Chapter Ten Economic Development and Change p.314-329

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How much more energy is used by industrialized countries compared to developing countries?

10 times more

Around what of percentage of sub-Saharan children do not live to their fifth birthday?


Approximately how many billion people are undernourished?

2 billion

How many calories is considered the minimum necessary daily consumption level?

2,350 calories

How many estimated people lack basic sanitation?

2.6 billion

Around what of percentage of practicing physicians in the U.S are from abroad?


Around what of percentage of infant and child deaths in developing countries are preventable?


According to figure 10.12, what two countries in Asia have the lowest percentage of population with access to safe drinking water?

Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea

In what 4 areas is the informal economy vital to the livelihoods of many workers?

Africa, Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean

According to Figure 10.11, what two countries in Asia have the lowest Adult literacy rate?

Bangladesh, (Dhaka, Iraq)

The process of growth, expansion, or realization of potential; bringing regional resources into full productive use:


Urbanization, modernization, and improvement in levels of material production and consumption:


What regions have made the most improvements in reducing hunger levels?

East Asia, Southwest Asia, Latin America

According to figure 10.12, what two countries in Africa have the highest percentage of population with access to safe drinking water?

Egypt, Botswana

What is the primary measure used by the World Bank to gauche economic performance?


What is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere?


________________________ educational or income levels are usually associated with __________________ infant mortality, birth, and death rates.

Higher; lower

That part of a national economy that involved product labor not subject to formal systems of control or payment, such as taxation; economic activity or individual enterprise operating without official recognition or measured by official statistics:

Informal economy

According to figure 10.12, what two countries in the Western Hemisphere have the lowest percentage of population with access to safe drinking water?

Mauritania, Sierra Leone

What regions have seen an increase in chronically undernourished people?

Middle East, South Asia, & Sub-Saharan Africa

What does NIC stand for?

Newly Industrializing Countries

Is GNI per capita a good indicator of income distribution within a country?


Looking at Figure 10.9, what 4 countries have the lowest percentage of children under 5 that are malnourished?

North America, South America, Australia, & Europe

According to Figure 10.8 what 6 countries in Asia has a greater than 60% of the workforce engaged in agriculture?

Papua New Guinea, Laos, Cambodia, Nepal, Afghanistan, (Burma, Myanmar)

______________________ consumption is common measure of advancement because it correlated with income, industrialization and us of advanced technology.

Per capita energy

According to Figure 10.2, what Brazilian city generates over one-third of the national income?

Sao Paulo

Looking at figure 10.15, What part of sub-Saharan Africa has the highest AIDS prevalence?

South Africa

In what region are half the world's undernourished children found?

South Asia

What 3 regions have a severs shortage of doctors?

Sub-Saharan African, Central American, & South Asian countries

A level of economic and social achievement below what could be reached were necessary capital and technology available:


A high percentage of employment in _______________ is associated with underdevelopment?


What sector have many development programs focused on commercializing?


The loss of developing country's most educated citizens as they emigrate in search of better educational and career opportunities in developed countries:

brain drain

How does Japan acquire most of its energy?

by importing energy supplies abroad

What are the 3 chief killers in MDCs?

cancers, heart attacks, & strokes

What do many women in LDCs often spend hours a day doing that people in MDCs don't?

carry water for their families

What is believed to lower birth rates, improve family health practices, and extend life expectancy?

closing the gender gap

According to Table 10.1 has the absolute disparity between the North and South increased or decreased between 1960 and 2004?


What kind of diseases kills an estimated 1.4 million children each year?

diarrheal diseases

What increases vulnerability to infectious?

dietary insufficiencies

Discussions of development to begin with ______________________________.

economic measures

What causes many water-borne diarrheal diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid fever?

fecal contamination

What is the ultimate indicator of economic well-being?


Referes to the situation wherein every person has access to safe and nutritious food of sufficient quantity for an active and healthy lifestyle:

food security

The total value of goods and services produced per year at home or abroad by domestically-owned interests within a country:

gross national income (GNI)

What is animate energy?

human & animal labor

What are the 3 deadly dangerous types of diseases to youthful populations in LDCs?

infectious, respiratory, & parasitic diseases made more serious by malnutrition

The relationship between social economic and demographic variables is usually _________________________.


What 3 things are positive about traditional subsistence agriculture?

less damaging to the environment, preserves traditional ways of life, & meets the vital food needs of vulnerable poor households

When a labor force is primarily engaged in subsistence agriculture, what is there a limited amount of?

limited capital accumulation and national economic growth

What type of labor force is essential tot make advantage of advanced technology and to compete in the global economy?

literate, educated labor force

What is a more frequent outcome of poverty than famines?

long-term chronic undernourishment

Is East Europe low, middle, or high income?


Is Latin America low, middle, or high income?


Looking at figure 10.15, is malaria found more in the low, middle, or high latitudes?


In what part of Europe is GNI per capita highest?


Around how many people die of malaria every year?

one million

A measurement of a country's wealth that takes account of what money actually buys in the country:

purchasing power parity (PPP)

What are the two major causes of undernourishment?

rising food prices combined with poverty, rather than crop failures

There is a close relationship between economic and _______________ measures of development.


What are some solutions to malaria?

solutions combine insecticide-treated mosquito nets, insecticide spraying, & anti-malarial drugs

Like other national indicators, caloric intake figures must be viewed with _________________.


In the modern world there is a widespread sharing of what 3 things?

technologies, organized forms, & cultural traits

The contrast between the technology available in developed core regions and the present in peripheral areas of underdevelopment:

technology gap

The diffusion to or acquisition by one culture or region of the technology possessed by another, usually more developed, society:

technology transfer

Where do trained health professionals in developing countries tend to congregate?

urban areas

In what part of a country are problems of water and sanitation most pronounced?

urban slums in rural areas

Do public schools in the LDCs have tuition?


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