Chapter 6 through 9 Post and Pre Test

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In most cases the cause of a learning disability can be identified.


Deficits in reading are thought to result in all of the following EXCEPT

contribute to an interest in reading

Assistance provided by government social programs, habilitation services, or advocacy groups

formal supports

Students with ADHD are typically placed in

the general education classroom

Individuals with moderate intellectual disability have an approximate measured IQ of


ADHD is believed to affect anywhere from ____ to ____ percent of the school-age population


A specialist in neurology, hypothesized that language disorders in children were due to the absence of cerebral dominance.

Sameul Orton

Adolescents with learning disabilities frequently have a history of all EXCEP

interacting appropriately with peers

A condition characterized by a loss of confidence in one's own capabilities and a reliance on others for cues and guidance.


A maternal infection resulting from contact with parasites and especially devastating if exposure occurs during third trimester of pregnancy.


Classification of a person with a moderate intellectual disability who is capable of learning self-care and social skills. IQ range is generally between 35-40 and 50-55.

trainable mentally retarded (TMR)

The Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) Strategies stipulate that students move across three phases to support problem solving. Which of the following is NOT one of the phases?

Comprehension phase: use reading strategies to understand a problem

Providing prompts to a student just before a desired behavior is expected is the

Cuing Principle

A learning disability may exist without significant impairments in academic achievement.


A student identified as gifted cannot also be identified as emotional or behavioral disordered.


Autism is included in the category of emotional disturbance.


Children and youth with emotional or behavioral disorders do not have the capacity to learn.


IDEA defines attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as a neurodevelopmental disorder portrayed as a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.


Individuals with learning disabilities tend to be actively involved or engaged in their own learning.


Students with ADHD are outgoing and make friends easily.


Teachers should avoid reporting suspicions of child maltreatment to law enforcement or social service agencies.


The Greek and Roman societies were highly advanced and civilized in their treatment of infants with disabilities.


The federal interpretation of learning disabilities is useful for classifying children and providing information on how to instruct these pupils.


An educator who worked at the laboratory school at the University of California and established a clinic for children who were experiencing significant learning difficulties despite their normal intellect.

Grace Fernald

This individual perfected various remedial reading and spelling programs including a visual-auditory-kinesthetic-tactile approach to learning.

Grace Fernald

According to this system, individuals are classified into one of the four levels of intellectual disability—mild, moderate, severe, or profound.

Intellectual Deficits

Allowing the pupil to observe a prestigious person engaging in a desired behavior is called

Modeling Principle

Allowing the student to engage in a favored activity immediately following the occurrence of the desire behavior is referred to as

Premack Principle

A condition that results when a woman who is Rh negative carries an Rh positive fetus. Mother's body will produce antibodies that can affect babies resulting from future pregnancies and often leads to intellectual disabilities and other impairments if mother does not receive an injection of Rho immune globulin.

Rh incompatibility

Examples of chromosomal abnormalities include all of the following EXCEPT

Tay-Sachs disease

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common disorders of childhood but often continues into adolescence and adulthood.


Encouraging students with ADHD to have a notebook with dividers and folders for work is an example of an organization planning accommodation.


Hereditary factors are believed to account for a large percentage of hyperactive-impulsive behavior.


Hyperactive behavior is thought to be due to abnormalities in the cerebellum and/or basal ganglia.


Individuals who are gifted and talented are frequently diagnosed with ADHD.


It has been noted in research that reading and spelling deficits are substantially inherited.


Left untreated, students with emotional or behavioral disorders are at high risk for academic failure, school dropout, or other negative long-term outcomes.


Punishment is generally regarded as an ineffective and unproductive behavior reduction strategy.


Researchers have noted that learning problems can often be remedied by exposure to individualized and highly-quality instructional practices.


The goal of the schoolwide intervention team at the primary prevention level of the Positive Behavior Support model is to reduce the number of new cases of problem behaviors schoolwide.


The most common way of determining an individual's cognitive ability is through an IQ or intelligence test.


The origins of the field of learning disabilities are international, multicultural, and multidisciplinary.


ADHD is best described as

a lifelong struggle

Environmental factors that may result in conditions conducive to the development of conduct disorders include all of the following EXCEPT

a nurturing relationship with at least one parent

Providing additional reading time; use of previewing strategies and selecting text with less on a page are examples of ______________ accommodations.

academic skills

Which of the following is not characteristic of adolescents with ADHD?

academic success

The medical literature used the term ____ when describing injury or damage to the central nervous system that originates outside the person and results in learning disorders.

acquired trauma

A diagnostic medical procedure performed to detect chromosomal and genetic abnormalities in a fetus.


Cranial malformation; large part of the brain fails to develop.


Loss of or inadequate supply of oxygen associated with birth process and frequently resulting in brain damage.


A plan required by federal law for students with disabilities who exhibit problematic behavior and a proactive intervention approach that includes the use of positive behavior supports.

behavioral intervention plan

Fetus exits the birth canal buttocks first rather than typical headfirst presentation

breech presentation

The IDEA 2004 definition of emotional disturbance includes all of the following except

children who are socially maladjusted

A diagnostic medical procedure used to detect a variety of chromosomal abnormalities and usually conducted in the first trimester of pregnancy.

chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

A common psychiatric disorder among children and youth characterized by disruptive and aggressive behavior as well as other actions that violate societal rules.

conduct disorder

This dimension of problem behaviors is characterized by physical aggression, difficulty controlling anger, open disobedience, and oppositionality.

conduct disorder

Characteristics of individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) include all except

consistently has items necessary for task completion

Instructional aides designed to assist pupils in understanding major concepts, ideas, and vocabulary in a way that aids the acquisition, organization, and recall of the material.

content enhancement

An assessment procedure in which a student's performance is compared to a particular level of mastery.

criterion-referenced assessment

A common virus that is part of the herpes group, and if initial exposure occurs during pregnancy, the result often is severe damage to the fetus.

cytomegalovirus (CMV)

The daily demands encountered in high school often make it extremely difficult for adolescents with learning disabilities. Which of the following is not a challenge for adolescents with learning disabilities?

demonstrating knowledge verablly

Social problems and emotional difficulties experienced by students with ADHD include all EXCEPT:

diminished self-confidence contributing to high self-esteem

______ focuses on the characteristics or components of the task or concept to be learned.

direct instruction

In regard to learning disabilities, the difference between the student's actual academic performance and his or her estimated ability.


The 1977 federal interpretation specifies that a learning disability cannot be due primarily to all of the following EXCEPT

discrepancy between IQ and achievement

The absence of symptoms of ADHD when the individual is evaluated in a structured environment such as a physician's office is referred to as

doctors office effect

Difficulty in understanding the relationship between sounds and letters refers to


A term frequently used when describing the cause of a disability is


In regard to learning disabilities, the elimination of possible etiological factors to explain a pupil's difficulty in learning.

exclusionary clause

Internal regulation of one's behavior through control of emotions, inner speech working memory, arousal levels, and motivation. Considered impaired in individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

executive functions

Supports characterized by regular involvement in at least some environments and not time-limited.


Edouard Seguin is considered the "Father of Special Education" because of his work with Victor, the "wild boy of Aveyron."


A method for assessing the degree to which a particular characteristic is inherited; and the tendency for certain conditions to occur in a single family is referred to as

family study

Results from mother's consumption of alcohol while pregnant, and mild to moderate intellectual disability is common along with physical deformities.

fetal alcohol syndrom

A behavioral strategy that seeks to determine the purpose or function that a particular behavior serves.

functional behavioral assessment

Characteristics of individuals identified as having a conduct disorder include all of the following EXCEPT


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an unsuccessful adult?

have and use supports

A condition in which the head is unusually large due to accumulation of excessive cerebrospinal fluid, and brain damage often minimized by surgically implanting a shunt to remove excess fluid.


A historical term commonly used to describe youngsters who exhibit impulsivity, inattention, and/or hyperactivity.

hyperactive child syndrome

Characteristically, students with ADHD fidget, squirm, and cannot sit still. This behavior is considered to apply to which of the following components of ADHD?


Insufficient amount of oxygen to the brain; and can cause brain damage


The process of completing a functional behavior assessment involves the following procedures with the EXCEPTION of

identifying antecedents and consequences of the behavior by interviewing the student

Characteristically, students with ADHD often interrupt or intrude on others. This behavior is considered to apply to which of the following components of ADHD?


Characteristically, students with ADHD do not seem to listen when directly spoken to. This behavior is considered to apply to which of the following components of ADHD?


The historical phases or periods of learning disabilities include all EXCEPT


William Cruickshank made all of the following educational recommendations for students who today would likely be recognized as exhibiting ADHD EXCEPT

increasing time on task

A long-standing and popular classification scheme among psychologists and educators and it is based on the severity of intellectual impairments.

intellectual deficits

Which of the following is not a component of the IDEA and Learning Disabilities Association of America definitions of specific learning disabilities?

intellectual functioning in below average range

Teaching pupils the cognitive skills needed to avoid and resolve interpersonal conflicts, peer pressure, and ways of coping with stress and their own feelings.

interpesonal problem solving

Which of the following language impairments does not contribute to the challenging and disruptive behaviors common in some students with emotional or behavioral disorders?

lack of vocabulary

Research has discounted many environmental explanations for ADHD including all of the following EXCEPT

lead poisioning

A lack of persistence at tasks that can be mastered; a tendency to expect failure.

learned helplessness

Instructional methodologies focusing on teaching students how to learn; designed to assist students in becoming more actively engaged and involved in their own learning.

learning strategy

Supports characterized by consistency over time and time-limited.


Students with emotional or behavioral disorders typically score in the _____________ range on measures of intelligence.

low average

A condition in which the head is unusually small, leading to inadequate development of the brain and resulting in intellectual disabilities.


A cognitive approach used to assist pupils in remembering material; the use of rhymes, pictures, acronyms, and similar aids to help in recall.

mnemonic strategies

Memory tools for helping students recall facts and relationships.

mnemonic strategy

"Allow student to stand at times while working" is an example of an accommodation or strategy that teachers may use to adapt to the needs of students with ADHD. As stated, the accommodation addresses which area of difficulty encountered by the individual with ADHD?

motor activity

Dimension of problem behaviors characterized by overactivity, including restlessness, tension, and "jumpiness."

motor tension excess

Assistance rendered by family members, friends, teachers, and coworkers.

natural supports

A principle advocating that individuals with disabilities should be integrated, to the maximum extent possible, into all aspects of everyday living.


Trauma caused by medical instruments such as forceps occurs during

perinatal period

Useful when developing a student's individualized education program and it creates a vision for pupil's future based on an analysis of his or her strengths, needs, and preferences.

person-centered planning

An inherited metabolic disorder resulting from the inability of the body to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine; can be detected at birth and controlled by diet; and left untreated, consequences are often severe.

phenylektonuria (PKU)

Difficulty in recognizing the correspondence between specific sounds and certain letters that make up words refers to

phonological awareness

Head injury resulting from falls or accidents occur during

postnatal period

Birth that occurs in less than two hours.

precipitous birth

Individuals with an approximate measured IQ of under 25 are considered to have a

profound intellectual disability

Drugs that activate or enhance specific aspects of neurological functioning that in turn affect executive functions are referred to as which type of drug?


The goal of this level of behavior management is to reduce inappropriate behaviors through the use of reprimands, corporal punishment, expulsion, etc.


All of the following are characteristics of individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) EXCEPT

quiet, does not talk much

The behavioral deterioration sometimes observed in persons with ADHD as the effect of psychostimulant medication gradually wears off.

rebound effect

Taking away iPad privileges when a student hits another child would be considered a(an) ________ principle for decreasing or extinguishing undesired behavior.

response cost

A strategy whereby a student is exposed to increasing levels of validated instructional intervention used for determining whether a pupil has a learning disability

response to intervention

The presence of emotional or behavioral disorders in children is an accurate predictor of all of the following EXCEPT

school success

All of the following are characteristics of successful adults with learning disabilities EXCEPT

seek and promote dependent relationships

A strategy whereby students initially talk to themselves out loud while performing a task.


The act of administering a reinforce to oneself is referred to as

self-administration of reinforcement

Deciding if the behavior has occurred, through some form of self-questioning activity refers to


Setting a criterion for success and selecting a reinforce from a menu of reinforcers.

self-determination of reinforcement

A behavioral self-control strategy; pupils compare their performance to a criterion, record their efforts, and obtain reinforcement if appropriate.

self-monitoring strategies

Looking at one's own behavior, given a predetermined criterion refers to


Recording the decision made during self-assessment on a private recording form refers to


Using direct instruction to teach students appropriate social behaviors is referred to as

social skills training

Problem behavior that includes behaviors similar to conduct disorders except that children and youth display these behaviors (stealing and substance abuse in the company of others, truancy from school, gang membership, etc.) in the company of others.

socialized aggression

An assessment model that looks at an individual's strengths, abilities, and accomplishments rather than focusing on his or her deficits.

strength-based assessment

A venereal disease; infection of the mother in the last trimester of pregnancy can cause intellectual disabilities in the child.


_____ assumes that intellectual disability is a consequence of a disease process or biological defect.

the etiological perepctive

A proactive intervention strategy that attempts to maximize student engagement time and appropriately schedule class activities in addition to instruction in time management skills.

time management

The regulating of students as they move from one assignment to another or from one activity to another and a proactive behavioral intervention strategy.

transition management

While the precise cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is unknown, researchers are exploring several possibilities including all EXCEPT

traumatic brain injuries

Adaptive behavior is seen as "the degree to which, and the efficiency with which, the individual meets the standards of maturation, learning, personal independence, and/or social responsibility that are expected for his/her age level and cultural group.


Adaptive behavior refers to an individual's ability to meet the social requirements of his or her community that are appropriate for his or her chronological age; it is an indication of independence and social competency.


King Henry II of England enacted a policy in the twelfth century whereby "natural fools" became the king's wards.


The first public school class for "slow learning" youngsters was formed in Providence, Rhode Island.


Person-centered planning is best described as

useful when developing a student's individualized education program

Students with ADHD can benefit from all of the assistive technologies EXCEPT

video games during instruction

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