Chapter 5 Biology

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What are density dependent factors?

competition, predation, parasitism, disease

what is the difference between population density and distribution?

density is how many in a given space, distribution is how they are spaced out

what is a limiting factor?

factor that controls that growth of a population

what are the four characteristics that define a population?

geographic range, density and distribution, growth rate, and age structure

what is carrying capacity?

the maximum number of individuals of a particular species that a particular environment can support

what is the relationship between competition and population size?

the more competition the greater the population size

what is density and distribution?

-population density is the number of individuals per unit area -distribution is how individuals in a population are spaced out

When do populations grow exponentially?

Under ideal conditions with unlimited resources

what is growth rate?

a populations growth rate determines whether the size of the population increase, decreases, or stays the same

what's he difference between immigration and emigration?

immigration is coming in to population, emigration is exiting

what is an example of uniform distribution?

king penguin, dots represent individual members in a population

what are density independent factors?

natural disasters (wildfires) and unusual weather (hurricanes, droughts, floods)

what is age structure?

number of males and females of each age in the population

More dandelion seedlings develop in a lawn than dandelion plants are removed. What is likely to happen to the lawn's dandelion population?

population will go up

what is an example of clumped distribution?

striped catfish, these fish organize in tight groups

what is geographic range?

the area inhabited by a population

When does logistic growth occur?

when a population's growth slows or stops following a period of exponential growth

what is an example of random distribution?

wild flowers that grow randomly in a field (dandelion)

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