Child Development Final

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As 2-year-old David and his father go into the family garden one day, Dad exclaims, "Look at all the wonderful daisies!" David infers that the only plants blooming in the garden must be called daisies. David's inference is an example of:

Fast mapping

On her first day at a new child care center, 2-year-old Martha is quite upset when her father leaves to go to work. When Dad returns that afternoon, Martha runs to him for a hug but then soon pushes Dad away. Martha's behavior is most consistent with a(n):

Insecure-resistant attachment

Three-year-old Robert is visiting the local zoo with his preschool class. When his teacher exclaims, "Look at the giraffe!" Robert first looks at the teacher's face and then follows her gaze to the strange creature she is looking at. Robert's behavior in this situation reflects:


Mike desperately wants to do well on the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), as his scores will affect his chances of getting into his first-choice college. He also knows that many students at his school think that SAT scores are good indicators of how "smart" a person is. Yet the night before the test, rather than get a good night's sleep, Mike goes out with his friends, has a few beers, comes home late, and wakes up with a hangover. With this information in mind, we might suspect that Michael:

Is engaging in self-handicapping

Seven-year-old Emma thinks that "Too many cooks spoil the broth" is only about cooking soup. Her inability to recognize the more general meaning of the expression:

Is typical for her age-group

Which one of the following is the best example of social cognition?

Luke tries to predict how Sheila might respond if he backs out of the science project the two of them have agreed to do together.

Which one of the following teenage girls appears to have contingent self-worth?

Marlene feels great some days and terrible other days, depending on how many classmates have recently smiled at her in the school corridors.

Three of the following are common ways in which toddlers engage in emotional regulation. Which strategy is not common at this age?

Mentally blocking out an unpleasant emotion

Which one of the following is the best example of a youngster with a core goal?

Miriam has always tried hard to do well in school.

Flora is watching Clark open birthday presents. Clark opens the present from Aunt Terri and finds a Barbie doll. Clark smiles at Aunt Terri and thanks her for the gift. Flora knows that Clark really thinks the Barbie is a terrible gift. From this information, you can reasonably conclude that Flora is probably at least:

9 years old

Which one of the following statements most accurately describes what developmental theorists mean when they talk about a language acquisition device?

A built-in mechanism that makes language learning especially easy for human beings

Julie, a sixth grader, nearly always eats lunch with the same five or six girls. They usually spread out at the table so no other girls can join them. Julie's group appears to be:

A clique

Given what we know about children's language development, which one of the following problems is typical for the grade level?

A first grader pronounces the word rabbit as "wabbit."

Which one of the following is a primary reinforcer?

A glass of water

Reuben says "Jooz!" as he stretches his arms in the direction of his juice bottle. Reuben's utterance can best be described as an example of:

A holophrase

Compared to children in the elementary grades, young adolescents:

Can be fairly possessive about their friends

Listed below are four reasons why children might not want to take their schoolwork seriously or to try very hard to succeed at classroom tasks. Which one of these reasons is consistent with the concept of self-efficacy?

Carol doesn't think she has the ability to do the work successfully.

Three of the following are benefits of sociodramatic play. Which one is not necessarily a benefit?

Children acquire greater competence in recursive thinking.

Three of the following statements describe possible effects of playing video games. Which one is least likely to be an outcome of playing video games?

Children acquire increasing empathy for the victims of violence.

Which one of the following is most typical of the moral development of high school students?

Empathy for the victims of a widespread famine or epidemic

As children grow older, they are more likely to:

Evaluate their own performance in terms of how it compares with that of their peers

When looking at her new baby brother, 2-year-old Martina says, "Baby nap." Her mother responds, "Yes, the baby is taking a nap." Mom's reply is an example of:


From the perspective of Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, children's ability to trust those around them stems from:

Experiences with adults during infancy

Which one of the following best describes empathy?

Experiencing the same feelings as someone in unfortunate circumstances

Gabrielle asks her mother, "When we go library?" Gabrielle's question is an example of:

Expressive language

Which one of the following statements is consistent with a sociocultural view of language development?

"Children initially use language primarily in their interactions with other people, but increasingly they also use it to help them think more effectively."

Which one of the following statements is consistent with a functionalist view of language development?

"From a very early age, children are motivated to learn how to speak, because speech enables them to interact with other people and, ultimately, to get what they want."

Which one of the following remarks addressed to 18-month-old José best illustrates infant-directed speech?

"José want juice?"

Which one of the following teacher statements reflects an entity view of ability?

"Phoebe is one of the brightest students I know."

Danette and Lorene often spend their Saturday afternoons confiding in each other about their personal problems and brainstorming how they might resolve difficulties in their other interpersonal relationships. Your best guess would be that Danette and Lorene are:

16 years old

Which one of the following best describes Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

A series of stages, each of which has a unique developmental task to be addressed

Which one of the following teenagers has situational interest rather than personal interest?

Adam finds the Guinness Book of World Records on the shelf and is intrigued by the strange people it describes.

"Morda," as she is known to her friends, has dyed her hair very dark, dresses all in black, and wears black nail polish and lipstick. All of the people she hangs out are similarly attired and made up. While these teenagers can be quite critical of the "popular crowd," they are very much committed to democratic principles and self-expression. Morda and her friends can best be described as:

Affiliating with the same subculture

At what age do children begin to realize that what people say may not be the truth?

Ages 3-6

Which one of the following examples illustrates vicarious reinforcement?

Alice notices that her friend Ellen gets extra attention from the teacher when she acts helpless. Alice begins to act helpless as well.

Only one of the following definitely illustrates high self-efficacy. Which one?

Amy knows she is a good singer.

Which one of the following acquisitions related to theory of mind first appears in the elementary school years?

An awareness that people's actions do not always reflect their true thoughts

Which one of the following best describes attachment in the early years?

An enduring emotional bond between an infant and a caregiver

Which one of the following best illustrates self-concept rather than self-worth or self-esteem?

Anne says "I am a fast runner."

Which one of the following adolescents is displaying intrinsic motivation?

Annette loves to play the viola and so practices for at least an hour every day.

When asked which peers they would most like to do things with, most children choose peers who:

Are well-liked, kind, and trustworthy

Which one of the following best reflects a child's need for relatedness?

As soon as she gets home from school each day, Andrea calls her best friend.

A child says to you, "My momma she be happy about my good report card." This child appears to:

Be using African American English, a dialect with some grammatical constructions different from those of Standard English

Children are likely to integrate moral values into their overall sense of self when they:

Become actively involved in service to others even before they reach adolescence

Three of the following statements are accurate about children's and/or adolescents' moral behavior. Which statement is not accurate?

Children become less generous with age, apparently because they gain greater appreciation for the value of money.

On average, children who attend schools for gifted students have lower self-esteem than children of equal intelligence who attend regular schools with students of widely varying abilities. If we consider research about factors affecting youngsters' sense of self, we can explain this finding in which one of the following ways?

Children form their self-concepts in part by comparing their own performance to the performance of those around them.

Three of the following are accurate statements about the shortcomings of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning. Which one is inaccurate?

Children often show conventional thinking for several years and then revert back to preconventional thinking when they reach adolescence.

Three of the following statements accurately describe the effects of professional child care programs on children's development. Which one is inaccurate?

Children rarely become attached to their professional child care providers.

The basic idea underlying operant conditioning is that:

Children's behaviors are affected by the consequences that follow them.

Compared to preschoolers, children in the elementary grades are more likely to:

Choose friends on the basis of similar characteristics and interests

Regular interaction with computers and the Internet can have both positive and negative effects on children's and adolescents' development. Three of the following accurately describe some of these effects. Which statement is not accurate?

Computer-based instructional software is usually too depersonalized to have much of an impact on youngsters' learning.

The four children below are all learning how to play the piano. Which one of them best illustrates the role of value in motivation?

Constance thinks she can impress her friends by playing well.

Which one of the following best illustrates Erikson's stage of identity versus role confusion?

Craig is trying to decide what career he wants to pursue.

Which one of the following situations illustrates the phenomenon of overextension in semantic development? In each case, the word in question is in quotes.

Daniel calls a tall sunflower a "tree."

Gender differences in emotions seem to be:

Due partly to biology and partly to socialization

Youngsters begin to think more systematically about what other people might be thinking about them during:

Early adolescence

Which one of the following children is displaying extrinsic motivation?

Elbert wants to become a professional football player so others will admire him.

You have been observing Emilia and conclude that she has considerable empathy. Which of the following behaviors would lead to such a conclusion?

Emilia notices that Jill is feeling sad. She goes over to talk to Jill, and she begins feeling sad herself.

Which one of the following is typically not used with English language learners?

Foreign language instruction

Three of the following prosocial behaviors are typical for the age group. Which one is not typical?

Four-year-old Molly donates her favorite teddy bear to a toy collection for earthquake victims in Asia.

Effective schools create a general sense of community among their students. Which one of the following strategies is most likely to establish a sense of community as educators typically use the term?

Getting all students actively involved in schoolwide activities

Which of the following will be least effective for children who are learning a second language in traditional foreign language instruction?

Grammatical lessons

Which one of the following boys is likely to watch the most television?

Greg, age 12

When we see signs that a child feels ashamed or guilty about something that he or she has done, we can reasonably conclude that the child:

Has developed a sense of right and wrong

Lamont worries that he has unintentionally hurt another student's feelings. From this information alone, we can reasonably conclude that Lamont:

Has developed a theory of mind

Ten-year-old Kieran is quite attached to his mother and father. His parents are divorced. According to the text, which of the following would be a possible response to this disruption with his relationship with his parents?

He would become angry or aggressive.

Children's early attachments with caregivers are most likely to:

Help children form ideas about the nature of typical interpersonal relationships

The formation of children's sense of self is most strongly influenced by:

How other people treat them

As a 17-year-old high school senior, Julian has no sense of direction. Over the past year he has dabbled in auto mechanics, photography, and Buddhism, but nothing has held his interest for more than a month or two. Julian can best be described as showing:

Identity diffusion

Elena woke up this morning with a large pimple on her nose. She refuses to go to school, telling her mother, "It looks awful, and everyone will laugh at me." Which one of the following concepts best helps us explain Elena's behavior?

Imaginary audience

In North America, which approach appears to be most effective for teaching English speakers a second language?

Immerse them in the second language, having them hear and speak it exclusively in all classroom activities.

Three of the following statements about diversity in attachment are true. Which one is false?

In some cultures, harsh and abusive parenting is the norm rather than the exception, and so children rarely become attached to an adult.

Which one of the following statements is most accurate regarding gender differences in emotion?

In the elementary school years, many boys begin to hide their true feelings.

Jules is discovering that by being able to write all the alphabet letters in cursive, he is winning the approval of his teacher. Without knowing anything else about Jules, the best guess is that he is in Erikson's stage of:

Industry versus inferiority

Darien knows that he wants to work with children when he grows up, but he wonders if he'd rather be a pediatrician or a teacher. This situation illustrates what important function that youngsters' sense of self serves?

It helps them think about possible future selves.

Only of the following statements about guilt and shame is accurate. Which one is true?

It's okay to cheat on this exam because the teacher isn't watching me."

Which one of the following situations is the best example of parallel play?

John and Joey sit next to each other beside a pile of blocks. Each one is building a tower and occasionally watching what the other is doing.

Given what we know about changes in children's and adolescents' self-esteem over the years, which teachers should be especially careful to help students acquire a positive sense of self?

Junior high school teachers

In which one of the following situations is a youngster attributing failure to a stable and uncontrollable factor?

Kami tells herself that she is getting low grades in math because, like her mom, she just isn't any good at math.

Four-year-old Brandon's father is an aeronautical engineer who often talks about his work at home. At preschool, Brandon uses the word trajectory as he plays with a toy racecar track. Although he uses the word correctly, you are fairly certain that he does not fully understand what it means. Brandon's behavior is evidence that:

Language production sometimes precedes language comprehension.

If you were to describe the nature of syntactic development, you would be most likely to say that it involves:

Learning how to put words together into comprehensible sentences

Which one of these examples best reflects the role that children's and adolescents' sense of self typically plays in their behavior?

Linda knows she is a good reader, so she takes an extra reading class as an elective.

Which one of the following students is most likely to have a sense of self-determination?

Lorenzo has chosen to write a report about tornadoes and wants to be a storm chaser when he grows up.

Which one of the following best describes the role of sense of self as a factor in children's development?

Most youngsters want to believe that they are competent individuals.

Which one of the following most accurately describes the development of narratives in children's speech?

Narratives become increasing complex during the elementary school years.

Most days Marnie keeps to herself at school, and her classmates don't even seem to be aware that she is nearby. Marnie can best be described as a(n):

Neglected child

Three of the following statements about infants' early listening abilities are true. Which one is false?

Newborn babies show no preference in listening to languages.

If you wanted to encourage kindergartners to delay gratification, you would be most likely to:

Occasionally remind them that they will get a bigger reward by waiting a couple of hours

Janis uses the term teddy to refer to all of her stuffed toys, including teddy bears, stuffed bunnies, stuffed birds, and even a stuffed lizard. In doing so, she is showing


After playing in the snow, 5-year-old Raul complains, "My feets are cold." Raul's comment shows:


Peer relationships, like parent-child relationships, are essential to a child's development. Which one of the following is not one of the ways that peer relationships influence a developing child?

Peers are the first individuals to whom a child becomes truly attached.

In Erik Erikson's view, children in the initiative versus guilt stage ideally learn to:

Plan and carry out some of their own activities

As a classroom teacher, you want to actively work on breaking down stereotypes and prejudices. Which one of the following techniques is least likely to be effective?

Play competitive group games.

Three of the following factors are influential in young children's ability to form one or more secure attachments to caregivers. Which factor is least important?

Presence of the same caregiver throughout the day

Which one of the following statements is most accurate regarding the origins of prosocial and aggressive behavior?

Prosocial and aggressive behaviors are influenced by both genetic heritage and environmental influences.

Which one of the following behaviors is a kindergartner most likely to say is (morally) "bad" or "wrong"?

Pushing someone off the top of a slide

Sharon is a 12-year-old who does not believe that she can be academically successful. Considering the textbook's discussion of factors that promote positive self-perceptions, you should:

Put her in situations in which she will experience academic success.

Which one of the following appears earliest in the development of children's sense of self?

Recognition of oneself in the mirror

When children in a sixth-grade class are asked whom they would and would not like to do things with, they often mention Willow as someone they don't want to spend time with. In the language of developmental researchers, Willow is a(n):

Rejected child

When 4-year-old Morris hears his preschool teacher say, "Susan was punched by John," he thinks that Susan was the person who did the punching. Morris's mistaken belief is most likely due to the fact that young children:

Rely heavily on word order in interpreting what they hear

Three of the following strategies should facilitate students' transition to middle school or junior high. Which one is unlikely to do so?

Remind students that learning to compete with peers will be important for success in the adult world.

The emotions guilt and shame are different from emotions such as sadness, fear, and anger in that they:

Require awareness of society's standards

Primary reinforcers are stimuli or events that:

Satisfy biologically built-in needs

While Mother fills out an application form at a new preschool, 18-month-old Colin happily explores a few toys nearby. When Mom momentarily steps out to use the washroom, Colin becomes upset, but he quickly calms down and smiles upon her return. Colin's behavior is most consistent with a(n):

Secure attachment

When children appear to have insecure attachments to the important adults in their lives, teachers and other practitioners should:

Seek professional guidance, possibly including a therapeutic intervention

Marion puts off doing a project for the science fair until she has so little time to do it that she cannot possibly complete a good project. Such behavior is most consistent with the concept of:


Several students in Mr. Samber's class have trouble keeping themselves on task during independent seatwork assignments. Mr. Samber gives each of these students a piece of paper on which they are to make a check mark every time they find themselves doing something other than their assignment during seatwork time. Mr. Samber is applying which one of the following concepts?


What is the tendency to conform to one's own ideas about appropriate behavior?


When adults in mainstream Western culture bring up the topic of human sexuality with teenagers, they are most likely to do it in discussions about:

Sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancy

When school lunch is delayed for an hour due to an unexpected power outage in the cafeteria, 14-year-old Henrietta is asked to share her box of home-baked cookies with her classmates. Given what developmental researchers have learned about how distributive justice and children's sense of fairness change with age, we would expect Henrietta to:

Share the cookies equally, but give any extra cookies to classmates whose families don't have much money

Fourteen-year-old Kerrie has several close friends with whom she spends a great deal of time. Three of the following accurately describe the effects that such close friendships are apt to have on her development. Which statement is not accurate?

She may have greater-than-average difficulty forming a sense of identity.

Which strategy is most likely to be effective in promoting semantic development?

Showing several examples of words

All of the following situations involve "romance" in one form or another. Which one is most typical for the age-group?

Sonia, a seventh grader, has a crush on her science teacher and giggles with her friends whenever he walks by.

Which one of the following forms of aggression are you most apt to see in girls' behavior?

Spreading a malicious rumor

Tina is an English language learner. She is learning in a regular third grade classroom. Her teacher and her classmates all speak English and she receives no instruction or assistance in her native language. Most likely Tina is learning in which of the following programs?


Which of the following is not an approach to teaching a second language?

Subtractive bilingualism

Which one of the following is the best example of a student attributing success to an internal factor?

Sue Ellen has just gotten a good grade on her geography test. She is proud that she did so well and glad that she studied hard.

Only one of the following statements about adolescents' part-time employment is true. Which one?

Teenagers who have part-time jobs often gain valuable practice in important work skills.

Friendships among children have been observed as early as:

The first year of life

If we consider Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, then which one of the following issues would we expect high school students to be most concerned about?

Trying to decide who they really are and what role they will play in adult society

Roger uses the word ball only to refer to his favorite red ball with white stars on it. In doing so, Roger is showing:


Three of the following concepts reflect some degree of intrinsic motivation. Which one does not?

Vicarious reinforcement

Which one of the following children exhibits personal interest rather than situational interest?

Victoria loves ballet and wants to become a ballerina when she grows up.

Only one of the following statements is accurate regarding similarities or differences in moral standards across cultures. Which one?

Virtually all cultures tend to value both individual rights and compassion for others.

Which one of the following statements best illustrates telegraphic speech?

Want cookie."

Which one of the following statements best describes vicarious reinforcement?

Watching someone else receive reinforcement for a behavior

Three of the following statements describe possible effects of television viewing on children's development. Which statement is not necessarily true?

Watching television more than five hours per week has a negative impact on IQ.

Five-year-old Sarah tells her kindergarten teacher, "We had dinner at Mark's house last night." The teacher has no idea who Mark is but responds, "How nice! Did you have a good time?" This interaction reflects which one of the following developmental trends?

When talking to others, young children often fail to take their listeners' knowledge and perspectives into account

Three of the following statements accurately describe how sense of self changes over the course of childhood and adolescence. Which statement is not accurate?

With age, children's self-appraisals become less and less accurate.

Three of the following statements are true about children's and adolescents' participation in after-school activities. Which one is false?

Youngsters' academic achievement is slightly lower, apparently as a result of less time for studying.

Considering what we have learned from research regarding cognitive and linguistic development, we should expect elementary school children to have the greatest difficulty understanding the meaning of which one of the following words


Karen often finds the material in her anatomy class confusing and difficult to understand, yet she continues to work hard at mastering it because she knows it will be important for her future career in medicine. If you consider the four steps through which internalized motivation proceeds, then Karen is at least at the ________ step in the process.


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