Chapters 18 & 19: The Heart & Blood Vessels

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Into which chamber of the heart do the pulmonary veins deliver blood? a. Left ventricle b. Left atrium c. Right atrium d. Right ventricle

b. Left atrium

During systemic circulation, blood leaves the ______. a. Lungs and moves to the left atrium b. Left ventricle and goes directly to the aorta c. Right ventricle and goes directly to the aorta d. Right atrium and goes directly to the lungs e. Right ventricle and moves to the lungs

b. Left ventricle and goes directly to the aorta

Hypertension is defined by physiologically as a condition of sustained arterial pressure of ______ or higher. a. 120/80 b. 130/80 c. 140/90 d. 130/90

c. 140/90

Guided by powerful signaling molecules, the human heart develops from ___________. a. Cardioderm b. Mesoderm c. Endoderm d. Ectoderm


Which of the following factors gives the myocardium its high resistance to fatigue? a. A very large number of mitochondria in the cytoplasm b. The presence of intercalated discs c. Gap junctions d. The coronary circulation

a. A very large number of mitochondria in the cytoplasm

Blood flows directly from ______ into capillary beds. a. Arterioles b. Elastic arteries c. Venules d. Muscular arteries

a. Arterioles

The P wave of an electrocardiogram represents _____. a. Atrial depolarization b. Atrial repolarization c. Ventricular repolarization d. Ventricular depolarization

a. Atrial depolarization

The ability of some cardiac muscle cells to initiate their own depolarization and cause depolarization of the rest of the heart is called ____. a. Automaticity b. An action potential c. Fibrillation d. The absolute refractory period e. A functional syncytium

a. Automaticity

The only vessels that provide direct access to nearly every cell in the body are the __________. a. Capillaries b. Veins c. Arterioles d. Venules e. Arteries

a. Capillaries

Most neutral controls of blood pressure involve input from baroreceptors, which are sensitive to ___________. a. Changes in blood pressure b. The level of oxygen in the blood c. The level of carbon dioxide in the blood d. The constriction of capillary beds

a. Changes in blood pressure

Match the following blood vessel layer with its description: *Tunica Interna (Tunica Intima).* a. Contains the endothelium (made of simple squamous epithelium) b. Mostly circularly arranged smooth muscle cells and sheets of elastin c. Blood-containing space in the center of the vessel d. Composed largely of loosely woven collagen fibers that protect and reinforce the vessel

a. Contains the endothelium (made of simple squamous epithelium)

Which is the correct sequence of layers in the heart wall, starting with the outer layer? a. Epicardium, myocardium, endocardium b. Endocardium, epicardium, myocardium c. Parietal pericardium, myocardium, endocardium d. Myocardium, pericardium, endocardium e. Endocardium, smooth muscle, epicardium

a. Epicardium, myocardium, endocardium

The cells of the myocardium behave as a single, coordinated unit called a ________. a. Functional syncytium b. Cardiac cycle c. Sarcomere d. Pacemaker e. Contractile unit

a. Functional syncytium

A metarteriole is a vessel that ________. a. Is intermediate between the arteriole and the capillary bed b. Drains the capillary bed c. Delivers blood to the capillary bed d. Is intermediate between a capillary and a venule.

a. Is intermediate between the arteriole and the capillary bed

The major long-term mechanism of blood pressure control is provided by the ______. a. Kidneys b. The lungs c. The heart d. Paravertebral ganglia e. The digestive tract

a. Kidneys

The interventricular septum forms a dividing wall between the _________. a. Left and right ventricles b. Right atrium and right ventricle c. Left atrium and left ventricle d. Right ventricle and left atrium e. Left atrium and right atrium

a. Left and right ventricles

The chamber of the heart that takes up the most volume is the ______. a. Left ventricle b. Right ventricle c. Left atrium d. Right atrium

a. Left ventricle

Cardiogenic shock is most likely to result from _________. a. Multiple heart attacks b. A systemic allergic reaction c. A severe bacterial infection d. Large-scale blood loss

a. Multiple heart attacks

Which of the following would lead to a decrease in heart rate? a. Parasympathetic stimulation b. Norepinephrine c. Exercise d. Sharply decreased blood volume

a. Parasympathetic stimulation

The presence of ____________ stabilizes the wall of capillaries. a. Pericytes b. Elastic fibers c. Valves d. Gap junctions

a. Pericytes

Match the following term to its correct description: *Mean Arterial Pressure.* a. Pressure that propels blood to the tissues. b. Peak of aortic pressure c. The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure d. Lowest level of aortic pressure

a. Pressure that propels blood to the tissues.

The inferior vena cava brings blood from the lower regions of the body and empties into the _________. a. Right atrium b. Left ventricle c. Left atrium d. Right ventricle e. Aorta

a. Right atrium

The endothelium is composed of _________. a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple columnar epithelium c. Stratified squamous epithelium d. Simple cuboidal epithelium e. Tunica media muscle cells

a. Simple squamous epithelium

Match the following type of vessel with its structure: *Venules*. a. Smallest vessels leading away from capillaries. b. Contain valves to assist blood flow back toward heart c. Thick-walled, large vessels near the heart that conduct blood continuously away from the heart. d. Smallest blood vessels with thin walls that allow exchange between blood and tissue cells e. Smallest of vessels that lead into capillary beds f. Smaller vessels that distribute blood to specific body organs.

a. Smallest vessels leading away from capillaries.

Blood from the brain is returned to the heart via the _________. a. Superior vena cava b. Inferior vena cava c. Abdominal aorta d. Thoracic aorta

a. Superior vena cava

What part of the heart is considered the systemic circuit pump? a. The left ventricle b. The right atrium c. The right ventricle d. The left atrium

a. The left ventricle

Which of the following valves is most often faulty in the heart? a. The mitral, or bicuspid, valve b. The aortic semilunar valve c. The pulmonary semilunar valve d. The tricuspid valve

a. The mitral, or bicuspid, valve

Match the following type of vessel with its structure: *Elastic Arteries*. a. Thick-walled, large vessels near the heart that conduct blood continuously away from the heart. b. Smaller vessels that distribute blood to specific body organs. c. Smallest vessels leading away from capillaries d. Smallest blood vessels with thin walls that allow exchange between blood and tissue cells e. Smallest of the vessels that lead into capillary beds f. Contain valves to assist blood flow back toward heart.

a. Thick-walled, large vessels near the heart that conduct blood

Loss of vasomotor tone that results in a huge drop in peripheral resistance is known as _________. a. Vascular shock b. Varicose veins c. Hypertension d. Atherosclerosis e. Vasoconstriction

a. Vascular shock

The trabeculae carneae are located in the ___________. a. Ventricles b. Atrium c. Endocardium d. Epicardium

a. Ventricles

Match the following term with its description: *Blood Viscosity.* a. A source of resistance related to the distance blood has to travel through layers of fat to reach a destination. b. A source of resistance related to the thickness, or "stickiness," of the blood c. The volume of blood flowing through a vessel, an organ, or the entire circulation in a given period. d. Opposition to flow (a measure of the amount of friction blood encounters as it passes through the vessels) e. The force per unit area exerted on a vessel wall by the contained blood.

b. A source of resistance related to the thickness, or "stickiness," of the blood

Which of the following is true when comparing arteries and veins? a. Arteries are less muscular than veins b. Arteries carry blood away from the heart; veins carry blood to the heart. c. At any given time, there is more blood present in arteries than in veins. d. Arteries have valves; veins do not.

b. Arteries carry blood away from the heart; veins carry blood to the heart.

All but which of the following blood vessels contain intercellular clefts? a. Fenestrated capillaries b. Arterioles c. Sinusoidal capillaries d. Continuous capillaries

b. Arterioles

The superior chambers of the heart are called the _____. a. Cavea b. Atria c. Ventricles d. Coronary chambers

b. Atria

The _______ are attached to the AV valve flaps. a. Trabeculae carneae b. Chordae tendineae c. Pectinate muscles d. Papillary muscles

b. Chordae tendineae

The second heart sound (the "dup" of "lub-dub") is caused by the ______. a. Opening of the atrioventricular valves b. Closure of the semilunar valves c. Opening of the semilunar valves d. Closure of the atrioventricular valves

b. Closure of the semilunar valves

The vessels that carry oxygen to the myocardium are called _______. a. Pulmonary arteries b. Coronary arteries c. Pulmonary veins d. Coronary veins e. Aortic arteries

b. Coronary arteries

The minute-to-minute blood flow though the capillary beds is determined by the ________________. a. Elastic lamina on both side of the tunica media in muscular arteries b. Diameter of arterioles c. Number of elastic fibers in conducting arteries d. Construction of elastic arteries

b. Diameter of arterioles

Which of the following types of blood vessels have the proportionally thickest tunica media of all vessels? a. Elastic arteries b. Distributing arteries c. Arterioles d. Vasa vasorum

b. Distributing arteries

Blood flow would be increased by ______. a. Decreasing vessel diameter b. Increasing cardiac output c. Increasing blood vessel length. d. Decreasing blood pressure.

b. Increasing cardiac output

Match the following term to the correct description: *Stretch of vascular smooth muscle.* a. Hormonal control of blood flow b. Myogenic control of blood flow c. Metabolic control of blood flow d. Nervous system control of blood flow

b. Myogenic control of blood flow

Match the following term to its correct description: *Systolic Pressure. * a. Lowest level of aortic pressure b. Peak of aortic pressure c. Pressure that propels blood to the tissues

b. Peak of aortic pressure

The interior vena cava brings blood from the lower regions of the body and empties into the ________. a. Right ventricle b. Right atrium c. Aorta d. Left ventricle e. Left atrium

b. Right atrium

The role of the atrioventricular (AV) node is to _____. a. Initiate a sinus rhythm b. Slow down impulses so that the atria can contract to fill the adjacent ventricles with blood c. Initiate ventricular depolarization d. Conduct impulses to the sinoatrial (SA) node

b. Slow down impulses so that the atria can contract to fill the adjacent ventricles with blood

Match the following type of vessel with its structure: *Capillaries. * a. Smallest vessels leading away from capillaries b. Smallest blood vessels with thin walls that allow exchange between blood and tissue cells c. Smallest of the vessels that lead into capillary beds. d. Thick-walled, large vessels near the heart that conduct blood continuously away from the heart. e. Smaller vessels that distribute blood to specific body organs.

b. Smallest blood vessels with thin walls that allow exchange between blood and tissue cells

Match the following type of vessel with its structure: *Arterioles.* a. Thick-walled, large vessels near the heart that conduct blood continuously away from the heart. b. Smallest of the vessels that lead into the capillary beds. c. Smallest vessels leading away from the capillaries. d. Smaller vessels that distribute blood to specific body organs. e. Contain valves to assist blood flow back toward heart. f. Smallest blood vessels with thin walls that allow exchange between blood and tissue cells.

b. Smallest of the vessels that lead into the capillary beds.

The vessel layer that has a direct role in vasoconstriction is the __________. a. Tunica externa b. Tunica media c. Endothelium d. Tunica intima

b. Tunica media

The vessel layer that has a direct role in vasoconstriction is the _____________. a. Tunica externa b. Tunica media c. Endothelium d. Tunica intima

b. Tunica media

The ______ nerve carries parasympathetic fibers to the sinoatrial (SA) node. a. Hypoglossal b. Vagus c. Accessory d. Facial

b. Vagus

Match the area of the heart with the structure from which it receives blood: *Right Ventricle.* a.) Vena cavae b.) Right Atrium c.) Aorta d.) Left atrium

b.) Right Atrium

Match the following type of vessel with its structure: *Muscular arteries.* a.Contain valves to assist blood flow back toward heart. b.Smaller vessels that distribute blood to specific body organs c.Smallest blood vessels with thing walls that allow exchange between blood and tissue cells. d.Smallest of the vessels that lead into capillary beds e.Thick-walled, large vessels near the heart that conduct blood continuously away from the heart. f.Smallest vessels leading way from the capillaries.

b.Smaller vessels that distribute blood to specific body organs

Blood enters the myocardium of the heart by coronary vessels that originate from the ___________. a. Pulmonary artery b. Pulmonary veins c. Aorta d. Superior vena cava e. Inside of the ventricles

c. Aorta

Exchange of gases and nutrients occurs by diffusion between the ___________. a. Arterioles and tissue cells b. Arterioles and venules c. Capillaries and tissue cells d. Arteries and veins e. Artery walls and tissue cells

c. Capillaries and tissue cells

Any condition in which blood vessels are inadequately filled and blood cannot circulate normally is called ______. a. Atherosclerosis b. Varicose veins c. Circulatory shock d. Arteriosclerosis e. Hypertension

c. Circulatory shock

The vessels that carry oxygen to the myocardium are called _____. a. Pulmonary veins b. Pulmonary arteries c. Coronary arteries d. Aortic arteries e. Coronary veins

c. Coronary arteries

The lining of the heart chambers is called the ______. a. Myocardium b. Epicardium c. Endocardium d. Pericardium

c. Endocardium

Which of the following acts on the kidneys and blood vessels to raise blood pressure? a. Atrial natriuretic peptide b. Angiotension II c. Epinephrine d. Antidiuretic hormone

c. Epinephrine

Match the following vessel of the systemic circuit with the appropriate description: *Brachiocephalic trunk. * a. Third major branch of the aortic arch b. The only branches of the ascending aorta c. First major branch of the aortic arch d. Supply most of the blood to the head e. Muscular artery traveling near the humerus bone

c. First major branch of the aortic arch

Match the following term to the correct description: *Angiotensin II*. a. Metabolic control of blood flow b. Nervous system control of blood flow c. Hormonal control of blood flow d. Myogenic control of blood flow

c. Hormonal control of blood flow

A metarteriole is a vessel that ______. a. Drains the capillary bed b. Delivers blood to the capillary bed c. Is intermediate between the arteriole and the capillary bed d. Is intermediate between a capillary and a venue

c. Is intermediate between the arteriole and the capillary bed

Blood flows from the lungs to the ___________ via the ___________. a. Right atrium; pulmonary veins b. Left atrium; pulmonary arteries c. Left atrium; pulmonary veins d. Right atrium; pulmonary arteries

c. Left atrium; pulmonary veins

What part of the heart is considered the systemic circuit pump? a. Left atrium b. Right atrium c. Left ventricle d. Right ventricle

c. Left ventricle

When the mitral valve closes, it prevents the backflow of blood from the ______. a. Left atrium into the left ventricle b. Left ventricle into the aorta c. Left ventricle into the left atrium d. Right ventricle into the pulmonary trunk e. Right atrium into the right ventricle.

c. Left ventricle into the left atrium

_______ inhibits fibrinolysis by competing with plasminogen and may contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. a. Foamy macrophages b. Cholesterol c. Lipoprotein (a) d. Cytomegalovirus

c. Lipoprotein (a)

Match the following term to its correct description: *Diastolic Pressure*. a. The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure b. Peak of aortic pressure c. Lowest level of aortic pressure d. Pressure that propels blood to the tissues.

c. Lowest level of aortic pressure

Match the following term with the correct description: *Nitric oxide*. a. Myogenic control of blood flow b. Nervous system control of blood flow c. Metabolic control of blood flow d. Hormonal control of blood flow

c. Metabolic control of blood flow

Which of the layers of an artery wall is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system and many hormones? a. Subendothelial layer b. Inner layer c. Middle layer d. Outer layer

c. Middle layer

Fluids would be likely to leave or filter out of the capillary if ___________. a. Osmotic pressure (OP) in the capillary is high. b. Net hydrostatic pressure (HP) is less than net osmotic pressure (OP) c. Net hydrostatic pressure (HP) is greater than net osmotic pressure (OP) d. Net filtration pressure (NFP) is negative

c. Net hydrostatic pressure (HP) is greater than net osmotic pressure (OP)

Match the following term with its description: *Resistance.* a. A source of resistance related to the thickness, or "stickiness," of the blood b. The volume of blood flowing through a vessel, an organ, or the entire circulation in a given period. c. Opposition to flow (a measure of the amount of friction blood encounters as it passes through the vessels). d. A source of resistance related to the distance blood has to travel through layers of fat to reach a destination. e. The force per unit area exerted on a vessel wall by the contained blood.

c. Opposition to flow (a measure of the amount of friction blood encounters as it passes through the vessels).

The inner lining of the fibrous pericardium is formed by the __________. a. Endocardium b. Epicardium c. Parietal layer of serous pericardium d. Diaphragm e. Pericardial cavity f. Myocardium

c. Parietal layer of serous pericardium

Match the following term to its correct description: Brings oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the left atrium. a. Inferior vena cava b. Aorta c. Pulmonary veins d. Pulmonary trunk e. Superior vena cava

c. Pulmonary veins

During pulmonary circulation, blood leaves the ______. a. Left ventricle and moves to the lungs. b. Right atrium and goes directly to the lungs. c. Right ventricle and moves to the lungs. d. Right ventricle and goes directly to the aorta. e. Right atrium and goes directly to the left ventricle.

c. Right ventricle and moves to the lungs.

Which of the following would experience increased blood flow during exercise? a. Brain b. Kidneys c. Skin d. Intestines

c. Skin

Match the following term to its correct description: *Pulse Pressure.* a. Pressure that propels blood to the tissues b. Peak of aortic pressure c. The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure d. Lowest level of aortic pressure.

c. The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure

Which of the following structures lies on the outside surface of the heart and is an integral part of the heart wall? a. The parietal layer of serious pericardium b. The fibrous pericardium c. The epicardium d. The pericardial sac

c. The epicardium

Match the following term with its description: *Blood Flow.* a. A source of resistance related to the distance blood has to travel through layers of fat to reach a destination. b. A source of resistance related to the thickness, or "stickiness," of the blood. c. The volume of blood flowing through a vessel, an organ, or the entire circulation in a given period. d. The force per unit area exerted on a vessel wall by the contained blood e. Opposition to flow (a measure of the amount of friction blood encounters as it passes through the vessels)

c. The volume of blood flowing through a vessel, an organ, or the entire circulation in a given period.

When would the capillary beds surrounding the gastrointestinal organs be open? a. Between means b. During exercise c. When digesting a meal d. Just before a meal

c. When digesting a meal

Which of the following are events in the cardiac cycle? a. The number of dominant genes present on each X chromosome b. Environmental factors c. Enzymes coded for by mitochondrial DNA d. All of the events during one heartbeat.

d. All of the events during one heartbeat.

Match the follow type of vessel with its structure: *Veins.* a. Smallest of the vessels that lead into capillary beds. b. Smallest blood vessels with thin walls that allow exchange between blood and tissue cells. c. Smallest vessels leading away from capillaries d. Contain valves to assist blood flow back toward heart. e. Thick-walled, large vessels near the heart that conduct blood continuously away from the heart. f. Smaller vessels that distribute blood to specific body organs.

d. Contain valves to assist blood flow back toward heart.

The vessels that exhibit the lowest level of permeability are the ________. a. Capillaries found in the glomerules of the kidney. b. Fenestrated capillaries c. Sinusoidal capillaries d. Continuous capillaries

d. Continuous capillaries

The hepatic portal system collects blood from the _______ and then routes it to the ______. a. Kidneys; liver b. Liver; kidneys c. Liver; digestive organs d. Digestive organs; liver

d. Digestive organs; liver

Which of the following types of blood vessels have the proportionally thickest tunica media of all vessels? a. Aterioles b. Vasa vasorum c. Elastic arteries d. Distributing arteries

d. Distributing arteries

The lining of the heart chambers is called the _______. a. Myocardium b. Pericardium c. Epicardium d. Endocardium

d. Endocardium

A doctor puts his stethoscope on a patient's chest over the location of the heart and hears a swishing sound. Which of the following conditions is the best diagnosis for the patient's condition? a. Angina pectoris b. Cardiac tamponade c. Myocardial infarction d. Incompetent cardiac valve

d. Incompetent cardiac valve

Which of the following is not a role of pericardium? a. It prevents the heart from overfilling with blood b. It protects the heart c. It anchors the heart to surrounding structures d. It facilitates heart contraction

d. It facilitates heart contraction

Freshly oxygenated blood is delivered to the ________ and then it passes into the _______ to be pumped to the entire body. a. Right ventricle; right atrium b. Right atrium; right ventricle c. Left ventricle; left atrium d. Left atrium; left ventricle

d. Left atrium; left ventricle

An elastic lamina on both side of the tunica media is a characteristics of __________. a. Conducting arteries b. All arteries c. Elastic arteries d. Muscular arteries

d. Muscular arteries

Match the following vessel of the systemic circuit with the appropriate description: *Brachial Artery.* a. The only branches of the ascending aorta b. Supply most of the blood to the head c. First major branch of the aortic arch d. Muscular artery traveling near the numerus bone e. Third major branch of the aortic artc

d. Muscular artery traveling near the humerus bone

Match the following term to the correct description: Sympathetic impulses. a. Metabolic control of blood flow b. Hormonal control of blood flow c. Myogenic control of blood flow d. Nervous system control of blood flow

d. Nervous system control of blood flow

Which of the following regulates blood flow at the entrance to each true capillary? a. Tunica externa b. Valves c. Tunica intima d. Precapillary sphincter e. Lymph nodes

d. Precapillary sphincter

Identify the correct sequence of blood flow though the chambers of the heart. a. Left ventricle, left atrium, lungs, right ventricle, right atrium b. Lungs, right ventricle, left ventricle, right atrium, left atrium c. Left atrium, left ventricle, right ventricle, right atrium, lungs d. Right atrium, right ventricle, lungs, left atrium, left ventricle e. Right ventricle, left ventricle, left atrium, lungs, right atrium.

d. Right atrium, right ventricle, lungs, left atrium, left ventricle

During pulmonary circulation, blood leaves the ______. a. Right atrium and goes directly to the left ventricle. b. Left ventricle and moves to the lungs. c. Right ventricle and goes directly to the aorta. d. Right ventricle and moves to the lungs. e. Right atrium and goes directly to the lungs.

d. Right ventricle and moves to the lungs

Which of the following conditions would not increase the changes of developing varicose veins? a. Standing to attention for long periods of time. b. A potbelly in an obese person. c. Pregnancy d. Running in place

d. Running in place

The normal pacemaker of the heart is the ______. a. Purkinje fibers b. The bundle branches c. AV Node d. SA Node e. AV bundle

d. SA Node

The endocardium is composed of _________. a. Simple cuboidal epithelium b. Stratified squamous epithelium c. Cardiac muscle cells d. Simple squamous epithelium

d. Simple squamous epithelium

Cardiac output is ________. a. The amount of blood filling each ventricle at the end of diastole b. The number of impulses fired by the SA node in one minute c. The number of times the heart beats in one minute d. The amount of blood pumped out of each ventricle in one minute e. The amount of blood pumped out of the heart during every ventricular contraction

d. The amount of blood pumped out of each ventricle in one minute

Which of the following blood vessels is the most susceptible to atherosclerosis? a. The cerebral arteries b. The pulmonary arteries c. The femoral artery d. The aorta

d. The aorta

Match the following term with its description: *Blood Pressure.* a. A source of resistance related to the thickness, or "stickiness," of the blood b. Opposition to flow (a measure of the amount of friction blood encounters as it passes through the vessels) c. A source of resistance related to the distance blood has to travel through layers of fat to reach a destination. d. The force per unit area exerted on a vessel wall by the contained blood e. The volume of blood flowing though a vessel, an organ, or the entire circulation in a given period.

d. The force per unit area exerted on a vessel wall by the contained blood

Which of the following statements is not true about the shape, position, and location of the heart? a. The heart is located between the two lungs within the mediastinum. b. The heart is shaped like a cone with the base facing the right shoulder. c. Approximately two-thirds of the heart is found to the left of the midline. d. The heart is enclosed in a double-layered sac called the pleural membrane.

d. The heart is enclosed in a double-layered sac called the pleural membrane.

Which of the following is a difference between cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle? a. Unlike skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle does not use a sliding filament mechanism for contraction. b. Unlike skeletal muscle cells, cardiac muscle cells do not reply on an include of calcium ions for depolarization c. Unlike skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle is not striated d. Unlike skeletal muscle cells, cardiac muscle have gap junctions between cells (that allow them to be auto rhythmic).

d. Unlike skeletal muscle cells, cardiac muscle have gap junctions between cells (that allow them to be auto rhythmic).

Reduction in the lumen diameter of a blood vessel as the smooth muscle contracts is known as ____________. a. Vasodilation b. Atherosclerosis c. Arteriosclerosis d. Vasoconstriction e. Varicose veins

d. Vasoconstriction

Up to 65% of the body's blood supply is found in _________. a. Arteries b. Arterioles c. Capillaries d. Veins

d. Veins

Match the following term with its description: the blood vessel length. a. Opposition to flow (a measure of the amount of friction blood encounters as it passes through the vessels). b. A source of resistance related to the thickness, or "stickiness," of the blood c. The force per unit area exerted on a vessel wall by the contained blood d. The volume of blood flowing through a vessel, an organ, or the entire circulation in a given period. e. A source of resistance related to the distance blood has to travel through layers of fat to reach a destination.

e. A source of resistance related to the distance blood has to travel through layers of fat to reach a destination.

Which of the following arteries branches to form the common hepatic artery, left gastric artery, and splenic artery? a. Gonadal arteries b. Superior mesenteric artery c. Inferior mesenteric artery d. Descending aorta e. Celiac trunk

e. Celiac trunk

Any condition in which blood vessels are inadequately filled and blood cannot circulate normally is called __________. a. Artherosclerosis b. Arteriosclerosis c. Hypertension d. Varicose veins e. Circulatory shock

e. Circulatory shock

Which of the following is the major force generating blood flow? a. Peripheral resistance b. Blood viscosity c. Blood vessel diameter d. Total blood vessel length e. Pumping action of the heart

e. Pumping action of the heart

Choose the correct sequence of current flow through the heart wall . a. AV node, Purkinje fibers, AV node, AV bundle, right and left bundle branches. b. AV node, SA node, Purkinje fibers, AV bundle, right and left bundle branches c. Purkinje fibers, AV node, AV bundle, right and left bundle branches, SA node. d. SA node, Purkinje fibers, AV node, AV bundle, right and left bundle. e. SA node, AV node, AV bundle, right and left bundle branches, Purkinje fibers

e. SA node, AV node, AV bundle, right and left bundle branches, Purkinje fibers

The absolute refractory period refers to the time during which ___________. a. The muscle cell is ready to respond to a threshold stimulus b. A skeletal muscle cannot respond to any stimulus and lasts about 250 milliseconds c. A cardiac muscle cannot respond to any stimulus and lasts only 1 - 2 milliseconds d. The muscle cell is ready to respond to any stimulus e. The muscle cell is not in a position to respond to a stimulus of any strength

e. The muscle cell is not in a position to respond to a stimulus of any strength

Which of the following is the correct sequence of layers in the vessel wall from outside to inside? a. Tunica media, tunica intima, tunica externa b. Tunica intima, tunica media, tunica externa c. Tunica intima, tunica externa, tunica media d. It varies from vessel to vessel e. Tunica externa, tunica media, tunica intima

e. Tunica externa, tunica media, tunica intima

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