Chapter 9 (section quiz 3) History

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4. Who were the leaders of the Indian confederation in the west? Why did the Indians unite their forces?

A: 1 leader was Tecumseh, and another leader was his brother, Tenskwatawa. Tecumseh wanted to stop western expansion of the whites.

1. When the war between England and France reached a stalemate, how did each country plan to defeat the other?

A: Both countries wanted to destroy each others economy.

3. Explain why the British fired on the USS Chesapeake.

A: Captain Leopard ordered the frigate to stop and then fired at the Chesapeake when the American Captain refused.

*. What was the Embargo Act of 1807? Explain how it affected Americans.

A: The Embargo Act of 1807 was an end to all exports from the united states. Farmers, merchants and those who depended on imports suffered. The Embargo hurt Americans more then it hurt the British and a lot of people lost their jobs.

2. How did the conflict between Britain and France affect American trade? Why did American ships continue to sail under these conditions?

A: The conflict affected American trade so much that some American ships were seized by the British and French when trying to trade. The potential profits of trading were so high, however, Americans risked defying both powers. If only one of three trade vessels got through, the ship owner still made a good profit.

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