Chapter 5 Plate Tectonics Section 1 Earth's Interior

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In greek lithos means



A rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust. >averages about 100kilometers thick.

What is the main type of rock in continental crust?


Consider an ordinary bar magnet. If you place it on a piece of paper and sprinkle iron filings on the paper,

the iron filings line up with the bar's magnetic fiels.


the layer of hot, solid material between Earth's crust and core.

the crust is thickest under high mountains and

thinnest beneath the ocean.

Although the asthenosphere is softer than the rest of the mantle, it's still solid. If you kicked it, you would stub your toe.

true/false (true)

When you use a compass, the compass needle aligns with the lines of force in Earth's magnetic field.

true/false (true)

The core

The core is made mostly of the metals iron and nickel. It consists of two parts --- a liquid outer core and a solid inner core. Together, the inner and outer core are 3,486 kilometers thick.

Lithosphere and Asthenosphere

The rigid lithosphere, which includes the crust, rests on the softer material of the asthenosphere.

The crust is

a layer of solid rock that includes both dry land and the ocean floor.

What is the main type of rock in oceanic crust?


Using data from seismic waves,

geologists have learned the Earth's interior is made up of several layers.


is a dark rock with a fine texture. The crust beneath the ocean is called oceanic crust consists mostly of rocks such as basalt.

Inner core

is a dense ball of solid metal. In the ________________, extreme pressure squeezes the atoms of iron and nickel so much that they cannot spread out and become liquid.

Outer core

is a layer of molten metal that surrounds the inner core. Despite enormous pressure, the ________________ is liquid.


is a rock that usually is light color and a coarse texture. The continental crust, the crust that forms the continents, consists mainly of rocks such as granite.


is the layer of rock that forms Earth's outer layer.

What is the difference between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere? In which layer is each located?

lithosphere --the uppermost part of the mantle --- a rigid layer asthenosphere--- below the lithosphere --somewhat soft, can bend like plastic, it's still solid and you would stub your toe if you kicked it. Located in the Mantle

The core is

made mostly of the metals iron and nickel. It consists of two parts --- a liquid outer core and a solid inner core.

Earth's mantle is

made up of rock that is very hot, but solid. Scientists divide the mantle into layers based on physical characteristics.

In Hawaii on the south side of the island

molten material pours out of cracks in Mount Kilauea (keelooAY uh) and flows into the ocean. As this lava flows over the land, it cools and hardens into rock.

What is the main difference between the outer core and the inner core?

outer core is liquid inner core is solid

In greek, asthenes means


why is it difficult to determine Earth's inner structure?

Because you can't go inside earth because it is too hot. You have to use your evidence from rock samples and seismic waves.

The lower mantle

Beneath the asthenosphere, the mantle is solid. This solid material extends all the way to Earth's core.

How have geologists learned about Earth's inner structure?

Geologists have used two main types of evidence to learn about Earth's interior: direct evidence from rock samples and indirect evidence from seismic waves.

How are seismic wabes used to provide evidence about Earth's interior?

Geologists record the seismic waves and study how they travel through Earth. The speed of seismic waves and the paths they take reveal the structure of the planet.

Classify each of the following layers as liquid, solid, or solid but able to flow slowly: lithosphere, asthenosphere, lower mantle, outer core, inner core.

Lithosphere is solid. Asthenoshpere is solid, but able to flow slowly. Lower mantle is solid. Outer core is liquid. inner core is solid.

Earth's mantle is made up of rock that is very hot, but solid.

Scientists divide the mantle into layers based on the physical characteristics of those layers. Overall, the mantle is nearly 3,000 kilometers thick.

Most of the current evidences suggests that both parts of the core are made of iron and nickel. But scientists have found data suggesting that the cor also contains substance such as oxygen, sulfur, and silicon.

Scientsts must seek more data before they decide which of these other substances is most important.


The force exerted on a surface divided by the total area over which the force is exerted. results from a force pressing on an area. >The deeper you go , the greater the pressure. >Pressure inside Earth increases much as it does in the swimming pool.


The soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats.

Earth's surface is constantly changing.

Throughout our planet's long history, its surface has been liftedup, pushed down, bent and broken. Thus Earth looks different today from the way it did millions of years ago.

The crust is a layer of solid rock that includes both dry land and the ocean floor.

True/False (true)

seismic waves

Vibrations that travel through Earth carrying the energy released during an earthquake. Geologists record the _________________ and the paths they take reveal the structure of the planet.

The core and Earth's magnetic field

scientists think that movements in the liquid outer core creat Earth's magnetic field. Because Earth has a magnetic field, the planet acts like a giant bar magnet. The magnetic field aggect the whole Earth

List Earth's three main layers

the crust the mantle the core

The three main layers of Earth are :

the crust, the mantle, and the core. These layers vary greatly in size, composition, temperature and pressure.

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