


The Loyalists believed that Patriots were too

Battle of Saratoga

The Patriots began to hope they could win the war after the


The Sons of Liberty led violent protests against British taxation in the

Great Britan

The colonists modeled their government on the government of


The lack of British support of the Loyalist militias contributed to the defeat of British troops in the

Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson drafted the

Second Continental Congress

Unsuccessfully attempted to negotiate with Britain's king to end Parliament's rule over the colonies.


With help from the French, the Revolutionary War ended with this battle

Battle of Trenton

famous battle where General Washington's Christmas crossing of the Delaware River helped him win


principle of government valued by the colonists was the right to pay no tax unless it was levied

Native Americans and Patriots.

Battles on the frontier took place mostly between the

William Howe

British General that misjudged the Patriots at Bunker Hill and lost many of his troops.

John Adams

A Massachusetts lawyer who noted the colonists' liberal use of a free press


After British forces started losing battles in the South; neutral colonists reacted by supporting the


After the Revolution, the practice of enslaving African Americans was eliminated in the


As a result of the Revolution, women in America gained

Continental Army

At the beginning of the war the British army had more weapons and ships than the

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