chapter 7 testbank

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Caroline's inner ear infection has likely spread to the mastoid process causing mastoiditis. the infection traveled through the mastoid air cells which are connected to the middle ear cavity. she may also experience swelling and redness behind the ear at the mastoid process

Caroline goes to the doctor complaining of ear pain and fever. the doctor notices that the ear infection is not limited to the middle and inner ear but has traveled posteriorly. explain where the infection has likely traveled, how it was able to move beyond the inner ear and what additional symptoms she may exhibit with the infection

hearing and balance

Damage to the temporal bone would most likely affect the sense(s) of

both the atlas and the axis

Gesturing "no" with the head depends on the structure(s) of which cervical vertebrae?

thoracic cage: sternum and 24 ribs and 2 clavicles

Identify the mismatched pair.

a long and narrow head

Premature closure of the sagittal suture would result in

inferior and superior nuchal lines

Ridges that anchor muscles that stabilize the head are the

frontal, parietal and occipital

The calvaria (or skullcap) is formed by the ________ bones


The occipital ________ are where the occipital bone articulates with the first cervical vertebra.


The parietal bones and occipital bone articulate at the ________ suture.

transverse processes

The ribs articulate with the _____ of the vertebrae.

temporal and zygomatic

The zygomatic arch is formed by the articulation of processes from which two bones?

facets for the articulation of ribs

Thoracic vertebrae can be distinguished from other vertebrae by the presence of

condylar process

Which of the following articulate in the mandibular fossa?

ribs and xiphoid process

While performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on an unconscious person, you are careful to position your hands correctly to avoid damage to the

mastoid process

a point of attachment for muscles that rotate or extend the head is the


a skull bone that could be described as looking like a bat with wings extended is the

supra-orbital margin

a thickening of the frontal bone that helps protect the eye is

costal facets of thoracic vertebrae

a tubercle of a rib articulates with the


air-filled Chambers found in several bones of the skull are called

billy has probably broken one or more of his ribs. movement of the ribs changes the size of the thoracic cavity, which is an important part of breathing. when the ribs are broken, breathing can become difficult (labored) because of pain when the ribs are moved

billy is inure during a high School football game. his chest is badly bruised and he is experiencing difficulty with breathing. what might the problem be?

the ciliated epithelium moves mucus back toward the throat, where it is eventually swallowed or expelled coughing. mucus traps foreign particles, such as dust or microorganisms, which in the absence of cilia would build up within the paranasal sinuses. possible consequences may include congestion, pain, sinusitis, and spread of infections into the respiratory tract

consider a disease whereby cilia within the epithelial lining of the paranasal sinuses are destroyed. what would be some of the consequences?

superior and middle nasal conchae

delicate projections that form the ethmoid labyrinth are


during development a cleft palate forms when which bones fail to meet along the midline of the hard palate

sella turcica

each of the following is associated with the temporal bone except the


each of the following regions/markings is associated with the occipital bone except the

cribriform plate

each of the following structures is associated with the sphenoid bone except the

frank probably has a deviated septum as the result of his broken nose. in a deviated septum the cartilaginous portion of the septum is bent where it joins the bone. this condition often blocks the drainage of one or more sinuses with resulting sinus headaches, infections and sinusitis

frank gets into a brawl at a sports event and receives a broken nose. after the nose heals, he starts to have sinus headaches and discomfort in the area of his maxillae. what is probably the cause of Frank's discomfort?

spina bifida

give the clinical term for the condition in which the vertebral laminae fail to unite during development


humans normally have ___ pairs of rib


identify the sphenoid bone

transverse process

identify the structure labeled 3

supra-orbital notch

in some individuals the supra-orbital foramen is incomplete and called the


infection of the large process on the temporal bone would be called

ethmoid bone

jack gets into a fight and is punched in the nose. which of the following bones might be fractured?

sagittal, lambdoid, squamous and coronal

looking at all the views of the skull, name the major sutures

sphenoidal (paired), mastoid (paired), anterior, and posterior; they fused and are not on the adult skull

name the fontanelles found on the infant skull. why aren't they labeled on the adult skull


of the following bones, which is unpaired?


ribs 8 to 12 are called ___ because they do not attach directly to the sternum


the ___ bone is unusual because it doesn't contact another bone


the ___ is the bony chamber that protects and supports the brain

Atlas and occipital

the ability to nod "yes" is due to the articulation of which two bones

support the lower teeth

the alveolar process of the mandible


the auditory ossicles are housed in which cranial bone

perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone ad vomer bone

the bony portion of the nasal septum is formed by the


the clavicles articulate with which portion of the sternum


the dens process is found on the

transverse foramina

the distinguishing feature of a cervical vertebra is the


the foramen magnum is found in the ___ bone


the four primary sutures are lambdoid, coronal, sagittal and

Palatine processes of the maxillae

the hard palate of the roof of the mouth is mostly formed by the

all of the answers are correct (attaches to tongue muscle; is linked to the styloid process by a ligament; is superior to the larynx; does not directly articulate with other bones)

the hyoid bone


the hypophyseal fossa of the sella turcica contains the ___ gland


the inferior portion of nasal septum is formed by the


the internal acoustic meatus is located in which bone

create turbulence in the nasal passageways

the nasal conchae


the olfactory foramina are found in which of the following bones

optic canal

the optic nerve passes through which structure


the part of the sternum that articulates with the clavicles is the

mastoid process

the prominent bulge just posterior and inferior to the external auditory meatus is the

thoracic vertebrae

the ribs articulate with the

ribs 11 and 12 and are called floating ribs

the ribs that have no attachment to the Sternum are


the sacrum consists of how many fused bones?


the skull and vertebral column are part of the ___ skeleton


the skull contains ___ bones

lacrimal bones

the smallest facial bones are the

median sacral crest

the spinous processes of the sacral vertebrae fuse to form the

temporal bone

the styloid process, zygomatic process, and auditory ossicles are associated with the


the superior part of the sternum is called the


the suture that forms the articulation of the parietal bones with the frontal bone is the ___ suture

auricular surface

the thickened area that is the site of articulation of the sacrum to the ilium at the sacroiliac joint is the

ribs 1-7 and are called vertebrosternal ribs

the true ribs are


the widest intervertebral discs are found in the ___ region

these fibrous connective tissue structures fill in between the bones of the cranium in a newborn infant. as the Brain grows, the skull bones can move apart and allow for Brain growth without interfering with the nervous system development and function. if they are prematurely ossified, brain development is restricted, leading to skull deformity and mental retardation. this condition is called craniostenosis

what role do the fontanelles play in infant development


which bone structure has foramina for the olfactory nerves


which bone(s) include(s) a manubrium?

hyaline cartilage

which connective tissue is found between the ribs and the Sternum

all of the answers are correct (provides an attachment for muscles that move the appendicular skeleton; provides an attachment for muscles that move the head, neck and trunk; provides an attachment for muscles involved in breathing; provides protection for the brain and the spinal cord)

which of the following is a function of the axial skeleton


which of the following is not a cranial bone

pelvic girdle

which of the following is not part of the axial skeleton

includes the pelvic and pectoral girdles

which of the following is not true regarding the axial skeleton

it is found only in the cervical and thoracic vertebrae

which of the following is not true regarding the vertebral canal?

sphenoid: external acoustic meatus

which of the following pairs is mismatched

all of the answers are correct (it is the most caudal vertebral region; it anchors a muscle that constricts the anal opening; it consists of three to five coccygeal vertebrae; fusion is delayed until the mid-twenties)

which of the following statements about the coccyx is true

sacral: 2 fused

which of the following types of vertebrae and their numbers is not correct?


which of these is not one of the facial bones


which paired bones form the lateral, posterior portions of the cranium


which portion of the temporal bone houses the structures of the internal ear


which structure contacts the intervertebral disc


which structure enclosed the pituitary gland

ribs 11 and 12; they do not attach to the Sternum

which two pairs of ribs are floating ribs? what distinguishes them from the other false ribs?

thoracic and sacral

which two regions of the spine form primary curves

a headache

while playing softball, Gina is struck in the frontal bone by a wild pitch. which of the following complaints would you expect her to have?

the lumbar vertebrae have massive bodies and carry a lot of weight; these factors contribute to the rupturing of an intervertebral disc. the cervical vertebrae are more delicate and have small bodies; these factors increase the possibility of dislocations and fractures in the cervical vertebrae

why are ruptured intervertebral discs more common in lumbar vertebrae and dislocations and fractures are more common in cervical vertebrae?


your friend Greg is hit in the jaw and when looking at him, his face looks misaligned. you immediately take him to the emergency room and are not surprised to learn that he has a broken

articulates with the second and third lumbar vertebrae

All of the following are true of the sacrum, except that it

condylar process of the mandible

As the result of an accident, Bill suffers a dislocated jaw. This injury would involve the

the vertebral bodies become relatively larger

As you move in an inferior direction along the vertebral column,

the curvature of the spine is changing as a result of the heavy abdomen pulling on the anterior cavity. this extra weight causes abnormal spinal curvature to compensate for balance. the condition is called lordosis because its effects are prevalent in lumbar region

Joe is 40 years old and 30 pound overweight. like many middle-aged men, Joe Carries most of this extra weight in his abdomen and jokes with his friends about his "beer gut." during an annual physical, Joe's physician advises him that his spine is developing an abnormal curvature. why is the curvature of Joe's spine changing, and what is this condition called

temporomandibular joint syndrome

Kristen went to the dentist complaining of jaw tenderness and popping noises when she opens and closes her mouth. he notices abnormal wearing on the articulating surfaces of her teeth. which of the following conditions does she most likely suffer from?

styloid process

Ligaments that support the hyoid bone are attached to the

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