Chapter 7

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some promoters require chromatin-remodeling complexes which

(eg. SWI/SNF in yeast) facilitate "sliding" of nucelosomes and accelerate binding of transcription factors -also required for many other processes involving DNA replication recombination and repair

Transcription Factor-DNA interaction detected by Footprinting

-incubate protein sample with a radiolabeled DNA fragment containing a putative control element (only 5'end is tagged) -add small amounts of endonuclease DNase I to produce about one random cut/DNA fragment -if present in sample, the corresponding transcription factor binds to its site and protects it from endonuclease cuts -DNA fragments are then separated by Gel electrophoresis (fragment size indicates distance from labeled ends). -tells you whether transcription factors are there, when proteins bound cut will not occur ig binds those fragments that originated from random cutting will not appear anymore because they are protected from the protein

promoter-localized chromatin decondensation

1. GCN4 transcription factor binds to USA upstream control element 2. activation domain of GCN4 binds recruits a complex with acetylase activity (facilitates polII assembly at the TATA box)

Three main classes of promoter elements that are recognized by pol II

1. TATA boxes 2. Initiator Sequences 3. CpG islands

promoter-localized chromatin condensation

1. UME6 transcription factor binds to USR1 upstream control element 2. repressor domain of UME6 recruits protein complex that has deacetylase activity (promotes localized nucleosome condensation and prevents pol II from binding to TATA box).

model of telomere sequence silencing in yeast

1. telomere repeat sequences bind to multiple copies of the Rap1 protein 2. Rap1 recruits a complex of Sir proteins one of which displays deactylase activity (SIR 2) 3. Removal of histone acetyl groups (negative charges) from neighboring nucleosomes promotes chromatin condensation.

C2H2 zinc finger

23-22 aa long consensus sequence ex. GL-1 in plants

C4 zinc finger

55 or 56 aa long consensus sequence ex. glucorticoid receptor

the last step of purification of transcription factors uses

DNA affinity column chromatography -DNA control element is covalently linked to the column -the corresponding transcription factor binds to the column under physiological salt concentration while contaminating protein flow through -the transcription factor is recovered by raising the salt concentration to disrupt binding

amino acid identity highest in

DNA binding domain (42-94%) then ligand binding domain (15-57%) last variable region 0%

main control element for transcription

DNA binding protein

maintenance of epigenetic changes requires specific

DNA methyltransferase enzymes and protein complexes that bring histone modifications activities to specific sites sometimes with the help of non-coding RNAs

Where is expression shown in the Pax6 transgenic mouse?

DNA region upstream of exon confers expression only in the Pancreas and lens pit for exon 0 -other enhancer regions confer expression in specific tissues -Pax gene also displays alternative transcription start sites -all other tissues besides the ones detected dont have the transcription factors needed to transcribe gene.

control elements are

DNA sequence, NOT a protein

Transcription control regions in mouse Pax 6 gene

Different segments of DNA form the Pax6 gene fused to the B-galactosidase reporter gene then the constructs used to make transgenic mice. The constructs then are incorporated into the DNA of all cells in the resulting transgenic mouse embryos but the reporter is expressed in different tissues dependig on which conrtol region is linked to it

Promoter-Proximal elements regulate gene transcription by Pol


General transcription factors are required at essentially all promoters utilized by

Pol II

RNA pol 1

RNA transcribed: Pre r RNA function in ribosome components, protein synthesis

RNA pol II

RNA transcribed: mRNA, snRNA, siRNAs, miRNAs, RNA function: encodes protein, RNA splicing, Chromatin mediated respression, translation control


RNA transcribed: tRNAA, 5S rRNA, snRNA U6, 7S RNA RNA function: protein synthesis, ribosome component, protein synthesis, RNA spiling, Signal recognition particle for inseriton of polupeptides into the ER

Homeodomain transcription factors

SNA binding domain is ~60 amino acids long and is similar to helix-turn-helix motif of bacterial repressors. homeodomains are most often found in transcription factors that function during development and were first discovered in drospholia ex. Ubx

pol II must first bind to

TFIIF before it can join the TBP/TFIIB complex bound to the promoter

Yeast GAL4 transcription factor binds to

UAS control element found in genes required for metabolizing galactose

Deletion constructs of the GAL4 protein can be assayed for binding to

UASgal (using EMSA) and for stimulation of a reporter gene introduced into yeast cells

All nuclear receptor share

a common domain structure Variable region (100-500aa) DNA binding domain (68 aa): two copies of C4 zinc finger motif Ligand bind domain (225-285 aa): ligand binding domain may function as a repressor in some receptors

estrogen binding causes

a conformational change that promotes binding to a co-activator protein that in turn activates pol II.

prior incubation with TBP results in

a footprint, protected region, spanning the TATA box region

testing transcription factor activity by transfection, what is in the first plasmid

a gene encoding a putative transcription factor (protein X) is cloned into an expression plasmid (1)

transcription of the lac operon is prevented by binding of

a tetramer of the lac repressor protein to the operator region

Basic leucine Zipper (bZIP) protein

a-helices in leucine zipper proteins have basic residues at one end and these bind to specific sequences in adjacent major grooves like a pair of scissors.

many activation domains have a high content of

acidic amino acids (glu, asp) or are glutamine rich or proline rich

CAP control

activator that can control transcription of several genes

control of elongation is mediated by formation of

alternative base-paired structures within the first 140nt of the transcript

protein-protein interactions

are often involved in binding multiple transcription factors on adjacent binding sites. -if one factor is bound the second one can bind with greater affinity necuase specific interactions occur with both DNA and the first factor (cooperative binding)

kinds and amounts of proteins produced in a particular cell type

are regulated, unique proteins for different cell types

eukaryotic transcription factors

are the regulatory proteins that bind to specific DNA control elements. humans encode over 2000 transcription factors (yeast several hundred)

Basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein

bHLH proteins use the same principles but the DNA-binding helices are separated form the leucine zipper by non-helical loops

phosphorylation of pol II CTD is required

before elongation can start

elongation proceeds following

binding of another factor (DSIF) and specific phosphorylation of the pol II CTD domain as well as NELF and DSIF

cAMP-CAP complex

binds to a site just upstream of the lac promoter (interacts with polymerase causing more frequent transcription)


binds to a so called enhancer sequence far upstream of the promoter (-108 to -140) -looping of the DNA allows NtrC to bind to sigma 54-pol and activate transcription -requires phosphorylation by a protein kinase called NtrB to activate transcription

effector domain

binds to a specific promoter to activate transcription

combinatorial regulation by bZIP and bHLH proteins

both recognize the same DNA binding site and can bind as either homodimer or heterodimers -in some cases even bZIP and bHLH proteins that recognize different but related DNA binding sites can still bind as heterodimers

the ability to transcribe a gene is controlled at the

chromatin level (closed vs open chromatin) and also at the promoter level (DNA binding transcription factors and other protein complexes assembled near gene promoters)

process of testing transcription factor activity by transfection

co-transfection of the two plasmids in the cells lacking X protein increases reporter gene expression if the transcription factor is an activator or decreases expression if it is a repressor -tells you if protein encoding is in fact binding to the site and affecting transcription

TATA box

commonly found in highly transcribed genes the TATA box is 25 to 35 bp upstream of the start site -consensus sequence 8nt long that is A/T rich

small molecule ligands

commonly regulates bacterial gene transcriptionby altering DNA binding properties of repressor or activator proteins

transcription factor domains function independently

contain only one DNA binding domain-but may contain one or more transcription activation domains

mutations within transcription factor repressor domains often lead to

contitutive (unregulated) expression of the genes they control

the most important mechanism determining differential production

control of transcription initiation and elongation

regulation of elongation provides an additional mechanism for

controlling gene transcription in addition to transcription initiation

footprinting assay incubation prior to DNase I

digestion results in a array of bands reflecting random cutting

most bacterial repressors and many euk transcription factors bind as

dimers and commonly contain a DNA-binding domain called Helix-turn-Helix motif

Pol I and Pol III

each have their own set of general transcription factors that recognize different control elements. since they transcribe only a few genes the control elements are simpler transcription rates by pol I and pol III are tightly coupled to cell growth and poliferation

alternate sigma factors are often used for gene activation in response to

environmental signals

lipid soluble molecules

extracellular signals that diffuse through cellular membranes and directly activate transcription factors ex. cortisol, retinoic acid, thyroxine

order of domains differs depending on

factor, but domains work independently (e.g. activation domain of GAL4 stimulates transcription when used to replace activation domain GCN4

all three eukaryotic polymerases have

five core subunits homologous to the bacterial counterparts

why is the spacing between two promoter elements important?

for recognition and binding by RNA polymerase

who discovered gene regulation in e coli?

fracois jacob and jacques monod, work on lac operon


generally 50-200 bp and comprise multiple individual control elements each 6-10 bp long enhancer sequence binds to multiple transcription factors. -stimulate transcription of any gene even when present thousands of bp away from the start site -you can take enhancer and put by any gene of choice


has helicase activity and melts DNA duplex at start site

silencing gene transcription by heterochromatin formation

heterochromatin reflects a high level of chromatin condensation and is readily observed in telomere and centromere regions where there is no gene transcription

for VDRE (vit D3 response element) TR (thyroid hormone response element) and RARE (retinoic acid response element)

heterodimer nuclear receptors are found exclusively in the nucleus and repress the genes they bind to in the absence of their hormone ligand.

some activation domains are

highly structured, but require binding to a small ligand to change to an active conformation

binding of a nutrient to the sensor protein activates a

histidine kinase activity that in turn activates the response protein (both involve conformational changes)

chromatin condensation is promoted by

histone deacetylation and histone methylation

epigenetic control involves

histone modifications as well as DNA methylation (5-methyl cytosine, often critical in CpG islands) that can trigger chromatin condensation

three structural types of DNA binding domains

homeodomain (homeobox), zinc finger, and leucine zipper

linker-scanning mutation analysis

identifies transcription control elements in promoter regions -mutant constructs are engineered to contain overlapping blocks of scrambled sequence that replace original sequence -promoter region from any gene is linked to a reporter gene for analysis

repressor domains

in place of activation domain that inhibit rather than activate gene transcription. work independently, can be linked to DNA binding domains of any transcription factors

activations domins differ

in their transcription-stimulating potential and are themselves subject to regulation, different combinations of heterodimers can thus elicit varied responses.

epigenetic regulation of transcription

inherited changes in the phenotype of a cell that do not result from changes in DNA sequence -changes in the gene expression initiated by transcription factors are often reinforced and maintained over multiple cell divisions

activation domains function by

interacting with pol II initiation complex

CpG islands

involving genes that are not transcribed at extremely high level, like those containing a tata box or an initiator sequence. -CGCGCG repeated sequences that are not interrupted by anything else. RNA pol recognizes many alternative sites in both directions

in the two component system the phosphate on the his residue

is quickly transferred to a specific Asp residue in the response regulator

CTD phosphorylation

is required for transcription by Pol II and takes place at initiation; phosphorylated CTD also function as a binding domain for mRNA processing enzymes

in the presence of lactose and glucose

lac operon transcription remains low


lack of irises in both eyes caused by one defective Pax6 gene (heterozygous)

when lactose is present

lactose binds to the lac repressor protein causing a conformational change and dissociation for the operator


large multi-subunit complex that forms bridge between activator domains of transcription factors and pol II -some are required for transcriptional control of all genes (e.g. subunits that bind to pol II and/or maintain overall structure) -other subunits bind to specific activation or repressor domains of transcription factors and are thus required only for activation of some genes

promoter regions

lie upstream of gene transcription start sites and serve binding sites for RNA polymerase and regulatory proteins, required for gene transcription no promoter=no transcription -can be attached to any gene and will govern the transcription of that gene

Yeast RNA pol

looks like bacterial overall but has far more subunits -RPB1 RBP2 similar to the beta and beta prime in bacteria (homologous/evolutionarily related)

Leucine Zipper DNA-binding domains in transcription factors

many proteins including transcription factors contain alpha helices with the hydrophobic amino acid Leu at every seventh position and form coiled-coil dimers -since a-helices have ~3.6 residues per turn, leu at every position makes one side of each helix hydrophobic (amphipathic helix) facilitating their oil around each other to form a dimer (like a zipper)

transcription factors have seperate functional domains due to

modular organization. -transcription-activating function and DNA binding activity reside in different locations (domains) of the protein.

Yeast regulatory transcription control elements

most contain a TATA box that position further upstream compared to higher eukaryotes (90 bp instead of -25 to -35) -most contain only one upstream DNA control element called an Upstream activating sequence (UAS)

promoter elements in e coli

most e coli genes contain two promoter elemetns consisting of specific consensus sequences at -35 and -10 bases upstream of the start site

general transcription factors are all

multimeric proteins

transcription of a single gene is regulated by

multiple DNA control elements and multiple transcription factors -the presence of specific transcription factos that bind to specific control elements differs in different cell types

model of DNA-bound Activators interacting with mediator complex

multiple transcription factors bound to promoter-proximal elements and enhancers make contact with one or more subunits of the mediator complex (require DNA bending) -TAF subunits of TFIID also make contacts with the mediator -magnitude of transcription of a given gene reflects the combined effects of all the contacts (in the absence of a mediator, only minimal basal transcription occurs)

B-interferon gene

multiple transcription factors participate in the cooperative binding of the enhancer sequence. considered an enhanceosome because of the large number of proteins forming complex


negative elongation factor, pol II pauses after transcribing ~20-50 nts due to binding of this protein complex

When lactose is absent and glucose is present....

no need for the cell to metabolize lactose

Transcription of ribosomal RNA precursor by Pol I

non transcribed spacer region between unites includes a set of enhancer sequences and varying termination sites. pRNA start is involved in silencing transcription SL1 contains TBP and four TBP associated units general transcription factors are bound to promoter (assembly) Pol I assembled at start site

what kind of interactions are between specific amino acids and specific DNA bases?

noncovalent interactions in both euk and prok


of repressors or activators modulates their DNA binding properties

in general, each transcription factor binds to only

one specific control element

what is required to initiate assembly on TATA box-containing promoters in vitro

only the TBP subunit of TFIID

While testing transcription factor activity by transfection, what is in the second plasmid?

plasmid 2 encodes a reporter gene with a minimal promoter (eg. TATA box only) and an upstream control element for the transcription factor (X binding site)

purpose of the general transcription factors

position the polymerase at the start site and assist in initiation


prevent pol from binding or from functioning

further reduction in expression of the tryp operon proteins is acheived by

preventing elongation of the transcript (called attenuation) (terminate not to waste any time to transcribe the whole gene) -occurs in bacteria like in eukaryotes

tryp operon

prime example of transcriptional regulation of elongation in bacteria

transcription control elements in genes transcribed by Pol III

promoter elements for tRNA and 5S rRNA genes are uniquely located entirely within the transcribed sequence -U6 snRNA gene however is more like Pol II genes with a TATA box and one promoter proximal element (PSE) -5S and tRNAs primary transcripts are also processed by specialized nucleases

the glutamine synthetase gene A

promoter is recognized by sigma 54-pol

initiator sequences

promoters that contain an initiator sequence that overlaps the start site -initiator sequences are poorly conserved compared to TATA box

transcription factors

proteins that recognize specific DNA sequences


referes to those DNA sequence elements that lie close tothe start site and recruit as well as position RNA polymerase for transcription initiation

Pax6 gene in humans

regulates a number of developmental pathways and only some mutations lead to aniridia, plays a role in the developmental tissue in the eye

DNA binding domains can be grouped into

related structures with similar motifs

histone deacetylation

removes negative charges and promotes histone-histone interactions (favors condensation)

transcription factors

repressors and activators of transcription that binf to DNA control elements in eukaryotes

DNA-binding sites (control elements) for nuclear receptors are referred to as

response elements

distinguishing features of DNA response elements for nuclear receptors

response elements either contain indirect repeats or direct repeats and bind dimers of nuclear receptor proteins.

sigma protein factor

responsible for recognizing -10 and -35 promoter elements and must first associate with RNA polymerase before it can bind

transcription level for each gene

results from the combined effects of multiple transcription factors bound to its control elements

Prior incubation with TFIID

results in a footprint that extends to about +20 from the transcription start site TSS.

responses to changes in nutrients sometimes involve a

sensor protein that does not bind to promoters and a response regulator protein that does


seven amino acid repeat (26 in yeast, 52 in vertebrates

E coli has a total of

seven sigma factors each recognizing a specific promoter consensus sequence

what does analysis of control regions using a single bp show?

shows that the critical elements consists of a specific sequence 6-10 bp long -these short sequences serve as a binding site for specific transcription factors.

DNA control elements

span a larger region of DNA than in bacteria, recruit RNA polymerase aside from promoter elements

What determines binding affinity of DNA binding protein

specific contacts between atoms in the recognition alpha helix (sequence reading helix) and the major groove of DNA

genes that require alternate sigma factors generally control a

specific function


subunit of TFIIIB, TBP is thus required by all three RNA polymerases

when glucose falls how does the cell respond

synthesizes cyclic AMP (cAMP) which binds to a dimer of the catabolite activator protein (CAP)

example of a ligand binding to activation domain

tamoxifen used for breast cancer blocks binding co-factor -normal ligand estrogen is the agonist and inhibitors of the binding is the antogonist

RNA Pol II is the only pol that has

the c-terminal domain (CTD) in its largest subunit, RNA pol copies mRNA.

For GR (glucocorticoid response element) and ER (estrogen response element) ligand binding occurs in

the cytoplasm and promotes translocation of the receptor to the nucleus

what governs the transcriptional level of a gene

the promoter region and its response to regulatory signals

most e coli gene transcription require

the sigma 70 factor

when tryptophan is available as a nutrient...

the trp repressor protein reduces transcription of the operon

nucleosomes in decondensed chromatin generally do not prevent binding of general or specific transcription factors becuase

they can "slide" along the DNA

Herpes Virus thymidine kinase gene contains how many control elements

three control elements assayed by transfection

control of transcription involves

three distinct DNA elements: CAP site, promoter, and operator

lac operon encodes for

three proteins that metabolize lactose (lacZ encodes B-galactosidase the first gene in the operon)

Human Pax6 Gene reveals

tissue-specific expression

enhancers are often responsible for

tissue-specific transcription of gene. you can put an enhancer next to any gene but if tissue does not contain the right transcription factors than it will have no effect

why do cells need to regulate gene expression

to respond to or adapt to changes in its environment (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) and to generate different types of cells during development of multicellular organisms (differentiation)

estrogen receptor

transcription factor with an activation domain that binds to estrogen (small lipid soluble hormone)

lipid soluble molecules bind directly to

transcription factors called nuclear receptors present either in the cytoplasm or the nucleus

reaction cascade is triggered by

transmembrane receptors in response to extracellular signals, reaction cascade leads to activation or repression of a transcription factor already present in the cell often involving phosphorylation

Bacterial RNA pol

two alpha subunits, omega subunit, sigma subunit to recognize promoters, beta and beta prime sububit. similar shape to the eukaryotic yeast RNA pol

some activation domains, especially acidic ones remain

unstructured, do not fold into a specific tertiary structure until they bind to a co-activator protein

enhancers can be located

upstream, downstream within introns, or after the last exon

column chromatography

used to separate proteins from cell extracts into different fraction based on charge size or hydrophobicity. -column fractions are then incubated with a radiolabeled DNA fragment containing a control element (probe) followed by gel electrophoresis -when a transcription factor binds to the control element, a slower migrating protein-DNA complex is observed

electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA)

useful method for detecting transcription factors during purification

DNA-binding domain determines

which genes can be stimulated for transcription but activation domains work when attached to any transcription factor DNA-binding domain

why use linker-scanning mutation analysis?

you can take constructs you put into the cell, if scrambled sequence with no mRNA made then it must mean that there is a control sequence in that region that controls transcription of that gene. if there is no effect on RNA synthesis then its not important to the control region. end up with a map of where the control elements are.

zinc finger DNA binding domains in transcription factors

zinc finger motifs are common in transcription factors (sometimes in multiple copies) but are also found in other cellular proteins. -cysteines and histidines in the motifs bind zinc ions via their sulphydryl groups

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