Chapter 7: Energy Balance & Weight Control

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Very low-fat diets are most useful for reducing:

cardiovascular diseases

Increase in lean body mass will ________ basal metabolic rate.


Bomb Calorimeter

instrument used to determine the calorie content of food. Measures Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, & Alcohol.

Fat released directly from abdominal adipose tissue is transported directly to the:


A carbohydrate-focused diet relies on _______.

low glycemic index foods

Direct calorimetry

measures the amount of body heat released by a person.


surgical removal of fat tissue

Body Mass Index

(BMI) Weight (kg) / height^2 (m) OR weight (lbs.) x 703 / height ^2 (inches) 25 and above indicates overweight 30 or above indicates obesity

Thermic Effect of Food

(TEF) Similar to sales tax;

Treatments for obesity:

- Decrease calorie intake - Increased physical activity - Behavior modification

The energy required for the thermic effect of food is due to the ________, _________, and _________ of nutrients.

- digestion - absorption - processing

Factors that increase basal metabolism

- greater lean body mass (** Most Important) - larger body surface area per body volume - male gender - body temperature - thyroid hormones - stress - pregnancy - caffeine and tobacco use

Positive energy balance is normal during:

- pregnancy - childhood - infancy

Factors that increase basal metabolic rate:

- pregnancy - caffeine and tobacco use - increase in lean mass

For what three general purposes does the body use energy?

1. Basal Metabolism 2. Physical Activity 3. Digestion, Absorption, and Processing of ingested nutrients.

How much does physical activity increase energy expenditure beyond basal metabolism?


Defensive Eating

Making careful and conscious food choices, especially in regards to portion size.

Basal Metabolism

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Minimal amount of calories expended in a fasting state to keep resting, awake body alive in a warm, quiet environment.

Lean Body Mass

Body weight - fat storage weight = lean body mass Includes organs such as brain, muscles, and liver, as well as bones and blood, and other body fluids.

Resting Metabolism

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) The amount of calories the body uses when the person has not eaten in 4 hours and is resting and awake in a warm, quiet environment.

________ slows muscle loss that comes with dieting and aging.

Strength training

Positive Energy Balance

The state in which energy intake is greater than energy expended, generally resulting in weight gain. Excess calories that are consumed are stored, causing weight gain.

Negative Energy Balance

The state in which energy intake is less than energy expended, resulting in weight loss. Necessary for successful weight loss.

Low-fat diet:

difficult to follow because people get bored quickly due to having to eat only fruits, vegetables, and grains.


energy expended during fidgeting or shivering in response to cold.

Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is __________ basal metabolic rate (BMR).

higher than

In order to lose weight it is necessary to be in _________ energy balance.


When energy input is less than energy output, the person is in __________ energy balance.


When energy input is more than energy output, the person is in ________ energy balance.


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