Chapter 8 quiz

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________ can be used to track users at a website


What is the problem with image spam?

It takes up more bandwidth than traditional text spam.

________ are small programs and are probably the safest because many attack-related actions are disabled

Java applets

________ offers no security at all.


________ is an attack that involves sending modified SQL statements to a web application that will, in turn, modify a database

SQL injection

A danger of website programming is accidentally allowing ________


E-mail filtering can be done at all of the following EXCEPT ________.

an authentication server

Compared to full programming languages, scripts ________.

are easier to use than full programming languages

SSL/TLS provides security ________.

between an e-mail client and its mail server

Temporary areas in RAM are known as ________


VoIP is ________.

calling someone over the Internet

The prevention of sensitive information from being sent out of a company is called ________.

extrusion prevention

In VoIP, firewalls are a problem because they tend to ________.

increase latency

In IM, all messages pass through a(n) ________ server.


1) When a hacker is able to take over control of a host, nearly or completely, this indicates the hacker has ________.

super user privileges

After program or application creation, a program is moved to a(n) ________.

testing server

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