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Ranks (Hángliè)

,成功地挣脱出来,然后调来一千亲兵,想要进行最后一搏。而这时,右卫将军萧摩诃带领禁卫军终于赶到。双方进行了殊死搏斗,没有"后援"的陈叔陵最终还是没有上演奇迹,落得个尸骨露于野的悲惨下场。 看来发动宫廷政变的确是个冒险活,不成功便成仁,因此,在没有十足的把握下不要轻易尝试。"政变有风险,投资须谨慎。" 大难不死,必有后福。太子陈叔宝成了最终的胜者,世上才多了个著名的诗词大家陈叔宝。随后,他大封在平叛过程中的两位大功臣。封陈叔坚为骠骑将军、开府仪同三司(级别相当于宰相),封萧摩诃为车骑将军、南徐州刺史、绥远公。并且尊柳太后为皇太后。 陈叔宝养伤期间,把朝中政事都交给弟弟兼救命恩人陈叔坚来处理,也正是这样,陈叔坚顿时权倾朝野。等到陈叔宝伤愈复出想要执政时,才发现这个世界谁都不可靠,包括亲兄弟。从此,他踏上了漫漫夺权之路。当然,事情还没有严重到"此权无计可夺"的地步,因为,迷惘中的他马上得到了都官尚书孔范和中书舍人施文庆两人的支持。 孔范和施文庆很快就组织了一支类似于"狗仔队"的组织,目的只为跟踪和监视陈叔坚的一举一动,然后把他的把柄交给陈叔宝。最后,陈叔宝便借机把四弟调离出京城任江州(今江西九江)刺史。 陈叔坚虽然一百个一千个不情愿,但还是踏上了赴任的路。然而,他还在半路,还没到江州,陈叔宝的改任通知书又到了,让他回京城做司空。司空,顾名思义,陈叔宝就是想让他万事皆空。陈叔坚只得返回,到了京城后,他才发现这里已容不下他了。陈叔宝的改任通知再度下达,这次改任的内容更简单明了:当官不为民做主,不如回家种红薯。陈叔坚同志,你还是回家种红薯去吧。就这样,在蚕食陈叔坚的权力后,陈叔宝一脚把这位曾经的救命恩人踢回老家养老去了。 陈叔宝终于迎来了春光灿烂的"皇帝生涯"。和很多皇帝一样,陈叔宝上任后首先就大兴建筑行业。于是乎什么临春阁、结绮阁和望仙阁等楼阁马上拔地而起,大有"欲与天公试比高"的豪气。一栋栋高楼大厦建成后,陈叔宝又请来一流的设计专家进行装修设计。很快,室外假山楼阁,清池玉亭,室内阁楼锦缎,奇珍异宝,豪华的装修不是单单用叹为观止可以形容的。看到这里,观众肯定会得出这样一个初步结论:陈叔宝又是一个贪图享受的昏君。 事实证明,陈叔宝不单单是一个昏君,而且是一个庸君。 楼阁建好了,也装修好了,接下来就是住了。陈叔宝一个人独占临春阁,而他的最爱张丽华张贵妃独霸结绮阁,其他嫔妃便是"蜗居"在望仙阁了。 大家看到这里就会有疑问了,这个张贵妃是谁?竟能和陈叔宝平起平坐,独霸一"阁"。 张丽华原是贵族龚贵嫔的侍女,献给陈叔宝后,陈叔宝一见惊为天人,封为贵妃。随后她便成了后宫的"掌舵人"。原因有三: 1.张贵妃长得不是美,而是相当的美。(这一点想必大家都能猜到) 2.张贵妃为人处世做得非常好。她善于察言观色,往往能明白陈叔宝的心思,凡事做到能让陈叔宝开心满意。 3.张贵妃通情达理,深明大义。她成为陈叔宝的宠人后,并没有像别人那样想独霸陈叔宝,而是很明智地在陈叔宝面前推荐其他宫女,这样一来,既让陈叔宝对其为人感到很满意,又让宫女们对她感恩戴德,感激涕零。 有了这三点,陈叔宝自然对张贵妃爱得死去活来了,到了什么程度呢?陈叔宝办公时都舍不得放开张贵妃,于是乎,出现了这样一个奇特的现象:陈叔宝经常躺在御榻上,把张贵妃搂在怀里办公,百官启奏政事都由宦官蔡脱儿、李善度代为呈上请示,一般的事陈叔宝批上"诺"或是"不诺",重大的事他就会转头向怀中美人相询,张丽华就会毫无避讳地说这事该如何如何处理,总之,与其说陈叔宝是皇帝,还不如说张丽华是皇帝,陈叔宝是摆设。 陈叔宝不但好色,而且好文。他任命宫中有文学才华的袁大舍等人为女学士。每次宴会,陈叔宝就会让这些女学士和妃嫔们举行诗歌比赛,大概形式也就是我吟上句,你接下句,看谁对得最好最通顺最流利罢了。而裁判便是皇帝老儿了,如果你怀疑他没有当裁判的资格,那么我告诉你,你不该有任何怀疑的,在此揖录他写的流传千古的《玉树后庭花》为证:陈叔宝不但好色,而且好文。他任命宫中有文学才华的袁大舍等人为女学士。每次宴会,陈叔宝就会让这些女学士和妃嫔们举行诗歌比赛,大概形式也就是我吟上句,你接下句,看谁对得最好最通顺最流利罢了。而裁判便是皇帝老儿了,如果你怀疑他没有当裁判的资格,那么我告诉你,你不该有任何怀疑的,在此揖录他写的流传千古的《玉树后庭花》为证: 丽宇芳林对高阁,新装艳质本倾城; 映户凝娇乍不进,出帷含态笑相迎。 妖姬脸似花含露,玉树流光照后庭; 花开花落不长久,落红满地归寂中! (3)知己知彼,百战不殆 陈叔宝适合当建筑家、诗人、艺术家、文学家,偏偏不适合的就是当皇帝,可是皇帝的位置偏偏要这个文弱书生来当。因此,他想发挥自己的特长,把国家引向一个人人都搞艺术的崭新时代。然而,现实与理想总是有差距的,事实证明,陈叔宝这样艺术地治国,很快就把国家治上了歧路:官场钩心斗角,腐败不堪,卖官鬻爵,贿赂公行。与此同时,百姓生活在水深火热中,发出了"艺术啊艺术,这就是艺术人生么"的感叹来。 与陈叔宝的昏庸相比,隋文帝杨坚的表现却大相径庭,他励精图治,锐意改革,很快走向了富民强国的道路。他的目光一直盯在陈国身上,公元582年,杨坚终于对陈国亮出了手中的"屠龙刀"。然而,军队才行到半路,陈国却传来了一个天大的消息—陈宣帝病逝了。 这个时候去攻打人家,胜之不武。于是,杨坚立即下了撤军令,并且还派人到陈国去进行吊唁。 总之态度是相当诚恳,杨坚的目的只为显示自己的胸襟和气魄。然而,陈叔宝却是个小气之人,他非但不买杨坚的账,而且直接还来了个"对对碰",很狂妄自大地玩起了文字游戏,派人送了封信给杨坚,信的内容只有十一个字:想彼统内如宜,此宇宙清泰。 意思是什么呢?就是说你建立隋国只是你们内部统一了,这是很轻松的事。只有我的国家像宇宙一样泰和平安。说得再直白点就是:你比我低一个档次。面对这样赤裸裸的蔑视,杨坚自然很生气,但他并没有马上发作,而是选择了忍气吞声,这一忍就是六年。 君子报仇,十年不晚,因此六年绝对算早。当然,这六年杨坚没有虚度光阴,他对伐陈进行了积极的备战,为此,他召开了一次"军委扩大会议",会议议题只有一个:攻打陈国。 会议开始后,"百官之王"尚书左仆射高颎很踊跃,他首先分析了隋国和陈国两国的"民情":我们隋国气温偏寒,庄稼成熟得晚些,而南方的陈国气候偏暖,庄稼早熟些。正当众人不知他葫芦里卖的是什么药时,他话锋一转,提出了类似于西周时期"烽火戏诸侯"的方案。具体操作如下:待夏至末至时,我们先调兵遣将,做出佯攻陈国的姿态,他们必然屯聚兵马进行防御,他们一聚兵,我们就撤兵,目的就是使得他们耽误收割庄稼。 结论:这样周而复始地对他们进行骚扰,不但粮草问题会成为陈国的一大隐患,而且他们的战备很快就会被冲没了,待我们真正出兵时,他们就不再相信了,那时攻下陈国便易如反掌。 杨坚对他的方案大为赞赏。 随后上柱国、御史大夫杨素也不甘落后,他提出了"围魏救赵"的水上攻敌方案。他分析说,长江天险是陈国的天然屏障,只要拿下了长江天险,拿下陈国便指日可待。具体操作如下:长江的汉口(今湖北武汉市汉口)和峡口(今湖北宜昌市)是水路和陆路相交的咽喉之地,是兵家的必争之地。陈国肯定会在这两个"虎口"设下重兵。我们要做的就是调虎离山。我们可以选择在上游佯攻,如果敌人派精兵去增援,那么我们主力部队便可在下游强渡长江;如果敌人不派兵增援,我军便拿下上游敌人形同虚设的防守点,顺江而下向下游夹击敌军。 结论:这样一来,陈国就算恃九江、五湖之险,拥有三吴、百越之军,也不足为虑了。 同样,杨坚对杨素的提议大为赞赏。 通过这次军事会议,杨坚制订了两步走的计划,一是下令大造战船,打造出征的兵器;二是在做准备的同时,派一些老弱病残士兵以鼓声大雨点小的方式做出佯攻陈国的姿态。陈国顿时拉响紧急备战警报,全民皆兵,也顾不得收割庄稼了。然而,等庄稼在地里烂掉后,他们才悲哀地发现,敌人早已全兵皆民地回去收割晚熟的庄稼去了。二是在做准备的同时,派一些老弱病残士兵以鼓声大雨点小的方式做出佯攻陈国的姿态。陈国顿时拉响紧急备战警报,全民皆兵,也顾不得收割庄稼了。然而,等庄稼在地里烂掉后,他们才悲哀地发现,敌人早已全兵皆民地回去收割晚熟的庄稼去了。 这样反复弄了几年,把陈国折腾得够呛。隋开皇八年(公元588年),杨坚终于要出兵了。为了师出有名,出征前,杨坚首先免费散发了30万份"讨伐陈国白皮书","白皮书"详细列举了陈国的罪状,归纳起来如下: 1.穷奢极欲。陈叔宝所管辖的地盘有限,贪欲却无限,致使百姓倾家荡产,流离失所。 2.重用小人。斩杀直方的志士,诛灭无罪的人家,致使君子潜逃,小人得志。 3.迷信神鬼。不信苍天信鬼神,天灾地孽,物怪人妖。 4.好色淫乱。后宫佳丽无数,甚至用美女来充任卫士,开创历史之先河。 其次,为了给士兵打气,他提出了三点出师必胜的理由: 1.以大吞小。物尽其责,适者生存,大鱼吃小鱼,这是亘古不变的道理。 2.以有道伐无道。得道多助,失道寡助,得正义者得天下。 3.捉拿隋朝叛臣萧岩。叛徒不除,何以立天下;此仇不报,何以平民愤。 最后,是对军队的总部署: 总指挥:高颎。(这个人选毫无悬念。) 参谋长:王韶。(一个好汉三个帮嘛,职责主要是替元帅高颎出谋划策,排忧解难。) 总兵力:50万。 按照既定的破军方案,分三路进军,三路兵马元帅分别是:第一路,杨坚的第二子晋王杨广。负责攻打陈国长江军事要地两虎口中的峡口。 第二路,杨坚的第三子秦王杨俊。负责拔陈国长江军事要地的另一虎口—汉口。 第三路,上国柱、御史大夫杨素。考虑到他年纪大,经验足,给他游山玩水的机会,在长江上游做奇兵,敌人如果派兵支援,他便居险而守,与他们打长久拉锯战,为杨广和杨俊两路军赢得宝贵时间;敌人如果不派兵来援,他们便顺势消灭那里据守的敌军,然后顺着长江飞流直下,从水路到下游直接夹击敌人。 这个行军方案是杨素提的,现在派他去施行,也算是知人善用了。下面我们来看三路大军的进展吧。 首先来看第三路军杨素。 因为有杨广和杨俊两路大军的策应,陈军主力忙着应付都应接不暇,因此,对杨素在长江上游的"投石问路",都心照不宣地采取了"三不政策":不出兵,不支援,不闻不问。 杨素也不是吃素的,既然你们这么小看我,就给你们点颜色瞧瞧。很快他们冲破上游各个关卡的阻击,然后率军从上游直抵狼尾滩(今湖北东天溪一带)。 狼尾滩可攻可守,是个一夫当关万夫莫开的险滩。陈国派出的守将是骁将戚昕,他带领精兵强将数千,加上青龙战舰数百艘,立即把顺风顺水的杨素阻在了滩外。 杨素没有急着进攻。他知道盲目的强攻效果肯定不会好,而是亲自去调查,最后制定了攻击方案:兵分三路,晚上偷袭。 兵分三路容易理解,晚上偷袭就让人费解了。在陆地作战,晚上偷袭是不错的进军方式。而在水上作战,很少选择晚上,毕竟江河上月黑风高,存在风和浪等极为不确定的因素,智者往往不打这样没有把握的仗。

, Successfully broke free, and then transferred a thousand soldiers, wanting to make the last fight. At this time, Xiao Mohe, general from the right guard, led the Imperial Guard finally arrived. The two sides fought desperately, and Chen Shuling, who had no "backup", did not stage a miracle in the end, and ended up in a tragic end with his bones exposed. It seems that launching a palace coup is indeed a risky work. If it is not successful, it will be benevolent. Therefore, do not try it lightly without full confidence. "The coup is risky, and investment must be cautious." If you survive a catastrophe, there will be good luck. Prince Chen Shubao became the ultimate winner, and there was only one famous poet Chen Shubao in the world. Subsequently, he sealed the two great heroes in the process of countering the rebellion. Chen Shujian was named Huqi General, Kaifuyitong Sansi (level equivalent to Prime Minister), and Xiao Mohe was named Chaqi General, Southern Xuzhou Governor, and Suiyuan Gong. And respected Empress Dowager Liu as Empress Dowager. During Chen Shubao's recovery, he handed over the affairs of North Korea and China to his younger brother and lifesaver Chen Shujian, and it was precisely this way that Chen Shujian immediately swept the court. When Chen Shubao came back from injury and wanted to govern, he discovered that no one in this world is reliable, including his brothers. Since then, he has embarked on a long road to seizing power. Of course, the matter was not so serious that "the power is beyond control", because he was confused and immediately received the support of the official Shangshu Kong Fan and the Zhongshushe scholar Shi Wenqing. Kong Fan and Shi Wenqing soon organized an organization similar to a "paparazzi" with the purpose of tracking and monitoring Chen Shujian's every move, and then handing him over to Chen Shubao. Finally, Chen Shubao took the opportunity to transfer his fourth brother out of the capital city of Ren Jiangzhou (now Jiujiang, Jiangxi) as the governor. Although Chen Shujian was reluctant, he still embarked on the road to take up his post. However, he was still halfway there, and before he arrived in Jiangzhou, Chen Shubao's notice of change of appointment arrived again, asking him to return to the capital to work as Sikong. Sikong, as the name suggests, Chen Shubao just wants him to be empty. Chen Shujian had to return, and when he arrived in the capital, he realized that there was no room for him. Chen Shubao's notice of appointment was issued again, and the content of this appointment is simpler and clearer: it is better to go home and grow sweet potatoes instead of being an official. Comrade Chen Shujian, you should go home and grow sweet potatoes. In this way, after eroding Chen Shujian's power, Chen Shubao kicked the former savior back to his hometown for retirement. Chen Shubao finally ushered in the splendid "Emperor Career". Like many emperors, Chen Shubao first prospered the construction industry after taking office. As a result, pavilions such as Linchun Pavilion, Jieqi Pavilion, and Wangxian Pavilion immediately rose from the ground, with great arrogance that "desire to compare with Tiangong". After the high-rise buildings were completed, Chen Shubao invited first-class design experts to carry out the decoration design. Soon, the outdoor rockery pavilions, Qingchi jade pavilions, indoor loft brocades, rare treasures, and luxurious decoration can not be described as breathtaking. Seeing this, the audience will definitely come to such a preliminary conclusion: Chen Shubao is another stunner who is greedy for enjoyment. Facts have proved that Chen Shubao is not only a faint emperor, but also a mediocre emperor. The pavilion has been built and decorated, and the next step is to live. Chen Shubao alone occupies Linchun Pavilion, and his favorite Zhang Lihua, Zhang Guifei, dominates Jieqi Pavilion, and the other concubines are "snail dwellings" in Wangxian Pavilion. Everyone will have questions when they see this. Who is this concubine Zhang? Can actually sit on an equal footing with Chen Shubao and dominate the "Pavilion". Zhang Lihua was originally the maid of the nobleman Gong Guibing. After giving it to Chen Shubao, Chen Shubao was shocked at first sight and was named a noble concubine. Then she became the "helm of the harem." There are three reasons: 1. Zhang Guifei is not beautiful, but rather beautiful. (Presumably everyone can guess this) 2. Concubine Zhang has done a very good job in life. She is good at observing words and colors, and can often understand Chen Shubao's thoughts, and doing everything to make Chen Shubao happy and satisfied. 3. Concubine Zhang is sensible and understands righteousness. After she became Chen Shubao's favorite, she did not want to dominate Chen Shubao like others, but wisely recommended other court ladies in front of Chen Shubao. In this way, Chen Shubao was satisfied with her and the ladies were grateful to her. , Grateful tears. With these three points, Chen Shubao naturally fell in love with Zhang Guifei. To what extent? Chen Shubao was reluctant to let go of Zhang Guifei when he was in office, so there was such a peculiar phenomenon: Chen Shubao often lay on the imperial couch. With Concubine Zhang in his arms and office, the eunuchs Cai Tuorer and Li Shandu will submit all the political affairs for all officials. For general things, Chen Shubao approves "no promise" or "no promise", and he will transfer important things. Asking the beauty in her arms, Zhang Lihua will say without any shy about how to deal with this matter. In short, not so much Chen Shubao is the emperor, it is better to say that Zhang Lihua is the emperor and Chen Shubao is the decoration. Chen Shubao is not only lustful, but also good writing. He appointed Yuan Dashe and others who were talented in literature in the palace as female bachelors. At each banquet, Chen Shubao would let these female scholars and concubines hold a poetry contest. The approximate format is that I chant the last sentence, and you can take the next sentence to see who is the best, the most fluent and the most fluent. And the referee is the emperor. If you suspect that he is not qualified to be a referee, then I tell you, you shouldn't have any doubts, and I'll record the ancient "Yushu Hou Ting Hua" written by him as evidence. : Chen Shubao is not only lustful, but also good writing. He appointed Yuan Dashe and others who were talented in literature in the palace as female bachelors. At each banquet, Chen Shubao would let these female scholars and concubines hold a poetry contest. The approximate format is that I chant the last sentence, and you can take the next sentence to see who is the best, the most fluent and the most fluent. And the referee is the emperor. If you suspect that he is not qualified to be a referee, then I tell you, you shouldn't have any doubts, and I'll record the ancient "Yushu Hou Ting Hua" written by him as evidence. : Liyu Fanglin faces the high pavilion, and the new outfit is gorgeous and this is allure; Yinghu Ningjiao does not enter at once, and she greets with a smile when she leaves the curtain. The demon girl's face is like a flower containing dew, and the yushu illuminates the backyard; the flowers bloom and fall not long, and the land is red and lonely! (3) Knowing yourself and the enemy, never fought forever He is to be the emperor, but the position of the emperor is to be born as a weak scholar. Therefore, he wants to use his expertise to lead the country to a new era in which everyone is engaged in art. However, there is always a gap between reality and ideals. Facts have proved that Chen Shubao governed the country in such an artistic manner, and soon turned the country into a wrong path: officialdom quarrels, corrupted, sold official officials, and bribed the public. At the same time, the common people were living in dire straits and exclaimed "art, art, is this artistic life?" Compared with Chen Shubao's mediocrity, Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian's performance was quite different. He worked hard to govern and reformed, and soon moved on to the road of enriching the people and strengthening the country. His gaze has been fixed on Chen Guo. In 582 AD, Yang Jian finally took out his "Dragon Sword" against Chen Guoliang. However, when the army was only halfway there, there was a great news from Chen Guo that Emperor Chen Xuan died of illness. At this time, to attack others, the victory is not martial. As a result, Yang Jian immediately issued an order to withdraw troops and sent people to Chen Guo to express condolences. In short, the attitude is quite sincere, Yang Jian's purpose is only to show his mind and courage. However, Chen Shubao is a stingy person. Not only did he not buy Yang Jian's account, but he also came to a "face-to-face". He played a word game arrogantly and sent a letter to Yang Jian. There are only eleven words in the content: I think that the universe is as good as it is, and the universe is pure and peaceful. What does it mean? That is to say that you only established the Sui Kingdom because your internal unity was unified, which is very easy. Only my country is as peaceful and peaceful as the universe. To put it more bluntly is: You are one grade lower than me. Faced with such naked contempt, Yang Jian was naturally very angry, but he did not immediately attack, but chose to swallow his breath. This forbearance lasted six years. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, so six years is definitely early. Of course, in the past six years, Yang Jian did not waste time. He actively prepared for the defeat of Chen. For this reason, he convened an "Expanded Military Commission" meeting with only one topic: the attack on Chen Guo. After the meeting began, "King of Hundred Officials" Shang Shu Zuo Pu She Gao Jie was very enthusiastic. He first analyzed the "people's sentiments" of the Sui and Chen states: the temperature in the Sui state is relatively cold, and the crops mature later, while the southern The climate in Chen is warmer, and the crops mature earlier. Just when everyone didn't know what medicine he was selling in the gourd, he changed his conversation and proposed a plan similar to the "Feng Huo lords" in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The specific operations are as follows: At the end of the summer solstice, we will first deploy troops and generals to pretend to attack Chen Guo. They will inevitably gather troops and horses for defense. When they gather troops, we will withdraw our troops. The purpose is to make them delay harvesting crops. Conclusion: Such repeated harassment of them will not only cause the problem of food and grass to become a major hidden danger for Chen, but also their combat readiness will soon be swept away. When we actually send troops, they will no longer believe it. It was easy to capture Chen Guo. Yang Jian greatly appreciated his plan. Later, Shangzhuguo and Yushi doctor Yang Su were not to be left behind. He proposed a plan to attack the enemy on the water to "siege Wei and save Zhao." He analyzed that the natural insurance of the Yangtze River was the natural barrier of the country of Chen. As long as the natural insurance of the Yangtze River was taken, the victory of the country of Chen would be just around the corner. The specific operation is as follows: Hankou of the Yangtze River (now Hankou in Wuhan, Hubei) and Xiakou (now Yichang, Hubei) are the throat places where water and land intersect, and they are battlegrounds for military strategists. Chen Guo will definitely set up heavy troops in these two "tiger mouths". All we have to do is to adjust the tiger away from the mountain. We can choose to pretend to attack upstream. If the enemy sends troops to reinforce, then our main force can forcefully cross the Yangtze River downstream; if the enemy does not send reinforcements, our army will take down the defensive points of the upstream enemy and attack downstream. enemy. Conclusion: In this way, even if Chen Guo relied on the dangers of Jiujiang and the Five Lakes, and possessed the army of Three Wus and Baiyue, it would not be a concern. Similarly, Yang Jian greatly appreciated Yang Su's proposal. Through this military meeting, Yang Jian formulated a two-step plan. One was to order large warships to be built and to build weapons for conscription; the other was to send some old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers to use drums with heavy drums and little rain. Make a posture of pretending to attack Chen Guo. Chen Guo immediately sounded the alarm for emergency preparations, and all the people were soldiers, and they were no longer able to harvest crops. However, after the crops rotted in the ground, they found sadly that the enemy had already gone back to harvest the late-maturing crops. The second is to send some old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers to pretend to attack Chen Guo with the loud drums and the little rain. Chen Guo immediately sounded the alarm for emergency preparations, and all the people were soldiers, and they were no longer able to harvest crops. However, after the crops rotted in the ground, they found sadly that the enemy had already gone back to harvest the late-maturing crops. Repeatedly doing this for several years, Chen Guo tossed enough. In the eighth year of Sui Kaihuang (588 AD), Yang Jian finally sent troops. In order to become famous, Yang Jian first distributed 300,000 copies of the "White Paper on Against Chen Guo" for free. The "White Paper" listed Chen Guo's crimes in detail, summed up as follows: 1. Desire for extravagance. The territory under Chen Shubao's jurisdiction is limited, but his greed is unlimited, causing the people to go bankrupt and lose their homes. 2. Reuse the villain. Kill Zhifang's lofty scholars and destroy the innocent ones, causing the gentleman to abscond and the villain to succeed. 3. Superstition. Do not believe in the heavens, believe in ghosts and gods, natural disasters and evils, weird monsters. 4. Lecherous fornication. There are countless beauties in the harem, even using beautiful women as guards, creating a precedent in history. Secondly, in order to cheer up the soldiers, he put forward three reasons why he must win when he goes out: 1. To swallow the small by the big. Things do their responsibilities, the fittest survive, big fish eat small fish, this is the eternal truth. 2. There is no way to cut down. Those who gain more help, those who fail to help, those who gain justice gain the world. 3. Capture Xiao Yan, the rebel minister of the Sui Dynasty. If the traitors are not eliminated, how can the world be established; if this hatred is not reported, how can the civilians be angry. Finally, it is the general deployment of the army: Commander-in-chief: Gao Jong. (There is no suspense about this candidate.) Chief of Staff: Wang Shao. (One hero has three gangs. The main responsibility is to make suggestions and solve problems for Marshal Gao Jong.) Total strength: 500,000. In accordance with the established plan for breaking the army, the army was divided into three routes. The three marshals of soldiers and horses were: the first route, Yang Jian's second son, King Yang Guang. Responsible for attacking the mouth of the two tigers in the Yangtze River military area. On the second road, Yang Jian's third son, Qin Wang Yang Jun. Hankou, another tiger that is responsible for pulling Chen Guo's military important place on the Yangtze River. On the third road, Shang Guozhu, Yu Shi doctor Yang Su. Considering his old age and sufficient experience, he was given the opportunity to swim and play in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. If the enemy sent troops to support him, he would defend himself in danger and fight them in a long tug-of-war for Yang Guang and Yang Jun. Gain precious time; if the enemy does not send troops to help, they will take advantage of the situation to eliminate the enemy troops guarding there, and then fly down the Yangtze River, directly attacking the enemy from the waterway to the downstream. This marching plan was made by Yang Suti, and now that he is sent to implement it, it can be regarded as knowing how to use it. Let's take a look at the progress of the three-way army. First look at the Third Route Army Yang Su. Because of the support of Yang Guang and Yang Jun's two armies, Chen Jun's main force was too busy to cope with it. Therefore, he tacitly adopted the "three nos policy" for Yang Su's "throwing stones and asking for directions" on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River: no troops, no Support, unattended. Yang Su is not a vegetarian either. Since you underestimate me so much, let me show you some colors. Soon they broke through the obstacles of the upstream checkpoints, and then led their troops from the upstream to Langweitan (the area of ​​Dongtianxi in Hubei today). Langwei Beach is both offensive and defensive, and it is a fast-moving shoal where one man can do nothing. The guard sent by Chen Guo was Xiao General Qi Xin. He led thousands of elite soldiers and hundreds of Qinglong battleships, and immediately blocked Yang Su, who had a smooth wind, on the beach. Yang Su did not rush to attack. He knew that the blind attack would certainly not be effective, but he personally investigated, and finally formulated an attack plan: the soldiers were divided into three groups and attacked at night. It's easy to understand how the soldiers are divided into three groups, and the night attack is confusing. In combat on land, a sneak attack at night is a good way to advance. While fighting on the water, it is seldom to choose the night. After all, the rivers have high black and high winds last month, and there are extremely uncertain factors such as wind and waves, and wise men often do not fight such uncertain battles. (, Chénggōng de zhēngtuō chūlái, ránhòu diào lái yīqiān qīn bīng, xiǎng yào jìnxíng zuìhòu yī bó. Ér zhè shí, yòu wèi jiāngjūn xiāo mó hē dàilǐng jìn wèi jūn zhōngyú gǎndào. Shuāngfāng jìnxíngle shūsǐ bódòu, méiyǒu "hòuyuán" de chénshūlíng zuìzhōng háishì méiyǒu shàngyǎn qíjī, luòdé gè shīgǔ lù yú yě de bēicǎn xiàchǎng. Kàn lái fādòng gōngtíng zhèngbiàn díquè shìgè màoxiǎn huó, bù chénggōng biàn chéngrén, yīncǐ, zài méiyǒu shízú de bǎwò xià bùyào qīngyì chángshì."Zhèngbiàn yǒu fēngxiǎn, tóuzī xū jǐnshèn." Dà nàn bùsǐ, bì yǒu hòu fú. Tàizǐ chénshūbǎo chéngle zuìzhōng de shèng zhě, shìshàng cái duōle gè zhùmíng de shīcí dàjiā chénshūbǎo. Suíhòu, tā dà fēng zài píng pàn guòchéng zhōng de liǎng wèi dà gōngchén. Fēng chénshūjiān wèi biāo qíjiāngjūn, kāi fǔ yí tóng sān sī (jíbié xiāngdāng yú zǎixiàng), fēng xiāo mó hē wèi chē qí jiāngjūn, nán xúzhōu cìshǐ, suí yuǎn gōng. Bìngqiě zūn liǔ tàihòu wèi huáng tàihòu. Chénshūbǎo yǎngshāng qí jiān, bǎ cháo zhōng zhèngshì dōu jiāo gěi dìdì jiān jiùmìng ēnrén chénshūjiān lái chǔlǐ, yě zhèngshì zhèyàng, chénshūjiān dùnshí quán qīng cháoyě. Děngdào chénshūbǎo shāng yù fùchū xiǎng yào zhízhèng shí, cái fāxiàn zhège shìjiè shéi dōu bù kěkào, bāokuò qīn xiōngdì. Cóngcǐ, tā tà shàngle mànmàn duóquán zhī lù. Dāngrán, shìqíng hái méiyǒu yánzhòngdào "cǐ quán wú jì kě duó" dì dìbù, yīnwèi, míwǎng zhōng de tā mǎshàng dédàole dōu guān shàngshū kǒng fànhézhōng shū shě rén shīwén qìng liǎng rén de zhīchí. Kǒng fàn hé shīwén qìng hěn kuài jiù zǔzhīle yī zhī lèisì yú "gǒuzǎi duì" de zǔzhī, mùdì zhǐ wèi gēnzōng hé jiānshì chénshūjiān de yījǔ yīdòng, ránhòu bǎ tā de bǎbǐng jiāo gěi chénshūbǎo. Zuìhòu, chénshūbǎo biàn jiè jī bǎ sì dì diào lí chū jīngchéng rèn jiāng zhōu (jīn jiāngxī jiǔjiāng) cìshǐ. Chénshūjiān suīrán yībǎi gè yīqiān gè bù qíngyuàn, dàn háishì tà shàngle fùrèn de lù. Rán'ér, tā hái zài bànlù, hái méi dào jiāng zhōu, chénshūbǎo de gǎi rèn tōngzhī shū yòu dàole, ràng tā huí jīngchéng zuò sīkōng. Sīkōng, gùmíngsīyì, chénshūbǎo jiùshì xiǎng ràng tā wànshì jiē kōng. Chénshūjiān zhǐdé fǎnhuí, dàole jīngchéng hòu, tā cái fāxiàn zhèlǐ yǐ róng bùxià tāle. Chénshūbǎo de gǎi rèn tōngzhī zàidù xiàdá, zhè cì gǎi rèn de nèiróng gèng jiǎndān míngliǎo: Dāng guān bù wéi mín zuòzhǔ, bùrú huí jiā zhòng hóngshǔ. Chénshūjiān tóngzhì, nǐ háishì huí jiā zhòng hóngshǔ qù ba. Jiù zhèyàng, zài cánshí chénshūjiān de quánlì hòu, chénshūbǎo yī jiǎo bǎ zhè wèi céngjīng de jiùmìng ēnrén tī huílǎojiā yǎnglǎo qùle. Chénshūbǎo zhōngyú yíng láile chūnguāng cànlàn de "huángdì shēngyá". Hé hěnduō huángdì yīyàng, chénshūbǎo shàngrèn hòu shǒuxiān jiù dàxīng jiànzhú hángyè. Yúshì hū shénme lín chūn gé, jié qǐ gé hé wàng xiān gé děng lóugé mǎshàng bá dì ér qǐ, dà yǒu "yù yǔ tiāngōng shì bǐ gāo" de háoqì. Yī dòng dòng gāolóu dàshà jiànchéng hòu, chénshūbǎo yòu qǐng lái yīliú de shèjì zhuānjiā jìnxíng zhuāngxiū shèjì. Hěn kuài, shìwài jiǎshān lóugé, qīng chí yù tíng, shìnèi gélóu jǐnduàn, qí zhēn yì bǎo, háohuá de zhuāngxiū bùshì dāndān yòng tànwéiguānzhǐ kěyǐ xíngróng de. Kàn dào zhèlǐ, guānzhòng kěndìng huì dé chū zhèyàng yīgè chūbù jiélùn: Chénshūbǎo yòu shì yīgè tāntú xiǎngshòu de hūnjūn. Shìshí zhèngmíng, chénshūbǎo bù dāndān shì yīgè hūnjūn, érqiě shì yīgè yōng jūn. Lóugé jiàn hǎole, yě zhuāngxiū hǎole, jiē xiàlái jiùshì zhùle. Chénshūbǎo yīgè rén dúzhàn lín chūn gé, ér tā de zuì ài zhānglìhuá zhāng guìfēi dúbà jié qǐ gé, qítā pín fēi biàn shì "wōjū" zàiwàng xiān géle. Dàjiā kàn dào zhèlǐ jiù huì yǒu yíwènle, zhège zhāng guìfēi shì shéi? Jìng néng hé chénshūbǎo píngqǐpíngzuò, dúbà yī "gé". Zhānglìhuá yuán shì guìzú gōng guì pín de shìnǚ, xiàn gěi chénshūbǎo hòu, chénshūbǎo yī jiàn jīng wéi tiān rén, fēng wéi guìfēi. Suíhòu tā biàn chéngle hòugōng de "zhǎngduò rén". Yuányīn yǒusān: 1. Zhāng guìfēi zhǎng dé bùshì měi, ér shì xiāngdāng dì měi.(Zhè yīdiǎn xiǎngbì dàjiā dōu néng cāi dào) 2. Zhāng guìfēi wéirén chǔshì zuò dé fēicháng hǎo. Tā shànyú cháyánguānsè, wǎngwǎng néng míngbái chénshūbǎo de xīnsī, fánshì zuò dào néng ràng chénshūbǎo kāixīn mǎnyì. 3. Zhāng guìfēi tōngqíngdálǐ, shēn míng dàyì. Tā chéngwéi chénshūbǎo de chǒng rén hòu, bìng méiyǒuxiàng biérén nàyàng xiǎng dúbà chénshūbǎo, ér shì hěn míngzhì de zài chénshūbǎo miànqián tuījiàn qítā gōngnǚ, zhèyàng yī lái, jì ràng chénshūbǎo duì qí wéirén gǎn dào hěn mǎnyì, yòu ràng gōngnǚmen duì tā gǎn'ēndàidé, gǎnjītìlíng. Yǒule zhè sān diǎn, chénshūbǎo zìrán duì zhāng guìfēi ài dé sǐqùhuóláile, dàole shénme chéngdù ne? Chénshūbǎo bàngōng shí dōu shěbudé fàng kāi zhāng guìfēi, yúshì hū, chūxiànle zhèyàng yīgè qítè de xiànxiàng: Chénshūbǎo jīngcháng tǎng zài yù tà shàng, bǎ zhāng guìfēi lǒu zài huái lǐ bàngōng, bǎi guān qǐ zòu zhèng shì dōu yóu huànguān cài tuō er, lǐshàndù dàiwéi chéng shàng qǐngshì, yībān de shì chénshūbǎo pī shàng "nuò" huò shì "bù nuò", zhòng dà de shì tā jiù huì zhuǎn tóu xiàng huái zhōng měirén xiāng xún, zhānglìhuá jiù huì háo wú bìhuì de shuō zhè shì gāi rúhé rúhé chǔlǐ, zǒngzhī, yǔqí shuō chénshūbǎo shì huángdì, hái bùrú shuō zhānglìhuá shì huángdì, chénshūbǎo shì bǎishè. Chénshūbǎo bùdàn hàosè, érqiě hǎowén. Tā rènmìng gōng zhōng yǒu wénxué cáihuá de yuán dà shě děng rénwéi nǚ xuéshì. Měi cì yànhuì, chénshūbǎo jiù huì ràng zhèxiē nǚ xuéshìhé fēipínmen jǔ háng shīgē bǐsài, dàgài xíngshì yě jiùshì wǒ yín shàng jù, nǐ jiē xià jù, kàn shéi duì dé zuì hǎo zuì tōngshùn zuì liúlì bàle. Ér cáipàn biàn shì huángdì lao erle, rúguǒ nǐ huáiyí tā méiyǒu dāng cáipàn de zīgé, nàme wǒ gàosù nǐ, nǐ bù gāi yǒu rènhé huáiyí de, zài cǐ yī lù tā xiě de liúchuán qiāngǔ de "yùshù hòu tíng huā" wèi zhèng: Chénshūbǎo bùdàn hàosè, érqiě hǎowén. Tā rènmìng gōng zhōng yǒu wénxué cáihuá de yuán dà shě děng rénwéi nǚ xuéshì. Měi cì yànhuì, chénshūbǎo jiù huì ràng zhèxiē nǚ xuéshìhé fēipínmen jǔ háng shīgē bǐsài, dàgài xíngshì yě jiùshì wǒ yín shàng jù, nǐ jiē xià jù, kàn shéi duì dé zuì hǎo zuì tōngshùn zuì liúlì bàle. Ér cáipàn biàn shì huángdì lao erle, rúguǒ nǐ huáiyí tā méiyǒu dāng cáipàn de zīgé, nàme wǒ gàosù nǐ, nǐ bù gāi yǒu rènhé huáiyí de, zài cǐ yī lù tā xiě de liúchuán qiāngǔ de "yùshù hòu tíng huā" wèi zhèng: Lì yǔ fāng lín duì gāogé, xīnzhuāng yàn zhì běn qīngchéng; yìng hù níng jiāo zhà bù jìn, chū wéi hán tài xiào xiāng yíng. Yāo jī liǎn shì huā hán lù, yùshù liú guāngzhào hòu tíng; huā kāihuā luò bù chángjiǔ, luò hóng mǎn dì guī jì zhōng! (3) Zhījǐzhībǐ, bǎizhànbùdài chénshūbǎo shì hé dāng jiànzhú jiā, shīrén, yìshùjiā, wénxué jiā, piānpiān bùshì hé de jiùshì dāng huángdì, kěshì huángdì de wèizhì piānpiān yào zhège wénruò shūshēng lái dāng. Yīncǐ, tā xiǎng fāhuī zìjǐ de tècháng, bǎ guójiā yǐn xiàng yīgè rén rén dōu gǎo yìshù de zhǎnxīn shídài. Rán'ér, xiànshí yù lǐxiǎng zǒng shì yǒu chājù de, shìshí zhèngmíng, chénshūbǎo zhèyàng yìshù de zhìguó, hěn kuài jiù bǎ guójiā zhì shàngle qílù: Guānchǎng gōuxīndòujiǎo, fǔbài bùkān, màiguānyùjué, huìlù gōng xíng. Yǔ cǐ tóngshí, bǎixìng shēnghuó zài shuǐshēnhuǒrè zhòng, fāchūle "yìshù a yìshù, zhè jiùshì yìshù rénshēng me" de gǎntàn lái. Yǔ chénshūbǎo de hūnyōng xiāng bǐ, suí wéndì yángjiān de biǎoxiàn què dàxiāngjìngtíng, tā lìjīngtúzhì, ruìyì gǎigé, hěn kuài zǒuxiàngle fùmín qiángguó de dàolù. Tā de mùguāng yīzhí dīng zài chén guó shēnshang, gōngyuán 582 nián, yángjiān zhōngyú duì chénguóliàng chūle shǒuzhōng de "tú lóng dāo". Rán'ér, jūnduì cái xíng dào bànlù, chén guó què chuán láile yīgè tiān dà de xiāoxī—chén xuāndì bìngshìle. Zhège shíhòu qù gōngdǎ rénjiā, shèng zhī bù wǔ. Yúshì, yángjiān lìjí xiàle chèjūn lìng, bìngqiě hái pài rén dào chén guó qù jìnxíng diàoyàn. Zǒngzhī tàidù shì xiāngdāng chéngkěn, yángjiān de mùdì zhǐ wèi xiǎnshì zìjǐ de xiōngjīn hé qìpò. Rán'ér, chénshūbǎo què shìgè xiǎoqì zhīrén, tā fēidàn bú mǎi yángjiān de zhàng, érqiě zhíjiē hái láile gè "duì duì pèng", hěn kuángwàng zì dàdì wán qǐle wénzì yóuxì, pài rén sòngle fēng xìn gěi yángjiān, xìn de nèiróng zhǐyǒu shíyīgè zì: Xiǎng bǐ tǒng nèi rú yí, cǐ yǔzhòu qīngtài. Yìsi shì shénme ne? Jiùshì shuō nǐ jiànlì suí guó zhǐshì nǐmen nèibù tǒngyīliǎo, zhè shì hěn qīngsōng de shì. Zhǐyǒu wǒ de guójiā xiàng yǔzhòu yīyàng tàihé píng'ān. Shuō dé zài zhí bái diǎn jiùshì: Nǐ bǐ wǒ dī yīgè dàngcì. Miàn duì zhèyàng chìluǒluǒ de mièshì, yángjiān zìrán hěn shēngqì, dàn tā bìng méiyǒu mǎshàng fāzuò, ér shì xuǎnzéle rěnqìtūnshēng, zhè yī rěn jiùshì liù nián. Jūnzǐ bàochóu, shí nián bù wǎn, yīncǐ liù nián juéduì suàn zǎo. Dāngrán, zhè liù nián yángjiān méiyǒu xūdù guāngyīn, tā duì fá chén jìnxíngle jījí de bèizhàn, wèi cǐ, tā zhàokāile yīcì "jūnwěi kuòdà huìyì", huìyì yìtí zhǐyǒu yīgè: Gōngdǎ chén guó. Huìyì kāishǐ hòu,"bǎi guān zhī wáng" shàngshū zuǒ pū shè gāo jiǒng hěn yǒngyuè, tā shǒuxiān fēnxīle suí guó hé chén guó liǎng guó de "mínqíng": Wǒmen suí guó qìwēn piān hán, zhuāngjià chéngshú dé wǎn xiē, ér nánfāng de chén guó qìhòu piān nuǎn, zhuāngjià zǎoshú xiē. Zhèngdàng zhòngrén bùzhī tā húlu lǐ mài de shì shénme yào shí, tā huàfēng yī zhuàn, tíchūle lèisì yú xīzhōu shíqí "fēnghuǒ xì zhūhóu" de fāng'àn. Jùtǐ cāozuò rúxià: Dài xiàzhì mò zhì shí, wǒmen xiān diào bīng qiǎn jiàng, zuò chū yánggōng chén guó de zītài, tāmen bìrán túnjù bīng mǎ jìnxíng fángyù, tāmen yī jù bīng, wǒmen jiù chèbīng, mùdì jiùshì shǐdé tāmen dānwù shōugē zhuāngjià. Jiélùn: Zhèyàng zhōu'érfùshǐ dì duì tāmen jìnxíng sāorǎo, bùdàn liángcǎo wèntí huì chéngwéi chén guó de yī dà yǐnhuàn, érqiě tāmen de zhànbèi hěn kuài jiù huì bèi chōng méiliǎo, dài wǒmen zhēnzhèng chūbīng shí, tāmen jiù bù zài xiāngxìnle, nà shí gōng xià chén guó biàn yìrúfǎnzhǎng. Yángjiān duì tā de fāng'àn dà wéi zànshǎng. Suíhòu shàng zhù guó, yù shǐ dàfū yáng sù yě bùgān luòhòu, tā tíchūle "wéiwèijiùzhào" de shuǐshàng gōng dí fāng'àn. Tā fēnxī shuō, chángjiāng tiānxiǎn shì chén guó de tiānrán píngzhàng, zhǐyào ná xiàle chángjiāng tiānxiǎn, ná xià chén guó biàn zhǐrìkědài. Jùtǐ cāozuò rúxià: Chángjiāng de hànkǒu (jīn húběi wǔhàn shì hànkǒu) hé xiá kǒu (jīn húběi yíchāng shì) shì shuǐlù hé lùlù xiàngjiāo de yānhóu zhī dì, shìbīngjiā de bì zhēng zhī dì. Chén guó kěndìng huì zài zhè liǎng gè "hǔkǒu" shè xià zhòngbīng. Wǒmen yào zuò de jiùshì diàohǔlíshān. Wǒmen kěyǐ xuǎnzé zài shàngyóu yánggōng, rúguǒ dírén pài jīngbīng qù zēngyuán, nàme wǒmen zhǔlì bùduì biàn kě zài xiàyóu qiángdù chángjiāng; rúguǒ dírén bù pàibīng zēngyuán, wǒ jūn biàn ná xià shàngyóu dírén xíngtóngxūshè de fángshǒu diǎn, shùn jiāng ér xià xiàng xiàyóu jiájí dí jūn. Jiélùn: Zhèyàng yī lái, chén guó jiùsuànshì jiǔjiāng, wǔ hú zhī xiǎn, yǒngyǒu sān wú, bǎi yuè zhī jūn, yě bùzú wéi lǜle. Tóngyàng, yángjiān duì yáng sù de tíyì dà wéi zànshǎng. Tōngguò zhè cì jūnshì huìyì, yángjiān zhìdìngle liǎng bù zǒu de jìhuà, yī shì xiàlìng dàzào zhàn chuán, dǎzào chūzhēng de bīngqì; èr shì zài zuò zhǔnbèi de tóngshí, pài yīxiē lǎo ruò bìng cán shìbīng yǐ gǔ shēng dàyǔ diǎn xiǎo de fāngshì zuò chū yánggōng chén guó de zītài. Chén guó dùnshí lā xiǎng jǐnjí bèizhàn jǐngbào, quánmín jiēbīng, yě gù bùdé shōugē zhuāngjiàle. Rán'ér, děng zhuāngjià zài dì lǐ làn diào hòu, tāmen cái bēi'āi de fāxiàn, dírén zǎoyǐ quán bīng jiē mín dì huíqù shōugē wǎnshú de zhuāngjià qùle. Èr shì zài zuò zhǔnbèi de tóngshí, pài yīxiē lǎo ruò bìng cán shìbīng yǐ gǔ shēng dàyǔ diǎn xiǎo de fāngshì zuò chū yánggōng chén guó de zītài. Chén guó dùnshí lā xiǎng jǐnjí bèizhàn jǐngbào, quánmín jiēbīng, yě gù bùdé shōugē zhuāngjiàle. Rán'ér, děng zhuāngjià zài dì lǐ làn diào hòu, tāmen cái bēi'āi de fāxiàn, dírén zǎoyǐ quán bīng jiē mín dì huíqù shōugē wǎnshú de zhuāngjià qùle. Zhèyàng fǎnfù nòngle jǐ nián, bǎ chén guó zhēteng dé gòuqiàng. Suí kāi huáng bā nián (gōngyuán 588 nián), yángjiān zhōngyú yào chūbīngle. Wèile shī chū yǒumíng, chūzhēng qián, yángjiān shǒuxiān miǎnfèi sànfàle 30 wàn fèn "tǎofá chén guó báipíshū","báipíshū" xiángxì lièjǔle chén guó de zuìzhuàng, guīnà qǐlái rúxià: 1. Qióng shē jí yù. Chénshūbǎo suǒ guǎnxiá dì dìpán yǒu xiàn, tān yù què wúxiàn, zhìshǐ bǎixìng qīngjiādàngchǎn, liúlíshīsuǒ. 2. Zhòngyòng xiǎo rén. Zhǎn shā zhífāng de zhìshì, zhū miè wú zuì de rénjiā, zhìshǐ jūnzǐ qiántáo, xiǎo rén dézhì. 3. Míxìn shén guǐ. Bùxìn cāngtiān xìn guǐshén, tiānzāi de niè, wù guàirén yāo. 4. Hàosè yínluàn. Hòugōng jiālì wúshù, shènzhì yòng měinǚ lái chōngrèn wèishì, kāichuàng lìshǐ zhī xiānhé. Qícì, wèile gěi shì bīng dǎqì, tā tíchūle sān diǎn chūshī bì shèng de lǐyóu: 1. Yǐ dà tūn xiǎo. Wù jìn qí zé, shì zhě shēngcún, dà yú chī xiǎo yú, zhè shìgèngǔ bù biàn de dàolǐ. 2. Yǐ yǒu dào fá wú dào. Dédàoduōzhù, shī dào guǎ zhù, dé zhèngyì zhě dé tiānxià. 3. Zhuōná suí cháo pànchén xiāo yán. Pàntú bù chú, héyǐ lì tiānxià; cǐ chóu bù bào, héyǐ píng mínfèn. Zuìhòu, shì duì jūnduì de zǒng bùshǔ: Zǒng zhǐhuī: Gāo jiǒng.(Zhège rénxuǎn háo wú xuánniàn.) Cānmóu zhǎng: Wáng sháo.(Yī gè hǎohàn sān gè bāng ma, zhízé zhǔyào shi tì yuánshuài gāo jiǒng chūmóuhuàcè, páiyōujiěnán.) Zǒng bīnglì:50 Wàn. Ànzhào jìdìng de pò jūn fāng'àn, fēn sān lù jìnjūn, sān lù bīng mǎ yuánshuài fēnbié shì: Dì yī lù, yángjiān de dì èr zi jìn wáng yáng guǎng. Fùzé gōngdǎ chén guó chángjiāng jūnshì yào dì liǎng hǔkǒu zhōng de xiá kǒu. Dì èr lù, yángjiān de dì sān zi qínwáng yáng jùn. Fùzé bá chén guó chángjiāng jūnshì yào dì de lìng yī hǔkǒu—hànkǒu. Dì sān lù, shàng guó zhù, yù shǐ dàfū yáng sù. Kǎolǜ dào tā niánjì dà, jīngyàn zú, gěi tā yóu shān wán shuǐ de jīhuì, zài chángjiāng shàngyóu zuò qíbīng, dírén rúguǒ pàibīng zhīyuán, tā biàn jū xiǎn ér shǒu, yǔ tāmen dǎ chángjiǔ lājù zhàn, wèi yángguǎnghé yáng jùn liǎng lù jūn yíngdé bǎoguì shíjiān; dírén rúguǒ bù pàibīng láiyuán, tāmen biàn shùnshì xiāomiè nàlǐ jùshǒu de dí jūn, ránhòu shùnzhe chángjiāng fēi liú zhíxià, cóng shuǐlù dào xiàyóu zhíjiē jiájí dírén. Zhège xíngjūn fāng'àn shì yáng sù tí de, xiànzài pài tā qù shīxíng, yě suàn shì zhī rén shàn yòngle. Xiàmiàn wǒmen lái kàn sān lù dàjūn de jìnzhǎn ba. Shǒuxiān lái kàn dì sān lù jūn yáng sù. Yīnwèi yǒu yángguǎnghé yáng jùn liǎng lù dàjūn de cèyìng, chén jūn zhǔlì mángzhe yìngfù dōu yìngjiēbùxiá, yīncǐ, duì yáng sù zài chángjiāng shàngyóu de "tóushíwènlù", dōuxīn zhào bù xuān dì cǎiqǔle "sān bù zhèngcè": Bù chūbīng, bù zhīyuán, bù wén bù wèn. Yáng sù yě bù shì chīsù de, jìrán nǐmen zhème xiǎo kàn wǒ, jiù gěi nǐmen diǎn yánsè qiáo qiáo. Hěn kuài tāmen chōngpò shàngyóu gège guānkǎ de zǔjí, ránhòu lǜ jūn cóng shàngyóu zhídǐ láng wěi tān (jīn húběi dōng tiān xī yīdài). Láng wěi tān kě gōng kě shǒu, shì gè yīfū dāng guān wàn fū mò kāi de xiǎntān. Chén guó pàichū de shǒu jiāng shì xiāojiàng qī xīn, tā dàilǐng jīngbīng qiáng jiàng shù qiān, jiā shàng qīnglóng zhànjiàn shù bǎi sōu, lìjí bǎ shùnfēng shùnshuǐ de yángsùzǔ zàile tān wài. Yáng sù méiyǒu jízhuó jìngōng. Tā zhīdào mángmù dì qiánggōng xiàoguǒ kěndìng bù huì hǎo, ér shì qīnzì qù diàochá, zuìhòu zhìdìngle gōngjí fāng'àn: Bīng fēn sān lù, wǎnshàng tōuxí. Bīng fēn sān lù róngyì lǐjiě, wǎnshàng tōuxí jiù ràng rén fèijiěle. Zài lùdì zuòzhàn, wǎnshàng tōuxí shì bùcuò de jìnjūn fāngshì. Ér zài shuǐshàng zuòzhàn, hěn shǎo xuǎnzé wǎnshàng, bìjìng jiānghé shàng yuè hēi fēng gāo, cúnzài fēng hé làng děng jíwéi bù quèdìng de yīnsù, zhìzhě wǎngwǎng bù dǎ zhèyàng méiyǒu bǎwò de zhàng.)

2.中共中央统战部召开的研究清华大学中共产党组织与民主党派关系的座谈会。 从4月下旬开始,中共中央统战部联合中共清华大学党委、民主同盟、九三学社等组成10人调查组,在清华大学进行了约两周的调查,主题是共产党组织与各民主党派组织的关系问题。调查结束后,5月6日和7日,中共中央统战部部长李维汉主持,召集各有关方面人士举行座谈。参加座谈会的有清华大学校长、党委书记蒋南翔,民盟中央常委、组织委员会副主任委员闵刚候,九三学社中央委员会副秘书长李毅,民主同盟清华支部负责人、清华大学副校长陈士骅,九三学社清华支社负责人张守仪,以及中宣部、北京市委、高教部等单位的代表。与会人员就高等学校的共产党党委负责制度的问题、民主党派的基层组织在高等学校的地位和作用以及要求参与学校领导工作的问题、教授在高等学校里如何参与领导工作的问题,广泛发表了意见。 3.统战部民主人士座谈会。 5月8日下午召开,统战部部长李维汉说:中共正在开展一个大规模的整风运动,在这次整风运动中,我们要求各界人士给共产党提意见,对统战部提意见,对党的一切方面提出批评,帮助我们党整风。李维汉说,通过统一战线的方式来推动我们的整风,这在我们党的历史上还是第一次,我们诚恳地希望各位批评。座谈会在5月8日开始,一直开到6月3日,共举行了13次,70余人次发言。这时形势已经发生变化。李维汉在总结中虽然说提出的批评和意见,有很多是正确的,但又指出,有相当一部分是错误的。 4.统战部召开的工商界人士座谈会。5月15日上午,与会者是出席全国工商联秘书长会议的各地工商联正副秘书长,全国工商联和民主建国会的主要负责人,以及北京、天津两市工商联的负责人。李维汉在座谈会开始时说,邀请大家举行这个座谈会的目的只有一个,就是现在共产党在整风,诚恳地希望听取对我们的批评。 座谈会于6月8日结束。从5月15日起到今天举行了25次座谈,讲了话的有108位。6月8日,李维汉作总结发言。当时中央已决定发动反右派运动,李维汉着重指出:座谈会提出的和接触到的批评和意见,大多数是正确的,是善意的;有一部分是错误的;其中一部分错误的性质是严重的。但尽管此时已在一场急风暴雨的前夜,李维汉仍然承认,工商界座谈会应当说是开得好的,对共产党整风有很大帮助。 统战部的两个座谈会(民主人士座谈会与工商界座谈会),在当时产生了重大的政治影响,其效果从总体上说是积极的。后来李维汉回忆说:在中央统战部召开的两个座谈会上,党外人士对党都提出了大量的批评、意见和建议,其中大部分是正确的、很好的意见,有的批评可以说是切中时弊。这个评价是公允的。 5.首都新闻工作座谈会。 5月16、17、18日,中国新闻工作者协会研究部、北京大学新闻专业和中国人民大学新闻系联合举办了新闻工作座谈会。参加座谈会的有首都和其他地区的新闻工作者以及人大、复旦、北大新闻专业的教师和学生共200余人。与会人员围绕着新闻界如何鸣放的问题广泛发表了意见。有人说:在新闻工作方面存在着严重的官僚主义、宗派主义、教条主义,这三大主义是阻碍新闻事业发展、限制新闻自由的"三座大山"; 有人说:现在的情况是上下都不满意,问题很多,例如报纸是反映下边情况,起个"耳朵"的作用?还是贯彻领导意图起个"嘴巴"的作用? 有些人对某些单位阻止记者采访表示不满,说有些单位真是"侯门深似海",记者连传达室这一关也难过去。 最后一天,中国新闻工作者协会主席、《人民日报》总编辑邓拓作了总结发言,他说:今天的报纸很沉闷,很枯燥,人民日报同样如此。他说,过去阶级斗争时期,报纸为阶级斗争服务,今天形势有了根本变化,今天主要是解决人民内部的矛盾问题。报纸必须为解决人民内部的矛盾而工作。 6.国务院党外人士座谈会 5月27日至6月6日,国务院秘书长习仲勋邀请在国务院法制局、参事室、秘书厅工作的党外人士举行了6次座谈会,在会议开始时,习仲勋要求参加座谈的人士消除顾虑,有什么意见提什么意见。 在这几次座谈会上,党外人士既有对国家政治生活的一些重大问题发表意见,又有相互之间的思想交锋。在5月27日的座谈会上,国务院参事李仲公在发言中表示不赞成罗隆基在统战部民主人士座谈会上提出的关于错案平反问题的看法,他认为,对错案平反这件事,应该非常慎重地来对待。针对罗隆基提出的由人大常委会和政协全国委员会直接处理平反案件的意见,李仲公指出,这两个机关起监督作用,如果司法机关办得不好,它可以监督,如果照罗隆基的办法,只要你办得不好或者不相信你能办好,就都由国家权力机关直接办理,这是否行呢?在发言中,李仲公还批评了王昆仑、龙云的一些看法。在这几次座谈会上,党外人士既有对国家政治生活的一些重大问题发表意见,又有相互之间的思想交锋。在5月27日的座谈会上,国务院参事李仲公在发言中表示不赞成罗隆基在统战部民主人士座谈会上提出的关于错案平反问题的看法,他认为,对错案平反这件事,应该非常慎重地来对待。针对罗隆基提出的由人大常委会和政协全国委员会直接处理平反案件的意见,李仲公指出,这两个机关起监督作用,如果司法机关办得不好,它可以监督,如果照罗隆基的办法,只要你办得不好或者不相信你能办好,就都由国家权力机关直接办理,这是否行呢?在发言中,李仲公还批评了王昆仑、龙云的一些看法。 5月29日的《人民日报》,以"李仲公批评了罗隆基、王昆仑、龙云等人的意见"为标题报道了座谈会的消息。 在5月30日的座谈会上,国务院参事范朴斋对人民日报的这种做法表示不满,认为不应该把李仲公对三人的批评用标题标出来。同时,他也不同意人民日报的另一则标题。即5月23日头版头条的《讨论逐步转向深刻化》,他认为实际上是表面化。范朴斋还认为,国务院是官僚主义的根源,因为如果上面没有官僚主义,下面也不会有官僚主义。 国务院参事李一平在发言中提出,要解除人们在鸣放中的顾虑,单靠号召是不行的,还必须有法律,使人们相信有法律保障言者无罪。可以看出,在国务院党外人士座谈会上,各种意见都比较充分地发表出来了。6月6日以后,国务院党外人士座谈会还举行了几次,但主题已经变了。 除上述的几种座谈会外,各民主党派和各人民团体、各高等院校和科研机构,以及国务院各部委等,也都相继举行了鸣放座谈会。在整个的5月及6月上旬,鸣放座谈会成为中国最主要的也是最常见的政治生活形式。 起初,毛泽东对这种鸣放形式给予了肯定,5月16日,毛泽东在为中央起草的《关于对待当前党外人士批评的指示》中写道:"自从展开人民内部矛盾的党内外公开讨论以来,异常迅速地揭露了各方面的矛盾。这些矛盾的详细情况,我们过去几乎完全不知道。现在如实地揭露出来,很好。5月25日,中国民主建国会中央委员会主任委员黄炎培在统战部工商界座谈会上作了两个多小时的长篇发言,他在发言中再次提到了他与毛泽东在1945年的那次谈话。黄炎培将这次整风运动与毛泽东在延安时提出的"民主新路"联系在一起,说道:这次党内整风运动,这样做法,我到几处地方接触一下,感觉真是必要。他说,帮助共产党整风,等于是帮助共产党"种牛痘"。我们的目的是积极的,是为了要能够更好地让党领导我们大家早日把我们的祖国建设成为一个伟大的社会主义国家。 报刊杂志鸣放的又一渠道 报刊杂志是传达各界人士意见的又一个主要渠道。全国各大报刊杂志,尤其是报纸,在这一时期都将争鸣文章的组稿和知名人物的采访当作重要工作来抓。在报刊上占了相当大的篇幅,党外人士的许多重要意见都是通过争鸣文章和专访报道传达出来的。 5月~6月上旬,《人民日报》记者采访了北京政法学院院长钱端升、人大教授李景汉、北大教授周辅成、清华教授钱伟长、科学院考古研究所考古学家陈梦家、北大教授傅鹰等许多知名的高级知识分子。 北京大学教授周辅成对反对修正主义的问题发表了看法,他说,反对教条主义的问题提出后,跟着又来了反对修正主义。修正主义和创造性的见解,二者之间的区别好像又没有一个客观标准。同意你的看法的人说,这是创造性的见解,但反对你的人又可说这是修正主义。其时,当时并没有出现什么修正主义,中国没有这种传统,过虑修正主义只是限制了思想解放。有了修正主义之后,再提反对修正主义也还不迟。北京大学教授周辅成对反对修正主义的问题发表了看法,他说,反对教条主义的问题提出后,跟着又来了反对修正主义。修正主义和创造性的见解,二者之间的区别好像又没有一个客观标准。同意你的看法的人说,这是创造性的见解,但反对你的人又可说这是修正主义。其时,当时并没有出现什么修正主义,中国没有这种传统,过虑修正主义只是限制了思想解放。有了修正主义之后,再提反对修正主义也还不迟。 周辅成的这段话,在当时是很有见地的,在执政党内也是很不容易听到的。 考古学家陈梦家谈到了党的领导和党员个人的领导的区别。他说,党应该领导科学,这是没有问题的。但这恐怕和行政负责人是党员还是非党员没有关系。非党员担任行政领导,贯彻党的政策,也可以说是体现了党的领导。如果一个党员领导同志工作得不好,我们反对他,有人认为这就是反对党的领导,这样就把个别党员当成了党的代表。 陈梦家说的这种现象,当时带有一定的普遍性。将党员个人的领导等同于党的领导这种观念,成为阻塞言路的一大障碍,陈梦家尖锐地提出了这一问题,很能发人警觉的,在当时难能可贵。 当时其他的一些大报如由各民主党派主办的《光明日报》、上海的《文汇报》等,也都十分重视知名人物的采访工作。如《文汇报》从5月25日开始,连续发表下列人物采访报道:《筱翠花这几年》(访问著名京剧表演艺术家于连泉)、《流沙河谈"草木篇"》(访问青年诗人流沙河)、《"一下给抻了出来,就不好再钻回去了!"》(访问人民大学教授李景汉)、《乍暖还寒晴复雨》(访问浙江专业作家陈学昭)、《说实话要比歌功颂德好》(访问北京大学教授傅鹰)等。通过这些采访报道,我们也可以了解到各界人士的一些真实想法。 当然,各报发表的人物专访报道毕竟很有限,相比之下,报刊上各类争鸣文章,信息量更大。许多党外人士意见,经过加工整理,写成文章,观点更加系统,更有分量。

2. A symposium held by the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the relationship between the Communist Party of China and the democratic parties in Tsinghua University. Beginning in late April, the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, together with the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, the Democratic League, and the Jiu San Society, formed a 10-member investigation team. The investigation was conducted at Tsinghua University for about two weeks. The theme was the relationship between the Communist Party and the democratic parties. . After the investigation, on May 6th and 7th, Li Weihan, the head of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, presided over and convened people from various parties to hold a discussion. Participated in the forum were Jiang Nanxiang, President and Party Secretary of Tsinghua University, Min Ganghou, member of the Standing Committee of the Democratic League and Vice Chairman of the Organization Committee, Li Yi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Central Committee of the Jiu San Society, Chen Shihua, Head of the Tsinghua Branch of the Democratic League and Vice President of Tsinghua University, Jiu San Society Zhang Shouyi, head of the Tsinghua branch, as well as representatives from the Central Propaganda Department, Beijing Municipal Committee, and the Ministry of Higher Education. Participants at the meeting expressed extensive opinions on the issue of the responsibility system of the Communist Party committee of the colleges and universities, the status and role of the grassroots organizations of the democratic parties in the colleges and universities, and the requirements to participate in the leadership of the school, and how the professors participate in the leadership of the colleges and universities. . 3. Forum of Democrats of the United Front Work Department. Held on the afternoon of May 8, United Front Work Department Minister Li Weihan said: The CCP is launching a large-scale rectification movement. In this rectification movement, we ask people from all walks of life to give opinions to the Communist Party, to the United Front Work Department, and to all aspects of the party. Criticize and help our party rectify. Li Weihan said that it is the first time in the history of our party to promote our rectification through a united front. We sincerely hope that everyone will criticize it. The symposium started on May 8th and lasted until June 3rd. It was held 13 times and more than 70 people gave speeches. At this time the situation has changed. Although Li Weihan said in his summary that many of his criticisms and opinions were correct, he also pointed out that quite a few were wrong. 4. A symposium held by the United Front Work Department for business people. On the morning of May 15th, the participants were the chief and deputy secretary-generals of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the chief leaders of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Democratic National Construction Association, and the heads of the Beijing and Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce. At the beginning of the symposium, Li Weihan said that the purpose of inviting everyone to hold this symposium is that the Communist Party is now rectifying and sincerely hopes to hear criticisms against us. The symposium ended on June 8. From May 15 to today, 25 seminars were held and 108 people spoke. On June 8, Li Weihan made a concluding speech. At that time, the central government had decided to launch an anti-rightist movement. Li Weihan emphasized that most of the criticisms and opinions put forward and exposed to the forum were correct and well-intentioned; some were wrong; some of the errors were serious in nature. But even though it was on the eve of a violent storm, Li Weihan still admitted that the business forum should be said to have been held well, and it would be of great help to the Communist Party's rectification. The two forums of the United Front Work Department (the Democrats' Forum and the Industrial and Commercial Forum) had a significant political impact at the time, and their effects were generally positive. Later, Li Weihan recalled: At two symposiums held by the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, people outside the party made a lot of criticisms, opinions and suggestions on the party, most of which were correct and good opinions, and some criticisms can be said. It's hitting the current disadvantages. This evaluation is fair. 5. Capital Journalism Forum. On May 16, 17, and 18, the Research Department of the Chinese Journalists Association, the Journalism Department of Peking University and the Journalism Department of Renmin University of China jointly held a journalism seminar. More than 200 journalists from the capital and other regions, as well as teachers and students majoring in journalism from the People's Congress, Fudan University, and Peking University participated in the symposium. Participants gave a wide range of opinions on the issue of how to broadcast in the press. Some people say that there are serious bureaucracy, sectarianism, and dogmatism in journalism. These three major doctrines are the "three big mountains" that hinder the development of journalism and restrict the freedom of the press; some people say that the current situation is not up and down. Satisfied, there are many questions. For example, does the newspaper reflect the situation below and play the role of "ears"? Or does it act as a "mouth" to implement the leadership's intentions? Some people expressed dissatisfaction with some units preventing reporters from interviewing them, saying that some units are really "Houmen are as deep as the sea," and it is difficult for reporters to pass the communication room. On the last day, Deng Tuo, chairman of the Chinese Journalists Association and editor-in-chief of "People's Daily", made a concluding speech. He said: Today's newspapers are very dull and boring, and the same is true of People's Daily. He said that in the past period of class struggle, newspapers served the class struggle. Today, the situation has undergone a fundamental change. Today, it is mainly to resolve contradictions among the people. Newspapers must work to resolve contradictions among the people. 6. State Council Non-Party Personnel Forum From May 27 to June 6, the Secretary-General of the State Council Xi Zhongxun invited non-party people working in the State Council Legislative Affairs Bureau, the Counsel's Office, and the Secretary Office to hold 6 forums. At the beginning of the meeting, Xi Zhongxun asked those who participated in the forum to dispel their worries, and what opinions they have to offer. In these few forums, people outside the party both expressed their opinions on some major issues in the country's political life, and they also had ideological confrontations with each other. At the forum on May 27, Li Zhonggong, Counselor of the State Council, said in his speech that he did not agree with Luo Longji's views on the issue of redressing wrongful cases raised at the United Front Work Department Democrats' Forum. He believed that the redress of wrongful cases should be very important. Treat it with caution. In response to Luo Longji's suggestion that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference should directly handle redress cases, Li Zhonggong pointed out that these two organs play a supervisory role. If the judicial organs do not handle well, they can supervise them. If Luo Longji's method is followed, As long as you do not do well or do not believe you can do it well, it will be handled directly by the state authority. Is this okay? In his speech, Li Zhonggong also criticized some views of Wang Kunlun and Long Yun. In these few forums, people outside the party both expressed their opinions on some major issues in the country's political life, and they also had ideological confrontations with each other. At the forum on May 27, Li Zhonggong, Counselor of the State Council, said in his speech that he did not agree with Luo Longji's views on the issue of redressing wrongful cases raised at the United Front Work Department Democrats' Forum. He believed that the redress of wrongful cases should be very important. Treat it with caution. In response to Luo Longji's suggestion that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference should directly handle redress cases, Li Zhonggong pointed out that these two organs play a supervisory role. If the judicial organs do not handle well, they can supervise them. If Luo Longji's method is followed, As long as you do not do well or do not believe you can do it well, it will be handled directly by the state authority. Is this okay? In his speech, Li Zhonggong also criticized some views of Wang Kunlun and Long Yun. The People's Daily on May 29 reported the news of the forum under the headline "Li Zhonggong criticized the opinions of Luo Longji, Wang Kunlun, Long Yun and others". At the forum on May 30, State Council Counselor Fan Puzhai expressed dissatisfaction with the People's Daily's practice and believed that Li Zhonggong's criticism of the three should not be titled. At the same time, he also disagrees with another headline in the People's Daily. That is, the headline on May 23, "Discussion gradually turns to deepening", he believes that it is actually superficial. Fan Puzhai also believes that the State Council is the root of bureaucracy, because if there is no bureaucracy at the top, there will be no bureaucracy at the bottom. In his speech, State Council Counselor Li Yiping pointed out that in order to relieve people's worries during the announcement, calling alone is not enough. There must be laws to make people believe that there are laws that guarantee the innocence of speakers. It can be seen that various opinions have been fully expressed at the State Council non-party forum. After June 6, the State Council Non-Party Symposium was held several times, but the theme has changed. In addition to the above-mentioned forums, various democratic parties and people's organizations, various colleges and universities and scientific research institutions, as well as various ministries and commissions of the State Council, have also held conferences one after another. Throughout May and early June, the Mingfang Forum became the most important and common form of political life in China. At first, Mao Zedong affirmed this form of broadcasting. On May 16, Mao Zedong wrote in the "Instructions on Treating Criticism of Current Non-Party Personages" drafted for the Central Committee: "Since there has been a public discussion of contradictions among the people, both inside and outside the party. Since then, the contradictions in various aspects have been exposed very quickly. The details of these contradictions were almost completely unknown to us in the past. Now it is revealed truthfully, which is very good. On May 25th, Huang Yanpei, chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association, was in the United Front. At the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Forum, he made a long speech for more than two hours. In his speech, he mentioned again the conversation he had with Mao Zedong in 1945. Huang Yanpei compared this rectification movement with Mao Zedong's "New Democracy" in Yan'an. "Road" is linked together, saying: This way of rectification within the party, I went to several places and felt it was really necessary. He said that helping the Communist Party to rectify is tantamount to helping the Communist Party "breed cowpox." Our purpose is To be positive is to better enable the party to lead us all to build our motherland into a great socialist country as soon as possible. Another channel for newspapers and magazines Newspapers and magazines are another main channel for conveying opinions from people from all walks of life. Major newspapers and magazines across the country, especially newspapers, took the composing of contending articles and interviews with well-known figures as important tasks during this period. The newspapers and periodicals accounted for a considerable amount of space, and many important opinions of non-party people were It was conveyed through contention articles and interview reports. From May to early June, a reporter from "People's Daily" interviewed Qian Duansheng, Dean of Beijing School of Political Science and Law, Professor Li Jinghan of the National People's University, Professor Zhou Fucheng of Peking University, Professor Qian Weichang of Tsinghua University, and Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences. Institute archaeologist Chen Mengjia, Peking University professor Fu Ying, and many other well-known senior intellectuals. Peking University professor Zhou Fucheng expressed his views on the issue of opposition to revisionism. He said that after the issue of opposition to dogmatism was raised, opposition to amendment came again. It seems that there is no objective standard for the difference between revisionism and creative opinions. Those who agree with you say that this is a creative opinion, but those who oppose you can say that this is revisionism. Its At that time, there was no revisionism at the time. China did not have such a tradition. Overwhelming revisionism only restricted the emancipation of the mind. After revisionism was established, it would not be too late to mention opposition to revisionism. Peking University professor Zhou Fucheng opposed revisionism. He expressed his opinion on the issue. He said that after the issue of opposition to dogmatism was raised, there was an opposition to revisionism. There seems to be no objective standard for the difference between revisionism and creative opinions. Those who agree with you Said that this is a creative view, but those who oppose you can say that this is revisionism. At that time, there was no revisionism at that time. China did not have this kind of tradition. Concerns about revisionism only restricted the emancipation of the mind. It's not too late to mention the opposition to revisionism after the ideology. Zhou Fucheng's words were very insightful at the time and were not easy to hear in the ruling party. Archaeologist Chen Mengjia talked about the party's leadership and party members. The difference between personal leadership. He said that the party should lead Science, this is no problem. But this probably has nothing to do with whether the chief executive is a party member or a non-party member. Non-party members serve as administrative leaders and implement the party's policies, which can also be said to reflect the party's leadership. If a party member leads a comrade that does not work well, we oppose him. Some people think that this is the leadership of the opposition party, so that individual party members are regarded as representatives of the party. The phenomenon Chen Mengjia said was universal at that time. The concept of equating the leadership of a party member with the leadership of the party has become a major obstacle to blocking speech. Chen Mengjia sharply raised this issue, which was very alert and valuable at the time. At that time, some other major newspapers, such as the "Guangming Daily" sponsored by various democratic parties, and the "Wen Wei Po" in Shanghai, also attached great importance to the work of interviews with well-known figures. For example, "Wen Wei Po" has successively published interview reports on the following characters since May 25: "Xiao Cuihua in the past few years" (interview with the famous Peking Opera artist Yu Lianquan), "Liushahe Talks on the "Grass and Trees"" (interview with young poets) Liushahe), "I stretch it out, it's not easy to go back!" (Interview with Professor Li Jinghan of Renmin University), "The warmth is cold and clear again" (Interview with Zhejiang professional writer Chen Xuezhao), "Tell the truth It's Better than Singing for Deeds" (Interview with Fu Ying, Professor of Peking University), etc. Through these interviews and reports, we can also learn some real thoughts of people from all walks of life. Of course, the individual interview reports published by the newspapers are very limited after all. In contrast, the various controversial articles in the newspapers have more information. The opinions of many people outside the party have been processed and sorted out and written into articles, making their opinions more systematic and more weighty. (2. Zhōnggòng zhōngyāng tǒngzhàn bù zhàokāi de yánjiū qīnghuá dàxué zhōnggòngchǎndǎng zǔzhī yǔ mínzhǔ dǎngpài guānxì de zuòtán huì. Cóng 4 yuè xiàxún kāishǐ, zhōnggòng zhōngyāng tǒngzhàn bù liánhé zhōnggòng qīnghuá dàxué dǎngwěi, mínzhǔ tóngméng, jiǔsānxuéshè děng zǔchéng 10 rén diàochá zǔ, zài qīnghuá dàxué jìnxíngle yuē liǎng zhōu de diàochá, zhǔtí shì gòngchǎndǎng zǔzhī yǔ gè mínzhǔ dǎngpài zǔzhī de guānxì wèntí. Diàochá jiéshù hòu,5 yuè 6 rì hé 7 rì, zhōnggòng zhōngyāng tǒngzhàn bù bùzhǎng lǐwéihàn zhǔchí, zhàojí gè yǒuguān fāngmiàn rénshì jǔxíng zuòtán. Cānjiā zuòtán huì de yǒu qīnghuá dàxuéxiàozhǎng, dǎngwěi shūjì jiǎngnánxiáng, mín méng zhōngyāng chángwěi, zǔzhī wěiyuánhuì fù zhǔrèn wěiyuán mǐn gāng hòu, jiǔsānxuéshè zhōngyāng wěiyuánhuì fù mìshū zhǎng lǐ yì, mínzhǔ tóngméng qīnghuá zhībù fùzé rén, qīnghuá dàxué fù xiàozhǎng chénshìhuá, jiǔsānxuéshè qīnghuá zhīshè fùzé rén zhāngshǒuyí, yǐjí zhōng xuān bù, běijīng shìwěi, gāojiào bù děng dānwèi de dàibiǎo. Yùhuì rényuán jiù gāoděng xuéxiào de gòngchǎndǎng dǎngwěi fùzé zhìdù de wèntí, mínzhǔ dǎngpài de jīcéng zǔzhī zài gāoděng xuéxiào dì dìwèi hé zuòyòng yǐjí yāoqiú cānyù xuéxiào lǐngdǎo gōngzuò de wèntí, jiàoshòu zài gāoděng xué xiào lǐ rúhé cānyù lǐngdǎo gōngzuò de wèntí, guǎngfàn fābiǎole yìjiàn. 3. Tǒngzhàn bù mínzhǔ rénshì zuòtán huì. 5 Yuè 8 rì xiàwǔ zhàokāi, tǒngzhàn bù bùzhǎng lǐwéihàn shuō: Zhōng gòng zhèngzài kāizhǎn yīgè dà guīmó de zhěngfēng yùndòng, zài zhè cì zhěngfēng yùndòng zhōng, wǒmen yāoqiú gèjiè rénshì gěi gòngchǎndǎng tí yìjiàn, duì tǒngzhàn bù tí yìjiàn, duì dǎng de yīqiè fāngmiàn tíchū pīpíng, bāngzhù wǒmen dǎng zhěngfēng. Lǐwéihàn shuō, tōngguò tǒngyī zhànxiàn de fāngshì lái tuīdòng wǒmen de zhěngfēng, zhè zài wǒmen dǎng de lìshǐ shàng háishì dì yī cì, wǒmen chéngkěn de xīwàng gèwèi pīpíng. Zuòtán huì zài 5 yuè 8 rì kāishǐ, yīzhí kāi dào 6 yuè 3 rì, gòng jǔxíngle 13 cì,70 yúréncì fāyán. Zhè shí xíngshì yǐjīng fāshēng biànhuà. Lǐwéihàn zài zǒngjié zhōng suīrán shuō tíchū de pīpíng hé yìjiàn, yǒu hěnduō shì zhèngquè de, dàn yòu zhǐchū, yǒu xiāngdāng yībùfèn shì cuòwù de. 4. Tǒngzhàn bù zhàokāi de gōngshāng jiè rénshì zuòtán huì.5 Yuè 15 rì shàngwǔ, yùhuì zhě shì chūxí quánguó gōngshāng lián mìshū zhǎng huìyì de gèdì gōngshāng lián zhèngfù mìshū zhǎng, quánguó gōngshāng liánhé mínzhǔ jiànguó huì de zhǔyào fùzé rén, yǐjí běijīng, tiānjīn liǎng shì gōngshāng lián de fùzé rén. Lǐwéihàn zài zuòtán huì kāishǐ shí shuō, yāoqǐng dàjiā jǔxíng zhège zuòtán huì de mùdì zhǐyǒu yīgè, jiùshì xiànzài gòngchǎndǎng zài zhěngfēng, chéngkěn de xīwàng tīngqǔ duì wǒmen de pīpíng. Zuòtán huì yú 6 yuè 8 rì jiéshù. Cóng 5 yuè 15 rì qǐ dào jīntiān jǔxíngle 25 cì zuòtán, jiǎngle huà de yǒu 108 wèi.6 Yuè 8 rì, lǐwéihàn zuò zǒngjié fà yán. Dāngshí zhōngyāng yǐ juédìng fādòng fǎn yòupài yùndòng, lǐwéihàn zhuózhòng zhǐchū: Zuòtán huì tíchū de hé jiēchù dào de pīpíng hé yìjiàn, dà duōshù shì zhèngquè de, shì shànyì de; yǒu yībùfèn shì cuòwù de; qízhōng yībùfèn cuòwù dì xìngzhì shì yánzhòng de. Dàn jǐnguǎn cǐ shí yǐ zài yī chǎng jífēngbàoyǔ de qiányè, lǐwéihàn réngrán chéngrèn, gōngshāng jiè zuòtán huì yīngdāng shuō shì kāi dé hǎo de, duì gòngchǎndǎng zhěngfēng yǒu hěn dà bāngzhù. Tǒngzhàn bù de liǎng gè zuòtán huì (mínzhǔ rénshì zuòtán huì yǔ gōngshāng jiè zuòtán huì), zài dāngshí chǎnshēngle zhòngdà de zhèngzhì yǐngxiǎng, qí xiàoguǒ cóng zǒngtǐ shàng shuō shì jījí de. Hòulái lǐwéihàn huíyì shuō: Zài zhōngyāng tǒngzhàn bù zhàokāi de liǎng gè zuòtán huì shàng, dǎng wài rénshì duì dǎng dōu tíchūle dàliàng de pīpíng, yìjiàn hé jiànyì, qízhōng dà bùfèn shì zhèngquè de, hěn hǎo de yìjiàn, yǒu de pīpíng kěyǐ shuō shì qièzhòng shíbì. Zhège píngjià shì gōngyǔn de. 5. Shǒudū xīnwén gōngzuò zuòtán huì. 5 Yuè 16,17,18 rì, zhōngguó xīnwén gōngzuò zhě xiéhuì yánjiū bù, běijīng dàxué xīnwén zhuānyè hé zhōngguó rénmín dàxué xīnwén xì lián hé jǔbànle xīnwén gōngzuò zuòtán huì. Cānjiā zuòtán huì de yǒu shǒudū hé qítā dìqū de xīnwén gōngzuò zhě yǐjí réndà, fùdàn, běidà xīnwén zhuānyè de jiàoshī hé xuéshēng gòng 200 yú rén. Yùhuì rényuán wéiràozhe xīnwén jiè rúhé míng fàng de wèntí guǎngfàn fābiǎole yìjiàn. Yǒurén shuō: Zài xīnwén gōngzuò fāngmiàn cúnzàizhe yánzhòng de guānliáo zhǔyì, zōngpài zhǔyì, jiàotiáo zhǔyì, zhè sān dà zhǔyì shì zǔ'ài xīnwén shìyè fāzhǎn, xiànzhì xīnwén zìyóu de "sān zuò dàshān"; yǒurén shuō: Xiànzài de qíngkuàng shì shàngxià dōu bùmǎnyì, wèntí hěnduō, lìrú bàozhǐshì fǎnyìng xiàbian qíngkuàng, qǐ gè "ěrduǒ" de zuòyòng? Háishì guànchè lǐngdǎo yìtú qǐ gè "zuǐbā" de zuòyòng? Yǒuxiē rén duì mǒu xiē dānwèi zǔzhǐ jìzhě cǎifǎng biǎoshì bùmǎn, shuō yǒuxiē dānwèi zhēnshi "hóu mén shēn sì hǎi", jìzhě lián chuándá shì zhè yī guān yě nán guòqù. Zuìhòu yītiān, zhōngguó xīnwén gōngzuò zhě xiéhuì zhǔxí,"rénmín rìbào" zǒng biānjí dèng tà zuòle zǒngjié fà yán, tā shuō: Jīntiān de bàozhǐ hěn chénmèn, hěn kūzào, rénmín rìbào tóngyàng rúcǐ. Tā shuō, guòqù jiējí dòuzhēng shíqí, bàozhǐ wéi jiējí dòuzhēng fúwù, jīntiān xíngshì yǒule gēnběn biànhuà, jīntiān zhǔyào shi jiějué rénmín nèibù de máodùn wèntí. Bàozhǐ bìxū wèi jiějué rénmín nèibù de máodùn ér gōngzuò. 6. Guówùyuàn dǎng wài rénshì zuòtán huì 5 yuè 27 rì zhì 6 yuè 6 rì, guówùyuàn mìshū zhǎng xízhòngxūn yāoqǐng zài guówùyuàn fǎzhì jú, cānshì shì, mìshū tīng gōngzuò de dǎng wài rénshì jǔxíngle 6 cì zuòtán huì, zài huìyì kāishǐ shí, xízhòngxūn yāoqiú cānjiā zuòtán de rénshì xiāochú gùlǜ, yǒu shé me yìjiàn tí shénme yìjiàn. Zài zhè jǐ cì zuòtán huì shàng, dǎng wài rénshì jì yǒu duì guójiā zhèngzhì shēnghuó de yīxiē zhòngdà wèntí fābiǎo yìjiàn, yòu yǒu xiānghù zhī jiān de sīxiǎng jiāofēng. Zài 5 yuè 27 rì de zuòtán huì shàng, guówùyuàn cānshì lǐzhònggōng zài fāyán zhōng biǎoshì bù zànchéng luō lóngjī zài tǒngzhàn bù mínzhǔ rénshì zuòtán huì shàng tíchū de guānyú cuò'àn píngfǎn wèntí de kànfǎ, tā rènwéi, duì cuò'àn píngfǎn zhè jiàn shì, yīnggāi fēicháng shènzhòng dì lái duìdài. Zhēnduì luō lóngjī tíchū de yóu réndà chángwěi huì hé zhèngxié quánguó wěiyuánhuì zhíjiē chǔlǐ píngfǎn ànjiàn de yìjiàn, lǐzhònggōng zhǐchū, zhè liǎng gè jīguān qǐ jiāndū zuòyòng, rúguǒ sīfǎ jīguān bàn dé bù hǎo, tā kěyǐ jiāndū, rúguǒ zhào luō lóngjī de bànfǎ, zhǐyào nǐ bàn dé bù hǎo huòzhě bù xiāngxìn nǐ néng bàn hǎo, jiù dōu yóu guójiā quánlì jīguān zhíjiē bànlǐ, zhè shìfǒu xíng ne? Zài fāyán zhōng, lǐzhònggōng hái pīpíngle wáng kūnlún, lóng yún de yīxiē kànfǎ. Zài zhè jǐ cì zuòtán huì shàng, dǎng wài rénshì jì yǒu duì guójiā zhèngzhì shēnghuó de yīxiē zhòngdà wèntí fābiǎo yìjiàn, yòu yǒu xiānghù zhī jiān de sīxiǎng jiāofēng. Zài 5 yuè 27 rì de zuòtán huì shàng, guówùyuàn cānshì lǐzhònggōng zài fāyán zhōng biǎoshì bù zànchéng luō lóngjī zài tǒngzhàn bù mínzhǔ rénshì zuòtán huì shàng tíchū de guānyú cuò'àn píngfǎn wèntí de kànfǎ, tā rènwéi, duì cuò'àn píngfǎn zhè jiàn shì, yīnggāi fēicháng shènzhòng dì lái duìdài. Zhēnduì luō lóngjī tíchū de yóu réndà chángwěi huì hé zhèngxié quánguó wěiyuánhuì zhíjiē chǔlǐ píngfǎn ànjiàn de yìjiàn, lǐzhònggōng zhǐchū, zhè liǎng gè jīguān qǐ jiāndū zuòyòng, rúguǒ sīfǎ jīguān bàn dé bù hǎo, tā kěyǐ jiāndū, rúguǒ zhào luō lóngjī de bànfǎ, zhǐyào nǐ bàn dé bù hǎo huòzhě bù xiāngxìn nǐ néng bàn hǎo, jiù dōu yóu guójiā quánlì jīguān zhíjiē bànlǐ, zhè shìfǒu xíng ne? Zài fāyán zhōng, lǐzhònggōng hái pīpíngle wáng kūnlún, lóng yún de yīxiē kànfǎ. 5 Yuè 29 rì de "rénmín rìbào", yǐ "lǐzhònggōng pīpíngle luō lóngjī, wáng kūnlún, lóng yún děng rén de yìjiàn" wèi biāotí bàodàole zuòtán huì de xiāoxī. Zài 5 yuè 30 rì de zuòtán huì shàng, guówùyuàn cānshì fànpǔzhāi duì rénmín rìbào de zhè zhǒng zuòfǎ biǎoshì bù mǎn, rènwéi bù yìng gāi bǎ lǐzhònggōng duì sān rén de pīpíng yòng biāotí biāo chūlái. Tóngshí, tā yě bù tóngyì rénmín rìbào de lìng yī zé biāotí. Jí 5 yuè 23 rì tou bǎn tóutiáo de "tǎolùn zhúbù zhuǎnxiàng shēnkè huà", tā rènwéi shíjì shang shì biǎomiànhuà. Fànpǔzhāi hái rènwéi, guówùyuàn shì guānliáo zhǔyì de gēnyuán, yīnwèi rúguǒ shàngmiàn méiyǒu guānliáo zhǔyì, xiàmiàn yě bù huì yǒu guānliáo zhǔyì. Guówùyuàn cānshì lǐ yīpíng zài fāyán zhōng tíchū, yào jiěchú rénmen zài míng fàng zhōng de gùlǜ, dān kào hàozhào shì bùxíng de, hái bìxū yǒu fǎlǜ, shǐ rénmen xiāngxìn yǒu fǎlǜ bǎozhàng yán zhě wú zuì. Kěyǐ kàn chū, zài guówùyuàn dǎng wài rénshì zuòtán huì shàng, gè zhǒng yìjiàn dōu bǐjiào chōngfèn de fābiǎo chūláile.6 Yuè 6 rì yǐhòu, guówùyuàn dǎng wài rénshì zuòtán huì hái jǔxíngle jǐ cì, dàn zhǔtí yǐjīng biànle. Chú shàngshù de jǐ zhǒng zuòtán huì wài, gè mínzhǔ dǎngpài hé gèrénmín tuántǐ, gè gāoděng yuàn xiào hé kēyán jīgòu, yǐjí guówùyuàn gè bùwěi děng, yě dū xiāngjì jǔxíngle míng fàng zuòtán huì. Zài zhěnggè de 5 yuè jí 6 yuè shàngxún, míng fàng zuòtán huì chéngwéi zhōngguó zuì zhǔyào de yěshì zuì chángjiàn de zhèngzhì shēnghuó xíngshì. Qǐchū, máozédōng duì zhè zhǒng míng fàng xíngshì jǐyǔle kěndìng,5 yuè 16 rì, máozédōng zài wéi zhōngyāng qǐcǎo de "guānyú duìdài dāngqián dǎng wài rénshì pīpíng de zhǐshì" zhōng xiě dào:"Zìcóng zhǎnkāi rénmín nèibù máodùn de dǎng nèiwài gōngkāi tǎolùn yǐlái, yìcháng xùnsù de jiēlùle gè fāngmiàn de máodùn. Zhèxiē máodùn de xiángxì qíngkuàng, wǒmen guòqù jīhū wánquán bù zhīdào. Xiànzài rúshí dì jiēlù chūlái, hěn hǎo.5 Yuè 25 rì, zhōngguó mínzhǔ jiànguó huì zhōngyāng wěiyuánhuì zhǔrèn wěiyuán huángyánpéi zài tǒngzhàn bù gōngshāng jiè zuòtán huì shàng zuòle liǎng gè duō xiǎoshí de chángpiān fāyán, tā zài fāyán zhōng zàicì tí dàole tā yǔ máozédōng zài 1945 nián dì nà cì tánhuà. Huángyánpéi jiāng zhè cì zhěngfēng yùndòng yǔ máozédōng zài yán'ān shí tíchū de "mínzhǔ xīn lù" liánxì zài yīqǐ, shuōdao: Zhè cì dǎng nèi zhěngfēng yùndòng, zhèyàng zuòfǎ, wǒ dào jǐ chǔ dìfāng jiēchù yīxià, gǎnjué zhēnshi bìyào. Tā shuō, bāngzhù gòngchǎndǎng zhěngfēng, děngyú shì bāngzhù gòngchǎndǎng "zhòng niúdòu". Wǒmen de mùdì shì jījí de, shì wèile yào nénggòu gèng hǎo de ràng dǎng lǐngdǎo wǒmen dàjiā zǎorì bǎ wǒmen de zǔguó jiànshè chéngwéi yīgè wěidà de shèhuì zhǔyì guójiā. Bàokān zázhì míng fàng de yòu yī qúdào bàokān zázhì shì chuándá gèjiè rénshì yìjiàn de yòu yīgè zhǔyào qúdào. Quánguó gè dà bàokān zázhì, yóuqí shì bàozhǐ, zài zhè yī shíqí dōu jiāng zhēngmíng wénzhāng de zǔgǎo hé zhīmíng rénwù de cǎifǎng dàng zuò zhòngyào gōngzuò lái zhuā. Zài bàokān shàng zhànle xiāngdāng dà de piānfú, dǎng wài rénshì dì xǔduō chóng yào yìjiàn dōu shì tōngguò zhēngmíng wénzhāng hé zhuānfǎng bàodào chuándá chūlái de. 5 Yuè ~6 yuè shàngxún,"rénmín rìbào" jìzhě cǎifǎngle běijīng zhèngfǎ xuéyuàn yuàn zhǎng qián duān shēng, réndà jiàoshòu lǐjǐnghàn, běidà jiàoshòu zhōufǔchéng, qīnghuá jiàoshòu qián wěi zhǎng, kēxuéyuàn kǎogǔ yánjiū suǒ kǎogǔ xué jiā chénmèngjiā, běidà jiàoshòu fù yīng děng xǔduō zhīmíng de gāojí zhīshì fēnzǐ. Běijīng dàxué jiàoshòu zhōufǔchéng duì fǎnduì xiūzhèng zhǔyì de wèntí fābiǎole kànfǎ, tā shuō, fǎnduì jiàotiáo zhǔyì de wèntí tíchū hòu, gēnzhe yòu láile fǎnduì xiūzhèng zhǔyì. Xiūzhèng zhǔyì hé chuàngzàoxìng de jiànjiě, èr zhě zhī jiān de qūbié hǎoxiàng yòu méiyǒu yīgè kèguān biāozhǔn. Tóngyì nǐ de kànfǎ de rén shuō, zhè shì chuàngzàoxìng de jiànjiě, dàn fǎnduì nǐ de rén yòu kě shuō zhè shì xiūzhèng zhǔyì. Qí shí, dāngshí bìng méiyǒu chūxiàn shénme xiūzhèng zhǔyì, zhōngguó méiyǒu zhè zhǒng chuántǒng, guòlǜ xiūzhèng zhǔyì zhǐshì xiànzhìle sīxiǎng jiěfàng. Yǒule xiūzhèng zhǔyì zhīhòu, zài tí fǎnduì xiūzhèng zhǔyì yě hái bù chí. Běijīng dàxué jiàoshòu zhōufǔchéng duì fǎnduì xiūzhèng zhǔyì de wèntí fābiǎole kànfǎ, tā shuō, fǎnduì jiàotiáo zhǔyì de wèntí tíchū hòu, gēnzhe yòu láile fǎnduì xiūzhèng zhǔyì. Xiūzhèng zhǔyì hé chuàngzàoxìng de jiànjiě, èr zhě zhī jiān de qūbié hǎoxiàng yòu méiyǒu yīgè kèguān biāozhǔn. Tóngyì nǐ de kànfǎ de rén shuō, zhè shì chuàngzàoxìng de jiànjiě, dàn fǎnduì nǐ de rén yòu kě shuō zhè shì xiūzhèng zhǔyì. Qí shí, dāngshí bìng méiyǒu chūxiàn shénme xiūzhèng zhǔyì, zhōngguó méiyǒu zhè zhǒng chuántǒng, guòlǜ xiūzhèng zhǔyì zhǐ shì xiànzhìle sīxiǎng jiěfàng. Yǒule xiūzhèng zhǔyì zhīhòu, zài tí fǎnduì xiūzhèng zhǔyì yě hái bù chí. Zhōufǔchéng de zhè duàn huà, zài dāngshí shì hěn yǒu jiàndì de, zài zhízhèng dǎng nèi yěshì hěn bù róngyì tīng dào de. Kǎogǔ xué jiā chénmèngjiā tán dàole dǎng de lǐngdǎo hé dǎngyuán gèrén de lǐngdǎo de qūbié. Tā shuō, dǎng yīnggāi lǐngdǎo kēxué, zhè shì méiyǒu wèntí de. Dàn zhè kǒngpà hé xíngzhèng fùzé rénshì dǎngyuán háishì fēi dǎngyuán méiyǒu guānxì. Fēi dǎngyuán dānrèn xíngzhèng lǐngdǎo, guànchè dǎng de zhèngcè, yě kěyǐ shuō shì tǐxiànle dǎng de lǐngdǎo. Rúguǒ yīgè dǎngyuán lǐngdǎo tóngzhì gōngzuò dé bù hǎo, wǒmen fǎnduì tā, yǒurén rènwéi zhè jiùshì fǎnduìdǎng de lǐngdǎo, zhèyàng jiù bǎ gèbié dǎngyuán dàngchéngle dǎng de dàibiǎo. Chénmèngjiā shuō de zhè zhǒng xiànxiàng, dāngshí dài yǒu yīdìng de pǔbiàn xìng. Jiāng dǎngyuán gè rén de lǐngdǎo děngtóng yú dǎng de lǐngdǎo zhè zhǒng guānniàn, chéngwéi zǔsè yán lù de yī dà zhàng'ài, chénmèngjiā jiānruì de tíchūle zhè yī wèntí, hěn néng fā rén jǐngjué de, zài dāngshí nánnéngkěguì. Dāngshí qítā de yīxiē dà bào rú yóu gè mínzhǔ dǎngpài zhǔbàn de "guāngmíng rìbào", shànghǎi de "wénhuìbào" děng, yě dū shí fèn zhòngshì zhīmíng rénwù de cǎifǎng gōngzuò. Rú "wénhuìbào" cóng 5 yuè 25 rì kāishǐ, liánxù fābiǎo xiàliè rénwù cǎifǎng bàodào:"Xiǎo cuì huā zhè jǐ nián"(fǎngwèn zhùmíng jīngjù biǎoyǎn yìshùjiā yú lián quán),"liú shāhé tán "cǎomù piān""(fǎngwèn qīngnián shīrén liú shāhé),""yīxià gěi chēnle chūlái, jiù bù hǎo zài zuān huíqùle!""(Fǎngwèn rénmín dàxué jiàoshòu lǐjǐnghàn),"zhà nuǎn huán hán qíng fù yǔ"(fǎngwèn zhèjiāng zhuānyè zuòjiā chénxuézhāo),"shuō shíhuà yào bǐ gēgōngsòngdé hǎo"(fǎngwèn běijīng dàxué jiàoshòu fù yīng) děng. Tōngguò zhèxiē cǎifǎng bàodào, wǒmen yě kěyǐ liǎojiě dào gèjiè rénshì dì yīxiē zhēnshí xiǎngfǎ. Dāngrán, gè bào fābiǎo de rénwù zhuānfǎng bàodào bìjìng hěn yǒuxiàn, xiāng bǐ zhī xià, bàokān shàng gè lèi zhēngmíng wénzhāng, xìnxī liàng gèng dà. Xǔduō dǎng wài rén shì yìjiàn, jīngguò jiāgōng zhěnglǐ, xiěchéng wénzhāng, guāndiǎn gèngjiā xìtǒng, gèng yǒu fènliàng.)


Zhejiang Province






spread all over (Biànbù)

好可怜啊。"白月朗说,"他跟皇后,跟亲弟弟也不能说吗?" 张景惠小声告诉她说:"婉容皇后是个只知道抽大烟的疯子。他的弟弟嘛,自从娶了个日本女人,他也得话到舌边留半句了,人心隔肚皮,不防不行啊。" 白月朗说:"总理今天跟我说这些,可犯忌了,不怕我靠不住吗?" 张景惠说:"我吃的咸盐比你吃的饭多,我看不错的。你以后还肯常来陪我说说话吗?" 白月朗望着他那真诚而又可怜的样子,居然点了点头。她心里想,他在老百姓眼里,是个作威作福的头号汉奸,可私下里却又是可怜兮兮的样子,又可恨又可悲。 张景惠苦笑道:"别人怎么说我,我猜得到,走狗、汉奸、卖国贼,反正没一句好话,对不对?" 白月朗没有回答。 是夜,姨太太挽着张景惠离开了客厅,张景惠见刘月还守在门口直打瞌睡,就说:"小刘月,你也早早歇着吧,看把你困的。" 刘月揉揉眼睛站起来说:"姨太太叫我把窗户关了再去睡。" 大厅静了下来,刘月逐一关着窗户,她走到门口,看长廊两端的卫兵也在瞌睡。她轻轻带上客厅门,上了锁,又走进卫生间,扭开澡盆的水龙头,水声哗哗响。她从佛龛后头取出微型相机,走进机密室,用配好的钥匙一层层打开保险柜暗锁,外面一声野猫叫都把她吓得四下张望,手捂着狂跳的心口。 一些文件摆到了桌上,可她一时无法判定哪个最有用,便从头拍。 皮鞋声在暗夜里格外响亮,两个卫兵从走廊两端向中间走,碰头后折返。其中一个大声往墙角痰盂里吐了几口痰。另一个听听水声,还推了推客厅门。里面的刘月吓坏了,但马上喊着说:"推什么推?我在卫生间洗澡呢。" 两个卫兵互相挤挤眼睛,又分别向走廊两端踱去。 第十五章 1 冯月真如约在吉野町武藏野餐馆门外现身。她不常到日本租界地来,她知道,吉野町有如东京银座一样,呈现出畸形的繁华,多是日本人和伪满高层人物进进出出的场所。 在武藏野餐馆门外站了片刻,冯月真看看腕上的表,十一点整,她便推着转门进去。 盛妆的日本女招待打量一眼装束不俗、举止文雅的冯月真一眼,露出笑容,弯腰接待冯月真说:"小姐是等人吗?" 冯月真已经看到约定的五号包厢卡式座里坐着一个戴大墨镜穿风衣的男子,显然在等她。就对女招待说:"那边有人在等我。"女招待又笑笑,闪开,放冯月真走过去。 她问戴墨镜的人:"我等我表哥,这里可以坐吗?" 那人摘下墨镜,原来是白刃。冯月真大吃一惊:"是你找我?那么,写字条救我的也是你?" 白刃又戴上了镜子,给她倒了一杯茶,他说:"想不到,是吧?我们常常是对面不相逢。" 冯月真打量着他说:"我也许不该问的,你是不是地下......和西江月是一样的人?" 白刃却是表情冷淡,竟然说:"我不懂你在说什么,我只是跟你冯大夫熟,你又救过张云峰,是个热心肠的朋友,我才帮你个忙,纯属偶然。" 冯月真当然不信,说:"你若不是'那个',怎么会知道西江月危险,又去救我呢?" 白刃解释:"我是偶然从朋友那听来的消息。又是偶然,冯月真知道问也无益,只好算了,也不想多嘴了,反正她得谢谢白刃的救命之恩。 白刃品了一口茶,恭喜她有惊无险。 冯月真把自己伪装成女大学生逃过一劫的经过复述一遍,然后问:"我不明白,我从来没干过什么,日本人为什么会对我下手啊?" 白刃告诉她:"一来是受西江月牵连,二来你毕竟是有良心的中国人,日本人抓人,不用有理由,你说一句有良心的话,就可能被送进思想矫正院或下到大狱里去。" "这倒也是,周围的朋友常常因为一句不满的言论就被抓进矫正院或宪兵队,有什么道理可讲?" 这时女招待过来,客气地鞠躬,道了午间好,问他们想吃点什么?还特别推荐了武藏野新添的烤鳗鱼,问他们要不要品尝一下? 白刃谢了她的推荐,就点了两份,又要了两份米饭,一碟海带丝,两碗米素汤,一瓶麒麟牌啤酒。 女招待走后,冯月真扫视了一眼周围的日本食客,总有点别扭,她替白刃着想,低声问道:"怎么选择这么个地方,都是日本人出出进进的,这里不是太危险了吗?" 白刃得意地笑道:"台风旋涡的中心是安静的,最危险的地方往往也是最安全的地方。" 啤酒上来了,又送了几碟小菜,女招待启开瓶子,倒了两杯,说:"请先喝着,饭菜马上就来。" 白刃举起杯子,与她默默地碰了一下,低声说:"给你压惊。" 冯月真默默地饮了一口酒,"我真犯愁,一夜间,我变得无家可归了。好端端的医生也当不成了,我以后该怎么办啊?" 白刃安抚她说:"你放心,车到山前必有路。女招待送上了烤鳗鱼和饭、汤,说了声"请慢用",便离去。 白刃安慰她:"这正是今天找你来的目的。救人救到底,你必须先躲一阵子,看看没事了再抛头露面。正好,我有个朋友从奉天来,是奉天医科大学毕业,学口腔科的,他办妥了新京的营业执照,开个济众镶牙院,想请个助手,你不正合适吗?" 干私人诊所?冯月真一百个不情愿,可不得已而求其次,事已至此,为谋生存,冯月真还敢有什么高要求,只能说:"这当然好。" 白刃拿出一本"国民手账"(身份证)和"通账",放到桌上,告诉她:"从今往后,你必须改名换姓了,冯月真必须彻底消失,这是为你补办的手续。" "天哪!"她拿起手账一看,是她的照片,名字却变成了李步新。她忍不住苦笑了,李步新?白刃起的名字吧,以她当下的处境,倒很恰当,不步新又能怎么样?她随即将证件揣了起来,又问:"那位合作的医生叫什么?" "钟鼎,"白刃告诉他,"钟表的钟,钟鸣鼎食之家的鼎。" 她喝了一口酱汤说:"这名字挺有学问的。可我也不是专门学口腔科的,不知道能不能不胜任。" 白刃笑笑说:"治牙、镶牙,听他的就是了,一通百通嘛,除了你们俩,还有一个跑前跑后打零杂的伙计。" 冯月真点了点头。她见白刃一边喝汤一边不住地看她,就问:"你总看我干什么?" "有话不好说。"他犹豫着说。 冯月真很奇怪,白刃是个外向型的人,他从来不是吞吞吐吐的性子呀。 白刃让她再细看看她的手账各个栏目。 冯月真疑惑地看了他一眼,重又掏出手账,打开,这才又仔细浏览,只见婚姻栏里填着"已婚"字样,而"配偶"一栏里,名字正是这个素昧平生的钟鼎。冯月真大惊:"这是什么意思?" "这还用解释吗?你和钟鼎是夫妻呀。"白刃这一说,冯月真更吃惊了,为什么要拉郎配?她忙问:"为什么要我们假扮夫妻?" "不是我要你,"白刃嘘了一声,左右看看说,"这也是没办法的办法,也是为了保护你,否则一男一女在一起不方便,也容易引起别人怀疑。" 冯月真感到受了屈辱,别的什么都行,这个她办不到。 白刃根本没商量余地,劝她别当真,反正钟鼎医生也知道怎么回事,演一回戏吧,又有什么不可以。 冯月真垂下头,半晌不语,不这样又怎么办呢?在满洲国,一旦上了军警宪特的黑名单,那你就是上天入地也躲不过去。大难临头,管它真假夫妻,逃过这一劫再说,李步新这个躯壳,如同一个蜗牛壳,毕竟能让她暂时钻进去,求得苟安。 当天,白刃就把冯月真带到了即将开张的济众镶牙院。镶牙院坐落在三马路最繁华的地段,买卖店铺林立,在鸦片专卖馆的招牌和贵发和当铺中间。 说实在的,初见钟鼎,就给冯月真留下了很好的印象。他高挑的个子,一身西装,五官端正,大背头,脸孔白晳,星目剑眉,儒雅文静,一个典型的知识分子阶层人物。 钟鼎什么都没问,只说委屈她了,接着就谈正事,开张日期,购买药品,邀请四邻参加开业庆典,也谈到了冯月真的薪金,一个月一百块老头票,问她行不行?一百块还说不行?这是天价了,她在医大当临床大夫,每月才五十块。论市价,一斤大米不过两毛五分左右,按现在的薪水,她一个月下来,可挣四百斤大米,了得吗? 开张这天,镶牙院门前围了很多来祝贺和看热闹的人。贺帐、贺联、花篮铺天盖地,门前还摆了一张礼桌,有人在写礼单收礼金。 透过写着治牙、镶牙、补牙大红字的落地大玻璃窗,可以看见里面有一张能升降的新式镶牙椅子。白刃穿着青布棉袍骑车子经过这里,停在路边,看了一眼,他和冯月真的目光相遇,并未表示什么,满意而去。透过写着治牙、镶牙、补牙大红字的落地大玻璃窗,可以看见里面有一张能升降的新式镶牙椅子。白刃穿着青布棉袍骑车子经过这里,停在路边,看了一眼,他和冯月真的目光相遇,并未表示什么,满意而去。 在一阵鞭炮声中,覆盖在铜牌子上的红绸子被一表人才的钟鼎扯下来,站在他旁边的是他的"夫人"冯月真(现名李步新)。她端着一块方盘,垫着红布,上面堆满了纸包水果糖。挑着一挂鞭炮在放的是失踪了很久的张云岫,他如今是镶牙院的小伙计,改名叫龚建国。 在一片掌声中,冯月真笑容可掬地给看热闹的人们分发水果糖。 白浮白坐着三轮车经过,他让车夫停下,特地问了张云岫一句:"治牙的大夫哪毕业的呀?" 张云岫认出了他,马上扭过头去,其实白浮白早看见他了。白浮白说:"你这小伙计,怎么不回答呀。" 张云岫只得转过脸来回答:"奉天小河沿医科大学的。" 白浮白呵呵赞道:"'名校'啊,改天我来治牙,关照小伙计,别让我排队呀。" 张云岫说:"你来吧,优待。"白浮白的三轮车走后,张云岫悄声告诉冯月真,方才预约看牙的人,是他从前念一国高的校长,后来又兼建大的课。冯月真吓了一跳,她寻思白浮白会把她认出来了呢,看来她一点没被认出来。 2 一个日本宪兵中尉带着衣着讲究的徐晴徐步上楼,走进宪兵司令部留置场,中尉替她提着一个很大的蒲包,走过众囚瞩目的长廊,拐到楼房另一侧,来到一间没有铁栅栏的房前,这是优待室。 优待室门开着,门旁坐着一个看守。中尉放下蒲包,徐晴向里张望,西江月正伏在小方桌上写什么,桌上居然有两个苹果。 脚步声惊扰了西江月,他抬起头来,大为惊愕,情不自禁地站了起来。徐晴哽咽着说:"你瘦多了,他们折磨你了吗?" 虽说甘粕正彦说过,徐晴正出面救他,从感情上讲,西江月也愿相信这是真的,可残酷的现实却不能不让他有所提防,不可轻信,焉知这是不是宪兵队设的连环套?所以西江月把涌到唇边的烫人语句迅速冷却下来,说:"你怎么来了?来劝降吗?" 徐晴并不跟他计较,回头让宪兵中尉先回避一下,宪兵中尉很配合,什么都没说便带着看守走了。 徐晴走进牢房,把带来的那个大蒲包打开,里面全是点心,"上杂瓣、下杂瓣,还有芙蓉糕、槽子糕。这都是你最爱吃的。" 西江月心如滚水,他说:"当你自由的时候,你渴望山珍海味,但在牢房里,哪个更宝贵?" 徐晴听得莫名其妙,她说:"你跟我念诗呀?" 西江月抖着桌上写满字的几页纸,"是呀,这是在失去自由之前写不出来的诗。" 徐晴明显感觉到,西江月好像并不高兴她来看他。徐晴也不生气,知道西江月会这样看她,她还是对西江月表示感谢,毕竟没把她供出来。 西江月冷笑,"你把我当三岁孩子呀?我即使把你供出来,也撼动不了你的根基,你的靠山多硬啊。也许,你本来设的就是圈套,让我钻的。" 听他这么一说,徐晴一脸委屈相,她说:"错都错在我身上,我太急于想见上司了,才会给你带来了麻烦。但我打听清楚了,都因你锋芒太露,早就被他们盯上了,医大连续有学生神秘失踪,频繁出现反日传单,还有泄露731部队机密,他们有证据说是你干的。而我深爱着你,又想走抗日之路,怎么会出卖你?" 西江月此时可是戒心十足,他直截了当地质问她:"那为什么突然出了事?宪兵队为什么追问夹壁墙里的传单事?是不是你告的密?或许因为你见不到我的上司,一网打尽的计划落空了,恼火了,打不着大鱼,小的也将就?

poor thing. Bai Yuelang said, "Can't he talk to the queen or his brother?" Zhang Jinghui told her in a low voice, "Queen Wanrong is a lunatic who only knows how to smoke." His younger brother, since he married a Japanese woman, he has to leave a word on the tongue, and the heart is separated from the belly, so it's impossible to prevent it. Bai Yuelang said: "The Prime Minister told me these things today. It's a taboo. Aren't you afraid I can't rely on it?" Zhang Jinghui said: "I eat more salty salt than you eat. I think it's good." Would you still come to talk with me often in the future? Bai Yuelang looked at his sincere and pitiful appearance, and nodded. She thought to her heart that in the eyes of the common people, he is the number one traitor who is domineering, but in private, he looks pitiful. , Hateful and sad. Zhang Jinghui smiled bitterly: "What other people say about me, I can guess, running dogs, traitors, traitors, anyway, there is no good thing, right? Bai Yuelang did not answer. It was night, and his wife left the living room with Zhang Jinghui in his arms. Zhang Jinghui saw Liu Yue still guarding the door and just dozed off, so she said, "Little Liuyue, you should rest early too, to see if you are sleepy." . Liu Yue rubbed her eyes and stood up and said, "My aunt asked me to close the window before going to sleep." The hall was quiet. Liu Yue closed the windows one by one. She walked to the door and saw that the guards at both ends of the corridor were also dozing off. She gently closed the living room door, locked it, and walked into the bathroom again, turning on the faucet of the bathtub. , The sound of water screamed. She took out the miniature camera from the back of the altar, walked into the secret room, and opened the safe lock layer by layer with the matched key. A wild cat cry outside scared her to look around, holding her hand in madness. A beating heart. Some documents were placed on the table, but she couldn't decide which was the most useful for a while, so she started to shoot. The sound of leather shoes was particularly loud in the dark night, and two guards walked from the two ends of the corridor to the middle, and turned back after meeting. One of them was loud. He spat a few sputum into the spittoon in the corner. The other heard the sound of water and pushed the door of the living room. Liu Yue inside was terrified, but immediately shouted, "What push? I take a shower in the bathroom. The two guards squeezed each other's eyes, and then walked to both ends of the corridor. Chapter 15 1 Feng Yuezhen appeared outside the Musashino restaurant in Yoshino Town as scheduled. She didn't come to the Japanese concession very often, she knew, Yoshinocho, like Ginza, Tokyo, presents a deformed and prosperous place. It is mostly a place where Japanese and high-level people from the Manchukuo enter and exit. Standing outside the Musashino restaurant for a while, Feng Yuezhen looked at the watch on his wrist. It was eleven o'clock. , She pushed the turnstile and went in. The makeup Japanese waitress glanced at Feng Yuezhen, who was well-dressed and elegant, and smiled, bending down to receive Feng Yuezhen and saying, "Is the lady waiting for someone? Feng Yuezhen had already seen a man wearing big sunglasses and a trench coat sitting in the card seat of the No. 5 box, obviously waiting for her. He said to the waitress: "Someone is waiting for me over there." The waitress smiled again, stepped away, and let Feng Yuezhen go over. She asked the person wearing sunglasses, "I'll wait for my cousin, can I sit here?" "The man took off his sunglasses, it turned out to be a hand-in-hand. Feng Yue was really surprised: "Is you looking for me?" So, you are the one who saved me from the writing note? Bai Ren put on the mirror again and poured her a cup of tea. He said, "Unexpectedly, right? We often don't meet each other. Feng Yuezhen looked at him and said, "Maybe I shouldn't ask, are you underground... the same person as Xi Jiangyue?" But Bai Ren had a cold expression and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about. I just know you Doctor Feng. You saved Zhang Yunfeng again. You are a warm-hearted friend. I did you a favor. It was purely accidental. Of course Feng Yuezhen didn't believe it, and said, "If you weren't'that', how could you know that Xi Jiangyue is dangerous and go to save me?" "Baiden explained: "I heard the news from a friend accidentally. By chance again, Feng Yue really knew that it would be useless to ask, so she had to forget it, and she didn't want to talk too much. Anyway, she had to thank her for her life-saving grace. Took a sip of tea, congratulations on her surprise. Feng Yuezhen retelled her escape by disguising herself as a female college student, and then asked: "I don't understand, I've never done anything, why did the Japanese attack me?" White edge told her: Xijiangyue is implicated. Secondly, you are a conscientious Chinese after all. The Japanese arrested people. You don't have to have a reason. If you say something with a conscience, you may be sent to the ideological correction institution or sent to a large prison." "This Actually, friends around me are often taken into the correctional institution or the gendarmerie because of a dissatisfaction statement. What is the point?" At this time, the hostess came over, bowed politely, said okay for lunch, and asked them what they would like to eat? I also especially recommended Musashino's newly added grilled eel, and asked them if they want to taste it. Thanks to her recommendation, I ordered two, and ordered two more rice, a dish of shredded seaweed, two bowls of rice soup, and a bottle of Kylin beer. After the hostess left, Feng Yuezhen glanced at the surrounding Japanese diners, always a little awkward. She thought for the hand, and asked in a low voice: "How do you choose such a place? All Japanese people come in and out. Isn't it too dangerous? "The center of the typhoon whirlpool is quiet, and the most dangerous place is often the safest place." The beer came up, and a few dishes were delivered. The waitress opened the bottle and poured two glasses. Said: "Please drink first, the food will be here soon." Bai Ren raised the cup, touched her silently, and whispered: "Suppress you." Feng Yuezhen took a sip of wine in silence, "I'm so worried. One night, I became homeless. I can't be a good doctor. What should I do in the future?" She comforted her and said, "Don't worry, there will be a way to the mountain by the car. The waitress delivered a roast. The eel, rice, and soup said "please use it slowly" and left. The blade comforted her: "This is the purpose of looking for you today. To save someone to the end, you have to hide for a while and see if it's okay before you show up. It just so happened that a friend of mine came from Fengtian. He graduated from Fengtian Medical University and studied stomatology. He has obtained the business license of Xinjing and opened a Jizhong dental implantation hospital. I want to hire an assistant. Isn't it right for you? "Doing a private clinic? Feng Yuezhen is a hundred reluctance, but she has to be second. This is the end of the matter. In order to survive, Feng Yuezhen dare to have any high demands, she can only say: "Of course this is good." The hand-to-hand took out a "national account" (identity card) and "reporting account", put it on the table, and told her: "From now on, you must change your name and surname. Feng Yuezhen must disappear completely. This is for You have to make up the procedures. "Oh my God! "She took a look at the account. It was her photo, but her name changed to Li Buyin. She couldn't help but smile, Li Buyin? The name was made from scratch. Given her current situation, it's quite appropriate. What can be done? She picked up her credentials and asked, "What is the name of the doctor who worked with? "Zhong Ding," Bai Ren told him, "the clock of the clock, the Ding of the Zhongming Ding Food House." She took a sip of the soup and said, "This name is quite learned." But I don't specialize in dentistry, so I don't know if I can't be competent. "Bai Ren smiled and said: "To treat teeth and insert teeth, just listen to him, just pass Belden, besides the two of you, there is also a guy who runs before and after running. Feng Yuezhen nodded. When she saw that Bai Ren watched her while drinking soup, she asked, "What do you always see me doing?" "I have something to say. "He hesitated. Feng Yue was really strange. Bai Ren was an extrovert. He was never hesitant. Bai Ren asked her to take a closer look at the columns of her account. Feng Yuezhen glanced at him suspiciously, then drew it again. I took the account, opened it, and then looked through it carefully. I saw that the word "married" was filled in the marriage column, and the name in the "spouse" column was the unknown Zhongding. Feng Yue was really surprised: "What does this mean? ? "Does this still need an explanation?" You and Zhong Ding are husband and wife. Feng Yuezhen was even more surprised when he said that. "It's not that I want you," he sighed and said, "This is also no way, but also to protect you, otherwise it is inconvenient for a man and a woman to be together, and it will easily arouse others' suspicion." Feng Yuezhen felt humiliated. She couldn't do anything else. She had no room for negotiation at all, and advised her not to take it seriously. Anyway, Dr. Zhong Ding knows what's going on. Let's do a play. What can't you do? Feng Yuezhen lowered her head and stayed silent for a while. What should we do otherwise? In Manchukuo, once you are on the blacklist of the military and police constitution, then you can't hide from the sky. The catastrophe is imminent, regardless of whether it is a real couple. After escaping this disaster, Li Buxin's body is like a snail shell, after all, it allows her to get in temporarily, seeking peace. On the same day, the blade took Feng Yuezhen to the upcoming Jizhong Dental Implant. The Dental Implant is located on Sanma Road. In the most prosperous area, there are many buying and selling shops, between the signboard of the opium monopoly store and Guifa and the pawnshop. To be honest, seeing Zhong Ding at the first time left a good impression on Feng Yuezhen. He is tall and dressed in a suit. With good features, big back, white face, star eyes and sword eyebrows, elegant and quiet, a typical intellectual class figure. Zhong Ding didn't ask anything, only said that she was wronged, and then he talked about business, the opening date, and the purchase of medicines. Inviting neighbors to attend the opening ceremony, and also talked about Feng Yuezhen's salary, one hundred yuan a month for the old man's ticket, and asked her if it's okay? One hundred yuan is not enough? This is a sky-high price. She is a clinical doctor at the University of Medicine, only 50 per month. In terms of market price, a catty of rice is only about 25 cents. According to the current salary, she can earn 400 catties of rice in one month. People watching the excitement. There are overwhelming congratulatory accounts, congratulatory couplets, and flower baskets. There is also a gift table in front of the door. Someone is writing a gift list to collect the gift money. Through the large French glass windows with red letters on dental treatment, dental implantation, and dental filling, you can I saw a new-style dental chair that can be raised and lowered inside. Bai Blade was riding a bicycle passing by here in a blue cotton robe, stopped by the road, and glanced at it. He and Feng Yuezhen met with each other's eyes, without expressing anything, and went away with satisfaction. The large floor-to-ceiling glass windows with red letters on dental treatment, dental implants, and dental fillings can see a new-style dental chair that can be raised and lowered. The white blade is wearing a blue cotton robe and riding a bicycle passing by here, stopping by the road, and taking a look, he When they met Feng Yuezhen's eyes, they didn't express anything, and left with satisfaction. Amidst the sound of firecrackers, the red silk covering the bronze medal was torn off by the clock tripod of a watch of talent. Standing next to him was his "lady" Feng Yuezhen ( Now named Li Buxin). She was carrying a square plate with a red cloth on top of which was piled up with paper-packed fruit candies. Carrying a hang of firecrackers and setting it off was Zhang Yunxiu, who had been missing for a long time. He is now a young man in the Fangyayuan. The name was changed to Gong Jianguo. To the applause, Feng Yuezhen smiled and handed out fruit candies to the crowd watching. Bai Fubai passed by in a tricycle. He asked the coachman to stop and asked Zhang Yunxiu specifically: "Where is the doctor who treats the teeth? Graduated? Zhang Yunxiu recognized him and turned his head immediately. In fact, Bai Fubai saw him long ago. Bai Fubai said, "You boy, why don't you answer." "Zhang Yunxiu had to turn his face to answer: "Fengtian Xiaoheyan Medical University. "Bai Fubai praised: "'Prestigious school', I will treat my teeth another day, take care of the guy, don't let me line up. "Zhang Yunxiu said: "Come on, preferential treatment." "After Bai Fubai's tricycle left, Zhang Yunxiu whispered to Feng Yuezhen that the person who had just made an appointment for dental visits was the principal of a national high school and later also took a class at Jianda University. Feng Yuezhen was taken aback, and she thought about Bai Fubai. She will recognize her. It seems that she is not recognized at all. 2 A Japanese military police lieutenant took a well-dressed Xu Qing stepped upstairs and walked into the gendarme headquarters lien. The lieutenant carried a big one for her. Po Bao, walking through the promenade where the prisoners were watching, turned to the other side of the building, and came to a room without iron fences. This was a special treatment room. The door of the special treatment room was open, and a guard was sitting next to the door. The lieutenant put it down. Po Bao, Xu Qing looked inside, Xi Jiangyue was lying on the small square table writing something, there were two apples on the table. Xi Jiangyue's footsteps disturbed Xi Jiangyue, he raised his head in amazement, and couldn't help standing up. Xu couldn't help but stand up. Qing choked and said, "You've gotten thinner, have they tortured you? "Although Masahiko Amazusa said that Xu Qingzheng came forward to rescue him, emotionally speaking, Xi Jiangyue would also like to believe that this is true, but the cruel reality can't help him be wary of it. Don't believe it, I don't know if this is a military police. The team set up a series? So Xi Jiangyue quickly cooled down the hot words that rushed to her lips, and said: "Why are you here? Come to persuade you to surrender? "Xu Qing didn't care about him, so she turned around and asked the military police lieutenant to avoid it first. The military police lieutenant was very cooperative, and took the guards away without saying anything. Xu Qing went into the cell and opened the big pouch that she had brought with him. It's dim sum, "the upper and the lower, the hibiscus cake and the trough cake. These are all your favorites. "Xijiang Moon's heart is like boiling water, he said: "When you are free, you yearn for the delicacies of mountains and seas, but in the cell, which is more precious? "Xu Qing heard it inexplicably, she said: "Are you reading poems to me?" Xi Jiangyue shook a few pages full of words on the table, "Yes, this is a poem that can't be written before losing freedom." "Xu Qing clearly felt that Xi Jiangyue didn't seem happy that she came to see him. Xu Qing wasn't angry, knowing that Xi Jiangyue would look at her like this, she still thanked Xi Jiangyue, after all, she didn't confess her. Xi Jiangyue sneered. "You treat me as a three-year-old child? Even if I confess you, I can't shake your foundation, how hard your backing is. Maybe, what you originally set up was a trap, let me drill it. "Hearing what he said, Xu Qing looked aggrieved. She said, "The fault lies with me. I am too anxious to see my boss to cause you trouble. But I have found out clearly, because you are too sharp, they have been eyeing you for a long time. Medical University students have mysteriously disappeared, anti-Japanese flyers frequently appeared, and secrets of Unit 731 were leaked. They have evidence that you did it. And I love you so much and want to take the road of resistance to Japan, how could I betray you? Xi Jiangyue was very wary at this time, and he asked her straightforwardly: "Then why did something happen suddenly?" Why did the gendarmerie ask about the flyers in the wall? Did you tell the secret? Maybe because you can't see my boss, your plan to catch the net all in one fell swoop. You're annoyed. If you can't catch the big fish, so will the small one? (Hǎo kělián a." Bái yuè lǎng shuō,"tā gēn huánghòu, gēn qīn dìdì yě bùnéng shuō ma?" Zhāngjǐnghuì xiǎoshēng gàosù tā shuō:"Wǎnróng huánghòu shìgè zhǐ zhīdào chōu dà yān de fēngzi. Tā de dìdì ma, zìcóng qǔle gè rìběn nǚrén, tā yě dé huà dào shé biān liú bàn jùle, rénxīn gé dùpí, bù fáng bùxíng a." Bái yuè lǎng shuō:"Zǒnglǐjīntiān gēn wǒ shuō zhèxiē, kě fànjìle, bùpà wǒ kàobùzhù ma?" Zhāngjǐnghuì shuō:"Wǒ chī de xián yán bǐ nǐ chī de fàn duō, wǒ kàn bùcuò de. Nǐ yǐhòu hái kěn cháng lái péi wǒ shuō shuōhuà ma?" Bái yuè lǎng wàngzhe tā nà zhēnchéng ér yòu kělián de yàngzi, jūrán diǎnle diǎntóu. Tā xīnlǐ xiǎng, tā zài lǎobǎixìng yǎn lǐ, shìgè zuò wēi zuò fú de tóuhào hànjiān, kě sīxià lǐ què yòu shì kělián xī xī de yàngzi, yòu kěhèn yòu kěbēi. Zhāngjǐnghuì kǔxiào dào:"Biérén zěnme shuō wǒ, wǒ cāi dédào, zǒugǒu, hànjiān, màiguózéi, fǎnzhèng méi yījù hǎohuà, duì bùduì?" Bái yuè lǎng méiyǒu huídá. Shì yè, yítàitài wǎnzhe zhāngjǐnghuì líkāile kètīng, zhāngjǐnghuì jiàn liú yuè hái shǒu zài ménkǒu zhí dǎ kēshuì, jiù shuō:"Xiǎo liú yuè, nǐ yě zǎozǎo xiēzhe ba, kàn bǎ nǐ kùn de." Liú yuè róu róu yǎnjīng zhàn qǐlái shuō:"Yítàitài jiào wǒ bǎ chuānghù guānle zài qù shuì." Dàtīng jìngle xiàlái, liú yuè zhúyī guānzhe chuānghù, tā zǒu dào ménkǒu, kàn cháng láng liǎng duāndì wèibīng yě zài kēshuì. Tā qīng qīng dài shàng kètīng mén, shàngle suǒ, yòu zǒu jìn wèishēngjiān, niǔ kāi zǎopén de shuǐlóngtóu, shuǐ shēng huā huā xiǎng. Tā cóng fókān hòutou qǔchū wéixíng xiàngjī, zǒu jìn jīmì shì, yòng pèi hǎo de yàoshi yī céng céng dǎkāi bǎoxiǎn guì ànsuǒ, wàimiàn yīshēng yěmāo jiào dōu bǎ tā xià dé sì xià zhāngwàng, shǒu wǔzhe kuáng tiào de xīnkǒu. Yīxiē wénjiàn bǎi dàole zhuō shàng, kě tā yīshí wúfǎ pàndìng nǎge zuì yǒuyòng, biàn cóngtóu pāi. Píxié shēng zài ànyè lǐ géwài xiǎngliàng, liǎng gè wèibīng cóng zǒuláng liǎng duān xiàng zhōngjiān zǒu, pèngtóu hòu zhéfǎn. Qízhōng yīgè dàshēng wǎng qiángjiǎo tányú lǐ tǔle jǐ kǒu tán. Lìng yīgè tīng tīng shuǐ shēng, hái tuīle tuī kètīng mén. Lǐmiàn de liú yuè xià huàile, dàn mǎshàng hǎnzhe shuō:"Tuī shénme tuī? Wǒ zài wèishēngjiān xǐzǎo ne." Liǎng gè wèibīng hùxiāng jǐ jǐ yǎnjīng, yòu fēnbié xiàng zǒuláng liǎng duān duó qù. Dì shíwǔ zhāng 1 féngyuèzhēnrú yuē zài jíyě tīng wǔ zàng yě cānguǎn mén wài xiàn shēn. Tā bù cháng dào rìběn zūjiè dì lái, tā zhīdào, jíyě tīng yǒurú dōngjīng yínzuò yīyàng, chéngxiàn chū jīxíng de fánhuá, duō shì rìběn rén hé wěi mǎn gāocéng rénwù jìn jìnchū chū de chǎngsuǒ. Zài wǔ zàng yě cānguǎn mén wài zhànle piànkè, féngyuèzhēn kàn kàn wàn shàng de biǎo, shíyīdiǎn zhěng, tā biàn tuīzhe zhuǎn mén jìnqù. Shèng zhuāng de rìběn nǚzhāodài dǎliang yīyǎn zhuāngshù bù sú, jǔzhǐ wényǎ de féngyuèzhēn yīyǎn, lùchū xiàoróng, wān yāo jiēdài féngyuèzhēn shuō:"Xiǎojiěshì děng rén ma?" Féngyuèzhēn yǐjīng kàn dào yuēdìng de wǔ hào bāoxiāng kǎ shì zuò lǐ zuòzhe yīgè dài dà mòjìng chuān fēngyī de nánzǐ, xiǎnrán zài děng tā. Jiù duì nǚzhāodài shuō:"Nà biān yǒurén zài děng wǒ." Nǚzhāodài yòu xiào xiào, shǎn kāi, fàng féngyuèzhēn zǒuguòqù. Tā wèn dài mòjìng de rén:"Wǒ děng wǒ biǎo gē, zhèlǐ kěyǐ zuò ma?" Nà rén zhāi xià mòjìng, yuánlái shì báirèn. Féngyuèzhēn dàchīyījīng:"Shì nǐ zhǎo wǒ? Nàme, xiězì tiáo jiù wǒ de yěshì nǐ?" Báirèn yòu dài shàngle jìngzi, gěi tā dàole yībēi chá, tā shuō:"Xiǎngbùdào, shì ba? Wǒmen chángcháng shì duìmiàn bù xiāngféng." Féngyuèzhēn dǎliangzhe tā shuō:"Wǒ yěxǔ bù gāi wèn de, nǐ shì bùshì dìxià......hé xījiāng yuè shì yīyàng de rén?" Báirèn què shì biǎoqíng lěngdàn, jìngrán shuō:"Wǒ bù dǒng nǐ zàishuō shénme, wǒ zhǐshì gēn nǐ féng dàfū shú, nǐ yòu jiùguò zhāngyúnfēng, shìgè rèxīncháng de péngyǒu, wǒ cái bāng nǐ gè máng, chún shǔ ǒurán." Féngyuèzhēn dāngrán bùxìn, shuō:"Nǐ ruò bùshì 'nàgè', zěnme huì zhīdào xījiāng yuè wéixiǎn, yòu qù jiù wǒ ne?" Báirèn jiěshì:"Wǒ shì ǒurán cóng péngyǒu nà tīng lái de xiāoxī. Yòu shì ǒurán, féngyuèzhēn zhīdào wèn yě wúyì, zhǐhǎo suànle, yě bùxiǎng duōzuǐle, fǎnzhèng tā dé xièxiè báirèn de jiùmìng zhī ēn. Báirèn pǐnle yīkǒu chá, gōngxǐ tā yǒu jīng wú xiǎn. Féngyuèzhēn bǎ zìjǐ wèizhuāng chéng nǚ dàxuéshēng táoguò yī jié de jīngguò fùshù yībiàn, ránhòu wèn:"Wǒ bù míngbái, wǒ cónglái méi gànguò shèn me, rìběn rén wéi shénme huì duì wǒ xiàshǒu a?" Báirèn gàosù tā:"Yī lái shì shòu xījiāng yuè qiānlián, èr lái nǐ bìjìng shì yǒu liángxīn de zhōngguó rén, rìběn rén zhuā rén, bùyòng yǒu lǐyóu, nǐ shuō yījù yǒu liángxīn dehuà, jiù kěnéng bèi sòng jìn sīxiǎng jiǎozhèng yuàn huò xià dào dà yù lǐ qù." "Zhè dào yěshì, zhōuwéi de péngyǒu chángcháng yīn wéi yījù bùmǎn de yánlùn jiù bèi zhuā jìn jiǎozhèng yuàn huò xiànbīng duì, yǒu shé me dàolǐ kě jiǎng?" Zhè shí nǚzhāodài guòlái, kèqì de jūgōng, dàole wǔjiān hǎo, wèn tāmen xiǎng chī diǎn shénme? Hái tèbié tuījiànle wǔ zàng yě xīn tiān de kǎo mányú, wèn tāmen yào bùyàopǐncháng yīxià? Báirèn xièle tā de tuījiàn, jiù diǎnle liǎng fèn, yòu yàole liǎng fèn mǐfàn, yī dié hǎidài sī, liǎng wǎn mǐ sù tāng, yī píng qílín pái píjiǔ. Nǚzhāodài zǒu hòu, féngyuèzhēn sǎoshìle yīyǎn zhōuwéi de rìběn shíkè, zǒng yǒudiǎn bièniu, tā tì báirèn zhuóxiǎng, dī shēng wèn dào:"Zěnme xuǎnzé zhème gè dìfāng, dōu shì rìběn rén chū chū jìn jìn de, zhèlǐ bùshì tài wéixiǎnle ma?" Báirèn déyì dì xiào dào:"Táifēng xuánwō de zhōngxīnshì ānjìng de, zuì wéixiǎn dì dìfāng wǎngwǎng yěshì zuì ānquán dì dìfāng." Píjiǔ shàngláile, yòu sòngle jǐ dié xiǎocài, nǚzhāodài qǐ kāi píngzi, dàole liǎng bēi, shuō:"Qǐng xiān hēzhe, fàncài mǎshàng jiù lái." Báirèn jǔ qǐ bēizi, yǔ tā mòmò de pèngle yīxià, dī shēng shuō:"Gěi nǐ yājīng." Féngyuèzhēn mòmò de yǐnle yīkǒu jiǔ,"wǒ zhēn fànchóu, yī yèjiān, wǒ biàn dé wú jiā kě guīle. Hǎoduānduān dì yīshēng yě dāng bùchéngle, wǒ yǐhòu gāi zěnme bàn a?" Báirèn ānfǔ tā shuō:"Nǐ fàngxīn, chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù. Nǚzhāodài sòng shàngle kǎo mányú hé fàn, tāng, shuōle shēng "qǐng màn yòng", biàn lí qù. Báirèn ānwèi tā:"Zhè zhèngshì jīntiān zhǎo nǐ lái de mùdì. Jiù rén jiù dàodǐ, nǐ bìxū xiān duǒ yīzhènzi, kàn kàn méishìle zài pāotóulòumiàn. Zhènghǎo, wǒ yǒu gè péngyǒu cóng fèngtiān lái, shì fèngtiān yīkē dàxué bìyè, xué kǒuqiāng kē de, tā bàn tuǒle xīnjīng de yíngyè zhízhào, kāi gè jì zhòng xiāngyá yuàn, xiǎng qǐng gè zhùshǒu, nǐ bùzhèng héshì ma?" Gàn sīrén zhěnsuǒ? Féngyuèzhēn yībǎi gè bù qíngyuàn, kě bùdéyǐ ér qiú qícì, shì yǐ zhìcǐ, wéi móu shēngcún, féngyuèzhēn hái gǎn yǒu shé me gāo yāoqiú, zhǐ néng shuō:"Zhè dāngrán hǎo." Báirèn ná chū yī běn "guómín shǒu zhàng"(shēnfèn zhèng) hé "tōng zhàng", fàng dào zhuō shàng, gàosù tā:"Cóng jīn wǎng hòu, nǐ bìxū gǎimíng huàn xìngle, féngyuèzhēn bìxū chèdǐ xiāoshī, zhè shì wèi nǐ bǔbàn de shǒuxù." "Tiān nǎ!" Tā ná qǐ shǒu zhàng yī kàn, shì tā de zhàopiàn, míngzì què biàn chéngle lǐbùxīn. Tā rěn bù zhù kǔxiàole, lǐbùxīn? Báirèn qǐ de míngzì ba, yǐ tā dāngxià de chǔjìng, dào hěn qiàdàng, bù bù xīn yòu néng zěnme yàng? Tā suíjíjiāng zhèngjiàn chuāile qǐlái, yòu wèn:"Nà wèi hézuò de yīshēng jiào shénme?" "Zhōng dǐng," báirèn gàosù tā,"zhōngbiǎo de zhōng, zhōngmíng dǐng shí zhī jiā de dǐng." Tā hēle yīkǒu jiàng tāng shuō:"Zhè míngzì tǐng yǒu xuéwèn de. Kě wǒ yě bùshì zhuānmén xué kǒuqiāng kē de, bù zhīdào néng bùnéng bù shèngrèn." Báirèn xiào xiào shuō:"Zhì yá, xiāngyá, tīng tā de jiùshìle, yītòng bǎi tōng ma, chúle nǐmen liǎ, hái yǒuyīgè pǎo qián pǎo hòu dǎ líng zá de huǒjì." Féngyuèzhēn diǎnle diǎntóu. Tā jiàn báirèn yībiān hē tāng yībiān bù zhùdì kàn tā, jiù wèn:"Nǐ zǒng kàn wǒ gàn shénme?" "Yǒu huà bù hǎoshuō." Tā yóuyùzhe shuō. Féngyuèzhēn hěn qíguài, báirèn shìgè wàixiàng xíng de rén, tā cónglái bu shì tūntūntǔtǔ dì xìngzi ya. Báirèn ràng tā zài xì kàn kàn tā de shǒu zhàng gège lánmù. Féngyuèzhēn yíhuò de kànle tā yīyǎn, zhòng yòu tāo chūshǒu zhàng, dǎkāi, zhè cái yòu zǐxì liúlǎn, zhǐ jiàn hūnyīn lán lǐ tiánzhe "yǐ hūn" zìyàng, ér "pèi'ǒu" yī lán lǐ, míngzì zhèng shì zhège sùmèipíngshēng de zhōng dǐng. Féngyuèzhēn dà jīng:"Zhè shì shénme yìsi?" "Zhè hái yòng jiě shì ma? Nǐ hé zhōng dǐng shì fūqī ya." Báirèn zhè yī shuō, féngyuèzhēn gèng chījīngle, wèishéme yào lā láng pèi? Tā máng wèn:"Wèishéme yào wǒmen jiǎbàn fūqī?" "Bùshì wǒ yào nǐ," báirèn xūle yīshēng, zuǒyòu kàn kàn shuō,"zhè yěshì méi bànfǎ de bànfǎ, yěshì wèile bǎohù nǐ, fǒuzé yīnán yī nǚ zài yīqǐ bù fāngbiàn, yě róngyì yǐnqǐ biérén huáiyí." Féngyuèzhēn gǎndào shòule qūrǔ, bié de shénme dōu xíng, zhège tā bàn bù dào. Báirèn gēnběn méishāngliáng yúdì, quàn tā bié dàngzhēn, fǎnzhèng zhōng dǐng yīshēng yě zhīdào zěnme huí shì, yǎn yī huí xì ba, yòu yǒu shé me bùkěyǐ. Féngyuèzhēn chuíxià tou, bànshǎng bù yǔ, bù zhèyàng yòu zěnme bàn ne? Zài mǎnzhōu guó, yīdàn shàngle jūn jǐng xiàn tè de hēi míngdān, nà nǐ jiùshì shàngtiān rù dì yě duǒ bùguòqù. Dànànlíntóu, guǎn tā zhēn jiǎ fūqī, táoguò zhè yī jié zài shuō, lǐbùxīn zhège qūké, rútóng yīgè wōniú ké, bìjìng néng ràng tā zhànshí zuān jìnqù, qiú dé gǒu'ān. Dàngtiān, báirèn jiù bǎ féngyuèzhēn dài dàole jí jiāng kāizhāng de jì zhòng xiāngyá yuàn. Xiāngyá yuàn zuòluò zài sān mǎlù zuì fánhuá dì dìduàn, mǎimài diànpù línlì, zài yāpiàn zhuānmài guǎn de zhāopái hé guì fā hé dàngpù zhōngjiān. Shuō shízài de, chū jiàn zhōng dǐng, jiù gěi féngyuèzhēn liú xiàle hěn hǎo de yìnxiàng. Tā gāotiǎo de gèzi, yīshēn xīzhuāng, wǔguān duānzhèng, dà bēitóu, liǎn kǒng bái xī, xīng mù jiànméi, rúyǎ wénjìng, yīgè diǎnxíng de zhīshì fēnzǐ jiēcéng rénwù. Zhōng dǐng shénme dōu méi wèn, zhǐ shuō wěiqu tāle, jiēzhe jiù tán zhèng shì, kāizhāng rìqí, gòumǎi yào pǐn, yāoqǐng sìlín cānjiā kāiyè qìngdiǎn, yě tán dàole féngyuèzhēn de xīn jīn, yīgè yuè yībǎi kuài lǎotóu piào, wèn tā xíng bùxíng? Yībǎi kuài hái shuō bu xíng? Zhè shì tiānjiàle, tā zài yīdà dāng línchuáng dàfū, měi yuè cái wǔshí kuài. Lùn shìjià, yī jīn dàmǐ bù guò liǎng máo wǔ fēn zuǒyòu, àn xiànzài de xīnshuǐ, tā yīgè yuè xiàlái, kě zhēng sìbǎi jīn dàmǐ, liǎo dé ma? Kāizhāng zhè tiān, xiāngyá yuàn mén qián wéile hěnduō lái zhùhè hé kàn rènào de rén. Hè zhàng, hè lián, huālán pūtiāngàidì, mén qián hái bǎile yī zhāng lǐ zhuō, yǒurén zài xiě lǐdān shōu lǐ jīn. Tòuguò xiězhe zhì yá, xiāngyá, bǔyá dà hóngzì de luòdì dà bōlí chuāng, kěyǐ kànjiàn lǐmiàn yǒuyī zhāng néng shēngjiàng de xīnshì xiāngyá yǐzi. Báirèn chuānzhuó qīng bù mián páo qí chē zi jīngguò zhèlǐ, tíng zài lù biān, kànle yīyǎn, tā hé féngyuèzhēn de mùguāng xiàng yù, bìng wèi biǎoshì shénme, mǎnyì ér qù. Tòuguò xiězhe zhì yá, xiāngyá, bǔyá dà hóngzì de luòdì dà bōlí chuāng, kěyǐ kànjiàn lǐmiàn yǒu yī zhāng néng shēngjiàng de xīn shì xiāngyá yǐzi. Báirèn chuānzhuó qīng bù mián páo qí chē zi jīngguò zhèlǐ, tíng zài lù biān, kànle yīyǎn, tā hé féngyuèzhēn de mùguāng xiàng yù, bìng wèi biǎoshì shénme, mǎnyì ér qù. Zài yī zhèn biānpào shēng zhōng, fùgài zài tóngpái zi shàng de hóng chóuzi bèi yībiǎoréncái de zhōng dǐng chě xiàlái, zhàn zài tā pángbiān de shì tā de "fūrén" féngyuèzhēn (xiàn míng lǐbùxīn). Tā duānzhe yīkuài fāng pán, diànzhe hóng bù, shàngmiàn duī mǎnle zhǐ bāo shuǐguǒ táng. Tiāozhe yī guà biānpào zài fàng de shì shīzōngle hěnjiǔ de zhāngyúnxiù, tā rújīn shì xiāngyá yuàn de xiǎo huǒjì, gǎimíng jiào gōng jiànguó. Zài yīpiàn zhǎngshēng zhōng, féngyuèzhēn xiàoróng kě jū de gěi kàn rènào de rénmen fēnfā shuǐguǒ táng. Bái fú bái zuò zháo sānlúnchē jīngguò, tā ràng chēfū tíng xià, tèdì wènle zhāngyúnxiù yījù:"Zhì yá de dàfū nǎ bìyè de ya?" Zhāngyúnxiù rèn chūle tā, mǎshàng niǔ guòtóu qù, qíshí bái fú bái zǎo kànjiàn tāle. Bái fú bái shuō:"Nǐ zhè xiǎo huǒjì, zěnme bù huídá ya." Zhāngyúnxiù zhǐdé zhuǎnguò liǎn lái huídá:"Fèngtiān xiǎo héyán yīkē dàxué de." Bái fú bái hēhē zàn dào:"'Míngxiào' a, gǎitiān wǒ lái zhì yá, guānzhào xiǎo huǒjì, bié ràng wǒ páiduì ya." Zhāngyúnxiù shuō:"Nǐ lái ba, yōudài." Bái fú bái de sānlúnchē zǒu hòu, zhāngyúnxiù qiǎoshēng gàosù féng yuè zhēn, fāngcái yùyuē kàn yá de rén, shì tā cóngqián niàn yī guó gāo de xiàozhǎng, hòulái yòu jiān jiàn dà de kè. Féng yuè zhēn xiàle yī tiào, tā xúnsi bái fú bái huì bǎ tā rèn chūláile ne, kàn lái tā yī diǎn méi bèi rèn chūlái. 2 Yīgè rìběn xiànbīng zhōngwèi dài zhuó yīzhuó jiǎngjiù de xú qíng xú bù shàng lóu, zǒu jìn xiànbīng sīlìng bù liúzhì chǎng, zhōngwèi tì tā tízhe yīgè hěn dà de púbāo, zǒu guò zhòng qiú zhǔmù dì cháng láng, guǎi dào lóufáng lìng yī cè, lái dào yī jiàn méiyǒu tiě zhàlán de fáng qián, zhè shì yōudài shì. Yōudài shì mén kāizhe, mén páng zuòzhe yīgè kānshǒu. Zhōngwèi fàngxià púbāo, xú qíng xiàng lǐ zhāngwàng, xījiāng yuè zhèng fú zài xiǎo fāngzhuō shàng xiě shénme, zhuō shàng jūrán yǒu liǎng gè píngguǒ. Jiǎobù shēng jīngrǎole xījiāng yuè, tā tái qǐtóu lái, dà wéi jīng'è, qíngbùzìjīn de zhànle qǐlái. Xú qíng gěngyànzhe shuō:"Nǐ shòu duōle, tāmen zhémó nǐle ma?" Suīshuō gānpò zhèngyàn shuōguò, xú qíngzhèng chūmiàn jiù tā, cóng gǎnqíng shàng jiǎng, xījiāng yuè yě yuàn xiāngxìn zhè shì zhēn de, kě cánkù de xiànshí què bùnéng bù ràng tā yǒu suǒ tífáng, bù kě qīngxìn, yān zhī zhè shì bùshì xiànbīng duì shè de liánhuán tào? Suǒyǐ xījiāng yuè bǎ yǒng dào chún biān de tàng rén yǔjù xùnsù lěngquè xiàlái, shuō:"Nǐ zěnme láile? Lái quànxiáng ma?" Xú qíng bìng bù gēn tā jìjiào, huítóu ràng xiànbīng zhōngwèi xiān huíbì yīxià, xiànbīng zhōngwèi hěn pèihé, shénme dōu méi shuō biàn dàizhe kānshǒu zǒule. Xú qíng zǒu jìn láofáng, bǎ dài lái dì nàgè dà púbāo dǎkāi, lǐmiàn quán shì diǎnxīn,"shàng zá bàn, xià zá bàn, hái yǒu fúróng gāo, cáozi gāo. Zhè dōu shì nǐ zuì ài chī de." Xījiāng yuè xīn rú gǔnshuǐ, tā shuō:"Dāng nǐ zìyóu de shíhòu, nǐ kěwàng shānzhēnhǎiwèi, dàn zài láofáng lǐ, nǎge gèng bǎoguì?" Xú qíng tīng dé mòmíngqímiào, tā shuō:"Nǐ gēn wǒ niàn shī ya?" Xījiāng yuè dǒuzhe zhuō shàng xiě mǎn zì de jǐ yè zhǐ,"shì ya, zhè shì zài shīqù zìyóu zhīqián xiě bù chūlái de shī." Xú qíng míngxiǎn gǎnjué dào, xījiāng yuè hǎoxiàng bìng bù gāoxìng tā lái kàn tā. Xú qíng yě bù shēngqì, zhīdào xījiāng yuè huì zhèyàng kàn tā, tā háishì duì xījiāng yuè biǎoshì gǎnxiè, bìjìng méi bǎ tā gōng chūlái. Xījiāng yuè lěngxiào,"nǐ bǎ wǒ dāng sān suì háizi ya? Wǒ jíshǐ bǎ nǐ gōng chūlái, yě hàndòng bùliǎo nǐ de gēnjī, nǐ de kàoshān duō yìng a. Yěxǔ, nǐ běnlái shè de jiùshì quāntào, ràng wǒ zuān de." Tīng tā zhème yī shuō, xú qíngyī liǎn wěiqu xiāng, tā shuō:"Cuò dōu cuò zài wǒ shēnshang, wǒ tài jíyú xiǎngjiàn shàngsile, cái huì gěi nǐ dài láile máfan. Dàn wǒ dǎtīng qīngchǔle, dōu yīn nǐ fēngmáng tài lù, zǎo jiù bèi tāmen dīng shàngle, yīdà liánxù yǒu xuéshēng shénmì shīzōng, pínfán chūxiàn fǎnrì chuándān, hái yǒu xièlòu 731 bùduì jīmì, tāmen yǒu zhèngjù shuō shì nǐ gàn de. Ér wǒ shēn àizhe nǐ, yòu xiǎng zǒu kàngrì zhī lù, zěnme huì chūmài nǐ?" Xījiāng yuè cǐ shí kěshì jièxīn shízú, tā zhíjiéliǎodāng dì zhì wèn tā:"Nà wèishéme túrán chū liǎo shì? Xiànbīng duì wèishéme zhuīwèn jiā bì qiáng lǐ de chuándān shì? Shì bùshì nǐ gào de mì? Huòxǔ yīnwèi nǐ jiàn bù dào wǒ de shàngsi, yīwǎngdǎjìn de jìhuà luòkōngle, nǎohuǒle, dǎ bùzháo dà yú, xiǎo de yě jiāng jiù?)

"困难要向人民群众讲清楚",这是王岐山多年来一直坚持的执政理念。 他相信,透明和公开非但不会加剧恐慌,反而能够安抚人心。他将原来五天公布一次疫情的惯例,改为每天公布一次。因此,尽管北京感染"非典"的病例和死亡人数比此前成倍扩大,他依旧坦然:"我可以负责任地讲,我上任以来公布的数字都是非常准确的、坦白的。"当时WHO(世界卫生组织)的驻华代表则评价他"喜欢说实话"。其实,王岐山与WHO官员的第一次会面,气氛并不轻松。WHO的官员对于此前北京隐瞒疫情,非常不满,提出了批评。王岐山回应道:"你不满,我比你更不满,我了解的问题比你知道的更多。但当务之急是,我们要真诚合作,一起把北京的SARS控制起来。以前的事我们就不要花太多时间了,等以后再总结吧。" 在与WHO的合作中,中国的官员也开始学习如何与媒体打交道。这原本是WHO媒体组提出的建议,得到了王岐山的支持。北京市政府邀请了国外的专业培训机构,对"非典"指挥部的媒体工作进行培训。此类培训在中国尚属首次,开创了中国政府的新闻发言人制度。 在媒体的报道中不难发现,"说句实话"似乎是王岐山的口头禅。4月30日上午,王岐山出席北京防治非典型肺炎联合工作小组的第二次新闻发布会。会后,他在接受央视半个小时的采访中,一共说了18次"说句实话"、"说实在的"。 在"非典"期间,他一反常态地保持高曝光率。他甚至对记者开玩笑道,希望能在自己的办公室安装一台直播电视。这样,市民们就能知道他在做什么了。"你们的市长知道你们的事;反过来,你们市长愿意把事告诉你们。"王岐山说。 在王岐山的指挥下,北京"非典"防治工作逐渐有了起色。5月12日,"国际护士节",王岐山亲自拨通"非典"热线,问候留守120指挥大厅的志愿者。5月19日,北京新增确诊病例降至个位数。6月8日,北京新增热线,问候留守120指挥大厅的志愿者。5月19日,北京新增确诊病例降至个位数。6月8日,北京新增"非典"病例为零。 6月24日,王岐山到任第65天,世界卫生组织宣布,解除对北京的旅游警告,将北京排除出疫区名单。 大城市治理,并不是王岐山仕途的最后一站,此后,王岐山又经历了多次身份转变,他因筹备2008年北京奥运会,出任北京奥委会执行主席,被人们称作"奥运市长"。2008年王岐山升任国务院副总理,又回到了他熟悉的金融领域主持工作。 2012年,王岐山再次变换了脸谱,执掌中纪委。 (实习生林红对本文亦有贡献) 王岐山政协反腐报告直击 记者/蓝艺 特约撰稿员/杜杨 8月25日,全国政协十二届常委会七次会议开幕,政协主席俞正声主持会议。让外界意外的是,中共中央纪委书记王岐山竟然也坐在了主席台上。 多位与会者事后向《凤凰周刊》记者透露,政协常委们会前曾得到通知,此次会议将讨论反腐问题。但很多常委都没有想到,王岐山会亲赴会议并做报告。随后,王岐山以他一贯的"王氏作风",抛开了会议已经准备好的、"很长"、"没味道"的书面报告,脱稿开讲。 与会者向《凤凰周刊》记者复述了王岐山报告中令人印象深刻的几个要点。王岐山首先对自己的到来做了背景介绍。他说: 我在中央政治局常委会讨论政协工作时,提了个建议——政协会议应该有一个谈反腐倡廉的议政话题——得到总书记支持;俞正声主席就邀请我到政协来做这个报告,他说,既然是你提议的,就由您老人家来讲。没辙!就这么着,来了。 一番开场白后,王岐山开始切入正题。 既然是政治协商,要发挥民主监督的作用,政协的监督反腐倡廉工作就应该是一个重要课题。十八大以来,我们党在习总书记的领导下,在治党、治国、治军等方面,所取得的成效是有目共睹的。谋篇开张,应该说基本都做到位了。我今天不讲太多,先从八项规定这个话题切入。我说的话的作用和功效是什么呢——就是一个"话引子"(编者注:北京方言,与"药引子"、"面引子"一个系列,意为抛砖引玉),然后请大家讨论,发表真知灼见。八项规定虽是一个小题目,却是一篇大文章。十八大的基本精神归纳起来有这么几条:"中国特色社会主义道路"、"两个百年"、"中国梦"和"民族复兴",但是这一切从哪里落脚呢?中央认为,从自身抓起开始:治国必先治党,治党必须从严。中央让我管这事,我琢磨了半天,从哪里管呢?说到这儿,王岐山讲了一个小插曲。2013年3月22日,王岐山会见美国前国务卿亨利·基辛格时,据当时新华社发出的新闻提到,王岐山"向客人介绍了中国共产党的纪律检查工作"。会上,王岐山向全体政协常委生动描述了当时见面场景: 基辛格问我:"你到底管什么了?"我说,我管8300万中共党员的纪律问题。8300万是一个相当于中等偏大国家的人口规模。基辛格说:"这是一个伟大的工作"。我理解他的话不像是好话,而是在调侃我——伟大的工作,是指什么意思呢?就是说我做不到,管不住...... 说到这里,王岐山话锋一转:我的观点就是从严管党,从严治党,这就是我的信条。 王岐山在时隔一年半以后,用中共近一年多来的反腐成就回应了基辛格的调侃。 接着,王岐山谈了为什么反腐要从八项规定入手: 反腐不能面面俱到,而是要立竿见影。八项规定是很具体的,一点都不抽象,而且政治局常委就带头遵守。中央过去不知有过多少规定,但都是不了了之;所以这次我们做这个工作,就是要从实际出发、从具体入手,只有这样才能抓得住、抓得牢,而现实是非常严峻的。八项规定出台以后,在各地引发的反应令我很吃惊。各地的政研室闻风而动,我们共产党的机关是不缺政研室的。政研室把电脑里的文件调出来,七改八改就出台一堆规定,根本没有"抠"住八项规定的具体条文及实质。因此,各地反映说,这些规定太快、太宽、太严。我问他们:你们做得到吗?坚持得了吗? 这是为什么?就是因为,他们认为这还是一阵风、刮过去就算完了,没有认识到这是关乎人心向背、是作风根本转变的宝贵机会。2013年两会期间,我们开始抓这个事儿,仅仅是牛刀小试,还要更快更严地落实。大家都要认识到,这是关乎到党的生死存亡的大事,中国共产党能不能坚持做到八项规定的承诺,能不能兑现自己的承诺,是一个非常重要的问题。我想,我们要这是为什么?就是因为,他们认为这还是一阵风、刮过去就算完了,没有认识到这是关乎人心向背、是作风根本转变的宝贵机会。2013年两会期间,我们开始抓这个事儿,仅仅是牛刀小试,还要更快更严地落实。大家都要认识到,这是关乎到党的生死存亡的大事,中国共产党能不能坚持做到八项规定的承诺,能不能兑现自己的承诺,是一个非常重要的问题。我想,我们要"扭住"这个事情。 八项规定要做成本届向十九届中央委员会上交的"名片" 王岐山还谈了在抓八项规定、党风建设过程中的一些细节和故事。他说: 做具体工作的时候,我们还想了一些办法。去年"五一"长假到来之前,我们让中纪委约谈各部委,我找了两个单位亲自约谈,财政部和国资委。这两个部委领导来了之后,拿了一大堆文件,说财政部系统怎么样怎么样,国资委系统怎么样怎么样。我说你们甭跟我谈系统,你们就谈谈你们办公大楼里这点事儿,我就要看你们自己是怎么落实八项规定的。 还有一个关于月饼和贺年卡的故事,王岐山说: 在今年八月份到来之前,我在中央政治局常委会上提出了月饼问题,得到总书记很好的呼应。月饼是个小事儿,但困扰我们大家很久的一个问题是,我在北京当市长的时候就发现,月饼已经和交通有联系了,从东城送西城,西城送北城,转圈儿送。而且,送来送去,发现篮子里变得无奇不有。月饼篮子里有手机、有钱、有金银首饰。我还专门去天津走访了月饼厂,他们反映,月饼越做越贵,鎏金的、包金的,里面放这放那的,越来越不像话。以后新年到来之前,我们要开抓贺卡。贺年卡也是越做越不像话,常委的压力很大,每个人得写三百多张。我在常委会说了这个事之后,下午就通过了这个决议,大家都很支持。 继而,王岐山在讲话中透露了中央高层关于反腐的一些深层和缜密思考。他介绍说: 习总书记在提出八项规定之后,开始提出公私要分明。有很多事情很具体,比方说要出差,走哪就在哪儿吃。总书记说,我们要不要交钱?交多少钱?你八项规定这么细致,就是要求公私要分明。政治局常委的工作也越来越细,2013年常委开始联系省一级,到2014年常委开始联系县,由易到难、由浅入深。总书记说,我们八项规定的落实,应该是作为一个名片(业绩),是本届中央委员会向十九届中央委员会的一个交代。总书记说完之后,我听明白了,这事儿我得抓五年。习总书记在提出八项规定之后,开始提出公私要分明。有很多事情很具体,比方说要出差,走哪就在哪儿吃。总书记说,我们要不要交钱?交多少钱?你八项规定这么细致,就是要求公私要分明。政治局常委的工作也越来越细,2013年常委开始联系省一级,到2014年常委开始联系县,由易到难、由浅入深。总书记说,我们八项规定的落实,应该是作为一个名片(业绩),是本届中央委员会向十九届中央委员会的一个交代。总书记说完之后,我听明白了,这事儿我得抓五年。 八项规定是我们输不起的战斗 对下一步反腐如何标本兼治,王岐山的态度很坚决,并表现出对目前实际工作的胸中丘壑: 反腐败要讲"不敢"、"不能"、"不想";今天我讲八项规定也要从这个角度,要使党员干部"不敢"、"不能"、"不想"贪腐。反腐中的"不敢"是治标,"不能、不想"是治本,我们要结合起来,标本兼治。八项规定的成功与否,已经变成一场输不起的战斗。 这时,会场上对中央反腐的高度认识和决心给予了热烈掌声。 王岐山在谈到八项规定查处问题时,又诙谐了一把。他说: 我现在下去,或者省、市委领导到我这儿来,跟我称兄道弟,唱赞歌,说现在是(吃喝)真不想了。我说你们真不想了?也不想吃了,也不想喝了,真的不想了?哪儿那么简单啊!我还想吃想喝呢!就像戒烟戒酒一样,能一下就不抽、不喝啦?所以不要那么急着说"不想",我觉得我们现在把"不敢"和"不能"做到就行了。我现在可以负责任地说,"不敢"这条已经初见成效。这次我到政协来,就想给大家出个题目,让大家帮我一起研究一下怎么能做到"不能"?从"不敢"阶段向"不能"阶段迈进。过去,北京东华门有家专门做潮州菜的餐厅,很好吃,我以前很喜欢,那时我在建行当行长,没少去。中纪委那时候是尉健行同志抓,他就派人在门口蹲守,拍车牌子,曝光,抄了三个月车牌以后,这个店关张了。

"Difficulties must be explained to the people clearly", this is the ruling philosophy that Wang Qishan has adhered to for many years. He believes that transparency and openness will not only intensify panic, but will calm people's hearts. He changed the original practice of announcing the epidemic once every five days to once a day. Therefore, even though the number of cases and deaths of SARS infection in Beijing has doubled compared to before, he is still calm: "I can say responsibly. The figures published since I took office are very accurate and frank." At the time, the WHO ( The representative of the World Health Organization in China commented that he "likes to tell the truth." In fact, the first meeting between Wang Qishan and WHO officials was not easy. WHO officials were very dissatisfied with Beijing's concealment of the epidemic and criticized it. Wang Qishan responded: "You are dissatisfied. I am even more dissatisfied than you. I know more about the problems than you know. But the most important thing is that we must cooperate sincerely and work together to control SARS in Beijing. We should not spend anything in the past. Too much time, so let's summarize it later." In cooperation with the WHO, Chinese officials have also begun to learn how to deal with the media. This was originally a suggestion put forward by the WHO media team and was supported by Wang Qishan. The Beijing Municipal Government has invited foreign professional training institutions to conduct training on the media work of the SARS headquarters. This type of training is the first in China, creating the Chinese government's spokesperson system. In media reports, it is not difficult to find that "tell the truth" seems to be Wang Qishan's mantra. On the morning of April 30, Wang Qishan attended the second press conference of the Beijing Joint Working Group on SARS Prevention and Treatment. After the meeting, he said "tell the truth" and "tell the truth" 18 times in a half-hour interview with CCTV. During the "SARS" period, he uncharacteristically maintained a high exposure rate. He even joked to reporters, hoping to install a live TV in his office. In this way, citizens can know what he is doing. "Your mayor knows what happened to you; in turn, your mayor is willing to tell you what happened." Wang Qishan said. Under the command of Wang Qishan, the prevention and treatment of SARS in Beijing has gradually improved. On May 12, "International Nurses Day", Wang Qishan personally dialed the "SARS" hotline to greet the volunteers who stayed behind in the 120 command hall. On May 19, the number of new confirmed cases in Beijing fell to single digits. On June 8, Beijing added a new hotline to greet the volunteers who stayed behind in the 120 command hall. On May 19, the number of new confirmed cases in Beijing fell to single digits. On June 8, there were zero new SARS cases in Beijing. On June 24, on the 65th day of Wang Qishan's appointment, the World Health Organization announced that it would lift the travel warning against Beijing and exclude Beijing from the list of affected areas. Metropolitan governance is not the last stop of Wang Qishan's official career. Since then, Wang Qishan has undergone many changes in his identity. He was called the "Olympic Mayor" as the executive chairman of the Beijing Olympic Committee in preparation for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. ". In 2008, Wang Qishan was promoted to Vice Premier of the State Council and returned to preside over the financial field he was familiar with. In 2012, Wang Qishan changed his facial makeup again and took charge of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. (Intern Lin Hong also contributed to this article) Wang Qishan, CPPCC anti-corruption report hits reporters / Lan Yi special writer / Du Yang August 25, the 7th meeting of the 12th CPPCC Standing Committee opened, and the chairman of the CPPCC Yu Zhengsheng presided over the meeting . To the surprise of the outside world, Wang Qishan, secretary of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, also sat on the rostrum. A number of participants later revealed to a reporter from "Phoenix Weekly" that the CPPCC Standing Committee members had been notified before the meeting that the meeting would discuss the issue of anti-corruption. But many members of the Standing Committee did not expect that Wang Qishan would go to the meeting in person and give a report. Afterwards, Wang Qishan used his usual "Wang style" to set aside the "very long" and "unflavored" written report that had been prepared for the meeting, and started the speech. Participants retelled several impressive points in Wang Qishan's report to reporters from "Phoenix Weekly". Wang Qishan first gave a background introduction to his arrival. He said: When I was discussing the work of the CPPCC in the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, I made a suggestion—the CPPCC meeting should have a discussion topic on anti-corruption and promoting integrity—getting the general secretary's support; Chairman Yu Zhengsheng invited me to the CPPCC to do this. In the report, he said, since you proposed it, it's up to your elderly to talk about it. Nothing! That's it, here comes. After some opening remarks, Wang Qishan began to cut to the topic. Since it is a political consultation, the role of democratic supervision should be brought into play. The CPPCC's supervision and anti-corruption work should be an important issue. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of General Secretary Xi, our party has achieved obvious results in governing the party, the country, and the military. It should be said that the opening of the plot is basically in place. I won't talk too much today. I will start with the topic of the Eight Regulations. What is the function and effect of what I said-it is a "talk introduction" (Editor's note: Beijing dialect, a series with "Yao Yin Zi" and "Mian Yin Zi", meaning to throw a brick to attract jade), and then I invite you to discuss and publish your insights . Although the eight regulations are a small topic, it is a big essay. The basic spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China can be summarized as follows: "The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics", "Two Centenary", "Chinese Dream" and "National Rejuvenation", but where do all these end? The Central Committee believes that starting from one's own efforts: the party must be governed first, and the party must be governed strictly. The central government asked me to take care of this. I pondered for a long time, where should I take care of it? Speaking of this, Wang Qishan talked about an episode. When Wang Qishan met with former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on March 22, 2013, according to the Xinhua News Agency at the time, Wang Qishan "introduced the disciplinary inspection work of the Chinese Communist Party to the guests." At the meeting, Wang Qishan vividly described the meeting scene to all the members of the CPPCC Standing Committee: Kissinger asked me: "What the hell do you care about?" I said, I am in charge of the discipline of the 83 million CCP members. 83 million is a population size equivalent to that of a medium to large country. Kissinger said: "This is a great job." I understand that his words are not like good things, but are teasing me-what does great work mean? That is to say, I can't do it, I can't control it... At this point, Wang Qishan's conversation changed: My point of view is to strictly manage the party, and this is my creed. After a lapse of one and a half years, Wang Qishan responded to Kissinger's ridicule with the CCP's anti-corruption achievements over the past year or so. Next, Wang Qishan talked about why the anti-corruption should start with eight regulations: Anti-corruption cannot be comprehensive, but has an immediate effect. The eight regulations are very specific and not abstract at all, and the Politburo Standing Committee takes the lead in complying. I don't know how many regulations the central government has put in place in the past, but they are all left out; therefore, this time we do this work, we must proceed from reality and start with specifics. Only in this way can we grasp and grasp it firmly. The reality is very severe. . After the eight regulations were promulgated, I was surprised by the reaction in various places. Political research offices in various places moved upon hearing the news, and our Communist Party has no shortage of political research offices. The Political Research Office brought out the documents in the computer, and introduced a bunch of regulations after the seven reforms and the eight reforms, and there was no specific provision and substance of the eight regulations. Therefore, various localities reported that these regulations were too fast, too wide, and too strict. I asked them: Can you do it? Can you persevere? why is that? It is because they think that this is still a gust of wind, and it will be over if it blows over, and they don't realize that this is a precious opportunity to change people's hearts and to fundamentally change their style. During the NPC and CPPCC in 2013, we started to focus on this matter. It was only a small test, and we had to implement it faster and more strictly. Everyone must realize that this is a matter of life and death for the party. It is a very important question whether the Communist Party of China can stick to its promises in the eight stipulations and whether it can fulfill its promises. I think, why do we want this? It is because they think that this is still a gust of wind, and it will be over if it blows over, and they don't realize that this is a precious opportunity to change people's hearts and to fundamentally change their style. During the NPC and CPPCC in 2013, we started to focus on this matter. It was only a small test, and we had to implement it faster and more strictly. Everyone must realize that this is a matter of life and death for the party. It is a very important question whether the Communist Party of China can stick to its promises in the eight stipulations and whether it can fulfill its promises. I think we have to "twist" this matter. The eight regulations must be the "business card" handed over to the 19th Central Committee. Wang Qishan also talked about some details and stories in the process of grasping the eight regulations and building the party style. He said: When doing specific work, we also thought of some ways. Before the May 1st holiday last year, we asked the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to interview various ministries and commissions. I personally interviewed two units, the Ministry of Finance and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. After the leaders of these two ministries came, they took a lot of documents and said how about the system of the Ministry of Finance and the system of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. I said you shouldn't talk to me about the system, you just talk about this in your office building, and I will see how you implement the eight regulations. There is also a story about moon cakes and New Year cards. Wang Qishan said: Before the arrival of August this year, I raised the issue of moon cakes on the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, which was well received by the General Secretary. Moon cakes are a trivial matter, but a problem that has plagued us for a long time is that when I was the mayor of Beijing, I discovered that moon cakes were already connected to traffic. They were sent from Dongcheng to Xicheng, Xicheng to Beicheng, and in circles. Moreover, sent to and fro, and found that the basket became all odds. There are mobile phones, rich, gold and silver jewelry in the mooncake basket. I also visited the moon cake factory in Tianjin. They reported that the more expensive moon cakes are made, the gilt and gold-coated ones, and the ones that are put inside and out, are becoming more and more unreasonable. In the future, before the arrival of the new year, we will start scratching greeting cards. New Year's cards are getting worse and worse. The Standing Committee is under a lot of pressure. Everyone has to write more than 300 copies. I passed this resolution in the afternoon after the Standing Committee talked about it, and everyone supported it. Then, in his speech, Wang Qishan revealed some in-depth and meticulous thinking about anti-corruption by the central leadership. He introduced: After General Secretary Xi proposed eight regulations, he began to propose a distinction between public and private. Many things are very specific, such as going on a business trip and eating wherever you go. The general secretary said, do we want to pay? How much do you pay? Your eight rules are so detailed, that you require a clear distinction between public and private. The work of the Politburo Standing Committee is also getting more and more detailed. In 2013, the Standing Committee began to contact the provincial level, and in 2014 the Standing Committee began to contact the county, from the easy to the difficult, from the shallower to the deeper. The general secretary said that the implementation of our eight regulations should be used as a business card (performance), an explanation from the current Central Committee to the 19th Central Committee. After the general secretary finished speaking, I understood. I have to arrest this matter for five years. After General Secretary Xi proposed eight regulations, he began to make a distinction between public and private. Many things are very specific, such as going on a business trip and eating wherever you go. The general secretary said, do we want to pay? How much do you pay? Your eight rules are so detailed, that you require a clear distinction between public and private. The work of the Politburo Standing Committee is also getting more and more detailed. In 2013, the Standing Committee began to contact the provincial level, and in 2014 the Standing Committee began to contact the county, from the easy to the difficult, from the shallower to the deeper. The general secretary said that the implementation of our eight regulations should be used as a business card (performance), an explanation from the current Central Committee to the 19th Central Committee. After the general secretary finished speaking, I understood. I have to arrest this matter for five years. The eight regulations are how the battle we cannot lose will address both the symptoms and root causes in the next step of anti-corruption. Wang Qishan's attitude is very resolute, and he has shown his heart for the current actual work: Anti-corruption must be "dare", "cannot", "I don't want to"; today I am talking about the eight regulations from this perspective, to make party members and cadres "dare", "cannot" and "don't want" corruption. In anti-corruption, "dare" is to treat the symptoms, and "cannot, do not want to" is to treat the root cause. We must combine them to treat both the symptoms and the root causes. The success or failure of the eight regulations has become a battle that cannot be lost. At this time, warm applause was given to the central government's high level of understanding and determination to fight corruption. When Wang Qishan talked about the investigation and punishment of the eight regulations, he was humorous again. He said: I will go down now, or the leaders of the provincial and municipal party committees will come to me and call me brothers and sisters, sing hymns, and say that it is (eating and drinking) that I really don't want to. I said you really don't want to? I don't want to eat or drink anymore, really do not want to? How simple it is! I still want to eat and drink! Just like quitting smoking and drinking, can you stop smoking or drinking? So don't say "don't want to" in such a hurry, I think we can do "dare" and "cannot" now. I can now responsibly say that the "Don't Dare" article has already shown initial results. When I came to the CPPCC this time, I wanted to give you a topic so that everyone could help me study how to achieve "no"? From the "dare" stage to the "cannot" stage. In the past, there was a restaurant specializing in Chaozhou cuisine in Donghuamen, Beijing. It was delicious. I used to like it very much. At that time, I was the president of the Construction Bank of China, and I didn't miss it. At that time, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was arrested by Comrade Wei Jianxing, so he sent someone to squat at the door to take pictures of the license plate and expose it. After three months of copying the license plate, the shop closed. ("Kùnnán yào xiàng rénmín qúnzhòng jiǎng qīngchǔ", zhè shì wáng qíshān duōnián lái yīzhí jiānchí de zhízhèng lǐniàn. Tā xiāngxìn, tòumíng hé gōngkāi fēidàn bù huì jiājù kǒnghuāng, fǎn'ér nénggòu ānfǔ rénxīn. Tā jiāng yuánlái wǔ tiān gōngbù yīcì yìqíng de guànlì, gǎi wèi měitiān gōngbù yīcì. Yīncǐ, jǐnguǎn běijīng gǎnrǎn "fēidiǎn" de bìnglì hé sǐwáng rénshù bǐ cǐqián chéng bèi kuòdà, tā yījiù tǎnrán:"Wǒ kěyǐ fù zérèn de jiǎng, wǒ shàngrèn yǐlái gōngbù de shùzì dōu shì fēicháng zhǔnquè de, tǎnbái de." Dāngshí WHO(shìjiè wèishēng zǔzhī) de zhù huá dàibiǎo zé píngjià tā "xǐhuān shuō shíhuà". Qíshí, wáng qíshān yǔ WHO guānyuán de dì yī cì huìmiàn, qìfēn bìng bù qīngsōng.WHO de guānyuán duìyú cǐqián běijīng yǐnmán yìqíng, fēicháng bùmǎn, tíchūle pīpíng. Wáng qíshān huíyīng dào:"Nǐ bùmǎn, wǒ bǐ nǐ gèng bùmǎn, wǒ liǎojiě de wèntí bǐ nǐ zhīdào de gèng duō. Dàn dāngwùzhījí shì, wǒmen yào zhēnchéng hézuò, yīqǐ bǎ běijīng de SARS kòngzhì qǐlái. Yǐqián de shì wǒmen jiù bùyào huā tài duō shíjiānle, děng yǐhòu zài zǒngjié ba." Zài yǔ WHO de hézuò zhōng, zhōngguó de guānyuán yě kāishǐ xuéxí rúhé yǔ méitǐ dǎjiāodào. Zhè yuánběn shì WHO méitǐ zǔ tíchū de jiànyì, dédàole wáng qíshān de zhīchí. Běijīng shì zhèngfǔ yāoqǐngle guówài de zhuānyè péixùn jīgòu, duì "fēidiǎn" zhǐhuī bù de méitǐ gōngzuò jìnxíng péixùn. Cǐ lèi péixùn zài zhōngguó shàng shǔ shǒucì, kāichuàngle zhōngguó zhèngfǔ de xīnwén fāyán rén zhìdù. Zài méitǐ de bàodào zhōng bù nán fāxiàn,"shuō jù shíhuà" sìhū shì wáng qíshān de kǒutóuchán.4 Yuè 30 rì shàngwǔ, wáng qíshān chūxí běijīng fángzhì fēidiǎn xíng fèiyán liánhé gōngzuò xiǎozǔ de dì èr cì xīnwén fābù huì. Huì hòu, tā zài jiēshòu yāngshì bàn gè xiǎoshí de cǎifǎng zhōng, yīgòng shuōle 18 cì "shuō jù shíhuà","shuō shízài de". Zài "fēidiǎn" qíjiān, tā yīfǎnchángtài dì bǎochí gāo pùguāng lǜ. Tā shènzhì duì jìzhě kāiwánxiào dào, xīwàng néng zài zìjǐ de bàngōngshì ānzhuāng yī tái zhíbò diànshì. Zhèyàng, shìmínmen jiù néng zhīdào tā zài zuò shénmeliǎo."Nǐmen de shì zhǎng zhīdào nǐmen de shì; fǎn guòlái, nǐmen shì zhǎng yuànyì bǎ shì gàosù nǐmen." Wáng qíshān shuō. Zài wáng qíshān de zhǐhuī xià, běijīng "fēidiǎn" fángzhì gōngzuò zhújiàn yǒule qǐsè.5 Yuè 12 rì,"guójì hùshì jié", wáng qíshān qīnzì bō tōng "fēidiǎn" rèxiàn, wènhòu liúshǒu 120 zhǐhuī dàtīng de zhìyuàn zhě.5 Yuè 19 rì, běijīng xīn zēng quèzhěn bìnglì jiàng zhì gè wèi shù.6 Yuè 8 rì, běijīng xīn zēng rèxiàn, wènhòu liúshǒu 120 zhǐhuī dàtīng de zhìyuàn zhě.5 Yuè 19 rì, běijīng xīn zēng quèzhěn bìnglì jiàng zhì gè wèi shù.6 Yuè 8 rì, běijīng xīn zēng "fēidiǎn" bìnglì wéi líng. 6 Yuè 24 rì, wáng qíshān dào rèn dì 65 tiān, shìjiè wèishēng zǔzhī xuānbù, jiěchú duì běijīng de lǚyóu jǐnggào, jiāng běijīng páichú chū yì qū míngdān. Dà chéngshì zhìlǐ, bìng bùshì wáng qíshān shìtú de zuìhòu yí zhàn, cǐhòu, wáng qíshān yòu jīnglìle duō cì shēnfèn zhuǎnbiàn, tā yīn chóubèi 2008 nián běijīng àoyùnhuì, chūrèn běijīng ào wěi huì zhíxíng zhǔxí, bèi rénmen chēng zuò "àoyùn shì zhǎng".2008 Nián wáng qíshān shēngrèn guówùyuàn fù zǒnglǐ, yòu huí dàole tā shúxī de jīnróng lǐngyù zhǔchí gōngzuò. 2012 Nián, wáng qíshān zàicì biànhuànle liǎnpǔ, zhízhǎng zhōng jìwěi. (Shíxí shēng lín hóng duì běnwén yì yǒu gòngxiàn) wáng qíshān zhèngxié fǎnfǔ bàogào zhíjí jìzhě/lán yì tèyuē zhuàn gǎo yuán/dù yáng 8 yuè 25 rì, quánguó zhèngxié shí'èr jiè chángwěi huì qī cì huìyì kāimù, zhèngxié zhǔxí yúzhèngshēng zhǔchí huìyì. Ràng wàijiè yìwài de shì, zhōnggòng zhōngyāng jìwěi shūjì wáng qíshān jìngrán yě zuò zàile zhǔxí tái shàng. Duō wèi yùhuì zhě shìhòu xiàng "fènghuáng zhōukān" jìzhě tòulù, zhèngxié chángwěimen huì qián céng dédào tōngzhī, cǐ cì huìyì jiāng tǎolùn fǎnfǔ wèntí. Dàn hěnduō chángwěi dōu méiyǒu xiǎngdào, wáng qíshān huì qīn fù huìyì bìng zuò bàogào. Suíhòu, wáng qíshān yǐ tā yīguàn de "wáng shì zuòfēng", pāo kāile huìyì yǐjīng zhǔnbèi hǎo de,"hěn zhǎng","méi wèidào" de shūmiàn bàogào, tuōgǎo kāijiǎng. Yùhuì zhě xiàng "fènghuáng zhōukān" jìzhě fùshùle wáng qíshān bàogào zhōng lìng rén yìnxiàng shēnkè de jǐ gè yàodiǎn. Wáng qíshān shǒuxiān duì zìjǐ de dàolái zuòle bèijǐng jièshào. Tā shuō: Wǒ zài zhōngyāng zhèngzhì jú chángwěi huì tǎolùn zhèngxié gōngzuò shí, tíle gè jiànyì——zhèngxié huìyì yīnggāi yǒu yīgè tán fǎnfǔ chàng lián de yìzhèng huàtí——dédào zǒng shūjì zhīchí; yúzhèngshēng zhǔxí jiù yāoqǐng wǒ dào zhèngxié lái zuò zhège bàogào, tā shuō, jìrán shì nǐ tíyì de, jiù yóu nín lǎorénjiā lái jiǎng. Méizhé! Jiù zhèmezhe, láile. Yī fān kāichǎngbái hòu, wáng qíshān kāishǐ qiērù zhèngtí. Jìrán shì zhèngzhì xiéshāng, yào fāhuī mínzhǔ jiāndū de zuòyòng, zhèngxié de jiāndū fǎnfǔ chàng lián gōngzuò jiù yīnggāi shì yīgè zhòngyào kètí. Shíbā dà yǐlái, wǒmen dǎng zài xí zǒng shūjì de lǐngdǎo xià, zài zhì dǎng, zhìguó, zhì jūn děng fāngmiàn, suǒ qǔdé de chéngxiào shì yǒumùgòngdǔ de. Móu piān kāizhāng, yīnggāi shuō jīběn dōu zuò dàowèile. Wǒ jīntiān bù jiǎng tài duō, xiān cóng bā xiàng guīdìng zhège huàtí qiērù. Wǒ shuō dehuà de zuòyòng hé gōngxiào shì shénme ne——jiùshì yīgè "huà yǐnzi"(biānzhě zhù: Běijīng fāngyán, yǔ "yào yǐnzi","miàn yǐnzi" yīgè xìliè, yì wèi pāozhuānyǐnyù), ránhòu qǐng dàjiā tǎolùn, fābiǎo zhēnzhīzhuójiàn. Bā xiàng guīdìng suī shì yīgè xiǎo tímù, què shì yī piān dà wénzhāng. Shíbā dà de jīběn jīngshén guīnà qǐlái yǒu zhème jǐ tiáo:"Zhōngguó tèsè shèhuì zhǔyì dàolù","liǎng gè bǎinián","zhōngguó mèng" hé "mínzú fùxīng", dànshì zhè yīqiè cóng nǎlǐ luòjiǎo ne? Zhōngyāng rènwéi, cóng zìshēn zhuā qǐ kai shǐ: Zhìguó bì xiān zhì dǎng, zhì dǎng bìxū cóng yán. Zhōngyāng ràng wǒ guǎn zhè shì, wǒ zhuómóle bàntiān, cóng nǎlǐ guǎn ne? Shuō dào zhè'er, wáng qíshān jiǎngle yīgè xiǎo chāqǔ.2013 Nián 3 yuè 22 rì, wáng qíshān huìjiàn měiguó qián guówùqīng hēnglì·jī xīn gé shí, jù dāngshí xīnhuá shè fāchū de xīnwén tí dào, wáng qíshān "xiàng kèrén jièshàole zhōngguó gòngchǎndǎng de jìlǜ jiǎnchá gōngzuò". Huì shàng, wáng qíshān xiàng quántǐ zhèngxié chángwěi shēngdòng miáo shù liǎo dàng shí jiànmiàn chǎngjǐng: Jī xīn gé wèn wǒ:"Nǐ dàodǐ guǎn shénmeliǎo?" Wǒ shuō, wǒ guǎn 8300 wàn zhōnggòng dǎngyuán de jìlǜ wèntí.8300 Wàn shì yīgè xiāngdāng yú zhōngděng piān dà guójiā de rénkǒu guīmó. Jī xīn gé shuō:"Zhè shì yīgè wěidà de gōngzuò". Wǒ lǐjiě tā dehuà bù xiàng shì hǎohuà, ér shì zài tiáokǎn wǒ——wěidà de gōngzuò, shì zhǐ shénme yìsi ne? Jiùshì shuō wǒ zuò bù dào, guǎn bù zhù...... shuō dào zhèlǐ, wáng qíshān huàfēng yī zhuàn: Wǒ de guāndiǎn jiùshì cóng yán guǎn dǎng, cóng yán zhì dǎng, zhè jiùshì wǒ de xìntiáo. Wáng qíshān zài shí gé yī nián bàn yǐhòu, yòng zhōnggòng jìn yī nián duō lái de fǎnfǔ chéngjiù huíyīngle jī xīn gé de tiáokǎn. Jiēzhe, wáng qíshān tánle wèishéme fǎnfǔ yào cóng bā xiàng guīdìng rùshǒu: Fǎnfǔ bùnéng miànmiànjùdào, ér shì yào lìgānjiànyǐng. Bā xiàng guīdìng shì hěn jùtǐ de, yīdiǎn dōu bù chōuxiàng, érqiě zhèngzhì jú chángwěi jiù dàitóu zūnshǒu. Zhōngyāng guòqù bùzhī yǒuguò duōshǎo guīdìng, dàn dōu shì bù liǎo liǎo zhī; suǒyǐ zhè cì wǒmen zuò zhège gōngzuò, jiùshì yào cóng shíjì chūfā, cóng jùtǐ rùshǒu, zhǐyǒu zhèyàng cáinéng zhuā dé zhù, zhuā dé láo, ér xiànshí shì fēicháng yánjùn de. Bā xiàng guīdìng chūtái yǐhòu, zài gèdì yǐnfā de fǎnyìng lìng wǒ hěn chījīng. Gèdì de zhèng yán shì wénfēng'érdòng, wǒmen gòngchǎndǎng de jīguān shì bù quē zhèng yán shì de. Zhèng yán shì bǎ diànnǎo lǐ de wénjiàn diào chūlái, qī gǎi bā gǎi jiù chūtái yī duī guīdìng, gēnběn méiyǒu "kōu" zhù bā xiàng guīdìng de jùtǐ tiáowén jí shízhì. Yīncǐ, gèdì fǎnyìng shuō, zhèxiē guīdìng tài kuài, tài kuān, tài yán. Wǒ wèn tāmen: Nǐmen zuò dédào ma? Jiānchí déliǎo ma? Zhè shì wèishéme? Jiùshì yīnwèi, tāmen rènwéi zhè háishì yīzhènfēng, guā guòqù jiùsuàn wánliǎo, méiyǒu rènshí dào zhè shì guānhū rénxīn xiàngbèi, shì zuòfēng gēnběn zhuǎnbiàn de bǎoguì jīhuì.2013 Nián liǎnghuì qíjiān, wǒmen kāishǐ zhuā zhège shì er, jǐnjǐn shì niúdāoxiǎoshì, hái yào gèng kuài gèng yán dì luòshí. Dàjiā dōu yào rènshí dào, zhè shì guānhū dào dǎng de shēngsǐcúnwáng de dàshì, zhōngguó gòngchǎndǎng néng bùnéng jiānchí zuò dào bā xiàng guīdìng de chéngnuò, néng bùnéng duìxiàn zìjǐ de chéngnuò, shì yīgè fēicháng zhòngyào de wèntí. Wǒ xiǎng, wǒmen yào zhè shì wèishéme? Jiùshì yīnwèi, tāmen rènwéi zhè háishì yīzhènfēng, guā guòqù jiùsuàn wánliǎo, méiyǒu rènshí dào zhè shì guānhū rénxīn xiàngbèi, shì zuòfēng gēnběn zhuǎnbiàn de bǎoguì jīhuì.2013 Nián liǎnghuì qíjiān, wǒmen kāishǐ zhuā zhège shì er, jǐnjǐn shì niúdāoxiǎoshì, hái yào gèng kuài gèng yán dì luòshí. Dàjiā dōu yào rènshí dào, zhè shì guānhū dào dǎng de shēngsǐcúnwáng de dàshì, zhōngguó gòngchǎndǎng néng bùnéng jiānchí zuò dào bā xiàng guīdìng de chéngnuò, néng bùnéng duìxiàn zìjǐ de chéngnuò, shì yīgè fēicháng zhòngyào de wèntí. Wǒ xiǎng, wǒmen yào "niǔ zhù" zhège shìqíng. Bā xiàng guīdìng yào zuò chéng běn jiè xiàng shíjiǔ jiè zhōngyāng wěiyuánhuì shàng jiāo de "míngpiàn" wáng qíshān hái tánle zài zhuā bā xiàng guīdìng, dǎng fēng jiànshè guòchéng zhōng de yīxiē xìjiéhé gùshì. Tā shuō: Zuò jùtǐ gōngzuò de shíhòu, wǒmen hái xiǎngle yīxiē bànfǎ. Qùnián "wǔyī" chángjià dàolái zhīqián, wǒmen ràng zhōng jìwěi yuē tán gè bùwěi, wǒ zhǎole liǎng gè dānwèi qīnzì yuē tán, cáizhèng bù hé guózī wěi. Zhè liǎng gè bùwěi lǐngdǎo lái liǎo zhīhòu, nále yī dà duī wénjiàn, shuō cáizhèng bù xìtǒng zěnme yàng zěnme yàng, guózī wěi xìtǒng zěnme yàng zěnme yàng. Wǒ shuō nǐmen béng gēn wǒ tán xìtǒng, nǐmen jiù tán tán nǐmen bàngōng dàlóu lǐ zhè diǎn shì er, wǒ jiù yào kàn nǐmen zìjǐ shì zěnme luòshí bā xiàng guīdìng de. Hái yǒu yīgè guānyú yuèbǐng hé hènián kǎ de gùshì, wáng qíshān shuō: Zài jīnnián bā yuèfèn dàolái zhīqián, wǒ zài zhōngyāng zhèngzhì jú chángwěi huì shàng tíchūle yuèbǐng wèntí, dédào zǒng shūjì hěn hǎo de hūyìng. Yuèbǐng shìgè xiǎoshì er, dàn kùnrǎo wǒmen dàjiā hěnjiǔ de yīgè wèntí shì, wǒ zài běijīng dāng shì zhǎng de shíhòu jiù fāxiàn, yuèbǐng yǐjīng hé jiāotōng yǒu liánxìle, cóng dōngchéng sòng xīchéng, xīchéng sòng běichéng, zhuànquān er sòng. Érqiě, sòng lái sòng qù, fāxiàn lánzi lǐ biàn dé wúqíbùyǒu. Yuèbǐng lánzi li yǒu shǒujī, yǒu qián, yǒu jīn yín shǒushì. Wǒ hái zhuānmén qù tiānjīn zǒufǎngle yuèbǐng chǎng, tāmen fǎnyìng, yuèbǐng yuè zuò yuè guì, liú jīn de, bāo jīn de, lǐmiàn fàng zhè fàng nà de, yuè lái yuè bù xiànghuà. Yǐhòu xīnnián dàolái zhīqián, wǒmen yào kāi zhuā hèkǎ. Hènián kǎ yěshì yuè zuò yuè bù xiànghuà, chángwěi de yālì hěn dà, měi gèrén dé xiě sānbǎi duō zhāng. Wǒ zài chángwěi huì shuōle zhège shì zhīhòu, xiàwǔ jiù tōngguòle zhège juéyì, dàjiā dōu hěn zhīchí. Jì'ér, wáng qíshān zài jiǎnghuà zhōng tòulùle zhōngyāng gāocéng guānyú fǎnfǔ de yīxiē shēncéng hé zhěnmì sīkǎo. Tā jièshào shuō: Xí zǒng shūjì zài tíchū bā xiàng guīdìng zhīhòu, kāishǐ tíchū gōngsī yào fēnmíng. Yǒu hěnduō shìqíng hěn jùtǐ, bǐfāng shuō yào chūchāi, zǒu nǎ jiù zài nǎ'er chī. Zǒng shūjì shuō, wǒmen yào bùyào jiāo qián? Jiāo duōshǎo qián? Nǐ bā xiàng guīdìng zhème xìzhì, jiùshì yāoqiú gōngsī yào fēnmíng. Zhèngzhì jú chángwěi de gōngzuò yě yuè lái yuè xì,2013 nián chángwěi kāishǐ liánxì shěng yī jí, dào 2014 nián chángwěi kāishǐ liánxì xiàn, yóu yì dào nán, yóuqiǎn rù shēn. Zǒng shūjì shuō, wǒmen bā xiàng guīdìng de luòshí, yīnggāi shì zuòwéi yīgè míngpiàn (yèjī), shì běn jiè zhōngyāng wěiyuánhuì xiàng shíjiǔ jiè zhōngyāng wěiyuánhuì de yīgè jiāodài. Zǒng shūjì shuō wán zhīhòu, wǒ tīng míngbáile, zhè shì er wǒ dé zhuā wǔ nián. Xí zǒng shūjì zài tíchū bā xiàng guīdìng zhīhòu, kāishǐ tíchū gōngsī yào fēnmíng. Yǒu hěnduō shìqíng hěn jùtǐ, bǐfāng shuō yào chūchāi, zǒu nǎ jiù zài nǎ'er chī. Zǒng shūjì shuō, wǒmen yào bùyào jiāo qián? Jiāo duōshǎo qián? Nǐ bā xiàng guīdìng zhème xìzhì, jiùshì yāoqiú gōngsī yào fēnmíng. Zhèngzhì jú chángwěi de gōngzuò yě yuè lái yuè xì,2013 nián chángwěi kāishǐ liánxì shěng yī jí, dào 2014 nián chángwěi kāishǐ liánxì xiàn, yóu yì dào nán, yóuqiǎn rù shēn. Zǒng shūjì shuō, wǒmen bā xiàng guīdìng de luòshí, yīnggāi shì zuòwéi yīgè míngpiàn (yèjī), shì běn jiè zhōngyāng wěiyuánhuì xiàng shíjiǔ jiè zhōngyāng wěiyuánhuì de yīgè jiāodài. Zǒng shūjì shuō wán zhīhòu, wǒ tīng míngbáile, zhè shì er wǒ dé zhuā wǔ nián. Bā xiàng guīdìng shì wǒmen shū bù qǐ de zhàndòu duì xià yībù fǎnfǔ rúhé biāoběn jiānzhì, wáng qíshān de tàidù hěn jiānjué, bìng biǎoxiàn chū duì mùqián shíjì gōngzuò de xiōngzhōng qiū huò: Fǎnfǔbài yào jiǎng "bù gǎn","bùnéng","bùxiǎng"; jīntiān wǒ jiǎng bā xiàng guīdìng yě yào cóng zhège jiǎodù, yào shǐ dǎngyuán gànbù "bù gǎn","bùnéng","bùxiǎng" tān fǔ. Fǎnfǔ zhōng de "bù gǎn" shì zhìbiāo,"bùnéng, bùxiǎng" shì zhìběn, wǒmen yào jié hé qǐlái, biāoběn jiānzhì. Bā xiàng guīdìng de chénggōng yǔ fǒu, yǐjīng biàn chéng yī chǎng shū bù qǐ de zhàndòu. Zhè shí, huìchǎng shàng duì zhōngyāng fǎn fǔ de gāodù rènshí hé juéxīn jǐyǔle rèliè zhǎngshēng. Wáng qíshān zài tán dào bā xiàng guīdìng cháchǔ wèntí shí, yòu huīxiéle yī bǎ. Tā shuō: Wǒ xiànzài xiàqù, huòzhě shěng, shìwěi lǐngdǎo dào wǒ zhè'er lái, gēn wǒ chēngxiōngdàodì, chàng zàngē, shuō xiànzài shì (chīhē) zhēn bùxiǎngle. Wǒ shuō nǐmen zhēn bùxiǎngle? Yě bùxiǎng chīle, yě bùxiǎng hēle, zhēn de bùxiǎngle? Nǎ'er nàme jiǎndān a! Wǒ hái xiǎng chī xiǎng hē ne! Jiù xiàng jièyān jiè jiǔ yīyàng, néng yīxià jiù bù chōu, bù hē la? Suǒyǐ bùyào nàme jízhuó shuō "bùxiǎng", wǒ juédé wǒmen xiànzài bǎ "bù gǎn" hé "bùnéng" zuò dào jiùxíngle. Wǒ xiànzài kěyǐ fù zérèn de shuō,"bù gǎn" zhè tiáo yǐjīng chū jiàn chéngxiào. Zhè cì wǒ dào zhèngxié lái, jiù xiǎng gěi dàjiā chū gè tímù, ràng dàjiā bāng wǒ yīqǐ yánjiū yīxià zěnme néng zuò dào "bùnéng"? Cóng "bù gǎn" jiēduàn xiàng "bùnéng" jiēduàn màijìn. Guòqù, běijīng dōng huá mén yǒu jiā zhuānmén zuò cháozhōu cài de cāntīng, hěn hào chī, wǒ yǐqián hěn xǐhuān, nà shí wǒ zài jiàn háng dang xíng zhǎng, méi shǎo qù. Zhōng jìwěi nà shíhòu shì wèi jiànxíng tóngzhì zhuā, tā jiù pài rén zài ménkǒu dūnshǒu, pāi chēpáizi, pùguāng, chāole sān gè yuè chē pái yǐhòu, zhège diàn guānzhāngle.)

阿忆:有人这样说过:你要了解一个人的未来,最好是掌握他的过去,最好是能清晰地掌握他的童年,这对了解他的未来是有好处的。实际上对了解一个民族也是如此,如果你想预知一个民族的未来,最好的办法是能探索到他的本源。本期《世纪大讲堂》节目的名字叫做《探索中国古代文明》。嘉宾是谁呢?他就是大名鼎鼎的历史学家李学勤先生。 李学勤先生,我们知道在不久前,我们国家启动了一项工程,叫"断代工程",其中有四位首席专家。第一位就是李先生;第二位是李伯谦,考古学家;还一个天文学家,叫席泽宗;第四位是用碳14搞测年的一个专家,叫仇世华。前此我们邀请过李伯谦先生,李学勤先生是光临我们这个节目的参加"断代工程"的第二位首席专家。我想告诉大家的是,李先生的记忆力非常非常的好,尤其对他研究领域内的事情,细枝末节全都特别特别地了解,不信咱们做个测验。第一是"天再旦",听到这个词你会想到什么? 李学勤:"天再旦"当然是一个非常有名的历史记录了,它见于古本《竹书纪年》。说在西周的时候,有一个王是周懿王,在他所居住的郑这个地方——就是在现在的陕西华县——在这个地方天亮两次,亮一次就叫做"旦"了,天亮两次就叫"天再旦"。经过现在的天文学的推算,就相当于公元前899年。 阿忆:我们说的就是日食,是吗?古代的一次日食?好。一个名词考试:"三焰食日"是什么意思?芽一二三的"三",火焰的"焰",食是吃掉,粮食的"食",日,就是日头、太阳。 李学勤:"三焰食日",应该说在历史科学研究的范围内,是很有名的一个课题了。20世纪30年代,在安阳殷墟的甲骨文里头发现的。当时在安阳殷墟的小屯,用我们考古学的词讲是在小屯C区,在小屯C区一个著名的窖穴里面,这个窖穴叫YH127,发现了迄今为止也仍然是最大量的一批甲骨。在这些甲骨里有一个龟甲,它刻了一些属于商代武丁的时期的一些卜辞。当时有学者就考释,这上面说的"三焰食日",所谓"三焰食日",就说是发生一个日食,这个日食看上去有三条火焰,好像这三条火焰侵蚀了这个太阳,造成日食。这个现象当时就被解释为一个日环食,这个日环食外面有日珥,可以看得见,有三个大的日珥,所以叫"三焰食日"。不过很可惜的是,后来经过研究,特别是经夏商周断代工程仔细地研究,认为这个卜辞的内容不应该这样考释,所以这个日食实际上并不存在。 阿忆:中国人一直认为我们是人类有史以来第一次记录日食的民族,出处就是这个"三焰食日",结果被他们做的断代工程给否定了。李学勤:我们还有其他的日食、月食的记录,也不比这个更差。 阿忆:回答完全正确。 李学勤:谢谢。 阿忆:现在我们许多人对国家古代的文明细节还不太了解,所以马上由您进行讲演,讲演的名字叫《探索中国古代文明》。有请。 李学勤:今天我谈这个《探索中国古代文明》,应该说,它是现在整个的历史科学研究里面一个重大的课题。大家知道,我们做科学研究,就是要考察研究这个世界,而对于世界的考察和研究,我们可以从时间方面来考察,也可以从空间方面来考察。比如说,我们研究广大的宇宙,我们用望远镜,一直到用类似卫星的哈勃望远镜来观察宇宙,这种观察主要是从空间方面来观察,可以深入到遥远的空间。另外一方面,我们可以从时间上来考察,就是向后追溯,向更古的方向来追溯,追溯到遥远的过去。我想这一点也是我们科学研究的一个重要方面。 大家知道,如果从时间方面来考察,我们就可以把从宇宙的生成、形成,一直到我们今天的人类的文明社会,看做一个发展的整体。在这个发展整体里,我们可以看到有几个起源的问题,而这几个起源的问题,都是科学研究上的重大问题。我想大家可以了解到,第一个最重要的起源问题就是宇宙的起源问题。当然了,现在可能有些人还是有一种传统的观念,认为既然说到宇宙,特别在时间上宇宙应该说是无边无际的。时间上怎么会有个起源呢?可是根据现代的理论物理学的学说,宇宙还是有一个起点的。这个起点,有的学者就说了,可能是150亿年,有人说也许更久,这个问题还可以继续研究和探讨。无论如何,不管最后证明是怎么样,对于宇宙的起源问题是科学研究的重大问题。 在宇宙的起源之后,另一个很重要的问题就是我们地球的起源问题。地球是宇宙里面的一个特殊的部分,或者说我们再放大一点,地球所在的太阳系,以至于银河系的整个起源问题。这个问题就不像宇宙的起源问题那样了,而是一个天文学的问题,或者说包括地学的一个问题,这也是科学研究的重大问题。在第二个起源问题之后,另一个很重要的起源问题是生命的起源问题。大家知道,迄今为止尽管很多的人在猜测,在宇宙之中很多的地方都可能有生命的存在,可是始终还没有能得到科学的证实。今天来看,这个生命还只是被证明是在地球上起源的,那么生命是在地球上在怎么样的时间、通过怎么样的条件和机制起源的?生命的起源问题也是重大的科学问题。这个问题大家也理解。在宇宙的起源之后,另一个很重要的问题就是我们地球的起源问题。地球是宇宙里面的一个特殊的部分,或者说我们再放大一点,地球所在的太阳系,以至于银河系的整个起源问题。这个问题就不像宇宙的起源问题那样了,而是一个天文学的问题,或者说包括地学的一个问题,这也是科学研究的重大问题。在第二个起源问题之后,另一个很重要的起源问题是生命的起源问题。大家知道,迄今为止尽管很多的人在猜测,在宇宙之中很多的地方都可能有生命的存在,可是始终还没有能得到科学的证实。今天来看,这个生命还只是被证明是在地球上起源的,那么生命是在地球上在怎么样的时间、通过怎么样的条件和机制起源的?生命的起源问题也是重大的科学问题。这个问题大家也理解。 在这个之后,当然还有一个重大的起源问题,就是人类的起源问题。人类是整个生物界,特别是动物界的一个组成部分;可是人类和其他的生物、其他的动物是不一样的,因为人类是一个理性的动物。人类怎么样脱离了整个的生物界,脱离了整个动物界而成为人?芽这个人类的起源问题,也是一个重大的科学研究问题。在座的所有人都知道,对此也是非常关心的。这个问题现在还在讨论,因为大家知道根据近些年的DNA方面的研究,我们关于人类起源问题有很多新的看法,比如大家知道的所谓夏娃理论这一类的问题,今天就不可能再详细说了。 可是我想很多人会忽略了另一个问题,在上面讲的4个起源问题之后,还有一个起源的问题,就是文明的起源问题。因为人类之所以为人,脱离了整个的动物界,还是经有一个很漫长的过程的,必须是人类进入了文明的时期,才真正脱离了与其他动物共同的一个境界,而进入了人类所特有的社会里面来。所以从野蛮到文明的发展,也就是文明的起源问题,也是科学研究的一个重大问题。人类文明的起源问题,不但是近代的学者,包括古代的学者,也都是非常关心的。关于文明起源的问题,特别是在20世纪60年代后期以后,曾经在国际上有一个讨论的热潮;关于这方面有很多的著作,我想在座的有的老师和同学可能接触过。 如果我们认识到关于古代文明的起源,也就是人类怎么从野蛮进入文明的,这是一个重大的科学研究课题的话,那么我们就会看到中国文明的起源问题,它是关于整个人类的文明起源问题研究里面的一个重要的组成部分。因为中国人自古以来,在整个人类里面占的比例是相当大的。这不只是今天,我们说我们有13亿人口,占世界人口的1/5左右,就是在古代的世界里面,中国人所占的比例也是相当大的。在我们今天的疆土的范围之内,自古以来就有许许多多的民族繁衍生息,他们在世界上起着很大的作用,我想这一点是大家都能够理解的。可是一直到现在为止,在世界上流行的各种关于文明起源的学说和理论,多数对于中国古代文明的起源问题考虑得比较少。原因也不奇怪,因为这些学说过去主要是由一些西方学者来构筑的,他们的研究一开始主要是从欧洲的历史出发,当然后来他们发现了像古代埃及、古代两河流域、古代印度以至于古代美洲的一些古代的文明,他们对这些方面进行了考察,进行了研究,发展了一系列有关的学科;在这些研究的基础之上,他们提出了关于古代人类的文明是怎么产生的,是通过怎么样的途径形成和发展的理论。这样的理论和学说当然是多种多样的,可是这些学说里面,一般说起来很少考虑到甚至于完全没有考虑到我们中国古代文明。这个原因我想大家也能够理解,因为外国人对于中国的研究,所谓今天我们说的国际的汉学的研究,其发展还是比较晚的。可以说一直到19世纪的晚期,对这方面的研究还是很少。特别是对中国古代文明的起源这样的问题,外国人研究总是有一定的隔膜。当然到了20世纪以后,我们中国在这方面有很多的考古发现,也有很多有关的材料,可以提供关于中国古代文明的起源和它发展方面的研究的材料。可是这些材料,绝大多数是用中文发表的。大家知道,中文在世界上虽然在使用的人数上是最广泛的一种语言,可是在外国人里面,真正能够使用中文的,特别是利用中国的考古的、历史的这方面的论著与成果的,毕竟是极少数。恐怕主要的还是一些少数的汉学家才能够使用。因此在研究人类的文明起源的一些理论和学说中,关于中国这方面的研究,就显得特别薄弱。中国人在世界上占这么大的一个比例,而且中国的古代文明又在整个的世界上,特别是在亚洲的范围里面,有着这么样重大的、深刻的影响;没有对于中国古代文明的研究,对于整个人类的文明的起源和它的发展的研究就是不完整的。所以我们在当前就很有必要来发展这方面的研究,来补充刚才我们谈到的这种空白和缺陷。这不仅对于研究中国的古代的历史的发展,而且对于研究整个人类的文明历史的发展,都是一个重大的贡献。所以我想,这方面的科学价值,它的意义,是大家容易理解的。如果我们认识到关于古代文明的起源,也就是人类怎么从野蛮进入文明的,这是一个重大的科学研究课题的话,那么我们就会看到中国文明的起源问题,它是关于整个人类的文明起源问题研究里面的一个重要的组成部分。因为中国人自古以来,在整个人类里面占的比例是相当大的。这不只是今天,我们说我们有13亿人口,占世界人口的1/5左右,就是在古代的世界里面,中国人所占的比例也是相当大的。在我们今天的疆土的范围之内,自古以来就有许许多多的民族繁衍生息,他们在世界上起着很大的作用,我想这一点是大家都能够理解的。可是一直到现在为止,在世界上流行的各种关于文明起源的学说和理论,多数对于中国古代文明的起源问题考虑得比较少。原因也不奇怪,因为这些学说过去主要是由一些西方学者来构筑的,他们的研究一开始主要是从欧洲的历史出发,当然后来他们发现了像古代埃及、古代两河流域、古代印度以至于古代美洲的一些古代的文明,他们对这些方面进行了考察,进行了研究,发展了一系列有关的学科;在这些研究的基础之上,他们提出了关于古代人类的文明是怎么产生的,是通过怎么样的途径形成和发展的理论。这样的理论和学说当然是多种多样的,可是这些学说里面,一般说起来很少考虑到甚至于完全没有考虑到我们中国古代文明。这个原因我想大家也能够理解,因为外国人对于中国的研究,所谓今天我们说的国际的汉学的研究,其发展还是比较晚的。可以说一直到19世纪的晚期,对这方面的研究还是很少。特别是对中国古代文明的起源这样的问题,外国人研究总是有一定的隔膜。当然到了20世纪以后,我们中国在这方面有很多的考古发现,也有很多有关的材料,可以提供关于中国古代文明的起源和它发展方面的研究的材料。可是这些材料,绝大多数是用中文发表的。大家知道,中文在世界上虽然在使用的人数上是最广泛的一种语言,可是在外国人里面,真正能够使用中文的,特别是利用中国的考古的、历史的这方面的论著与成果的,毕竟是极少数。恐怕主要的还是一些少数的汉学家才能够使用。因此在研究人类的文明起源的一些理论和学说中,关于中国这方面的研究,就显得特别薄弱。中国人在世界上占这么大的一个比例,而且中国的古代文明又在整个的世界上,特别是在亚洲的范围里面,有着这么样重大的、深刻的影响;没有对于中国古代文明的研究,对于整个人类的文明的起源和它的发展的研究就是不完整的。所以我们在当前就很有必要来发展这方面的研究,来补充刚才我们谈到的这种空白和缺陷。这不仅对于研究中国的古代的历史的发展,而且对于研究整个人类的文明历史的发展,都是一个重大的贡献。所以我想,这方面的科学价值,它的意义,是大家容易理解的。

A Yi: Someone once said: If you want to understand a person's future, it is best to grasp his past, and it is best to have a clear grasp of his childhood. This is good for understanding his future. In fact, the same is true for understanding a nation. If you want to predict the future of a nation, the best way is to explore its origin. This issue of "Century Lecture Hall" is called "Exploring Ancient Chinese Civilization". Who is the guest? He is the famous historian Mr. Li Xueqin. Mr. Li Xueqin, we know that not long ago, our country launched a project called the "Dating Project", which has four chief experts. The first is Mr. Li; the second is Li Boqian, an archaeologist; there is also an astronomer, called Xi Zezong; the fourth is an expert who uses carbon 14 for dating, called Chou Shihua. We have invited Mr. Li Boqian before, and Mr. Li Xueqin is the second chief expert to participate in the "Dating Project" who came to our program. What I want to tell everyone is that Mr. Li's memory is very, very good, especially for the things in his research field, all the details are very special. If you don't believe it, let's take a test. The first is "Tian Dan", what do you think of when you hear this word? Li Xueqin: "Tian Zai Dan" is of course a very famous historical record. It can be found in the ancient book "Bamboo Book Chronicles". It is said that in the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was a king named Zhou Yi. In the place of Zheng where he lived-in Huaxian County, Shaanxi Province-in this place the dawn was twice, once the dawn was called "Dan", and the dawn was twice. It's called "Tian Zaidan". According to current astronomy calculations, it is equivalent to 1989 BC. A Yi: We are talking about solar eclipses, right? An ancient solar eclipse? it is good. A term test: What does "three flames eclipse day" mean? The "three" of buds one, two, three, the "flame" of flames, eclipse is eaten, the "eclipse" of grain, day is the sun and the sun. Li Xueqin: "Three Flames Eclipse" should be said to be a well-known subject within the scope of historical research. It was discovered in the oracle bone inscriptions in the Yin Ruins of Anyang in the 1930s. At that time, in Xiaotun in Yinxu of Anyang, in our archaeological terms, it was in Xiaotun C area. Inside a famous cave in Xiaotun C area, this cave is called YH127, and it is still the largest number found so far. A batch of oracle bones. Among these oracle bones is a tortoise shell, which is carved with some inscriptions from the Wuding period of the Shang Dynasty. At that time, some scholars explained that the "three flame eclipse day" mentioned above, the so-called "three flame eclipse day", means that a solar eclipse has occurred. , Causing a solar eclipse. This phenomenon was interpreted as an annular solar eclipse at the time. There are prominences outside the annular solar eclipse, which can be seen. There are three large prominences, so it is called "three flame eclipse days." However, it is a pity that after later studies, especially the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasty project, carefully studied it, and believed that the content of this inscription should not be studied in this way, so this solar eclipse does not actually exist. A Yi: The Chinese have always believed that we are the nation that recorded a solar eclipse for the first time in human history. The source is this "Three Flames Eclipse Day". The result was denied by the dating project they did. Li Xueqin: We have other records of solar and lunar eclipses, which are no worse than this. Yi: The answer is completely correct. Li Xueqin: Thank you. A Yi: Now many of us don't know much about the details of the ancient civilization of the country, so you will give the lecture right away. The name of the lecture is "Exploring Ancient Chinese Civilization". welcome. Li Xueqin: Today I am talking about "Exploring Ancient Chinese Civilization". It should be said that it is a major subject in the entire historical science research. As you all know, when we do scientific research, we want to investigate and study the world, and we can investigate and study the world in terms of time or space. For example, we study the vast universe. We use telescopes to observe the universe with the Hubble telescope similar to satellites. This observation is mainly from the perspective of space, which can go deep into distant space. On the other hand, we can look at it from the perspective of time, that is, going back, going back to the more ancient direction, going back to the distant past. I think this is also an important aspect of our scientific research. As you all know, if we look at it from the perspective of time, we can regard the human civilization from the creation and formation of the universe to our current human civilization as a whole development. In this development as a whole, we can see that there are several origin problems, and these several origin problems are major issues in scientific research. I think everyone can understand that the first most important issue of origin is the issue of the origin of the universe. Of course, some people may still have a traditional idea now that when it comes to the universe, especially in terms of time, the universe should be said to be infinite. How can there be an origin in time? However, according to modern theoretical physics, the universe still has a starting point. Some scholars have said that this starting point may be 15 billion years. Some people say that it may be longer. This issue can still be studied and discussed. In any case, no matter what the final proof is, the question of the origin of the universe is a major issue of scientific research. After the origin of the universe, another very important issue is the origin of our earth. The earth is a special part of the universe, or we can zoom in a little bit, the solar system where the earth is located, and even the entire origin of the Milky Way galaxy. This question is not like the question of the origin of the universe, but a question of astronomy, or a question including earth science, which is also a major issue of scientific research. After the second question of origin, another very important question of origin is the question of the origin of life. As you all know, although many people have speculated that life may exist in many places in the universe, it has not yet been scientifically confirmed. Looking at it today, this life has only been proven to have originated on the earth, so at what time and through what conditions and mechanisms did life originate on the earth? The issue of the origin of life is also a major scientific issue. Everyone understands this issue. After the origin of the universe, another very important issue is the origin of our earth. The earth is a special part of the universe, or we can zoom in a little bit, the solar system where the earth is located, and even the entire origin of the Milky Way galaxy. This question is not like the question of the origin of the universe, but a question of astronomy, or a question including earth science, which is also a major issue of scientific research. After the second question of origin, another very important question of origin is the question of the origin of life. As you all know, although many people have speculated that life may exist in many places in the universe, it has not yet been scientifically confirmed. Looking at it today, this life has only been proven to have originated on the earth, so at what time and through what conditions and mechanisms did life originate on the earth? The issue of the origin of life is also a major scientific issue. Everyone understands this issue. After this, there is of course a major origin problem, which is the origin of mankind. Humans are an integral part of the entire biological kingdom, especially the animal kingdom; but humans are different from other creatures and other animals, because humans are rational animals. How did human beings break away from the entire biological world, separate from the entire animal world and become humans? Bud, the origin of human beings, is also a major scientific research issue. Everyone here knows and is very concerned about this. This issue is still being discussed, because everyone knows that according to the DNA research in recent years, we have many new views on the origin of human beings. For example, the so-called Eve theory that you all know, it is impossible to go into details today. said. But I think many people will ignore another issue. After the four origin issues mentioned above, there is another issue of origin, which is the origin of civilization. Because the reason why human beings are humans, they have been separated from the entire animal kingdom, and there is still a long process. It must be a period of civilization that humans have truly separated from the realm common with other animals and entered the uniqueness of mankind. Inside the society. Therefore, the development from barbarism to civilization, which is the origin of civilization, is also a major issue in scientific research. The origin of human civilization is of great concern not only to modern scholars, but also to ancient scholars. Regarding the issue of the origin of civilization, especially after the late 1960s, there has been an upsurge of discussion in the international community; there are many books on this topic, and I think some teachers and students in this room may have come into contact with it. If we realize that the origin of ancient civilization, that is, how humans entered civilization from barbarism, is a major scientific research topic, then we will see the origin of Chinese civilization, which is about the origin of civilization of the entire human race. An important part of problem research. Because the Chinese have accounted for a large proportion of the entire human race since ancient times. This is not just today. We say that we have a population of 1.3 billion, accounting for about one-fifth of the world's population. Even in the ancient world, the proportion of Chinese people was quite large. Within the scope of our territory today, there have been many ethnic groups multiplying since ancient times, and they have played a very important role in the world. I think everyone can understand this. But up to now, most of the various theories and theories about the origin of civilization that have been popular in the world have given little consideration to the origin of ancient Chinese civilization. The reason is not surprising, because these theories were mainly constructed by some Western scholars in the past. Their research was mainly based on the history of Europe. Of course, they later discovered things like ancient Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia, ancient India and so on. Some ancient civilizations in ancient America, they investigated these aspects, conducted research, and developed a series of related disciplines; on the basis of these studies, they proposed how the civilization of ancient humans came into being. Through how to form and develop theories. Such theories and doctrines are of course diverse, but in these doctrines, generally speaking, little or no consideration is given to our ancient Chinese civilization. I think everyone can understand this reason, because foreigners' research on China, the so-called international sinology research we are talking about today, has developed relatively late. It can be said that until the late 19th century, there were very few studies in this area. Especially with regard to the origin of ancient Chinese civilization, there is always a certain gap in foreign research. Of course, after the 20th century, China has made many archaeological discoveries in this area, and there are also many related materials, which can provide research materials on the origin of ancient Chinese civilization and its development. However, most of these materials are published in Chinese. Everyone knows that although Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world, among foreigners, those who can really use Chinese, especially those who use Chinese archaeological and historical works and achievements. , After all, are very few. I am afraid that only a few sinologists can use it. Therefore, among some theories and theories about the origin of human civilization, the research on China is particularly weak. The Chinese account for such a large proportion of the world, and the ancient Chinese civilization has such a major and profound influence in the entire world, especially in Asia; there is no research on ancient Chinese civilization. The study of the origin of the entire human civilization and its development is incomplete. Therefore, it is very necessary for us to develop research in this area to supplement the gaps and defects we have just mentioned. This is not only a major contribution to the study of the development of ancient Chinese history, but also to the study of the development of the entire human civilization history. So I think that the scientific value of this aspect and its meaning are easy for everyone to understand. If we realize that the origin of ancient civilization, that is, how humans entered civilization from barbarism, is a major scientific research topic, then we will see the origin of Chinese civilization, which is about the origin of civilization of the entire human race. An important part of problem research. Because the Chinese have accounted for a large proportion of the entire human race since ancient times. This is not just today. We say that we have a population of 1.3 billion, accounting for about one-fifth of the world's population. Even in the ancient world, the proportion of Chinese people was quite large. Within the scope of our territory today, there have been many ethnic groups multiplying since ancient times, and they have played a very important role in the world. I think everyone can understand this. But up to now, most of the various theories and theories about the origin of civilization that have been popular in the world have given little consideration to the origin of ancient Chinese civilization. The reason is not surprising, because these theories were mainly constructed by some Western scholars in the past. Their research was mainly based on the history of Europe. Of course, they later discovered things like ancient Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia, ancient India and so on. Some ancient civilizations in ancient America, they investigated these aspects, conducted research, and developed a series of related disciplines; on the basis of these studies, they proposed how the civilization of ancient humans came into being. Through how to form and develop theories. Such theories and doctrines are of course diverse, but in these doctrines, generally speaking, little or no consideration is given to our ancient Chinese civilization. I think everyone can understand this reason, because foreigners' research on China, the so-called international sinology research we are talking about today, has developed relatively late. It can be said that until the late 19th century, there were very few studies in this area. Especially with regard to the origin of ancient Chinese civilization, there is always a certain gap in foreign research. Of course, after the 20th century, China has made many archaeological discoveries in this area, and there are also many related materials, which can provide research materials on the origin of ancient Chinese civilization and its development. However, most of these materials are published in Chinese. Everyone knows that although Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world, among foreigners, those who can really use Chinese, especially those who use Chinese archaeological and historical works and achievements. , After all, are very few. I am afraid that only a few sinologists can use it. Therefore, among some theories and theories about the origin of human civilization, the research on China is particularly weak. The Chinese account for such a large proportion of the world, and the ancient Chinese civilization has such a major and profound influence in the entire world, especially in Asia; there is no research on ancient Chinese civilization. The study of the origin of the entire human civilization and its development is incomplete. Therefore, it is very necessary for us to develop research in this area to supplement the gaps and defects we have just mentioned. This is not only a major contribution to the study of the development of ancient Chinese history, but also to the study of the development of the entire human civilization history. So I think that the scientific value of this aspect and its meaning are easy for everyone to understand. (Ā yì: Yǒurén zhèyàng shuōguò: Nǐ yào liǎo jiè yīgè rén de wèilái, zuì hǎo shì zhǎngwò tā de guòqù, zuì hǎo shì néng qīngxī de zhǎngwò tā de tóngnián, zhè duì liǎojiě tā de wèilái shì yǒu hǎo chǔ de. Shíjì shang duì liǎo jiè yīgè mínzú yěshì rúcǐ, rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng yùzhī yīgè mínzú de wèilái, zuì hǎo de bànfǎ shì néng tànsuǒ dào tā de běnyuán. Běn qí "shìjì dà jiǎngtáng" jiémù dì míngzì jiàozuò "tànsuǒ zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng". Jiābīn shì shéi ne? Tā jiùshì dàmíngdǐngdǐng de lìshǐ xué jiā lǐxuéqín xiānshēng. Lǐxuéqín xiānshēng, wǒmen zhīdào zài bùjiǔ qián, wǒmen guójiā qǐdòngle yī xiàng gōngchéng, jiào "duàndài gōngchéng", qízhōng yǒu sì wèi shǒuxí zhuānjiā. Dì yī wèi jiùshì lǐ xiānshēng; dì èr wèi shì lǐbóqiān, kǎogǔ xué jiā; huán yīgè tiānwénxué jiā, jiào xízézōng; dì sì wèi shì yòng tàn 14 gǎo cè nián de yīgè zhuānjiā, jiào chóushìhuá. Qián cǐ wǒmen yāoqǐngguò lǐbóqiān xiānshēng, lǐxuéqín xiānshēng shì guānglín wǒmen zhège jiémù dì cānjiā "duàndài gōngchéng" de dì èr wèi shǒuxí zhuānjiā. Wǒ xiǎng gàosù dàjiā de shì, lǐ xiānshēng de jìyìlì fēicháng fēicháng de hǎo, yóuqí duì tā yánjiū lǐngyù nèi de shìqíng, xìzhīmòjié quándōu tèbié tèbié de liǎojiě, bùxìn zánmen zuò gè cèyàn. Dì yī shì "tiān zài dàn", tīng dào zhège cí nǐ huì xiǎngdào shénme? Lǐxuéqín:"Tiān zài dàn" dāngrán shì yīgè fēicháng yǒumíng de lìshǐ jìlùle, tā jiànyú gǔběn "zhú shū jìnián". Shuō zài xīzhōu de shíhòu, yǒuyīgè wáng shì zhōu yìwáng, zài tāsuǒ jūzhù de zhèng zhège dìfāng——jiùshì zài xiànzài de shǎnxī huá xiàn——zài zhège dìfāng tiānliàng liǎng cì, liàng yīcì jiù jiàozuò "dàn"le, tiānliàng liǎng cì jiù jiào "tiān zài dàn". Jīngguò xiànzài de tiānwénxué de tuīsuàn, jiù xiāngdāng yú gōngyuán qián 899 nián. Ā yì: Wǒmen shuō de jiùshì rì shí, shì ma? Gǔdài de yīcì rì shí? Hǎo. Yīgè míngcí kǎoshì:"Sān yàn shí rì" shì shénme yìsi? Yá yī'èrsān de "sān", huǒyàn de "yàn", shí shì chī diào, liángshí de "shí", rì, jiùshì rì tou, tàiyáng. Lǐxuéqín:"Sān yàn shí rì", yīnggāi shuō zài lìshǐ kēxué yánjiū de fànwéi nèi, shì hěn yǒumíng de yīgè kètíle.20 Shìjì 30 niándài, zài ānyáng yīnxū de jiǎgǔwén lǐtou fāxiàn de. Dāngshí zài ānyáng yīnxū de xiǎo tún, yòng wǒmen kǎogǔ xué de cí jiǎng shì zài xiǎo tún C qū, zài xiǎo tún C qū yīgè zhùmíng de jiào xué lǐmiàn, zhège jiào xué jiào YH127, fāxiànle qìjīn wéizhǐ yě réngrán shì zuì dàliàng de yī pī jiǎgǔ. Zài zhèxiē jiǎgǔ li yǒu yīgè guījiǎ, tā kèle yīxiē shǔyú shāng dài wǔdīng de shíqí de yīxiē bǔcí. Dāngshí yǒu xuézhě jiù kǎoshì, zhè shàngmiàn shuō de "sān yàn shí rì", suǒwèi "sān yàn shí rì", jiù shuō shì fāshēng yīgè rì shí, zhège rì shí kàn shàngqù yǒusāntiáo huǒyàn, hǎoxiàng zhè sāntiáo huǒyàn qīnshíle zhège tàiyáng, zàochéng rì shí. Zhège xiànxiàng dāngshí jiù bèi jiěshì wéi yīgè rì huán shí, zhège rì huán shí wàimiàn yǒu rì'ěr, kěyǐ kàn dé jiàn, yǒu sān gè dà de rì'ěr, suǒyǐ jiào "sān yàn shí rì". Bùguò hěn kěxí de shì, hòulái jīngguò yánjiū, tèbié shì jīng xià shāng zhōu duàndài gōngchéng zǐxì de yánjiū, rènwéi zhège bǔcí de nèiróng bù yìng gāi zhèyàng kǎoshì, suǒyǐ zhège rì shí shíjì shang bìng bù cúnzài. Ā yì: Zhōngguó rén yīzhí rènwéi wǒmen shì rénlèi yǒushǐ yǐlái dì yī cì jìlù rì shí de mínzú, chūchù jiùshì zhège "sān yàn shí rì", jiéguǒ bèi tāmen zuò de duàndài gōngchéng gěi fǒudìngle. Lǐxuéqín: Wǒmen hái yǒu qítā de rì shí, yuè shí de jìlù, yě bùbǐ zhège gèng chà. Ā yì: Huídá wánquán zhèngquè. Lǐxuéqín: Xièxiè. Ā yì: Xiànzài wǒmen xǔduō rén duì guójiā gǔdài de wénmíng xìjié hái bù tài liǎojiě, suǒyǐ mǎshàng yóu nín jìnxíng jiǎngyǎn, jiǎngyǎn de míngzì jiào "tànsuǒ zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng". Yǒu qǐng. Lǐxuéqín: Jīntiān wǒ tán zhège "tànsuǒ zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng", yīnggāi shuō, tā shì xiànzài zhěnggè de lìshǐ kēxué yánjiū lǐmiàn yīgè zhòngdà de kètí. Dàjiā zhīdào, wǒmen zuò kēxué yánjiū, jiùshì yào kǎochá yánjiū zhège shìjiè, ér duìyú shìjiè de kǎochá hé yánjiū, wǒmen kěyǐ cóng shíjiān fāngmiàn lái kǎochá, yě kěyǐ cóng kōngjiān fāngmiàn lái kǎochá. Bǐrú shuō, wǒmen yánjiū guǎngdà de yǔzhòu, wǒmen yòng wàngyuǎnjìng, yīzhí dào yòng lèisì wèixīng de hā bó wàngyuǎnjìng lái guānchá yǔzhòu, zhè zhǒng guānchá zhǔyào shi cóng kōngjiān fāngmiàn lái guānchá, kěyǐ shēnrù dào yáoyuǎn de kōngjiān. Lìngwài yī fāngmiàn, wǒmen kěyǐ cóng shíjiān shànglái kǎochá, jiùshì xiàng hòu zhuīsù, xiàng gèng gǔ de fāngxiàng lái zhuīsù, zhuīsù dào yáoyuǎn de guòqù. Wǒ xiǎng zhè yīdiǎn yěshì wǒmen kēxué yánjiū de yīgè zhòngyào fāngmiàn. Dàjiā zhīdào, rúguǒ cóng shíjiān fāngmiàn lái kǎochá, wǒmen jiù kěyǐ bǎ cóng yǔzhòu de shēngchéng, xíngchéng, yīzhí dào wǒmen jīntiān de rénlèi de wénmíng shèhuì, kàn zuò yīgè fāzhǎn de zhěngtǐ. Zài zhège fāzhǎn zhěngtǐ lǐ, wǒmen kěyǐ kàn dào yǒu jǐ gè qǐyuán de wèntí, ér zhè jǐ gè qǐyuán de wèntí, dōu shì kēxué yánjiū shàng de zhòngdà wèntí. Wǒ xiǎng dàjiā kěyǐ liǎojiě dào, dì yīgè zuì zhòngyào de qǐyuán wèntí jiùshì yǔzhòu de qǐyuán wèntí. Dāngránle, xiànzài kěnéng yǒuxiē rén háishì yǒu yī zhǒng chuántǒng de guānniàn, rènwéi jìrán shuō dào yǔzhòu, tèbié zài shíjiān shàng yǔzhòu yīnggāi shuō shì wúbiān wújì de. Shíjiān shàng zěnme huì yǒu gè qǐyuán ne? Kěshì gēnjù xiàndài de lǐlùn wùlǐ xué de xuéshuō, yǔzhòu háishì yǒu yīgè qǐdiǎn de. Zhège qǐdiǎn, yǒu de xuézhě jiù shuōle, kěnéng shì 150 yì nián, yǒurén shuō yěxǔ gèng jiǔ, zhège wèntí hái kěyǐ jìxù yánjiū hé tàntǎo. Wúlùn rúhé, bùguǎn zuìhòu zhèngmíng shì zěnme yàng, duìyú yǔzhòu de qǐyuán wèntí shì kēxué yánjiū de zhòngdà wèntí. Zài yǔzhòu de qǐyuán zhīhòu, lìng yīgè hěn zhòngyào de wèntí jiùshì wǒmen dìqiú de qǐyuán wèntí. Dìqiú shì yǔzhòu lǐmiàn de yīgè tèshū de bùfèn, huòzhě shuō wǒmen zài fàngdà yīdiǎn, dìqiú suǒzài de tàiyángxì, yǐ zhìyú yínhéxì de zhěnggè qǐyuán wèntí. Zhège wèntí jiù bù xiàng yǔzhòu de qǐyuán wèntí nàyàngle, ér shì yīgè tiānwénxué de wèntí, huòzhě shuō bāokuò dìxué de yīgè wèntí, zhè yěshì kēxué yánjiū de zhòngdà wèntí. Zài dì èr gè qǐyuán wèntí zhīhòu, lìng yīgè hěn zhòngyào de qǐyuán wèntí shì shēngmìng de qǐyuán wèntí. Dàjiā zhīdào, qìjīn wéizhǐ jǐnguǎn hěnduō de rén zài cāicè, zài yǔzhòu zhī zhōng hěnduō dì dìfāng dōu kěnéng yǒu shēngmìng de cúnzài, kěshì shǐzhōng hái méiyǒu néng dédào kēxué de zhèngshí. Jīntiān lái kàn, zhège shēngmìng hái zhǐshì bèi zhèngmíng shì zài dìqiú shàng qǐyuán de, nàme shēngmìng shì zài dìqiú shàng zài zěnme yàng de shíjiān, tōngguò zěnme yàng de tiáojiàn hé jīzhì qǐyuán de? Shēngmìng de qǐyuán wèntí yěshì zhòngdà de kēxué wèntí. Zhège wèntí dàjiā yě lǐjiě. Zài yǔzhòu de qǐyuán zhīhòu, lìng yīgè hěn zhòngyào de wèntí jiùshì wǒmen dìqiú de qǐyuán wèntí. Dìqiú shì yǔzhòu lǐmiàn de yīgè tèshū de bùfèn, huòzhě shuō wǒmen zài fàngdà yīdiǎn, dìqiú suǒzài de tàiyángxì, yǐ zhìyú yínhéxì de zhěnggè qǐyuán wèntí. Zhège wèntí jiù bù xiàng yǔzhòu de qǐyuán wèntí nàyàngle, ér shì yīgè tiānwénxué de wèntí, huòzhě shuō bāokuò dìxué de yīgè wèntí, zhè yěshì kēxué yánjiū de zhòngdà wèntí. Zài dì èr gè qǐyuán wèntí zhīhòu, lìng yīgè hěn zhòngyào de qǐyuán wèntí shì shēngmìng de qǐyuán wèntí. Dàjiā zhīdào, qìjīn wéizhǐ jǐnguǎn hěnduō de rén zài cāicè, zài yǔzhòu zhī zhōng hěnduō dì dìfāng dōu kěnéng yǒu shēngmìng de cúnzài, kěshì shǐzhōng hái méiyǒu néng dédào kēxué de zhèngshí. Jīntiān lái kàn, zhège shēngmìng hái zhǐshì bèi zhèngmíng shì zài dìqiú shàng qǐyuán de, nàme shēngmìng shì zài dìqiú shàng zài zěnme yàng de shíjiān, tōngguò zěnme yàng de tiáojiàn hé jīzhì qǐyuán de? Shēngmìng de qǐyuán wèntí yěshì zhòngdà de kēxué wèntí. Zhège wèntí dàjiā yě lǐjiě. Zài zhège zhīhòu, dāngrán hái yǒu yīgè zhòngdà de qǐyuán wèntí, jiùshì rénlèi de qǐyuán wèntí. Rénlèi shì zhěnggè shēngwù jiè, tèbié shì dòngwù jiè de yīgè zǔchéng bùfèn; kěshì rénlèi hé qítā de shēngwù, qítā de dòngwù shì bù yīyàng de, yīn wéirénlèi shì yīgè lǐxìng de dòngwù. Rénlèi zěnme yàng tuōlíle zhěnggè de shēngwù jiè, tuōlíle zhěnggè dòngwù jiè ér chéngwéi rén? Yá zhège rénlèi de qǐyuán wèntí, yěshì yīgè zhòngdà de kēxué yánjiū wèntí. Zàizuò de suǒyǒu rén dōu zhīdào, duì cǐ yěshì fēicháng guānxīn de. Zhège wèntí xiànzài hái zài tǎolùn, yīn wéi dàjiā zhīdào gēnjù jìn xiē nián de DNA fāngmiàn de yánjiū, wǒmen guānyú rénlèi qǐyuán wèntí yǒu hěnduō xīn de kànfǎ, bǐrú dàjiā zhīdào de suǒwèi xiàwá lǐlùn zhè yī lèi de wèntí, jīntiān jiù bù kěnéng zài xiángxì shuōle. Kěshì wǒ xiǎng hěnduō rén huì hūlüèle lìng yīgè wèntí, zài shàngmiàn jiǎng de 4 gè qǐyuán wèntí zhīhòu, hái yǒu yīgè qǐyuán de wèntí, jiùshì wénmíng de qǐyuán wèntí. Yīn wéi rénlèi zhī suǒyǐ wéi rén, tuōlíle zhěnggè de dòngwù jiè, háishì jīng yǒu yīgè hěn màncháng de guòchéng de, bìxū shì rénlèi jìnrùle wénmíng de shíqí, cái zhēnzhèng tuōlíle yǔ qítā dòngwù gòngtóng de yīgè jìngjiè, ér jìnrùle rénlèi suǒ tèyǒu de shèhuì lǐmiàn lái. Suǒyǐ cóng yěmán dào wénmíng de fǎ zhǎn, yě jiùshì wénmíng de qǐyuán wèntí, yěshì kēxué yánjiū de yīgè zhòngdà wèntí. Rénlèi wénmíng de qǐyuán wèntí, bù dànshìjìndài de xuézhě, bāokuò gǔdài de xuézhě, yě dū shì fēicháng guānxīn de. Guānyú wénmíng qǐyuán de wèntí, tèbié shì zài 20 shìjì 60 niándài hòuqí yǐhòu, céngjīng zài guójì shang yǒu yīgè tǎolùn de rècháo; guānyú zhè fāngmiàn yǒu hěnduō de zhùzuò, wǒ xiǎng zàizuò de yǒu de lǎoshī hé tóngxué kěnéng jiēchùguò. Rúguǒ wǒmen rènshí dào guānyú gǔdài wénmíng de qǐyuán, yě jiùshì rénlèi zěnme cóng yěmán jìnrù wénmíng de, zhè shì yīgè zhòngdà de kēxué yánjiū kètí dehuà, nàme wǒmen jiù huì kàn dào zhōngguó wénmíng de qǐyuán wèntí, tā shì guānyú zhěnggè rénlèi de wénmíng qǐyuán wèntí yánjiū lǐmiàn de yīgè zhòngyào de zǔchéng bùfèn. Yīn wéi zhōngguó rén zìgǔ yǐlái, zài zhěnggè rénlèi lǐmiàn zhàn de bǐlì shì xiāngdāng dà de. Zhè bù zhǐshì jīntiān, wǒmen shuō wǒmen yǒu 13 yì rénkǒu, zhàn shìjiè rénkǒu de 1/5 zuǒyòu, jiùshì zài gǔdài de shìjiè lǐmiàn, zhōngguó rén suǒ zhàn de bǐlì yěshì xiāngdāng dà de. Zài wǒmen jīntiān de jiāngtǔ de fànwéi zhī nèi, zìgǔ yǐlái jiù yǒu xǔ xǔduō duō de mínzú fányǎn shēngxī, tāmen zài shìjiè shàng qǐzhe hěn dà de zuòyòng, wǒ xiǎng zhè yīdiǎn shì dàjiā dōu nénggòu lǐjiě de. Kěshì yīzhí dào xiànzài wéizhǐ, zài shìjiè shàng liúxíng de gè zhǒng guānyú wénmíng qǐyuán de xuéshuō he lǐlùn, duōshù duìyú zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng de qǐyuán wèntí kǎolǜ dé bǐjiào shǎo. Yuányīn yě bù qíguài, yīnwèi zhèxiē xuéshuō guòqù zhǔyào shi yóu yīxiē xīfāng xuézhě lái gòuzhù de, tāmen de yánjiū yī kāishǐ zhǔyào shi cóng ōuzhōu de lìshǐ chūfā, dāngrán hòulái tāmen fāxiànle xiàng gǔdài āijí, gǔdài liǎng hé liúyù, gǔdài yìndù yǐ zhìyú gǔdài měizhōu de yīxiē gǔdài de wénmíng, tāmen duì zhèxiē fāngmiàn jìnxíngle kǎochá, jìnxíngle yánjiū, fāzhǎn le yī xìliè yǒuguān de xuékē; zài zhèxiē yánjiū de jīchǔ zhī shàng, tāmen tíchūle guānyú gǔdài rénlèi de wénmíng shì zěnme chǎnshēng de, shì tōngguò zěnme yàng de tújìng xíngchéng hé fāzhǎn de lǐlùn. Zhèyàng de lǐlùn hé xuéshuō dāngrán shì duō zhǒng duōyàng de, kěshì zhèxiē xuéshuō lǐmiàn, yībān shuō qǐlái hěn shǎo kǎolǜ dào shènzhìyú wánquán méiyǒu kǎolǜ dào wǒmen zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng. Zhège yuányīn wǒ xiǎng dàjiā yě nénggòu lǐjiě, yīnwèi wàiguó rén duìyú zhōngguó de yánjiū, suǒwèi jīntiān wǒmen shuō de guójì de hànxué de yánjiū, qí fāzhǎn háishì bǐjiào wǎn de. Kěyǐ shuō yīzhí dào 19 shìjì de wǎnqí, duì zhè fāngmiàn de yánjiū háishì hěn shǎo. Tèbié shì duì zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng de qǐyuán zhèyàng de wèntí, wàiguó rén yánjiū zǒng shì yǒu yīdìng de gémó. Dāngrán dàole 20 shìjì yǐhòu, wǒmen zhōngguó zài zhè fāngmiàn yǒu hěnduō de kǎogǔ fāxiàn, yěyǒu hěnduō yǒuguān de cáiliào, kěyǐ tígōng guānyú zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng de qǐyuán hé tā fāzhǎn fāngmiàn de yánjiū de cáiliào. Kěshì zhèxiē cáiliào, jué dà duōshù shì yòng zhōngwén fābiǎo de. Dàjiā zhīdào, zhōngwén zài shìjiè shàng suīrán zài shǐyòng de rénshù shàng shì zuì guǎngfàn de yī zhǒng yǔyán, kěshì zài wàiguó rén lǐmiàn, zhēnzhèng nénggòu shǐyòng zhōngwén de, tèbié shì lìyòng zhōngguó de kǎogǔ de, lìshǐ de zhè fāngmiàn dì lùnzhù yǔ chéngguǒ de, bìjìng shì jí shǎoshù. Kǒngpà zhǔyào de háishì yīxiē shǎo shǔ de hànxué jiā cái nénggòu shǐyòng. Yīncǐ zài yánjiū rénlèi de wénmíng qǐyuán de yīxiē lǐlùn hé xuéshuō zhōng, guānyú zhōngguó zhè fāngmiàn de yánjiū, jiù xiǎndé tèbié bóruò. Zhōngguó rén zài shìjiè shàng zhàn zhème dà de yīgè bǐlì, érqiě zhōngguó de gǔdài wénmíng yòu zài zhěnggè de shìjiè shàng, tèbié shì zài yàzhōu de fànwéi lǐmiàn, yǒuzhe zhème yàng zhòngdà de, shēnkè de yǐngxiǎng; méiyǒu duìyú zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng de yánjiū, duìyú zhěnggè rénlèi de wénmíng de qǐyuán hé tā de fǎ zhǎn de yánjiū jiùshì bù wánzhěng de. Suǒyǐ wǒmen zài dāngqián jiù hěn yǒu bìyào lái fāzhǎn zhè fāngmiàn de yánjiū, lái bǔchōng gāngcái wǒmen tán dào de zhè zhǒng kòngbái hé quēxiàn. Zhè bùjǐn duìyú yánjiū zhōngguó de gǔdài de lìshǐ de fǎ zhǎn, érqiě duìyú yán jiù zhěnggè rénlèi de wénmíng lìshǐ de fǎ zhǎn, dōu shì yīgè zhòngdà de gòngxiàn. Suǒyǐ wǒ xiǎng, zhè fāngmiàn de kēxué jiàzhí, tā de yìyì, shì dàjiā róngyì lǐjiě de. Rúguǒ wǒmen rènshí dào guānyú gǔdài wénmíng de qǐyuán, yě jiùshì rénlèi zěnme cóng yěmán jìnrù wénmíng de, zhè shì yīgè zhòngdà de kēxué yánjiū kètí dehuà, nàme wǒmen jiù huì kàn dào zhōngguó wénmíng de qǐyuán wèntí, tā shì guānyú zhěnggè rénlèi de wénmíng qǐyuán wèntí yánjiū lǐmiàn de yīgè zhòngyào de zǔchéng bùfèn. Yīn wéi zhōngguó rén zìgǔ yǐlái, zài zhěnggè rénlèi lǐmiàn zhàn de bǐlì shì xiāngdāng dà de. Zhè bù zhǐshì jīntiān, wǒmen shuō wǒmen yǒu 13 yì rénkǒu, zhàn shìjiè rénkǒu de 1/5 zuǒyòu, jiùshì zài gǔdài de shìjiè lǐmiàn, zhōngguó rén suǒ zhàn de bǐlì yěshì xiāngdāng dà de. Zài wǒmen jīntiān de jiāngtǔ de fànwéi zhī nèi, zìgǔ yǐlái jiù yǒu xǔ xǔduō duō de mínzú fányǎn shēngxī, tāmen zài shìjiè shàng qǐzhe hěn dà de zuòyòng, wǒ xiǎng zhè yīdiǎn shì dàjiā dōu nénggòu lǐjiě de. Kěshì yīzhí dào xiànzài wéizhǐ, zài shìjiè shàng liúxíng de gè zhǒng guānyú wénmíng qǐyuán de xuéshuō he lǐlùn, duōshù duìyú zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng de qǐyuán wèntí kǎolǜ dé bǐjiào shǎo. Yuányīn yě bù qíguài, yīnwèi zhèxiē xuéshuō guòqù zhǔyào shi yóu yīxiē xīfāng xuézhě lái gòuzhù de, tāmen de yánjiū yī kāishǐ zhǔyào shi cóng ōuzhōu de lìshǐ chūfā, dāngrán hòulái tāmen fāxiànle xiàng gǔdài āijí, gǔdài liǎng hé liúyù, gǔdài yìndù yǐ zhì yú gǔdài měizhōu de yīxiē gǔdài de wénmíng, tāmen duì zhèxiē fāngmiàn jìnxíngle kǎochá, jìnxíngle yánjiū, fāzhǎnle yī xìliè yǒuguān de xuékē; zài zhèxiē yánjiū de jīchǔ zhī shàng, tāmen tíchūle guānyú gǔdài rénlèi de wénmíng shì zěnme chǎnshēng de, shì tōngguò zěnme yàng de tújìng xíngchéng hé fāzhǎn de lǐlùn. Zhèyàng de lǐlùn hé xuéshuō dāngrán shì duō zhǒng duōyàng de, kěshì zhèxiē xuéshuō lǐmiàn, yībān shuō qǐlái hěn shǎo kǎolǜ dào shènzhì yú wánquán méiyǒu kǎolǜ dào wǒmen zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng. Zhège yuányīn wǒ xiǎng dàjiā yě nénggòu lǐjiě, yīnwèi wàiguó rén duìyú zhōngguó de yánjiū, suǒwèi jīntiān wǒmen shuō de guójì de hànxué de yánjiū, qí fāzhǎn háishì bǐjiào wǎn de. Kěyǐ shuō yīzhí dào 19 shìjì de wǎnqí, duì zhè fāngmiàn de yánjiū háishì hěn shǎo. Tèbié shì duì zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng de qǐyuán zhèyàng de wèntí, wàiguó rén yánjiū zǒng shì yǒu yīdìng de gémó. Dāngrán dàole 20 shì jì yǐhòu, wǒmen zhōngguó zài zhè fāngmiàn yǒu hěnduō de kǎogǔ fāxiàn, yěyǒu hěnduō yǒuguān de cáiliào, kěyǐ tígōng guānyú zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng de qǐyuán hé tā fāzhǎn fāngmiàn de yánjiū de cáiliào. Kěshì zhèxiē cáiliào, jué dà duōshù shì yòng zhōngwén fābiǎo de. Dàjiā zhīdào, zhōngwén zài shìjiè shàng suīrán zài shǐyòng de rénshù shàng shì zuì guǎngfàn de yī zhǒng yǔyán, kěshì zài wàiguó rén lǐmiàn, zhēnzhèng nénggòu shǐyòng zhōngwén de, tèbié shì lìyòng zhōngguó de kǎogǔ de, lìshǐ de zhè fāngmiàn dì lùnzhù yǔ chéngguǒ de, bìjìng shì jí shǎoshù. Kǒngpà zhǔyào de háishì yīxiē shǎo shǔ de hànxué jiā cái nénggòu shǐyòng. Yīncǐ zài yánjiū rénlèi de wénmíng qǐyuán de yīxiē lǐlùn hé xuéshuō zhōng, guānyú zhōngguó zhè fāngmiàn de yánjiū, jiù xiǎndé tèbié bóruò. Zhōngguó rén zài shìjiè shàng zhàn zhème dà de yīgè bǐlì, érqiě zhōngguó de gǔdài wénmíng yòu zài zhěnggè de shìjiè shàng, tèbié shì zài yàzhōu de fànwéi lǐmiàn, yǒuzhe zhème yàng zhòngdà de, shēnkè de yǐngxiǎng; méiyǒu duìyú zhōngguó gǔdài wénmíng de yánjiū, duìyú zhěnggè rénlèi de wénmíng de qǐyuán hé tā de fǎ zhǎn de yánjiū jiùshì bù wánzhěng de. Suǒyǐ wǒmen zài dāngqián jiù hěn yǒu bìyào lái fāzhǎn zhè fāngmiàn de yánjiū, lái bǔchōng gāngcái wǒmen tán dào de zhè zhǒng kòngbái hé quēxiàn. Zhè bùjǐn duìyú yánjiū zhōngguó de gǔdài de lìshǐ de fǎ zhǎn, érqiě duìyú yán jiù zhěnggè rénlèi de wénmíng lìshǐ de fǎ zhǎn, dōu shì yī gè zhòngdà de gòngxiàn. Suǒyǐ wǒ xiǎng, zhè fāngmiàn de kēxué jiàzhí, tā de yìyì, shì dàjiā róngyì lǐjiě de.)


All walks of lives (Gè háng gè yè)


Arguing (Jī biàn)


Attitude (Zītài)


Committee member (Wěiyuán)

北魏冯太后死后,皇帝拓跋宏执掌朝政。拓跋宏5岁就开始接受冯太后的教导,颇有冯太后处变不惊、做事从容的遗风,加之他自幼聪明好学,因此深通治国安邦之道。 拓跋宏看到改革确实带来了许多好处,因此决心将冯太后的改革贯彻到底:接受汉人文化,笼络各族人民,实现统一大业。 拓跋宏还特别注意招揽人才。在当时的北魏,有一个从齐国投奔来的名叫王肃的人。此人满腹经纶,颇具文韬武略。拓跋宏很欣赏他,经常与之谈论治国安邦之道。王肃便向他提出:要想完成统一大业,必须迁都洛阳。他指出洛阳位居中心地带,地理环境优越,适合建都。 其实拓跋宏早有迁都洛阳之意,只是每次流露此意,便有许多大臣考虑到自己的势力范围、经济利益等多种因素坚决反对。特别是许多老臣,一听要迁都每每声泪俱下,甚至以撞死在祖宗灵堂前相威胁,使迁都计划流产。拓跋宏无奈只得将迁都计划暂且搁置。 此次王肃旧事重提,拓跋宏颇有感触,下决心此次一定要排除万难,一举成功。但洛阳乃中原中心,离平城甚远,硬迁不行,须用巧计,便与王肃商议好一计。 这一天,拓跋宏诏谕文武群臣上朝商议南下统一江山大业。众臣一听纷纷前来。未待拓跋宏开口,大臣穆泰率先说道:"陛下,挥师南下统一江山,实乃壮举。但仁义之师才可战胜,而仁义之师皆出兵有名,不知陛下以何名目发兵伐齐?" 拓跋宏早已料到今有此问,不慌不忙道:"齐君主昏庸无道,无故诛杀王肃父兄,即为明证。朕为仁义之师,现替天行道,率兵伐齐。" "王肃乃一亡命之徒,为区区此人便大动干戈,陛下认为值得吗?"穆泰平素就看不起从齐国投奔而来的王肃,听拓跋宏以替王肃报仇为借口,便很不以为然地问道。

After the death of Queen Mother Feng of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Emperor Tuobahong took charge of the government. Tuobahong began accepting the teachings of the Queen Mother at the age of 5. He has a legacy of calmness and calmness in doing things. In addition, he is smart and easy to learn since he was a child, so he has a deep understanding of the way of governing the country and the country. Tuoba Hong saw that the reform did bring many benefits, so he determined to implement the reform of the Queen Mother Feng to the end: accept the Han culture, win over the people of all ethnic groups, and achieve the great cause of unification. Tuoba Hong also paid special attention to recruiting talents. In the Northern Wei Dynasty at that time, there was a man named Wang Su who defected from Qi State. This person is full of economics and possesses a great literary and military strategy. Tuoba Hong admires him very much and often talks with him about the ways of governing the country and the country. Wang Su proposed to him: To complete the great cause of reunification, the capital must be moved to Luoyang. He pointed out that Luoyang is located in the central area and has a superior geographical environment, which is suitable for building a capital. In fact, Tuoba Hong had long intended to move the capital to Luoyang, but every time he expressed his intention, many ministers resolutely opposed it considering his sphere of influence, economic interests, and other factors. In particular, many veterans burst into tears when they heard that they wanted to move the capital, and even threatened to kill them in front of the ancestor's ancestral hall. Tuoba Hong had no choice but to temporarily shelve the plan to move the capital. This time Wang Su brought up the old things again, and Tuoba Hong was quite touched and determined to overcome all difficulties this time and succeed in one fell swoop. However, Luoyang is the center of the Central Plains, far away from Pingcheng. It is impossible to relocate hard. You must use clever tricks to discuss a plan with Wang Su. On this day, Tuoba Hong ordered the civil and military officials to discuss the great cause of unifying the country and the south. The ministers came one after another. Before Tuobahong could speak, Minister Mutai first said: "Your Majesty, it is a feat to send troops south to unify the country. It is a feat that can only be defeated by the benevolent and righteous divisions, and the benevolent and righteous divisions are all famous for sending troops. "Tuo Bahong had already expected this question today, and said calmly: "The monarch of Qi is faint and innocent, and he killed Wang Su's brother for no reason. This is the proof. I am a teacher of benevolence and righteousness. "Qi." "Wang Su is a desperado. He fought for this person. Does your majesty think it is worth it?" Mu Taiping looked down on Wang Su who had defected from Qi, and listened to Tuoba Hong as an excuse to avenge Wang Su. He asked disapprovingly. (Běiwèi féng tàihòu sǐ hòu, huángdì tà bá hóng zhízhǎng cháozhèng. Tà bá hóng 5 suì jiù kāishǐ jiēshòu féng tàihòu de jiàodǎo, pǒ yǒu féng tàihòu chǔbiànbùjīng, zuòshì cóngróng de yífēng, jiāzhī tā zì yòu cōngmíng hàoxué, yīncǐ shēn tōng zhìguó ān bāng zhī dào. Tà bá hóng kàn dào gǎigé quèshí dài láile xǔduō hǎochù, yīncǐ juéxīn jiāng féng tàihòu de gǎigé guànchè dàodǐ: Jiēshòu hànrén wénhuà, lǒngluò gè zú rénmín, shíxiàn tǒngyī dàyè. Tà bá hóng hái tèbié zhùyì zhāolǎn réncái. Zài dāngshí de běiwèi, yǒu yīgè cóng qí guó tóubèn lái de míng jiào wáng sù de rén. Cǐ rén mǎnfùjīnglún, pǒjù wén tāo wǔ lüè. Tà bá hóng hěn xīnshǎng tā, jīngcháng yǔ zhī tánlùn zhìguó ān bāng zhī dào. Wáng sù biàn xiàng tā tíchū: Yào xiǎng wánchéng tǒngyī dàyè, bìxū qiāndū luòyáng. Tā zhǐchū luòyáng wèi jū zhōngxīn dìdài, dìlǐ huánjìng yōuyuè, shìhé jiàn dū. Qíshí tà bá hóng zǎo yǒu qiāndū luòyáng zhī yì, zhǐshì měi cì liúlù cǐ yì, biàn yǒu xǔduō dàchén kǎolǜ dào zìjǐ de shìlì fànwéi, jīngjì lìyì děng duō zhǒng yīnsù jiānjué fǎnduì. Tèbié shì xǔduō lǎochén, yī tīng yào qiāndū měiměi shēnglèijùxià, shènzhì yǐ zhuàng sǐ zài zǔzōng língtáng qián xiāng wēixié, shǐ qiāndū jìhuà liúchǎn. Tà bá hóng wúnài zhǐdé jiāng qiāndū jìhuà zànqiě gēzhì. Cǐ cì wáng sù jiùshì chóng tí, tà bá hóng pǒ yǒu gǎnchù, xià juéxīn cǐ cì yīdìng yào páichú wànnán, yījǔ chénggōng. Dàn luòyáng nǎi zhōngyuán zhōngxīn, lí píngchéng shén yuǎn, yìng qiān bùxíng, xū yòng qiǎojì, biàn yǔ wáng sù shāngyì hǎo yī jì. Zhè yītiān, tà bá hóng zhào yù wénwǔ qún chén shàng cháo shāngyì nánxià tǒngyī jiāngshān dàyè. Zhòng chén yī tīng fēnfēn qián lái. Wèi dài tà bá hóng kāikǒu, dàchén mù tài shuàixiān shuōdao:"Bìxià, huīshī nánxià tǒngyī jiāngshān, shí nǎi zhuàngjǔ. Dàn rényì zhī shī cái kě zhànshèng, ér rényì zhī shī jiē chūbīng yǒumíng, bùzhī bìxià yǐ hé míngmù fābīng fá qí?" Tà bá hóng zǎoyǐ liào dào jīn yǒu cǐ wèn, bù huāng bù máng dào:"Qí jūnzhǔ hūnyōng wú dào, wúgù zhū shā wáng sù fùxiōng, jí wéi míngzhèng. Zhèn wèi rényì zhī shī, xiàn tì tiān xíngdào, lǜ bīng fá qí." "Wángsùnǎi yī wángmìng zhī tú, wèi qūqū cǐ rén biàn dàdònggāngē, bìxià rènwéi zhídé ma?" Mù tài píngsù jiù kànbùqǐ cóng qí guó tóubèn ér lái de wáng sù, tīng tà bá hóng yǐ tì wáng sù bàochóu wèi jièkǒu, biàn hěn bùyǐwéirán dì wèn dào.)

日本投降后,共产党的力量在扬子江以南略作收缩,在华北和内蒙古急剧扩展,满洲的扩展程度次之。地盘尤其是城市地区的增加,对共产党要比对国民党更具重要意义。""共产党要比国民党从日本投降当中相对获益更多。军事、政治和经济因素的结合,增加了共产党的防御能力,使之达到了军事力量可能难以根除的地步。这是1945年12月11日美国国务院撰写的机密报告《中国的政治军事局势》中的部分内容。抗战刚刚结束,国共两党已经开始抢占地盘的斗争。美国国务院在报告中分析了国共两党的政治和军事控制模式,并具体分析国、共两党的能力优劣,对政治和谈能否解决中国问题作出预估。 这个机密档案,目前已被公开。和其他已被解密的文件一道,被沈志华、杨奎松等中国学者组织翻译成汉语,并对其进行分析评判,结集成8册的《美国对华情报解密档案(1948-1976)》,呈现在读者面前。对毛时代历史感兴趣的任何人,都会对这套丛书爱不释手。它不仅揭示出一个时代的中国秘辛,还向我们展示了美国权威情报部门分析中国问题的路径与方法。沈志华等人对情报准确性的评判,更增加了该书的卖点。 虽然书名显示解密档案起于1948年,终至1976年。但事实上,正如本文开头所引用的文件年份所透露的,该书公布的最早解密文件是1945年。不过,正如杨奎松在有关中国国共内战期间美国解密情报的分析导论中所论述的,这一时期的美国对中国的情报工作存在许多问题,因而直接影响到了情报质量,特别是情报的涵盖面和准确度,同时也影响到情报评估的价值和适用性。这一时段美国情报更多是凭借各种公开信息,根据常识和逻辑来进行推断,所以有不少错误之处,但对国共内战总体趋势和中共建国后的政治走向,以及中苏关系性质和可能存在的矛盾等大问题的判断,一般还是客观和可信的。 这套丛书的解密档案,从国共内战一直到"文革"结束,不仅有中国大陆的政经分析,还包括两岸关系及外交领域,是集中反映美国情报界对中国全景式认识的权威读本。 1 "从现在起到1957年,中国是有可能面临'接班'问题的。现已60岁的毛据说身体状况欠佳。这一时期内,如果他退休或去世,更可能的会是共同掌权式的接班,至少起初会是这样。假如选择单一领导人,那么,要么刘少奇要么周恩来看来最有可能成为继任者。不管怎样,毛从舞台上消失可能会对中国统治集团产生不利影响,并几乎肯定会对中苏伙伴关系内的中方威望带来不利影响。然而我们认为,因可能需要给毛选一接班人而造成的问题,并不会严重削弱独裁统治或中共政权管理和控制中国的能力。问题的。现已60岁的毛据说身体状况欠佳。这一时期内,如果他退休或去世,更可能的会是共同掌权式的接班,至少起初会是这样。假如选择单一领导人,那么,要么刘少奇要么周恩来看来最有可能成为继任者。不管怎样,毛从舞台上消失可能会对中国统治集团产生不利影响,并几乎肯定会对中苏伙伴关系内的中方威望带来不利影响。然而我们认为,因可能需要给毛选一接班人而造成的问题,并不会严重削弱独裁统治或中共政权管理和控制中国的能力。" 美国中情局在1954年5月25日通过的《至1957年前共产党中国的潜在能力》报告,就开始预判毛退休或过世后的接班模式了。"高饶事件"发生后,美国中情局认为,中共高层间存在分歧与竞争,在刘少奇和周恩来周围存在着不明帮派,但并无确凿证据证实在上层梯队内明显组建了派系。两年后的1956年,中情局又在报告中称,刘和周在重大政策上所表达的观点并没有冲突之处。毛泽东在1956年时已经63周岁,美国情报部门感兴趣的是,一旦这位中国的绝对权威因身体状况欠佳而退休或去世,接班人中间会不会出现分裂。 国家领导人现状和继承人问题,是美国情报分析专家在秘密报告中热衷于讨论的话题。除此之外,他们还关心中共红色政权的稳定性和社会控制。在1960年"大饥荒"已经蔓延之际,中情局并未像蒋介石一样认为民众已经对中共彻底失去信心。在一份报告中,他们表示:人们对政权依然是拥护的,"他们中很多人对共产党中国迅速成为一个世界强国感到骄傲","在任何情况下,我们目前都看不到对政权的延续存在着什么严重的威胁,无论在党内还是在党外。"这样冷峻的观察,事后被证明具有相当的正确性。在已被解密的美国中情局1948-1976年针对中国的各种报告中,我们很轻易能看到这样入木三分的观察。 这套《美国对华情报解密档案(1948-1976)》,就是对毛泽东时代美国相关情报的一次汇总分析,内容涉及中国政治、军事、经济、外交等各个领域。对"文革"、中苏关系、台海风云、朝鲜战争和中印边界冲突,还有专章描述。应该说,在毛时代,除了苏联等少数社会主义国家外,国际上对中共有着最深刻理解的就属美国中情局了。情报部门聚集了大量精英,而且他们掌握很多未曾公开的秘密信息,先天较学界具有国情分析的优势。毛时代如此,今天亦然,美国情报界对中国政经情况的熟稔程度,绝非一般学者所能比肩。、中苏关系、台海风云、朝鲜战争和中印边界冲突,还有专章描述。应该说,在毛时代,除了苏联等少数社会主义国家外,国际上对中共有着最深刻理解的就属美国中情局了。情报部门聚集了大量精英,而且他们掌握很多未曾公开的秘密信息,先天较学界具有国情分析的优势。毛时代如此,今天亦然,美国情报界对中国政经情况的熟稔程度,绝非一般学者所能比肩。 但在一些重大趋势的判断上,美国中情局还是存在严重错误。譬如关于中苏关系上,在两国已经出现分歧后相当长时间内(大约五年),中情局都相信这个共产同盟不会走向破裂。学者沈志华分析说,这中间有美国情报来源有限,东西方文化背景差异,以及美国对毛泽东、赫鲁晓夫等社会主义国家领导人个性缺乏必要了解等原因,但最重要的是分析方法的错位:中情局忽略了社会主义国家外交决策的依据中蕴涵着许多从西方观点看来非理性的因素,其决策程序在当时也绝非谙练西方外交决策原则的情报分析人员所能掌握。 相较于对新中国的研析,在国共内战时期,美国对华的外交情报,存在更大的误判。这其中另有原因。 2 "共产党正规军从扬子江以南部分地盘的撤退,并没有带来共产党在这些地区影响力的崩溃。即使不提到那些非理性的人们,地方武装和政工人员通常也仍然留在后方。这些地区名义上回到了国民党的控制之下,却仍旧保留着亲共的情绪。虽然程度次之,这同样适用于那些1927年以来曾一度被中国共产党占领过的地区。" 美国国务院1945年底关于中国政治军事局势的评估报告中,就对共产党的崛起给予了很多恰当的评论。他们认为,虽然国民党在人口、军事装备和工业潜力方面的绝对数要大得多,但由于共产党拥有训练有素的人口、组织能力和政治上的长处,因此在这场较量中将能够取得更多超过国民政府的优势。"没有外援,共产党固然不大可能推翻国民党,但是即使有外援,国民党也不大可能完全压服它的反对派。共产党可能会被压缩到更小的区域内,但是它可能会进行持续的抵抗。没有外援,共产党固然不大可能推翻国民党,但是即使有外援,国民党也不大可能完全压服它的反对派。共产党可能会被压缩到更小的区域内,但是它可能会进行持续的抵抗。" 不过,在另一些时候,美国的情报评估又显得并不专业。一个例证是对苏联在国共内战中所发挥的作用估计不足。学者杨奎松在分析中指出,直到1947年底,美国的情报评估报告还没有对中共与苏联的关系给予足够的重视。它虽然也谈到了中共掌权与苏联结盟的可能性,但更重视的显然是中苏之间历史上的以及现实外交方面的种种摩擦和敌意。1948年1月虽然有一份专门的报告评估了苏联对中国东北地区的利益需求,也注意到了1947年以来中共东北政权与苏联间的贸易往来,但却仍然没能从中共背靠苏联控制东北大部分地区的角度,来观察这种情况会对整个国共内战产生怎样的作用与影响。 之所以在国共内战时期,美国情报部门的报告会显得错误相对较多,和彼时美国对外情报活动处于极不正常的状态有关。美国对中国的情报网,曾一度中断,此前和国民党合作的中美合作机制也被终止,信息源颇为有限。 这套丛书中,内战时期的解密档案所占比例有限,更多是新中国成立后的情报汇总。学者沈志华强调,这些情报的参与者不仅有中央情报局,往往还有国务院、陆海空三军、参谋长联席会议和原子能委员会的情报部门,最后还得到美国情报委员会的赞同,参与文件定稿的经常包括国务院情报和研究署署长、陆海空军部负责情报的助理参谋长、联合参谋部情报局局长、美国情报局驻原子能委员会代表、特种作战部的助理国防部长、国家安全局局长、联邦调查局助理局长等,因此可被看做是美国情报部门和精英集体研究的成果。 能够看到这套丛书,还要感谢美国对档案解密的相关法条规定。时隔多年,是到了检验情报部门历史上对华情报绩效的时候了,这样做又不会影响美国的国家利益。一个政权,不可能长期垄断对历史信息的拥有权。民主社会,必然要求执政者为所有的决策负责。即便时光远去,也要让民众有评判的档案根基。能够看到这套丛书,还要感谢美国对档案解密的相关法条规定。时隔多年,是到了检验情报部门历史上对华情报绩效的时候了,这样做又不会影响美国的国家利益。一个政权,不可能长期垄断对历史信息的拥有权。民主社会,必然要求执政者为所有的决策负责。即便时光远去,也要让民众有评判的档案根基。 毛时代的铁幕之外,美国中央情报局构成窥视中国的第三只眼。这只眼也有看错的时候,但更多时候,它锐利的透视观察,会丰富我们对一个时代的理解。 俄国解密档案中的新疆问题——《俄国解密档案:新疆问题》 沈志华新近出版的资料集《俄国解密档案:新疆问题》,是这一领域重要的档案材料,有了这份材料,至少新疆史应该重新改写。 特约撰稿员/至秦研究中国近代史、尤其是政治史的都知道,档案是第一手的资料。按照学者谢泳的说法,传记不如年谱、年谱不如日记、日记不如第一手的档案,因此档案在历史研究、尤其是近代史研究中尤其重要。 俄国解密档案早已成为研究中国近代史、冷战史、中华人民共和国史的重要参考资料,自上世纪90年代初,沈志华等人不辞辛苦加以披露,早已奠定了其在史学界的权威地位。其新近出版的资料集《俄国解密档案:新疆问题》,便是这一领域重要的档案材料,有了这份材料,至少新疆史应该重新改写。

After the surrender of Japan, the power of the Communist Party contracted slightly south of the Yangtze River, and expanded rapidly in northern China and Inner Mongolia, followed by Manchuria. The increase in sites, especially urban areas, is more important to the Communist Party than to the Kuomintang. "The Communist Party has relatively benefited more from Japan's surrender than the Kuomintang. The combination of military, political, and economic factors has increased the Communist Party's defensive capabilities, bringing it to a point where military power may be difficult to eradicate. This is part of the confidential report "China's Political and Military Situation" written by the U.S. State Department on December 11, 1945. The Anti-Japanese War has just ended, and the Kuomintang and Communist Parties have begun a struggle to seize territory. In the report, the U.S. State Department analyzed the political and military control modes of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and specifically analyzed the capabilities of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and made an estimate of whether the political peace talks could solve China's problems. This confidential file has now been made public. Along with other declassified documents, they were translated into Chinese by Chinese scholars such as Shen Zhihua, Yang Kuisong, and analyzed and judged them. The 8 volumes of "U.S. China Intelligence Declassified Archives (1948-1976)" are presented to readers before. Anyone interested in the history of the Mao era will love this series of books. It not only reveals the secrets of China in an era, but also shows us the path and methods used by authoritative American intelligence agencies to analyze Chinese issues. The judgment of Shen Zhihua and others on the accuracy of intelligence adds to the book's selling point. Although the title of the book shows that the decrypted file started in 1948 and ended in 1976. But in fact, as revealed by the document year cited at the beginning of this article, the earliest declassified document published in the book was 1945. However, as Yang Kuisong discussed in the introduction to the analysis of US declassified intelligence during the Chinese Kuomintang and Communist Civil War, there were many problems with the US intelligence work in China during this period, which directly affected the quality of intelligence, especially the coverage and accuracy of intelligence. At the same time, it also affects the value and applicability of intelligence assessment. U.S. intelligence during this period is more based on various public information, common sense and logic to make inferences, so there are many errors, but the general trend of the Chinese Communist Party's civil war and the political trend after the founding of the Communist Party of China, as well as the nature of Sino-Soviet relations Judgments on major issues such as possible contradictions are generally objective and credible. The declassified files of this series, from the Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to the end of the "Cultural Revolution", not only include the political and economic analysis of mainland China, but also the cross-strait relations and diplomacy. It is an authoritative reading that focuses on the panoramic view of China in the US intelligence community. 1 "From now until 1957, China is likely to face the problem of'succession'. Mao, now 60, is said to be in poor health. During this period, if he retires or passes away, it is more likely that he will be in power together. At least this will be the case at first. If a single leader is chosen, then either Liu Shaoqi or Zhou Enlai seems to be the most likely successor. In any case, Mao's disappearance from the stage may have an adverse effect on the Chinese ruling group. It will almost certainly have an adverse effect on the prestige of China in the Sino-Soviet partnership. However, we believe that the problems caused by the need to elect a successor to Mao will not seriously weaken the dictatorship or the Chinese Communist regime's management and control of China. Ability. The problem. The 60-year-old Mao is said to be in poor health. During this period, if he retires or dies, it is more likely that he will be a common succession, at least at first. If he chooses a single leader , Then, either Liu Shaoqi or Zhou Enlai seems to be the most likely successor. In any case, Mao's disappearance from the stage may have an adverse effect on the Chinese ruling bloc and will almost certainly be detrimental to the prestige of the Chinese side in the Sino-Soviet partnership. Impact. However, we believe that the problems caused by the possible need to elect a successor to Mao will not severely weaken the dictatorship or the Chinese Communist regime's ability to manage and control China." The CIA adopted the "Central Intelligence Agency" on May 25, 1954. The report "The Potential Ability of Communist China Before 1957" began to predict Mao's succession model after retirement or death. After the "Gao Rao Incident," the US CIA believed that there was disagreement and competition among the top CCP leaders, and there were unidentified gangs around Liu Shaoqi and Zhou Enlai, but there was no conclusive evidence to prove that factions were clearly formed in the upper echelon. Two years later, in 1956, the CIA stated in a report that there was no conflict between the views Liu and Zhou expressed on major policies. Mao Zedong was 63 years old in 1956, and the US intelligence agencies are interested in whether there will be a split among the successors once this absolute Chinese authority retires or dies due to poor health. The current situation of national leaders and the issue of heirs are topics that U.S. intelligence analysts are keen to discuss in secret reports. In addition, they are also concerned about the stability and social control of the CCP's red regime. When the "great famine" had spread in 1960, the CIA did not believe that the people had completely lost confidence in the CCP like Chiang Kai-shek did. In a report, they said: People still support the regime, "many of them are proud of Communist China's rapid emergence as a world power", "Under any circumstances, we currently do not see the continuation of the regime. What serious threats exist, whether inside the party or outside the party." Such a cold observation proved to be quite correct afterwards. In the declassified CIA reports on China from 1948 to 1976, we can easily see such a trivial observation. This set of "Declassified Archives of American Intelligence on China (1948-1976)" is a comprehensive analysis of relevant American intelligence in the Mao Zedong era, covering various fields such as China's politics, military, economy, and diplomacy. There are also special chapters describing the "Cultural Revolution", Sino-Soviet relations, the situation in the Taiwan Strait, the Korean War and the Sino-Indian border conflict. It should be said that in the Mao era, except for a few socialist countries such as the Soviet Union, the one that had the most profound understanding of the CCP in the world was the CIA. The intelligence department has gathered a large number of elites, and they have a lot of secret information that has not been made public, and they have inherent advantages over the academic circles in analyzing national conditions. This was true in the Mao era, and it is also true today. The US intelligence community's familiarity with China's political and economic conditions is by no means comparable to that of ordinary scholars. , Sino-Soviet relations, the situation in the Taiwan Strait, the Korean War and the Sino-Indian border conflict, there are also special chapters describing. It should be said that in the Mao era, except for a few socialist countries such as the Soviet Union, the one that had the most profound understanding of the CCP in the world was the CIA. The intelligence department has gathered a large number of elites, and they have a lot of secret information that has not been made public, and they have inherent advantages over the academic circles in analyzing national conditions. This was true in the Mao era, and it is also true today. The US intelligence community's familiarity with China's political and economic conditions is by no means comparable to that of ordinary scholars. However, the CIA still has serious errors in judging some major trends. For example, regarding Sino-Soviet relations, for a long time (about five years) after the two countries had already disagreeed, the CIA believed that the communist alliance would not break down. Scholar Shen Zhihua analyzed that there were limited sources of American intelligence, differences in cultural backgrounds between the East and the West, and the United States' lack of necessary understanding of the personalities of leaders of socialist countries such as Mao Zedong and Khrushchev. The most important thing was the misplacement of analysis methods. : The CIA ignores that there are many irrational factors in the diplomatic decision-making basis of socialist countries, and its decision-making procedures were by no means within the reach of intelligence analysts who were versed in the principles of Western diplomatic decision-making. Compared with the analysis of New China, during the Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, there was even greater misjudgment of the US diplomatic intelligence on China. There are other reasons for this. 2 "The retreat of the Communist Party's regular army from some areas south of the Yangtze River did not bring about the collapse of the Communist Party's influence in these areas. Even if irrational people are not mentioned, local armed forces and political workers usually remain behind. These areas Nominally returned to the control of the Kuomintang, but still retains the pro-communist sentiment. Although the second degree, this also applies to those areas that were once occupied by the Chinese Communist Party since 1927." The U.S. State Department at the end of 1945 on Chinese politics The assessment report on the military situation gave many appropriate comments on the rise of the Communist Party. They believe that although the Kuomintang has a much larger absolute number in terms of population, military equipment, and industrial potential, because the Communist Party has a well-trained population, organizational capabilities, and political strengths, it will be able to achieve more in this contest. More than the advantages of the national government. "Without foreign aid, the Communist Party is certainly unlikely to overthrow the Kuomintang, but even with foreign aid, the Kuomintang is unlikely to completely subjugate its opposition. The Communist Party may be compressed into a smaller area, but it may continue to resist. Without foreign aid, the Communist Party is certainly unlikely to overthrow the Kuomintang, but even with foreign aid, the Kuomintang is unlikely to completely subjugate its opposition. The Communist Party may be compressed into a smaller area, but it may continue to resist." However, at other times, U.S. intelligence assessments appear to be unprofessional. One example is the underestimation of the Soviet Union's role in the Kuomintang and Communist Civil War. Scholar Yang Kuisong pointed out in his analysis that until the end of 1947, the US intelligence assessment report had not paid enough attention to the relationship between the CCP and the Soviet Union. Although it also talked about the possibility of the Chinese Communist Party taking power and forming an alliance with the Soviet Union, it obviously paid more attention to the historical and actual diplomatic frictions and hostility between China and the Soviet Union. Although there was a special report in January 1948 that assessed the Soviet Union's interests in Northeast China, and noted the trade between the Northeast regime of the Communist Party of China and the Soviet Union since 1947, it still failed to control the Northeast China from the CCP's back from the Soviet Union. From the perspective of some regions, let's observe how this situation will have an effect and impact on the entire civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. The reason why there were relatively more errors in the reports of the US intelligence agencies during the Kuomintang and Communist Civil War was related to the extremely abnormal state of US foreign intelligence activities at that time. The US intelligence network on China was once suspended. The Sino-US cooperation mechanism that had previously cooperated with the Kuomintang was also terminated, and the source of information was rather limited. In this set of books, the proportion of declassified files during the Civil War is limited, and more of them are information collections after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Scholar Shen Zhihua emphasized that the participants of this intelligence are not only the Central Intelligence Agency, but also the intelligence departments of the State Department, the Army, Navy, and Air Force, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Atomic Energy Commission. In the end, they were endorsed by the U.S. Intelligence Committee. Those involved in finalizing documents often included the State Department. Director of Intelligence and Research, Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence of the Army, Navy and Air Force, Director of the Joint Staff Intelligence Agency, U.S. Intelligence Agency Representative to the Atomic Energy Commission, Assistant Secretary of Defense of the Special Operations Department, Director of the National Security Agency, Assistant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation The director, etc., can therefore be regarded as the result of collective research by the US intelligence services and elites. To be able to see this series of books, I would also like to thank the United States for the relevant laws and regulations on file decryption. After many years, it is time to test the intelligence performance of the intelligence agencies in the history of China. Doing so will not affect the national interests of the United States. A regime cannot monopolize the ownership of historical information for a long time. A democratic society inevitably requires those in power to be responsible for all decisions. Even if time goes by, let the public have a basis for judging the archives. To be able to see this series of books, I would also like to thank the United States for the relevant laws and regulations on file decryption. After many years, it is time to test the intelligence performance of the intelligence agencies in the history of China. Doing so will not affect the national interests of the United States. A regime cannot monopolize the ownership of historical information for a long time. A democratic society inevitably requires those in power to be responsible for all decisions. Even if time goes by, let the public have a basis for judging the archives. Outside the iron curtain of the Mao era, the CIA constitutes the third eye into China. This eye can sometimes misread it, but more often, its sharp perspective observation will enrich our understanding of an era. The Xinjiang Issue in the Russian Declassified Archives-"Russian Declassified Archives: Xinjiang Issues" Shen Zhihua's newly published data collection "Russian Declassified Archives: Xinjiang Issues" is an important archive material in this field. With this material, at least the history of Xinjiang It should be rewritten. Contributors/As far as Qin people study modern Chinese history, especially political history, they know that archives are first-hand information. According to scholar Xie Yong, biography is not as good as chronology, chronology is not as good as diary, and diary is not as good as first-hand archives. Therefore, archives are particularly important in historical research, especially in modern history research. The Russian declassified archives have long become an important reference material for the study of modern Chinese history, Cold War history, and the history of the People's Republic of China. Since the early 1990s, Shen Zhihua and others have worked so hard to disclose them, which has long established its authority in the history of science. His newly published data collection "Russian Declassified Archives: Xinjiang Issues" is an important archival material in this field. With this material, at least the history of Xinjiang should be rewritten. (Rìběn tóuxiáng hòu, gòngchǎndǎng de lìliàng zài yángzǐjiāng yǐ nán lüè zuò shōusuō, zài huáběi hé nèiménggǔ jíjù kuòzhǎn, mǎnzhōu de kuòzhǎn chéngdù cì zhī. Dìpán yóuqí shì chéngshì dìqū de zēngjiā, duì gòngchǎndǎng yào bǐ duì guómíndǎng gèng jù zhòngyào yìyì.""Gòngchǎndǎng yào bǐ guómíndǎng cóng rìběn tóuxiáng dāngzhōng xiāngduì huò yì gèng duō. Jūnshì, zhèngzhì hé jīngjì yīnsù de jiéhé, zēngjiāle gòngchǎndǎng de fángyù nénglì, shǐ zhī dádàole jūnshì lìliàng kěnéng nányǐ gēnchú dì dìbù. Zhè shì 1945 nián 12 yuè 11 rì měiguó guówùyuàn zhuànxiě de jīmì bàogào "zhōngguó de zhèngzhì jūnshì júshì" zhōng de bùfèn nèiróng. Kàngzhàn gānggāng jiéshù, guógòng liǎng dǎng yǐjīng kāishǐ qiǎngzhàn dìpán de dòuzhēng. Měiguó guówùyuàn zài bàogào zhōng fēnxīle guógòng liǎng dǎng de zhèngzhì hé jūnshì kòngzhì móshì, bìng jùtǐ fēnxī guó, gòng liǎng dǎng de nénglì yōu liè, duì zhèngzhì hétán néng fǒu jiějué zhōngguó wèntí zuòchū yù gū. Zhège jīmì dǎng'àn, mùqián yǐ bèi gōngkāi. Hé qítā yǐ bèi jiěmì de wénjiàn yīdào, bèi chénzhìhuá, yángkuísōng děng zhōngguó xuézhě zǔzhī fānyì chéng hànyǔ, bìng duì qí jìn háng fēnxī píngpàn, jié jíchéng 8 cè de "měiguó duì huá qíngbào jiěmì dǎng'àn (1948-1976)", chéngxiànzài dúzhě miànqián. Duì máo shídài lìshǐ gǎn xìngqù de rènhé rén, dūhuì duì zhè tào cóngshū àibùshìshǒu. Tā bùjǐn jiēshì chū yīgè shídài de zhōngguó mì xīn, hái xiàng wǒmen zhǎnshìle měiguó quánwēi qíngbào bùmén fēnxī zhōngguó wèntí de lùjìng yǔ fāngfǎ. Chénzhìhuá děng rén duì qíngbào zhǔnquè xìng de píngpàn, gèng zēngjiāle gāi shū de màidiǎn. Suīrán shū míngxiǎnshì jiěmì dǎng'àn qǐ yú 1948 nián, zhōng zhì 1976 nián. Dànshìshí shàng, zhèngrú běnwén kāitóu suǒyǐnyòng de wénjiàn niánfèn suǒ tòulù de, gāi shū gōngbù de zuìzǎo jiěmì wénjiàn shì 1945 nián. Bùguò, zhèngrú yángkuísōng zài yǒuguān zhōngguó guógòng nèizhàn qíjiān měiguó jiěmì qíngbào de fēnxī dǎolùn zhōng suǒ lùnshù de, zhè yī shíqí dì měiguó duì zhōngguó de qíngbào gōngzuò cúnzài xǔduō wèntí, yīn'ér zhíjiē yǐngxiǎng dàole qíngbào zhìliàng, tèbié shì qíngbào de hángài miàn hé zhǔnquè dù, tóngshí yě yǐngxiǎng dào qíngbào pínggū de jiàzhí hé shìyòng xìng. Zhè yī shíduàn měiguóqíngbào gèng duō shì píngjiè gè zhǒng gōngkāi xìnxī, gēnjù chángshì hé luójí lái jìnxíng tuīduàn, suǒyǐ yǒu bù shǎo cuòwù zhī chù, dàn duì guógòng nèizhàn zǒngtǐ qūshì hé zhōnggòng jiànguó hòu de zhèngzhì zǒuxiàng, yǐjízhōng sū guānxì xìngzhì hàn kěnéng cúnzài de máodùn děng dà wèntí de pànduàn, yībān háishì kèguān hàn kě xìn de. Zhè tào cóngshū de jiěmì dǎng'àn, cóng guógòng nèizhàn yīzhídào "wéngé" jiéshù, bùjǐn yǒu zhòng guó dàlù de zhèng jīng fēnxī, hái bāokuò liǎng'àn guānxì jí wàijiāo lǐngyù, shì jí zhōng fǎnyìng měiguóqíngbào jiè duì zhōngguó quánjǐng shì rènshí de quánwēi dúběn. 1 "Cóng xiàn zài qǐ dào 1957 nián, zhōngguó shì yǒu kěnéng miànlín 'jiēbān' wèntí de. Xiàn yǐ 60 suì de máo jùshuō shēntǐ zhuàngkuàng qiàn jiā. Zhè yī shíqí nèi, rúguǒ tā tuìxiū huò qùshì, gèng kěnéng de huì shì gòngtóng zhǎngquán shì de jiēbān, zhìshǎo qǐchū huì shì zhèyàng. Jiǎrú xuǎnzé dānyī lǐngdǎo rén, nàme, yàome liúshǎoqí yàome zhōu'ēnlái kàn lái zuì yǒu kěnéng chéngwéi jìrèn zhě. Bùguǎn zěnyàng, máo cóng wǔtái shàng xiāoshī kěnéng huì duì zhōngguó tǒngzhì jítuán chǎnshēng bùlì yǐngxiǎng, bìng jīhū kěndìng huì duì zhōng sū huǒbàn guānxì nèi de zhōngfāng wēiwàng dài lái bu lì yǐngxiǎng. Rán'ér wǒmen rènwéi, yīn kěnéng xūyào gěi máo xuǎn yī jiēbān rén ér zàochéng de wèntí, bìng bù huì yánzhòng xuēruò dúcái tǒngzhì huò zhōnggòng zhèngquán guǎnlǐ hé kòngzhì zhōngguó de nénglì. Wèntí de. Xiàn yǐ 60 suì de máo jùshuō shēntǐ zhuàngkuàng qiàn jiā. Zhè yī shíqí nèi, rúguǒ tā tuìxiū huò qùshì, gèng kěnéng de huì shì gòngtóng zhǎngquán shì de jiēbān, zhìshǎo qǐchū huì shì zhèyàng. Jiǎrú xuǎnzé dānyī lǐngdǎo rén, nàme, yàome liúshǎoqí yàome zhōu'ēnlái kàn lái zuì yǒu kěnéng chéngwéi jìrèn zhě. Bùguǎn zěnyàng, máo cóng wǔtái shàng xiāoshī kěnéng huì duì zhōngguó tǒngzhì jítuán chǎnshēng bùlì yǐngxiǎng, bìng jīhū kěndìng huì duì zhōng sū huǒbàn guānxì nèi de zhōngfāng wēiwàng dài lái bu lì yǐngxiǎng. Rán'ér wǒmen rènwéi, yīn kěnéng xūyào gěi máo xuǎn yī jiēbān rén ér zàochéng de wèntí, bìng bù huì yánzhòng xuēruò dúcái tǒngzhì huò zhōnggòng zhèngquán guǎnlǐ hé kòngzhì zhōngguó de nénglì." Měiguó zhōngqíngjú zài 1954 nián 5 yuè 25 rì tōngguò de "zhì 1957 nián qián gòngchǎndǎng zhōngguó de qiánzài nénglì" bàogào, jiù kāishǐ yù pàn máo tuìxiū huò guòshìhòu de jiēbān móshìle."Gāo ráo shìjiàn" fāshēng hòu, měiguó zhōngqíngjú rènwéi, zhōnggòng gāocéng jiān cúnzài fēnqí yǔ jìngzhēng, zài liúshǎoqí hé zhōu'ēnlái zhōuwéi cúnzàizhe bùmíng bāngpài, dàn bìng wú quèzuò zhèngjù zhèngshí zài shàngcéng tīduì nèi míng xiǎn zǔjiànle pàixì. Liǎng nián hòu de 1956 nián, zhōngqíngjú yòu zài bàogào zhōng chēng, liúhézhōu zài zhòngdà zhèngcè shàng suǒ biǎodá de guāndiǎn bìng méiyǒu chōngtú zhī chù. Máozédōng zài 1956 nián shí yǐjīng 63 zhōusuì, měiguó qíngbào bùmén gǎn xìngqù de shì, yīdàn zhè wèi zhōngguó de juéduì quánwēi yīn shēntǐ zhuàngkuàng qiàn jiā ér tuìxiū huò qùshì, jiēbān rén zhōngjiān huì bù huì chūxiàn fēnliè. Guójiā lǐngdǎo rén xiànzhuàng hé jìchéngrén wèntí, shì měiguó qíngbào fēnxī zhuānjiā zài mìmì bàogào zhōng rèzhōng yú tǎolùn de huàtí. Chú cǐ zhī wài, tāmen hái guānxīn zhōnggòng hóngsè zhèngquán de wěndìng xìng hé shèhuì kòngzhì. Zài 1960 nián "dà jīhuang" yǐjīng mànyán zhī jì, zhōngqíngjú bìng wèi xiàng jiǎngjièshí yīyàng rènwéi mínzhòng yǐjīng duì zhōnggòng chèdǐ shīqù xìnxīn. Zài yī fèn bàogào zhōng, tāmen biǎoshì: Rénmen duì zhèngquán yīrán shì yǒnghù de,"tāmen zhōng hěnduō rén duì gòngchǎndǎng zhōngguó xùnsù chéngwéi yīgè shìjiè qiángguó gǎndào jiāo'ào","zài rènhé qíngkuàng xià, wǒmen mùqián dōu kàn bù dào duì zhèngquán de yánxù cúnzàizhe shénme yánzhòng de wēixié, wúlùn zài dǎng nèi háishì zài dǎng wài." Zhèyàng lěngjùn de guānchá, shì hòu bèi zhèngmíng jùyǒu xiāngdāng de zhèngquè xìng. Zài yǐ bèi jiěmì dì měiguó zhōngqíngjú 1948-1976 nián zhēnduì zhōngguó de gè zhǒng bàogào zhōng, wǒmen hěn qīngyì néng kàn dào zhèyàng rùmùsānfēn de guānchá. Zhè tào "měiguó duì huá qíngbào jiěmì dǎng'àn (1948-1976)", jiùshì duì máozédōng shídài měiguó xiāngguān qíngbào de yīcì huìzǒng fēnxī, nèiróng shèjí zhōngguó zhèngzhì, jūnshì, jīngjì, wàijiāo děng gège lǐngyù. Duì "wéngé", zhōng sū guānxì, táihǎi fēngyún, cháoxiǎn zhànzhēng hé zhōng yìn biānjiè chōngtú, hái yǒu zhuān zhāng miáoshù. Yīnggāi shuō, zài máo shídài, chúle sūlián děng shǎoshù shèhuì zhǔyì guójiā wài, guójì shang duì zhōnggòng yǒuzhe zuì shēnkè lǐjiě de jiù shǔ měiguó zhōngqíngjúle. Qíngbào bùmén jùjíle dàliàng jīngyīng, érqiě tāmen zhǎngwò hěnduō wèicéng gōngkāi de mìmì xìnxī, xiāntiān jiào xuéjiè jùyǒu guó qíng fèn xī de yōushì. Máo shídài rúcǐ, jīntiān yì rán, měiguó qíngbào jiè duì zhōngguó zhèng jīng qíngkuàng de shúrěn chéngdù, jué fēi yībān xuézhě suǒ néng bǐjiān., Zhōng sū guānxì, táihǎi fēngyún, cháoxiǎn zhànzhēng hé zhōng yìn biānjiè chōngtú, hái yǒu zhuān zhāng miáoshù. Yīnggāi shuō, zài máo shídài, chúle sūlián děng shǎoshù shèhuì zhǔyì guójiā wài, guójì shang duì zhōnggòng yǒuzhe zuì shēnkè lǐjiě de jiù shǔ měiguó zhōngqíngjúle. Qíngbào bùmén jùjíle dàliàng jīngyīng, érqiě tāmen zhǎngwò hěnduō wèicéng gōngkāi de mìmì xìnxī, xiāntiān jiào xuéjiè jùyǒu guó qíng fèn xī de yōushì. Máo shídài rúcǐ, jīntiān yì rán, měiguó qíngbào jiè duì zhōngguó zhèng jīng qíngkuàng de shúrěn chéngdù, jué fēi yībān xuézhě suǒ néng bǐjiān. Dàn zài yīxiē zhòngdà qūshì de pànduàn shàng, měiguó zhōngqíngjú háishì cúnzài yánzhòng cuòwù. Pìrú guānyú zhōng sū guānxì shàng, zài liǎng guó yǐjīng chūxiàn fēnqí hòu xiāngdāng cháng shíjiān nèi (dàyuē wǔ nián), zhōngqíngjú dōu xiāngxìn zhège gòngchǎn tóngméng bù huì zǒuxiàng pòliè. Xuézhě chénzhìhuá fēnxī shuō, zhè zhōngjiān yǒu měiguó qíngbào láiyuán yǒuxiàn, dōngxīfāng wénhuà bèijǐng chāyì, yǐjí měiguó duì máozédōng, hè lǔ xiǎo fū děng shèhuì zhǔyì guójiā lǐngdǎo rén gèxìng quēfá bìyào liǎojiě děng yuányīn, dàn zuì zhòngyào de shì fēnxīfāngfǎ de cuòwèi: Zhōngqíngjú hūlüèle shèhuì zhǔyì guójiā wàijiāo juécè de yījù zhōng yùnhánzhe xǔduō cóng xī fāng guāndiǎn kàn lái fēi lǐxìng de yīnsù, qí juécè chéngxù zài dāngshí yě jué fēi ān liàn xī fāng wàijiāo juécè yuánzé de qíngbào fēnxī rényuán suǒ néng zhǎngwò. Xiāng jiào yú duì xīn zhōngguó de yán xī, zài guógòng nèizhàn shíqí, měiguó duì huá de wàijiāo qing bào, cúnzài gèng dà de wù pàn. Zhè qízhōng lìng yǒu yuányīn. 2 "Gòngchǎndǎng zhèngguījūn cóng yángzǐjiāng yǐ nán bùfèn dìpán de chètuì, bìng méiyǒu dài lái gòngchǎndǎng zài zhèxiē dìqū yǐngxiǎng lì de bēngkuì. Jíshǐ bu tí dào nàxiē fēi lǐxìng de rénmen, dìfāng wǔzhuāng hé zhènggōng rényuán tōngcháng yě réngrán liú zài hòufāng. Zhèxiē dìqū míngyì shàng huí dàole guómíndǎng de kòngzhì zhī xià, què réngjiù bǎoliúzhe qīn gòng de qíngxù. Suīrán chéngdù cì zhī, zhè tóngyàng shìyòng yú nàxiē 1927 nián yǐlái céng yīdù bèi zhōngguógòngchǎndǎng zhànlǐngguò dì dìqū." Měiguó guówùyuàn 1945 niándǐ guānyú zhōngguó zhèngzhì jūnshì júshì de pínggū bàogào zhōng, jiù duì gòngchǎndǎng de juéqǐ jǐyǔle hěnduō qiàdàng de pínglùn. Tāmen rènwéi, suīrán guómíndǎng zài rénkǒu, jūnshì zhuāngbèi hé gōngyè qiánlì fāngmiàn de juéduì shù yào dà dé duō, dàn yóuyú gòngchǎndǎng yǒngyǒu xùnliàn yǒu sù de rénkǒu, zǔzhī nénglì hé zhèngzhì shàng de cháng chù, yīncǐ zài zhè chǎng jiàoliàng zhōng jiàng nénggòu qǔdé gèng duō chāoguò guómín zhèngfǔ de yōushì."Méiyǒu wàiyuán, gòngchǎndǎng gùrán bù dà kěnéng tuīfān guómíndǎng, dànshì jíshǐ yǒu wàiyuán, guómíndǎng yě bù dà kěnéng wánquán yāfú tā de fǎnduì pài. Gòngchǎndǎng kěnéng huì bèi yāsuō dào gèng xiǎo de qūyù nèi, dànshì tā kěnéng huì jìnxíng chíxù de dǐkàng. Méiyǒu wàiyuán, gòngchǎndǎng gùrán bù dà kěnéng tuīfān guómíndǎng, dànshì jíshǐ yǒu wàiyuán, guómíndǎng yě bù dà kěnéng wánquán yāfú tā de fǎnduì pài. Gòngchǎndǎng kěnéng huì bèi yāsuō dào gèng xiǎo de qūyù nèi, dàn shì tā kěnéng huì jìnxíng chíxù de dǐkàng." Bùguò, zài lìng yīxiē shíhòu, měiguó de qíngbào pínggū yòu xiǎndé bìng bù zhuānyè. Yīgè lìzhèng shì duì sūlián zài guógòng nèizhàn zhōng suǒ fāhuī de zuòyòng gūjì bùzú. Xuézhě yángkuísōng zài fēnxī zhōngzhǐchū, zhí dào 1947 niándǐ, měiguó de qíngbào pínggū bàogào hái méiyǒu duì zhōnggòng yǔ sūlián de guānxì jǐyǔ zúgòu de zhòngshì. Tā suīrán yě tán dàole zhōnggòng zhǎngquán yǔ sūlián jiéméng de kěnéng xìng, dàn gèng zhòngshì de xiǎnrán shì zhōng sū zhī jiān lìshǐ shàng de yǐjí xiànshí wàijiāo fāngmiàn de zhǒngzhǒng mócā hé díyì.1948 Nián 1 yuè suīrán yǒuyī fèn zhuānmén de bàogào pínggūle sūlián duì zhōngguó dōngběi dìqū de lìyì xūqiú, yě zhùyì dàole 1947 nián yǐlái zhōnggòng dōngběi zhèngquán yǔ sūlián jiān de màoyì wǎnglái, dàn què réngrán méi néng cóng zhōnggòng bèi kào sūlián kòngzhì dōngběi dà bùfèn dìqū de jiǎodù, lái guānchá zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng huì duì zhěnggè guógòng nèizhàn chǎnshēng zěnyàng de zuòyòng yǔ yǐngxiǎng. Zhī suǒ yǐ zài guó gòng nèizhàn shíqí, měiguó qíngbào bùmén de bàogào huì xiǎndé cuòwù xiāngduì jiào duō, hé bǐ shí měiguó duìwài qíngbào huódòng chǔyú jí bù zhèngcháng de zhuàngtài yǒuguān. Měiguó duì zhōngguó de qíngbào wǎng, céng yīdù zhòng duàn, cǐqián héguómíndǎng hézuò de zhōng měi hézuò jīzhì yě bèi zhōng zhǐ, xìnxī yuán pǒ wéi yǒuxiàn. Zhè tào cóngshū zhōng, nèizhàn shíqí de jiěmì dǎng'àn suǒ zhàn bǐlì yǒuxiàn, gèng duō shì xīn zhōngguó chénglì hòu de qíngbào huìzǒng. Xuézhě chénzhìhuá qiángdiào, zhèxiē qíngbào de cānyù zhě bùjǐn yǒu zhòng yāng qíngbào jú, wǎngwǎng huán yǒu guówùyuàn, lùhǎikōng sānjūn, cānmóu zhǎng liánxí huìyì hé yuánzǐnéng wěiyuánhuì de qíngbào bùmén, zuìhòu hái dédào měiguó qíngbào wěiyuánhuì de zàntóng, cānyù wénjiàn dìnggǎo de jīngcháng bāokuò guówùyuàn qíngbào hé yánjiū shǔ shǔ zhǎng, lù hǎi kōngjūn bù fùzé qíngbào de zhùlǐ cānmóu zhǎng, liánhé cānmóu bù qíngbào jú júzhǎng, měiguó qíngbào jú zhù yuánzǐnéng wěiyuánhuì dàibiǎo, tèzhǒng zuòzhàn bù de zhùlǐ guófáng bùzhǎng, guójiā ānquán jú júzhǎng, liánbāng diàochá jú zhùlǐ júzhǎng děng, yīncǐ kě bèi kàn zuò shì měiguó qíngbào bùmén hé jīngyīng jítǐ yánjiū de chéngguǒ. Nénggòu kàn dào zhè tào cóngshū, hái yào gǎnxiè měiguó duì dǎng'àn jiěmì de xiāngguān fǎ tiáo guīdìng. Shí gé duōnián, shì dàole jiǎnyàn qíngbào bùmén lìshǐ shàng duì huá qíngbào jīxiào de shíhòule, zhèyàng zuò yòu bù huì yǐngxiǎng měiguó de guójiā lìyì. Yīgè zhèngquán, bù kěnéng chángqí lǒngduàn duì lìshǐ xìnxī de yǒngyǒu quán. Mínzhǔ shèhuì, bìrán yāoqiú zhízhèng zhě wéi suǒyǒu de juécè fùzé. Jíbiàn shíguāng yuǎn qù, yě yào ràng mínzhòng yǒu píngpàn de dǎng'àn gēnjī. Nénggòu kàn dào zhè tào cóngshū, hái yào gǎnxiè měiguó duì dǎng'àn jiěmì de xiāngguān fǎ tiáo guīdìng. Shí gé duōnián, shì dàole jiǎnyàn qíngbào bùmén lìshǐ shàng duì huá qíngbào jīxiào de shíhòule, zhèyàng zuò yòu bù huì yǐngxiǎng měiguó de guójiā lìyì. Yīgè zhèngquán, bù kěnéng chángqí lǒngduàn duì lìshǐ xìnxī de yǒngyǒu quán. Mínzhǔ shèhuì, bìrán yāoqiú zhízhèng zhě wéi suǒyǒu de juécè fùzé. Jíbiàn shíguāng yuǎn qù, yě yào ràng mínzhòng yǒu píngpàn de dǎng'àn gēnjī. Máo shídài de tiě mù zhī wài, měiguó zhōngyāng qíngbào jú gòuchéng kuīshì zhōngguó de dì sān zhī yǎn. Zhè zhī yǎn yěyǒu kàn cuò de shíhòu, dàn gèng duō shíhòu, tā ruìlì de tòushì guānchá, huì fēngfù wǒmen duì yīgè shídài de lǐjiě. Éguó jiěmì dǎng'àn zhōng de xīnjiāng wèntí——"éguó jiěmì dǎng'àn: Xīnjiāng wèntí" chénzhìhuá xīnjìn chūbǎn de zīliào jí "éguó jiěmì dǎng'àn: Xīnjiāng wèntí", shì zhè yī lǐngyù zhòngyào de dǎng'àn cáiliào, yǒule zhè fèn cáiliào, zhìshǎo xīnjiāng shǐ yīnggāi chóngxīn gǎixiě. Tèyuē zhuàn gǎo yuán/zhì qín yánjiū zhōngguó jìndài shǐ, yóuqí shì zhèngzhì shǐ de dōu zhīdào, dǎng'àn shì dì yī shǒu de zīliào. Ànzhào xuézhě xiè yǒng de shuōfǎ, zhuànjì bùrú niánpǔ, niánpǔ bùrú rìjì, rìjì bùrú dì yī shǒu de dǎng'àn, yīncǐ dǎng'àn zài lìshǐ yánjiū, yóuqí shìjìndài shǐ yánjiū zhōng yóuqí zhòngyào. Éguó jiěmì dǎng'àn zǎoyǐ chéngwéi yánjiū zhōngguó jìndài shǐ, lěngzhàn shǐ, zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó shǐ de zhòngyào cānkǎo zīliào, zì shàng shì jì 90 niándài chū, chénzhìhuá děng rén bùcí xīnkǔ jiāyǐ pīlù, zǎoyǐ diàndìngle qí zài shǐxué jiè de quánwēi dìwèi. Qí xīnjìn chūbǎn de zīliào jí "é guó jiěmì dǎng'àn: Xīnjiāng wèntí", biàn shì zhè yī lǐngyù zhòngyào de dǎng'àn cáiliào, yǒule zhè fèn cáiliào, zhìshǎo xīnjiāng shǐ yīnggāi chóngxīn gǎixiě.)

窗口公司"的债务虽然不具有主权债务的性质,但是由于得到了政府的支持,往往被国际金融市场视为风险较低的债务,而被广泛接受。在国际债权人眼中,中国企业从来未曾不还外债,这种企业与政府之间的暧昧关系,使得中国企业成为了他们的"理想客户"。 在当时的环境下,"窗口信用"确实为许多企业和项目的发展筹措了资金。广国投和"粤海"得以在国际金融市场进行融资,离不开"窗口信用"。 进入90年代之后,随着市场化改革的深入,政企分离成为必然趋势,公司日渐走向独立。此时,"窗口公司"的债务,实际上已失去了国家财政收入的担保。但作为过渡手段,地方政府仍存在违规或违法开具担保、承诺或"安慰函"的情况。以至于一些外国金融机构将上述"担保"视作政府信用或主权信用。在放贷时,并没有对借款企业或项目进行严格评估或审核。 在广国投破产之前,中国已有"中银信"、"中农信"和"中创"等三家信托投资公司倒闭,但此三家公司所拖欠的外债均有政府出面进行偿还。因此,"窗口信用"并未随这些公司一并破产,反倒被进一步强化了。 "当时有种错误的想法,即海外银行借给中国国有企业的钱,认为这钱是由政府担保的;而企业也认为,向政府借的钱或由政府担保的钱就可以不还。当时规则不明确,所以借和贷双方都有责任。"卢瑞华说。 及至亚洲金融危机爆发,加之自身的管理不善,广国投陷入了外债支付危机。其资产总额为214.71亿元,负债361.65亿元,资产负债率高达168.23%,严重资不抵债。而另一家"窗口公司"——粤海集团的情况也不容乐观,经毕马威会计师事务所审计,粤海资不抵债91.2亿港元。 王岐山在广东面临的最大考验,就是广国投和粤海的巨额债务。两家"窗口公司"的债务,不仅远超其自身资产总额,亦在广东省政府的支付能力之外,其中广国投的债务相当于广东省政府财政收入的30

Although the debts of "window companies" do not have the nature of sovereign debt, they are often regarded as low-risk debts by the international financial market due to the support of the government and are widely accepted. In the eyes of international creditors, Chinese companies have never failed to repay them. Foreign debt, this kind of ambiguous relationship between enterprises and the government, makes Chinese enterprises their "ideal customers." Under the circumstances at that time, "window credit" did raise funds for the development of many enterprises and projects. And "Guangdong" was able to raise funds in the international financial market, and it was inseparable from "window credit." After entering the 1990s, with the deepening of market reforms, the separation of government and enterprise became an inevitable trend, and the company was gradually becoming independent. At this time, " The debt of "window company" has actually lost the guarantee of national fiscal revenue. However, as a transitional means, local governments still issue guarantees, promises or "comfort letters" in violation of regulations or illegality. To the extent that some foreign financial institutions dismiss the above-mentioned " "Guarantee" is regarded as government credit or sovereign credit. When lending, there is no strict evaluation or review of the borrowing company or project. Before the bankruptcy of GTIIC, China already had "Bank of China Trust", "China Rural Credit" and "Zhongchuang" The three other trust and investment companies went bankrupt, but the government came forward to repay the foreign debts owed by these three companies. Therefore, "window credit" did not go bankrupt with these companies, but was further strengthened. "There was a mistake at the time. The idea is that the money lent by overseas banks to Chinese state-owned enterprises is believed to be guaranteed by the government; and companies also believe that the money borrowed from the government or the money guaranteed by the government can not be repaid. The rules were not clear at the time, so both the borrower and the lender were responsible. "Lu Ruihua said. When the Asian financial crisis broke out, coupled with its own mismanagement, GSI was caught in an external debt payment crisis. Its total assets were 21.471 billion yuan, liabilities were 36.165 billion yuan, and its debt-to-asset ratio was as high as 168.23%, making it seriously insolvent. The situation of another "window company"-Guangdong Group is not optimistic. According to the audit of KPMG, Guangdong has an insolvency of 9.12 billion Hong Kong dollars. The biggest test Wang Qishan faces in Guangdong is Guangdong Investment and Guangdong. The debts of the two "window companies" not only far exceed their own total assets, but are also beyond the ability of the Guangdong Provincial Government to pay. The debts of Guangguo Investment are equivalent to 30% of the Guangdong Provincial Government's fiscal revenue. (Chuāngkǒu gōngsī" de zhàiwù suīrán bù jùyǒu zhǔquán zhàiwù dì xìngzhì, dànshì yóuyú dédàole zhèngfǔ de zhīchí, wǎngwǎng bèi guójì jīnróng shìchǎng shì wéi fēngxiǎn jiào dī de zhàiwù, ér bèi guǎngfàn jiēshòu. Zài guójì zhàiquánrén yǎnzhōng, zhōngguó qǐyè cónglái wèicéng bù hái wàizhài, zhè zhǒng qǐyè yǔ zhèngfǔ zhī jiān de àimèi guānxì, shǐdé zhōngguó qǐyè chéngwéile tāmen de "lǐxiǎng kèhù". Zài dāngshí de huánjìng xià,"chuāngkǒu xìnyòng" quèshí wèi xǔduō qǐyè hé xiàngmù dì fāzhǎn chóucuòle zījīn. Guǎng guó tóu hé "yuè hǎi" déyǐ zài guójì jīnróng shìchǎng jìnxíng róngzī, lì bù kāi "chuāngkǒu xìnyòng". Jìnrù 90 niándài zhīhòu, suízhe shìchǎng huà gǎigé de shēnrù, zhèng qǐ fēnlí chéngwéi bìrán qūshì, gōngsī rìjiàn zǒuxiàng dúlì. Cǐ shí,"chuāngkǒu gōngsī" de zhàiwù, shíjì shang yǐ shīqùle guójiā cáizhèng shōurù de dānbǎo. Dàn zuòwéi guòdù shǒuduàn, dìfāng zhèngfǔ réng cúnzài wéiguī huò wéifǎ kāijù dānbǎo, chéngnuò huò "ānwèi hán" de qíngkuàng. Yǐ zhìyú yīxiē wàiguó jīnróng jīgòu jiāng shàngshù "dānbǎo" shì zuò zhèngfǔ xìnyòng huò zhǔquán xìnyòng. Zài fàngdài shí, bìng méiyǒu duì jièkuǎn qì yè huò xiàngmù jìnxíng yángé pínggū huò shěnhé. Zài guǎng guó tóu pòchǎn zhīqián, zhōngguó yǐ yǒu "zhōngyín xìn","zhōngnóng xìn" hé "zhōng chuàng" děng sānjiā xìntuō tóuzī gōngsī dǎobì, dàn cǐ sānjiā gōngsī suǒ tuōqiàn de wàizhài jūn yǒu zhèngfǔ chūmiàn jìnxíng chánghuán. Yīncǐ,"chuāngkǒu xìnyòng" bìng wèi suí zhèxiē gōngsī yī bìng pòchǎn, fǎndào bèi jìnyībù qiánghuàle. "Dāngshí yǒu zhǒng cuòwù de xiǎngfǎ, jí hǎiwài yínháng jiè gěi zhōngguó guóyǒu qǐyè de qián, rènwéi zhè qián shì yóu zhèngfǔ dānbǎo de; ér qǐyè yě rènwéi, xiàng zhèngfǔ jiè de qián huò yóu zhèngfǔ dānbǎo de qián jiù kěyǐ bù hái. Dāngshí guīzé bù míngquè, suǒyǐ jiè hé dài shuāngfāng dōu yǒu zérèn." Lúruìhuá shuō. Jízhì yàzhōu jīnróng wéijī bàofā, jiāzhī zìshēn de guǎnlǐ bùshàn, guǎng guó tóu xiànrùle wàizhài zhīfù wéijī. Qí zīchǎn zǒng'é wèi 214.71 Yì yuán, fùzhài 361.65 Yì yuán, zīchǎn fùzhài lǜ gāodá 168.23%, Yánzhòng zī bù dǐzhài. Ér lìng yījiā "chuāngkǒu gōngsī"——yuè hǎi jítuán de qíngkuàng yě bùróng lèguān, jīng bìmǎwēi kuàijìshī shìwù suǒ shěnjì, yuè hǎi zī bù dǐzhài 91.2 Yì gǎngyuán. Wáng qíshān zài guǎngdōng miànlín de zuìdà kǎoyàn, jiùshì guǎng guó tóu hé yuè hǎi de jù'é zhàiwù. Liǎng jiā "chuāngkǒu gōngsī" de zhàiwù, bùjǐn yuǎn chāo qí zìshēn zīchǎn zǒng'é, yì zài guǎngdōng shěng zhèngfǔ de zhīfù nénglì zhī wài, qízhōng guǎng guó tóu de zhàiwù xiāngdāng yú guǎngdōng shěng zhèngfǔ cáizhèng shōurù de 30)

中国国际金融有限公司。在银行系统的这段长时间积累,使得王岐山对金融领域建立了深刻了解。但真正让他声名鹊起的,却是他在广州省委、省政府任职期间经手的"广国投"破产和"粤海"重组案。 1997年,王岐山转调地方任职,出任中共广东省委常委,广东省副省长。其时,香港正处于亚洲金融风暴的冲击之中,股市地产大跌。而作为香港的"后院",广东也不可避免地受到了波及。王此时赴任,颇有"救火"的味道。 "对于借债问题的影响可以说最大。大环境好的时候,银行轻松把钱借给你,大环境坏的时候,银行就不得不逼你还钱,即使如此,金融业的损失也是最惨重的。"时任广东省省长的卢瑞华在2006年接受《中国经济周刊》采访时如是回忆。 "广国投"的全称是广东国际信托投资公司,成立于1980年,是中国第二大信托投资公司,仅次于中国国际信托公司,由广东省政府全资所有。1983年经中国人民银行批准为非银行金融机构,并享有外汇经营权。1989年被国家主管部门确定为全国对外借款窗口。 在此之后,广国投的经营规模不断扩大,海外融资额总计50多亿美元。和当时的其他"窗口公司"一样,广国投的地位暧昧,一方面,在法律上,它是一个独立的企业;另一方面,它又有着浓厚的政府背景。而其大量的外海融资,正是建立在其政府背景之下的。 这种尴尬的处境,源于当时中国正在进行的经济体制转型。 1999年,王岐山接受《财经》杂志采访时这样描述"窗口公司"的形成:"中国早年从计划经济体制走上改革之路,不可能有独立的企业信用。当时要向外借债,只有一个信用,就是国家的主权信用。政府还指定中国银行为唯一的对外金融机构。后来通过放权,冲破原有计划经济高度集中的体制,就把国家的对外信用也分解开来,放出一批'窗口公司'"。

China International Capital Corporation Limited. This period of accumulation in the banking system has enabled Wang Qishan to establish a deep understanding of the financial field. But what really made him famous was the bankruptcy of the "Guangdong International Investment" and the reorganization of "Guangdong" that he handled during his tenure in the Guangzhou Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. In 1997, Wang Qishan was transferred to the local government and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the deputy governor of Guangdong Province. At that time, Hong Kong was under the impact of the Asian financial turmoil, and the stock market and real estate fell sharply. As the "backyard" of Hong Kong, Guangdong is inevitably affected. Wang's appointment at this time was quite "fire fighting". "It can be said to have the greatest impact on the debt problem. When the general environment is good, the bank can easily lend you money. When the general environment is bad, the bank has to force you to repay the money. Even so, the financial industry suffers the heaviest losses. ." Lu Ruihua, then governor of Guangdong Province, recalled this in an interview with China Economic Weekly in 2006. The full name of "Guangdong International Investment Corporation" is Guangdong International Trust and Investment Company, which was established in 1980. It is the second largest trust and investment company in China, second only to China International Trust Company, and is wholly owned by the Guangdong Provincial Government. In 1983, it was approved as a non-bank financial institution by the People's Bank of China and enjoyed the right to operate foreign exchange. In 1989, it was designated as the national foreign borrowing window by the national competent authority. Since then, the scale of operations of Guangguo Investment has continued to expand, with a total of more than US$5 billion in overseas financing. Like other "window companies" at the time, GSI had an ambiguous position. On the one hand, it was an independent enterprise legally; on the other hand, it had a strong government background. And its large amount of offshore financing is built under the background of its government. This embarrassing situation stems from China's ongoing economic system transformation at that time. In 1999, when Wang Qishan was interviewed by Caijing magazine, he described the formation of "window companies" as follows: "In the early years, China embarked on the road of reform from the planned economic system. It was impossible to have independent corporate credit. At that time, there was only one borrowing Credit is the country's sovereign credit. The government also designated Bank of China as the only external financial institution. Later, through decentralization, breaking through the original highly centralized system of planned economy, the country's external credit was also decomposed and released a batch of ' Window company'". (Zhōngguó guójì jīnróng yǒuxiàn gōngsī. Zài yínháng xìtǒng de zhè duàn cháng shíjiān jīlěi, shǐdé wáng qíshān duì jīnróng lǐngyù jiànlìle shēnkè liǎojiě. Dàn zhēnzhèng ràng tā shēngmíng quèqǐ de, què shì tā zài guǎngzhōu shěng wěi, shěng zhèngfǔ rènzhí qíjiān jīngshǒu de "guǎng guó tóu" pòchǎn hé "yuè hǎi" chóngzǔ àn. 1997 Nián, wáng qíshān zhuǎndiào dìfāng rènzhí, chūrèn zhōnggòng guǎngdōng shěng wěi chángwěi, guǎngdōng shěng fù shěng zhǎng. Qí shí, xiānggǎng zhèng chǔyú yàzhōu jīnróng fēngbào de chōngjí zhī zhōng, gǔshì dìchǎn dà diē. Ér zuòwéi xiānggǎng de "hòuyuàn", guǎngdōng yě bùkě bìmiǎn de shòudàole bōjí. Wáng cǐ shí fùrèn, pǒ yǒu "jiùhuǒ" de wèidào. "Duìyú jièzhài wèntí de yǐngxiǎng kěyǐ shuō zuìdà. Dà huánjìng hǎo de shíhòu, yínháng qīngsōng bǎ qián jiè gěi nǐ, dà huánjìng huài de shíhòu, yínháng jiù bùdé bù bī nǐ hái qián, jíshǐ rúcǐ, jīnróng yè de sǔnshī yěshì zuì cǎnzhòng de." Shí rèn guǎngdōng shěng shěng zhǎng de lúruìhuá zài 2006 nián jiēshòu "zhōngguó jīngjì zhōukān" cǎifǎng shí rúshì huíyì. "Guǎng guó tóu" de quánchēng shì guǎngdōng guójì xìntuō tóuzī gōngsī, chénglì yú 1980 nián, shì zhōngguó dì èr dà xìntuō tóuzī gōngsī, jǐn cì yú zhōngguó guójì xìntuō gōngsī, yóu guǎngdōng shěng zhèngfǔ quán zī suǒyǒu.1983 Nián jīng zhōngguó rénmíng yínháng pīzhǔn wéi fēi yínháng jīnróng jīgòu, bìng xiǎngyǒu wàihuì jīngyíng quán.1989 Nián bèi guójiā zhǔguǎn bùmén quèdìng wèi quánguó duìwài jièkuǎn chuāngkǒu. Zài cǐ zhīhòu, guǎng guó tóu de jīngyíng guīmó bùduàn kuòdà, hǎiwài róngzī é zǒngjì 50 duō yì měiyuán. Hé dāngshí de qítā "chuāngkǒu gōngsī" yīyàng, guǎng guó tóu dì dìwèi àimèi, yī fāngmiàn, zài fǎlǜ shàng, tā shì yīgè dúlì de qǐyè; lìng yī fāngmiàn, tā yòu yǒuzhe nónghòu de zhèngfǔ bèijǐng. Ér qí dàliàng de wàihǎi róngzī, zhèng shì jiànlì zài qí zhèngfǔ bèijǐng zhī xià de. Zhè zhǒng gāngà de chǔjìng, yuán yú dāngshí zhōngguó zhèngzài jìnxíng de jīngjì tǐzhì zhuǎnxíng. 1999 Nián, wáng qíshān jiēshòu "cáijīng" zázhì cǎifǎng shí zhèyàng miáoshù "chuāngkǒu gōngsī" de xíngchéng:"Zhōngguó zǎonián cóng jìhuà jīngjì tǐzhì zǒu shàng gǎigé zhī lù, bù kěnéng yǒu dúlì de qǐyè xìnyòng. Dāngshí yào xiàng wài jièzhài, zhǐyǒu yīgè xìnyòng, jiùshì guójiā de zhǔquán xìnyòng. Zhèngfǔ hái zhǐdìng zhōngguó yínháng wèi wéiyī de duìwài jīnróng jīgòu. Hòulái tōngguò fàngquán, chōngpò yuán yǒu jìhuà jīngjì gāodù jízhōng de tǐzhì, jiù bǎ guójiā de duìwài xìnyòng yě fēn jiě kāi lái, fàngchū yī pī 'chuāngkǒu gōngsī'".)


Deputy Director (Fù zhǔrèn)


Fierce (Jīliè)





众人看出拓跋宏这是动真格的了,纷纷起身站到他的左侧。穆泰见只剩自己一个,便也起身,极不情愿地走了过去。 拓跋宏与王肃此刻才相视一笑。原来柔然兵根本没有侵犯魏国,这都是他二人为迁都而定下的一计。但拓跋宏立刻收敛起笑容,大声说道:"诏谕天下,朕此番率大军而行,均为迁都洛阳做准备,明天,我们就班师回平城。" 一年后,拓跋宏正式迁都洛阳。公元495年下令禁鲜卑语,通用汉语(洛阳话)。公元496年,拓跋宏下诏改拓跋姓为"元",自称"元宏"。此后他还颁布过如鲜卑族与汉族通婚,改穿汉族服装等有利于民族融合的新政策,因此而成为中国历史上一个锐意改革的皇帝。 萧衍三筑堰 公元479年,萧道成灭宋建立南齐政权。但是齐朝并未因此稳定发展起来,而是一直处于动荡不安之中。 公元502年,曾任齐雍州刺史的萧衍勾结内监杀死齐主萧宝卷,在襄阳起兵,夺权篡位。他登基之后,唯恐萧宝卷的后代们卷土重来,对其实行斩草除根的政策,几乎将萧宝卷满门杀绝。但鄱阳王萧宝夤虽然只有18岁,却机警过人,闻听皇兄被人谋杀,赶忙连夜出逃,投靠了北魏驻守寿阳的任城王元澄。从此也便成了萧衍的心腹之患。 萧宝夤自然不会放过萧衍,他凭借自己的才识很快便得到北魏当时的皇帝元恪的赏识。萧宝夤看准时机,便催元恪发兵,帮助诛杀萧衍。元恪早有吞并齐朝的野心,见萧宝夤若此,便顺水推舟,答应出兵,派萧宝夤亲率大军前去讨伐萧衍,并任命他为镇东将军,加封齐王。 萧宝夤满怀刻骨的仇恨前去攻打萧衍,而此时的萧衍却还沉溺于宴乐游猎之中。这一日,萧衍带着他新宠幸的一个爱妃到建康城外狩猎。被萧宝夤的几个心腹看见,几个人施计捉住了萧衍的爱妃,并送到寿阳见萧宝夤。萧宝夤一见便想起家仇国恨,顿时怒火中烧,便将那女子带到后帐欺侮一番,然后又交到几个士兵手中,让他们将其故意蹂躏至死。又命人脱去衣服,悬挂在寿阳城头。

Everyone saw that Tuoba Hong was really moving, and they got up and stood to his left. Seeing that he was the only one left, Mu Tai got up and walked over reluctantly. Tuobahong and Wang Su smiled at each other at this moment. It turned out that Rouran soldiers did not infringe upon the State of Wei at all. This was a plan made by both of them to move the capital. But Tuobahong immediately suppressed his smile and said loudly: "I enjoin the world, I will lead the army to prepare for the move to Luoyang. Tomorrow, we will return to Pingcheng as a class." A year later, Tuobahong officially moved the capital. Luoyang. In 495 AD, the Xianbei language was banned and Chinese (Luoyang dialect) was commonly used. In 496 AD, Tuoba Hong issued an edict to change Tuoba's surname to "Yuan" and called himself "Yuanhong". Since then, he has also promulgated new policies that are conducive to ethnic integration, such as intermarriage between the Xianbei and Han nationalities and changing to wearing Han costumes. Therefore, he became an emperor determined to reform in Chinese history. Xiao Yan three built the weir In 479 AD, Xiao Daocheng defeated the Song Dynasty and established the Southern Qi regime. However, Qi Dynasty did not develop steadily because of this, but has been in turmoil. In 502 AD, Xiao Yan, the former governor of Qiyong Prefecture, colluded with the inner jailer to kill Xiao Baojuan, the master of Qi, and raised troops in Xiangyang to usurp the throne. After he ascended the throne, fearing that the descendants of Xiao Baojuan would come back, he implemented a policy of cutting grass and roots, and almost completely killed Xiao Baojuan. However, although Poyang Wang Xiao Baoquan was only 18 years old, he was very alert. He heard that his emperor was murdered, and hurriedly fled overnight and took refuge in Rencheng Wang Yuancheng who was stationed in Shouyang in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Since then, it has become Xiao Yan's confidant. Naturally, Xiao Baokui would not let Xiao Yan go. He quickly gained the appreciation of Yuan Ke, then emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty, by virtue of his talents. Seeing the right time, Xiao Baoqiu urged Yuanke to send troops to help punish Xiao Yan. Yuan Ke had long had the ambition to annex the Qi Dynasty. Seeing that Xiao Baokui had done this, he proceeded along the way, agreed to send troops, and sent Xiao Baokui to lead a large army to defeat Xiao Yan, and appointed him as the general of Zhendong and named Qi king. Xiao Baoqiu went to attack Xiao Yan with a deep hatred, but at this time Xiao Yan was still indulging in feasting and hunting. On this day, Xiao Yan took his newly beloved concubine to hunt outside Jiankang City. Seen by a few of Xiao Baokui's confidants, several people used tricks to capture Xiao Yan's concubine and sent them to Shouyang to see Xiao Baokui. As soon as Xiao Baokui saw it, he remembered the hatred of the family and the country. He was immediately furious and took the woman to the back of the tent to bully, and then handed it over to a few soldiers to deliberately ravage her to death. They also ordered people to take off their clothes and hang them on the head of Shouyang City. (Zhòngrén kàn chū tà bá hóng zhè shì dòng zhēngédele, fēnfēn qǐshēn zhàn dào tā de zuǒ cè. Mù tài jiàn zhǐ shèng zìjǐ yīgè, biàn yě qǐshēn, jí bù qíngyuàn de zǒule guòqù. Tà bá hóng yǔ wáng sù cǐkè cái xiàng shì yīxiào. Yuánlái róu rán bīng gēnběn méiyǒu qīnfàn wèi guó, zhè dōu shì tā èr rénwéi qiāndū ér dìng xià de yī jì. Dàn tà bá hóng lìkè shōuliǎn qǐ xiàoróng, dàshēng shuōdao:"Zhào yù tiānxià, zhèn cǐ fān lǜ dàjūn ér xíng, jūn wèi qiāndū luòyáng zuò zhǔnbèi, míngtiān, wǒmen jiù bānshī huí píngchéng." Yī nián hòu, tà bá hóng zhèngshì qiāndū luòyáng. Gōngyuán 495 nián xia lìng jìn xiānbēi yǔ, tōngyòng hànyǔ (luòyáng huà). Gōngyuán 496 nián, tà bá hóng xià zhào gǎi tà bá xìng wèi "yuán", zìchēng "yuán hóng". Cǐhòu tā hái bānbùguò rú xiānbēi zú yǔ hànzú tōnghūn, gǎi chuān hànzú fúzhuāng děng yǒu lìyú mínzú rónghé de xīn zhèngcè, yīncǐ ér chéngwéi zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng yīgè ruìyì gǎigé de huángdì. Xiāoyǎnsān zhù yàn gōngyuán 479 nián, xiāo dàochéng miè sòng jiànlì nánqí zhèngquán. Dànshì qí cháo bìng wèi yīncǐ wěndìng fāzhǎn qǐlái, ér shì yīzhí chǔyú dòngdàng bù'ān zhī zhōng. Gōngyuán 502 nián, céng rèn qí yōngzhōu cìshǐ de xiāo yǎn gōujié nèi jiān shā sǐ qí zhǔ xiāo bǎo juàn, zài xiāngyáng qǐbīng, duóquán cuànwèi. Tā dēngjī zhīhòu, wéikǒng xiāo bǎo juàn de hòudàimen juǎntǔchónglái, duì qí shíxíng zhǎncǎochúgēn de zhèngcè, jīhū jiāng xiāo bǎo juàn mǎnmén shā jué. Dàn póyáng wáng xiāobǎoyín suīrán zhǐyǒu 18 suì, què jījǐngguò rén, wén tīng huáng xiōng bèi rén móushā, gǎnmáng liányè chūtáo, tóukàole běiwèi zhùshǒu shòu yáng de rèn chéng wángyuánchéng. Cóngcǐ yě biàn chéngle xiāo yǎn de xīnfùzhīhuàn. Xiāobǎoyín zìrán bù huì fàngguò xiāo yǎn, tā píngjiè zìjǐ de cáishì hěn kuài biàn dédào běiwèi dāngshí de huángdì yuán kè de shǎngshì. Xiāobǎoyín kàn zhǔnshí jī, biàn cuī yuán kè fābīng, bāngzhù zhū shā xiāo yǎn. Yuán kè zǎo yǒu tūnbìng qí cháo de yěxīn, jiàn xiāobǎoyín ruò cǐ, biàn shùnshuǐtuīzhōu, dāyìng chūbīng, pài xiāobǎoyín qīn lǜ dàjūn qián qù tǎofá xiāo yǎn, bìng rènmìng tā wèi zhèn dōng jiāngjūn, jiāfēng qí wáng. Xiāobǎoyín mǎnhuái kègǔ de chóuhèn qián qù gōngdǎ xiāo yǎn, ér cǐ shí de xiāo yǎn què hái chénnì yú yàn lè yóu liè zhī zhōng. Zhè yī rì, xiāo yǎn dàizhe tā xīn chǒngxìng de yīgè ài fēi dào jiàn kāng chéng wài shòuliè. Bèi xiāobǎoyín de jǐ ge xīnfù kànjiàn, jǐ gèrén shī jì zhuō zhùle xiāo yǎn de ài fēi, bìng sòng dào shòu yáng jiàn xiāobǎoyín. Xiāobǎoyín yī jiàn biàn xiǎngqǐ jiā chóu guó hèn, dùnshí nùhuǒ zhōng shāo, biàn jiāng nà nǚzǐ dài dào hòu zhàng qīwǔ yī fān, ránhòu yòu jiāo dào jǐ gè shìbīng shǒuzhōng, ràng tāmen jiāng qí gùyì róulìn zhì sǐ. Yòu mìng rén tuō qù yīfú, xuánguà zài shòu yáng chéng tóu.)



大殿上静悄悄的,冯太后忽又提高声调道:"我听说众位大臣中,还有不少人与李欣一样贪赃枉法,祸国殃民,是不是也想吃太上皇的宫点呀?!" 大臣们吓得低头不语。冯太后见状道:"好!既然你们无心悔改,那我就点出几个人来尝尝这宫点滋味儿!" 话音未落,几个赃官忙跪地求饶。冯太后见人群中还有几个神情紧张的,厉声喝道:"还有!"虽然只有两个字,却无异于在赃官们头上打一个炸雷,个个不由自主地腿软,顿时跪倒一片。心中无愧,站立不动的大臣没有几个。 冯太后见状,义正辞严道:"想我魏朝江山,经历了几朝几代,哪里出过你们这些赃官?!个个贪赃枉法,不管百姓死活。祖制虽不可违,但既今如此,依我之见,只能锐意改革。从今之后,实行'班禄制'(俸禄制)。实行此制之后,谁若再搜刮百姓,定斩不饶!" 以前朝廷也曾想实施班禄制,但均遭大臣反对,没有实施成。今冯太后如此,谁还敢反对,不久,班禄制就实施下去。朝中风气果有好转。 此后,冯太后在中书令李冲的支持下,还先后实施了"均田制"、"三长制"等改革措施,均收到良好的效果,让百姓尝到了甜头,限制了贪官污吏,使魏朝出现国泰民安的景象。 这位不同寻常的女性,为魏朝的太平盛世的出现做出了巨大的牺牲,也做出了巨大的贡献。 公元490年,49岁的冯太后心力憔悴,病死在太华殿内。消息传出,魏国举国悲哀。 拓跋宏迁都洛阳城 北魏冯太后死后,皇帝拓跋宏执掌朝政。拓跋宏5岁就开始接受冯太后的教导,颇有冯太后处变不惊、做事从容的遗风,加之他自幼聪明好学,因此深通治国安邦之道。

Quietly in the hall, Queen Mother Feng suddenly raised her voice again and said: "I heard that among the ministers, there are still many who are just like Li Xin who are guilty of corruption and betraying the law and harming the country and the people. Do you want to eat the royal palace too?!" The ministers bowed their heads in fright. The Queen Mother Feng said upon seeing this: "Okay! Since you have no intention of repenting, then I will point out a few people to taste the taste of this palace!" Before the voice was over, several corrupt officials knelt down and begged for mercy. Seeing that there were still a few nervous people in the crowd, the Queen Mother sternly shouted: "Also!" Although there were only two words, it was tantamount to throwing a thunder on the heads of the stolen officials. All of them involuntarily softened their legs and knelt down immediately. one slice. There are not many ministers standing still. When the Queen Mother Feng saw this, she resolutely said: "Think of me in the Wei Dynasty. After several dynasties and generations, where have you been the corrupt officials?! Everyone is corrupt and ruined, regardless of whether the people live or die. Although the ancestral system cannot be violated, it is both. This is the case today, in my opinion, I can only be determined to reform. From now on, the'banlu system' (salary system) will be implemented. After this system is implemented, anyone who searches for the people will not forgive!" The court had thought before. The implementation of the Ban Lu system was opposed by the ministers and failed to be implemented. This is how the Empress Dowager Feng is today, who would dare to oppose it. Soon, the Ban Lu system was implemented. The situation in North Korea has improved. Since then, with the support of Li Chong, the Queen Mother has also implemented reforms such as the "land equalization system" and the "three chiefs system", all of which have achieved good results, allowing the people to taste the sweetness and limiting corrupt officials. , So that the Wei Dynasty appeared the scene of Guotai Min'an. This unusual woman made a huge sacrifice and made a huge contribution to the emergence of the peaceful and heyday of the Wei Dynasty. In 490 AD, the 49-year-old Queen Mother Feng was sick and died in the Taihua Hall. The news came out, and the whole country of Wei was sad. Tuobahong moved the capital to Luoyang City. After the death of Queen Mother Feng of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Emperor Tuobahong took charge of the government. Tuobahong began accepting the teachings of the Queen Mother at the age of 5. He has a legacy of calmness and calmness in doing things. In addition, he is smart and easy to learn since he was a child, so he has a deep understanding of the way of governing the country and the country. (Dàdiàn shàng jìng qiāoqiāo de, féng tàihòu hū yòu tígāo shēngdiào dào:"Wǒ tīng shuō zhòng wèi dàchén zhōng, hái yǒu bù shǎo rén yǔ lǐ xīn yīyàng tānzāng wǎngfǎ, huòguóyāngmín, shì bùshì yě xiǎng chī tàishànghuáng de gōng diǎn ya?!" Dàchénmen xià dé dītóu bù yǔ. Féng tàihòu jiàn zhuàng dào:"Hǎo! Jìrán nǐmen wúxīn huǐgǎi, nà wǒ jiù diǎn chū jǐ gèrén lái cháng cháng zhè gōng diǎn zīwèi er!" Huàyīn wèi luò, jǐ gè zāngguān máng guì dì qiúráo. Féng tàihòu jiàn rénqún zhōng hái yǒu jǐ gè shénqíng jǐnzhāng de, lìshēng hèdào:"Hái yǒu!" Suīrán zhǐyǒu liǎng gè zì, què wú yì yú zài zāngguānmen tóu shàng dǎ yīgè zhàléi, gè gè bùyóuzìzhǔ dì tuǐ ruǎn, dùnshí guì dǎo yīpiàn. Xīnzhōng wúkuì, zhànlì bù dòng de dàchén méiyǒu jǐ gè. Féng tàihòu jiàn zhuàng, yì zhèng cí yán dào:"Xiǎng wǒ wèi cháo jiāngshān, jīnglìle jǐ cháo jǐ dài, nǎlǐ chūguò nǐmen zhèxiē zāngguān?! Gè gè tānzāng wǎngfǎ, bùguǎn bǎixìng sǐhuó. Zǔ zhì suī bùkě wéi, dàn jì jīn rúcǐ, yī wǒ zhī jiàn, zhǐ néng ruìyì gǎigé. Cóng jīn zhīhòu, shíxíng 'bān lù zhì'(fènglù zhì). Shíxíng cǐ zhì zhīhòu, shéi ruò zài sōuguā bǎixìng, dìng zhǎn bù ráo!" Yǐqián cháotíng yě céng xiǎng shíshī bān lù zhì, dàn jūn zāo dàchén fǎnduì, méiyǒu shíshī chéng. Jīn féng tàihòu rúcǐ, shéi hái gǎn fǎnduì, bùjiǔ, bān lù zhì jiù shíshī xiàqù. Cháo zhòng fēngqì guǒ yǒu hǎozhuǎn. Cǐhòu, féng tàihòu zài zhōng shū lìng lǐ chōng de zhīchí xià, hái xiānhòu shíshīle "jūn tiánzhì","sān cháng zhì" děng gǎigé cuòshī, jūn shōu dào liánghǎo de xiàoguǒ, ràng bǎixìng cháng dàole tiántou, xiànzhìle tānguān wū lì, shǐ wèi cháo chūxiàn guótàimín'ān dì jǐngxiàng. Zhè wèi bùtóng xúncháng de nǚxìng, wèi wèi cháo de tàipíng shèngshì de chūxiàn zuò chūle jùdà de xīshēng, yě zuò chūle jùdà de gòngxiàn. Gōngyuán 490 nián,49 suì de féng tàihòu xīnlì qiáocuì, bìngsǐ zài tài huá diànnèi. Xiāoxī chuán chū, wèi guó jǔguó bēi'āi. Tà bá hóng qiāndū luòyáng chéng běiwèi féng tàihòu sǐ hòu, huángdì tà bá hóng zhízhǎng cháozhèng. Tà bá hóng 5 suì jiù kāishǐ jiēshòu féng tàihòu de jiàodǎo, pǒ yǒu féng tàihòu chǔbiànbùjīng, zuòshì cóngróng de yífēng, jiāzhī tā zì yòu cōngmíng hàoxué, yīncǐ shēn tōng zhìguó ān bāng zhī dào.)


To prevent (Fángzhǐ)

这么多年来,我是第一次到这地方来。本来正在总理府里陪国务总理吃饭,得到消息,就马上赶过来了。我特别不希望文人出事,这话在艺文同盟大会上我也讲过。那年金剑啸的事,我一直引为憾事,虽然我尽力救援,可阴差阳错,没能如愿,金剑啸还是送了命。" 甘粕正彦给西江月留下很好的印象,他早听同仁讲过甘粕正彦其人,儒雅大度,愿与文人交友。西江月不禁对他寄以厚望,希望有奇迹发生。 甘粕正彦说:"你知道,日本军方的眼光看事物,与我们文化人是有很大不同的。我一向宽容,文人有文人的气质,那种叫民族精神的东西往往比别人来得强烈,这很正常嘛。" 西江月说:"先生想说什么?不必拐这么大的弯。" 甘粕正彦说:"一句活,救你出去。当然,这也不容易。军方咬得很死,但我想,这像走在独木桥上的两个人一样,不一定是狭路相逢勇者胜,先生想一想,假如双方都后退几步,不是都相互保全了吗?" 西江月明白,说来说去,甘粕正彦还是让自己写悔过书,让他出卖别人,甘粕正彦说的相互保全不就是这个意思吗? 甘粕正彦说:"我今天不想同先生探讨这些,我也不是受官方、军方指派、委托而来,真正托付我的,是一个深爱着先生的女人,阁下该知道是谁了吧?" 西江月的心在狂跳,果然是徐晴,她没有出卖他? 甘粕正彦说:"徐晴的背景,谁不知道?即便她有事,也没人敢动她,这也正是你有希望被无罪释放的有利因素。" 西江月似信非信地问:"你是说,可以放我?" 甘粕正彦说:"徐晴若连这点事也办不了,就不是徐晴了。"他又说,"今天我们不谈这个。说实话,我来得太及时了,如果他们给你上了刑,万一挺不住,招了些什么,白纸黑字,反而不好办了。

This is the first time I have come to this place in so many years. I was at the Prime Minister's Office to accompany the Prime Minister for dinner, but when he got the news, he rushed over. I especially don't want the literati to have trouble, I also said this at the Art and Literature League Conference. I have always regretted the matter of Jin Jianxiao that year. Although I tried my best to rescue, but by mistake, I didn't get what I wanted. Jin Jianxiao still died. Masahiko Amada made a very good impression on Xijiangyue. He had heard from colleagues that Masahiko Amadaru was elegant and generous and would like to make friends with literati. Xijiangyue couldn't help placing high hopes on him, hoping that a miracle would happen. Masahiko Amazawa said. : "You know, the Japanese military's vision of seeing things is very different from that of our cultural people. I have always been tolerant, and literati have the temperament of a literati, and things called national spirit are often stronger than others. This is normal. "Xi Jiangyue said: "What do you want to say, sir?" There is no need to turn such a big bend. Masahiko Amazure said: "Just alive, save you out." Of course, this is not easy. The military bite to death, but I think it's like two people walking on a single-plank bridge. It's not necessarily a narrow road meeting and the brave wins. Think about it, sir, if both sides take a few steps back, wouldn't they both protect each other? "Nishie Yue understands that, after all, Masahiko Amada still let himself write a book of regret and let him betray others. Doesn't Masahiko Amada mean mutual preservation? That's what Amada said: "I don't want to discuss this with my husband today, I It was not appointed or entrusted by the government or the military. The one who really entrusted me was a woman who loved her husband. Should you know who it is? "Xi Jiangyue's heart was beating wildly. It was Xu Qing as expected. She didn't betray him?" Masahiko Kanazawa said, "Who doesn't know Xu Qing's background?" Even if she has something, no one dared to move her. This is also a favorable factor for your hope of being acquitted. "Xi Jiangyue asked in disbelief: "You mean, you can let me go?" Masahiko Amazure said: "If Xu Qing can't even do this, it's not Xu Qing. "He added, "We won't talk about this today." To be honest, I came too in time. If they were tortured you, if they couldn't survive it, they would recruit something in black and white. It would not be easy to handle it. (Zhème duōnián lái, wǒ shì dì yī cì dào zhè dìfāng lái. Běnlái zhèngzài zǒnglǐ fǔ lǐ péi guówù zǒnglǐ chīfàn, dédào xiāoxī, jiù mǎshàng gǎn guòláile. Wǒ tèbié bù xīwàng wénrén chūshì, zhè huà zài yì wén tóngméng dàhuì shàng wǒ yě jiǎngguò. Nà niánjīnjiànxiào de shì, wǒ yīzhí yǐn wéi hànshì, suīrán wǒ jìnlì jiùyuán, kě yīn chā yáng cuò, méi néng rúyuàn, jīn jiàn xiào háishì sòngle mìng." Gānpò zhèngyàn gěi xījiāng yuè liú xià hěn hǎo de yìnxiàng, tā zǎo tīng tóngrén jiǎngguò gānpò zhèngyàn qí rén, rúyǎ dà dù, yuàn yǔ wénrén jiāoyǒu. Xījiāng yuè bùjīn duì tā jì yǐ hòuwàng, xīwàng yǒu qíjī fāshēng. Gānpò zhèngyàn shuō:"Nǐ zhīdào, rìběn jūn fāng de yǎnguāng kàn shìwù, yǔ wǒmen wénhuà rén shì yǒu hěn dà bùtóng de. Wǒ yīxiàng kuānróng, wénrén yǒu wénrén de qìzhí, nà zhǒng jiào mínzú jīngshén de dōngxī wǎngwǎng bǐ biérén láidé qiángliè, zhè hěn zhèngcháng ma." Xījiāng yuè shuō:"Xiānshēng xiǎng shuō shénme? Bùbì guǎi zhème dà de wān." Gānpò zhèngyàn shuō:"Yījù huó, jiù nǐ chūqù. Dāngrán, zhè yě bù róngyì. Jūn fāng yǎo dé hěn sǐ, dàn wǒ xiǎng, zhè xiàng zǒu zài dúmùqiáo shàng de liǎng gèrén yīyàng, bù yīdìng shì xiálùxiāngféng yǒngzhě shèng, xiānshēng xiǎng yī xiǎng, jiǎrú shuāngfāng dōu hòutuì jǐ bù, bùshì dōu xiānghù bǎoquánle ma?" Xījiāng yuè míngbái, shuō lái shuō qù, gānpò zhèngyàn háishì ràng zìjǐ xiě huǐguò shū, ràng tā chūmài biérén, gānpò zhèngyàn shuō de xiānghù bǎoquán bù jiùshì zhège yìsi ma? Gānpò zhèngyàn shuō:"Wǒ jīntiān bùxiǎng tóng xiānshēng tàntǎo zhèxiē, wǒ yě bùshì shòu guānfāng, jūn fāng zhǐpài, wěituō ér lái, zhēnzhèng tuōfù wǒ de, shì yīgè shēn àizhe xiānshēng de nǚrén, géxià gāi zhīdào shì shéile ba?" Xījiāng yuè de xīn zài kuáng tiào, guǒrán shì xú qíng, tā méiyǒu chūmài tā? Gānpò zhèngyàn shuō:"Xú qíng de bèijǐng, shéi bù zhīdào? Jíbiàn tā yǒushì, yě méi rén gǎn dòng tā, zhè yě zhèng shì nǐ yǒu xīwàng bèi wú zuì shìfàng de yǒulì yīnsù." Xījiāng yuè shì xìn fēi xìn de wèn:"Nǐ shì shuō, kěyǐ fàng wǒ?" Gānpò zhèngyàn shuō:"Xúqíngruò lián zhè diǎn shì yě bàn bùliǎo, jiù bùshì xú qíngle." Tā yòu shuō,"jīntiān wǒmen bù tán zhège. Shuō shíhuà, wǒ láidé tài jíshíliǎo, rúguǒ tāmen gěi nǐ shàngle xíng, wàn yī tǐng bù zhù, zhāole xiē shénme, báizhǐhēizì, fǎn'ér bù hǎo bànle.)

拓跋宏一听便生气了,反问他:"如卿之父兄也被人诛杀,还会如此一派胡言吗?" 穆泰见拓跋宏生了气便不再吱声,还有几个大臣提出质疑,也被拓跋宏针锋相对,一一驳回。其余众臣见拓跋宏主意已定,便也都不再言语。几天之后,拓跋宏亲率大军30万,行程2000多里,渡过黄河,到达洛阳城。 第二天清晨,士兵们还在睡梦之中,便被号角声催醒。这一路行军,历尽千辛万苦,军士们都已是疲惫至极,但军令难违,只得勉强拖着疲倦的身子集合起来。只见拓跋宏全副武装,骑着马来到将士们面前,一脸严肃地说道:"昨夜,探马来报:齐知我大军前来讨伐,已经伏下十万大军要与我们决一雌雄。我军人数众多,不必怕他,但是平城方面又送来消息,柔然国趁我大举伐齐之际,也派十万军兵侵犯我边境。因此我们必须南进以最快的速度打败齐军,然后回师以救平城之急!" 众将士一听,一片哀怒之声。一些以穆泰为首的大臣提议先班师回平城,拓跋宏置之不理。此时,站在一旁的王肃将将士们极不情愿的表情看在眼里,突然跪地对拓跋宏道:"皇上,如果我们先攻齐国,再班师抵挡柔然,将士们未免太过辛苦疲惫,对我军大为不利。可是我们既已发兵,又不可能退回。依臣之见,不如陛下诏谕天下,就称此次大军南下是为迁都洛阳做准备,然后我们就可班师回平城了。" 拓跋宏闻听,装模作样地思索了一下,道:"这倒也不失为一个好主意。但君无戏言,如果诏谕全国,以后就一定得真迁都洛阳。好吧,谁同意迁都洛阳请站到朕的左侧,文武百官中有一个不同意的,我们就得继续前进!"众大臣一听,纷纷站到拓跋宏左侧。有几个人真愿意打仗呢?可是以穆泰为首的少数几个大臣就是不站过去,而且还纷纷跪下要求拓跋宏万不可迁都洛阳。拓跋宏见状,在马上将剑一挥,大喊一声"继续前进!

Tuoba Hong became angry when he heard that, and asked him: "Ruqing's father and brother were also killed by others, would they still be so nonsense?" Mu Tai stopped talking when Tuoba Hong was angry, and several ministers questioned him. , But also by Tuoba Hong tit-for-tat, rejected one by one. Seeing that Tuoba Hong had made his decision, the other officials stopped talking. A few days later, Tuoba Hong personally led an army of 300,000, traveling more than 2,000 miles, crossing the Yellow River and reaching Luoyang City. In the early morning of the next day, the soldiers were still asleep, and they were awakened by the sound of horns. This march, after all the hardships, the sergeants were exhausted, but the military order was hard to violate, and they had to drag their tired bodies to gather together. I saw Tuoba Hong fully armed, riding a horse to the soldiers, and said with a serious face: "Last night, the report of the horse visit: I know that my army is coming to crusade, and a hundred thousand troops have fallen down to fight us. Our army is large, so we don't need to be afraid of him, but Pingcheng sent another news that Rouran also sent one hundred thousand troops to invade our border while we were fighting aggressively. Therefore, we must advance south and defeat them as quickly as possible. Qi Jun, then return to the teacher to save the city!" The soldiers heard a voice of grief. Some ministers headed by Mutai proposed to return to Pingcheng, but Tuoba Hong ignored it. At this time, the generals and generals Wang Su who stood by saw their extremely reluctant expressions in their eyes, and suddenly knelt down and said to Tuoba Hong: "The emperor, if we attack Qi country first, and then the class will resist Rouran, the soldiers will be too much. The exhaustion is very detrimental to our army. But we have already sent troops, and it is impossible to retreat. In the opinion of the minister, it is better to send an order to the world, saying that the army is going south to prepare for the transfer of the capital to Luoyang, and then we can classify I'm back to Pingcheng." Tuoba Hong heard this, pretended to think about it, and said: "It's a good idea. But Jun has no joking. If he asks the whole country, he must really move to Luoyang in the future. Okay, who? If you agree to move the capital to Luoyang, please stand to my left. If one of the hundreds of civil and military officials disagrees, we have to move on!" Upon hearing this, the ministers stood on the left side of Tuoba Hong. How many people are really willing to fight? But the few ministers headed by Mutai just didn't stand there, and they knelt down and asked Tuoba Hong not to move the capital to Luoyang. Upon seeing this, Tuoba Hong waved his sword immediately and shouted "Go ahead!" (Tà bá hóngyī tìng biàn shēngqìle, fǎnwèn tā:"Rú qīng zhī fùxiōng yě bèi rén zhū shā, hái huì rúcǐ yīpài húyán ma?" Mù tài jiàn tà bá hóngshēngle qì biàn bù zài zīshēng, hái yǒu jǐ gè dàchén tíchū zhíyí, yě bèi tà bá hóng zhēnfēngxiāngduì, yīyī bóhuí. Qíyú zhòng chén jiàn tà bá hóng zhǔyì yǐ dìng, biàn yě dū bù zài yányǔ. Jǐ tiān zhīhòu, tà bá hóng qīn lǜ dàjūn 30 wàn, xíngchéng 2000 duō lǐ, dùguò huánghé, dàodá luòyáng chéng. Dì èr tiān qīngchén, shìbīngmen hái zài shuìmèng zhī zhōng, biàn bèi hàojiǎo shēng cuī xǐng. Zhè yīlù xíngjūn, lìjìn qiān xīn wàn kǔ, jūnshìmen dōu yǐ shì píbèi zhìjí, dàn jūnlìng nán wéi, zhǐdé miǎnqiáng tuōzhe píjuàn de shēn zǐ jíhé qǐlái. Zhǐ jiàn tà bá hóng quánfù wǔzhuāng, qízhe mǎ lái dào jiàngshìmen miànqián, yī liǎn yánsù de shuōdao:"Zuóyè, tànmǎ lái fù: Qí zhī wǒ dàjūn qián lái tǎofá, yǐjīng fú xià shí wàn dàjūn yào yǔ wǒmen jué yī cíxióng. Wǒ jūn rénshù zhòngduō, bùbì pà tā, dànshì píngchéng fāngmiàn yòu sòng lái xiāoxī, róu rán guó chèn wǒ dàjǔ fá qí zhī jì, yě pài shí wàn jūn bīng qīnfàn wǒ biānjìng. Yīncǐ wǒmen bìxū nán jìn yǐ zuì kuài de sùdù dǎbài qí jūn, ránhòu huí shī yǐ jiù píngchéng zhī jí!" Zhòng jiàngshì yī tīng, yīpiàn āi nù zhī shēng. Yīxiē yǐ mù tài wéishǒu de dàchén tíyì xiān bānshī huí píngchéng, tà bá hóng zhìzhībùlǐ. Cǐ shí, zhàn zài yīpáng de wáng sù jiāng jiàngshìmen jí bù qíngyuàn de biǎoqíng kàn zài yǎn lǐ, túrán guì dì duì tà bá hóngdào:"Huángshàng, rúguǒ wǒmen xiāngōng qí guó, zài bānshī dǐdǎng róu rán, jiàngshìmen wèimiǎn tàiguò xīnkǔ píbèi, duì wǒ jūn dà wéi bùlì. Kěshì wǒmen jì yǐ fābīng, yòu bùkěnéng tuìhuí. Yī chén zhī jiàn, bùrú bìxià zhào yù tiānxià, jiù chēng cǐ cì dàjūn nánxià shì wèi qiāndū luòyáng zuò zhǔnbèi, ránhòu wǒmen jiù kě bānshī huí píngchéngle." Tà bá hóng wén tīng, zhuāngmúzuòyàng de sīsuǒle yīxià, dào:"Zhè dào yě bùshīwéi yīgè hǎo zhǔyì. Dàn jūn wú xìyán, rúguǒ zhào yù quánguó, yǐhòu jiù yīdìng dé zhēn qiāndū luòyáng. Hǎo ba, shéi tóngyì qiāndū luòyáng qǐng zhàn dào zhèn de zuǒ cè, wénwǔ bǎi guān zhōng yǒu yīgè bù tóngyì de, wǒmen jiù dé jìxù qiánjìn!" Zhòng dàchén yī tīng, fēnfēn zhàn dào tà bá hóng zuǒ cè. Yǒu jǐ gèrén zhēn yuànyì dǎzhàng ne? Kěshì yǐ mù tài wéishǒu de shǎoshù jǐ gè dàchén jiùshì bù zhàn guòqù, érqiě hái fēnfēn guì xià yāoqiú tà bá hóng wàn bù kě qiāndū luòyáng. Tà bá hóng jiàn zhuàng, zài mǎshàng jiàng jiàn yī huī, dà hǎn yīshēng "jìxù qiánjìn!)



"还不是半斤八两!"张景惠说,"琦善不是个好官,也不至于那么坏吧?" 白月朗说:"戏嘛,总不全是历史。是不是真有林媚娘这么个人,谁去考证?" "也是。"张景惠转过头来注视着她,"这一来,你的大学不念了?" "好在甘粕正彦忙,医大学籍还保留着,老师们也愿为我补课。不过也挺难,拍戏忙,上课也是三天打鱼、两天晒网了。"白月朗说,"我现在是养成所的学员,也不是正式的,演一回试试,不行的话,再回学校念书也不迟。" 张景惠说:"还记得那次在医大与你相遇,你冲我要纱巾的神态,挺横啊,就像宫里的格格。" "是吗?"白月朗说,"我早都不记得了,哪有你说的那样!" 张景惠笑道:"是挺高傲,可我一闭上眼睛,就能看见你那娇憨的模样。" 白月朗忽然问他:"听人说,您手里好像有我的照片,这是怎么回事?" 张景惠支吾地说:"啊,没什么,纯属偶然。有一次我去视察新京医大,偶然向丸山校长提起过你,就是留仁丹胡那个。" 白月朗笑了,说:"丸山校长的外号就叫仁丹胡。同学们背地都这么叫。" 张景惠说:"我一提白月朗,丸山就找了一张你的照片给我。"说着,他从口袋里掏出一个皮夹子,打开,里面就夹着她的照片。 白月朗很意外,也很不好意思,自己的照片夹在张景惠的皮夹子里,又天天带在身上,这成何体统?这对她简直是个污辱。

"It's not half a catty!" Zhang Jinghui said, "Qi Shan is not a good official, and it shouldn't be that bad?" Bai Yuelang said: "The drama, it's not all history. Is there such a person as Lin Meiniang, who will go to verify? "Yes." Zhang Jinghui turned his head to stare at her, "Now, you don't go to university?" "Fortunately, Masahiko Amazure is busy, and the medical university status is still reserved, and the teachers are willing to make up lessons for me. But it's pretty good. It's difficult, I'm busy with filming, and I've been fishing for three days and surfing the net for two days in class." Bai Yuelang said, "I'm a student at the Training Institute, and it's not formal. It's not too late to go to school." Zhang Jinghui said: "I still remember that time when I met you at the Medical University, you asked me for a scarf. It's so straightforward, just like the grid in the palace." "Really?" Bai Yuelang Said, "I don't remember it long ago, how can it be like you said!" Zhang Jinghui smiled: "It's quite arrogant, but as soon as I close my eyes, I can see your delicate appearance." Bai Yuelang suddenly asked He: "I heard people say that you seem to have a picture of me in your hand. What's the matter?" Zhang Jinghui said, "Ah, it's nothing, it's purely accidental. One time I went to inspect the New Beijing Medical University, and accidentally asked the President Maruyama. Speaking of you, it was Liu Rendanhu." Bai Yuelang smiled and said, "Principal Maruyama's nickname is Rendanhu. The classmates all call it that behind their backs." Zhang Jinghui said, "When I mention Bai Yuelang, Maruyama Just found a picture of you for me." As he said, he took out a wallet from his pocket, opened it, and contained her picture in it. Bai Yuelang was surprised and embarrassed. Her photo was clipped in Zhang Jinghui's wallet, and she took it with her every day. What kind of style is this? This is an insult to her. ("Hái bùshì bànjīnbāliǎng!" Zhāngjǐnghuì shuō,"qí shàn bùshìgè hǎo guān, yě bù zhìyú nàme huài ba?" Bái yuè lǎng shuō:"Xì ma, zǒng bùquán shì lìshǐ. Shì bùshì zhēnyǒu línmèiniáng zhème gèrén, shéi qù kǎozhèng?" "Yěshì." Zhāngjǐnghuì zhuǎn guòtóu lái zhùshìzhe tā,"zhè yī lái, nǐ de dàxué bù niànle?" "Hǎo zài gānpò zhèngyàn máng, yīdà xuéjí hái bǎoliúzhe, lǎoshīmen yě yuàn wéi wǒ bǔkè. Bùguò yě tǐng nán, pāixì máng, shàngkè yěshì sān tiān dǎ yú, liǎng tiān shài wǎngle." Bái yuè lǎng shuō,"wǒ xiànzài shì yǎng chéng suǒ de xuéyuán, yě bùshì zhèngshì de, yǎn yī huí shì shì, bùxíng dehuà, zài huí xuéxiào niànshū yě bù chí." Zhāngjǐnghuì shuō:"Hái jìdé nà cì zài yīdà yǔ nǐ xiāngyù, nǐ chōng wǒ yào shā jīn de shéntài, tǐng héng a, jiù xiàng gōng lǐ de gégé." "Shì ma?" Bái yuè lǎng shuō,"wǒ zǎo dōu bù jìdéliǎo, nǎ yǒu nǐ shuō dì nàyàng!" Zhāngjǐnghuì xiào dào:"Shì tǐng gāo'ào, kě wǒ yī bì shàng yǎnjīng, jiù néng kànjiàn nǐ nà jiāo hān de múyàng." Bái yuè lǎng hūrán wèn tā:"Tīng rén shuō, nín shǒu lǐ hǎoxiàng yǒu wǒ de zhàopiàn, zhè shì zěnme huí shì?" Zhāngjǐnghuì zhīwú de shuō:"A, méishénme, chún shǔ ǒurán. Yǒu yīcì wǒ qù shìchá xīn jīng yīdà, ǒurán xiàng wánshān xiàozhǎng tíqǐguò nǐ, jiùshì liú réndān hú nàgè." Bái yuè lǎng xiàole, shuō:"Wánshān xiàozhǎng de wài hào jiù jiào réndān hú. Tóngxuémen bèidì dōu zhème jiào." Zhāngjǐnghuì shuō:"Wǒ yī tí bái yuè lǎng, wánshān jiù zhǎole yī zhāng nǐ de zhàopiàn gěi wǒ." Shuōzhe, tā cóng kǒudài lǐ tāo chū yīgè píjiázi, dǎkāi, lǐmiàn jiù jiāzhe tā de zhàopiàn. Bái yuè lǎng hěn yìwài, yě hěn bù hǎoyìsi, zìjǐ de zhàopiàn jiá zài zhāngjǐnghuì de píjiázi lǐ, yòu tiāntiān dài zài shēnshang, zhè chéng hé tǐtǒng? Zhè duì tā jiǎnzhí shì gè wūrù.)

宫女闻听,立即给冯太后和拓跋弘各斟一杯茶。拓跋弘刚才紧张得出了一身汗,此时正自口渴,端起茶杯就喝。刚喝几口,就脸色大变,腹痛弯腰,惨呼声声。冯太后厉声喝道:"逆子,我吃了宫点,恐怕也和你一样吧!"拓跋弘一听,只来得及喊了一声"母后"便气绝身亡,时年只有23岁。 次日早朝上,满朝文武朝拜之后,忽然惊奇地发现已退隐十年的冯太后神态威仪地出现在10岁的皇帝拓跋宏身边。别人还不觉什么,只是李欣吓得当场就尿湿了裤子。他本以为这次冯太后必死无疑,正做他的升官发财的美梦呢?今见冯太后忽然出现,料想事情败露,恨不得插翅飞出皇宫,但这是不可能的,只有暗自祷告,希望冯太后别发现他。 可是想什么有什么,正当李欣在默默祷告之时,冯太后的声音在大殿中响起:"李欣李尚书何在?" "臣在。"李欣极不情愿,哆哆嗦嗦地出班站列。 "念你在相州为官清廉,劳苦功高,太上皇特赏你一盒宫点,拿去吃罢!"冯太后眼睛盯着他,一字一顿地说道。 李欣一见宫点盒,吓得顿时脸色惨白,连连后退,双手乱摇道:"不,不......" "怎么,你不吃吗?"冯太后厉声喝问。 "太后饶命,我鬼迷心窍,意欲怂恿太上皇毒死太后,真是罪该万死。但还请太后网开一面,饶小臣一命......"李欣为求活命,在朝殿之上说出了自己犯上作乱的罪行,众臣一时哗然。 但冯太后岂肯放过这个害死自己情人,又使自己母子相争,导致儿子惨死的奸佞小人。见他求饶,也不搭话。那李欣见此情景,知道活命无望,便抓起一块宫点,吞食下去,当即七窍流血而死。在场群臣,人人自危,不敢言语。大殿上静悄悄的,冯太后忽又提高声调道:"我听说众位大臣中,还有不少人与李欣一样贪赃枉法,祸国殃民,是不是也想吃太上皇的宫点呀?!" 大臣们吓得低头不语。冯太后见状道:"好!既然你们无心悔改,那我就点出几个人来尝尝这宫点滋味儿!" 话音未落,几个赃官忙跪地求饶。冯太后见人群中还有几个神情紧张的,厉声喝道:"还有!"虽然只有两个字,却无异于在赃官们头上打一个炸雷,个个不由自主地腿软,顿时跪倒一片。心中无愧,站立不动的大臣没有几个。 冯太后见状,义正辞严道:"想我魏朝江山,经历了几朝几代,哪里出过你们这些赃官?!个个贪赃枉法,不管百姓死活。祖制虽不可违,但既今如此,依我之见,只能锐意改革。从今之后,实行'班禄制'(俸禄制)。实行此制之后,谁若再搜刮百姓,定斩不饶!" 以前朝廷也曾想实施班禄制,但均遭大臣反对,没有实施成。今冯太后如此,谁还敢反对,不久,班禄制就实施下去。朝中风气果有好转。 此后,冯太后在中书令李冲的支持下,还先后实施了"均田制"、"三长制"等改革措施,均收到良好的效果,让百姓尝到了甜头,限制了贪官污吏,使魏朝出现国泰民安的景象。 这位不同寻常的女性,为魏朝的太平盛世的出现做出了巨大的牺牲,也做出了巨大的贡献。 公元490年,49岁的冯太后心力憔悴,病死在太华殿内。消息传出,魏国举国悲哀。 拓跋宏迁都洛阳城 北魏冯太后死后,皇帝拓跋宏执掌朝政。拓跋宏5岁就开始接受冯太后的教导,颇有冯太后处变不惊、做事从容的遗风,加之他自幼聪明好学,因此深通治国安邦之道。北魏冯太后死后,皇帝拓跋宏执掌朝政。拓跋宏5岁就开始接受冯太后的教导,颇有冯太后处变不惊、做事从容的遗风,加之他自幼聪明好学,因此深通治国安邦之道。 拓跋宏看到改革确实带来了许多好处,因此决心将冯太后的改革贯彻到底:接受汉人文化,笼络各族人民,实现统一大业。 拓跋宏还特别注意招揽人才。在当时的北魏,有一个从齐国投奔来的名叫王肃的人。此人满腹经纶,颇具文韬武略。拓跋宏很欣赏他,经常与之谈论治国安邦之道。王肃便向他提出:要想完成统一大业,必须迁都洛阳。他指出洛阳位居中心地带,地理环境优越,适合建都。 其实拓跋宏早有迁都洛阳之意,只是每次流露此意,便有许多大臣考虑到自己的势力范围、经济利益等多种因素坚决反对。特别是许多老臣,一听要迁都每每声泪俱下,甚至以撞死在祖宗灵堂前相威胁,使迁都计划流产。拓跋宏无奈只得将迁都计划暂且搁置。 此次王肃旧事重提,拓跋宏颇有感触,下决心此次一定要排除万难,一举成功。但洛阳乃中原中心,离平城甚远,硬迁不行,须用巧计,便与王肃商议好一计。 这一天,拓跋宏诏谕文武群臣上朝商议南下统一江山大业。众臣一听纷纷前来。未待拓跋宏开口,大臣穆泰率先说道:"陛下,挥师南下统一江山,实乃壮举。但仁义之师才可战胜,而仁义之师皆出兵有名,不知陛下以何名目发兵伐齐?" 拓跋宏早已料到今有此问,不慌不忙道:"齐君主昏庸无道,无故诛杀王肃父兄,即为明证。朕为仁义之师,现替天行道,率兵伐齐。" "王肃乃一亡命之徒,为区区此人便大动干戈,陛下认为值得吗?"穆泰平素就看不起从齐国投奔而来的王肃,听拓跋宏以替王肃报仇为借口,便很不以为然地问道。拓跋宏一听便生气了,反问他:"如卿之父兄也被人诛杀,还会如此一派胡言吗?" 穆泰见拓跋宏生了气便不再吱声,还有几个大臣提出质疑,也被拓跋宏针锋相对,一一驳回。其余众臣见拓跋宏主意已定,便也都不再言语。几天之后,拓跋宏亲率大军30万,行程2000多里,渡过黄河,到达洛阳城。 第二天清晨,士兵们还在睡梦之中,便被号角声催醒。这一路行军,历尽千辛万苦,军士们都已是疲惫至极,但军令难违,只得勉强拖着疲倦的身子集合起来。只见拓跋宏全副武装,骑着马来到将士们面前,一脸严肃地说道:"昨夜,探马来报:齐知我大军前来讨伐,已经伏下十万大军要与我们决一雌雄。我军人数众多,不必怕他,但是平城方面又送来消息,柔然国趁我大举伐齐之际,也派十万军兵侵犯我边境。因此我们必须南进以最快的速度打败齐军,然后回师以救平城之急!" 众将士一听,一片哀怒之声。一些以穆泰为首的大臣提议先班师回平城,拓跋宏置之不理。此时,站在一旁的王肃将将士们极不情愿的表情看在眼里,突然跪地对拓跋宏道:"皇上,如果我们先攻齐国,再班师抵挡柔然,将士们未免太过辛苦疲惫,对我军大为不利。可是我们既已发兵,又不可能退回。依臣之见,不如陛下诏谕天下,就称此次大军南下是为迁都洛阳做准备,然后我们就可班师回平城了。" 拓跋宏闻听,装模作样地思索了一下,道:"这倒也不失为一个好主意。但君无戏言,如果诏谕全国,以后就一定得真迁都洛阳。好吧,谁同意迁都洛阳请站到朕的左侧,文武百官中有一个不同意的,我们就得继续前进!"众大臣一听,纷纷站到拓跋宏左侧。有几个人真愿意打仗呢?可是以穆泰为首的少数几个大臣就是不站过去,而且还纷纷跪下要求拓跋宏万不可迁都洛阳。拓跋宏见状,在马上将剑一挥,大喊一声"继续前进!众人看出拓跋宏这是动真格的了,纷纷起身站到他的左侧。穆泰见只剩自己一个,便也起身,极不情愿地走了过去。 拓跋宏与王肃此刻才相视一笑。原来柔然兵根本没有侵犯魏国,这都是他二人为迁都而定下的一计。但拓跋宏立刻收敛起笑容,大声说道:"诏谕天下,朕此番率大军而行,均为迁都洛阳做准备,明天,我们就班师回平城。" 一年后,拓跋宏正式迁都洛阳。公元495年下令禁鲜卑语,通用汉语(洛阳话)。公元496年,拓跋宏下诏改拓跋姓为"元",自称"元宏"。此后他还颁布过如鲜卑族与汉族通婚,改穿汉族服装等有利于民族融合的新政策,因此而成为中国历史上一个锐意改革的皇帝。 萧衍三筑堰 公元479年,萧道成灭宋建立南齐政权。但是齐朝并未因此稳定发展起来,而是一直处于动荡不安之中。 公元502年,曾任齐雍州刺史的萧衍勾结内监杀死齐主萧宝卷,在襄阳起兵,夺权篡位。他登基之后,唯恐萧宝卷的后代们卷土重来,对其实行斩草除根的政策,几乎将萧宝卷满门杀绝。但鄱阳王萧宝夤虽然只有18岁,却机警过人,闻听皇兄被人谋杀,赶忙连夜出逃,投靠了北魏驻守寿阳的任城王元澄。从此也便成了萧衍的心腹之患。 萧宝夤自然不会放过萧衍,他凭借自己的才识很快便得到北魏当时的皇帝元恪的赏识。萧宝夤看准时机,便催元恪发兵,帮助诛杀萧衍。元恪早有吞并齐朝的野心,见萧宝夤若此,便顺水推舟,答应出兵,派萧宝夤亲率大军前去讨伐萧衍,并任命他为镇东将军,加封齐王。 萧宝夤满怀刻骨的仇恨前去攻打萧衍,而此时的萧衍却还沉溺于宴乐游猎之中。这一日,萧衍带着他新宠幸的一个爱妃到建康城外狩猎。被萧宝夤的几个心腹看见,几个人施计捉住了萧衍的爱妃,并送到寿阳见萧宝夤。萧宝夤一见便想起家仇国恨,顿时怒火中烧,便将那女子带到后帐欺侮一番,然后又交到几个士兵手中,让他们将其故意蹂躏至死。又命人脱去衣服,悬挂在寿阳城头。萧宝夤满怀刻骨的仇恨前去攻打萧衍,而此时的萧衍却还沉溺于宴乐游猎之中。这一日,萧衍带着他新宠幸的一个爱妃到建康城外狩猎。被萧宝夤的几个心腹看见,几个人施计捉住了萧衍的爱妃,并送到寿阳见萧宝夤。萧宝夤一见便想起家仇国恨,顿时怒火中烧,便将那女子带到后帐欺侮一番,然后又交到几个士兵手中,让他们将其故意蹂躏至死。又命人脱去衣服,悬挂在寿阳城头。 萧衍痛失爱妃正自懊恼不已,又闻听她在萧宝夤营中受辱至死,大发雷霆,誓报此仇。而且,寿阳是个地肥物美的好地方,原是萧宝卷辖地,因他荒疏政务,被北魏占领。萧衍篡位后本已有心收回那座城。 天监五年(公元506年),萧衍亲自统率三军包围了寿阳。攻打了数日,突破外城。正当萧衍得意洋洋之际,却中了萧宝夤的瓮中捉鳖之计,幸亏有大将陈刚护驾才使他逃脱一命。至此两军形成对峙局势,各有攻守,不相上下。 天监十三年,魏将王足被萧衍捉住,但萧衍并不杀他,还对其施以厚待。王足受宠若惊,感恩戴德,便向萧衍献上一计:"陛下,要想攻破寿阳,杀萧宝夤,臣有一计,只是不知可行不可行。" 萧衍一听他有破敌之计,忙命快讲。这王足在寿阳为官多年,对这里的地形了解的一清二楚。他所出之计,便是在寿阳城外40里的俘山和石山之间修筑一座拦河堤坝,拦住淮河之水。待水位升至山顶,便将堤坝炸开,水淹寿阳城。萧宝夤纵有千军万马,定也必死无疑。 萧衍听罢连称妙计。但有几位大臣却不同意,指出两山之上无石可采,修筑堤坝恐比登天还难,且又劳民伤财,得不偿失。 可萧衍已急红了眼,恨不能一下就将萧宝夤淹死,岂肯听他们的劝说?即命王足督办此事。 那王足为了在萧衍面前表一功,干得非常卖力。抓了许多农夫前去修坝,又亲自监工,命农夫们日夜不停地干。农夫们吃不好,睡不好,有许多人都累饿而死。而且,由于无石头可采,王足便命农夫们先采柳枝,然后编成柳筐,装上土,再去筑坝。如此一来,河岸堤旁,墓地村庄,只要有柳枝的地方,便有人在砍伐,弄得鸡飞狗跳,民怨极大。

Upon hearing this, the court lady immediately poured a cup of tea for the Empress Dowager Feng and Tuobahong. Tuobahong was nervous and sweaty just now. He was thirsty and drank his teacup. After a few sips, his complexion changed drastically, his stomachache was bent over, and he screamed. Empress Dowager Feng sternly shouted: "Nizi, I have eaten the palace point, I am afraid it will be the same as you!" Tuoba Hong only had time to shout "Mother Empress" and died in anger. He was only 23 years old at the time. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The next morning, after the Manchu civil and military pilgrimage, the Empress Dowager Feng, who had been retired for ten years, appeared majesticly next to the 10-year-old emperor Tuobahong. Others didn't notice anything, but Li Xin was so scared that he wetted his pants on the spot. He thought that the Queen Mother Feng would definitely die this time, and he was having his dream of getting promoted and getting rich? Seeing that the Queen Mother Feng suddenly appeared today, I expected the matter to be revealed and wished to fly out of the palace, but this is impossible. I only prayed secretly, hoping that the Queen Mother would not find him. But there is nothing to think about, just as Li Xin was praying silently, the Queen Mother Feng's voice sounded in the hall: "Li Xin, where is Li Shangshu?" "The minister is here." Li Xin was very reluctant, and trembling out of the station. Column. "I thought you were a clean and honest official in Xiangzhou, and you worked very hard. The emperor will reward you with a box of palace points. Take it to eat!" Empress Dowager Feng stared at him, saying every word. When Li Xin saw the palace, he paled with fright. He backed back and shook his hands arbitrarily: "No, no..." "Why, don't you want to eat?" Queen Mother Feng sternly asked. "Queen dowager forgive me, I am obsessed with my heart. I want to persuade the Emperor to poison the Queen Mother. It is a crime that deserves death. But please let the Queen Dowager open the Internet and spare Xiaochen's life..." Li Xin said that he committed the crime on the court in order to survive. The crime of committing chaos caused an uproar among the officials. But the Queen Mother was willing to let go of the traitorous villain who killed her lover and caused her mother and son to fight, leading to the tragic death of her son. Seeing him begging for mercy, he didn't say anything. Seeing this, Li Xin knew that there was no hope of life, so he grabbed a piece of palace point, swallowed it, and immediately bleeds to death. The officials present, everyone is in danger and dare not speak. Quietly in the hall, Queen Mother Feng suddenly raised her voice again and said: "I heard that among the ministers, there are still many who are just like Li Xin who are guilty of corruption and betraying the law and harming the country and the people. Do you want to eat the royal palace too?!" The ministers bowed their heads in fright. The Queen Mother Feng said upon seeing this: "Okay! Since you have no intention of repenting, then I will point out a few people to taste the taste of this palace!" Before the voice was over, several corrupt officials knelt down and begged for mercy. Seeing that there were still a few nervous people in the crowd, the Queen Mother sternly shouted: "Also!" Although there were only two words, it was tantamount to throwing a thunder on the heads of the stolen officials. All of them involuntarily softened their legs and knelt down immediately. one slice. There are not many ministers standing still. When the Queen Mother Feng saw this, she resolutely said: "Think of me in the Wei Dynasty. After several dynasties and generations, where have you been the corrupt officials?! Everyone is corrupt and ruined, regardless of whether the people live or die. Although the ancestral system cannot be violated, it is both. This is the case today, in my opinion, I can only be determined to reform. From now on, the'banlu system' (salary system) will be implemented. After this system is implemented, anyone who searches for the people will not forgive!" The court had thought before. The implementation of the Ban Lu system was opposed by the ministers and failed to be implemented. This is how the Empress Dowager Feng is today, who would dare to oppose it. Soon, the Ban Lu system was implemented. The situation in North Korea has improved. Since then, with the support of Li Chong, the Queen Mother has also implemented reforms such as the "land equalization system" and the "three chiefs system", all of which have achieved good results, allowing the people to taste the sweetness and limiting corrupt officials. , So that the Wei Dynasty appeared the scene of Guotai Min'an. This unusual woman made a huge sacrifice and made a huge contribution to the emergence of the peaceful and heyday of the Wei Dynasty. In 490 AD, the 49-year-old Queen Mother Feng was sick and died in the Taihua Hall. The news came out, and the whole country of Wei was sad. Tuobahong moved the capital to Luoyang City. After the death of Queen Mother Feng of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Emperor Tuobahong took charge of the government. Tuobahong began accepting the teachings of the Queen Mother at the age of 5. He has a legacy of calmness and calmness in doing things. In addition, he is smart and easy to learn since he was a child, so he has a deep understanding of the way of governing the country and the country. After the death of Queen Mother Feng of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Emperor Tuobahong took charge of the government. Tuobahong began accepting the teachings of the Queen Mother at the age of 5. He has a legacy of calmness and calmness in doing things. In addition, he is smart and easy to learn since he was a child, so he has a deep understanding of the way of governing the country and the country. Tuoba Hong saw that the reform did bring many benefits, so he determined to implement the reform of the Queen Mother Feng to the end: accept the Han culture, win over the people of all ethnic groups, and achieve the great cause of unification. Tuoba Hong also paid special attention to recruiting talents. In the Northern Wei Dynasty at that time, there was a man named Wang Su who defected from Qi State. This person is full of economics and possesses a great literary and military strategy. Tuoba Hong admires him very much and often talks with him about the ways of governing the country and the country. Wang Su proposed to him: To complete the great cause of reunification, the capital must be moved to Luoyang. He pointed out that Luoyang is located in the central area and has a superior geographical environment, which is suitable for building a capital. In fact, Tuoba Hong had long intended to move the capital to Luoyang, but every time he expressed his intention, many ministers resolutely opposed it considering his sphere of influence, economic interests, and other factors. In particular, many veterans burst into tears when they heard that they wanted to move the capital, and even threatened to kill them in front of the ancestor's ancestral hall. Tuoba Hong had no choice but to temporarily shelve the plan to move the capital. This time Wang Su brought up the old things again, and Tuoba Hong was quite touched and determined to overcome all difficulties this time and succeed in one fell swoop. However, Luoyang is the center of the Central Plains, far away from Pingcheng. It is impossible to relocate hard. You must use clever tricks to discuss a plan with Wang Su. On this day, Tuoba Hong ordered the civil and military officials to discuss the great cause of unifying the country and the south. The ministers came one after another. Before Tuobahong could speak, Minister Mutai first said: "Your Majesty, it is a feat to send troops south to unify the country. It is a feat that can only be defeated by the benevolent and righteous divisions, and the benevolent and righteous divisions are all famous for sending troops. "Tuo Bahong had already expected this question today, and said calmly: "The monarch of Qi is faint and innocent, and he killed Wang Su's brother for no reason. This is the proof. I am a teacher of benevolence and righteousness. "Qi." "Wang Su is a desperado. He fought for this person. Does your majesty think it is worth it?" Mu Taiping looked down on Wang Su who had defected from Qi, and listened to Tuoba Hong as an excuse to avenge Wang Su. He asked disapprovingly. Tuoba Hong became angry when he heard that, and asked him: "Ruqing's father and brother were also killed by others, would they still be so nonsense?" Mu Tai stopped talking when Tuoba Hong was angry, and several ministers questioned him. , But also by Tuoba Hong tit-for-tat, rejected one by one. Seeing that Tuoba Hong had made his decision, the other officials stopped talking. A few days later, Tuoba Hong personally led an army of 300,000, traveling more than 2,000 miles, crossing the Yellow River and reaching Luoyang City. In the early morning of the next day, the soldiers were still asleep, and they were awakened by the sound of horns. This march, after all the hardships, the sergeants were exhausted, but the military order was hard to violate, and they had to drag their tired bodies to gather together. I saw Tuoba Hong fully armed, riding a horse to the soldiers, and said with a serious face: "Last night, the report of the horse visit: I know that my army is coming to crusade, and a hundred thousand troops have fallen down to fight us. Our army is large, so we don't need to be afraid of him, but Pingcheng sent another news that Rouran also sent one hundred thousand troops to invade our border while we were fighting aggressively. Therefore, we must advance south and defeat them as quickly as possible. Qi Jun, then return to the teacher to save the city!" The soldiers heard a voice of grief. Some ministers headed by Mutai proposed to return to Pingcheng, but Tuoba Hong ignored it. At this time, the generals and generals Wang Su who stood by saw their extremely reluctant expressions in their eyes, and suddenly knelt down and said to Tuoba Hong: "The emperor, if we attack Qi country first, and then the class will resist Rouran, the soldiers will be too much. The exhaustion is very detrimental to our army. But we have already sent troops, and it is impossible to retreat. In the opinion of the minister, it is better to send an order to the world, saying that the army is going south to prepare for the transfer of the capital to Luoyang, and then we can classify I'm back to Pingcheng." Tuoba Hong heard this, pretended to think about it, and said: "It's a good idea. But Jun has no joking. If he asks the whole country, he must really move to Luoyang in the future. Okay, who? If you agree to move the capital to Luoyang, please stand to my left. If one of the hundreds of civil and military officials disagrees, we have to move on!" Upon hearing this, the ministers stood on the left side of Tuoba Hong. How many people are really willing to fight? But the few ministers headed by Mutai just didn't stand there, and they knelt down and asked Tuoba Hong not to move the capital to Luoyang. Upon seeing this, Tuobahong waved his sword immediately and shouted, "Go ahead! Everyone saw that Tuobahong was really moving, and they got up and stood to his left. Mu Tai saw that only one of him was left, so he He also got up and walked over reluctantly. Tuobahong and Wang Su looked at each other and smiled at this moment. It turns out that Rouran soldiers did not infringe upon the State of Wei at all. This was a plan made by both of them to move the capital. But Tuoba Hong and Wang Su smiled at each other. Hong immediately suppressed his smile and said loudly: "I enjoin the world, and I will lead the army to prepare for the move to Luoyang. Tomorrow, we will return to Pingcheng. One year later, Tuobahong officially moved the capital to Luoyang. In 495 AD, the Xianbei language was banned and Chinese (Luoyang dialect) was banned. In 496 AD, Tuobahong changed the surname of Tuoba to "Yuan" and called himself "Yuanhong". Since then, he has also promulgated new policies conducive to ethnic integration, such as the intermarriage of the Xianbei and the Han, and the change of wearing Han costumes. Therefore, he became an emperor who was determined to reform in Chinese history. Xiao Yansan Zhuyan in 479 AD, Xiao Daocheng was founded in 479 AD. The Southern Qi regime. However, the Qi Dynasty did not develop steadily because of this, but has been in a state of turmoil. In 502 AD, Xiao Yan, a former governor of Qiyong Prefecture, colluded with the inner jailer to kill Qi Master Xiao Baojuan, and raised troops in Xiangyang to seize power. After he took the throne, he feared that the descendants of Xiao Baojuan would come back, and implemented a policy of cutting grass and roots on him, almost completely killing Xiao Baojuan. However, although the king of Poyang Xiao Baoquan was only 18 years old, he was extremely alert and he heard that the emperor's brother had been killed. People murdered, hurried to escape overnight, and took refuge in Rencheng Wang Yuancheng, who was stationed in Shouyang in the Northern Wei Dynasty. From then on, it became Xiao Yan's confidant. Xiao Baokui naturally would not let Xiao Yan go. He quickly gained the emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty by virtue of his talents and knowledge. Yuan Ke's appreciation. Seeing the right time, Xiao Baokui urged Yuan Ke to send troops to help kill Xiao Yan. Yuan Ke had long had the ambition to annex the Qi Dynasty. Seeing that Xiao Baokui had done this, he pushed the boat along the water, agreed to send troops, and sent Xiao Baokui to lead the army. Suppress Xiao Yan and appoint him as the general of Zhendong, and appoint him as King Qi. Xiao Baokui went to attack Xiao Yan with deep hatred, but Xiao Yan at this time was still indulging in feasting and hunting. On this day, Xiao Yan He took his newly-loved concubine to hunt outside Jiankang City. After being seen by several of Xiao Baokui's confidants, several people worked to capture Xiao Yan's concubine and sent them to Shouyang to see Xiao Baokui. Xiao Baokui remembered it when he saw it. The family hated the country, and suddenly became angry, she took the woman to the back of the tent to bully, and then handed it over to a few soldiers to deliberately ravage her to death. She ordered her to take off her clothes and hang it on the birthday. Yangchengtou. Xiao Baokui went to attack Xiao Yan with deep hatred, but Xiao Yan at this time was still indulging in feasting and safaris. On this day, Xiao Yan brought his new favorite concubine to Jiankang. Hunting outside the city. Seen by a few of Xiao Baokui's confidants, they caught Xiao Yan's beloved concubine and sent them to Shouyang to see Xiao Baokui. At the sight of Xiao Baokui, he thought of the hatred of his family and the country. The woman was taken to the back of the tent to bully, and then she was handed over to a few soldiers to deliberately ravage her to death. She also ordered her to take off her clothes and hang it on the top of Shouyang City. Xiao Yan lost her love to her concubine. I was very upset and heard that she had been humiliated to death in Xiao Baoqian's camp. She was furious and vowed to avenge her. Moreover, Shouyang is a good place with fertile land and beautiful land. It was originally under the jurisdiction of Xiao Baojuan. He was occupied by the Northern Wei Dynasty because of his lack of government affairs. After the usurpation of the throne, Xiao Yan had already had the intention to take back the city. In the fifth year of Tianjian (506 AD), Xiao Yan personally commanded the three armies to surround Shouyang. After attacking for a few days, he broke through the outer city. Just as Xiao Yan was triumphant, However, he was caught by Xiao Baoqiu's strategy of catching turtles in the urn. Fortunately, General Chen Gang was escorting him to make him escape. At this point, the two armies formed a confrontational situation, each with offensive and defensive, comparable. In the 13th year of Tianjian, General Wei Wangzu was captured by Xiao Yan. live, But Xiao Yan didn't kill him, but treated him favorably. Wang Zu was flattered and grateful, so he offered Xiao Yan a plan: "Your Majesty, if you want to break Shouyang and kill Xiao Baokui, the minister has a plan, but he doesn't know whether it is feasible or not." Xiao Yan heard that he had a plan to break the enemy and was busy. Come on. This king's foot has been an official in Shouyang for many years and has a clear understanding of the terrain here. His plan was to build a river embankment between Yushan and Shishan 40 miles outside Shouyang City to block the water of the Huai River. When the water level rose to the top of the mountain, the dam was blasted open, flooding the city of Shouyang. Even if Xiao Baokui had thousands of troops, he would definitely die. After hearing this, Xiao Yan repeatedly called a clever plan. However, several ministers disagreed. They pointed out that there is no rock to quarry on the two mountains. It is more difficult to build a dam than to climb to the sky. But Xiao Yan's eyes were red with irritation, and he wished to drown Xiao Baokui to death. How would he listen to their persuasion? Wang Zu was ordered to supervise this matter. The king's foot worked very hard in order to show off in front of Xiao Yan. I caught many farmers to repair the dam, and personally supervised the work, and ordered the farmers to work day and night. Farmers do not eat well, sleep well, and many people are exhausted and starved to death. Moreover, because there was no stone to pick, Wang Zu ordered the farmers to pick the willow branches first, then weave them into willow baskets, put them in soil, and then go to build the dam. In this way, as long as there are willow branches in the cemetery villages beside the riverbank, some people are cutting down. (Xiāobǎoyín mǎnhuái kègǔ de chóuhèn qián qù gōngdǎ xiāo yǎn, ér cǐ shí de xiāo yǎn què hái chénnì yú yàn lè yóu liè zhī zhōng. Zhè yī rì, xiāo yǎn dàizhe tā xīn chǒngxìng de yīgè ài fēi dào jiàn kāng chéng wài shòuliè. Bèi xiāobǎoyín de jǐ ge xīnfù kànjiàn, jǐ gèrén shī jì zhuō zhùle xiāo yǎn de ài fēi, bìng sòng dào shòu yáng jiàn xiāobǎoyín. Xiāobǎoyín yī jiàn biàn xiǎngqǐ jiā chóu guó hèn, dùnshí nùhuǒ zhōng shāo, biàn jiāng nà nǚzǐ dài dào hòu zhàng qīwǔ yī fān, ránhòu yòu jiāo dào jǐ gè shìbīng shǒuzhōng, ràng tāmen jiāng qí gùyì róulìn zhì sǐ. Yòu mìng rén tuō qù yīfú, xuánguà zài shòu yáng chéng tóu. Xiāo yǎn tòng shī ài fēi zhèng zì àonǎo bùyǐ, yòu wén tīng tā zài xiāobǎoyín yíng zhōng shòurǔ zhì sǐ, dàfāléitíng, shì bào cǐ chóu. Érqiě, shòu yáng shìgè de féi wùměi de hǎo dìfāng, yuán shì xiāo bǎo juàn xiá dì, yīn tā huāngshū zhèngwù, bèi běiwèi zhànlǐng. Xiāo yǎn cuànwèi hòu běn yǐ yǒuxīn shōuhuí nà zuò chéng. Tiān jiān wǔ nián (gōngyuán 506 nián), xiāo yǎn qīnzì tǒngshuài sānjūn bāowéile shòu yáng. Gōngdǎle shù rì, túpò wài chéng. Zhèngdàng xiāo yǎn déyì yángyáng zhī jì, què zhōngle xiāobǎoyín de wèngzhōngzhuōbiē zhī jì, xìngkuī yǒu dàjiàng chéngāng hùjià cái shǐ tā táotuō yī mìng. Zhìcǐ liǎng jūn xíngchéng duìzhì júshì, gè yǒu gōngshǒu, bù xiāng shàngxià. Tiān jiān shísān nián, wèi jiāng wáng zú bèi xiāo yǎn zhuō zhù, dàn xiāo yǎn bìng bù shā tā, hái duì qí shī yǐ hòudài. Wáng zú shòuchǒngruòjīng, gǎn'ēndàidé, biàn xiàng xiāo yǎn xiànshàng yī jì:"Bìxià, yào xiǎng gōngpò shòu yáng, shā xiāobǎoyín, chén yǒuyī jì, zhǐshì bùzhī kěxíng bùkě xíng." Xiāo yǎn yī tīng tā yǒu pò dí zhī jì, máng mìng kuài jiǎng. Zhè wáng zú zài shòu yáng wèi guān duōnián, duì zhèlǐ dì dìxíng liǎojiě de yī qīng'èr chǔ. Tāsuǒ chū zhī jì, biàn shì zài shòu yáng chéng wài 40 lǐ de fú shān hé shíshān zhī jiān xiūzhù yīzuò lán hé dībà, lánzhù huáihé zhī shuǐ. Dài shuǐwèi shēng zhì shāndǐng, biàn jiāng dībà zhà kāi, shuǐ yān shòu yáng chéng. Xiāobǎoyín zòng yǒu qiān jūn wàn mǎ, dìng yě bìsǐ wúyí. Xiāo yǎn tīng bà lián chēng miàojì. Dàn yǒu jǐ wèi dàchén què bù tóngyì, zhǐchū liǎng shānzhīshàng wú shí kě cǎi, xiūzhù dībà kǒng bǐ dēng tiān hái nán, qiě yòu láomínshāngcái, débùchángshī. Kě xiāo yǎn yǐ jí hóngle yǎn, hèn bu néng yīxià jiù jiāng xiāobǎoyín yān sǐ, qǐ kěn tīng tāmen de quànshuō? Jí mìng wáng zú dūbàn cǐ shì. Nà wáng zú wéi le zài xiāo yǎn miànqián biǎo yī gōng, gàn dé fēicháng màilì. Zhuāle xǔduō nóngfū qián qù xiū bà, yòu qīnzì jiāngōng, mìng nóngfūmen rìyè bù tíng de gàn. Nóngfūmen chī bù hǎo, shuì bù hǎo, yǒu xǔduō rén dōu lèi è ér sǐ. Érqiě, yóuyú wú shítou kě cǎi, wáng zú biàn mìng nóngfūmen xiān cǎi liǔ zhī, ránhòu biān chéng liǔ kuāng, zhuāng shàng tǔ, zài qù zhù bà. Rúcǐ yī lái, hé'àn dī páng, mùdì cūnzhuāng, zhǐyào yǒu liǔ zhī dì dìfāng, biàn yǒurén zài kǎnfá, nòng dé jī fēi gǒu tiào, mínyuàn jí dà.)

王足一听,感动得五体投地。暗中发誓,此次若再修不好堤坝,自己就投河而死。他吸取前两次教训,认为不宜再用柳筐装土筑坝。这次用铁铸成铁柱立于河中,再填上土,堤坝必成。向萧衍一说,萧衍连夸好主意,立刻命人收天下之铁。 这下老百姓更加遭殃,家里的铁锅、犁铧全被搜走了。 30万大军筑堤,速度很快。不久,一座高20多丈、上宽40余丈、长约9里多的浮山堰修成了。萧衍大喜,恨恨地说道:"萧宝夤,3月之内,我萧衍定报夺妻辱妻之仇,让你死无葬身之地!" 然而,还没等到第三月,那堤坝又"轰隆隆"一声被冲走了。数以百计的百姓被冲进东海,寿阳城却依然完好无损。萧衍顿足捶胸,后悔当初不该劳民伤财修筑此堰,如今落得个损兵折将,却还是竹篮打水——一场空。王足见状,实现了他的誓言——跳进河里喂王八去了。 昭明太子蒙冤而死 梁帝萧衍三筑堤坝想水淹寿阳城,除掉心腹之患萧宝夤。但是筑堰不成,无功而返。而此时从他们宫中又传出一件丑事:他的女儿与他的弟弟勾搭成奸,也就是侄女与叔叔乱伦。这还不算,两人还密谋毒死萧衍,篡夺帝位。事情败露,二人一个自杀,一个重病在身。正所谓前庭不顺,后院又起火。内外交困,使萧衍焦头烂额,萎靡不振。唯一能使他得到一些心灵安慰的便是太子萧统。但是这唯一的安慰,也因他听信谗言而最终失去了。 一天,萧衍身体有些不适,便在养心殿稍事休息。正在此时,忽然见一个小太监在养心殿外探头探脑。萧衍厉声喝道:"你贼眉鼠眼地在看着什么,难道要谋害朕不成?"岂料那小太监一下扑进来跪在萧衍面前道:"不,不是我要害皇上,是,是有人要害皇上。" 萧衍闻言大惊,知道一定有什么情况,忙问道:"是谁?是谁要害朕?!" 小太监哆哆嗦嗦道:"是,是太子!"什么!你胡说:来人,将他推出去斩了!"萧衍怎么也不相信太子萧统要害自己。 萧统出生于齐中兴元年(公元501年),天监元年(公元502年),即萧衍称梁帝那年就被立为太子。只因萧统自幼贤德聪颖,幼读《孝经》、《论语》,5岁习《诗经》,10岁通晓经义、吟诗赋词、出口成诵,15岁便可帮助萧衍管理朝政,可谓萧衍的得力助手。萧衍对他疼爱有加,喜爱异常。况且太子生性仁厚,竟至不食肉,怎么可能加害于萧衍呢。故此小太监一说萧统要害自己,萧衍大怒,要将其斩首。 小太监一听要斩自己,吓得乱喊乱叫道:"我说的句句是实,不信陛下到临云殿内的杨树下派人去挖,定能挖出赃证。太子命人作法咒陛下早死,不信陛下想想,近几月是否身体感到不适?" 萧衍本不信,可这最后一句话正中他的心坎。他想:"自己在养心殿养病没几个人知道,莫非——"这样转念一想便命人将小太监抓回细问。 小太监见萧衍不杀他了,松了一口气,眼珠转了转又对萧衍说道:"陛下,宁信其有,不信其无。为了龙体您一定要保重,说出来您别生气。太子近几日常领一帮人在紫云殿聚会,鬼鬼祟祟,不知在干些什么。" 萧衍一听,竟有一半信了那小太监,顿时大怒,带上几个人就直奔紫云殿而去。到那一看,果然见太子与一帮人在那里聚会,显然是在商量什么,见自己到来还一脸的慌张。他不由得怒气冲冲地道:"逆子,等我找到证据,决不与你善罢甘休。" 难道这萧统真的心存篡位吗?要不他怎么会与那么多人聚在紫云殿呢?原来,太子非常爱惜人才。一天他看到著名文学评论家刘勰写的《文心雕龙》手稿,爱不释手,惊叹此人才华,立即召见,二人一见如故,言语投机。从《文心雕龙》一直谈到太子主持编纂的《文选》。刘勰为之提了许多意见和建议,太子萧统非常高兴。第二天,他又请了许多文人雅士一一介绍给刘勰认识,大家畅所欲言,就像老朋友一般。以后就经常在一起谈论《诗》、《书》,研究治国安邦之道。当时刘勰心里还想:宋朝有这样一位太子,将来一定会国泰民安。要说弑君篡位之心,太子萧统可一点也没有。今日相聚紫云公殿,也不过是在商议为《文选》作序之事。几人正兴致勃勃地谈论,忽闻皇上来了,太子慌忙出迎。又见皇上怒气冲冲,还说什么与自己难道这萧统真的心存篡位吗?要不他怎么会与那么多人聚在紫云殿呢?原来,太子非常爱惜人才。一天他看到著名文学评论家刘勰写的《文心雕龙》手稿,爱不释手,惊叹此人才华,立即召见,二人一见如故,言语投机。从《文心雕龙》一直谈到太子主持编纂的《文选》。刘勰为之提了许多意见和建议,太子萧统非常高兴。第二天,他又请了许多文人雅士一一介绍给刘勰认识,大家畅所欲言,就像老朋友一般。以后就经常在一起谈论《诗》、《书》,研究治国安邦之道。当时刘勰心里还想:宋朝有这样一位太子,将来一定会国泰民安。要说弑君篡位之心,太子萧统可一点也没有。今日相聚紫云公殿,也不过是在商议为《文选》作序之事。几人正兴致勃勃地谈论,忽闻皇上来了,太子慌忙出迎。又见皇上怒气冲冲,还说什么与自己"决不善罢甘休",一时愣在那里,不知发生了什么事。 正在这时,一个小太监手托一只蜡鹅慌慌张张跑进来,跪下对萧衍道:"陛下,果然在构事府下发现了这个。"旁边的太子萧统一看,不由得魂飞魄散。他知道这是遭人诬陷。可心里越急越说不清,想到自己平时宽以待人,竟遭此暗算,就算跳进黄河也洗刷不清,不由得一阵天旋地转,昏厥过去。 那害太子萧统的人到底是谁呢?此人正是那个到皇帝萧衍面前告密的小太监。他原是太子身边亲近的人,太子母亲病故不久,其正值生日,太子要给母亲做"生忌"。须在临云殿捧觞庆寿。提前要一内监值宿一夜,太子便让这个小太监去。不料他竟不负责任,胡乱混到半夜便跑去和宫女鬼混,正巧被太子巡视时撞见。要是别人不杀也得严惩,太子宽厚,没有治他罪,只是不如从前亲近了。哪知这小太监不识好歹,不思图报,反而怀恨在心。探听得皇上身体不适,便跑去密告太子正请道士作法埋蜡鹅咒皇上早死,密谋夺权篡位。 萧衍哪知这些,见太子昏过去,还以为他是做贼心虚,也不理睬,拂袖而去。回到寝宫,越想越伤心,越想越生气,一怒之下,竟下令将太子身边所有道士均给杀了。 太子萧统闻听,连呼冤枉,从此一病不起。满朝文武均觉太子仁爱宽厚,忽然传出他要弑君篡位,内中蹊跷。便纷纷上奏,请皇上萧衍明察,以防铸成大错。萧衍一听有理,又闻太子病重,心中甚是不安,忙命人尽快查明此事。可是等真相终于大白,太子萧统也已病入膏肓,无药可治。太子萧统闻听,连呼冤枉,从此一病不起。满朝文武均觉太子仁爱宽厚,忽然传出他要弑君篡位,内中蹊跷。便纷纷上奏,请皇上萧衍明察,以防铸成大错。萧衍一听有理,又闻太子病重,心中甚是不安,忙命人尽快查明此事。可是等真相终于大白,太子萧统也已病入膏肓,无药可治。 萧衍怀着悔恨的心情来到太子病榻前,眼含热泪,连呼:"皇儿,皇儿,父皇错怪你了......"萧统听到呼声,似乎想挣扎着起来施礼,可他久病在床,竟已没有力气起来。萧衍见状,更是泪如泉涌。萧统睁开无神的双眼,看着他亲爱的父皇,似乎想要说什么。但一阵咳嗽,嘴角流出鲜血。萧衍亲自去为他擦血迹,太子忽然抓住萧衍的手,萧衍俯下身,他想听听儿子要说什么,但儿子只是嘴角露出一丝微笑,慢慢合上了那双曾经闪烁着智慧的双眼。 萧衍扑到儿子身上,失声痛哭...... 讣告传出,举国震惊,全国百姓都为失去这样一位智信仁爱的太子而感到无限的悲痛。 当天夜里,萧衍翻阅太子萧统编纂的《文选》,含泪提笔,在扉页上写下《昭明文选》4字。并决定明天降旨,追封太子萧统为昭明太子。 第二天早朝,被太子一手由太末(今浙江衢县东北龙游镇)县令提升为东宫任通事舍人(皇帝及太子近亲属官)的刘勰向皇帝请求离开皇宫,并谢绝了皇帝萧衍的一再挽留,去定觉寺当了和尚。他觉得:他曾引为知己的太子萧统死得实在太冤枉。血浓于水的父子亲情尚不能避免这罪恶的宫廷权力斗争,那这红尘之中还有什么值得留恋的呢? 杜洛周起义 北魏孝文帝元宏在位30年,锐意改革,国势蒸蒸日上,而宣武帝元恪继位后,不思进取,国家每况愈下,及至到了孝明帝元诩继位,国家已处于风雨飘摇之中。朝中许多奸臣当道,特别是他们看到6岁的小皇帝元诩软弱可欺,便把持朝纲、争权夺势。而朝廷之外的官吏见朝内混乱,便也任意胡为、搜刮百姓、聚敛钱财。一时之间,苛捐杂税猛于虎,民不聊生,饿殍遍地。各地农民、僧侣纷纷揭竿而起,其中最著名的便是六镇农民起义。此次义军首领为破六韩拔陵,人马声势浩大,朝廷无奈之余,勾结柔然兵进行镇压。北魏孝文帝元宏在位30年,锐意改革,国势蒸蒸日上,而宣武帝元恪继位后,不思进取,国家每况愈下,及至到了孝明帝元诩继位,国家已处于风雨飘摇之中。朝中许多奸臣当道,特别是他们看到6岁的小皇帝元诩软弱可欺,便把持朝纲、争权夺势。而朝廷之外的官吏见朝内混乱,便也任意胡为、搜刮百姓、聚敛钱财。一时之间,苛捐杂税猛于虎,民不聊生,饿殍遍地。各地农民、僧侣纷纷揭竿而起,其中最著名的便是六镇农民起义。此次义军首领为破六韩拔陵,人马声势浩大,朝廷无奈之余,勾结柔然兵进行镇压。 义军失败后,朝廷为防止六镇农民再聚众闹事,便把他们迁移到人烟稀少、贫穷落后的荒凉古城(今河北怀来县)。在迁移途中,官兵任意欺负凌辱百姓。许多人都在途中病死、饿死或被处死。这其中有一个叫杜洛周的中年人,他70多岁的老父在迁移途中病饿而死,他的妻子被士兵欺凌而死。一气之下,他将不满周岁的儿子送人,发誓与魏军拼个你死我活。 到了上谷,人们发现这里也是不能让人生存。杜洛周便趁机再次联络起义,大家一想,起义总比等着饿死、病死强,便纷纷响应,并推举杜洛周为首领。杜洛周很快就了解到一个情况,官府要在几天之后的城隍庙会上处斩50名六镇兵民。他当即决定:趁天大旱,将城隍庙会改为求雨大会。这样,起义军便可假扮成求雨农民,到时再伺机动手救人,揭竿而起。大家一听,拍手称好,随即分头行动。 几天之后的城隍庙会,热闹异常。几万人众敲锣打鼓前来上谷求雨。中午时分,负责监斩犯人的提督骑马来到庙会之上,见人头攒动的热闹场面,也不由得有几分惊讶,因为上谷的城隍庙会已有许多年都是冷冷清清的了。但他看见众人都像模像样地跪地拜佛求雨,又一想这里多是六镇兵民,所以才会有这等壮观场面,便也不在意。喝令众人闪开路,押着死囚来到刑场,只等得一声令下,斩了这些人的脑袋,便可回去交差了。这一场面都被在不远处装作举杯祭神的杜洛周看得清清楚楚。他看时候到了,突然将酒杯向地下一摔道:"弟兄们,上啊!杀了赃官,救出六镇弟兄,我们起兵造反了!" 话音刚落,只见跪地求雨的人们纷纷起身,冲向官兵。官兵们事先毫无防备,人数又少,哪里是这些不要命的人的对手。一时之间,全被砍死、砸死。那个提督早吓得摔下马来,被马踩死。被救下的死囚们见状也异常兴奋,不由分说,也加入到义军队伍之中。

When Wang Zu heard it, he was moved to the ground. Secretly vowed that if he fails to repair the dam this time, he will throw himself into the river and die. He learned the lessons of the first two times and thought that it is no longer appropriate to use willow baskets to fill the dam with soil. This time, cast iron pillars and stand in the river, and then fill them with soil, and the dam will be completed. Said to Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan repeatedly praised a good idea and immediately ordered people to take the world's iron. The people suffered even more, and all the iron pots and ploughshares at home were raided. The 300,000 army built the embankment quickly. Soon, a Fushan weir with a height of more than 20 feet, a width of more than 40 feet and a length of more than 9 miles was completed. Xiao Yan was overjoyed and said bitterly: "Xiao Baokui, within March, I, Xiao Yan, will retaliate for taking his wife and insulting his wife, leaving you dead without a place to be buried!" However, before the third month, the dyke "rumbled again." "I was washed away with a sound. Hundreds of people were rushed into the East China Sea, but Shouyang City was still intact. Xiao Yan thumped his chest, regretting that he shouldn't have spent money and money to build this weir, but now he has suffered a loss, but he still fetches water from a bamboo basket-nothing. Upon seeing this, Wang Zu fulfilled his vow-jumped into the river to feed the bachelor. Prince Zhaoming was wronged and died. Liang Emperor Xiao Yansan built a dam to flood the city of Shouyang and get rid of his confidant Xiao Baokui. But the construction of the weir failed and returned without success. At this time, there was another scandal from their palace: his daughter and his brother had become an adulterer, that is, niece and uncle had incest. That's not even counted, the two of them also conspired to poison Xiao Yan and usurp the throne. The incident was revealed. One committed suicide and the other was seriously ill. As the so-called front court was not going well, fire broke out in the backyard. Difficulties in both internal and external affairs caused Xiao Yan to be devastated and depressed. The only person who can give him some spiritual comfort is the prince Xiao Tong. But this only comfort was finally lost because he listened to the slander. One day, Xiao Yan felt a little unwell, so he took a break in the Hall of Nourishment. At this moment, I suddenly saw a little eunuch probe his head outside the Hall of Nurturing Heart. Xiao Yan shouted sharply, "What are you looking at with eyebrows, are you trying to murder me?" Unexpectedly, the little eunuch jumped in and knelt in front of Xiao Yan and said, "No, it's not that I want to kill the emperor, yes, someone wants to murder the emperor. Xiao Yan was shocked when he heard the words and knew what was going on, so he asked quickly: "Who is it? Who is going to harm me?!" The little eunuch shivered and said, "Yes, it's the prince! "What! You talk nonsense: Come, push him out and kill him! "How can Xiao Yan not believe that Prince Xiao Tong is going to harm him. Xiao Tong was born in the first year of Qi Zhongxing (501 AD) and the first year of Tianjian (502 AD), that is, when Xiao Yan was named the Emperor of Liang, he was established as the prince. Only because Xiao Tong was virtuous and intelligent since he was a child, he read "The Book of Filial Piety" and "The Analects of Confucius" at a young age, learned the "Book of Songs" at the age of 5, and understood the meaning of Scriptures at the age of 10, chanted poems and verses, and exported it into chanting. At the age of 15 he could help Xiao Yan Xiao Yan's right-hand man in the management of the court can be described as Xiao Yan's great love for him, and he loves unusually. Besides, the prince was so kind and he didn't even eat meat, so how could he harm Xiao Yan. So the little eunuch said that Xiao Tong is going to hurt himself, Xiao Yan Be furious and behead him. When the little eunuch heard that he was going to behead himself, he was so frightened that he shouted: "What I said is true. If you don't believe your Majesty will send someone to dig under the Yangshu in Linyun Temple. Digging up stolen evidence. The prince ordered someone to curse your majesty to die early. If you don't believe your majesty, think about it, have you felt unwell in the past few months?" Xiao Yan didn't believe it, but these last words were in his heart. He thought: "I'm in the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart, few people know. Could it be—" After thinking about this, he ordered the little eunuch to be arrested and asked. The little eunuch was relieved when he saw that Xiao Yan was not going to kill him. He rolled his eyes and said to Xiao Yan: "Your Majesty, I would rather believe it. Yes, don't believe it. You must take care for the dragon's body and don't be angry when you say it. The prince has recently led a group of people to meet in the Ziyun Temple, sneaky, not knowing what they are doing. When Xiao Yan heard that half of him believed in the little eunuch, he was furious, and took a few people and went straight to the Ziyun Temple. Upon seeing that, he saw that the prince was meeting with a group of people, obviously. When I was discussing something, he still looked panicked when he saw his arrival. He couldn't help but angrily said: "Nizi, when I find the evidence, I will never give up with you. "Is this Xiao Tong really intent on usurping the throne? How else would he gather so many people in the Ziyun Temple? It turns out that the prince cherishes talents very much. One day he saw the "Wen Xin Diao" written by the famous literary critic Liu Xie. The manuscript of "Dragon" I love to put it down, marveling at this talent, immediately summoned, and the two see it right away, and they speculate in words. From "Wen Xin Diao Long" has always talked about the "Selected Works" compiled by the prince presided over. Liu Xie put forward many opinions and suggestions for it, prince prince Xiao Tong was very happy. On the second day, he invited many literati and scholars to introduce Liu Xie one by one. Everyone talked freely, just like old friends. After that, he would often talk about "Poems" and "Books" together, and study the governance of the country and state. At that time, Liu Xie thought in his heart: There was such a prince in the Song Dynasty, and the country will be safe and peaceful in the future. To say that the heart of slaying the emperor and usurping the throne, the prince Xiao Tong is not at all. When meeting in the Ziyun Palace today, it is just a discussion. "The Selected Works" is the preface. Several people were discussing enthusiastically. Suddenly they heard that the emperor had come up, and the prince hurriedly came out to welcome him. Seeing the emperor furiously, what else did Xiao Tong really say about usurping the throne with himself? How come he gathers with so many people in Ziyun Temple? It turns out that the prince cherishes talents very much. One day he saw the "Wen Xin Diao Long" manuscript written by the famous literary critic Liu Xie, and he loved it, marveling at this talent, and immediately summoned him. , The two see it at once, and they speculate in words. From the "Wen Xin Diao Long", they have been talking about the "Selected Works" edited by the prince. Liu Xie made many comments and suggestions for it, and the prince Xiao Tong was very happy. The next day, he invited him again. Many literati and scholars introduced to Liu Xie one by one. Everyone talked freely, just like old friends. Later, they often talked about "Poems" and "Books" together to study the ways of governing the country and the country. At that time, Liu Xie still thought: There was such a thing in the Song Dynasty. As a prince, he will surely live in peace and peace in the future. Prince Xiao Tong has no desire to kill the king and usurp the throne. Today's gathering at the Ziyun Palace is nothing more than discussing a preface to the "Selected Works". Several people are in high spirits. Talking about it, suddenly heard that the emperor came up, and the prince hurried out to greet him. Seeing that the emperor was angry and said that he "will never let go" with him, he was froze there for a while, not knowing what happened. At this moment, a little eunuch was in charge. A wax goose ran in in a panic, knelt down and said to Xiao Yan: "Your Majesty, I really found this under the office. "The prince, Xiao Tong, who was next to him, couldn't help being frightened. He knew that this was being framed. But the more anxious he became, the more he couldn't explain it clearly. When he thought that he was usually generous to others, he was so miscalculated that even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he couldn't help but get rid of it. He fainted for a while. Who was the one who harmed the prince Xiao Tong? This person was the little eunuch who went to the emperor Xiao Yan to tell the truth. He was originally the person close to the prince, and the prince's mother died soon, so it was just right. On his birthday, the prince would give his mother a "life bogey." He must celebrate her birthday in the Linyun Temple. If an inmate was required to spend the night in advance, the prince let the little eunuch go. Unexpectedly, he was irresponsible and messed around until midnight. So he ran to fool around with the maid, and happened to be ran into by the prince during inspection. If others didn't kill, he would be severely punished. The prince was generous and didn't get him guilty, but he was not as close as before. But the little eunuch didn't know what was good or bad, and he didn't want to report. On the contrary, he harbored a grudge. When he heard that the emperor was unwell, he ran to inform the prince that he was asking the Taoist priests to bury the wax goose curse that the emperor had died early and conspired to usurp the throne. Xiao Yan didn't know this, and seeing the prince fainted, he thought he was a thief with a guilty conscience and ignored him. , Walked away. Back to the bedroom, the more I thought about it, the more sad, the more I thought about it, the more angry I was, and in my anger, he ordered all the Taoist priests around the prince to be killed. The Manchu civil and military all felt that the prince was benevolent, and suddenly it was heard that he was going to kill the emperor to usurp the throne, and there was something strange in it. So they played and asked the emperor Xiao Yan to watch out, so as not to make a big mistake. Xiao Yan heard that the prince was reasonable, and then heard about the prince. I was seriously ill, and I was very uneasy in my heart, so I was busy asking people to find out the matter as soon as possible. But when the truth finally came to light, Prince Xiao Tong was already dying, and there was no cure. Prince Xiao Tong heard it, and even complained that he was wronged, and he could not afford to be ill since then. The civil and military of the Manchu dynasty felt that the prince was benevolent and generous, and suddenly it was heard that he wanted to kill the emperor and usurp the throne, and there was something strange in it. So they played and asked the emperor Xiao Yan to watch out, in case he made a big mistake. Xiao Yan heard that the prince was justified, and he heard that the prince was sick. I was very uneasy in my heart, and I was busy asking people to find out the matter as soon as possible. But when the truth finally came to light, Prince Xiao Tong was also dying and there was no cure. Xiao Yan came to the Prince's bed with regret, tears in his eyes, even Called: "Emperor, Emperor, Father wronged you..." Xiao Tong heard the call and seemed to struggle to get up and give salutes, but he had been ill in bed for a long time, and he had no strength to get up. Xiao Yan saw this, even more so. Tears flowed like a stream. Xiao Tong opened his godless eyes and looked at his dear father, as if he wanted to say something. But he coughed and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Xiao Yan went to wipe the blood for him himself, and the prince suddenly grabbed Xiao Yan With the hands of Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan leaned down. He wanted to hear what his son was going to say, but his son only showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and slowly closed the eyes that used to flash with wisdom. Xiao Yan threw on his son and wept bitterly... The obituary came out, and the whole country was shocked. The people all over the country felt infinite grief for the loss of such a wise and benevolent prince. That night, Xiao Yan flipped through the "Selected Works" compiled by the prince Xiao Tong, pulled up a pen with tears, and wrote on the title page. "Selected Works of Zhaoming" 4 words. It was decided to surrender the decree tomorrow, and the crown prince Xiao Tong was named Prince Zhaoming. The next morning, the prince was promoted by the magistrate of Taimo (now Longyou Town, Northeast of Qu County, Zhejiang) to Donggong Rentong. Shisheren Liu Xie of (the emperor and the close relatives of the prince) asked the emperor to leave the palace, and declined the emperor Xiao Yan's repeated stay, and went to Dingjue Temple to become a monk. He felt: The prince Xiao Tong, whom he once cited as a confidant, died too unjustly. The blood is thicker than water, and the family relationship between father and son cannot avoid this sinful court power struggle, so what is worthy of nostalgia in this red dust? During the Duluo Zhou Uprising, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Emperor Yuan Hong, reigned for 30 years. He was determined to reform and the country was thriving. After Xuanwu Emperor Yuanke took the throne, he did not want to make progress. in. Many treacherous officials in the court, especially when they saw that the 6-year-old emperor Yuan Xu was weak and could be deceived, they controlled the court and fought for power. When the officials outside the imperial court saw the chaos in the imperial court, they also arbitrarily behaved, searched the people, and gathered money. Suddenly, the exorbitant taxes and levies were fiercer than the tigers, and the people were hungry and hungry. Peasants and monks from all over the world have risen in succession, the most famous of which is the peasant uprising in the six towns. This time the leader of the rebel army was to break the tomb of Liu Han, and the crowd was so powerful that the court had no choice but to collude with the Rouran soldiers to suppress it. Emperor Xiaowen Yuanhong of the Northern Wei Dynasty reigned for 30 years, determined to reform, and the country was flourishing. After Xuanwu Emperor Yuanke took the throne, he did not want to make progress. Many treacherous officials in the court, especially when they saw that the 6-year-old emperor Yuan Xu was weak and could be deceived, they controlled the court and fought for power. When the officials outside the imperial court saw the chaos in the imperial court, they also arbitrarily behaved, searched the people, and gathered money. Suddenly, the exorbitant taxes and levies were fiercer than the tigers, and the people were hungry and hungry. Peasants and monks from all over the world have risen in succession, the most famous of which is the peasant uprising in the six towns. This time the leader of the rebel army was to break the tomb of Liu Han, and the crowd was so powerful that the court had no choice but to collude with the Rouran soldiers to suppress it. After the defeat of the Rebels, the imperial court moved them to the sparsely populated, poor and backward desolate ancient city (now Huailai County, Hebei) in order to prevent farmers from the six towns from gathering again. During the migration, the officers and soldiers bullied and humiliated the people arbitrarily. Many people died of illness, starvation or execution on the way. Among them was a middle-aged man named Du Luozhou. His 70-year-old father died of sickness and starvation during the migration, and his wife was bullied to death by soldiers. Angrily, he gave away his under-year-old son and vowed to fight Wei Jun to death and death. When they arrived at Shanggu, people found that it was impossible for people to survive here. Du Luozhou took the opportunity to contact the uprising again. Everyone thought that an uprising was better than waiting to die from starvation or illness, so they responded and elected Du Luozhou as the leader. Du Luozhou soon learned about the situation that the government would behead 50 soldiers and civilians of the six towns at the Chenghuang Temple Fair in a few days' time. He immediately decided: Taking advantage of the severe drought, the Chenghuang Temple Fair was changed to the Rain Meeting. In this way, the rebel army can pretend to be peasants for rain, and then wait for their mobile hands to rescue people and rise up. When everyone heard it, they clapped their hands, and then they split up. A few days later, the Chenghuang Temple Fair was extremely lively. Tens of thousands of people came to the valley for rain with gongs and drums. At noon, the admiral who was in charge of the execution of prisoners rode up to the temple fair and was a little surprised to see the crowded lively scene, because the Chenghuang Temple Fair in Shanggu had been deserted for many years. But when he saw everyone kneeling down and praying to the Buddha for rain, he thought that this place was mostly soldiers and people from the six towns, so there was such a spectacular scene, so he didn't care. He ordered everyone to dodge their way and escorted the prisoners to the execution ground. They only waited for an order to chop off these people's heads and then they could go back to work. This scene was clearly seen by Du Luozhou who pretended to toast to the gods not far away. He saw that the time had come, and suddenly threw the wine glass to the ground: "Brothers, go! Kill the stolen officer and rescue the brothers from Six Towns. We have rebelled!" , Rushed to the officers and soldiers. The officers and soldiers were unprepared beforehand, and the number was small, so where are these desperate opponents. All of them were hacked to death for a while. The admiral was so scared that he fell off the horse and was trampled to death by the horse. The rescued prisoners were also very excited when they saw this, and they could not help but join the rebels. (Wáng zú yī tīng, gǎndòng dé wǔtǐtóudì. Ànzhōng fāshì, cǐ cì ruò zài xiū bù hǎo dībà, zìjǐ jiù tóu hé ér sǐ. Tā xīqǔ qián liǎng cì jiàoxùn, rènwéi bùyí zài yòng liǔ kuāng zhuāng tǔ zhù bà. Zhè cì yòng tiě zhù chéng tiě zhù lì yú hézhōng, zài tián shàng tǔ, dībà bì chéng. Xiàng xiāo yǎn yī shuō, xiāoyǎnlián kuā hǎo zhǔyì, lìkè mìng rén shōu tiānxià zhī tiě. Zhè xià lǎobǎixìng gèngjiā zāoyāng, jiālǐ de tiě guō, líhuá quán bèi sōu zǒule. 30 Wàn dàjūn zhù dī, sùdù hěn kuài. Bùjiǔ, yīzuò gāo 20 duō zhàng, shàng kuān 40 yú zhàng, zhǎng yuē 9 lǐ duō de fúshān yàn xiūchéngle. Xiāo yǎn dàxǐ, hèn hèn de shuōdao:"Xiāobǎoyín,3 yuè zhī nèi, wǒ xiāoyǎndìng bào duó qī rǔqī zhī chóu, ràng nǐ sǐ wú zàngshēn zhī dì!" Rán'ér, hái méi děngdào dì sān yuè, nà dībà yòu "hōnglóng lóng" yīshēng bèi chōng zǒule. Shù yǐ bǎi jì de bǎixìng bèi chōng jìn dōnghǎi, shòu yáng chéng què yīrán wánhǎo wúsǔn. Xiāo yǎn dùn zú chuí xiōng, hòuhuǐ dāngchū bù gāi láomínshāngcái xiūzhù cǐ yàn, rújīn luòdé gè sǔnbīngzhéjiàng, què háishì zhú lán dǎ shuǐ——yīchǎngkōng. Wáng zú jiàn zhuàng, shíxiànle tā de shìyán——tiào jìn hé lǐ wèi wángbā qùle. Zhāomíngtàizǐ méngyuān ér sǐ liáng dì xiāoyǎnsān zhù dībà xiǎng shuǐ yān shòu yáng chéng, chú diào xīnfùzhīhuàn xiāobǎoyín. Dànshì zhù yàn bùchéng, wú gōng ér fǎn. Ér cǐ shí cóng tāmen gōng zhōng yòu chuán chū yī jiàn chǒushì: Tā de nǚ'ér yǔ tā de dìdì gōudā chéng jiān, yě jiùshì zhínǚ yǔ shūshu luànlún. Zhè hái bù suàn, liǎng rén hái mìmóu dú sǐ xiāo yǎn, cuànduó dìwèi. Shìqíng bàilù, èr rén yīgè zìshā, yīgè zhòngbìng zài shēn. Zhèng suǒwèi qiántíng bù shùn, hòuyuàn yòu qǐhuǒ. Nèiwàijiāokùn, shǐ xiāo yǎn jiāotóulàn'é, wěimí bùzhèn. Wéiyī néng shǐ tā dédào yīxiē xīnlíng ānwèi de biàn shì tàizǐ xiāo tǒng. Dànshì zhè wéiyī de ānwèi, yě yīn tā tīngxìn chányán ér zuìzhōng shīqùle. Yītiān, xiāo yǎn shēntǐ yǒuxiē bùshì, biàn zài yǎng xīn diàn shāo shì xiūxí. Zhèngzài cǐ shí, hūrán jiàn yīgè xiǎo tàijiàn zài yǎng xīn diàn wài tàntóutànnǎo. Xiāo yǎn lìshēng hèdào:"Nǐ zéiméishǔyǎn de zài kànzhe shénme, nándào yào móuhài zhèn bùchéng?" Qǐ liào nà xiǎo tàijiàn yīxià pū jìnlái guì zài xiāo yǎn miànqián dào:"Bù, bùshì wǒ yàohài huángshàng, shì, shì yǒurén yàohài huángshàng." Xiāoyǎnwén yán dà jīng, zhīdào yīdìng yǒu shé me qíngkuàng, máng wèn dào:"Shì shéi? Shì shéi yàohài zhèn?!" Xiǎo tàijiàn duō duōsuō suo dào:"Shì, shì tàizǐ!"Shénme! Nǐ húshuō: Lái rén, jiāng tā tuī chūqù zhǎnle!" Xiāo yǎn zěnme yě bù xiāngxìn tàizǐ xiāo tǒng yàohài zìjǐ. Xiāo tǒng chūshēng yú qízhōngxìng yuán nián (gōngyuán 501 nián), tiān jiān yuán nián (gōngyuán 502 nián), jí xiāo yǎn chēng liáng dì nà nián jiù bèi lì wèi tàizǐ. Zhǐ yīn xiāo tǒng zì yòu xiándé cōngyǐng, yòu dú "xiào jīng","lúnyǔ",5 suì xí "shījīng",10 suì tōngxiǎo jīng yì, yín shī fù cí, chūkǒu chéng sòng,15 suì biàn kě bāngzhù xiāo yǎn guǎnlǐ cháozhèng, kěwèi xiāo yǎn de délì zhùshǒu. Xiāo yǎn duì tā téng'ài yǒu jiā, xǐ'ài yìcháng. Kuàngqiě tàizǐ shēngxìng rénhòu, jìngzhì bù shíròu, zěnme kěnéng jiāhài yú xiāo yǎn ne. Gùcǐ xiǎo tàijiàn yī shuō xiāo tǒng yàohài zìjǐ, xiāo yǎn dà nù, yào jiāng qí zhǎnshǒu. Xiǎo tàijiàn yī tīng yào zhǎn zìjǐ, xià dé luàn hǎn luàn jiào dào:"Wǒ shuō de jù jù shì shí, bùxìn bìxià dào lín yún diànnèi de yáng shù xià pài rén qù wā, dìng néng wā chū zāng zhèng. Tàizǐ mìng rén zuòfǎ zhòu bìxià zǎosǐ, bùxìn bìxià xiǎng xiǎng, jìn jǐ yuè shìfǒu shēntǐ gǎndào bùshì?" Xiāoyǎnběn bùxìn, kě zhè zuìhòu yījù huà zhèngzhòng tā de xīnkǎn. Tā xiǎng:"Zìjǐ zài yǎng xīn diàn yǎngbìng méi jǐ gèrén zhīdào, mòfēi——" zhèyàng zhuǎnniàn yī xiǎng biàn mìng rén jiāng xiǎo tàijiàn zhuā huí xì wèn. Xiǎo tàijiàn jiàn xiāo yǎn bù shā tāle, sōngle yī kǒuqì, yǎnzhū zhuǎnle zhuǎn yòu duì xiāo yǎn shuōdao:"Bìxià, níng xìn qí yǒu, bùxìn qí wú. Wèile lóng tǐ nín yīdìng yào bǎozhòng, shuō chūlái nín bié shēngqì. Tàizǐ jìn jǐ rìcháng lǐng yībāng rén zài zǐ yún diàn jùhuì, guǐ guǐsuì suì, bùzhī zài gàn xiē shénme." Xiāo yǎn yī tīng, jìng yǒu yībàn xìnle nà xiǎo tàijiàn, dùnshí dà nù, dài shàng jǐ gèrén jiù zhí bēn zǐ yún diàn ér qù. Dào nà yī kàn, guǒrán jiàn tàizǐ yǔ yībāng rén zài nàlǐ jùhuì, xiǎnrán shì zài shāngliáng shénme, jiàn zìjǐ dàolái huán yī liǎn de huāngzhāng. Tā bùyóudé nùqì chōngchōng dìdào:"Nìzǐ, děng wǒ zhǎodào zhèngjù, jué bù yǔ nǐ shànbàgānxiū." Nándào zhè xiāo tǒng zhēn de xīn cún cuànwèi ma? Yào bù tā zěnme huì yǔ nàme duō rén jù zài zǐ yún diàn ne? Yuánlái, tàizǐ fēicháng àixī réncái. Yītiān tā kàn dào zhùmíng wénxué pínglùn jiā liúxié xiě de "wén xīn diāo lóng" shǒugǎo, àibùshìshǒu, jīngtàn cǐ réncái huá, lìjí zhàojiàn, èr rén yījiànrúgù, yányǔ tóujī. Cóng "wén xīn diāo lóng" yīzhí tán dào tàizǐ zhǔchí biānzuǎn de "wénxuǎn". Liúxié wéi zhī tíle xǔduō yìjiàn hé jiànyì, tàizǐ xiāo tǒng fēicháng gāoxìng. Dì èr tiān, tā yòu qǐngle xǔduō wénrén yǎshì yīyī jièshào gěi liúxié rènshí, dàjiā chàngsuǒyùyán, jiù xiàng lǎo péngyǒu yī bān. Yǐhòu jiù jīngcháng zài yīqǐ tánlùn "shī","shū", yánjiū zhìguó ān bāng zhīdào. Dāngshí liúxié xīnlǐ hái xiǎng: Sòngcháo yǒu zhèyàng yī wèi tàizǐ, jiānglái yīdìng huì guótàimín'ān. Yào shuō shì jūn cuànwèi zhī xīn, tàizǐ xiāo tǒng kè yīdiǎn yě méiyǒu. Jīnrì xiāngjù zǐ yún gōng diàn, yě bùguò shì zài shāngyì wèi "wénxuǎn" zuò xù zhī shì. Jǐ rén zhèng xìngzhì bóbó de tánlùn, hū wén huángshàng láile, tàizǐ huāngmáng chū yíng. Yòu jiàn huángshàng nùqì chōngchōng, hái shuō shénme yǔ zìjǐ nándào zhè xiāo tǒng zhēn de xīn cún cuànwèi ma? Yào bù tā zěnme huì yǔ nàme duō rén jù zài zǐ yún diàn ne? Yuánlái, tàizǐ fēicháng àixī réncái. Yītiān tā kàn dào zhùmíng wénxué pínglùn jiā liúxié xiě de "wén xīn diāo lóng" shǒugǎo, àibùshìshǒu, jīngtàn cǐ réncái huá, lìjí zhàojiàn, èr rén yījiànrúgù, yányǔ tóujī. Cóng "wén xīn diāo lóng" yīzhí tán dào tàizǐ zhǔchí biānzuǎn de "wénxuǎn". Liúxié wéi zhī tíle xǔduō yìjiàn hé jiànyì, tàizǐ xiāo tǒng fēicháng gāoxìng. Dì èr tiān, tā yòu qǐngle xǔduō wénrén yǎshì yīyī jièshào gěi liúxié rènshí, dàjiā chàngsuǒyùyán, jiù xiàng lǎo péngyǒu yī bān. Yǐhòu jiù jīngcháng zài yīqǐ tánlùn "shī","shū", yánjiū zhìguó ān bāng zhī dào. Dāngshí liúxié xīnlǐ hái xiǎng: Sòngcháo yǒu zhèyàng yī wèi tàizǐ, jiānglái yīdìng huì guótàimín'ān. Yào shuō shì jūn cuànwèi zhī xīn, tàizǐ xiāo tǒng kè yīdiǎn yě méiyǒu. Jīnrì xiāngjù zǐ yún gōng diàn, yě bùguò shì zài shāngyì wèi "wénxuǎn" zuò xù zhī shì. Jǐ rén zhèng xìngzhì bóbó de tánlùn, hū wén huángshàng láile, tàizǐ huāngmáng chū yíng. Yòu jiàn huángshàng nùqì chōngchōng, hái shuō shénme yǔ zìjǐ "jué bù shànbàgānxiū", yīshí lèng zài nàlǐ, bùzhī fāshēngle shénme shì. Zhèngzài zhè shí, yīgè xiǎo tàijiàn shǒu tuō yī zhǐ là é huāng huāngzhāng zhāng pǎo jìnlái, guì xià duì xiāoyǎndào:"Bìxià, guǒrán zài gòu shì fǔxià fāxiànle zhège." Pángbiān de tàizǐ xiāo tǒngyī kàn, bùyóudé húnfēipòsàn. Tā zhī dào zhè shì zāo rén wúxiàn. Kě xīnlǐ yuè jí yuè shuō bu qīng, xiǎngdào zìjǐ píngshí kuān yǐ dàirén, jìng zāo cǐ ànsuàn, jiùsuàn tiào jìn huánghé yě xǐshuā bù qīng, bùyóudé yīzhèn tiānxuándìzhuǎn, hūnjué guòqù. Nà hài tàizǐ xiāo tǒng de rén dàodǐ shì shéi ne? Cǐ rén zhèng shì nàgè dào huángdì xiāo yǎn miànqián gàomì de xiǎo tàijiàn. Tā yuán shì tàizǐ shēnbiān qīnjìn de rén, tàizǐ mǔqīn bìnggù bùjiǔ, qí zhèng zhí shēngrì, tàizǐ yào gěi mǔqīn zuò "shēng jì". Xū zài lín yún diàn pěng shāng qìng shòu. Tíqián yào yī nèi jiān zhí sù yīyè, tàizǐ biàn ràng zhège xiǎo tàijiàn qù. Bùliào tā jìng bù fùzérèn, húluàn hùn dào bànyè biàn pǎo qù hé gōngnǚ guǐhùn, zhèngqiǎo bèi tàizǐ xúnshì shí zhuàngjiàn. Yàoshi biérén bù shā yě dé yánchéng, tàizǐ kuānhòu, méiyǒu zhì tā zuì, zhǐshì bùrú cóngqián qīnjìnle. Nǎ zhī zhè xiǎo tàijiàn bù shí hǎodǎi, bù sī tú bào, fǎn'ér huáihèn zàixīn. Tàntīng dé huángshàng shēntǐ bùshì, biàn pǎo qù mìgào tàizǐ zhèng qǐng dàoshi zuòfǎ mái là é zhòu huángshàng zǎosǐ, mìmóu duóquán cuànwèi. Xiāo yǎn nǎ zhī zhèxiē, jiàn tàizǐ hūn guòqù, hái yǐwéi tā shì zuòzéixīnxū, yě bù lǐcǎi, fúxiù ér qù. Huí dào qǐngōng, yuè xiǎng yuè shāngxīn, yuè xiǎng yuè shēngqì, yī nù zhī xià, jìng xiàlìng jiāng tàizǐ shēnbiān suǒyǒu dàoshi jūn gěi shāle. Tàizǐ xiāo tǒng wén tīng, lián hū yuānwǎng, cóngcǐ yī bìng bù qǐ. Mǎn cháo wénwǔ jūn jué tàizǐ rén'ài kuānhòu, hūrán chuán chū tā yào shì jūn cuànwèi, nèi zhōng qīqiāo. Biàn fēnfēn shàngzòu, qǐng huángshàng xiāo yǎn míngchá, yǐ fáng zhù chéng dà cuò. Xiāo yǎn yī tīng yǒulǐ, yòu wén tàizǐ bìng zhòng, xīnzhōng shén shì bù'ān, máng mìng rén jìn kuài chá míng cǐ shì. Kěshì děng zhēnxiàng zhōngyú dàbái, tàizǐ xiāo tǒng yě yǐ bìngrùgāohuāng, wú yào kě zhì. Tàizǐ xiāo tǒng wén tīng, lián hū yuānwǎng, cóngcǐ yī bìng bù qǐ. Mǎn cháo wénwǔ jūn jué tàizǐ rén'ài kuānhòu, hūrán chuán chū tā yào shì jūn cuànwèi, nèi zhōng qīqiāo. Biàn fēnfēn shàngzòu, qǐng huángshàng xiāo yǎn míngchá, yǐ fáng zhù chéng dà cuò. Xiāo yǎn yī tīng yǒulǐ, yòu wén tàizǐ bìng zhòng, xīnzhōng shén shì bù'ān, máng mìng rén jìn kuài chá míng cǐ shì. Kěshì děng zhēnxiàng zhōngyú dàbái, tàizǐ xiāo tǒng yě yǐ bìngrùgāohuāng, wú yào kě zhì. Xiāoyǎnhuáizhe huǐhèn de xīnqíng lái dào tàizǐ bìngtà qián, yǎn hán rèlèi, lián hū:"Huáng er, huáng er, fù huáng cuòguài nǐle......" xiāo tǒng tīng dào hūshēng, sìhū xiǎng zhēngzházhe qǐlái shīlǐ, kě tā jiǔ bìng zài chuáng, jìng yǐ méiyǒu lìqì qǐlái. Xiāo yǎn jiàn zhuàng, gèng shì lèi rú quányǒng. Xiāo tǒng zhēng kāi wú shén de shuāngyǎn, kànzhe tā qīn'ài de fù huáng, sìhū xiǎng yào shuō shénme. Dàn yīzhèn késòu, zuǐjiǎo liúchū xiānxiě. Xiāo yǎn qīnzì qù wèi tā cā xiějī, tàizǐ hūrán zhuā zhù xiāo yǎn de shǒu, xiāo yǎn fǔ xiàshēn, tā xiǎng tīng tīng érzi yào shuō shénme, dàn érzi zhǐshì zuǐjiǎo lùchū yīsī wéixiào, màn man héshàngle nà shuāng céngjīng shǎnshuòzhe zhìhuì de shuāngyǎn. Xiāo yǎn pū dào érzi shēnshang, shīshēng tòngkū...... fùgào chuán chū, jǔguó zhènjīng, quánguó bǎixìng dōu wèi shīqù zhèyàng yī wèi zhìxìn rén'ài de tàizǐ ér gǎndào wúxiàn de bēitòng. Dàngtiān yèlǐ, xiāo yǎn fānyuè tàizǐ xiāo tǒng biānzuǎn de "wénxuǎn", hán lèi tí bǐ, zài fēiyè shàng xiě xià "zhāo míng wénxuǎn"4 zì. Bìng juédìng míngtiān jiàng zhǐ, zhuī fēng tàizǐ xiāo tǒng wèi zhāo míngtàizǐ. Dì èr tiān zǎocháo, bèi tàizǐ yīshǒu yóu tài mò (jīn zhèjiāng qú xiàn dōngběi lóng yóu zhèn) xiàn lìng tíshēng wèi dōnggōng rèn tōng shì shě rén (huángdì jí tàizǐ jìn qīnshǔ guān) de liúxié xiàng huángdì qǐngqiú líkāi huánggōng, bìng xièjuéle huángdì xiāo yǎn de yīzài wǎnliú, qù dìng jué sì dāngle hé shàng. Tā juédé: Tā céng yǐn wéi zhījǐ de tàizǐ xiāo tǒng sǐ dé shízài tài yuānwǎng. Xuè nóng yú shuǐ de fùzǐ qīnqíng shàng bùnéng bìmiǎn zhè zuì'è de gōngtíng quánlì dòuzhēng, nà zhè hóngchén zhī zhōng hái yǒu shé me zhídé liúliàn de ne? Dù luò zhōu qǐyì běiwèi xiào wéndì yuán hóng zài wèi 30 nián, ruìyì gǎigé, guóshì zhēngzhēngrìshàng, ér xuānwǔ dì yuán kè jì wèi hòu, bù sī jìnqǔ, guójiā měikuàngyùxià, jízhì dàole xiàomíng dì yuán xǔ jì wèi, guójiā yǐ chǔyú fēngyǔpiāoyáo zhī zhōng. Cháo zhōng xǔduō jiānchén dāngdào, tèbié shì tāmen kàn dào 6 suì de xiǎo huángdì yuán xǔ ruǎnruò kě qī, biàn bǎchí cháogāng, zhēng quán duó shì. Ér cháotíng zhī wài de guānlì jiàn cháo nèi hǔnluàn, biàn yě rènyì hú wèi, sōuguā bǎixìng, jùliǎn qiáncái. Yīshí zhī jiān, kējuānzáshuì měng yú hǔ, mínbùliáoshēng, èpiǎo biàndì. Gèdì nóngmín, sēnglǚ fēnfēn jiēgān'érqǐ, qízhōng zuì zhùmíng de biàn shì liù zhèn nóngmín qǐyì. Cǐ cì yìjūn shǒulǐng wèi pò liù hán bá líng, rénmǎ shēngshì hàodà, cháotíng wúnài zhī yú, gōujié róu rán bīng jìnxíng zhènyā. Běiwèi xiào wéndì yuán hóng zài wèi 30 nián, ruìyì gǎigé, guóshì zhēngzhēngrìshàng, ér xuānwǔ dì yuán kè jì wèi hòu, bù sī jìnqǔ, guójiā měikuàngyùxià, jízhì dàole xiàomíng dì yuán xǔ jì wèi, guójiā yǐ chǔyú fēngyǔpiāoyáo zhī zhōng. Cháo zhōng xǔduō jiānchén dāngdào, tèbié shì tāmen kàn dào 6 suì de xiǎo huángdì yuán xǔ ruǎnruò kě qī, biàn bǎchí cháogāng, zhēng quán duó shì. Ér cháotíng zhī wài de guānlì jiàn cháo nèi hǔnluàn, biàn yě rènyì hú wèi, sōuguā bǎixìng, jùliǎn qiáncái. Yīshí zhī jiān, kējuānzáshuì měng yú hǔ, mínbùliáoshēng, èpiǎo biàndì. Gèdì nóngmín, sēnglǚ fēnfēn jiēgān'érqǐ, qízhōng zuì zhùmíng de biàn shì liù zhèn nóngmín qǐyì. Cǐ cì yìjūn shǒulǐng wèi pò liù hán bá líng, rénmǎ shēngshì hàodà, cháotíng wúnài zhī yú, gōujié róu rán bīng jìnxíng zhènyā. Yìjūn shībài hòu, cháotíng wèi fángzhǐ liù zhèn nóngmín zài jùzhòng nàoshì, biàn bǎ tāmen qiānyí dào rényānxīshǎo, pínqióng luòhòu de huāngliáng gǔchéng (jīn héběi huái lái xiàn). Zài qiānyí túzhōng, guānbīng rènyì qīfù língrù bǎixìng. Xǔduō rén dōu zài túzhōng bìngsǐ, è sǐ huò bèi chǔsǐ. Zhè qí zhōng yǒu yīgè jiào dù luò zhōu de zhōng nián rén, tā 70 duō suì de lǎofù zài qiānyí túzhōng bìng è ér sǐ, tā de qīzi bèi shìbīng qīlíng ér sǐ. Yīqìzhīxià, tā jiāng bùmǎn zhōusuì de érzi sòng rén, fāshì yǔ wèijūn pīn gè nǐsǐwǒhuó. Dàole shànggǔ, rénmen fāxiàn zhèlǐ yěshì bùnéng ràng rén shēngcún. Dù luò zhōu biàn chènjī zàicì liánluò qǐyì, dàjiā yì xiǎng, qǐyì zǒng bǐ děngzhe è sǐ, bìngsǐ qiáng, biàn fēnfēn xiǎngyìng, bìng tuījǔ dù luò zhōu wéi shǒulǐng. Dù luò zhōu hěn kuài jiù liǎojiě dào yīgè qíngkuàng, guānfǔ yào zài jǐ tiān zhīhòu de chénghuángmiàohuì shàng chù zhǎn 50 míng liù zhèn bīng mín. Tā dāngjí juédìng: Chèn tiān dà hàn, jiāng chénghuángmiào huì gǎi wèi qiú yǔ dàhuì. Zhèyàng, qǐyìjūn biàn kě jiǎbàn chéng qiú yǔ nóngmín, dào shí zài sìjī dòngshǒu jiù rén, jiēgān'érqǐ. Dàjiā yì tīng, pāishǒu chēng hǎo, suíjí fēntóu xíngdòng. Jǐ tiān zhīhòu de chénghuángmiào huì, rènào yìcháng. Jǐ wàn rén zhòng qiāo luó dǎgǔ qián lái shànggǔ qiú yǔ. Zhōngwǔ shífēn, fù zé jiān zhǎn fànrén de tídū qímǎ lái dào miào huì zhī shàng, jiàn réntóucuándòng de rènào chǎngmiàn, yě bùyóudé yǒu jǐ fēn jīngyà, yīn wéi shànggǔ de chénghuángmiào huì yǐ yǒu xǔduō nián dōu shì lěng lěngqīngqīng dele. Dàn tā kànjiàn zhòngrén dōu xiàng mú xiàngyàng de guì dì bàifó qiú yǔ, yòu yī xiǎng zhèlǐ duō shì liù zhèn bīng mín, suǒyǐ cái huì yǒu zhè děng zhuàngguān chǎngmiàn, biàn yě bù zàiyì. Hèlìng zhòngrén shǎn kāilù, yāzhe sǐqiú lái dào xíngchǎng, zhǐ děng dé yīshēng lìng xià, zhǎnle zhèxiē rén de nǎodai, biàn kě huíqù jiāochāile. Zhè yī chǎngmiàn dōu bèi zài bù yuǎn chù zhuāng zuò jǔ bēi jìshén de dù luò zhōu kàn dé qīng qīngchǔ chǔ. Tā kàn shíhòu dàole, túrán jiāng jiǔbēi xiàng dìxià yī shuāi dào:"Dìxiōngmen, shàng a! Shāle zāngguān, jiùchū liù zhèn dìxiōng, wǒmen qǐbīng zàofǎnle!" Huàyīn gāng luò, zhǐ jiàn guì dì qiú yǔ de rénmen fēnfēn qǐshēn, chōng xiàng guānbīng. Guānbīngmen shìxiān háo wú fángbèi, rénshù yòu shǎo, nǎlǐ shì zhèxiē bùyào mìng de rén de duìshǒu. Yīshí zhī jiān, quán bèi kǎn sǐ, zá sǐ. Nàgè tídū zǎo xià dé shuāi xiàmǎ lái, bèi mǎ cǎi sǐ. Bèi jiù xià de sǐqiúmen jiàn zhuàng yě yìcháng xīngfèn, bùyóufēnshuō, yě jiārù dào yì jūn duìwǔ zhī zhōng.)

日语西江月是听得懂的,站在门口的西江月心里骂道:畜生,这就是你们带来的文明。 币原司照警告他:"是不是想每一个花样都尝尝滋味呀?如果不想,该明白怎样合作。" 这时有人在他身后接上了话:"不,我们的诗人是气质高贵的人,怎么能受这样非人的折磨?" 币原司照一回头,见他的顶头上司岸信石斋大佐陪着另一个没穿军装的人站在身后,说话的原来是甘粕正彦。币原司照马上向甘粕正彦和岸信石斋敬礼,暗示关上大刑室的门。 部下按了电钮,那面墙又缓缓闭拢了。 回到取调室,岸信石斋向币原司照介绍:"这位是我们的前辈,甘粕正彦先生。" 西江月很意外,专注地打量着他。 币原司照惊讶地瞪着眼睛,"嗷"地一声,来了个立正敬礼,说:"我太荣幸了,能见到我们日本军界的骄傲。" 甘粕正彦笑着说:"我已退出军界了,现在专门拍电影,和这位诗人算是艺文界同仁。"他甚至向西江月伸出手去,西江月勉强同他握了一下,甘粕正彦客气地请他坐,说:"早闻西江月先生大名,也读过你的诗、看过你的戏,相见恨晚啊。太遗憾了,本来不该在这种场合相见的。" 西江月猜不透是福是祸,他产生了幻想,也许是徐晴托人来救他了吧?可能吗?日本人追问传单的事,焉知夹壁墙里的传单不是徐晴出卖的?从进来那一刻起,他就绞尽脑汁地回忆,哪里出了纰漏,只有徐晴可疑。 甘粕正彦把西江月强拉着并排坐在沙发上,岸信石斋对币原司照说:"你不必在场。"他又谦和地对甘粕正彦笑笑说自己也还有事,叫他们先谈。他和币原司照都出去了。 甘粕正彦给西江月倒了一杯茶,儒雅地说:"这么多年来,我是第一次到这地方来。本来正在总理府里陪国务总理吃饭,得到消息,就马上赶过来了。我特别不希望文人出事,这话在艺文同盟大会上我也讲过。那年金剑啸的事,我一直引为憾事,虽然我尽力救援,可阴差阳错,没能如愿,金剑啸还是送了命。这么多年来,我是第一次到这地方来。本来正在总理府里陪国务总理吃饭,得到消息,就马上赶过来了。我特别不希望文人出事,这话在艺文同盟大会上我也讲过。那年金剑啸的事,我一直引为憾事,虽然我尽力救援,可阴差阳错,没能如愿,金剑啸还是送了命。" 甘粕正彦给西江月留下很好的印象,他早听同仁讲过甘粕正彦其人,儒雅大度,愿与文人交友。西江月不禁对他寄以厚望,希望有奇迹发生。 甘粕正彦说:"你知道,日本军方的眼光看事物,与我们文化人是有很大不同的。我一向宽容,文人有文人的气质,那种叫民族精神的东西往往比别人来得强烈,这很正常嘛。" 西江月说:"先生想说什么?不必拐这么大的弯。" 甘粕正彦说:"一句活,救你出去。当然,这也不容易。军方咬得很死,但我想,这像走在独木桥上的两个人一样,不一定是狭路相逢勇者胜,先生想一想,假如双方都后退几步,不是都相互保全了吗?" 西江月明白,说来说去,甘粕正彦还是让自己写悔过书,让他出卖别人,甘粕正彦说的相互保全不就是这个意思吗? 甘粕正彦说:"我今天不想同先生探讨这些,我也不是受官方、军方指派、委托而来,真正托付我的,是一个深爱着先生的女人,阁下该知道是谁了吧?" 西江月的心在狂跳,果然是徐晴,她没有出卖他? 甘粕正彦说:"徐晴的背景,谁不知道?即便她有事,也没人敢动她,这也正是你有希望被无罪释放的有利因素。" 西江月似信非信地问:"你是说,可以放我?" 甘粕正彦说:"徐晴若连这点事也办不了,就不是徐晴了。"他又说,"今天我们不谈这个。说实话,我来得太及时了,如果他们给你上了刑,万一挺不住,招了些什么,白纸黑字,反而不好办了。为了增加他的信任度,甘粕正彦又说:"你方才看到了,我虽不在军界供职,他们对我还是客气的,你不应当放过这样的机会。" 西江月出于礼貌地说:"谢谢你的好意。" 甘粕正彦按了一下桌铃,币原司照进来,甘粕正彦要求他给西江月换一间干净的房子,按币原司照的饭伙标准给他开饭,特许西江月可以看书看报,给他预备纸笔,可以写诗。 币原司照一一答应下来。 甘粕正彦站起来,拍了西江月肩膀一下说:"委屈你了,徐晴会来看你的。保重。"他走了出去。 送走了甘粕正彦,币原司照说:"你真走运啊,写几行破诗就有这么大神通,连甘粕正彦这样的大人物都来关照你。" 西江月说:"不必废话,送我回去。" 他此刻心里有底了,只要徐晴没出事,肯伸出援救之手,他就有重见天日那一天。西江月出了事,有两个女人叫他担忧,徐晴没事,还可能成为救星,冯月真怎么样?她也没逃出魔掌吗? 9 张景惠和白月朗沿着国务院二楼长长的走廊走来,张景惠听说白月朗要回满映去试妆,就问她要拍一部什么戏。 白月朗告诉他,是一部古装戏,《林则徐》,梁父吟的本子,很动人,又有民族气节。 张景惠显得很兴奋,却又回头看了秘书小原二郎一眼,他们......能让拍《林则徐》? 大概对他的举止眼神产生了怀疑,小原二郎马上加快脚步跟上来,侧耳倾听。张景惠发现了,很恼火,说:"你跟这么近干什么?难道我说点悄悄话你也要听吗?小原二郎忙赔笑脸,"总理大人方才回头,我以为有事叫我呢。"说罢后退几步,与张景惠拉开距离,也摆手让其余侍从远离。 白月朗觉得好玩,她问:"到底是他怕你呢,还是你怕他这个秘书?" 张景惠瞥了她一眼说:"你胆子太大了,敢问出这样的话来!这可是大不敬之罪呀。不过,不知者不为罪。咱东北人有一句土话,用上正合适,这就叫麻秸打狼,两头害怕。" 白月朗心想,这倒够形象的了。 走着看着,张景惠看见一只花狸猫从走廊里横向蹿过来,口里叼着一只老鼠,那老鼠没致命,吱吱地叫着,蹬着四脚,甩着尾巴挣扎着。 张景惠神经质地大声呼叫随从快过来,围住这只猫,一定要救下这只老鼠。 白月朗感到滑稽不解,只见小原二郎心领神会,指挥侍从们围上来。 于是展开了一场对老猫的围追堵截战,刘月也敏捷地抓猫。连张景惠也亲自上阵,可笑地弯着腰,平伸双臂,口中还向那花狸猫呼喊着:"快松开,快松开,这不是大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米了吗?" 人们想笑又都忍着,只有白月朗咯咯地笑出声来。 小原二郎提醒她不要笑,说:"总理大人会不高兴的。他是最仁慈的,从不杀生,也看不得杀生。" 白月朗讥笑说:"这是君子远庖厨的论调,他不也吃肉吗?" 小原二郎说:"你没见他动筷前口中念念有词吗?那是在给猪啊、羊啊、鸡呀念往生咒呢,好让它们超生。" 白月朗又忍不住乐起来。战果辉煌,狸猫终于被逮住,服输地松了口,眼睁睁看着到嘴的美味痛失,那老鼠在地上打了个滚,从张景惠脚边急速溜走了。满头大汗的张景惠这才如释重负地直起腰来松口气。 张景惠带白月朗站到了二楼宽大的平台上,从这里可见对面军事部V字形大楼绿色尖顶。纵深望去,伪满八大部建筑尽收眼底。外面正飘着霏霏霰雪,张景惠问她冷不冷?他回头令小原二郎去找一件斗篷来,特别嘱咐,不要别人穿过的。 白月朗心想,他还有心细的一面呢。 张景惠又谈起了方才的话题,说:"拍《林则徐》好,林则徐敢和洋人斗法,可是我挺纳闷,日本人怎么会喜欢拍他?甘粕正彦是再精不过的人了,去年康德皇上建议他拍岳飞、文天祥,他一口回绝了,明摆着的道理,甘粕正彦怕诱发东三省人反抗情绪,对日满亲善不利。" 白月朗说:"这次拍《林则徐》,恰恰是他首倡的。听人说,甘粕正彦特别恨英国人,英国人羞辱过他,让他吃过闭门羹。" 张景惠笑了,她这一说,张景惠想起来了,甘粕正彦是吃过哑巴亏。那年他跟满洲国访欧团去欧洲,张景惠是团长。英国人说甘粕正彦杀过无辜大臣,判过无期徒刑,有劣迹,不让他上岸。差点没把他气得背过气去。 少顷,小原二郎拿来一件斗篷,替白月朗披上,也给张景惠带来一件大衣,他也披上了。 过一会儿,张景惠又问白月朗:"你演个什么角色?" 白月朗说:"是女主角,是林则徐的女儿,文武双全,给她父亲出过很多好主意,最后让英国鸦片商勾结琦善给害死了。" "有这回事吗?"张景惠怀疑是编剧这小子瞎编的吧? 白月朗笑道:"这不叫编,叫艺术虚构。"还不是半斤八两!"张景惠说,"琦善不是个好官,也不至于那么坏吧?" 白月朗说:"戏嘛,总不全是历史。是不是真有林媚娘这么个人,谁去考证?" "也是。"张景惠转过头来注视着她,"这一来,你的大学不念了?" "好在甘粕正彦忙,医大学籍还保留着,老师们也愿为我补课。不过也挺难,拍戏忙,上课也是三天打鱼、两天晒网了。"白月朗说,"我现在是养成所的学员,也不是正式的,演一回试试,不行的话,再回学校念书也不迟。" 张景惠说:"还记得那次在医大与你相遇,你冲我要纱巾的神态,挺横啊,就像宫里的格格。" "是吗?"白月朗说,"我早都不记得了,哪有你说的那样!" 张景惠笑道:"是挺高傲,可我一闭上眼睛,就能看见你那娇憨的模样。" 白月朗忽然问他:"听人说,您手里好像有我的照片,这是怎么回事?" 张景惠支吾地说:"啊,没什么,纯属偶然。有一次我去视察新京医大,偶然向丸山校长提起过你,就是留仁丹胡那个。" 白月朗笑了,说:"丸山校长的外号就叫仁丹胡。同学们背地都这么叫。" 张景惠说:"我一提白月朗,丸山就找了一张你的照片给我。"说着,他从口袋里掏出一个皮夹子,打开,里面就夹着她的照片。 白月朗很意外,也很不好意思,自己的照片夹在张景惠的皮夹子里,又天天带在身上,这成何体统?这对她简直是个污辱。张景惠看出她脸色不好,就向她解释:"平时并不放在钱夹里,今天不是听说你要来吗?现找出来的。" 白月朗不好发作,推说:"这张照得不好,傻傻的,不如还给我,改天到大光明照相馆好好拍一张,若不,拍完《林则徐》,放大一张剧照给你也行。" 张景惠明白她的心思,就点着她鼻子说:"小小的人儿,你挺狡猾呀。" 白月朗说:"我怎么狡猾了?" 张景惠说:"你这是不想让照片保存在我手里,寻找借口。" 白月朗只好说:"既然总理大人这么说,爱留就留着吧。" 张景惠叹了口气,眼望着迷蒙了天空的霰雪粉尘,渐渐发起呆来。白月朗说:"你这大总理,好像也有不开心的时候。" 张景惠突然冒了一句:"你来当两天总理大臣就知道滋味了。" 白月朗咯咯地乐起来,她弦外有音地说:"若让我当啊,我就挺直了腰,当个堂堂正正说了算的总理,当一个受气包,有名无实,看人家日本人脸色,仰人鼻息,我才不当。" 此言一出,吓得张景惠面如土色,了站在走廊里的小原二郎一眼,低沉而严厉地斥责道:"胡说,这话是随便说得的吗?还没有任何一个人敢在我跟前如此放肆呢!" 白月朗并不惧,她说:"那请总理治罪好了。我一片好心,替你叫屈,却换来这么个下场。" 张景惠语气又缓和下来:"你是不晓得厉害呀,初生的牛犊不怕虎。也正因为这个,我跟你挺对脾气。不单是我,皇上更憋屈,从来没有一个能说心里话的人,对我也是藏一半掖一半的,实在憋不住,有话就对着墙壁嘟囔。皇上都这样,何况我?

Xi Jiangyue can understand Japanese, and Xi Jiangyue who stood at the door cursed in his heart: Beast, this is the civilization you brought. Bihara warned him: "Do you want to taste every trick? If you don't want to, you should understand how to cooperate." At this time, someone added a word behind him: "No, our poet is noble. People, how can they suffer such inhuman torture?" Motohara Shizhao turned his head and saw his immediate boss Kishinobu Ishisai Osa, standing behind him with another man without military uniform. It was Masahiko Kanazawa who was speaking. Motohara Shizhao immediately salutes Masahiko Amazuke and Kishishin Ishisai, implying that the door of the large torture chamber is closed. The subordinate pressed the button, and the wall slowly closed again. Back in the adjustment room, Kishishin Ishisai introduced to Hoshihara: "This is our predecessor, Mr. Masahiko Amazawa." Xijiang Yue was surprised and looked at him intently. Motohara Shizhao stared in surprise, and said, "Oh," a standing salute came and said, "I am so honored to see the pride of our Japanese military." Masahiko Amadaru smiled and said, "I am already. I retired from the military and now specializes in making movies, and I am considered to be colleagues in the arts and literature circles with this poet." He even reached out to Xi Jiangyue, Xi Jiangyue reluctantly shook his hand, and Masahiko Kanazawa politely asked him to sit down and said: " I heard about Mr. Xi Jiangyue's name, read your poems, watched your dramas, and it's too late to meet each other. It's a shame that I shouldn't have met on this occasion." Xi Jiangyue can't figure out that it's a blessing. Woe, he had an illusion, maybe Xu Qing asked someone to rescue him, right? is it possible? The Japanese asked about the flyers. How did you know that the flyers on the wall were not sold by Xu Qing? From the moment he entered, he racked his brains to remember where there was a mistake, only Xu Qing was suspicious. Masahiko Kanazawa pulled Nishie Yueqiang and sat side by side on the sofa. Kishishin Ishisai said to Mihara Mizhao: "You don't have to be there." He smiled humbly at Masahiko Amazawa and said that he had something to do, and asked them to talk first . He and Biyuan Sizhao both went out. Masahiko Amazure poured a cup of tea for Xi Jiangyue, and said elegantly: "This is the first time I have come to this place in so many years. I was at the Prime Minister's Office to accompany the Prime Minister for dinner, and when I got the news, I rushed over. I'm very special. I don't want the literati to be in trouble. I also said this at the Art and Literature Alliance Conference. That year, I have been regretful about the Jin Jianxiao incident. Although I tried my best to rescue, it was a mistake. I didn't get what I wanted. Jin Jianxiao still gave it away. Fate. This is the first time I have come to this place for so many years. I was at the Prime Minister's Office to accompany the Prime Minister for dinner, and when I got the news, I rushed over. I especially don't want the literati to have trouble. I have also talked about it. I have been regretful about Jin Jianxiao that year. Although I tried my best to rescue, it was a mistake, but I didn't get what I wanted. Jin Jianxiao still died." Masahiko Gansu left Xi Jiangyue very well. Impressed, he had heard colleagues talk about Akasu Masahiko, who is elegant and generous, and would like to make friends with literati. Xijiangyue couldn't help but place high hopes on him, hoping that a miracle would happen. Masahiko Amadaru said: "You know, the Japanese military's vision is very different from that of our cultural people. I have always been tolerant. The literati has the temperament of a literati, and things called national spirit are often stronger than others. This is normal." Xijiangyue said: "What does sir want to say? You don't have to turn such a big turn." Masahiko Kanazawa said: "One sentence to live, save you. Of course, it is not easy. The military bites to death. But I think this is like two people walking on a single-plank bridge. It is not necessarily a narrow road meeting and the brave wins. Sir, think about it, if both sides take a few steps back, wouldn't they both protect each other?" , Masahiko Kanazawa still let himself write a book of repentance and let him betray others. Doesn't Masahiko Amazuke mean mutual preservation? Masahiko Kanazawa said: "I don't want to discuss this with my husband today. I am not appointed or entrusted by the government or the military. The one who really entrusts me is a woman who loves her husband. Shouldn't you know who it is?" Xi Jiangyue's heart was beating wildly, it really was Xu Qing, she didn't betray him? Masahiko Kanazawa said: "Who doesn't know about Xu Qing's background? Even if she is in trouble, no one dared to move her. This is also a favorable factor for your hope of being acquitted." Xijiangyue asked incredulously: "You mean, you can let me go?" Masahiko Amazuke said: "If Xu Qing can't even do this, it's not Xu Qing." He added, "We won't talk about this today. To be honest, I came too timely. If they give you a torture, if they can't survive it, they will recruit something in black and white. It's not easy to handle it. In order to increase his trust, Masahiko Kanazawa said: "You just saw it, even though I'm not in the army. They are still polite to me, and you shouldn't let this opportunity pass. "Xi Jiangyue said politely: "Thank you for your kindness." Masahiko Kanazawa pressed the bell on the table, and Motohara Shizhao came in. Masahiko Kanazawa asked him to change Xijiangyue to a clean house, and served him meals according to the standards of the food and drink for Xijiangyue. Xijiangyue was granted permission to read books and newspapers. Prepare pen and paper for him so that he can write poems. Mochihara agreed one by one. Masahiko Kanazawa stood up, patted Xi Jiangyue's shoulder and said: "I'm wronged, Xu Qing will come to see you. Take care. "He walked out. Sending away Masahiko Amazawa, Hoshihara said: "You are so lucky, writing a few lines of broken poems has such a supernatural power, even a big man like Masahiko Amada will come to take care of you. "Xi Jiangyue said: "Don't talk nonsense, send me back." "At this moment, he has the bottom of his heart. As long as Xu Qing is fine, and he is willing to extend a rescue hand, he will see the day again. When something happened to Xijiangyue, two women called him to worry. Xu Qing is fine and might become a savior. How about Feng Yuezhen? Didn't she escape? 9 Zhang Jinghui and Bai Yuelang walked along the long corridor on the second floor of the State Council. Zhang Jinghui heard that Bai Yuelang was going back to Man Ying to try makeup, so she asked her to take a photo. What kind of play? Bai Yuelang told him that it was a costume play, "Lin Zexu", Liang Fuyin's book, very moving, and nationalistic. Zhang Jinghui looked very excited, but looked back at the secretary Jiro Ohara, they ...Is it possible to shoot "Lin Zexu"? Probably he was suspicious of his manners and eyes, Ohara Jiro quickly stepped up and listened. Zhang Jinghui found out, very annoyed, and said, "What are you doing so close?" Do you want to listen to me if I speak a little bit of a whisper? Ohara Jiro hurriedly made a smile, "The Prime Minister just turned around, I thought something called me." After saying that, he stepped back a few steps, distanced himself from Zhang Jinghui, and waved his hand to keep the other attendants away. Bai Yuelang thought it was funny, she asked: "Is he afraid of you, or are you afraid of his secretary?" Zhang Jinghui glanced at her and said, "You are too courageous, dare to ask such things! This is a big deal. Respect your sin. However, those who don't know are not guilty. We in the Northeast have a native dialect, which is just right. This is called stalks beating wolves, and both ends are afraid." Baiyuelang thought, this is quite vivid. As he walked and watched, Zhang Jinghui saw a civet cat jumping laterally from the corridor with a mouse in his mouth. The mouse was not fatal, squeaking, kicking its feet, and struggling with its tail. Zhang Jinghui nervously called out his entourage to come quickly, surrounded the cat, and must save the mouse. Bai Yuelang felt funny and puzzled, and saw Jiro Ohara understand his mind and command the attendants to surround him. So a battle of chasing and intercepting the old cat started, and Liu Yue also caught the cat agilely. Even Zhang Jinghui went into battle, ridiculously bending over, stretching his arms flat, and shouting to the civet cat in his mouth: "Quickly let go, let go, this is not the big fish eating the small fish, the little fish eating the shrimp? People tried to laugh and endured, only Bai Yuelang giggled. Ohara Jiro reminded her not to laugh, saying: "The Prime Minister will be unhappy. He is the most merciful. He never kills, and he does not look at killing." Bai Yuelang sneered and said, "This is the argument of the gentleman Yuan's chef. He doesn't Do you eat meat too?" Ohara Jiro said, "Did you not see him chanting a word before he moved his chopsticks? That was chanting the rebirth mantra to pigs, sheep, and chickens, so that they could be superborn." Bai Yuelang endured again. Can't help but have fun. The result of the battle was brilliant, the civet cat was finally caught, and he let it go, and watched the deliciousness of his mouth be lost. The mouse rolled on the ground and quickly slipped away from Zhang Jinghui's feet. Zhang Jinghui, who was sweating profusely, straightened up and breathed a sigh of relief. Zhang Jinghui took Bai Yuelang to stand on the large platform on the second floor, from here you can see the green spire of the V-shaped building of the military department opposite. Looking in depth, the eight buildings of the Puppet Manchukuo can be seen in full view. Faey Feixue was floating outside, Zhang Jinghui asked her if she was cold? He turned around and asked Jiro Ohara to find a cloak, and specifically ordered that no one else wears it. Bai Yuelang thought to herself, he still has a careful side. Zhang Jinghui talked about the topic of his talent again, saying: "It's good to shoot "Lin Zexu". Lin Zexu dared to fight foreigners, but I was quite wondering how the Japanese would like to shoot him? Masahiko Kanazawa is an excellent person. Last year, the Emperor Kant He suggested that he shoot Yue Fei and Wen Tianxiang, but he rejected it. It is clear that Masahiko Amara is afraid of inducing resistance from the people of the three provinces, which is not good for the goodwill of Niman." Bai Yuelang said: "This time, "Lin Zexu" is exactly what he advocated Yes. I heard people say that Masahiko Amara particularly hates the British. The British humiliated him and told him to shut the door." Zhang Jinghui smiled. She said that, Zhang Jinghui remembered that Masahiko Masahiko had suffered a dumb loss. That year he went to Europe with the Manchurian delegation to Europe, and Zhang Jinghui was the head of the delegation. The British said that Masahiko Amazure killed innocent ministers and sentenced him to life imprisonment. He was delinquent and prevented him from going ashore. He almost didn't let him get angry. After a while, Jiro Ohara brought a cloak and put it on Bai Yuelang, and also brought a coat to Zhang Jinghui, which he also put on. After a while, Zhang Jinghui asked Bai Yuelang again: "What role do you play?" Bai Yuelang said, "It's the heroine, the daughter of Lin Zexu, who is both civil and military. She gave her father many good ideas, and finally let the British opium dealer The collusion with Qi Shan killed him." "Is there anything like this?" Zhang Jinghui suspected that the scriptwriter was making up it, right? Bai Yuelang smiled and said: "This is not called editing, it is called artistic fiction." It's not half a catty! "Zhang Jinghui said, "Qi Shan is not a good official, and it shouldn't be that bad, right?" Bai Yuelang said: "The drama, it's not all history." Is there such a person as Lin Meiniang, who will do the research? "Yes." "Zhang Jinghui turned his head to stare at her, "This time, your university stopped?" "Fortunately, Masahiko Amazawa is busy, and the medical university status is still reserved, and the teachers are willing to make up lessons for me. But it was also quite difficult. I was busy with filming, and I spent three days fishing in class and surfing the net for two days. Bai Yuelang said, "I am now a student in the training institute, and I am not formal. I will try it out once. If it doesn't work, it won't be too late to go back to school. "Zhang Jinghui said: "I still remember that time when I met you at the Medical University, you asked me for a scarf. It was so straightforward, just like the grid in the palace. " "is it? Bai Yuelang said, "I don't remember it a long time ago, how can it be like you said!" Zhang Jinghui smiled and said: "It's quite arrogant, but as soon as I close my eyes, I can see your delicate appearance. Bai Yuelang suddenly asked him: "I heard someone say that you seem to have a picture of me in your hand. What's the matter? "Zhang Jinghui said vaguely: "Ah, nothing, it's purely accidental. Once I went to inspect the New Beijing Medical University and occasionally mentioned you to President Maruyama, it was Liu Rendanhu. Bai Yuelang smiled and said, "Principal Maruyama's nickname is Rendanhu." The students screamed like that behind their backs. Zhang Jinghui said: "When I mentioned Bai Yuelang, Maruyama found me a picture of you." "Speaking, he took out a wallet from his pocket, opened it, and contained her photo inside. Bai Yuelang was surprised and embarrassed. Her photo was caught in Zhang Jinghui's wallet and he carried it with him every day. What kind of style is this? It's an insult to her. Zhang Jinghui saw that her face was not good, and explained to her: "I don't usually put it in the wallet. Didn't I hear you are coming today?" Found it now. "Bai Yuelang is not easy to have an attack," he said, "This photo is not good, it's silly, it's better to return it to me, and go to the Daguangming Photo Studio another day to take a good photo. If not, after filming "Lin Zexu", zoom A still picture is fine for you. Zhang Jinghui understood her thoughts, so he nodded her nose and said, "Little man, you are very cunning." Bai Yuelang said: "Why am I cunning?" Zhang Jinghui said: "You don't want to keep the photos in my hands, looking for excuses." "Bai Yuelang had no choice but to say: "Since the Prime Minister said so, please keep it if you love to stay." "Zhang Jinghui sighed, staring at the haze of snow dust that had clouded the sky, and gradually became dazed. Bai Yuelang said: "You, the prime minister, seem to be unhappy at times." "Zhang Jinghui said suddenly: "You will know what it's like to be the Prime Minister for two days." Bai Yuelang chuckled in joy, and she said in a nuanced voice: "If you let me be, I will straighten my waist and be a prime minister who has the right to say the least. When I'm in the air, there is no real name. I'm not right because of people's expressions and sighs. "As soon as these words came out, Zhang Jinghui's face was as earthy as he was scared, and he glanced at Jiro Ohara who was standing in the corridor, and reprimanded in a low and severe manner: "Nonsense, is this something casual?" No one has dared to be so presumptuous in front of me! Bai Yuelang is not afraid, she said: "Then the prime minister will be punished." I was kind enough to scream for you, but in exchange for such a fate. Zhang Jinghui's tone eased again: "Don't you know how powerful it is, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers." Because of this, I have a good temper with you. Not only me, but the emperor was even more aggrieved. There has never been a person who can say what is in his heart. He is half and half hiding from me. He can't hold back, and he mumbles to the wall when he has words. The emperor is like this, not to mention me? (Rìyǔ xījiāng yuè shì tīng dé dǒng de, zhàn zài ménkǒu de xījiāng yuè xīnlǐ mà dào: Chùshēng, zhè jiùshì nǐmen dài lái de wénmíng. Bì yuán sī zhào jǐnggào tā:"Shì bùshì xiǎng měi yīgè huāyàng dōu cháng cháng zīwèi ya? Rúguǒ bùxiǎng, gāi míngbái zěnyàng hézuò." Zhè shí yǒurén zài tā shēnhòu jiē shàngle huà:"Bù, wǒmen de shīrén shì qìzhí gāoguì de rén, zěnme néng shòu zhèyàng fēi rén de zhémó?" Bì yuán sī zhào yī huítóu, jiàn tā de dǐngtóu shàngsi àn xìn shí zhāi dàzuǒ péizhe lìng yīgè méi chuān jūnzhuāng de rén zhàn zài shēnhòu, shuōhuà de yuánlái shì gānpò zhèngyàn. Bì yuán sī zhào mǎshàng xiàng gānpò zhèngyàn hé àn xìn shí zhāi jìnglǐ, ànshì guānshàng dà xíng shì de mén. Bùxià ànle diànniǔ, nà miàn qiáng yòu huǎn huǎn bì lǒngle. Huí dào qǔ diào shì, àn xìn shí zhāi xiàng bì yuán sī zhào jièshào:"Zhè wèi shì wǒmen de qiánbèi, gānpò zhèngyàn xiānshēng." Xījiāng yuè hěn yìwài, zhuānzhù de dǎliangzhe tā. Bì yuán sī zhào jīngyà de dèng zhuó yǎnjīng,"áo" dì yīshēng, láile gè lìzhèng jìnglǐ, shuō:"Wǒ tài róngxìngle, néng jiàn dào wǒmen rìběn jūn jiè de jiāo'ào." Gānpò zhèngyàn xiàozhe shuō:"Wǒ yǐ tuìchū jūn jièle, xiànzài zhuānmén pāi diànyǐng, hé zhè wèi shīrén suànshì yì wén jiè tóngrén." Tā shènzhì xiàng xījiāng yuè shēn chūshǒu qù, xījiāng yuè miǎnqiáng tóng tā wòle yīxià, gānpò zhèngyàn kèqì dì qǐng tā zuò, shuō:"Zǎo wén xījiāng yuè xiānshēng dàmíng, yě dúguò nǐ de shī, kànguò nǐ de xì, xiāng jiàn hèn wǎn a. Tài yíhànle, běnlái bu gāi zài zhè zhǒng chǎnghé xiāng jiàn de." Xījiāng yuè cāi bù tòu shì fú shì huò, tā chǎnshēngle huànxiǎng, yěxǔ shì xú qíng tuō rén lái jiù tāle ba? Kěnéng ma? Rìběn rén zhuīwèn chuándān de shì, yān zhī jiā bì qiáng lǐ de chuándān bùshì xú qíng chūmài de? Cóng jìnlái nà yīkè qǐ, tā jiù jiǎo jǐn nǎozhī de huíyì, nǎlǐ chūle pīlòu, zhǐyǒu xú qíng kěyí. Gānpò zhèngyàn bǎ xījiāng yuè qiáng lāzhe bìngpái zuò zài shāfā shàng, àn xìn shí zhāi duì bì yuán sī zhào shuō:"Nǐ bùbì zàichǎng." Tā yòu qiānhé dì duì gānpò zhèngyàn xiào xiào shuō zìjǐ yě hái yǒushì, jiào tāmen xiān tán. Tā hé bì yuán sī zhào dōu chūqùle. Gānpò zhèngyàn gěi xījiāng yuè dàole yībēi chá, rúyǎ de shuō:"Zhème duōnián lái, wǒ shì dì yīcì dào zhè dìfāng lái. Běnlái zhèngzài zǒnglǐ fǔ lǐ péi guówù zǒnglǐ chīfàn, dédào xiāoxī, jiù mǎshàng gǎ.Guòláile. Wǒ tèbié bù xīwàng wénrén chūshì, zhè huà zài yì wén tóngméng dàhuì shàng wǒ yě jiǎngguò. Nà niánjīnjiànxiào de shì, wǒ yīzhí yǐn wéi hànshì, suīrán wǒ jìnlì jiùyuán, kě yīn chā yáng cuò, méi néng rúyuàn, jīnjiànxiào háishì sòngle mìng. Zhème duōnián lái, wǒ shì dì yī cì dào zhè dìfāng lái. Běnlái zhèngzài zǒnglǐ fǔ lǐ péi guówù zǒnglǐ chīfàn, dédào xiāoxī, jiù mǎshàng gǎn guòláile. Wǒ tèbié bù xīwàng wénrén chūshì, zhè huà zài yì wén tóngméng dàhuì shàng wǒ yě jiǎngguò. Nà niánjīn jiàn xiào de shì, wǒ yīzhí yǐn wéi hànshì, suīrán wǒ jìnlì jiùyuán, kě yīn chā yáng cuò, méi néng rúyuàn, jīn jiàn xiào háishì sòngle mìng." Gānpò zhèngyàn gěi xījiāng yuè liú xià hěn hǎo de yìnxiàng, tā zǎo tīng tóngrén jiǎngguò gānpò zhèngyàn qí rén, rúyǎ dà dù, yuàn yǔ wénrénjiāoyǒu. Xījiāng yuè bùjīn duì tā jì yǐ hòuwàng, xīwàng yǒu qíjī fāshēng. Gānpò zhèngyàn shuō:"Nǐ zhīdào, rìběn jūn fāng de yǎnguāng kàn shìwù, yǔ wǒmen wénhuà rén shì yǒu hěn dà bùtóng de. Wǒ yīxiàng kuānróng, wénrén yǒu wénrén de qìzhí, nà zhǒng jiào mínzú jīngshén de dōngxī wǎngwǎng bǐ biérén láidé qiángliè, zhè hěn zhèngcháng ma." Xījiāng yuè shuō:"Xiānshēng xiǎng shuō shénme? Bùbì guǎi zhème dà de wān." Gānpò zhèngyàn shuō:"Yījù huó, jiù nǐ chūqù. Dāngrán, zhè yě bù róngyì. Jūn fāng yǎo dé hěn sǐ, dàn wǒ xiǎng, zhè xiàng zǒu zài dúmùqiáo shàng de liǎng gèrén yīyàng, bù yīdìng shì xiálùxiāngféng yǒngzhě shèng, xiānshēng xiǎng yī xiǎng, jiǎrú shuāngfāng dōu hòutuì jǐ bù, bùshì dōu xiānghù bǎoquánle ma?" Xījiāng yuè míngbái, shuō lái shuō qù, gānpò zhèngyàn háishì ràng zìjǐ xiě huǐguò shū, ràng tā chūmài biérén, gānpò zhèngyàn shuō de xiānghù bǎoquán bù jiùshì zhège yìsi ma? Gānpò zhèngyàn shuō:"Wǒ jīntiān bùxiǎng tóng xiānshēng tàntǎo zhèxiē, wǒ yě bùshì shòu guānfāng, jūn fāng zhǐpài, wěituō ér lái, zhēnzhèng tuōfù wǒ de, shì yīgè shēn àizhe xiānshēng de nǚrén, géxià gāi zhīdào shì shéile ba?" Xījiāng yuè de xīn zài kuáng tiào, guǒrán shì xú qíng, tā méiyǒu chūmài tā? Gānpò zhèngyàn shuō:"Xú qíng de bèijǐng, shéi bùzhīdào? Jíbiàn tā yǒushì, yě méi rén gǎn dòng tā, zhè yě zhèngshì nǐ yǒu xīwàng bèi wú zuì shìfàng de yǒulì yīnsù." Xījiāng yuè shì xìn fēi xìn de wèn:"Nǐ shì shuō, kěyǐ fàng wǒ?" Gānpò zhèngyàn shuō:"Xúqíngruò lián zhè diǎn shì yě bàn bùliǎo, jiù bùshì xú qíngle." Tā yòu shuō,"jīntiān wǒmen bù tán zhège. Shuō shíhuà, wǒ láidé tài jíshíliǎo, rúguǒ tāmen gěi nǐ shàngle xíng, wàn yī tǐng bù zhù, zhāole xiē shénme, báizhǐhēizì, fǎn'ér bù hǎo bànle. Wèile zēngjiā tā de xìnrèn dù, gānpò zhèngyàn yòu shuō:"Nǐ fāngcái kàn dàole, wǒ suī bùzài jūn jiè gòngzhí, tāmen duì wǒ háishì kèqì de, nǐ bù yìng dāng fàngguò zhèyàng de jīhuì." Xījiāng yuè chū yú lǐmào de shuō:"Xièxiè nǐ de hǎoyì." Gānpò zhèngyàn ànle yīxià zhuō líng, bì yuán sī zhào jìnlái, gānpò zhèngyàn yāoqiú tā gěi xījiāng yuè huàn yī jiàn gānjìng de fángzi, àn bì yuán sī zhào de fàn huǒ biāozhǔn gěi tā kāifàn, tèxǔ xījiāng yuè kěyǐ kànshū kàn bào, gěi tā yùbèi zhǐ bǐ, kěyǐ xiě shī. Bì yuán sī zhào yīyī dāyìng xiàlái. Gānpò zhèngyàn zhàn qǐlái, pāile xījiāng yuè jiānbǎng yīxià shuō:"Wěiqu nǐle, xúqínghuì lái kàn nǐ de. Bǎozhòng." Tā zǒule chūqù. Sòng zǒule gānpò zhèngyàn, bì yuán sī zhào shuō:"Nǐ zhēn zǒuyùn a, xiě jǐ xíng pò shī jiù yǒu zhème dà shéntōng, lián gānpò zhèngyàn zhèyàng de dàrénwù dōu lái guānzhào nǐ." Xījiāng yuè shuō:"Bùbì fèihuà, sòng wǒ huíqù." Tā cǐkè xīn li yǒu dǐle, zhǐyào xú qíng méi chūshì, kěn shēn chū yuánjiù zhī shǒu, tā jiù yǒu chóngjiàntiānrì nà yītiān. Xījiāng yuè chū liǎo shì, yǒu liǎng gè nǚrén jiào tā dānyōu, xú qíng méishì, hái kěnéng chéngwéi jiùxīng, féngyuèzhēn zěnme yàng? Tā yě méi táo chū mózhǎng ma? 9 Zhāngjǐnghuì hé bái yuè lǎng yánzhe guówùyuàn èr lóu zhǎng zhǎng de zǒuláng zǒu lái, zhāngjǐnghuì tīng shuōbái yuè lǎng yào huí mǎn yìng qù shì zhuāng, jiù wèn tā yào pāi yī bù shénme xì. Bái yuè lǎng gàosù tā, shì yī bù gǔzhuāng xì,"línzéxú", liáng fù yín de běnzi, hěn dòngrén, yòu yǒu mínzú qìjié. Zhāngjǐnghuì xiǎndé hěn xīngfèn, què yòu huítóu kànle mìshū xiǎoyuán èrláng yīyǎn, tāmen......néng ràng pāi "línzéxú"? Dàgài duì tā de jǔzhǐ yǎnshén chǎnshēngle huáiyí, xiǎoyuán èrláng mǎshàng jiākuài jiǎobù gēn shànglái, cè'ěr qīngtīng. Zhāngjǐnghuì fāxiànle, hěn nǎohuǒ, shuō:"Nǐ gēn zhème jìn gànshénme? Nándào wǒ shuō diǎn qiāoqiāohuà nǐ yě yào tīng ma? Xiǎoyuán èrláng máng péi xiàoliǎn,"zǒnglǐ dàrén fāngcái huítóu, wǒ yǐwéi yǒushì jiào wǒ ne." Shuō bà hòutuì jǐ bù, yǔ zhāngjǐnghuì lā kāi jùlí, yě bǎishǒu ràng qíyúshìcóng yuǎnlí. Bái yuè lǎng juédé hǎowán, tā wèn:"Dàodǐ shì tā pà nǐ ne, háishì nǐ pà tā zhège mìshū?" Zhāngjǐnghuì piēle tā yīyǎn shuō:"Nǐ dǎnzi tài dàle, gǎn wèn chū zhèyàng dehuà lái! Zhè kěshì dà bù jìngzhī zuì ya. Bùguò, bù zhì zhě bù wéi zuì. Zán dōngběi rén yǒu yījù tǔhuà, yòng shàngzhèng héshì, zhè jiù jiào má jie dǎ láng, liǎngtóu hàipà." Bái yuè lǎng xīn xiǎng, zhè dào gòu xíngxiàng dele. Zǒuzhe kànzhe, zhāngjǐnghuì kànjiàn yī zhǐ huā límāo cóng zǒuláng li hèng xiàng cuān guòlái, kǒu lǐ diāozhe yī zhǐ lǎoshǔ, nà lǎoshǔ méi zhìmìng, zhī zhī de jiàozhe, dēngzhe sì jiǎo, shuǎizhe wěibā zhēngzházhe. Zhāngjǐnghuì shén jīng zhí dì dàshēng hūjiào suícóng kuài guòlái, wéi zhù zhè zhǐ māo, yīdìng yào jiù xià zhè zhǐ lǎoshǔ. Bái yuè lǎng gǎndào huájī bù jiě, zhǐ jiàn xiǎoyuán èrláng xīnlǐng shén huì, zhǐhuī shìcóngmen wéi shànglái. Yú shì zhǎnkāile yī chǎng duì lǎo māo de wéizhuīdǔjié zhàn, liú yuè yě mǐnjié de zhuā māo. Lián zhāngjǐnghuì yě qīnzì shàng zhèn, kěxiào de wānzhe yāo, píng shēn shuāng bì, kǒuzhōng hái xiàng nà huā límāo hūhǎnzhe:"Kuài sōng kāi, kuài sōng kāi, zhè bùshì dà yú chī xiǎo yú, xiǎo yú chī xiāmile ma?" Rénmen xiǎng xiào yòu dōu rěnzhe, zhǐyǒu bái yuè lǎng gēgē de xiào chūshēng lái. Xiǎoyuán èrláng tíxǐng tā bùyào xiào, shuō:"Zǒnglǐ dàrén huì bù gāoxìng de. Tā shì zuì réncí de, cóng bù shāshēng, yě kàn bùdé shāshēng." Bái yuè lǎng jīxiào shuō:"Zhè shì jūnzǐ yuǎn páochú dì lùndiào, tā bù yě chī ròu ma?" Xiǎoyuán èrláng shuō:"Nǐ méi jiàn tā dòng kuài qián kǒuzhōng niànniànyǒucí ma? Nà shì zài gěi zhū a, yáng a, jī ya niàn wǎngshēng zhòu ne, hǎo ràng tāmen chāoshēng." Bái yuè lǎng yòu rěn bù zhù lè qǐlái. Zhànguǒ huīhuáng, límāo zhōngyú bèi dǎi zhù, fúshū dì sōngle kǒu, yǎnzhēngzhēng kànzhe dào zuǐ dì měiwèi tòng shī, nà lǎoshǔ zài dìshàng dǎle gè gǔn, cóng zhāngjǐnghuì jiǎo biān jísù liū zǒule. Mǎn tóu dà hàn de zhāngjǐnghuì zhè cái rúshìzhòngfù de zhíqǐ yāo lái sōng kǒuqì. Zhāngjǐnghuì dài bái yuè lǎng zhàn dàole èr lóu kuāndà de píngtái shàng, cóng zhèlǐ kějiàn duìmiàn jūnshì bù V zìxíng dàlóu lǜsè jiāndǐng. Zòngshēn wàng qù, wěi mǎn bādà bù jiànzhú jǐn shōu yǎndǐ. Wàimiàn zhèng piāozhe fēifēi sǎn xuě, zhāngjǐnghuì wèn tā lěng bù lěng? Tā huítóu lìng xiǎoyuán èrláng qù zhǎo yī jiàn dǒupéng lái, tèbié zhǔfù, bùyào biérén chuānguò de. Bái yuè lǎng xīn xiǎng, tā hái yǒu xīnxì de yīmiàn ne. Zhāngjǐnghuì yòu tán qǐle fāngcái dehuàtí, shuō:"Pāi "línzéxú" hǎo, línzéxú gǎn hé yángrén dòufǎ, kěshì wǒ tǐng nàmèn, rìběn rén zěnme huì xǐhuān pāi tā? Gānpò zhèngyàn shì zài jīng bùguò de rénle, qùnián kāngdé huángshàng jiànyì tā pāi yuèfēi, wéntiānxiáng, tā yīkǒu huíjuéle, míngbǎizhe de dàolǐ, gānpò zhèngyàn pà yòufā dōng sān xǐng rén fǎnkàng qíngxù, duì rì mǎn qīnshàn bùlì." Bái yuè lǎng shuō:"Zhè cì pāi "línzéxú", qiàqià shì tā shǒuchàng de. Tīng rén shuō, gānpò zhèngyàn tèbié hèn yīngguó rén, yīngguó rén xiūrùguò tā, ràng tā chīguò bìméngēng." Zhāngjǐnghuì xiàole, tā zhè yī shuō, zhāngjǐnghuì xiǎng qǐláile, gānpò zhèngyàn shì chīguò yǎbākuī. Nà nián tā gēn mǎnzhōu guó fǎng ōu tuán qù ōuzhōu, zhāngjǐnghuì shì tuán zhǎng. Yīngguó rén shuō gānpò zhèngyàn shāguò wúgū dàchén, pànguò wúqí túxíng, yǒu lièjì, bù ràng tā shàng'àn. Chàdiǎn méi bǎ tā qì dé bèiguò qì qù. Shǎo qǐng, xiǎoyuán èrláng ná lái yī jiàn dǒupéng, tì bái yuè lǎng pī shàng, yě gěi zhāngjǐnghuì dài lái yī jiàn dàyī, tā yě pī shàngle. Guò yīhuǐ'er, zhāngjǐnghuì yòu wèn bái yuè lǎng:"Nǐ yǎn gè shénme juésè?" Bái yuè lǎng shuō:"Shì nǚ zhǔjiǎo, shì línzéxú de nǚ'ér, wénwǔ shuāngquán, gěi tā fùqīn chūguò hěnduō hǎo zhǔyì, zuìhòu ràng yīngguó yāpiàn shāng gōujié qí shàn gěi hài sǐle." "Yǒu zhè huí shì ma?" Zhāngjǐnghuì huáiyí shì biānjù zhè xiǎozi xiā biān de ba? Bái yuè lǎng xiào dào:"Zhè bù jiào biān, jiào yìshù xūgòu."Hái bùshì bànjīnbāliǎng!" Zhāngjǐnghuì shuō,"qí shàn bùshìgè hǎo guān, yě bù zhìyú nàme huài ba?" Bái yuè lǎng shuō:"Xì ma, zǒng bùquán shì lìshǐ. Shì bùshì zhēnyǒu línmèiniáng zhème gèrén, shéi qù kǎozhèng?" "Yěshì." Zhāngjǐnghuì zhuǎn guòtóu lái zhùshìzhe tā,"zhè yī lái, nǐ de dàxué bù niànle?" "Hǎo zài gānpò zhèngyàn máng, yīdà xuéjí hái bǎoliúzhe, lǎoshīmen yě yuàn wéi wǒ bǔkè. Bùguò yě tǐng nán, pāixì máng, shàngkè yěshì sān tiān dǎ yú, liǎng tiān shài wǎngle." Bái yuè lǎng shuō,"wǒ xiànzài shì yǎng chéng suǒ de xuéyuán, yě bùshì zhèng shì de, yǎn yī huí shì shì, bùxíng de huà, zài huí xuéxiào niànshū yě bù chí." Zhāngjǐnghuì shuō:"Hái jìdé nà cì zài yīdà yǔ nǐ xiāngyù, nǐ chōng wǒ yào shā jīn de shéntài, tǐng héng a, jiù xiàng gōng lǐ de gégé." "Shì ma?" Bái yuè lǎng shuō,"wǒ zǎo dōu bù jìdéliǎo, nǎ yǒu nǐ shuō dì nàyàng!" Zhāngjǐnghuì xiào dào:"Shì tǐng gāo'ào, kě wǒ yī bì shàng yǎnjīng, jiù néng kànjiàn nǐ nà jiāo hān de múyàng." Bái yuè lǎng hūrán wèn tā:"Tīng rén shuō, nín shǒu lǐ hǎoxiàng yǒu wǒ de zhàopiàn, zhè shì zěnme huí shì?" Zhāngjǐnghuì zhīwú de shuō:"A, méishénme, chún shǔ ǒurán. Yǒu yī cì wǒ qù shìchá xīn jīng yīdà, ǒurán xiàng wánshān xiàozhǎng tíqǐguò nǐ, jiùshì liú réndān hú nàgè." Bái yuè lǎng xiàole, shuō:"Wánshān xiàozhǎng de wài hào jiù jiào réndān hú. Tóngxuémen bèidì dōu zhème jiào." Zhāngjǐnghuì shuō:"Wǒ yī tí bái yuè lǎng, wánshān jiù zhǎole yī zhāng nǐ de zhàopiàn gěi wǒ." Shuōzhe, tā cóng kǒudài lǐ tāo chū yīgè píjiázi, dǎkāi, lǐmiàn jiù jiāzhe tā de zhàopiàn. Bái yuè lǎng hěn yìwài, yě hěn bù hǎoyìsi, zìjǐ de zhàopiàn jiá zài zhāngjǐnghuì de píjiázi lǐ, yòu tiāntiān dài zài shēnshang, zhè chéng hé tǐtǒng? Zhè duì tā jiǎnzhí shì gè wūrù. Zhāngjǐnghuì kàn chū tā liǎnsè bù hǎo, jiù xiàng tā jiěshì:"Píngshí bìng bù fàng zài qián jiā lǐ, jīntiān bùshì tīng shuō nǐ yào lái ma? Xiàn zhǎo chūlái de." Bái yuè lǎng bù hǎo fāzuò, tuī shuō:"Zhè zhāng zhào dé bù hǎo, shǎ shǎ de, bùrú hái gěi wǒ, gǎitiān dào dà guāngmíng zhàoxiàng guǎn hǎohǎo pāi yī zhāng, ruò bù, pāi wán "línzéxú", fàngdà yī zhāng jùzhào gěi nǐ yě xíng." Zhāngjǐnghuì míngbái tā de xīnsī, jiù diǎnzhe tā bízi shuō:"Xiǎo xiǎo de rén er, nǐ tǐng jiǎohuá ya." Bái yuè lǎng shuō:"Wǒ zěnme jiǎohuále?" Zhāngjǐnghuì shuō:"Nǐ zhè shì bùxiǎng ràng zhàopiàn bǎocún zài wǒ shǒu lǐ, xúnzhǎo jièkǒu." Bái yuè lǎng zhǐhǎo shuō:"Jìrán zǒnglǐ dàrén zhème shuō, ài liú jiù liúzhe ba." Zhāngjǐnghuì tànle kǒuqì, yǎn wàng zháo míméngle tiānkōng de sǎn xuě fěnchén, jiànjiàn fāqǐ dāi lái. Bái yuè lǎng shuō:"Nǐ zhè dà zǒnglǐ, hǎoxiàng yěyǒu bù kāixīn de shíhòu." Zhāngjǐnghuì túrán màole yījù:"Nǐ lái dāng liǎng tiān zǒnglǐ dàchén jiù zhīdào zīwèile." Bái yuè lǎng gēgē de lè qǐlái, tā xián wài yǒu yīn de shuō:"Ruò ràng wǒ dāng a, wǒ jiù tǐng zhíle yāo, dāng gè tángtángzhèngzhèng shuōle suàn de zǒnglǐ, dāng yīgè shòuqì bāo, yǒumíngwúshí, kàn rén jiā rìběn rén liǎnsè, yǎngrénbíxī, wǒ cái bùdāng." Cǐ yán yī chū, xià dé zhāngjǐnghuì miànrútǔsè,le zhàn zài zǒuláng lǐ de xiǎoyuán èrláng yīyǎn, dīchén ér yánlì de chìzé dào:"Húshuō, zhè huà shì suíbiàn shuō dé de ma? Hái méiyǒu rènhé yīgè rén gǎn zài wǒ gēnqián rúcǐ fàngsì ne!" Bái yuè lǎng bìng bù jù, tā shuō:"Nà qǐng zǒnglǐ zhìzuì hǎole. Wǒ yīpiàn hǎoxīn, tì nǐ jiàoqū, què huàn lái zhème gè xiàchǎng." Zhāngjǐnghuì yǔqì yòu huǎnhé xiàlái:"Nǐ shì bù xiǎodé lìhài ya, chū shēng de niúdú bùpà hǔ. Yě zhèng yīnwèi zhège, wǒ gēn nǐ tǐng duì píqì. Bùdān shì wǒ, huángshàng gèng biē qū, cónglái méiyǒu yīgè néng shuō xīnlǐ huà de rén, duì wǒ yěshì cáng yībàn yē yībàn de, shízài biē bù zhù, yǒu huà jiù duìzhe qiángbì dūnāng. Huángshàng dū zhèyàng, hékuàng wǒ?)

日语西江月是听得懂的,站在门口的西江月心里骂道:畜生,这就是你们带来的文明。 币原司照警告他:"是不是想每一个花样都尝尝滋味呀?如果不想,该明白怎样合作。" 这时有人在他身后接上了话:"不,我们的诗人是气质高贵的人,怎么能受这样非人的折磨?" 币原司照一回头,见他的顶头上司岸信石斋大佐陪着另一个没穿军装的人站在身后,说话的原来是甘粕正彦。币原司照马上向甘粕正彦和岸信石斋敬礼,暗示关上大刑室的门。 部下按了电钮,那面墙又缓缓闭拢了。 回到取调室,岸信石斋向币原司照介绍:"这位是我们的前辈,甘粕正彦先生。" 西江月很意外,专注地打量着他。 币原司照惊讶地瞪着眼睛,"嗷"地一声,来了个立正敬礼,说:"我太荣幸了,能见到我们日本军界的骄傲。" 甘粕正彦笑着说:"我已退出军界了,现在专门拍电影,和这位诗人算是艺文界同仁。"他甚至向西江月伸出手去,西江月勉强同他握了一下,甘粕正彦客气地请他坐,说:"早闻西江月先生大名,也读过你的诗、看过你的戏,相见恨晚啊。太遗憾了,本来不该在这种场合相见的。" 西江月猜不透是福是祸,他产生了幻想,也许是徐晴托人来救他了吧?可能吗?日本人追问传单的事,焉知夹壁墙里的传单不是徐晴出卖的?从进来那一刻起,他就绞尽脑汁地回忆,哪里出了纰漏,只有徐晴可疑。 甘粕正彦把西江月强拉着并排坐在沙发上,岸信石斋对币原司照说:"你不必在场。"他又谦和地对甘粕正彦笑笑说自己也还有事,叫他们先谈。他和币原司照都出去了。 甘粕正彦给西江月倒了一杯茶,儒雅地说:"这么多年来,我是第一次到这地方来。本来正在总理府里陪国务总理吃饭,得到消息,就马上赶过来了。我特别不希望文人出事,这话在艺文同盟大会上我也讲过。那年金剑啸的事,我一直引为憾事,虽然我尽力救援,可阴差阳错,没能如愿,金剑啸还是送了命。

Xi Jiangyue can understand Japanese, and Xi Jiangyue who stood at the door cursed in his heart: Beast, this is the civilization you brought. Bihara warned him: "Do you want to taste every trick? If you don't want to, you should understand how to cooperate." At this time, someone added a word behind him: "No, our poet is noble. People, how can they suffer such inhuman torture?" Motohara Shizhao turned his head and saw his immediate boss Kishinobu Ishisai Osa, standing behind him with another man without military uniform. It was Masahiko Kanazawa who was speaking. Motohara Shizhao immediately salutes Masahiko Amazuke and Kishishin Ishisai, implying that the door of the large torture chamber is closed. The subordinate pressed the button, and the wall slowly closed again. Back in the adjustment room, Kishishin Ishisai introduced to Hoshihara: "This is our predecessor, Mr. Masahiko Amazawa." Xijiang Yue was surprised and looked at him intently. Motohara Shizhao stared in surprise, and said, "Oh," a standing salute came and said, "I am so honored to see the pride of our Japanese military." Masahiko Amadaru smiled and said, "I am already. I retired from the military and now specializes in making movies, and I am considered to be colleagues in the arts and literature circles with this poet." He even reached out to Xi Jiangyue, Xi Jiangyue reluctantly shook his hand, and Masahiko Kanazawa politely asked him to sit down and said: " I heard about Mr. Xi Jiangyue's name, read your poems, watched your dramas, and it's too late to meet each other. It's a shame that I shouldn't have met on this occasion." Xi Jiangyue can't figure out that it's a blessing. Woe, he had an illusion, maybe Xu Qing asked someone to rescue him, right? is it possible? The Japanese asked about the flyers. How did you know that the flyers on the wall were not sold by Xu Qing? From the moment he entered, he racked his brains to remember where there was a mistake, only Xu Qing was suspicious. Masahiko Kanazawa pulled Nishie Yueqiang and sat side by side on the sofa. Kishishin Ishisai said to Mihara Mizhao: "You don't have to be there." He smiled humbly at Masahiko Amazawa and said that he had something to do, and asked them to talk first . He and Biyuan Sizhao both went out. Masahiko Amazure poured a cup of tea for Xijiang Yue, and said elegantly: "This is the first time I have come to this place in so many years. I was at the Prime Minister's Office to accompany the Prime Minister for dinner. When I got the news, I rushed over. I'm very special. I don't want the literati to be in trouble. I also said this at the Art and Literature League Conference. That year, I have been regretful about the Jin Jianxiao incident. Although I tried my best to rescue, it was a mistake. I didn't get what I wanted. Jin Jianxiao still gave it away. Life. (Rìyǔ xījiāng yuè shì tīng dé dǒng de, zhàn zài ménkǒu de xījiāng yuè xīnlǐ mà dào: Chùshēng, zhè jiùshì nǐmen dài lái de wénmíng. Bì yuán sī zhào jǐnggào tā:"Shì bùshì xiǎng měi yīgè huāyàng dōu cháng cháng zīwèi ya? Rúguǒ bùxiǎng, gāi míngbái zěnyàng hézuò." Zhè shí yǒurén zài tā shēnhòu jiē shàngle huà:"Bù, wǒmen de shīrén shì qìzhí gāoguì de rén, zěnme néng shòu zhèyàng fēi rén de zhémó?" Bì yuán sī zhào yī huítóu, jiàn tā de dǐngtóu shàngsi àn xìn shí zhāi dàzuǒ péizhe lìng yīgè méi chuān jūnzhuāng de rén zhàn zài shēnhòu, shuōhuà de yuánlái shì gānpò zhèngyàn. Bì yuán sī zhào mǎshàng xiàng gānpò zhèngyàn hé àn xìn shí zhāi jìnglǐ, ànshì guānshàng dà xíng shì de mén. Bùxià ànle diànniǔ, nà miàn qiáng yòu huǎn huǎn bì lǒngle. Huí dào qǔ diào shì, àn xìn shí zhāi xiàng bì yuán sī zhào jièshào:"Zhè wèi shì wǒmen de qiánbèi, gānpò zhèngyàn xiānshēng." Xījiāng yuè hěn yìwài, zhuānzhù de dǎliangzhe tā. Bì yuán sī zhào jīngyà de dèng zhuó yǎnjīng,"áo" dì yīshēng, láile gè lìzhèng jìnglǐ, shuō:"Wǒ tài róngxìngle, néng jiàn dào wǒmen rìběn jūn jiè de jiāo'ào." Gānpò zhèngyàn xiàozhe shuō:"Wǒ yǐ tuìchū jūn jièle, xiànzài zhuānmén pāi diànyǐng, hé zhè wèi shīrén suànshì yì wén jiè tóngrén." Tā shènzhì xiàng xījiāng yuè shēn chūshǒu qù, xījiāng yuè miǎnqiáng tóng tā wòle yīxià, gānpò zhèngyàn kèqì dì qǐng tā zuò, shuō:"Zǎo wén xījiāng yuè xiānshēng dàmíng, yě dúguò nǐ de shī, kànguò nǐ de xì, xiāng jiàn hèn wǎn a. Tài yíhànle, běnlái bu gāi zài zhè zhǒng chǎnghé xiāng jiàn de." Xījiāng yuè cāi bù tòu shì fú shì huò, tā chǎnshēngle huànxiǎng, yěxǔ shì xú qíng tuō rén lái jiù tāle ba? Kěnéng ma? Rìběn rén zhuīwèn chuándān de shì, yān zhī jiā bì qiáng lǐ de chuándān bùshì xú qíng chūmài de? Cóng jìnlái nà yīkè qǐ, tā jiù jiǎo jǐn nǎozhī de huíyì, nǎlǐ chūle pīlòu, zhǐyǒu xú qíng kěyí. Gānpò zhèngyàn bǎ xījiāng yuè qiáng lāzhe bìngpái zuò zài shāfā shàng, àn xìn shí zhāi duì bì yuán sī zhào shuō:"Nǐ bùbì zàichǎng." Tā yòu qiānhé dì duì gānpò zhèngyàn xiào xiào shuō zìjǐ yě hái yǒushì, jiào tāmen xiān tán. Tā hé bì yuán sī zhào dōu chūqùle. Gānpò zhèngyàn gěi xījiāng yuè dàole yībēi chá, rúyǎ de shuō:"Zhème duōnián lái, wǒ shì dì yī cì dào zhè dìfāng lái. Běnlái zhèngzài zǒnglǐ fǔ lǐ péi guówù zǒnglǐ chīfàn, dédào xiāoxī, jiù mǎshàng gǎn guòláile. Wǒ tèbié bù xīwàng wénrén chūshì, zhè huà zài yì wén tóngméng dàhuì shàng wǒ yě jiǎngguò. Nà niánjīnjiànxiào de shì, wǒ yīzhí yǐn wéi hànshì, suīrán wǒ jìnlì jiùyuán, kě yīn chā yáng cuò, méi néng rúyuàn, jīn jiàn xiào háishì sòngle mìng.)

萧宝夤满怀刻骨的仇恨前去攻打萧衍,而此时的萧衍却还沉溺于宴乐游猎之中。这一日,萧衍带着他新宠幸的一个爱妃到建康城外狩猎。被萧宝夤的几个心腹看见,几个人施计捉住了萧衍的爱妃,并送到寿阳见萧宝夤。萧宝夤一见便想起家仇国恨,顿时怒火中烧,便将那女子带到后帐欺侮一番,然后又交到几个士兵手中,让他们将其故意蹂躏至死。又命人脱去衣服,悬挂在寿阳城头。 萧衍痛失爱妃正自懊恼不已,又闻听她在萧宝夤营中受辱至死,大发雷霆,誓报此仇。而且,寿阳是个地肥物美的好地方,原是萧宝卷辖地,因他荒疏政务,被北魏占领。萧衍篡位后本已有心收回那座城。 天监五年(公元506年),萧衍亲自统率三军包围了寿阳。攻打了数日,突破外城。正当萧衍得意洋洋之际,却中了萧宝夤的瓮中捉鳖之计,幸亏有大将陈刚护驾才使他逃脱一命。至此两军形成对峙局势,各有攻守,不相上下。 天监十三年,魏将王足被萧衍捉住,但萧衍并不杀他,还对其施以厚待。王足受宠若惊,感恩戴德,便向萧衍献上一计:"陛下,要想攻破寿阳,杀萧宝夤,臣有一计,只是不知可行不可行。" 萧衍一听他有破敌之计,忙命快讲。这王足在寿阳为官多年,对这里的地形了解的一清二楚。他所出之计,便是在寿阳城外40里的俘山和石山之间修筑一座拦河堤坝,拦住淮河之水。待水位升至山顶,便将堤坝炸开,水淹寿阳城。萧宝夤纵有千军万马,定也必死无疑。 萧衍听罢连称妙计。但有几位大臣却不同意,指出两山之上无石可采,修筑堤坝恐比登天还难,且又劳民伤财,得不偿失。 可萧衍已急红了眼,恨不能一下就将萧宝夤淹死,岂肯听他们的劝说?即命王足督办此事。 那王足为了在萧衍面前表一功,干得非常卖力。抓了许多农夫前去修坝,又亲自监工,命农夫们日夜不停地干。农夫们吃不好,睡不好,有许多人都累饿而死。而且,由于无石头可采,王足便命农夫们先采柳枝,然后编成柳筐,装上土,再去筑坝。如此一来,河岸堤旁,墓地村庄,只要有柳枝的地方,便有人在砍伐,弄得鸡飞狗跳,民怨极大。

Xiao Baoqiu went to attack Xiao Yan with a deep hatred, but at this time Xiao Yan was still indulging in feasting and hunting. On this day, Xiao Yan took his newly beloved concubine to hunt outside Jiankang City. Seen by a few of Xiao Baokui's confidants, several people used tricks to capture Xiao Yan's concubine and sent them to Shouyang to see Xiao Baokui. As soon as Xiao Baokui saw it, he remembered the hatred of the family and the country. He was immediately furious and took the woman to the back of the tent to bully, and then handed it over to a few soldiers to deliberately ravage her to death. They also ordered people to take off their clothes and hang them on the head of Shouyang City. Xiao Yan was annoyed by the loss of his concubine, and heard that she was humiliated to death in Xiao Baokui's camp, furious, and vowed to avenge her. Moreover, Shouyang is a good place with fertile land and good quality. It was originally under the jurisdiction of Xiao Baojuan. Because of his lack of government affairs, he was occupied by the Northern Wei Dynasty. After Xiao Yan usurped the throne, he had already wanted to take back the city. In the fifth year of Tianjian (506 AD), Xiao Yan personally commanded the three armies to surround Shouyang. After attacking for several days, he broke through the outer city. While Xiao Yan was elated, he was hit by Xiao Baoqiu's plan to catch turtles in the urn. Fortunately, the general Chen Gang escorted him to make him escape. So far, the two armies have formed a confrontational situation, each with offensive and defensive forces, which are comparable. In the thirteenth year of Tianjian, Wei Jiang Wangzu was captured by Xiao Yan, but Xiao Yan did not kill him, but treated him favorably. Wang Zu was flattered and grateful, so he offered Xiao Yan a plan: "Your Majesty, if you want to break Shouyang and kill Xiao Baokui, the minister has a plan, but he doesn't know whether it is feasible or not." Xiao Yan heard that he had a plan to break the enemy and was busy. Come on. This king's foot has been an official in Shouyang for many years and has a clear understanding of the terrain here. His plan was to build a river embankment between Yushan and Shishan 40 miles outside Shouyang City to block the water of the Huai River. When the water level rose to the top of the mountain, the dam was blasted open, flooding the city of Shouyang. Even if Xiao Baokui had thousands of troops, he would definitely die. After hearing this, Xiao Yan repeatedly called a clever plan. However, several ministers disagreed. They pointed out that there is no rock to quarry on the two mountains. It is more difficult to build a dam than to climb to the sky. But Xiao Yan's eyes were red with irritation, and he wished to drown Xiao Baokui to death. How would he listen to their persuasion? Wang Zu was ordered to supervise this matter. The king's foot worked very hard in order to show off in front of Xiao Yan. I caught many farmers to repair the dam, and personally supervised the work, and ordered the farmers to work day and night. Farmers do not eat well, sleep well, and many people are exhausted and starved to death. Moreover, because there was no stone to pick, Wang Zu ordered the farmers to pick the willow branches first, then weave them into willow baskets, put them in soil, and then go to build the dam. In this way, as long as there are willow branches in the cemetery villages beside the riverbank, some people are cutting down. (Xiāobǎoyín mǎnhuái kègǔ de chóuhèn qián qù gōngdǎ xiāo yǎn, ér cǐ shí de xiāo yǎn què hái chénnì yú yàn lè yóu liè zhī zhōng. Zhè yī rì, xiāo yǎn dàizhe tā xīn chǒngxìng de yīgè ài fēi dào jiàn kāng chéng wài shòuliè. Bèi xiāobǎoyín de jǐ ge xīnfù kànjiàn, jǐ gèrén shī jì zhuō zhùle xiāo yǎn de ài fēi, bìng sòng dào shòu yáng jiàn xiāobǎoyín. Xiāobǎoyín yī jiàn biàn xiǎngqǐ jiā chóu guó hèn, dùnshí nùhuǒ zhōng shāo, biàn jiāng nà nǚzǐ dài dào hòu zhàng qīwǔ yī fān, ránhòu yòu jiāo dào jǐ gè shìbīng shǒuzhōng, ràng tāmen jiāng qí gùyì róulìn zhì sǐ. Yòu mìng rén tuō qù yīfú, xuánguà zài shòu yáng chéng tóu. Xiāo yǎn tòng shī ài fēi zhèng zì àonǎo bùyǐ, yòu wén tīng tā zài xiāobǎoyín yíng zhōng shòurǔ zhì sǐ, dàfāléitíng, shì bào cǐ chóu. Érqiě, shòu yáng shìgè de féi wùměi de hǎo dìfāng, yuán shì xiāo bǎo juàn xiá dì, yīn tā huāngshū zhèngwù, bèi běiwèi zhànlǐng. Xiāo yǎn cuànwèi hòu běn yǐ yǒuxīn shōuhuí nà zuò chéng. Tiān jiān wǔ nián (gōngyuán 506 nián), xiāo yǎn qīnzì tǒngshuài sānjūn bāowéile shòu yáng. Gōngdǎle shù rì, túpò wài chéng. Zhèngdàng xiāo yǎn déyì yángyáng zhī jì, què zhōngle xiāobǎoyín de wèngzhōngzhuōbiē zhī jì, xìngkuī yǒu dàjiàng chéngāng hùjià cái shǐ tā táotuō yī mìng. Zhìcǐ liǎng jūn xíngchéng duìzhì júshì, gè yǒu gōngshǒu, bù xiāng shàngxià. Tiān jiān shísān nián, wèi jiāng wáng zú bèi xiāo yǎn zhuō zhù, dàn xiāo yǎn bìng bù shā tā, hái duì qí shī yǐ hòudài. Wáng zú shòuchǒngruòjīng, gǎn'ēndàidé, biàn xiàng xiāo yǎn xiànshàng yī jì:"Bìxià, yào xiǎng gōngpò shòu yáng, shā xiāobǎoyín, chén yǒuyī jì, zhǐshì bùzhī kěxíng bùkě xíng." Xiāo yǎn yī tīng tā yǒu pò dí zhī jì, máng mìng kuài jiǎng. Zhè wáng zú zài shòu yáng wèi guān duōnián, duì zhèlǐ dì dìxíng liǎojiě de yī qīng'èr chǔ. Tāsuǒ chū zhī jì, biàn shì zài shòu yáng chéng wài 40 lǐ de fú shān hé shíshān zhī jiān xiūzhù yīzuò lán hé dībà, lánzhù huáihé zhī shuǐ. Dài shuǐwèi shēng zhì shāndǐng, biàn jiāng dībà zhà kāi, shuǐ yān shòu yáng chéng. Xiāobǎoyín zòng yǒu qiān jūn wàn mǎ, dìng yě bìsǐ wúyí. Xiāo yǎn tīng bà lián chēng miàojì. Dàn yǒu jǐ wèi dàchén què bù tóngyì, zhǐchū liǎng shānzhīshàng wú shí kě cǎi, xiūzhù dībà kǒng bǐ dēng tiān hái nán, qiě yòu láomínshāngcái, débùchángshī. Kě xiāo yǎn yǐ jí hóngle yǎn, hèn bu néng yīxià jiù jiāng xiāobǎoyín yān sǐ, qǐ kěn tīng tāmen de quànshuō? Jí mìng wáng zú dūbàn cǐ shì. Nà wáng zú wéi le zài xiāo yǎn miànqián biǎo yī gōng, gàn dé fēicháng màilì. Zhuāle xǔduō nóngfū qián qù xiū bà, yòu qīnzì jiāngōng, mìng nóngfūmen rìyè bù tíng de gàn. Nóngfūmen chī bù hǎo, shuì bù hǎo, yǒu xǔduō rén dōu lèi è ér sǐ. Érqiě, yóuyú wú shítou kě cǎi, wáng zú biàn mìng nóngfūmen xiān cǎi liǔ zhī, ránhòu biān chéng liǔ kuāng, zhuāng shàng tǔ, zài qù zhù bà. Rúcǐ yī lái, hé'àn dī páng, mùdì cūnzhuāng, zhǐyào yǒu liǔ zhī dì dìfāng, biàn yǒurén zài kǎnfá, nòng dé jī fēi gǒu tiào, mínyuàn jí dà.)




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有政府背景的人中除了王岐山,上山的还有国务院总理赵紫阳的秘书李湘鲁、国务委员张劲夫的秘书孔丹。这在一定程度上,表明了当时政府对莫干山会议的姿态。莫干山会议从9月3日到9月10日,前后历时8天。参会者上山时不能带着论文,只身上山,以防止念稿。由于会程紧凑,思想碰撞激烈,参会的年轻人常常从白天一直激辩到晚上,精神持续亢奋。长会开完之后,许多人都生病了。 会议的中心议题是城市经济体制改革,城市经济体制改革的中心议题是价格。会议上,围绕价格改革的争论最为激烈。代表们分为"以调为主"和"以放为主"的两派,"调派"认为当前只应该通过测算,进行稳健的价格调整,"放派"则坚持放开价格控制,由市场供求决定价格。 会议之后一共形成了八份专题报告。其中,作为国家体改委"笔杆子"的徐景安,由王岐山点将,执笔主报告《价格改革的两种思路》。 10月10日,时任国务院总理的赵紫阳批示:"'价格改革的两种思路'很开脑筋。"这份报告,由此产生了重大的历史影响。一个多月后,中共十二届三中全会上通过了《中共中央关于经济体制改革的决定》,明确提出了此前讳莫如深的"商品经济"概念,突破了计划经济的传统束缚。 自此,改革重心由农村转移到了城市。 开放前线的金融专家 1988年,王岐山出任中国农村信托投资公司总经理,此时中国非银行金融机构刚刚起步。这并非王岐山首次接触金融,早在发展所时期,为了启动中国农村改革试验区,王岐山就曾与世界银行洽谈数亿美元的贷款项目。最终成功说服世界银行,将这些贷款给了中国。 从1989年,王岐山出任建行副行长,并在此后9年里一直在银行系统中工作,这是他迄今为止在同一性质领域工作的最长时间。 在此期间,王主导了与美国摩根士丹利的合资协议,成立了中国第一家投资银行——中国国际金融有限公司。在银行系统的这段长时间积累,使得王岐山对金融领域建立了深刻了解。但真正让他声名鹊起的,却是他在广州省委、省政府任职期间经手的

In addition to Wang Qishan among those with government backgrounds, Li Xianglu, secretary of Premier Zhao Ziyang of the State Council, and Kong Dan, secretary of State Councilor Zhang Jinfu, went up the mountain. To a certain extent, this showed the government's attitude towards the Moganshan Conference at that time. The Moganshan Conference lasted 8 days from September 3 to September 10. Participants are not allowed to bring their papers when they go up the mountain, they only go up the mountain to prevent reading the manuscript. Due to the tight schedule and fierce collision of ideas, young people participating in the conference often argued vigorously from day to night, and their spirits continued to excite. After the long meeting, many people fell ill. The central topic of the conference is the reform of the urban economic system, and the central topic of the reform of the urban economic system is price. At the meeting, the debate on price reform was the most intense. The delegates were divided into two factions, namely "adjustment-oriented" and "delegation-oriented". "Assignment" believes that at present, only steady price adjustments should be made through calculations, while "relaxation faction" insists on liberalizing price control and allowing the market to adjust prices. Supply and demand determine the price. After the meeting, a total of eight special reports were formed. Among them, Xu Jingan, who is the "pen" of the State Commission for Economic Reform, was led by Wang Qishan and wrote the report "Two Ideas for Price Reform." On October 10, Zhao Ziyang, then Premier of the State Council, instructed: "The'two ideas for price reform' are very mind-blowing." This report has had a significant historical impact. More than a month later, at the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Economic System Reform" was passed, which clearly put forward the previously secretive "commodity economy" concept, breaking through the traditional shackles of planned economy. Since then, the focus of reform has shifted from rural to urban areas. Financial experts at the open frontline In 1988, Wang Qishan became the general manager of China Rural Trust and Investment Corporation, when China's non-bank financial institutions were just starting out. This is not Wang Qishan's first contact with finance. As early as the time of the Development Institute, Wang Qishan had negotiated with the World Bank for hundreds of millions of dollars in loan projects in order to launch China's rural reform pilot zone. Finally successfully persuaded the World Bank to give these loans to China. Since 1989, Wang Qishan has served as the vice president of China Construction Bank, and has been working in the banking system for the next 9 years. This is the longest time he has worked in a field of the same nature. During this period, Wang led the joint venture agreement with Morgan Stanley in the United States and established China's first investment bank-China International Capital Corporation. This period of accumulation in the banking system has enabled Wang Qishan to establish a deep understanding of the financial field. But what really made him famous was what he handled during his tenure in the Guangzhou Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. (Yǒu zhèngfǔ bèijǐng de rén zhōng chúle wáng qíshān, shàngshān de hái yǒu guówùyuàn zǒnglǐ zhào zǐyáng de mìshū lǐxiāng lǔ, guówù wěiyuán zhāngjìnfū de mìshū kǒng dān. Zhè zài yīdìng chéngdù shàng, biǎomíngliǎo dāngshí zhèngfǔ duì mò gàn shān huìyì de zītài. Mò gàn shān huìyì cóng 9 yuè 3 rì dào 9 yuè 10 rì, qiánhòu lìshí 8 tiān. Cān huì zhě shàngshān shí bùnéng dàizhe lùnwén, zhī shēnshang shān, yǐ fángzhǐ niàn gǎo. Yóuyú huì chéng jǐncòu, sīxiǎng pèngzhuàng jīliè, cān huì de niánqīng rén chángcháng cóng báitiān yīzhí jī biàn dào wǎnshàng, jīngshén chíxù kàngfèn. Zhǎng huì kāi wán zhīhòu, xǔduō rén dōu shēngbìngle. Huìyì de zhōngxīn yìtí shì chéngshì jīngjì tǐzhì gǎigé, chéngshì jīngjì tǐzhì gǎigé de zhōngxīn yìtí shì jiàgé. Huìyì shàng, wéirào jiàgé gǎigé de zhēnglùn zuìwéi jīliè. Dàibiǎomen fēn wéi "yǐ diào wéi zhǔ" hé "yǐ fàng wéi zhǔ" de liǎng pài,"diàopài" rènwéi dāngqián zhǐ yīnggāi tōngguò cèsuàn, jìnxíng wěnjiàn de jiàgé tiáozhěng,"fàng pài" zé jiānchí fàng kāi jiàgé kòngzhì, yóu shìchǎng gōngqiú juédìng jiàgé. Huìyì zhīhòu yīgòng xíngchéngle bā fèn zhuāntí bàogào. Qízhōng, zuòwéi guójiā tǐ gǎi wěi "bǐgǎnzi" de xújǐng'ān, yóu wáng qíshān diǎn jiàng, zhíbǐ zhǔ bàogào "jiàgé gǎigé de liǎng zhǒng sīlù". 10 Yuè 10 rì, shí rèn guówùyuàn zǒnglǐ de zhào zǐyáng pīshì:"'Jiàgé gǎigé de liǎng zhǒng sīlù' hěn kāi nǎojīn." Zhè fèn bàogào, yóu cǐ chǎnshēngle zhòngdà de lìshǐ yǐngxiǎng. Yīgè duō yuè hòu, zhōnggòng shí'èr jiè sān zhōng quánhuì shàng tōngguòle "zhōnggòng zhōngyāng guānyú jīngjì tǐzhì gǎigé de juédìng", míngquè tí chū liǎo cǐqián huìmòrúshēn de "shāngpǐn jīngjì" gàiniàn, túpòle jìhuà jīngjì de chuántǒng shùfù. Zì cǐ, gǎigé zhòngxīn yóu nóngcūn zhuǎnyí dàole chéngshì. Kāifàng qiánxiàn de jīnróng zhuānjiā 1988 nián, wáng qíshān chūrèn zhōngguó nóngcūn xìntuō tóuzī gōngsī zǒng jīnglǐ, cǐ shí zhōngguó fēi yínháng jīnróng jīgòu gānggāng qǐbù. Zhè bìngfēi wáng qíshān shǒucì jiēchù jīnróng, zǎo zài fāzhǎn suǒ shíqí, wèile qǐdòng zhōngguó nóngcūn gǎigé shìyàn qū, wáng qíshān jiù céng yǔ shìjiè yínháng qiàtán shù yì měiyuán de dàikuǎn xiàngmù. Zuìzhōng chénggōng shuōfú shìjiè yínháng, jiāng zhèxiē dàikuǎn gěile zhōngguó. Cóng 1989 nián, wáng qíshān chūrèn jiànxíng fù xíng zhǎng, bìng zài cǐhòu 9 nián lǐ yīzhí zài yínháng xìtǒng zhōng gōngzuò, zhè shì tā qìjīn wéizhǐ zài tóngyī xìngzhì lǐngyù gōngzuò de zuì cháng shíjiān. Zài cǐ qíjiān, wáng zhǔdǎole yǔ měiguó mógēn shì dān lì de hézī xiéyì, chénglìle zhōngguó dì yī jiā tóuzī yínháng——zhōngguó guójì jīnróng yǒuxiàn gōngsī. Zài yínháng xìtǒng de zhè duàn cháng shíjiān jīlěi, shǐdé wáng qíshān duì jīnróng lǐngyù jiànlìle shēnkè liǎojiě. Dàn zhēnzhèng ràng tā shēngmíng quèqǐ de, què shì tā zài guǎngzhōu shěng wěi, shěng zhèngfǔ rènzhí qíjiān jīngshǒu de)

的债务,不仅远超其自身资产总额,亦在广东省政府的支付能力之外,其中广国投的债务相当于广东省政府财政收入的30%。更何况当时面临债务支付危机的窗口企业,远不止广国投和粤海两家。曾有学者估计,当时中国企业在香港的国际债务总额,可能超过800亿美元,相当于亚洲金融危机期间中国外汇储备的60%。 对于王岐山而言,重新立规矩的时候到了:"由政府,特别是各级地方政府充当负债主体和投资主体、由政府在投融资过程中扮演主角的时代,在相当的市场领域必须结束了......以地方政府为背景的'窗口公司'融资模式,必须从体制和游戏规则上改弦更张"。 经过深思熟虑,广东省政府作出了广国投破产和粤海重组的决定。这个决定让国际债权人大感意外,他们原指望中国政府会为广国投和粤海全额偿付所有外债。 由于债务规模巨大,牵涉到130多家境外债权人,其中包括一些当时国际知名的金融机构。若处置失当,中国企业的国际信用将受损,负面影响极其深远。 面对这一局面,一方面,王岐山采取强硬手段,向外界传递了坚定的信息,即"中国政府对广国投破产的处理完全符合国际通行的做法,中国政府不该也不会替广国投还债"。另一方面,也积极向债权人解释广国投的信用不等同于主权信用,其"政府背景已被稀释,接近于零"。 1999年,广国投正式进入破产程序,这是1949年以来,第一次非银行金融机构破产案。境内外共有近500名债权人申报债权。此案历时4年,最终破产清偿率为12.51%。通过广国投的破产,王岐山以具体案例,对国有企业改革提供了重要的经验,即国有企业独立经营,政府不再对企业债务负责。 而对于粤海集团,王岐山则采取了重组的策略。据其本人所述,原因就在于"粤海是境外集团公司,涉及五家上市公司,我们要考虑香港市场的稳定",并且,粤海资不抵债的程度要小于广国投。

Not only does the debt far exceed its own total assets, but it is also beyond the ability of the Guangdong Provincial Government to pay. The debt of Guangguo Investment is equivalent to 30% of the Guangdong Provincial Government's fiscal revenue. What's more, the window companies facing the debt payment crisis at that time were far more than the two companies of Guangdong International Investment and Guangdong. Some scholars have estimated that the total international debt of Chinese companies in Hong Kong at that time may exceed US$80 billion, equivalent to 60% of China's foreign exchange reserves during the Asian financial crisis. For Wang Qishan, the time has come to re-establish the rules: "The era where the government, especially local governments at all levels act as the main body of debt and investment, and the government plays the leading role in the process of investment and financing, must end in a considerable market sector. ...The financing model of the "window company" with the local government as the background must be changed from the system and the rules of the game." After careful consideration, the Guangdong Provincial Government made the decision to go bankrupt and Guangdong to reorganize. This decision surprised international creditors, who had expected the Chinese government to repay all foreign debts in full for GDIC and Guangdong. Due to the huge debt scale, more than 130 overseas creditors were involved, including some well-known international financial institutions at the time. If mishandled, the international credit of Chinese companies will be damaged, and the negative impact will be extremely far-reaching. In the face of this situation, on the one hand, Wang Qishan adopted tough measures to convey a firm message to the outside world, that is, "The Chinese government's handling of the bankruptcy of GTI is fully in line with internationally accepted practices, and the Chinese government should not and will SDIC debt repayment". On the other hand, it also actively explained to creditors that the credit of GSIC is not equivalent to sovereign credit, and its "government background has been diluted and is close to zero". In 1999, GSI officially entered the bankruptcy proceedings. This was the first bankruptcy case of a non-bank financial institution since 1949. A total of nearly 500 creditors at home and abroad declared their claims. The case lasted for 4 years, and the final bankruptcy settlement rate was 12.51%. Through the bankruptcy of China International Investment Corporation, Wang Qishan used specific cases to provide important experience for the reform of state-owned enterprises, that is, state-owned enterprises operate independently and the government is no longer responsible for corporate debts. As for the Yuehai Group, Wang Qishan adopted a restructuring strategy. According to his own statement, the reason is that "Guangdong is an offshore group company involving five listed companies. We have to consider the stability of the Hong Kong market." Moreover, the degree of insolvency of Guangdong's assets is less than that of GTI. (De zhàiwù, bùjǐn yuǎn chāo qí zìshēn zīchǎn zǒng'é, yì zài guǎngdōng shěng zhèngfǔ de zhīfù nénglì zhī wài, qízhōng guǎng guó tóu de zhàiwù xiāngdāng yú guǎngdōng shěng zhèngfǔ cáizhèng shōurù de 30%. Gèng hékuàng dāngshí miànlín zhàiwù zhīfù wéijī de chuāngkǒu qǐyè, yuǎn bùzhǐ guǎng guó tóu hé yuè hǎi liǎng jiā. Céng yǒu xuézhě gūjì, dāngshí zhōngguó qǐyè zài xiānggǎng de guójì zhàiwù zǒng'é, kěnéng chāoguò 800 yì měiyuán, xiāngdāng yú yàzhōu jīnróng wéijī qíjiān zhōngguó wàihuì chúbèi de 60%. Duìyú wáng qíshān ér yán, chóngxīn lì guījǔ de shíhòu dàole:"Yóu zhèngfǔ, tèbié shì gè jí dìfāng zhèngfǔ chōngdāng fùzhài zhǔtǐ hé tóuzī zhǔtǐ, yóu zhèngfǔ zài tóu róngzī guòchéng zhōng bànyǎn zhǔjiǎo de shídài, zài xiāngdāng de shìchǎng lǐngyù bìxū jiéshùle......yǐ dìfāng zhèngfǔ wèi bèijǐng de 'chuāngkǒu gōngsī' róngzī móshì, bìxū cóng tǐzhì hé yóuxì guīzé shàng gǎixiángēngzhāng". Jīngguò shēnsīshúlǜ, guǎngdōng shěng zhèngfǔ zuòchūle guǎng guó tóu pòchǎn hé yuè hǎi chóngzǔ de juédìng. Zhège juédìng ràng guójì zhàiquánrén dà gǎn yìwài, tāmen yuán zhǐwàng zhōngguó zhèngfǔ huì wèi guǎng guó tóu hé yuè hǎi quán é chángfù suǒyǒu wàizhài. Yóuyú zhàiwù guīmó jùdà, qiānshè dào 130 duō jiā jìngwài zhàiquánrén, qízhōng bāokuò yīxiē dāngshí guójì zhīmíng de jīnróng jīgòu. Ruò chǔzhì shīdàng, zhōngguó qǐyè de guójì xìnyòng jiāng shòu sǔn, fùmiàn yǐngxiǎng jíqí shēnyuǎn. Miàn duì zhè yī júmiàn, yī fāngmiàn, wáng qíshān cǎiqǔ qiángyìng shǒuduàn, xiàng wàijiè chuándìle jiāndìng de xìnxī, jí "zhōngguó zhèngfǔ duì guǎng guó tóu pòchǎn de chǔlǐ wánquán fúhé guójì tōngxíng de zuòfǎ, zhōngguó zhèngfǔ bù gāi yě bù huì tì guǎng guó tóu huánzhài". Lìng yī fāngmiàn, yě jījí xiàng zhàiquánrén jiěshì guǎng guó tóu de xìnyòng bù děngtóng yú zhǔquán xìnyòng, qí "zhèngfǔ bèijǐng yǐ bèi xīshì, jiējìn yú líng". 1999 Nián, guǎng guó tóu zhèngshì jìnrù pòchǎn chéngxù, zhè shì 1949 nián yǐlái, dì yī cì fēi yínháng jīnróng jīgòu pòchǎn àn. Jìngnèi wài gòngyǒu jìn 500 míng zhàiquánrén shēnbào zhàiquán. Cǐ ànlìshí 4 nián, zuìzhōng pòchǎn qīngcháng lǜ wèi 12.51%. Tōngguò guǎng guó tóu de pòchǎn, wáng qíshān yǐ jùtǐ àn lì, duì guóyǒu qǐyè gǎigé tígōngle zhòngyào de jīngyàn, jí guóyǒu qǐyè dúlì jīngyíng, zhèngfǔ bù zài duì qǐyè zhàiwù fùzé. Ér duìyú yuè hǎi jítuán, wáng qíshān zé cǎiqǔle chóngzǔ de cèlüè. Jù qí běnrén suǒ shù, yuányīn jiù zàiyú "yuè hǎi shì jìngwài jítuán gōngsī, shèjí wǔ jiā shàngshì gōngsī, wǒmen yào kǎolǜ xiānggǎng shìchǎng de wěndìng", bìngqiě, yuè hǎi zī bù dǐzhài de chéngdù yào xiǎoyú guǎng guó tóu.)

1984年6月12日,《经济日报》刊登了一条两百字的简讯,作为会议征集论文的启事。简讯称,会议由《经济日报》《经济学周报》《世界经济导报》《中国青年》和浙江省社会科学院联合召开。后来,中央人民广播电台、《中国青年报》《中国村镇百业信息报》《经济效益报》和浙江省经济研究中心也加入了联名的行列,可谓声势浩大。 "当时人们的思想很单纯,纸媒的认可度高,大家认为只要是报纸上报道过的肯定是正确的,这对我们取得更多人的支持非常重要。"黄江南坦承道。 这次会议被命名为"中青年经济工作者学术讨论会",时任浙江经济研究中心副主任的刘佑成表示愿意提供杭州德清县境内的莫干山,作为开会的地点。莫干山会议沿袭了之前"北京青年改革者"圈子内"英雄不问出处"的规矩,采取"以文选人"的方式。在评选论文的过程中,提出"五不讲",即:不讲关系、不讲学历、不讲职称、不讲职业、不讲名气。 只要论文被选上了,就能上山参加会议。"从现在看,对很多年轻人来说,这都意味着人生最大的一次机遇。"黄江南称。从6月12日开始全国征文,到8月15日两个月间,会议组织方收到了来自全国的1300余篇论文,平均每日二十余篇,作者遍布各行各业。会议筹备者们最终从中选出了124名代表参会。其中最年轻的,是来自西北大学的张维迎,当年他只有24岁。 作为会议的组织者之一,王岐山在其中发挥的作用不可小觑。著名经济学家华生也曾参加了莫干山会议,他后来接受媒体采访时指出,莫干山会议"最主要的实际组织者和领导者是王岐山,那时他是杜润生手下的"大将",80年代初我们都是从他那儿领出差费到农村去调研。" 有政府背景的人中除了王岐山,上山的还有国务院总理赵紫阳的秘书李湘鲁、国务委员张劲夫的秘书孔丹。这在一定程度上,表明了当时政府对莫干山会议的姿态。莫干山会议从9月3日到9月10日,前后历时8天。参会者上山时不能带着论文,只身上山,以防止念稿。由于会程紧凑,思想碰撞激烈,参会的年轻人常常从白天一直激辩到晚上,精神持续亢奋。长会开完之后,许多人都生病了。

On June 12, 1984, "Economic Daily" published a two-hundred-word newsletter as a notice for the conference soliciting papers. The briefing stated that the conference was jointly held by the "Economic Daily", "Economics Weekly", "World Economic Herald", "Chinese Youth" and the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences. Later, the Central People's Broadcasting Station, "China Youth Daily", "China Villages and Towns Baiye Information News", "Economic Benefit News" and Zhejiang Economic Research Center also joined the ranks of joint names, which can be described as huge. "At that time, people's thinking was very simple, and the paper media had a high degree of recognition. Everyone believed that as long as it was reported in the newspaper, it must be correct. This is very important for us to get more people's support." Huang Jiangnan admitted. The conference was named "Academic Seminar for Young and Middle-aged Economic Workers." Liu Youcheng, then deputy director of the Zhejiang Economic Research Center, expressed willingness to provide Mount Mogan in Deqing County, Hangzhou as the venue for the meeting. The Moganshan Conference followed the previous rule of "heroes do not ask where they came from" in the circle of "Beijing Young Reformers" and adopted the method of "selecting people by literature". In the process of selecting papers, the "Five Don'ts" were proposed, that is, no relationship, no education, no job title, no occupation, no fame. As long as the paper is selected, you can go up the mountain to participate in the conference. "From now on, for many young people, this means the greatest opportunity in life." Huang Jiangnan said. From June 12 to August 15, the conference organizers received more than 1,300 papers from all over the country, with an average of more than 20 papers per day, with authors from all walks of life. The conference planners finally selected 124 representatives to participate in the conference. The youngest among them is Zhang Weiying from Northwest University. He was only 24 years old. As one of the organizers of the conference, Wang Qishan's role in it cannot be underestimated. The famous economist Watson also participated in the Moganshan Conference. He later pointed out in an interview with the media that the "main actual organizer and leader of the Moganshan Conference was Wang Qishan, who was a general under Du Runsheng at that time. "In the early 1980s, we all received business trips from him to investigate in the countryside." Apart from Wang Qishan, those with government background also included Li Xianglu, secretary of Premier Zhao Ziyang, and Kong Dan, secretary of State Councilor Zhang Jinfu. . To a certain extent, this showed the government's attitude towards the Moganshan Conference at that time. The Moganshan Conference lasted 8 days from September 3 to September 10. Participants are not allowed to bring their papers when they go up the mountain, they only go up the mountain to prevent reading the manuscript. Due to the tight schedule and fierce collision of ideas, young people participating in the conference often argued vigorously from day to night, and their spirits continued to excite. After the long meeting, many people fell ill. (1984 Nián 6 yuè 12 rì,"jīngjì rìbào" kāndēngle yītiáo liǎng bǎi zì de jiǎnxùn, zuòwéi huìyì zhēngjí lùnwén de qǐshì. Jiǎnxùn chēng, huìyì yóu "jīngjì rìbào""jīngjì xué zhōubào""shìjiè jīngjì dǎobào""zhōngguó qīngnián" hé zhèjiāng shěng shèhuì kēxuéyuàn liánhé zhàokāi. Hòulái, zhōngyāng rénmín guǎngbò diàntái,"zhōngguó qīngnián bào""zhōngguó cūnzhèn bǎiyè xìnxī bào""jīngjì xiàoyì bào" hé zhèjiāng shěng jīngjì yánjiū zhōngxīn yě jiārùle liánmíng de hángliè, kěwèi shēngshì hàodà. "Dāngshí rénmen de sīxiǎng hěn dānchún, zhǐméi de rènkě dù gāo, dàjiā rènwéi zhǐyào shi bàozhǐ shàng bàodàoguò de kěndìng shì zhèngquè de, zhè duì wǒmen qǔdé gèng duō rén de zhīchí fēicháng zhòngyào." Huáng jiāngnán tǎnchéng dào. Zhè cì huìyì bèi mìngmíng wèi "zhōng qīngnián jīngjì gōngzuòzhě xuéshù tǎolùn huì", shí rèn zhèjiāng jīngjì yánjiū zhōngxīn fù zhǔrèn de liúyòuchéng biǎoshì yuànyì tígōng hángzhōu déqīng xiàn jìngnèi de mò gàn shān, zuòwéi kāihuì dì dìdiǎn. Mò gàn shān huìyì yán xí liǎo zhīqián "běijīng qīngnián gǎigé zhě" quānzi nèi "yīngxióng bù wèn chūchù" de guījǔ, cǎiqǔ "yǐ wénxuǎn rén" de fāngshì. Zài píngxuǎn lùnwén de guòchéng zhōng, tíchū "wǔ bù jiǎng", jí: Bù jiǎng guānxì, bù jiǎng xuélì, bù jiǎng zhíchēng, bù jiǎng zhíyè, bù jiǎng míngqì. Zhǐyào lùnwén bèi xuǎn shàngle, jiù néng shàngshān cānjiā huìyì."Cóng xiànzài kàn, duì hěnduō niánqīng rén lái shuō, zhè dōu yìwèizhe rénshēng zuìdà de yīcì jīyù." Huáng jiāngnán chēng. Cóng 6 yuè 12 rì kāishǐ quánguó zhēngwén, dào 8 yuè 15 rì liǎng gè yuè jiān, huìyì zǔzhī fāng shōu dàole láizì quánguó de 1300 yú piān lùnwén, píngjūn měi rì èrshí yú piān, zuò zhě biànbù gè háng gè yè. Huìyì chóubèi zhěmen zuìzhōng cóng zhòng xuǎn chūle 124 míng dàibiǎo cān huì. Qízhōng zuì niánqīng de, shì láizì xīběi dàxué de zhāngwéiyíng, dāngnián tā zhǐyǒu 24 suì. Zuòwéi huìyì de zǔzhī zhě zhī yī, wáng qíshān zài qízhōng fāhuī de zuòyòng bùkě xiǎo qù. Zhùmíng jīngjì xué jiā huá shēng yě zēng shēn jiā le mò gàn shān huìyì, tā hòulái jiēshòu méitǐ cǎifǎng shí zhǐchū, mò gàn shān huìyì "zuì zhǔyào de shíjì zǔzhī zhě hé lǐngdǎo zhě shì wáng qíshān, nà shí tā shì dùrùnshēng shǒuxià de "dàjiàng",80 niándài chū wǒmen dōu shì cóng tā nà'er lǐng chūchāi fèi dào nóngcūn qù diàoyán." Yǒu zhèngfǔ bèijǐng de rén zhōng chúle wáng qíshān, shàngshān de hái yǒu guówùyuàn zǒnglǐ zhào zǐyáng de mìshū lǐxiāng lǔ, guówù wěiyuán zhāngjìnfū de mìshū kǒng dān. Zhè zài yīdìng chéngdù shàng, biǎomíngliǎo dāngshí zhèngfǔ duì mò gàn shān huìyì de zītài. Mò gàn shān huìyì cóng 9 yuè 3 rì dào 9 yuè 10 rì, qiánhòu lìshí 8 tiān. Cān huì zhě shàngshān shí bùnéng dàizhe lùnwén, zhī shēnshang shān, yǐ fángzhǐ niàn gǎo. Yóuyú huì chéng jǐncòu, sīxiǎng pèngzhuàng jīliè, cān huì de niánqīng rén chángcháng cóng báitiān yīzhí jī biàn dào wǎnshàng, jīngshén chíxù kàngfèn. Zhǎng huì kāi wán zhīhòu, xǔduō rén dōu shēngbìngle.)

1984年6月12日,《经济日报》刊登了一条两百字的简讯,作为会议征集论文的启事。简讯称,会议由《经济日报》《经济学周报》《世界经济导报》《中国青年》和浙江省社会科学院联合召开。后来,中央人民广播电台、《中国青年报》《中国村镇百业信息报》《经济效益报》和浙江省经济研究中心也加入了联名的行列,可谓声势浩大。 "当时人们的思想很单纯,纸媒的认可度高,大家认为只要是报纸上报道过的肯定是正确的,这对我们取得更多人的支持非常重要。"黄江南坦承道。 这次会议被命名为"中青年经济工作者学术讨论会",时任浙江经济研究中心副主任的刘佑成表示愿意提供杭州德清县境内的莫干山,作为开会的地点。莫干山会议沿袭了之前"北京青年改革者"圈子内"英雄不问出处"的规矩,采取"以文选人"的方式。在评选论文的过程中,提出"五不讲",即:不讲关系、不讲学历、不讲职称、不讲职业、不讲名气。 只要论文被选上了,就能上山参加会议。"从现在看,对很多年轻人来说,这都意味着人生最大的一次机遇。"黄江南称。从6月12日开始全国征文,到8月15日两个月间,会议组织方收到了来自全国的1300余篇论文,平均每日二十余篇,作者遍布各行各业。会议筹备者们最终从中选出了124名代表参会。其中最年轻的,是来自西北大学的张维迎,当年他只有24岁。 作为会议的组织者之一,王岐山在其中发挥的作用不可小觑。著名经济学家华生也曾参加了莫干山会议,他后来接受媒体采访时指出,莫干山会议"最主要的实际组织者和领导者是王岐山,那时他是杜润生手下的"大将",80年代初我们都是从他那儿领出差费到农村去调研。" 有政府背景的人中除了王岐山,上山的还有国务院总理赵紫阳的秘书李湘鲁、国务委员张劲夫的秘书孔丹。这在一定程度上,表明了当时政府对莫干山会议的姿态。莫干山会议从9月3日到9月10日,前后历时8天。参会者上山时不能带着论文,只身上山,以防止念稿。由于会程紧凑,思想碰撞激烈,参会的年轻人常常从白天一直激辩到晚上,精神持续亢奋。长会开完之后,许多人都生病了。有政府背景的人中除了王岐山,上山的还有国务院总理赵紫阳的秘书李湘鲁、国务委员张劲夫的秘书孔丹。这在一定程度上,表明了当时政府对莫干山会议的姿态。莫干山会议从9月3日到9月10日,前后历时8天。参会者上山时不能带着论文,只身上山,以防止念稿。由于会程紧凑,思想碰撞激烈,参会的年轻人常常从白天一直激辩到晚上,精神持续亢奋。长会开完之后,许多人都生病了。 会议的中心议题是城市经济体制改革,城市经济体制改革的中心议题是价格。会议上,围绕价格改革的争论最为激烈。代表们分为"以调为主"和"以放为主"的两派,"调派"认为当前只应该通过测算,进行稳健的价格调整,"放派"则坚持放开价格控制,由市场供求决定价格。 会议之后一共形成了八份专题报告。其中,作为国家体改委"笔杆子"的徐景安,由王岐山点将,执笔主报告《价格改革的两种思路》。 10月10日,时任国务院总理的赵紫阳批示:"'价格改革的两种思路'很开脑筋。"这份报告,由此产生了重大的历史影响。一个多月后,中共十二届三中全会上通过了《中共中央关于经济体制改革的决定》,明确提出了此前讳莫如深的"商品经济"概念,突破了计划经济的传统束缚。 自此,改革重心由农村转移到了城市。 开放前线的金融专家 1988年,王岐山出任中国农村信托投资公司总经理,此时中国非银行金融机构刚刚起步。这并非王岐山首次接触金融,早在发展所时期,为了启动中国农村改革试验区,王岐山就曾与世界银行洽谈数亿美元的贷款项目。最终成功说服世界银行,将这些贷款给了中国。 从1989年,王岐山出任建行副行长,并在此后9年里一直在银行系统中工作,这是他迄今为止在同一性质领域工作的最长时间。 在此期间,王主导了与美国摩根士丹利的合资协议,成立了中国第一家投资银行——中国国际金融有限公司。在银行系统的这段长时间积累,使得王岐山对金融领域建立了深刻了解。但真正让他声名鹊起的,却是他在广州省委、省政府任职期间经手的中国国际金融有限公司。在银行系统的这段长时间积累,使得王岐山对金融领域建立了深刻了解。但真正让他声名鹊起的,却是他在广州省委、省政府任职期间经手的"广国投"破产和"粤海"重组案。 1997年,王岐山转调地方任职,出任中共广东省委常委,广东省副省长。其时,香港正处于亚洲金融风暴的冲击之中,股市地产大跌。而作为香港的"后院",广东也不可避免地受到了波及。王此时赴任,颇有"救火"的味道。 "对于借债问题的影响可以说最大。大环境好的时候,银行轻松把钱借给你,大环境坏的时候,银行就不得不逼你还钱,即使如此,金融业的损失也是最惨重的。"时任广东省省长的卢瑞华在2006年接受《中国经济周刊》采访时如是回忆。 "广国投"的全称是广东国际信托投资公司,成立于1980年,是中国第二大信托投资公司,仅次于中国国际信托公司,由广东省政府全资所有。1983年经中国人民银行批准为非银行金融机构,并享有外汇经营权。1989年被国家主管部门确定为全国对外借款窗口。 在此之后,广国投的经营规模不断扩大,海外融资额总计50多亿美元。和当时的其他"窗口公司"一样,广国投的地位暧昧,一方面,在法律上,它是一个独立的企业;另一方面,它又有着浓厚的政府背景。而其大量的外海融资,正是建立在其政府背景之下的。 这种尴尬的处境,源于当时中国正在进行的经济体制转型。 1999年,王岐山接受《财经》杂志采访时这样描述"窗口公司"的形成:"中国早年从计划经济体制走上改革之路,不可能有独立的企业信用。当时要向外借债,只有一个信用,就是国家的主权信用。政府还指定中国银行为唯一的对外金融机构。后来通过放权,冲破原有计划经济高度集中的体制,就把国家的对外信用也分解开来,放出一批'窗口公司'"。窗口公司"的债务虽然不具有主权债务的性质,但是由于得到了政府的支持,往往被国际金融市场视为风险较低的债务,而被广泛接受。在国际债权人眼中,中国企业从来未曾不还外债,这种企业与政府之间的暧昧关系,使得中国企业成为了他们的"理想客户"。 在当时的环境下,"窗口信用"确实为许多企业和项目的发展筹措了资金。广国投和"粤海"得以在国际金融市场进行融资,离不开"窗口信用"。 进入90年代之后,随着市场化改革的深入,政企分离成为必然趋势,公司日渐走向独立。此时,"窗口公司"的债务,实际上已失去了国家财政收入的担保。但作为过渡手段,地方政府仍存在违规或违法开具担保、承诺或"安慰函"的情况。以至于一些外国金融机构将上述"担保"视作政府信用或主权信用。在放贷时,并没有对借款企业或项目进行严格评估或审核。 在广国投破产之前,中国已有"中银信"、"中农信"和"中创"等三家信托投资公司倒闭,但此三家公司所拖欠的外债均有政府出面进行偿还。因此,"窗口信用"并未随这些公司一并破产,反倒被进一步强化了。 "当时有种错误的想法,即海外银行借给中国国有企业的钱,认为这钱是由政府担保的;而企业也认为,向政府借的钱或由政府担保的钱就可以不还。当时规则不明确,所以借和贷双方都有责任。"卢瑞华说。 及至亚洲金融危机爆发,加之自身的管理不善,广国投陷入了外债支付危机。其资产总额为214.71亿元,负债361.65亿元,资产负债率高达168.23%,严重资不抵债。而另一家"窗口公司"——粤海集团的情况也不容乐观,经毕马威会计师事务所审计,粤海资不抵债91.2亿港元。 王岐山在广东面临的最大考验,就是广国投和粤海的巨额债务。两家"窗口公司"的债务,不仅远超其自身资产总额,亦在广东省政府的支付能力之外,其中广国投的债务相当于广东省政府财政收入的30的债务,不仅远超其自身资产总额,亦在广东省政府的支付能力之外,其中广国投的债务相当于广东省政府财政收入的30%。更何况当时面临债务支付危机的窗口企业,远不止广国投和粤海两家。曾有学者估计,当时中国企业在香港的国际债务总额,可能超过800亿美元,相当于亚洲金融危机期间中国外汇储备的60%。 对于王岐山而言,重新立规矩的时候到了:"由政府,特别是各级地方政府充当负债主体和投资主体、由政府在投融资过程中扮演主角的时代,在相当的市场领域必须结束了......以地方政府为背景的'窗口公司'融资模式,必须从体制和游戏规则上改弦更张"。 经过深思熟虑,广东省政府作出了广国投破产和粤海重组的决定。这个决定让国际债权人大感意外,他们原指望中国政府会为广国投和粤海全额偿付所有外债。 由于债务规模巨大,牵涉到130多家境外债权人,其中包括一些当时国际知名的金融机构。若处置失当,中国企业的国际信用将受损,负面影响极其深远。 面对这一局面,一方面,王岐山采取强硬手段,向外界传递了坚定的信息,即"中国政府对广国投破产的处理完全符合国际通行的做法,中国政府不该也不会替广国投还债"。另一方面,也积极向债权人解释广国投的信用不等同于主权信用,其"政府背景已被稀释,接近于零"。 1999年,广国投正式进入破产程序,这是1949年以来,第一次非银行金融机构破产案。境内外共有近500名债权人申报债权。此案历时4年,最终破产清偿率为12.51%。通过广国投的破产,王岐山以具体案例,对国有企业改革提供了重要的经验,即国有企业独立经营,政府不再对企业债务负责。 而对于粤海集团,王岐山则采取了重组的策略。据其本人所述,原因就在于"粤海是境外集团公司,涉及五家上市公司,我们要考虑香港市场的稳定",并且,粤海资不抵债的程度要小于广国投。经过与境外债权人漫长的讨价还价,2000年12月,粤海公司的巨额债务实现重组。平均削债率达42.78%,重组后的资产负债比例为67%,与之前相比已有明显改善。因此,这一重组项目也被《国际金融评论》评为2001年"亚洲最佳重组交易"。 在亚洲金融危机中,广国投和粤海案只是广东所面临挑战的一部分。当时,广东省的金融机构普遍面临支付危机,在一些地区,还出现了挤兑现象。 1999年11月,"广东省地方中小金融机构和农金会金融风险处置工作协调小组"成立,王岐山担任组长。为了解决金融机构的遗留问题,广东省向中央银行借款380亿元,在一年时间内,对数以千计的中小金融机构,实施了停业整顿。 卢瑞华回忆时说道:"当时向中央借钱是一个非常果断的措施,当时朱镕基总理是支持的。时任广东常务副省长是王岐山,他是银行家,他懂得这一规则,他提出来向中央借钱,我赞成。" 2000年至2001年,广东省税收增加700亿元,中央的借款提前还清了。 "非典"疫区的"救火队长" 2002年,王岐山来到海南,出任省委书记。在任期间,王岐山改变过去"工业立省"的思路,提出"生态立省"的规划。 黄江南对此颇有感触,"所有的省委书记、省长,一般来说都要追求GDP,追求业绩,追求产值。他呢,就有自己独特的想法,他是从海南的长远发展和根本利益出发。哪怕自己在任的时候业绩不那么辉煌。" "这就是一个政客和政治家的区别。" 2003年4月20日,在海南上任还不到5个月的王岐山,被突然召回北京,出任北京市代市长一职,再次被置于风口浪尖。这次他要处理的,不再是自己所熟悉的金融事务,而是传染病疫情。此时的北京,因为

On June 12, 1984, "Economic Daily" published a two-hundred-word newsletter as a notice for the conference soliciting papers. The briefing stated that the conference was jointly held by the "Economic Daily", "Economics Weekly", "World Economic Herald", "Chinese Youth" and the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences. Later, the Central People's Broadcasting Station, "China Youth Daily", "China Villages and Towns Baiye Information News", "Economic Benefit News" and Zhejiang Economic Research Center also joined the ranks of joint names, which can be described as huge. "At that time, people's thinking was very simple, and the paper media had a high degree of recognition. Everyone believed that as long as it was reported in the newspaper, it must be correct. This is very important for us to get more people's support." Huang Jiangnan admitted. The conference was named "Academic Seminar for Young and Middle-aged Economic Workers." Liu Youcheng, then deputy director of the Zhejiang Economic Research Center, expressed willingness to provide Mount Mogan in Deqing County, Hangzhou as the venue for the meeting. The Moganshan Conference followed the previous rule of "heroes do not ask where they came from" in the circle of "Beijing Young Reformers" and adopted the method of "selecting people by literature". In the process of selecting papers, the "Five Don'ts" were proposed, that is, no relationship, no education, no job title, no occupation, no fame. As long as the paper is selected, you can go up the mountain to participate in the conference. "From now on, for many young people, this means the greatest opportunity in life." Huang Jiangnan said. From June 12 to August 15, the conference organizers received more than 1,300 papers from all over the country, with an average of more than 20 papers per day, with authors from all walks of life. The conference planners finally selected 124 representatives to participate in the conference. The youngest among them is Zhang Weiying from Northwest University. He was only 24 years old. As one of the organizers of the conference, Wang Qishan's role in it cannot be underestimated. The famous economist Watson also participated in the Moganshan Conference. He later pointed out in an interview with the media that the "main actual organizer and leader of the Moganshan Conference was Wang Qishan, who was a general under Du Runsheng at that time. "In the early 1980s, we all received business trips from him to investigate in the countryside." Apart from Wang Qishan, those with government background also included Li Xianglu, secretary of Premier Zhao Ziyang, and Kong Dan, secretary of State Councilor Zhang Jinfu. . To a certain extent, this showed the government's attitude towards the Moganshan Conference at that time. The Moganshan Conference lasted 8 days from September 3 to September 10. Participants are not allowed to bring their papers when they go up the mountain, they only go up the mountain to prevent reading the manuscript. Due to the tight schedule and fierce collision of ideas, young people participating in the conference often argued vigorously from day to night, and their spirits continued to excite. After the long meeting, many people fell ill. In addition to Wang Qishan among those with government backgrounds, Li Xianglu, secretary of Premier Zhao Ziyang of the State Council, and Kong Dan, secretary of State Councilor Zhang Jinfu, went up the mountain. To a certain extent, this showed the government's attitude towards the Moganshan Conference at that time. The Moganshan Conference lasted 8 days from September 3 to September 10. Participants are not allowed to bring their papers when they go up the mountain, they only go up the mountain to prevent reading the manuscript. Due to the tight schedule and fierce collision of ideas, young people participating in the conference often argued vigorously from day to night, and their spirits continued to excite. After the long meeting, many people fell ill. The central topic of the conference is the reform of the urban economic system, and the central topic of the reform of the urban economic system is price. At the meeting, the debate on price reform was the most intense. The delegates were divided into two factions, namely "adjustment-oriented" and "delegation-oriented". "Assignment" believes that at present, only steady price adjustments should be made through calculations, while "relaxation faction" insists on liberalizing price control and allowing the market to adjust prices. Supply and demand determine the price. After the meeting, a total of eight special reports were formed. Among them, Xu Jingan, who is the "pen" of the State Commission for Economic Reform, was led by Wang Qishan and wrote the report "Two Ideas for Price Reform." On October 10, Zhao Ziyang, then Premier of the State Council, instructed: "The'two ideas for price reform' are very mind-blowing." This report has had a significant historical impact. More than a month later, at the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Economic System Reform" was passed, which clearly put forward the previously secretive "commodity economy" concept, breaking through the traditional shackles of planned economy. Since then, the focus of reform has shifted from rural to urban areas. Financial experts at the open frontline In 1988, Wang Qishan became the general manager of China Rural Trust and Investment Corporation, when China's non-bank financial institutions were just starting out. This is not Wang Qishan's first contact with finance. As early as the time of the Development Institute, Wang Qishan had negotiated with the World Bank for hundreds of millions of dollars in loan projects in order to launch China's rural reform pilot zone. Finally successfully persuaded the World Bank to give these loans to China. Since 1989, Wang Qishan has served as the vice president of China Construction Bank, and has been working in the banking system for the next 9 years. This is the longest time he has worked in a field of the same nature. During this period, Wang led the joint venture agreement with Morgan Stanley in the United States and established China's first investment bank-China International Capital Corporation. This period of accumulation in the banking system has enabled Wang Qishan to establish a deep understanding of the financial field. But what really made him famous was China International Capital Corporation, which he handled during his tenure in the Guangzhou Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. This period of accumulation in the banking system has enabled Wang Qishan to establish a deep understanding of the financial field. But what really made him famous was the bankruptcy of the "Guangdong International Investment" and the reorganization of "Guangdong" that he handled during his tenure in the Guangzhou Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. In 1997, Wang Qishan was transferred to the local government and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the deputy governor of Guangdong Province. At that time, Hong Kong was under the impact of the Asian financial turmoil, and the stock market and real estate fell sharply. As the "backyard" of Hong Kong, Guangdong is inevitably affected. Wang's appointment at this time was quite "fire fighting". "It can be said to have the greatest impact on the debt problem. When the general environment is good, the bank can easily lend you money. When the general environment is bad, the bank has to force you to repay the money. Even so, the financial industry suffers the heaviest losses. ." Lu Ruihua, then governor of Guangdong Province, recalled this in an interview with China Economic Weekly in 2006. The full name of "Guangdong International Investment Corporation" is Guangdong International Trust and Investment Company, which was established in 1980. It is the second largest trust and investment company in China, second only to China International Trust Company, and is wholly owned by the Guangdong Provincial Government. In 1983, it was approved as a non-bank financial institution by the People's Bank of China and enjoyed the right to operate foreign exchange. In 1989, it was designated as the national foreign borrowing window by the national competent authority. Since then, the scale of operations of Guangguo Investment has continued to expand, with a total of more than US$5 billion in overseas financing. Like other "window companies" at the time, GSI had an ambiguous position. On the one hand, it was an independent enterprise legally; on the other hand, it had a strong government background. And its large amount of offshore financing is built under the background of its government. This embarrassing situation stems from China's ongoing economic system transformation at that time. In 1999, when Wang Qishan was interviewed by Caijing magazine, he described the formation of "window companies" as follows: "In the early years, China embarked on the road of reform from the planned economic system. It was impossible to have independent corporate credit. At that time, there was only one borrowing Credit is the country's sovereign credit. The government also designated Bank of China as the only external financial institution. Later, through decentralization, breaking through the original highly centralized system of planned economy, the country's external credit was also decomposed and released a batch of ' Window company'". Although the debts of "window companies" do not have the nature of sovereign debt, they are often regarded as low-risk debts by the international financial market due to the support of the government and are widely accepted. In the eyes of international creditors, Chinese companies have never failed to repay them. Foreign debt, this kind of ambiguous relationship between enterprises and the government, makes Chinese enterprises their "ideal customers." Under the circumstances at that time, "window credit" did raise funds for the development of many enterprises and projects. And "Guangdong" was able to raise funds in the international financial market, and it was inseparable from "window credit." After entering the 1990s, with the deepening of market reforms, the separation of government and enterprise became an inevitable trend, and the company was gradually becoming independent. At this time, " The debt of "window company" has actually lost the guarantee of national fiscal revenue. However, as a transitional means, local governments still issue guarantees, promises or "comfort letters" in violation of regulations or illegality. To the extent that some foreign financial institutions dismiss the above-mentioned " "Guarantee" is regarded as government credit or sovereign credit. When lending, there is no strict evaluation or review of the borrowing company or project. Before the bankruptcy of GTIIC, China already had "Bank of China Trust", "China Rural Credit" and "Zhongchuang" The three other trust and investment companies went bankrupt, but the government came forward to repay the foreign debts owed by these three companies. Therefore, "window credit" did not go bankrupt with these companies, but was further strengthened. "There was a mistake at the time. The idea is that the money lent by overseas banks to Chinese state-owned enterprises is believed to be guaranteed by the government; and companies also believe that the money borrowed from the government or the money guaranteed by the government can not be repaid. The rules were not clear at the time, so both the borrower and the lender were responsible. "Lu Ruihua said. When the Asian financial crisis broke out, coupled with its own mismanagement, GSI was caught in an external debt payment crisis. Its total assets were 21.471 billion yuan, liabilities were 36.165 billion yuan, and its debt-to-asset ratio was as high as 168.23%, making it seriously insolvent. The situation of another "window company"-Guangdong Group is not optimistic. According to the audit of KPMG, Guangdong has insolvency of 9.12 billion Hong Kong dollars. The biggest test Wang Qishan faces in Guangdong is the GCC and Guangdong. The debts of the two "window companies" not only far exceed their own total assets, but also beyond the ability of the Guangdong Provincial Government to pay. Among them, the debt of Guangguo Investment is equivalent to the debt of 30% of the Guangdong Provincial Government's fiscal revenue. Not only did it far exceed its own total assets, but it was also outside the Guangdong Provincial Government's ability to pay. Among them, the debt of Guangguo Investment was equivalent to 30% of the Guangdong Provincial Government's fiscal revenue. What's more, the window companies facing debt payment crisis at that time were far more than Guangguo. There are two SDIC and Yuehai. Scholars once estimated that the total international debt of Chinese companies in Hong Kong at that time may exceed 80 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to 60% of China's foreign exchange reserves during the Asian financial crisis. For Wang Qishan, re-establishment The time has come for the rules: "The era in which the government, especially local governments at all levels act as the main body of debt and investment, and the government plays the leading role in the investment and financing process, must end in a considerable market area... with local governments as the background. The "window company" financing model must be changed from the system and the rules of the game." After careful consideration, the Guangdong Provincial Government made the decision to bankrupt and restructure Guangdong International Investment Corporation. This decision surprised international creditors, who had counted on the Chinese government. All foreign debts will be repaid in full for GSI and Guangdong. Due to the huge debt scale, more than 130 foreign creditors are involved, including some well-known international financial institutions at the time. If handled incorrectly, the international credit of Chinese companies will be damaged. The negative impact is extremely far-reaching. In the face of this situation, on the one hand, Wang Qishan adopted tough measures to convey a firm message to the outside world, that is, "The Chinese government's handling of the bankruptcy of GTI is fully in line with international practices, and the Chinese government should not It will not repay debts for GDIC." On the other hand, GDIC also actively explained to creditors that GDIC's credit is not equivalent to sovereign credit, and its "government background has been diluted and close to zero." In 1999, GDIC officially Entering the bankruptcy process, this is the first bankruptcy case of a non-bank financial institution since 1949. Nearly 500 creditors at home and abroad have declared their claims. The case lasted 4 years, and the final bankruptcy settlement rate was 12.51%. The bankruptcy passed by GFIC Wang Qishan used specific cases to provide important experience for the reform of state-owned enterprises, that is, state-owned enterprises operate independently, and the government is no longer responsible for corporate debt. For Yuehai Group, Wang Qishan adopted a restructuring strategy. According to his own opinion The reason is that "Guangdong is an offshore group company involving five listed companies. We have to consider the stability of the Hong Kong market." In addition, the degree of insolvency of Guangdong's assets is less than that of GTI. After a long bargaining with overseas creditors , In December 2000, the huge debt of Yuehai Company was reorganized. The average debt reduction rate reached 42.78%, and the asset-liability ratio after the reorganization was 67%, which has been significantly improved compared to before. Therefore, this restructuring project was also named as the "Best Restructuring Transaction in Asia in 2001" by the International Financial Review. In the Asian financial crisis, the Guangguo Investment and Yuehai case are only part of the challenges facing Guangdong. At that time, financial institutions in Guangdong Province were generally facing a payment crisis, and there were also runs on some areas. In November 1999, the "Guangdong Province Local Small and Medium-sized Financial Institutions and the Financial Risk Management Coordination Group of the Agricultural Finance Association" was established, with Wang Qishan as the team leader. In order to solve the remaining problems of financial institutions, Guangdong Province borrowed 38 billion yuan from the central bank. Within a year, thousands of small and medium financial institutions were suspended for rectification. Lu Ruihua recalled: "Lending money from the central government was a very decisive measure at the time. Premier Zhu Rongji supported it at the time. The then executive vice governor of Guangdong was Wang Qishan. He was a banker. He understood this rule and he proposed it. I agree to borrow money from the central government." From 2000 to 2001, Guangdong Province's tax revenue increased by 70 billion yuan, and the central government's borrowings were paid off ahead of schedule. The "firefighting captain" of the SARS epidemic area In 2002, Wang Qishan came to Hainan and served as Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. During his tenure, Wang Qishan changed the idea of ​​"building a province through industry" and put forward a plan of "building a province through ecology". Huang Jiangnan felt very much about this, "All the provincial party committee and governor generally pursue GDP, performance, and output value. He has his own unique ideas. He is based on the long-term development of Hainan. Proceeding from fundamental interests. Even if his performance was not so brilliant when he was in office." "This is the difference between a politician and a politician." On April 20, 2003, Wang Qishan, who had been in office for less than five months in Hainan, was suddenly recalled. Beijing, as the acting mayor of Beijing, was once again placed on the cusp of the storm. This time, what he has to deal with is no longer the financial affairs he is familiar with, but the epidemic of infectious diseases. Beijing at this time, because (1984 Nián 6 yuè 12 rì,"jīngjì rìbào" kāndēngle yītiáo liǎng bǎi zì de jiǎnxùn, zuòwéi huìyì zhēngjí lùnwén de qǐshì. Jiǎnxùn chēng, huìyì yóu "jīngjì rìbào""jīngjì xué zhōubào""shìjiè jīngjì dǎobào""zhōngguó qīngnián" hé zhèjiāng shěng shèhuì kēxuéyuàn liánhé zhàokāi. Hòulái, zhōngyāng rénmín guǎngbò diàntái,"zhōngguó qīngnián bào""zhōngguó cūnzhèn bǎiyè xìnxī bào""jīngjì xiàoyì bào" hé zhèjiāng shěng jīngjì yánjiū zhōngxīn yě jiārùle liánmíng de hángliè, kěwèi shēngshì hàodà. "Dāngshí rénmen de sīxiǎng hěn dānchún, zhǐméi de rènkě dù gāo, dàjiā rènwéizhǐyào shi bàozhǐ shàng bàodàoguò de kěndìng shì zhèngquè de, zhè duì wǒmen qǔdé gèng duō rén de zhīchí fēicháng zhòngyào." Huáng jiāngnán tǎnchéng dào. Zhè cì huìyì bèi mìngmíng wèi "zhōng qīngnián jīngjì gōngzuòzhě xuéshù tǎolùn huì", shí rèn zhèjiāng jīngjì yánjiū zhōngxīn fù zhǔrèn de liúyòuchéng biǎoshì yuànyìtígōng hángzhōu déqīng xiàn jìngnèi de mò gàn shān, zuòwéi kāihuì dì dìdiǎn. Mò gàn shān huìyì yán xí liǎo zhīqián "běijīng qīngnián gǎigé zhě" quānzi nèi "yīngxióng bù wèn chūchù" de guījǔ, cǎiqǔ "yǐ wénxuǎn rén" de fāngshì. Zài píngxuǎn lùnwén de guòchéng zhōng, tíchū "wǔ bù jiǎng", jí: Bù jiǎng guānxì, bù jiǎng xuélì, bù jiǎng zhíchēng, bù jiǎng zhíyè, bù jiǎng míngqì. Zhǐyào lùnwén bèi xuǎn shàngle, jiù néng shàngshān cānjiā huìyì."Cóng xiànzài kàn, duì hěnduō niánqīng rén lái shuō, zhè dōu yìwèizhe rénshēng zuìdà de yīcì jīyù." Huáng jiāngnán chēng. Cóng 6 yuè 12 rì kāishǐ quánguó zhēngwén, dào 8 yuè 15 rì liǎng gè yuè jiān, huìyì zǔzhī fāng shōu dàole láizì quánguó de 1300 yú piān lùnwén, píngjūn měi rì èrshí yú piān, zuò zhě biànbù gè háng gè yè. Huìyì chóubèi zhěmen zuìzhōng cóng zhòng xuǎn chūle 124 míng dàibiǎo cān huì. Qízhōng zuì niánqīng de, shì láizì xīběi dàxué de zhāngwéiyíng, dāngnián tā zhǐyǒu 24 suì. Zuòwéi huìyì de zǔzhī zhě zhī yī, wáng qíshān zài qízhōng fāhuī de zuòyòng bùkě xiǎo qù. Zhùmíng jīngjì xué jiā huá shēng yě zēng shēn jiā le mò gàn shān huìyì, tā hòulái jiēshòu méitǐ cǎifǎng shí zhǐchū, mò gàn shān huìyì "zuì zhǔyào de shíjì zǔzhī zhě hé lǐngdǎo zhě shì wáng qíshān, nà shí tā shì dùrùnshēng shǒuxià de "dàjiàng",80 niándài chū wǒmen dōu shì cóng tā nà'er lǐng chūchāi fèi dào nóngcūn qù diàoyán." Yǒu zhèngfǔ bèijǐng de rén zhōng chúle wáng qíshān, shàngshān de hái yǒu guówùyuàn zǒnglǐ zhào zǐyáng de mìshū lǐxiāng lǔ, guówù wěiyuán zhāngjìnfū de mìshū kǒng dān. Zhè zài yīdìng chéngdù shàng, biǎomíngliǎo dāngshí zhèngfǔ duì mò gàn shān huìyì de zītài. Mò gàn shān huìyì cóng 9 yuè 3 rì dào 9 yuè 10 rì, qiánhòu lìshí 8 tiān. Cān huì zhě shàngshān shí bùnéng dàizhe lùnwén, zhī shēnshang shān, yǐ fángzhǐ niàn gǎo. Yóuyú huì chéng jǐncòu, sīxiǎng pèngzhuàng jīliè, cān huì de niánqīng rén chángcháng cóng báitiān yīzhí jī biàn dào wǎnshàng, jīngshén chíxù kàngfèn. Zhǎng huì kāi wán zhīhòu, xǔduō rén dōu shēngbìngle. Yǒu zhèngfǔ bèijǐng de rén zhōng chúle wáng qíshān, shàngshān de hái yǒu guówùyuàn zǒnglǐ zhào zǐyáng de mìshū lǐxiāng lǔ, guówù wěiyuán zhāngjìnfū de mìshū kǒng dān. Zhè zài yīdìng chéngdù shàng, biǎomíngliǎo dāngshí zhèngfǔ duì mò gàn shān huìyì de zītài. Mò gàn shān huìyì cóng 9 yuè 3 rì dào 9 yuè 10 rì, qiánhòu lìshí 8 tiān. Cān huì zhě shàngshān shí bùnéng dàizhe lùnwén, zhī shēnshang shān, yǐ fángzhǐ niàn gǎo. Yóuyú huì chéng jǐncòu, sīxiǎng pèngzhuàng jīliè, cān huì de niánqīng rén chángcháng cóng báitiān yīzhí jī biàn dào wǎnshàng, jīngshén chíxù kàngfèn. Zhǎng huì kāi wán zhīhòu, xǔduō rén dōu shēngbìngle. Huìyì de zhōngxīn yìtí shì chéngshì jīngjì tǐzhì gǎigé, chéngshì jīngjì tǐzhì gǎigé de zhōngxīn yì tí shì jiàgé. Huìyì shàng, wéirào jiàgé gǎigé de zhēnglùn zuìwéijīliè. Dàibiǎomen fēn wéi "yǐ diào wéi zhǔ" hé "yǐ fàng wéi zhǔ" de liǎng pài,"diàopài" rènwéi dāngqián zhǐ yīnggāi tōngguò cèsuàn, jìnxíng wěnjiàn de jiàgé tiáozhěng,"fàng pài" zé jiānchí fàng kāi jiàgé kòngzhì, yóu shìchǎng gōngqiú juédìng jiàgé. Huìyì zhīhòu yīgòng xíngchéngle bā fèn zhuāntí bàogào. Qízhōng, zuòwéi guójiā tǐ gǎi wěi "bǐgǎnzi" de xújǐng'ān, yóu wáng qíshān diǎn jiàng, zhíbǐ zhǔ bàogào "jiàgé gǎigé de liǎng zhǒng sīlù". 10 Yuè 10 rì, shí rèn guówùyuàn zǒnglǐ de zhào zǐyáng pīshì:"'Jiàgé gǎigé de liǎng zhǒng sīlù' hěn kāi nǎojīn." Zhè fèn bàogào, yóu cǐ chǎnshēngle zhòngdà de lìshǐ yǐngxiǎng. Yīgè duō yuè hòu, zhōnggòng shí'èr jiè sān zhōng quánhuì shàng tōngguòle "zhōnggòng zhōngyāng guānyú jīngjì tǐzhì gǎigé de juédìng", míngquè tíchū liǎo cǐqián huìmòrúshēn de "shāngpǐn jīngjì" gàiniàn, túpòle jìhuà jīngjì de chuántǒng shùfù. Zì cǐ, gǎigé zhòngxīn yóu nóngcūn zhuǎnyí dàole chéngshì. Kāifàng qiánxiàn de jīnróng zhuānjiā 1988 nián, wáng qíshān chūrèn zhōngguó nóngcūn xìntuō tóuzī gōngsī zǒng jīnglǐ, cǐ shí zhōngguó fēi yínháng jīnróng jīgòu gānggāng qǐbù. Zhè bìngfēi wáng qíshān shǒucì jiēchù jīnróng, zǎo zài fāzhǎn suǒ shíqí, wèile qǐdòng zhōngguó nóngcūn gǎigé shìyàn qū, wáng qíshān jiù céng yǔ shìjiè yínháng qiàtán shù yì měiyuán de dàikuǎn xiàngmù. Zuìzhōng chénggōng shuōfú shìjiè yínháng, jiāng zhèxiē dàikuǎn gěile zhōngguó. Cóng 1989 nián, wáng qíshān chūrèn jiànxíng fù xíng zhǎng, bìng zài cǐhòu 9 nián lǐ yīzhí zài yínháng xìtǒng zhōng gōngzuò, zhè shì tā qìjīn wéi zhǐ zài tóngyī xìngzhì lǐngyù gōngzuò de zuì cháng shíjiān. Zài cǐ qíjiān, wáng zhǔdǎole yǔ měiguó mógēn shì dān lì de hézī xiéyì, chénglìle zhōngguó dì yījiā tóuzī yínháng——zhōngguó guójì jīnróng yǒuxiàn gōngsī. Zài yínháng xìtǒng de zhè duàn cháng shíjiān jīlěi, shǐdé wáng qíshān duì jīnróng lǐngyù jiànlìle shēnkè liǎojiě. Dàn zhēnzhèng ràng tā shēngmíngquèqǐ de, què shì tā zài guǎngzhōu shěng wěi, shěng zhèngfǔ rènzhí qíjiān jīngshǒu de zhōngguó guójì jīnróng yǒuxiàn gōngsī. Zài yínháng xìtǒng de zhè duàn cháng shíjiān jīlěi, shǐdé wáng qíshān duì jīnróng lǐngyù jiànlìle shēnkè liǎojiě. Dàn zhēnzhèng ràng tā shēngmíng quèqǐ de, què shì tā zài guǎngzhōu shěng wěi, shěng zhèngfǔ rènzhí qíjiān jīngshǒu de "guǎng guó tóu" pòchǎn hé "yuè hǎi" chóngzǔ àn. 1997 Nián, wáng qíshān zhuǎndiào dìfāng rènzhí, chūrèn zhōnggòng guǎngdōng shěng wěi chángwěi, guǎngdōng shěng fù shěng zhǎng. Qí shí, xiānggǎng zhèng chǔyú yàzhōu jīnróng fēngbào de chōngjí zhī zhōng, gǔshì dìchǎn dà diē. Ér zuòwéi xiānggǎng de "hòuyuàn", guǎngdōng yě bùkě bìmiǎn de shòudàole bōjí. Wáng cǐ shí fùrèn, pǒ yǒu "jiùhuǒ" de wèidào. "Duìyú jièzhài wèntí de yǐngxiǎng kěyǐ shuō zuìdà. Dà huánjìng hǎo de shíhòu, yínháng qīngsōng bǎ qián jiè gěi nǐ, dà huánjìng huài de shíhòu, yínháng jiù bùdé bù bī nǐ hái qián, jíshǐ rúcǐ, jīnróng yè de sǔnshī yěshì zuì cǎnzhòng de." Shí rèn guǎngdōng shěng shěng zhǎng de lúruìhuá zài 2006 nián jiēshòu "zhōngguó jīngjì zhōukān" cǎifǎng shí rúshì huíyì. "Guǎng guó tóu" de quánchēng shì guǎngdōng guójì xìntuō tóuzī gōngsī, chénglì yú 1980 nián, shì zhōngguó dì èr dà xìntuō tóuzī gōngsī, jǐn cì yú zhōngguó guójì xìntuō gōngsī, yóu guǎngdōng shěng zhèngfǔ quán zī suǒyǒu.1983 Nián jīng zhōngguó rénmíng yínháng pīzhǔn wéi fēi yínháng jīnróng jīgòu, bìng xiǎngyǒu wàihuì jīngyíng quán.1989 Nián bèi guójiā zhǔguǎn bùmén quèdìng wèi quánguó duìwàijièkuǎn chuāngkǒu. Zài cǐ zhīhòu, guǎng guó tóu de jīngyíng guīmó bùduàn kuòdà, hǎiwài róngzī é zǒngjì 50 duō yì měiyuán. Hé dāngshí de qítā "chuāngkǒu gōngsī" yīyàng, guǎng guó tóu dì dìwèi àimèi, yī fāngmiàn, zài fǎlǜ shàng, tā shì yīgè dúlì de qǐyè; lìng yī fāngmiàn, tā yòu yǒuzhe nónghòu de zhèngfǔ bèijǐng. Ér qí dàliàng de wàihǎi róngzī, zhèngshì jiànlì zài qí zhèngfǔ bèijǐng zhī xià de. Zhè zhǒng gāngà de chǔjìng, yuán yú dāngshí zhōngguó zhèngzài jìnxíng de jīngjì tǐzhì zhuǎnxíng. 1999 Nián, wáng qíshān jiēshòu "cáijīng" zázhì cǎifǎng shí zhèyàng miáoshù "chuāngkǒu gōngsī" de xíngchéng:"Zhōngguó zǎonián cóng jìhuà jīngjì tǐzhì zǒu shàng gǎigé zhī lù, bù kěnéng yǒu dúlì de qǐyè xìnyòng. Dāngshí yào xiàng wài jièzhài, zhǐyǒu yīgè xìnyòng, jiùshì guójiā de zhǔquán xìnyòng. Zhèngfǔ hái zhǐdìng zhōngguó yínháng wèi wéiyī de duìwài jīnróng jīgòu. Hòulái tōngguò fàngquán, chōngpò yuán yǒu jìhuà jīngjì gāodù jízhōng de tǐzhì, jiù bǎ guójiā de duìwài xìnyòng yě fēn jiě kāi lái, fàngchū yī pī 'chuāngkǒu gōngsī'". Chuāngkǒu gōngsī" de zhàiwù suīrán bù jùyǒu zhǔquán zhàiwù dì xìngzhì, dànshì yóuyú dédàole zhèngfǔ de zhīchí, wǎngwǎng bèi guójì jīnróng shìchǎng shì wéi fēngxiǎn jiào dī de zhàiwù, ér bèi guǎngfàn jiēshòu. Zài guójì zhàiquánrén yǎnzhōng, zhōngguó qǐyè cónglái wèicéng bù hái wàizhài, zhè zhǒng qǐyè yǔ zhèngfǔ zhī jiān de àimèi guānxì, shǐdé zhōngguó qǐyè chéngwéile tāmen de "lǐxiǎng kèhù". Zài dāngshí de huánjìng xià,"chuāngkǒu xìnyòng" quèshí wèi xǔduō qǐyè hé xiàngmù dì fāzhǎn chóucuòle zījīn. Guǎng guó tóu hé "yuè hǎi" déyǐ zài guójì jīnróng shìchǎng jìnxíng róngzī, lì bù kāi "chuāngkǒu xìnyòng". Jìnrù 90 niándài zhīhòu, suízhe shìchǎng huà gǎigé de shēnrù, zhèng qǐ fēnlí chéngwéi bìrán qūshì, gōngsī rìjiàn zǒuxiàng dúlì. Cǐ shí,"chuāngkǒu gōngsī" de zhàiwù, shíjì shang yǐ shīqùle guójiā cáizhèng shōurù de dānbǎo. Dàn zuòwéi guòdù shǒuduàn, dìfāng zhèngfǔ réng cúnzài wéiguī huò wéifǎ kāijù dānbǎo, chéngnuò huò "ānwèi hán" de qíngkuàng. Yǐ zhìyú yīxiē wàiguó jīnróng jīgòu jiāng shàngshù "dānbǎo" shì zuò zhèngfǔ xìnyòng huò zhǔquán xìnyòng. Zài fàngdài shí, bìng méiyǒu duì jièkuǎn qì yè huò xiàngmù jìnxíng yángé pínggū huò shěnhé. Zài guǎng guó tóu pòchǎn zhīqián, zhōngguó yǐ yǒu "zhōngyín xìn","zhōngnóng xìn" hé "zhōng chuàng" děng sānjiā xìntuō tóuzī gōngsī dǎobì, dàn cǐ sānjiā gōngsī suǒ tuōqiàn de wàizhài jūn yǒu zhèngfǔ chūmiàn jìnxíng chánghuán. Yīncǐ,"chuāngkǒu xìnyòng" bìng wèi suí zhèxiē gōngsī yī bìng pòchǎn, fǎndào bèi jìnyībù qiánghuàle. "Dāngshí yǒu zhǒng cuòwù de xiǎngfǎ, jí hǎiwài yínháng jiè gěi zhōngguó guóyǒu qǐyè de qián, rènwéi zhè qián shì yóu zhèngfǔ dānbǎo de; ér qǐyè yě rènwéi, xiàng zhèngfǔ jiè de qián huò yóu zhèngfǔ dānbǎo de qián jiù kěyǐ bù hái. Dāngshí guīzé bù míng què, suǒyǐ jiè hé dài shuāngfāng dōu yǒu zérèn." Lúruìhuá shuō. Jízhì yàzhōu jīnróng wéijī bàofā, jiāzhī zìshēn de guǎnlǐ bùshàn, guǎng guó tóu xiànrùle wàizhài zhīfù wéijī. Qí zīchǎn zǒng'é wèi 214.71 Yì yuán, fùzhài 361.65 Yì yuán, zīchǎn fùzhài lǜ gāodá 168.23%, Yánzhòng zī bù dǐzhài. Ér lìng yī jiā "chuāngkǒu gōngsī"——yuè hǎi jítuán de qíngkuàng yě bùróng lèguān, jīng bìmǎwēi kuàijìshī shìwù suǒ shěnjì, yuè hǎi zī bù dǐzhài 91.2 Yì gǎngyuán. Wáng qíshān zài guǎngdōng miànlín de zuìdà kǎoyàn, jiùshì guǎng guó tóu hé yuè hǎi de jù'é zhàiwù. Liǎng jiā "chuāngkǒu gōngsī" de zhàiwù, bùjǐn yuǎn chāo qí zìshēn zīchǎn zǒng'é, yì zài guǎngdōng shěng zhèngfǔ de zhīfù nénglì zhī wài, qízhōng guǎng guó tóu de zhàiwù xiāngdāng yú guǎngdōng shěng zhèngfǔ cáizhèng shōurù de 30 de zhàiwù, bùjǐn yuǎn chāo qí zìshēn zīchǎn zǒng'é, yì zài guǎngdōng shěng zhèngfǔ de zhīfù nénglì zhī wài, qízhōng guǎng guó tóu de zhàiwù xiāngdāng yú guǎngdōng shěng zhèngfǔ cáizhèng shōurù de 30%. Gèng hékuàng dāngshí miànlín zhàiwù zhīfù wéijī de chuāngkǒu qǐyè, yuǎn bùzhǐ guǎng guó tóu hé yuè hǎi liǎng jiā. Céng yǒu xuézhě gūjì, dāngshí zhōngguó qǐyè zài xiānggǎng de guójì zhàiwù zǒng'é, kěnéng chāoguò 800 yì měiyuán, xiāngdāng yú yàzhōu jīnróng wéijī qíjiān zhōngguó wàihuì chúbèi de 60%. Duìyú wáng qíshān ér yán, chóngxīn lì guījǔ de shíhòu dàole:"Yóu zhèngfǔ, tèbié shì gè jí dìfāng zhèngfǔ chōngdāng fùzhài zhǔtǐ hé tóuzī zhǔtǐ, yóu zhèngfǔ zài tóu róngzī guòchéng zhōng bànyǎn zhǔjiǎo de shídài, zài xiāngdāng de shìchǎng lǐngyù bìxū jiéshùle......yǐ dìfāng zhèngfǔ wèi bèijǐng de 'chuāngkǒu gōngsī' róngzī móshì, bìxū cóng tǐzhì hé yóuxì guīzé shàng gǎixiángēngzhāng". Jīngguò shēnsīshúlǜ, guǎngdōng shěng zhèngfǔ zuòchūle guǎng guó tóu pòchǎn hé yuè hǎi chóngzǔ de juédìng. Zhège juédìng ràng guójì zhàiquánrén dà gǎn yìwài, tāmen yuán zhǐwàng zhōngguó zhèngfǔ huì wèi guǎng guó tóu hé yuè hǎi quán é chángfù suǒyǒu wàizhài. Yóuyú zhàiwù guīmó jùdà, qiānshè dào 130 duō jiā jìngwài zhàiquánrén, qízhōng bāokuò yīxiē dāngshí guójì zhīmíng de jīnróng jīgòu. Ruò chǔzhì shīdàng, zhōngguó qǐyè de guójì xìnyòng jiāng shòu sǔn, fùmiàn yǐngxiǎng jíqí shēnyuǎn. Miàn duì zhè yī júmiàn, yī fāngmiàn, wáng qíshān cǎiqǔ qiángyìng shǒuduàn, xiàng wài jiè chuándìle jiāndìng de xìnxī, jí "zhōngguó zhèngfǔ duì guǎng guó tóu pòchǎn de chǔlǐ wánquán fúhé guójì tōngxíng de zuòfǎ, zhōngguó zhèngfǔ bù gāi yě bù huì tì guǎng guó tóu huánzhài". Lìng yī fāngmiàn, yě jījí xiàng zhàiquánrén jiěshì guǎng guó tóu de xìnyòng bù děngtóng yú zhǔquán xìnyòng, qí "zhèngfǔ bèijǐng yǐ bèi xīshì, jiējìn yú líng". 1999 Nián, guǎng guó tóu zhèng shì jìnrù pòchǎn chéngxù, zhè shì 1949 nián yǐlái, dì yī cì fēi yínháng jīnróng jīgòu pòchǎn àn. Jìngnèi wài gòngyǒu jìn 500 míng zhàiquánrén shēnbào zhàiquán. Cǐ ànlìshí 4 nián, zuìzhōng pòchǎn qīngcháng lǜ wèi 12.51%. Tōngguò guǎng guó tóu de pòchǎn, wáng qíshān yǐ jùtǐ àn lì, duì guóyǒu qǐyè gǎigé tígōngle zhòngyào de jīngyàn, jí guóyǒu qǐyè dúlì jīngyíng, zhèngfǔ bù zài duì qǐyè zhàiwù fùzé. Ér duìyú yuè hǎi jítuán, wáng qíshān zé cǎiqǔle chóngzǔ de cèlüè. Jù qí běnrén suǒ shù, yuányīn jiù zàiyú "yuè hǎi shì jìngwài jítuán gōngsī, shèjí wǔ jiā shàngshì gōngsī, wǒmen yào kǎolǜ xiānggǎng shìchǎng de wěndìng", bìngqiě, yuè hǎi zī bù dǐzhài de chéngdù yào xiǎoyú guǎng guó tóu. Jīngguò yǔ jìngwài zhàiquánrén màncháng de tǎojiàhuánjià,2000 nián 12 yuè, yuè hǎi gōngsī de jù'é zhàiwù shíxiàn chóngzǔ. Píngjūn xuē zhài lǜ dá 42.78%, Chóngzǔ hòu de zīchǎn fùzhài bǐlì wèi 67%, yǔ zhīqián xiāng bǐ yǐ yǒu míngxiǎn gǎishàn. Yīncǐ, zhè yī chóngzǔ xiàngmù yě bèi "guójì jīnróng pínglùn" píng wèi 2001 nián "yàzhōu zuì jiā chóngzǔ jiāoyì". Zài yàzhōu jīnróng wéijī zhōng, guǎng guó tóu hé yuè hǎi àn zhǐshì guǎngdōng suǒ miànlín tiǎozhàn de yībùfèn. Dāngshí, guǎngdōng shěng de jīnróng jīgòu pǔbiàn miànlín zhīfù wéi jī, zài yīxiē dìqū, hái chūxiànle jǐduì xiànxiàng. 1999 Nián 11 yuè,"guǎngdōng shěng dìfāng zhōngxiǎo jīnróng jīgòu hé nóng jīn huì jīnróng fēngxiǎn chǔzhì gōngzuò xiétiáo xiǎozǔ" chénglì, wáng qíshān dānrèn zǔ zhǎng. Wèi liǎo jiějué jīnróng jīgòu de yíliú wèntí, guǎngdōng shěng xiàng zhōngyāng yínháng jièkuǎn 380 yì yuán, zài yī nián shíjiān nèi, duì shù yǐ qiān jì de zhōngxiǎo jīnróng jīgòu, shíshīle tíngyè zhěngdùn. Lúruìhuá huíyì shí shuōdao:"Dāngshí xiàng zhōngyāng jiè qián shì yīgè fēicháng guǒduàn de cuòshī, dāngshí zhūróngjī zǒnglǐ shì zhīchí de. Shí rèn guǎngdōng chángwù fù shěng zhǎng shì wáng qíshān, tā shì yínháng jiā, tā dǒngdé zhè yī guīzé, tā tí chūlái xiàng zhōngyāng jiè qián, wǒ zànchéng." 2000 Nián zhì 2001 nián, guǎngdōng shěng shuìshōu zēngjiā 700 yì yuán, zhōngyāng de jièkuǎn tíqián huán qīngle. "Fēidiǎn" yì qū de "jiùhuǒ duìzhǎng" 2002 nián, wáng qíshān lái dào hǎinán, chūrèn shěng wěi shūjì. Zàirèn qíjiān, wáng qíshān gǎibiàn guòqù "gōngyè lì shěng" de sīlù, tí chū "shēngtài lì shěng" de guīhuà. Huáng jiāngnán duì cǐ pǒ yǒu gǎnchù,"suǒyǒu de shěng wěi shūjì, shěng zhǎng, yībān lái shuō dōu yào zhuīqiú GDP, zhuīqiú yèjī, zhuīqiú chǎnzhí. Tā ne, jiù yǒu zìjǐ dútè de xiǎngfǎ, tā shì cóng hǎinán de chángyuǎn fāzhǎn hé gēnběn lìyì chūfā. Nǎpà zìjǐ zàirèn de shíhòu yèjī bù nàme huīhuáng." "Zhè jiùshì yīgè zhèngkè hé zhèngzhì jiā de qūbié." 2003 Nián 4 yuè 20 rì, zài hǎinán shàngrèn hái bù dào 5 gè yuè de wáng qíshān, bèi túrán zhàohuí běijīng, chūrèn běijīng shì dài shì zhǎng yī zhí, zàicì bèi zhì yú fēngkǒulàngjiān. Zhè cì tā yào chǔlǐ de, bù zài shì zìjǐ suǒ shúxī de jīnróng shìwù, ér shì chuánrǎn bìng yìqíng. Cǐ shí de běijīng, yīnwèi)

大冢从怀里拿出一个信件递给了李元吉,李元吉拆开一看,只见上面写道:现有倭国武士大冢正夫效力于大明曹公公处,今命其督促南部四道组织义军打击倭寇,所到之地无不奉行大冢正夫之号令。下面盖着兵曹的印章。 "你是曹公公的人?"李元吉问道。 大冢看李元吉神色有些犹豫,便示意身后随从,两名随从亮出了"北镇抚司"的官牌,又扒开衣服露出了飞鱼服,李元吉便完全相信了。 "柳成龙大人离开王京前介绍我去郭再佑将军那里,郭将军介绍我前来这里,加快你们这里义军的组建。"说完,大冢挥了一下手,随行的人抬了一个箱子进来,大冢将箱子打开,里面是一箱白银。 "这是王廷拨发的饷银,用于义军的组建,柳大人让我带去郭将军那里,郭将军让我带到这里,用于招募军队。" 大冢说道。 "如此甚好,如此甚好。"李元吉望着那箱白银,高兴得手舞足蹈。 大冢将目光转移到白莫雪,白莫雪把脸扭到一边不理大冢。 "那批军火是你们劫的,你们劫军火做什么?"大冢问。 "军火在我们手里,比在王廷手里会发挥更大的作用,王廷只会当逃兵。"白诚随冷冷地说道。 "王廷着眼于全局,不是你们能懂的。"大冢还击道。 "我们不知道什么全局,我们只知道如何多杀一个倭寇。"白诚随说道。 "好了,好了,不知大冢将军来此有何计划?"李元吉问道。大冢从怀里取出一张地图,对众人说道:"朝廷打算在临津江组织一场大的会战,迟滞日军的进攻,现在水原的大部分日军已调到北方去了,我们趁此机会拿下水原城,打乱日军的战略部署。" 李元吉大喜道:"方才我跟白氏兄妹商讨的也是这个计划,看来英雄所见略同啊!" "郑首领的意思是让你召集附近所有的义军前往攻打水原,争取一鼓作气拿下水原。"白诚随说道。 "这个当然。"李元吉说。 "如果大家意见一致,我们就把进攻水原的时间定下来,我再通知郑首领派人接应。"白诚随说道。 经过大冢和他们商议,决定后天夜晚进攻水原,白氏兄妹和大冢的人白天进城,夜晚再打开城门,李元吉率领的义军随后进入城内。这两天李元吉去联络各路人马。 大冢一行和白氏兄妹的人都待在寺庙后面,没有地方住,临时支起了帐篷,白莫雪好像故意在躲避大冢的目光,大冢泯着嘴在那里笑,慢慢地大冢不再关注白莫雪了,白莫雪却在那里偷偷注意着大冢。不知道是大冢在忽视还是白莫雪在逃避,一直到第三天他们准备出发的时候,大冢和白莫雪还是没说一句话。第三天清晨,大冢骑着马带着几名随从向水原走去,白氏兄妹跟在后面,保持着距离。 驻扎在水原的是黑田长政的部队,大约有两千人,最近大部分被抽调去了北方,只留下大约三百人驻扎在水原。大冢摸清了日本兵在城里驻扎的地点,然后跟白氏兄妹会了合。 入夜,大冢干掉了北门守卫,拉开了北门,白氏兄妹干掉了西门守卫,打开了西门,城外是李元吉的三千义军,北门和西门打开后,义军蜂拥而入,迅速杀掉城墙上的日军守卫。大冢和白氏兄妹带着义军往日本兵驻地奔去,义军冲进日本兵的驻地,却发现驻地内空无一人,大冢立刻感觉到不妙,众人正准备后撤,城外喊声震地,众人跑到城门口一看,城外大批的日本兵向西门和北门奔来,留守城外的义军正与日本兵激战,拿着铁炮和弓箭的日本兵一轮轮向朝鲜义军射击,大批的义军倒下。李元吉带着义军冲了几次都被日本兵的铁炮挡了回来。入夜,大冢干掉了北门守卫,拉开了北门,白氏兄妹干掉了西门守卫,打开了西门,城外是李元吉的三千义军,北门和西门打开后,义军蜂拥而入,迅速杀掉城墙上的日军守卫。大冢和白氏兄妹带着义军往日本兵驻地奔去,义军冲进日本兵的驻地,却发现驻地内空无一人,大冢立刻感觉到不妙,众人正准备后撤,城外喊声震地,众人跑到城门口一看,城外大批的日本兵向西门和北门奔来,留守城外的义军正与日本兵激战,拿着铁炮和弓箭的日本兵一轮轮向朝鲜义军射击,大批的义军倒下。李元吉带着义军冲了几次都被日本兵的铁炮挡了回来。 正在此时,李元吉手下来报:"南门没有日军。" 李元吉、大冢、白氏兄妹带着众人往南门奔去,留守城外的义军大部分被日本兵杀死,小部分撤入城内,日本兵拥入城内,在后面紧紧追赶。众人跑到南城门,正要出城,却看见南城门外出现大批马队,点着火把,大冢看清楚了,当中一人正是他在山寨见到的那位首领,白氏兄妹也看见了,满面欢喜地向那人奔去,白诚随跑到那人旁边说道:"郑兄,你终于来了,我们中了倭寇的埋伏。" 郑吉阴沉着脸,一句话不说。大冢注视着郑吉,忽然他从郑吉的表情中感觉到了危险,大冢正准备让众人后撤,郑吉手一挥,手下的人拿起鸟铳向义军射击,大冢拉起李元吉迅速后撤,前面义军一个接一个倒下。后面是追赶的日寇,城里的义军正陷入两面夹击的境地。 "郑兄,你在干什么?你疯了吗?他们是义军,自己人啊!赶快住手!"白诚随歇斯底里地喊着,还抓住郑吉的手,企图将他拉下马来。郑吉挣脱了白诚随的纠缠,怒吼道:"够了!你懂什么,你以为这么一群乌合之众就能打败倭寇吗?我要收编他们,扩大我的力量。"白莫雪在一边脸色铁青,紧咬着嘴唇。此时,义军已经跟后面追赶的日军交上了手,李元吉组织义军依托巷子跟日军展开了巷战。城外日军基本上都已经拥进城内,大约有两千多人,郑吉的人马也都进了城,城内杀得惊天动地,灯火通明,转眼间一半义军被杀死。大冢突然看见城外发射了一颗信号弹,随即城墙上出现了许多手拿鸟铳的人开始轮番向日军射击,日军顿时被打得抱头乱窜,如此同时,一群穿着朝鲜士兵衣服的锦衣卫骑着战马,手持利刃向日军冲去。郑吉在马上惊愕不已,自言自语道:"这些朝鲜士兵从哪里冒出来的?"正在此时,南门外的天空上响起了第二颗信号弹,又一批人向南门奔来,郑吉看见这批人举的旗帜上镶着一个正在此时,南门外的天空上响起了第二颗信号弹,又一批人向南门奔来,郑吉看见这批人举的旗帜上镶着一个"郭"字,郑吉知道郭再佑来了,郑吉调转马头,手一挥,准备撤退。大冢看见郑吉想跑,凌空跳起,直取郑吉,郑吉吓得不知所措,眼看大冢的刀就要砍向郑吉,白诚随出现在郑吉身前,接下了大冢那一刀,愤怒的大冢和白诚随打成一团,两人斗了几个回合,不分胜负,眼看着郑吉就要出城,大冢卖了个破绽,白诚随一刀砍空后,大冢一脚踢向白诚随腹部,白跌倒在地,大冢从怀里取出一个飞镖掷向郑吉,飞镖正中郑吉右肩,郑吉翻身落马,大冢提到砍向郑吉,白莫雪又拿刀挡在了郑吉身前,白莫雪坚定地看着大冢,大冢正在左右为难。此时,李元吉被日军的火器击中了腰部,倒在了地上,几个日军拿着战刀就要砍向李元吉,大冢撇下郑吉,杀死了几个奔向李元吉的日本兵,白诚随和白莫雪赶紧将郑吉扶上马向城外奔去,此刻,郑吉的人马已经跟郭再佑的部队在南城门外打了起来,一番激战后,郑吉、白氏兄妹、以及几个手下终于突出包围,郑吉带来的大部分人马被郭再佑的义军消灭掉。在曹公公人马、李元吉义军和郭再佑义军的打击下,城内两千多日本兵被消灭掉。郭再佑和曹公公会了面,双方手握在了一起。 "这次多亏公公神机妙算,才使这场仗打得这么漂亮。" 郭再佑说道。 "郭将军过奖了,若不是将军及时赶到,恐怕胜负还难料啊!"曹公公说。 "此地不可久留,我们后会有期吧。"曹公公说。 "好,元吉,这位是大明的曹公公,以后你要听从曹公公的。"郭再佑对李元吉说道。 "遵命。"李元吉说。 众人散去后,李元吉带领剩下的一千多名义军分散到各个村落。 曹公公向大冢问道:"那些人跑了?是的,那名女子和他哥哥护卫他们的头领郑吉跑了,当时李元吉受了伤,日本兵要杀李元吉,为了救李元吉,让他们跑了。"大冢答。 曹公公沉默了一会,说:"我们速速回去,做好准备,日军要来搜山了。" "我知道郑吉的山寨,要不要带人打下来?"大冢问。 "这个以后再说。"曹公公说道。 第二天,从北方返回的日本兵,愤怒地对水原剩下的居民进行了屠杀。 白氏兄妹和剩下的人护送郑吉到了汉城,找了家客栈对郑吉的伤口进行了处理,处理完了伤口,白诚随将白莫雪支了出去。 "我跟着你十五年了,只到今天,我才发现我对你根本不了解,经常来我们山寨的那个人是不是倭寇?你是不是投靠了倭寇?你为什么要杀害自己的同胞?这次计划是不是你把消息泄露给了倭寇?"白诚随抓住郑吉的衣领问道。 郑吉推开了白诚随,说:"你我都跟王廷不共戴天,现今国家大乱,我的理想不再是当个山寨首领,而是成为王,现在倭寇来了,他们能够帮我实现这个理想。" 白诚随"哗啦"一声拔出了刀,架在郑吉的脖子上。郑吉面不改色地说:"我的命你已经救了好几次,想拿去,你就拿去吧。"白诚随忿忿的收回了刀,带着白莫雪离开了汉城。 水原一战,由于情报上的失误,石田三成勒令铃木一介自杀。 水原之战后,朝鲜王廷升李元吉为京畿右道防御使。第七章 大同江之论 临津江战役失败后,日军占领了开城,消息传来,平壤城内又是乱成一团麻,李山海以误国罪被免除领议政职务,柳成龙被任命为领议政,为了让西人党为国效力,宣宗又起用已被罢免的西人党成员崔兴源为领议政,同时遣使向明朝求救。 六月九日,小西行长的部队到达大同江南岸,此时的平壤已近在咫尺。平壤城内的宣宗正酝酿着往哪里走的时候,小西行长的议和书来了,宣宗派出了李德馨前往谈判。李德馨乘船来到了大同江江心,迎接他的是宗氏外交僧景辙玄苏和门人柳川调信。景辙玄苏见到李德馨后,六月九日,小西行长的部队到达大同江南岸,此时的平壤已近在咫尺。平壤城内的宣宗正酝酿着往哪里走的时候,小西行长的议和书来了,宣宗派出了李德馨前往谈判。李德馨乘船来到了大同江江心,迎接他的是宗氏外交僧景辙玄苏和门人柳川调信。景辙玄苏见到李德馨后,"哈,哈,哈!" 地笑了起来,李德馨阴沉着脸。 "李大人别来无恙啊!"景辙玄苏问。 "你们来了,我怎么能不好呢?不然怎么迎接你们呢?"李德馨说。 "迎接?我们看到不是迎接,而是你们的王不断后退哦。"景辙玄苏说。 "哈哈。"李德馨轻轻一笑。 "现在还不是迎接的时候,我们还要请一位尊贵的客人来欢迎你们。"李德馨接着说道。 "哦!不知是哪位?"景辙玄苏问。 "哈哈哈!"李德馨大笑起来。然后说道:"阁下以智慧而闻名,竟然会问这么弱智的问题,当然是我宗主国大明。" 说完,双手做了一个恭敬的姿态。 "哈哈哈!"景辙玄苏也大笑起来,接着说道:"你难道不知道,我们这次就是要去会会你们所谓的宗主国,我看他们是没有胆量迎接我们,你们还是早日让开道路,让我们过去,以免自取灭亡。" "我国视大明如父,宁为玉碎,也不会让你们前进一步。"李德馨斩钉截铁说。 景辙玄苏尴尬地笑了笑,说:"你们视大明如父,大明未必视你们如子,如果贵国成了我国的属国,我们还可以考虑在大明那边给你们一块土地呢。" "看来阁下这么喜欢做白日梦,我劝尔等还是速速返回,大明一旦插手,尔等将会玉石俱焚。"李德馨说。 "大明?"景辙玄苏讥讽道:"昔日,流落到大明的本国武士都令他们无可奈何,还要靠民间组织力量对付,几十个日本武士都可以打到南京城,沿途的军队望风而逃。如今整个大明朝廷陷入瘫痪,北方蒙古每年进犯,别说援助你们,他们自身都难保。汉人有句话,

Otsuka took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Li Yuanji. Li Yuanji opened it and saw that it read: The current Japanese warrior Otsuka Masao plays for the Da Ming Cao Gong, and he is now ordered to urge the Southern Sidao Organization The rebels fought against Japanese pirates and obeyed Otsuka Masao's orders wherever they went. Bingcao's seal is underneath. "Are you from Father Cao?" Li Yuanji asked. When Otsuka saw Li Yuanji's expression hesitating, he motioned to the entourage behind him. The two entourages showed off the official badge of "North Town Fusi", and took off their clothes to reveal the flying fish clothes. Li Yuanji was completely convinced. "Liu Chenglong introduced me to General Guo Zaiyou before leaving Wang Jing, and General Guo introduced me to come here to speed up the formation of the rebel army here." After that, Otsuka waved his hand, and the entourage came in with a box. Open the box, and inside is a box of silver. "This is the payment allocated by Wang Ting for the formation of the rebel army. Master Liu asked me to take it to General Guo, and General Guo asked me to take it here to recruit the army." Otsuka said. "It's so good, it's so good." Li Yuanji looked at the box of silver, dancing with joy. Otsuka shifted her gaze to Bai Moxue, who turned her face aside and ignored Otsuka. "You robbed the munitions. What did you do with the munitions?" Otsuka asked. "Arms in our hands will play a greater role than in the hands of Wang Ting. Wang Ting will only be a deserter." Bai Chengsui said coldly. "Wang Ting focuses on the overall situation, not what you can understand." Otsuka shot back. "We don't know the overall situation, we only know how to kill one more Japanese pirate." Bai Cheng said casually. "Okay, okay, I wonder if General Otsuka has any plans to come here?" Li Yuanji asked. Otsuka took out a map from his arms and said to everyone: "The imperial court intends to organize a big battle on the Imjin River to delay the Japanese offensive. Now most of the Japanese troops in Suwon have been transferred to the north. We take this opportunity to take it. Go down to Suwon City and disrupt the strategic deployment of the Japanese army." Li Yuanji said overjoyed: "I discussed this plan with the Bai brothers and sisters just now. It seems that the heroes have the same vision!" "Leader Zheng meant to call you nearby. All the rebels went to attack Suwon and strive to take Suwon in one go." Bai Cheng said. "Of course." Li Yuanji said. "If everyone agrees, we will set the time for the attack on Suwon, and I will notify Chief Zheng to send someone to respond." Bai Cheng said. After discussing with them, Otsuka decided to attack Suwon the night after tomorrow. The Bai brothers and sisters and the Otsuka people entered the city during the day and opened the gate at night. The rebels led by Li Yuanji then entered the city. In the past two days, Li Yuanji went to contact people from all walks of life. Otsuka's party and the Bai brothers and sisters all stayed behind the temple. There was no place to live. The tent was temporarily set up. Bai Moxue seemed to avoid Otsuka's gaze deliberately. Mound no longer pays attention to Bai Moxue, but Bai Moxue is secretly watching Otsuka there. I don't know if Otsuka was ignoring or Bai Moxue was escaping, until the third day when they were about to leave, Otsuka and Bai Moxue still didn't say a word. In the early morning of the third day, Otsuka rode a horse with a few entourages to Suwon. The Bai brothers and sisters followed, keeping their distance. The troops stationed in Suwon are Kuroda Nagamasa. There are about 2,000 troops. Recently, most of them have been transferred to the north, leaving only about 300 troops stationed in Suwon. Otsuka found out where the Japanese soldiers were stationed in the city, and then met with the Bai brothers and sisters. At night, Otsuka killed the north gate guard and opened the north gate. The Bai brothers and sisters killed the west gate guard and opened the west gate. Outside the city was Li Yuanji's three thousand rebels. After the north gate and the west gate were opened, the rebels swarmed in. Quickly kill the Japanese guards on the wall. Brothers and sisters of Otsuka and Shira rushed to the Japanese soldiers' garrison with the rebels. The rebels rushed into the Japanese soldiers' garrison, but found that there was no one in the garrison. Otsuka immediately felt bad, everyone was preparing to retreat, shouting outside The ground was shaken. Everyone ran to the gate of the city to take a look. A large number of Japanese soldiers outside the city rushed towards the west and north gates. The rebels staying outside the city were fighting fiercely with the Japanese soldiers. Japanese soldiers armed with iron cannons and bows and arrows turned toward North Korea. The rebels fired, and a large number of rebels fell. Li Yuanji led the rebels several times but was blocked by the Japanese cannons. At night, Otsuka killed the north gate guard and opened the north gate. The Bai brothers and sisters killed the west gate guard and opened the west gate. Outside the city was Li Yuanji's three thousand rebels. After the north gate and the west gate were opened, the rebels swarmed in. Quickly kill the Japanese guards on the wall. Brothers and sisters of Otsuka and Shira rushed to the Japanese soldiers' garrison with the rebels. The rebels rushed into the Japanese soldiers' garrison, but found that there was no one in the garrison. Otsuka immediately felt bad, everyone was preparing to retreat, shouting outside The ground was shaken. Everyone ran to the gate of the city to take a look. A large number of Japanese soldiers outside the city rushed towards the west and north gates. The rebels staying outside the city were fighting fiercely with the Japanese soldiers. Japanese soldiers armed with iron cannons and bows and arrows turned toward North Korea. The rebels fired, and a large number of rebels fell. Li Yuanji led the rebels several times but was blocked by the Japanese cannons. At this moment, Li Yuanji reported: "There are no Japanese soldiers in the South Gate." Li Yuanji, Otsuka, and Bai's brothers and sisters rushed to the South Gate. Most of the rebels who stayed outside the city were killed by Japanese soldiers, but a small part. After retreating into the city, the Japanese soldiers swarmed into the city and ran after them. Everyone ran to the Nancheng Gate and was about to leave the city, but they saw a large number of horse teams appearing outside the Nancheng Gate, lighting torches. Otsuka saw clearly that one of them was the leader he saw in the cottage, and the Bai brothers and sisters also saw it. He ran to the man with joy, and Bai Cheng ran to the man and said: "Brother Zheng, you are finally here. We have been ambushed by the Japanese pirates." Zheng Ji said with a sullen face and said nothing. Otsuka stared at Zheng Ji, and suddenly he felt danger from Zheng Ji's expression. Otsuka was about to let everyone retreat. Zheng Ji waved his hand, and his men picked up the birds and shot at the rebels, and Otsuka pulled Li up. Yuanji quickly retreated, and the rebels in front fell one by one. Behind was the Japanese invaders who were chasing after them. "Brother Zheng, what are you doing? Are you crazy? They are the rebels, your own! Hurry and stop!" Bai Cheng shouted hysterically, and grabbed Zheng Ji's hand in an attempt to pull him off the horse. Zheng Ji broke free of Bai Cheng's entanglement and roared: "Enough! What do you know, do you think such a mob can defeat the Japanese pirates? I want to incorporate them and expand my strength." Bai Moxue's face was livid. , Biting his lip. At this time, the rebels had already handed over to the Japanese army chasing behind, and Li Yuanji organized the rebels to start street fighting with the Japanese army relying on the alleys. Basically, the Japanese troops outside the city had already swarmed into the city. There were about two thousand people. Zheng Ji's men and horses also entered the city. The killings in the city were earth-shaking, brightly lit, and half of the rebels were killed in a blink of an eye. Otsuka suddenly saw a flare fired outside the city, and then many people with bird guns appeared on the city wall and began to shoot at the Japanese soldiers in turn. The Japanese soldiers were immediately beaten up with their heads and scrambled. At the same time, a group of Jinyi guards dressed in North Korean soldiers Riding on a war horse, rushing towards the Japanese army with a sharp blade in hand. Zheng Ji was immediately astonished, and said to himself: "Where did these North Korean soldiers come from?" At this moment, a second flare sounded in the sky outside the south gate, and another group of people rushed towards the south gate. Then, Zheng Ji saw that the flags held by the group of people were decorated with a flag. At this moment, a second signal flares sounded in the sky outside the south gate, and another group of people rushed towards the south gate. Zheng Ji saw this group of people lifting it. The banner was inlaid with the word "Guo". Zheng Ji knew that Guo Zaiyou was coming. Zheng Ji turned his horse's head and waved his hand to prepare to retreat. When Otsuka saw Zheng Ji want to run, he jumped up in the air and took Zheng Ji straight. Zheng Ji was frightened. Seeing that Otsuka's knife was about to slash at Zheng Ji, Bai Cheng appeared in front of Zheng Ji and took over Otsuka. With that cut, the angry Otsuka and Bai Cheng fought together. The two fought for several rounds, regardless of the outcome. Seeing Zheng Ji was about to go out of the city, Otsuka sold a flaw, and Bai Cheng slashed it with one knife. Later, Otsuka kicked Bai Cheng with his abdomen. Bai fell to the ground. Otsuka took out a dart from his arms and threw it at Zheng Ji. The dart centered on Zheng Ji's right shoulder. Zheng Ji turned over and fell off the horse. Otsuka mentioned that he slashed towards Zheng. Ji, Bai Moxue held a knife in front of Zheng Ji again, Bai Moxue firmly looked at Otsuka, Otsuka was in a dilemma. At this time, Li Yuanji was hit in the waist by a Japanese firearm and fell to the ground. Several Japanese soldiers armed with sabers were about to slash at Li Yuanji. Otsuka left Zhengji and killed several Japanese who rushed towards Li Yuanji. Bing, Bai Cheng is easy-going and Bai Moxue quickly helped Zheng Ji mount his horse and rushed out of the city. At this moment, Zheng Ji's troops had fought with Guo Zaiyou's troops outside the Nancheng Gate. After a fierce battle, Zheng Ji and Bai clan The brothers and sisters, as well as several subordinates finally stood out, and most of the troops brought by Zheng Ji were eliminated by Guo Zaiyou's rebels. Under the attack of Cao Gonggong, Li Yuanji and Guo Zaiyou, more than 2,000 Japanese soldiers in the city were wiped out. Guo Zaiyou and Cao Gonggong met, holding hands together. "This time, thanks to his father-in-law's brilliant calculation, this battle was fought so beautifully." Guo Zaiyou said. "General Guo passed the award. If the general hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid the outcome would be unpredictable!" Cao Gonggong said. "Don't stay here for a long time, we will have a period later." Cao Gonggong said. "Okay, Yuanji, this is Duke Cao of Daming, you have to follow Duke Cao from now on." Guo Zaiyou said to Li Yuanji. "Yes." Li Yuanji said. After the crowd dispersed, Li Yuanji led the remaining more than 1,000 nominal troops to various villages. Cao Gonggong asked Otsuka: "Those people ran away? Yes, the woman and his brother guarding their leader Zheng Ji ran away. At that time Li Yuanji was injured. The Japanese soldiers wanted to kill Li Yuanji in order to save Li Yuanji. , Let them run away." Otsuka replied. Father Cao was silent for a while, and said, "Let's go back quickly and get ready. The Japanese army is coming to search the mountain." "I know Zheng Ji's cottage, do you want to bring someone down?" Otsuka asked. "I'll talk about this later." Cao Gonggong said. The next day, the Japanese soldiers returning from the north angrily massacred the remaining residents of Suwon. The Bai brothers and sisters and the rest of the people escorted Zheng Ji to Seoul and found an inn to treat Zheng Ji's wound. After the wound was treated, Bai Cheng followed Bai Moxue out. "I have been following you for fifteen years. Only today did I realize that I don't know you at all. Is the person who often comes to our cottage a Japanese pirate? Did you join the Japanese pirate? Why did you kill your own compatriots? Did you leak the news to the Japanese pirates in this plan?" Bai Cheng asked after grabbing Zheng Ji by the collar. Zheng Ji pushed away Bai Chengsui and said, "You and I don't share the heavens with Wang Ting. Nowadays, the country is in chaos. My ideal is no longer to be a copycat leader, but to become a king. I realize this ideal." Bai Cheng drew out the knife with a "wow" and put it on Zheng Ji's neck. Zheng Ji didn't change his face and said, "You have saved my life several times. If you want to take it, you can take it." Bai Cheng took the knife back with anger, and left Seoul with Bai Moxue. In the Battle of Suwon, due to an intelligence error, Ishida Mitsunari ordered Kazuke Suzuki to commit suicide. After the Battle of Suwon, Joseon King Tingsheng Lee Won-gil served as the defensive envoy of Gyeonggi Udo. Chapter VII Datong Jiang's Theory After the defeat of the Imjinjiang Battle, the Japanese army occupied Kaesong. The news came that there was chaos in Pyongyang. Li Shanhai was exempted from the leadership position for the crime of mistaken country, and Liu Chenglong was appointed as the leader. Discussing politics, in order to let the Western Party work for the country, Xuanzong appointed Cui Xingyuan, a member of the Western Party who had been deposed, as the leader of the government, and at the same time sent envoys to the Ming Dynasty for help. On June 9, President Xiaoxi's troops arrived on the south bank of the Datong River, and Pyongyang was already within easy reach. When Xuanzong in Pyongyang was thinking about where to go, President Konishi's agreement came, and Xuanzong dispatched Li Dexin to negotiate. Li Dexin arrived at the heart of the Datong River by boat, and was greeted by the diplomatic monk Jingzhexuansu of the Zong clan and the clerk Liuchuan. After Jing Che Xuansu met Li Dexin, President Xiaoxi's troops arrived on the south bank of the Datong River on June 9th, and Pyongyang was already close at hand. When Xuanzong in Pyongyang was thinking about where to go, President Konishi's agreement came, and Xuanzong dispatched Li Dexin to negotiate. Li Dexin arrived at the heart of the Datong River by boat, and was greeted by the diplomatic monk Jingzhexuansu of the Zong clan and the clerk Liuchuan. After Jing Zhe Xuansu saw Li Dexin, "Ha, ha, ha!" Li Dexin smiled, Li Dexin sullen. "Master Li, don't come here unharmed!" Jing Che Xuansu asked. "You are here, how can I be bad? Otherwise, how can I welcome you?" Li Dexin said. "Welcome? We saw that it was not a welcome, but your king kept backing away." Jing Che Xuansu said. "Haha." Li Dexin smiled softly. "Now is not the time to greet you, we will also invite a distinguished guest to welcome you." Li Dexin continued. "Oh! I don't know who it is?" Jing Zhe Xuansu asked. "Hahaha!" Li Dexin laughed. Then he said: "Your Excellency is known for his wisdom, so he would ask such a handicapped question. Of course it is my suzerain, Daming." After speaking, he made a respectful gesture with both hands. "Hahaha!" Jing Zhe Xuansu also laughed, and then said: "Don't you know that we are going to meet your so-called suzerain this time. I don't think they have the courage to welcome us. You should let go as soon as possible. The road, let us pass, lest we perish ourselves." "Our country regards Daming as a father, and would rather be a jade fragment, and will not let you move forward." Li Dexin said categorically. Jing Zhe Xuansu smiled awkwardly and said: "You regard Daming as a father, and Daming may not necessarily regard you as a son. If your country becomes a subject of our country, we can also consider giving you a piece of land on Daming's side." "It seems that your Excellency likes daydreaming so much. I advise you to return quickly. Once Daming intervenes, you will be destroyed." Li Dexin said. "Da Ming?" Jing Zhe Xuan Su sarcastically said, "In the old days, the native warriors who lived in Da Ming made them helpless. They had to rely on the strength of non-governmental organizations to deal with them. Dozens of Japanese warriors could reach Nanjing City, and the troops along the way flee. Now that the entire Ming court is paralyzed, the northern Mongolia invades every year, not to mention helping you, they cannot protect themselves. There is a saying among the Han people, (Dà zhǒng cóng huái lǐ ná chū yīgè xìnjiàn dì gěile lǐ yuánjí, lǐ yuánjí chāi kāi yī kàn, zhǐ jiàn shàngmiàn xiě dào: Xiàn yǒu wōguó wǔshì dà zhǒng zhèngfū xiàolì yú dàmíng cáo gōnggōng chù, jīn mìng qí dūcù nánbù sì dào zǔzhī yìjūn dǎjí wōkòu, suǒ dào zhī dì wúbùfèngxíng dà zhǒng zhèngfū zhī hàolìng. Xiàmiàn gàizhe bīngcáo de yìnzhāng. "Nǐ shì cáo gōnggōng de rén?" Lǐ yuánjí wèn dào. Dà zhǒng kàn lǐ yuánjí shénsè yǒuxiē yóuyù, biàn shìyì shēnhòu suícóng, liǎng míng suícóng liàng chūle "běi zhèn fǔ sī" de guān pái, yòu bā kāi yīfú lùchūle fēiyú fú, lǐ yuánjí biàn wánquán xiāngxìnle. "Liǔ chénglóng dàrén líkāi wángjīngqián jièshào wǒ qù guōzàiyòu jiāngjūn nàlǐ, guō jiāngjūn jièshào wǒ qián lái zhèlǐ, jiākuài nǐmen zhèlǐ yìjūn de zǔjiàn." Shuō wán, dà zhǒng huīle yī xiàshǒu, suíháng de rén táile yīgè xiāngzi jìnlái, dà zhǒng jiāng xiāngzi dǎkāi, lǐmiàn shì yī xiāng báiyín. "Zhè shì wáng tíng bōfā de xiǎngyín, yòng yú yìjūn de zǔjiàn, liǔ dàrén ràng wǒ dài qù guō jiāngjūn nàlǐ, guō jiāngjūn ràng wǒ dài dào zhèlǐ, yòng yú zhāomù jūnduì." Dà zhǒng shuōdao. "Rúcǐ shén hǎo, rúcǐ shén hǎo." Lǐ yuánjí wàngzhe nà xiāng báiyín, gāoxìng dé shǒuwǔzúdǎo. Dà zhǒng jiāng mùguāng zhuǎnyí dào bái mò xuě, bái mò xuě bǎ liǎn niǔ dào yībiān bù lǐdà zhǒng. "Nà pī jūnhuǒ shì nǐmen jié de, nǐmen jié jūnhuǒ zuò shénme?" Dà zhǒng wèn. "Jūnhuǒ zài wǒmen shǒu lǐ, bǐ zài wáng tíng shǒu lǐ huì fāhuī gèng dà de zuòyòng, wáng tíng zhǐ huì dāng táobīng." Bái chéng suí lěng lěng de shuōdao. "Wáng tíng zhuóyǎn yú quánjú, bùshì nǐmen néng dǒng de." Dà zhǒng huánjí dào. "Wǒmen bùzhīdào shénme quánjú, wǒmen zhǐ zhīdào rúhé duō shā yīgè wōkòu." Bái chéng suí shuōdao. "Hǎole, hǎole, bùzhī dà zhǒng jiāngjūn lái cǐ yǒu hé jìhuà?" Lǐ yuánjí wèn dào. Dà zhǒng cóng huái lǐ qǔchū yī zhāng dìtú, duì zhòngrén shuōdao:"Cháotíng dǎsuàn zài lín jīnjiāng zǔzhī yī chǎng dà de huìzhàn, chízhì rìjūn de jìngōng, xiànzài shuǐyuán de dà bùfèn rìjūn yǐ diào dào běifāng qùle, wǒmen chèn cǐ jīhuì ná xià shuǐyuán chéng, dǎ luàn rìjūn de zhànlüè bùshǔ." Lǐ yuánjí dàxǐ dào:"Fāngcái wǒ gēn bái shì xiōngmèi shāngtǎo de yěshì zhège jìhuà, kàn lái yīngxióng suǒ jiàn lüè tóng a!" "Zhèng shǒulǐng de yìsi shì ràng nǐ zhàojí fùjìn suǒyǒu de yìjūn qiánwǎng gōngdǎ shuǐyuán, zhēngqǔ yīgǔzuòqì ná xià shuǐyuán." Bái chéng suí shuōdao. "Zhège dāngrán." Lǐ yuánjí shuō. "Rúguǒ dàjiā yìjiàn yīzhì, wǒmen jiù bǎ jìngōng shuǐyuán de shíjiāndìng xiàlái, wǒ zài tōngzhī zhèng shǒulǐng pài rén jiēyìng." Bái chéng suí shuōdao. Jīng guo dà zhǒng hé tāmen shāngyì, juédìng hòutiān yèwǎn jìngōng shuǐyuán, bái shì xiōngmèi hé dà zhǒng de rén báitiān jìn chéng, yèwǎn zài dǎkāi chéng mén, lǐ yuánjí shuàilǐng de yìjūn suíhòu jìnrù chéngnèi. Zhè liǎng tiān lǐ yuánjí qù liánluò gè lù rénmǎ. Dà zhǒng yīxíng hé bái shì xiōngmèi de rén dōu dài zài sìmiào hòumiàn, méiyǒu dìfāng zhù, línshí zhī qǐle zhàngpéng, bái mò xuě hǎoxiàng gùyì zài duǒbì dà zhǒng de mùguāng, dà zhǒng mǐnzhe zuǐ zài nàlǐ xiào, màn man dì dà zhǒng bù zài guānzhù bái mò xuěle, bái mò xuě què zài nàlǐ tōutōu zhùyìzhe dà zhǒng. Bùzhīdào shì dà zhǒng zài hūshì háishì bái mò xuě zài táobì, yīzhí dào dì sān tiān tāmen zhǔnbèi chūfā de shíhòu, dà zhǒng hé bái mò xuě háishì méi shuō yījù huà. Dì sān tiān qīngchén, dà zhǒng qízhe mǎ dàizhe jǐ míng suícóng xiàng shuǐyuán zǒu qù, bái shì xiōngmèi gēn zài hòumiàn, bǎochízhe jùlí. Zhùzhá zài shuǐyuán de shì hēi tiánzhǎngzhèng de bùduì, dàyuē yǒu liǎng qiān rén, zuìjìn dà bùfèn bèi chōudiào qùle běifāng, zhǐ liú xià dàyuē sānbǎi rén zhùzhá zài shuǐyuán. Dà zhǒng mō qīngle rìběn bīng zài chéng lǐ zhùzhá dì dìdiǎn, ránhòu gēn bái shì xiōngmèi huìle hé. Rùyè, dà zhǒng gàndiàole běi mén shǒuwèi, lā kāile běi mén, bái shì xiōngmèi gàndiàole xīmén shǒuwèi, dǎkāile xīmén, chéng wài shì lǐ yuánjí de sānqiān yìjūn, běi mén hé xīmén dǎkāi hòu, yìjūn fēng yǒng ér rù, xùnsù shā diào chéngqiáng shàng de rìjūn shǒuwèi. Dà zhǒng hé bái shì xiōngmèi dàizhe yìjūn wǎng rìběn bīng zhùdì bēn qù, yìjūn chōng jìn rìběn bīng de zhùdì, què fāxiàn zhùdì nèi kōng wú yīrén, dà zhǒng lìkè gǎnjué dào bù miào, zhòngrén zhèng zhǔnbèi hòu chè, chéng wài hǎn shēng zhèn dì, zhòngrén pǎo dào chéng ménkǒu yī kàn, chéng wài dàpī de rìběn bīng xiàng xīmén hé běi mén bēn lái, liúshǒu chéng wài de yìjūn zhèng yǔ rìběn bīng jīzhàn, názhe tiě pào hé gōngjiàn de rìběn bīng yī lún lún xiàng cháoxiǎn yìjūn shèjí, dàpī de yìjūn dào xià. Lǐ yuánjí dàizhe yìjūn chōngle jǐ cì dōu bèi rìběn bīng de tiě pào dǎngle huílái. Rùyè, dà zhǒng gàndiàole běi mén shǒuwèi, lā kāile běi mén, bái shì xiōngmèi gàndiàole xīmén shǒuwèi, dǎkāile xīmén, chéng wài shì lǐ yuánjí de sānqiān yìjūn, běi mén hé xīmén dǎkāi hòu, yìjūn fēng yǒng ér rù, xùnsù shā diào chéngqiáng shàng de rìjūn shǒuwèi. Dà zhǒng hé bái shì xiōngmèi dàizhe yìjūn wǎng rìběn bīng zhùdì bēn qù, yìjūn chōng jìn rìběn bīng de zhùdì, què fāxiàn zhùdì nèi kōng wú yīrén, dà zhǒng lìkè gǎnjué dào bù miào, zhòngrén zhèng zhǔnbèi hòu chè, chéng wài hǎn shēng zhèn dì, zhòngrén pǎo dào chéng ménkǒu yī kàn, chéng wài dàpī de rìběn bīng xiàng xīmén hé běi mén bēn lái, liúshǒu chéng wài de yìjūn zhèng yǔ rìběn bīng jīzhàn, názhe tiě pào hé gōngjiàn de rìběn bīng yī lún lún xiàng cháoxiǎn yìjūn shèjí, dàpī de yìjūn dào xià. Lǐ yuánjí dàizhe yìjūn chōngle jǐ cì dōu bèi rìběn bīng de tiě pào dǎngle huílái. Zhèngzài cǐ shí, lǐ yuánjí shǒuxiàlái fù:"Nán mén méiyǒu rìjūn." Lǐ yuánjí, dà zhǒng, bái shì xiōngmèi dàizhe zhòngrén wǎng nán mén bēn qù, liúshǒu chéng wài de yìjūn dà bùfèn bèi rìběn bīng shā sǐ, xiǎo bùfèn chè rù chéngnèi, rìběn bīng yōng rù chéngnèi, zài hòumiàn jǐn jǐn zhuīgǎn. Zhòngrén pǎo dào nán chéng mén, zhèng yào chūchéng, què kànjiàn nán chéng mén wài chūxiàn dàpī mǎduì, diǎn zháo huǒbǎ, dà zhǒng kàn qīngchǔle, dāngzhōng yīrén zhèng shì tā zài shānzhài jiàn dào dì nà wèi shǒulǐng, bái shì xiōngmèi yě kànjiànle, mǎnmiàn huānxǐ dì xiàng nà rén bēn qù, bái chéng suí pǎo dào nà rén pángbiān shuōdao:"Zhèng xiōng, nǐ zhōngyú láile, wǒmen zhōngle wōkòu de máifú." Zhèng jí yīnchénzhuó liǎn, yījù huà bù shuō. Dà zhǒng zhùshìzhe zhèng jí, hūrán tā cóng zhèng jí de biǎoqíng zhōng gǎnjué dàole wéixiǎn, dà zhǒng zhèng zhǔnbèi ràng zhòngrén hòu chè, zhèng jí shǒu yī huī, shǒuxià de rén ná qǐ niǎo chòng xiàng yìjūn shèjí, dà zhǒng lā qǐ lǐ yuánjí xùnsù hòu chè, qiánmiàn yìjūn yīgè jiē yīgè dào xià. Hòumiàn shì zhuīgǎn de rì kòu, chéng lǐ de yìjūn zhèng xiànrù liǎngmiàn jiájí de jìngdì. "Zhèng xiōng, nǐ zài gànshénme? Nǐ fēngle ma? Tāmen shì yìjūn, zìjǐ rén a! Gǎnkuài zhùshǒu!" Bái chéng suí xiēsīdǐlǐ de hǎnzhe, hái zhuā zhù zhèng jí de shǒu, qìtú jiāng tā lā xiàmǎ lái. Zhèng jí zhēngtuōle bái chéng suí de jiūchán, nùhǒu dào:"Gòule! Nǐ dǒng shénme, nǐ yǐwéi zhème yīqún wūhézhīzhòng jiù néng dǎbài wōkòu ma? Wǒ yào shōubiān tāmen, kuòdà wǒ de lìliàng." Bái mò xuě zài yībiān liǎnsè tiěqīng, jǐn yǎozhe zuǐchún. Cǐ shí, yìjūn yǐjīng gēn hòumiàn zhuīgǎn de rìjūn jiāo shàngle shǒu, lǐ yuánjí zǔzhī yìjūn yītuō xiàng zǐ gēn rìjūn zhǎnkāile xiàngzhàn. Chéng wài rìjūn jīběn shàng dū yǐjīng yōng jìn chéngnèi, dàyuē yǒu liǎng qiān duō rén, zhèng jí de rénmǎ yě dū jìnle chéng, chéngnèi shā dé jīngtiāndòngdì, dēnghuǒ tōngmíng, zhuǎnyǎn jiān yībàn yìjūn bèi shā sǐ. Dà zhǒng túrán kànjiàn chéng wài fāshèle yī kē xìnhàodàn, suíjí chéngqiáng shàng chūxiànle xǔduō shǒu ná niǎo chòng de rén kāishǐ lúnfān xiàng rìjūn shèjí, rìjūn dùnshí bèi dǎ dé bào tóu luàn cuàn, rúcǐ tóngshí, yīqún chuānzhuó cháoxiǎn shìbīng yīfú de jǐnyīwèi qízhe zhànmǎ, shǒuchí lìrèn xiàng rìjūn chōng qù. Zhèng jí zài mǎshàng jīng'è bùyǐ, zì yán zì yǔ dào:"Zhèxiē cháoxiǎn shìbīng cóng nǎlǐ mào chū lái de?" Zhèngzài cǐ shí, nán mén wài de tiānkōng shàng xiǎngqǐle dì èr kē xìnhàodàn, yòu yī pī rén xiàng nán mén bēn lái, zhèng jí kànjiàn zhè pī rén jǔ de qízhì shàng xiāngzhe yīgè zhèngzài cǐ shí, nán mén wài de tiānkōng shàng xiǎngqǐle dì èr kē xìnhàodàn, yòu yī pī rén xiàng nán mén bēn lái, zhèng jí kànjiàn zhè pī rén jǔ de qízhì shàng xiāngzhe yīgè "guō" zì, zhèng jí zhīdào guōzàiyòu láile, zhèng jí diàozhuǎn mǎ tóu, shǒu yī huī, zhǔnbèi chètuì. Dà zhǒng kànjiàn zhèng jí xiǎng pǎo, língkōng tiào qǐ, zhí qǔ zhèng jí, zhèng jí xià dé bù zhī suǒ cuò, yǎnkàn dà zhǒng de dāo jiù yào kǎn xiàng zhèng jí, bái chéng suí chūxiànzài zhèngjíshēn qián, jiē xiàle dà zhǒng nà yīdāo, fènnù de dà zhǒng hé bái chéng suí dǎ chéngyī tuán, liǎng rén dòule jǐ gè huíhé, bù fēn shèng fù, yǎnkànzhe zhèng jí jiù yào chūchéng, dà zhǒng màile gè pòzhàn, bái chéng suí yīdāo kǎn kōng hòu, dà zhǒng yī jiǎo tī xiàng bái chéng suí fùbù, bái diédǎo zài dì, dà zhǒng cóng huái lǐ qǔchū yīgè fēibiāo zhì xiàng zhèng jí, fēibiāo zhèngzhòng zhèng jí yòu jiān, zhèng jí fānshēn luòmǎ, dà zhǒng tí dào kǎn xiàng zhèng jí, bái mò xuě yòu ná dāo dǎng zàile zhèngjíshēn qián, bái mò xuě jiān dìng dì kànzhe dà zhǒng, dà zhǒng zhèngzài zuǒyòu wéinán. Cǐ shí, lǐ yuánjí bèi rìjūn de huǒqì jí zhòng le yāobù, dào zàile dìshàng, jǐ gè rìjūn názhe zhàndāo jiù yào kǎn xiàng lǐ yuánjí, dà zhǒng piē xià zhèng jí, shā sǐle jǐ gè bēn xiàng lǐ yuánjí de rìběn bīng, bái chéng suíhe bái mò xuě gǎnjǐn jiāng zhèng jí fú shàngmǎ xiàng chéng wài bēn qù, cǐkè, zhèng jí de rénmǎ yǐjīng gēn guōzàiyòu de bùduì zài nán chéng mén wài dǎle qǐlái, yī fān jīzhàn hòu, zhèng jí, bái shì xiōngmèi, yǐjí jǐ gè shǒu xià zhōngyú túchū bāowéi, zhèng jí dài lái de dà bù fèn rénmǎ bèi guōzàiyòu de yìjūn xiāomiè diào. Zài cáo gōnggōng rénmǎ, lǐ yuánjí yìjūn hé guōzàiyòu yìjūn de dǎjí xià, chéngnèi liǎng qiān duō rìběn bīng bèi xiāomiè diào. Guōzàiyòu hé cáo gōnggōng huìle miàn, shuāngfāng shǒu wò zàile yīqǐ. "Zhè cì duōkuī gōnggōng shénjīmiàosuàn, cái shǐ zhè chǎng zhàng dǎ dé zhème piàoliang." Guōzàiyòu shuōdao. "Guō jiāngjūn guòjiǎngle, ruò bùshì jiāngjūn jíshí gǎn dào, kǒngpà shèng fù hái nán liào a!" Cáo gōnggōng shuō. "Cǐdì bùkě jiǔliú, wǒmen hòuhuìyǒuqī ba." Cáo gōnggōng shuō. "Hǎo, yuánjí, zhè wèi shì dàmíng de cáo gōnggōng, yǐhòu nǐ yào tīngcóng cáo gōnggōng de." Guōzàiyòu duì lǐ yuánjí shuōdao. "Zūnmìng." Lǐ yuánjí shuō. Zhòngrén sàn qù hòu, lǐ yuánjí dàilǐng shèng xià de yīqiān duō míngyì jūn fēnsàn dào gège cūnluò. Cáo gōnggōng xiàng dà zhǒng wèn dào:"Nàxiē rén pǎole? Shì de, nà míng nǚzǐ hé tā gēgē hùwèi tāmen de tóulǐng zhèng jí pǎole, dāngshí lǐ yuánjí shòule shāng, rìběn bīng yào shā lǐ yuánjí, wèile jiù lǐ yuánjí, ràng tāmen pǎole." Dà zhǒng dá. Cáo gōnggōng chénmòle yī huǐ, shuō:"Wǒmen sù sù huíqù, zuò hǎo zhǔnbèi, rìjūn yào lái sōu shānle." "Wǒ zhīdào zhèng jí de shānzhài, yào bùyào dài rén dǎ xiàlái?" Dà zhǒng wèn. "Zhège yǐhòu zàishuō." Cáo gōnggōng shuōdao. Dì èr tiān, cóng běifāng fǎnhuí de rìběn bīng, fènnù dì duì shuǐyuán shèng xià de jūmín jìnxíngle túshā. Bái shì xiōngmèi hé shèng xià de rén hùsòng zhèng jí dàole hànchéng, zhǎole jiā kèzhàn duì zhèng jí de shāngkǒu jìnxíngle chǔlǐ, chǔlǐ wánliǎo shāngkǒu, bái chéng suí jiāng bái mò xuě zhīle chūqù. "Wǒ gēnzhe nǐ shíwǔ niánle, zhǐ dào jīntiān, wǒ cái fāxiàn wǒ duì nǐ gēnběn bù liǎojiě, jīngcháng lái wǒmen shānzhài dì nàgè rén shì bùshì wōkòu? Nǐ shì bùshì tóukàole wōkòu? Nǐ wèishéme yào shāhài zìjǐ de tóngbāo? Zhè cì jìhuà shì bùshì nǐ bǎ xiāoxī xièlòu gěile wōkòu?" Bái chéng suí zhuā zhù zhèng jí de yī lǐng wèn dào. Zhèng jí tuī kāile bái chéng suí, shuō:"Nǐ wǒ dū gēn wáng tíng bù gòng dàitiān, xiànjīn guójiā dàluàn, wǒ de lǐxiǎng bù zài shì dāng gè shānzhài shǒulǐng, ér shì chéngwéi wáng, xiànzài wōkòu láile, tāmen nénggòu bāng wǒ shíxiàn zhège lǐxiǎng." Bái chéng suí "huālā" yīshēng bá chūle dāo, jià zài zhèng jí de bózi shàng. Zhèng jí miàn bù gǎisè dì shuō:"Wǒ de mìng nǐ yǐjīng jiùle hǎojǐ cì, xiǎng ná qù, nǐ jiù ná qù ba." Bái chéng suí fènfèn de shōuhuíle dāo, dàizhe bái mò xuě líkāile hànchéng. Shuǐyuán yī zhàn, yóuyú qíngbào shàng de shīwù, shítián sānchéng lèlìng língmù yījiè zìshā. Shuǐyuán zhī zhàn hòu, cháoxiǎn wángtíngshēng lǐ yuánjí wèi jīngjī yòu dào fángyù shǐ. Dì qī zhāng dàtóng jiāng zhī lùn lín jīnjiāng zhànyì shībài hòu, rìjūn zhànlǐngle kāi chéng, xiāoxī chuán lái, píngrǎng chéngnèi yòu shì luàn chéng yī tuán má, lǐ shānhǎi yǐ wù guó zuì bèi miǎnchú lǐng yìzhèng zhíwù, liǔ chénglóng bèi rènmìng wèi lǐng yìzhèng, wèile ràng xī rén dǎng wèi guó xiàolì, xuānzōng yòu qǐyòng yǐ bèi bàmiǎn de xī rén dǎng chéngyuán cuīxìngyuán wèi lǐng yìzhèng, tóngshí qiǎn shǐ xiàng míng cháo qiújiù. Liù yuè jiǔ rì, xiǎo xīxíng zhǎng de bùduì dàodá dàtóng jiāngnán àn, cǐ shí de píngrǎng yǐ jìn zài zhǐchǐ. Píngrǎng chéngnèi de xuānzōng zhèng yùnniàngzhe wǎng nǎlǐ zǒu de shíhòu, xiǎo xīxíng zhǎng de yìhé shū láile, xuānzōng pàichūle lǐdéxīn qiánwǎng tánpàn. Lǐdéxīn chéng chuán lái dàole dàtóng jiāng jiāng xīn, yíngjiē tā de shì zōng shì wàijiāo sēng jǐng zhé xuán sū hé ménrén liǔchuān diào xìn. Jǐng zhé xuán sū jiàn dào lǐdéxīn hòu, liù yuè jiǔ rì, xiǎo xīxíng zhǎng de bùduì dàodá dàtóng jiāngnán àn, cǐ shí de píngrǎng yǐ jìn zài zhǐchǐ. Píngrǎng chéng nèi de xuānzōng zhèng yùnniàngzhe wǎng nǎlǐ zǒu de shíhòu, xiǎo xīxíng zhǎng de yìhé shū láile, xuānzōng pàichūle lǐdéxīn qiánwǎng tánpàn. Lǐdéxīn chéng chuán lái dàole dàtóng jiāng jiāng xīn, yíngjiē tā de shì zōng shì wàijiāo sēng jǐng zhé xuán sū hé ménrén liǔchuān diào xìn. Jǐng zhé xuán sū jiàn dào lǐdéxīn hòu,"hā, hā, hā!" De xiàole qǐlái, lǐdéxīn yīnchénzhuó liǎn. "Lǐ dàrén bié lái wúyàng a!" Jǐng zhé xuán sū wèn. "Nǐmen láile, wǒ zěnme néng bù hǎo ne? Bùrán zěnme yíngjiē nǐmen ne?" Lǐdéxīn shuō. "Yíngjiē? Wǒmen kàn dào bùshì yíngjiē, ér shì nǐmen de wáng bùduàn hòutuì ó." Jǐng zhé xuán sū shuō. "Hāhā." Lǐdéxīn qīng qīng yīxiào. "Xiàn zài hái bùshì yíngjiē de shíhòu, wǒmen hái yào qǐng yī wèi zūnguì de kèrén lái huānyíng nǐmen." Lǐdéxīn jiēzhe shuōdao. "Ó! Bù zhī shì nǎ wèi?" Jǐng zhé xuán sū wèn. "Hāhāhā!" Lǐdéxīn dà xiào qǐlái. Ránhòu shuōdao:"Géxià yǐ zhìhuì ér wénmíng, jìngrán huì wèn zhème ruòzhì de wèntí, dāngrán shì wǒ zōngzhǔguó dàmíng." Shuō wán, shuāngshǒu zuòle yīgè gōngjìng de zītài. "Hā hā hā!" Jǐng zhé xuán sū yě dà xiào qǐlái, jiēzhe shuōdao:"Nǐ nándào bù zhīdào, wǒmen zhè cì jiùshì yào qù huì huì nǐmen suǒwèi de zōngzhǔguó, wǒ kàn tāmen shì méiyǒu dǎnliàng yíngjiē wǒmen, nǐmen háishì zǎorì ràng kāi dàolù, ràng wǒmen guòqù, yǐmiǎn zì qǔ mièwáng." "Wǒguó shì dàmíng rú fù, níng wéi yùsuì, yě bù huì ràng nǐmen qián jìnyībù." Lǐdéxīn zhǎndīngjiétiě shuō. Jǐng zhé xuán sū gāngà de xiàole xiào, shuō:"Nǐmen shì dàmíng rú fù, dàmíng wèibì shì nǐmen rú zǐ, rúguǒ guì guó chéngle wǒguó de shǔguó, wǒmen hái kěyǐ kǎolǜ zài dàmíng nà biān gěi nǐmen yīkuài tǔdì ne." "Kàn lái géxià zhème xǐhuān zuò bái rì mèng, wǒ quàn ěr děng háishì sù sù fǎnhuí, dàmíng yīdàn chāshǒu, ěr děng jiāng huì yùshíjùfén." Lǐdéxīn shuō. "Dàmíng?" Jǐng zhé xuán sū jīfèng dào:"Xīrì, liúluò dào dàmíng de běnguó wǔshì dōu lìng tāmen wúkěnàihé, hái yào kào mínjiān zǔzhī lìliàng duìfù, jǐ shí gè rìběn wǔshì dōu kěyǐ dǎ dào nánjīng chéng, yántú de jūnduì wàngfēng'értáo. Rújīn zhěnggè dàmíng cháotíng xiànrù tānhuàn, běifāng ménggǔ měinián jìnfàn, bié shuō yuánzhù nǐmen, tāmen zìshēn dōu nánbǎo. Hànrén yǒu jù huà,)






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经过与境外债权人漫长的讨价还价,2000年12月,粤海公司的巨额债务实现重组。平均削债率达42.78%,重组后的资产负债比例为67%,与之前相比已有明显改善。因此,这一重组项目也被《国际金融评论》评为2001年"亚洲最佳重组交易"。 在亚洲金融危机中,广国投和粤海案只是广东所面临挑战的一部分。当时,广东省的金融机构普遍面临支付危机,在一些地区,还出现了挤兑现象。 1999年11月,"广东省地方中小金融机构和农金会金融风险处置工作协调小组"成立,王岐山担任组长。为了解决金融机构的遗留问题,广东省向中央银行借款380亿元,在一年时间内,对数以千计的中小金融机构,实施了停业整顿。 卢瑞华回忆时说道:"当时向中央借钱是一个非常果断的措施,当时朱镕基总理是支持的。时任广东常务副省长是王岐山,他是银行家,他懂得这一规则,他提出来向中央借钱,我赞成。" 2000年至2001年,广东省税收增加700亿元,中央的借款提前还清了。 "非典"疫区的"救火队长" 2002年,王岐山来到海南,出任省委书记。在任期间,王岐山改变过去"工业立省"的思路,提出"生态立省"的规划。 黄江南对此颇有感触,"所有的省委书记、省长,一般来说都要追求GDP,追求业绩,追求产值。他呢,就有自己独特的想法,他是从海南的长远发展和根本利益出发。哪怕自己在任的时候业绩不那么辉煌。" "这就是一个政客和政治家的区别。" 2003年4月20日,在海南上任还不到5个月的王岐山,被突然召回北京,出任北京市代市长一职,再次被置于风口浪尖。这次他要处理的,不再是自己所熟悉的金融事务,而是传染病疫情。此时的北京,因为

After a long bargaining with overseas creditors, in December 2000, the huge debt of Yuehai Company was reorganized. The average debt reduction rate reached 42.78%, and the asset-liability ratio after the reorganization was 67%, which has been significantly improved compared to before. Therefore, this restructuring project was also named as the "Best Restructuring Transaction in Asia in 2001" by the International Financial Review. In the Asian financial crisis, the Guangguo Investment and Yuehai case are only part of the challenges facing Guangdong. At that time, financial institutions in Guangdong Province were generally facing a payment crisis, and there were also runs on some areas. In November 1999, the "Guangdong Province Local Small and Medium-sized Financial Institutions and the Financial Risk Management Coordination Group of the Agricultural Finance Association" was established, with Wang Qishan as the team leader. In order to solve the remaining problems of financial institutions, Guangdong Province borrowed 38 billion yuan from the central bank. Within a year, thousands of small and medium financial institutions were suspended for rectification. Lu Ruihua recalled: "Lending money from the central government was a very decisive measure at the time. Premier Zhu Rongji supported it at the time. The then executive vice governor of Guangdong was Wang Qishan. He was a banker. He understood this rule and he proposed it. I agree to borrow money from the central government." From 2000 to 2001, Guangdong Province's tax revenue increased by 70 billion yuan, and the central government's borrowings were paid off ahead of schedule. The "firefighting captain" of the SARS epidemic area In 2002, Wang Qishan came to Hainan and served as Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. During his tenure, Wang Qishan changed the idea of ​​"building a province through industry" and put forward a plan of "building a province through ecology". Huang Jiangnan felt very much about this, "All the provincial party committee and governor generally pursue GDP, performance, and output value. He has his own unique ideas. He is based on the long-term development of Hainan. Proceeding from fundamental interests. Even if his performance was not so brilliant when he was in office." "This is the difference between a politician and a politician." On April 20, 2003, Wang Qishan, who had been in office for less than five months in Hainan, was suddenly recalled. Beijing, as the acting mayor of Beijing, was once again placed on the cusp of the storm. This time, what he has to deal with is no longer the financial affairs he is familiar with, but the epidemic of infectious diseases. Beijing at this time, because (Jīngguò yǔ jìngwài zhàiquánrén màncháng de tǎojiàhuánjià,2000 nián 12 yuè, yuè hǎi gōngsī de jù'é zhàiwù shíxiàn chóngzǔ. Píngjūn xuē zhài lǜ dá 42.78%, Chóngzǔ hòu de zīchǎn fùzhài bǐlì wèi 67%, yǔ zhīqián xiāng bǐ yǐ yǒu míngxiǎn gǎishàn. Yīncǐ, zhè yī chóngzǔ xiàngmù yě bèi "guójì jīnróng pínglùn" píng wèi 2001 nián "yàzhōu zuì jiā chóngzǔ jiāoyì". Zài yàzhōu jīnróng wéijī zhōng, guǎng guó tóu hé yuè hǎi àn zhǐshì guǎngdōng suǒ miànlín tiǎozhàn de yībùfèn. Dāngshí, guǎngdōng shěng de jīnróng jīgòu pǔbiàn miànlín zhīfù wéijī, zài yīxiē dìqū, hái chūxiànle jǐduì xiànxiàng. 1999 Nián 11 yuè,"guǎngdōng shěng dìfāng zhōngxiǎo jīnróng jīgòu hé nóng jīn huì jīnróng fēngxiǎn chǔzhì gōngzuò xiétiáo xiǎozǔ" chénglì, wáng qíshān dānrèn zǔ zhǎng. Wèi liǎo jiějué jīnróng jīgòu de yíliú wèntí, guǎngdōng shěng xiàng zhōngyāng yínháng jièkuǎn 380 yì yuán, zài yī nián shíjiān nèi, duì shù yǐ qiān jì de zhōngxiǎo jīnróng jīgòu, shíshīle tíngyè zhěngdùn. Lúruìhuá huíyì shí shuōdao:"Dāngshí xiàng zhōngyāng jiè qián shì yīgè fēicháng guǒduàn de cuòshī, dāngshí zhūróngjī zǒnglǐ shì zhīchí de. Shí rèn guǎngdōng chángwù fù shěng zhǎng shì wáng qíshān, tā shì yínháng jiā, tā dǒngdé zhè yī guīzé, tā tíchūlái xiàng zhōngyāng jiè qián, wǒ zànchéng." 2000 Nián zhì 2001 nián, guǎngdōng shěng shuìshōu zēngjiā 700 yì yuán, zhōngyāng de jièkuǎn tíqián huán qīngle. "Fēidiǎn" yì qū de "jiùhuǒ duìzhǎng" 2002 nián, wáng qíshān lái dào hǎinán, chūrèn shěng wěi shūjì. Zàirèn qíjiān, wáng qíshān gǎibiàn guòqù "gōngyè lì shěng" de sīlù, tí chū "shēngtài lì shěng" de guīhuà. Huáng jiāngnán duì cǐ pǒ yǒu gǎnchù,"suǒyǒu de shěng wěi shūjì, shěng zhǎng, yībān lái shuō dōu yào zhuīqiú GDP, zhuīqiú yèjī, zhuīqiú chǎnzhí. Tā ne, jiù yǒu zìjǐ dútè de xiǎngfǎ, tā shì cóng hǎinán de chángyuǎn fāzhǎn hé gēnběn lìyì chūfā. Nǎpà zìjǐ zàirèn de shíhòu yèjī bù nàme huīhuáng." "Zhè jiùshì yīgè zhèngkè hé zhèngzhì jiā de qūbié." 2003 Nián 4 yuè 20 rì, zài hǎinán shàngrèn hái bù dào 5 gè yuè de wáng qíshān, bèi túrán zhàohuí běijīng, chūrèn běijīng shì dài shì zhǎng yī zhí, zàicì bèi zhì yú fēngkǒulàngjiān. Zhè cì tā yào chǔlǐ de, bù zài shì zìjǐ suǒ shúxī de jīnróng shìwù, ér shì chuánrǎn bìng yìqíng. Cǐ shí de běijīng, yīnwèi)

秦桧必欲害死岳飞,见何、周二人不肯再审,就起用万俟卨这条疯狗去办理此案。万俟卨用尽灭绝人性的手段拷打岳飞。岳飞被害得死去活来,就是不肯诬服。万俟卨黔驴技穷,再用张浚故伎,让手下人编个口供,说岳飞曾令手下将领于鹏、孙革致书张宪、王贵,让他们谎报敌情以惊动朝廷;又说岳飞曾与张宪通信,让张宪想办法还岳飞的兵权。因没有证据,他就说:"书已被焚,无从勘证,应再求证人,以便谳狱。"秦桧又悬赏募集证人。两个月后竟无人作证。万俟卨再编造其他罪名,也毫无证据。秦桧、张浚等如此悖逆猖狂,惹怒了朝廷中的几名忠臣。薛仁辅、李若朴,何彦猷等都曾上书为岳飞呼冤。高宗看过后压下不发。韩世忠在大堂上质问秦桧,岳飞究竟犯了什么罪。秦桧答道:"飞子云与张宪书,虽未得实据,恐怕是莫须有的事情。"韩世忠气愤地说:"'莫须有'三字何以服天下?"秦桧也不答复。韩世忠见状,回家与夫人梁红玉商量一下,干脆辞职还乡隐居了。"莫须有"的罪名即来源此处。 岳飞从绍兴十一年(1341年)十月份入狱,直到年底也未能定案,所有的罪名都不能成立。秦桧又找新证,说岳飞在与众将闲聊时说过"我和太祖一样,都是30岁当的节度使",再指使几个亲党作证,说岳飞是"指斥乘舆,有不臣之心",于是以这条罪名和逗留淮西两条根本不能成立的罪状把岳飞定成死罪。昏庸的宋高宗居然批准这一千古难平的冤狱,下诏赐岳飞狱中缢死,张宪、岳云斩首。 十二月二十九日(1142年1月27日)这一天,临安城上空阴云四起。精忠报国、惊破敌胆的抗金英雄岳飞被秦桧派去的走狗勒死狱中。两员猛将张宪和岳云被杀死在刑场。 像蜘蛛一样到处结满专政之网 秦桧为巩固自己的权势,进一步控制南宋朝政,迫害异己、消灭政敌就成了他任相以后的主要目的。秦桧诬陷的手法极其阴诈险恶。他有时通过自己操纵的台谏弹劾政敌,而证据不过"曰谤讪、曰指斥、曰怨望、曰立党沽名,甚则曰无有君心",罪名是可以随心所欲捏造的。有时他还亲自书写奏疏,交给爪牙出面代奏。人们一看便知这是秦桧的笔法。秦桧居心叵测,凡是和朝臣在高宗面前发生争执时,他往往并不极力辩解,而是最后以只言片语把对方一棍子打死。 有一次,秦桧和李光发生了争持。李光说了许多针对秦桧的意见。秦桧沉默不语,等李光说完后,他才慢悠悠地甩出了一句"李光没有人臣之礼",言外之意是不尊重皇帝。就这一句话使高宗对李光大为不满。秦桧还大搞恐怖政治。他的走卒布满京城。官吏百姓稍微说几句不满的话就有可能立即锒铛入狱。,言外之意是不尊重皇帝。就这一句话使高宗对李光大为不满。秦桧还大搞恐怖政治。他的走卒布满京城。官吏百姓稍微说几句不满的话就有可能立即锒铛入狱。 在排斥异己、钳制舆论的同时,秦桧还竭力培植党羽,搜罗亲信。凡是依附自己的人立即予以任用;即使是品德下流的不肖之徒,一言契合,他也立刻授予高官显职。当朝散郎王扬英迎合秦桧的旨意上书举荐秦桧的儿子秦嬉为相,秦桧就"报以桃李",推荐王扬英知泰州。其他像孙近、詹大方等人都因卖身投靠而相继跻身政要。顺我者昌、逆我者亡,是秦桧的处世哲学。即便对于其亲信爪牙,他也是生杀予夺、随心所欲,用得着时甜言蜜语,收买笼络,用不着或稍有猜忌时,狠下毒手,六亲不认。郑刚中曾因对秦桧歌功颂德被提拔为监察御史,后出任四川宣抚副使,只因处理一件事情未请示秦桧就直奏高宗,惹恼了秦桧,被一贬再贬,最后凌虐而死。一些亲信党羽为秦桧出谋划策,跑腿出力,被授予高官之后,在秦桧的威慑下,都不敢说话,成为秦桧的陪衬。即使这样,秦桧仍然不会让他们久在其位。在秦桧独相期间,先后用过28个执政副职,还企图让其子子孙孙永保富贵。绍兴十二年(1142年),他指令科举考官将其儿子秦嬉录取为状元。此后秦嬉步步高升,不出三年就当上了知枢密院事。秦桧还想让孙子秦埙也当状元,于绍兴二十四年(1154年)将其亲信魏师逊、汤思退任为主考官。这些人一看到秦埙的试卷就得意地说:"这一下我们可以富贵了!"于是共同作弊,将秦埙定为第一名。只是到殿试时,由于高宗看到秦埙策问试卷上的话语都是秦桧和秦嬉的语言,才将他降为第三名。秦桧姻党的两个爪牙周夤、沈兴杰也都在这次考试中得进士头衔。秦桧另外的几个孙子,大的不过九岁,小的尚在襁褓之中,也被赐为"三品服"。秦桧父子亲党就这样布满了朝廷,成为显要人物。 秦桧替金朝做内奸,实现了金人"以和议佐攻战"的目的。金人因此也十分感激他。绍兴十一年签订和约时,金朝坚持要在盟书中写上"毋得擅易大臣"的条款,肆无忌惮地要求南宋王朝永远保住秦桧的地位。秦桧于是"外有女真以为援引,内有群奸以为佐命",像只蜘蛛一样在朝野上下到处结满了他的专政之网。他暗中结纳了宫廷内侍以及医师王继先等,让他们留意和观察宋高宗的动静,将高宗置于自己的控制之下。他要求天下郡县所上的奏章必须先由他处理,严禁直接送到皇帝面前。有一次,高宗觉着不对头,就问秦桧:,像只蜘蛛一样在朝野上下到处结满了他的专政之网。他暗中结纳了宫廷内侍以及医师王继先等,让他们留意和观察宋高宗的动静,将高宗置于自己的控制之下。他要求天下郡县所上的奏章必须先由他处理,严禁直接送到皇帝面前。有一次,高宗觉着不对头,就问秦桧:"最近国中难道什么事情都没有?"秦桧说:"从您面前的奏章可以看到。"其实高宗面前已经见不到多少奏章了。高宗也慢慢地看出了秦桧欺君罔上的行为,他曾对人说过秦桧任意所为,不想让自己知道天下事。但明知被架空,高宗此时也只能作无可奈何之状了。当时,衢州爆发了俞八领导的农民起义。秦桧没有报告高宗,而是擅自派兵前去镇压。高宗的儿子晋安郡王赵眘(即后来的宋孝宗)把这件事情告诉了高宗。高宗大惊,质问秦桧。秦桧回答说是这件事不足以给皇上添麻烦,等平息以后会再报告。退朝后秦桧马上追查消息来源,知道是赵眘告密后,竟以居丧期不应当发给俸禄为由,用每月扣除赵眘二百缗的薪俸的办法来对其示威。高宗也没办法,只好用内帑进行补贴。一个宗室亲王尚且如此受到秦桧的威逼,一般人就更不敢轻议其非了。因而一时间献言者不是称颂秦桧的功德,就是攻讦秦桧的政敌,即使有所建议,也唯恐触犯秦桧的忌讳,畏言国事,只能说些不痛不痒的话语了。 绍兴和议签订后,宋高宗和秦桧把向金朝贡纳银五十万两、绢五十万匹的负担全部强加到了南宋人民头上。宋朝的官员在各地增加了名目繁多的苛捐杂税。如两浙州县百姓要缴绵、绸、税捐、茶捐、杂钱、白米等杂税,有的一亩地要缴纳到四五斗;湖南有土户钱、醋息钱、曲引钱等,各色不一。秦桧任相之后,又秘密要求各地暗增民税近一倍。南宋的老百姓真是生活在水深火热之中。 作恶多端的秦桧激起了人民的仇恨和憎恶。绍兴十二年(1150年)正月,在秦桧乘轿上朝的时候,殿前司后军小校施全手持斩马刀,埋伏在望仙桥下准备刺杀秦桧,可惜只砍断了桥柱。施全被捕后,慷慨激昂地怒斥秦桧:"举国上下都与金为仇,只有你一个人想投降,所以我要杀你!"秦桧做贼心虚,此后每逢外出都要带50名武装士兵保护自己。 绍兴二十五年(1155年)十月二十二日,66岁的秦桧因病结束了自己的罪恶生涯。在人们的印象中,秦桧从来就是卖国奸臣的代名词。而后人将秦桧等四名谋害岳飞的主谋用白铁铸像,令其永跪岳飞墓前,并有联曰:"青山有幸埋忠骨,白铁无辜铸佞臣。"从中可见人们对秦桧的憎恶。 鳌拜——并非天生就要当权臣 鳌拜,清初权臣,出身瓜尔佳氏,满洲镶黄旗人,清朝三代元勋,康熙帝早年辅政大臣之一,以战功封公爵。鳌拜前半生军功赫赫,号称"满洲第一勇士",后半生则操握权柄、结党营私。在兵部左侍郎潘湖叟、黄锡衮的率领下,王弘祚配合黄锡衮密助康熙主政于朝,逮捕鳌拜有功。王弘祚晋兵部尚书、潘湖叟、黄锡衮升东阁大学士兼兵部左侍郎。结果他被生擒之后,老死于囚牢中,为影响清初政局的一个重要人物。 骁勇善战,屡立奇功 在入关之前,满族人皆上马为兵,下马为民,所有男子从12岁起,就正式成为战士,因此鳌拜从小就受到骑射训练。长大后,鳌拜武艺高强,弓马娴熟,为人孔武有力,初任护军校尉,因功授甲喇章京世职、参领等职。崇德元年(1636年)十二月,太宗皇太极率军第二次侵掠朝鲜,鳌拜任职护卫,随侍皇太极左右。翌年正月,朝鲜投降,皇太极凯旋。临行皇太极命贝子硕托与孔有德、耿仲明、尚可喜攻取明军占有之皮岛。硕托军久攻不下。二月,皇太极命武英郡王阿济格率军往代硕托,鳌拜从征。 明军自天启元年(1621年)占据皮岛,在此开镇,驻以大将重兵,从背后威胁后金,时时乘虚袭击,与宁锦前线互为犄角,辽东汉人逃亡者甚众,成为后金的心腹之患。努尔哈赤在世时曾几次派军攻取,但均未成功。皇太极为此日夜筹思,必欲拔之。此时阿济格奉命指挥攻岛,与诸将集议,决定分两路进攻。四月初八夜,后金军一路排列巨舰,实为佯攻,以吸引万余守岛明军;另一路乘船轻舟疾进,攻皮岛北隅,实为主攻。此路肩负重任。阿济格集诸将询问谁人能率军先登。鳌拜请战,与准塔向阿济格立下军令状:"我等若不得此岛,必不来见王。誓必克岛而回。"于是约定登陆后举火为号。鳌拜与准塔连舟渡海,但鳌拜等人的偷袭队伍还是被皮岛明军发现。明军立即炮矢齐发。后金军冲了数次均未能靠岸,形势紧急。在这种情况下,鳌拜不顾生死亲操舟射箭,到岸边后,一跃而上,大呼陷阵,冒炮矢直前搏战,准塔继之,所部登上皮岛,然后举火引导后继后金军。由于鳌拜率部队占据了滩头阵地,所以其余后金军蜂拥而上,遂攻克皮岛。皇太极闻报大喜,特撰文告祭努尔哈赤,以慰在天之灵。太宗以此岛可比大城,令从优议叙。鳌拜论首功,膺重赏,由牛录章京超擢为三等梅勒章京,赐予巴图鲁称号,旋擢镶黄旗护军统领,位列大臣。于是约定登陆后举火为号。鳌拜与准塔连舟渡海,但鳌拜等人的偷袭队伍还是被皮岛明军发现。明军立即炮矢齐发。后金军冲了数次均未能靠岸,形势紧急。在这种情况下,鳌拜不顾生死亲操舟射箭,到岸边后,一跃而上,大呼陷阵,冒炮矢直前搏战,准塔继之,所部登上皮岛,然后举火引导后继后金军。由于鳌拜率部队占据了滩头阵地,所以其余后金军蜂拥而上,遂攻克皮岛。皇太极闻报大喜,特撰文告祭努尔哈赤,以慰在天之灵。太宗以此岛可比大城,令从优议叙。鳌拜论首功,膺重赏,由牛录章京超擢为三等梅勒章京,赐予巴图鲁称号,旋擢镶黄旗护军统领,位列大臣。 明清松锦之战,是关系到双方生死存亡的决战。崇德六年(1641年)六月,鳌拜随郑亲王济尔哈朗围困锦州。明蓟辽总督洪承畴率13万大军来援,立营松山西北,攻击清营。明锦州守将祖大寿亦遣兵出,夹击清军。济尔哈朗指挥右翼失利。武英郡王阿济格指挥左翼,遣精锐护军助战。鳌拜统领镶黄旗护军,见明骑兵自松山出,奋力搏杀。明军大败,于是鳌拜不待军令,乘胜追击,直抵明军兵列,令所部下马步战,冲入敌阵,再败明军。鳌拜往来接战,辄当先陷阵,五战皆捷,因功由三等梅勒章京擢为一等梅勒章京。八月,皇太极倾全国之师,亲率援锦,夺明军笔架山军粮,断其归路。二十一日晚,洪承畴指挥明军分路突围。鳌拜奉命率清军左翼,截击突围明军。明总兵吴三桂、王朴、唐通等率马步兵沿海边突围。鳌拜率军追击。明军溃败。明军在这次战役中也表现了极顽强的战斗精神。据记载,明军士兵在陷入绝境时仍视死如归,鲜有乞降者,拥荷其将,立于海中,伸臂翼蔽,俾不中箭,不失敬礼,死而后已。"清人对不降士兵三日搜杀,极其残酷"。经此一战,明军损失大半,败局已定。 崇德七年(1642年)十一月,鳌拜又随饶馀贝勒阿巴泰毁边墙入掠明境。他指挥本旗兵率先攻破明长城防线,然后,长驱直入,进逼燕京。旋随左翼攻掠至山东,攻陷兖州府及临清、汶山诸县。两路清军复会合于密云,再败吴三桂、范志完援军。崇德八年(1643年)六月由墙子岭斩关而出。这一仗,清军共攻陷明内地城池88座,生擒明鲁王朱衣佩等共6王。明宗室死者千余人,掠掳人口36万余口,牲畜数十万头,金银财物不计其数。明人说:"清军壬午年(1642年)之入,直走青齐,及淮而止,所至屠掠一空,祸为至剧

Qin Hui was going to kill Yue Fei. Seeing He, the people refused to retrial on Tuesday, so he used the mad dog, Wan Qiang, to handle the case. Wan Hao used all the means of exterminating humanity to tortured Yue Fei. Yue Fei was so murdered that he refused to make false accusations. Wan Qian's guilin donkey skills were poor, and Zhang Jun's old tricks were used to let his subordinates compose a confession, saying that Yue Fei had ordered his generals Yu Peng and Sun Ge to write to Zhang Xian and Wang Gui, and asked them to lie about the enemy in order to alarm the court; Xian Communication asked Zhang Xian to find a way to return Yue Fei's military power. Because there was no evidence, he said: "The book has been burned, and there is no way to inquire about it. Witnesses should be called for in order to get in prison." Qin Hui offered a reward for collecting witnesses. No one testified after two months. There is no evidence for Wan Hao to fabricate other charges. Qin Hui and Zhang Jun were so rebellious and rampant that they angered several loyal officials in the court. Xue Renfu, Li Ruopu, He Yanyou, etc. have all written to appeal to Yue Fei. Gaozong suppressed it after seeing it. Han Shizhong questioned Qin Hui in the lobby as to what crime Yue Fei had committed. Qin Hui replied: "Although Fei Ziyun and Zhang Xianshu have not obtained any evidence, they are probably unnecessary things." Han Shizhong said angrily, "Why do the three words'not to have' conquer the world?" Qin Hui did not reply. Upon seeing this, Han Shizhong went home to discuss with his wife Liang Hongyu, and simply resigned and went back to live in seclusion. The crime of "unnecessary" comes from here. Yue Fei was imprisoned in October in the 11th year of Shaoxing (1341), and was not convicted until the end of the year, and all the charges could not be convicted. Qin Hui looked for new evidence, saying that Yue Fei said in a small talk with the generals that "I and Taizu are both 30-year-old ambassadors", and then instigated several pro-party testimony, saying that Yue Fei was "reprimanding the public," "There is a heart of disobedience", so Yue Fei was convicted of this crime and two counts of staying in Huaixi that could not be convicted at all. The stupid Song Gaozong actually approved this unquenchable prison, and ordered Yue Fei to hang himself in the prison, and Zhang Xian and Yue Yun beheaded. On December 29 (January 27, 1142), the sky over Lin'an City was overcast. The anti-gold hero Yue Fei, who was loyal to serve the country and shocked the enemy, was strangled to death by a running dog sent by Qin Hui. Two fierce generals Zhang Xian and Yue Yun were killed on the execution ground. Like a spider, the webs of dictatorship were spread everywhere. In order to consolidate his power, Qin Hui further controlled the Southern Song dynasty, and persecuted dissidents and eliminated political opponents became his main purpose after the appointment. Qin Hui's method of framing is extremely sinister and sinister. He sometimes impeaches political opponents through the remonstrances he manipulates, and the evidence is nothing more than "slandering, reprimanding, resentment, establishing a party and making a name, and even saying that there is no emperor's heart." The charges can be fabricated at will. Sometimes he wrote the melodies himself, and handed them to his minions to play the melodies. People know at a glance that this is Qin Hui's brushwork. Qin Hui was unpredictable. Whenever he had a dispute with courtiers in front of Gaozong, he often did not try his best to defend him, but finally beat the other party to death with just a few words. Once, Qin Hui and Li Guang quarreled. Li Guang said many opinions about Qin Hui. Qin Hui was silent, and after Li Guang finished speaking, he slowly threw out the sentence "Li Guang has no courtesy of officials", which meant that he did not respect the emperor. This sentence made Gaozong dissatisfied with Li Guangda. Qin Hui also engages in terror politics. His pawns are all over the capital. If the officials and the people say a few words of dissatisfaction, they may go to jail immediately. , The implication is that it does not respect the emperor. This sentence made Gaozong dissatisfied with Li Guangda. Qin Hui also engages in terror politics. His pawns are all over the capital. If the officials and the people say a few words of dissatisfaction, they may go to jail immediately. While rejecting dissidents and restraining public opinion, Qin Hui also tried his best to cultivate party members and recruit cronies. Anyone who depends on himself will be appointed immediately; even if it is a shameless person with low morals, he will immediately grant high-ranking officials a prominent position. When the Sanlang Wang Yangying catered to Qin Hui's will, he wrote a letter and recommended Qin Hui's son Qin Xi as his prime minister, and Qin Hui "reported peaches and plums" and recommended Wang Yangying to know Taizhou. Others such as Sun Jin, Zhan Dafang and others have become political figures one after another because of selling their jobs. Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish are Qin Hui's philosophy of life. Even for his cronies and minions, he is still alive and dead, do whatever he wants, sweet talk when it is needed, bribe and win, and when he doesn't need it or has a little suspicion, he will kill him, and the six relatives will not recognize him. Zheng Gangzhong was promoted to be a supervisory official for eulogizing Qin Hui's songs, and later served as deputy envoy of Xuanfu in Sichuan. He played Gaozong directly without asking Qin Hui for one thing. He annoyed Qin Hui, was demoted repeatedly, and finally died of torture. . Some trusted party members provided suggestions for Qin Hui, ran errands, and after being awarded a high official, under Qin Hui's deterrence, they did not dare to speak and became Qin Hui's foil. Even so, Qin Hui still won't let them stay in his place for long. During the period of Qin Hui's prime minister, he successively used 28 ruling deputies, and also tried to make his descendants and grandchildren Sun Yong preserve wealth and wealth. In the twelfth year of Shaoxing (1142), he instructed the imperial examination examiner to admit his son Qin Xi as the champion. After that, Qin Xi rose step by step and became a member of the Privy Council within three years. Qin Hui also wanted his grandson Qin Xun to be the champion. In the twenty-fourth year of Shaoxing (1154), he retired his cronies Wei Shixun and Tang Si as the chief examiners. As soon as these people saw Qin Xun's test paper, they said proudly: "This time we can be rich!" So they cheated together and ranked Qin Xun first. It was only when he went to the palace exam that Gaozong saw that the words on the Qin Xunce question paper were all Qin Hui and Qin Xi's language, and he was demoted to third place. The two patrons of Qin Hui's marriage party, Ya Zhoukui and Shen Xingjie, also won the title of Jinshi in this examination. Qin Hui's other grandsons, the oldest is only nine years old, and the youngest, who is still in their infancy, has also been given the "third-grade clothing". Qin Hui's father and son pro-party filled the court in this way and became prominent figures. Qin Hui acted as a traitor for the Jin Dynasty, and realized the Jinren's goal of "attacking with peace and advocacy". The Jinren are also very grateful to him for this. When the peace treaty was signed in Shaoxing in the 11th year, the Jin Dynasty insisted on writing the clause of "no chance of being a minister" in the letter of alliance, and unscrupulously demanded that the Southern Song Dynasty keep Qin Hui's position forever. So Qin Hui "there are Jurchens outside who think they are invoking, and there are gangsters inside who think they are fate." Like a spider, the web of his dictatorship is covered everywhere in the court and the field. He secretly accepted the court attendant and physician Wang Jixian, and asked them to pay attention to and observe Song Gaozong's movements and put Gaozong under his own control. He requested that the memorials on the counties of the world must be processed by him first, and it is strictly forbidden to send them directly to the emperor. Once Gao Zong felt that something was wrong, and asked Qin Hui: He is like a spider that is full of his dictatorship webs everywhere. He secretly accepted the court attendant and physician Wang Jixian, and asked them to pay attention to and observe Song Gaozong's movements and put Gaozong under his own control. He requested that the memorials on the counties of the world must be processed by him first, and it is strictly forbidden to send them directly to the emperor. Once Gao Zong felt something was wrong, he asked Qin Hui: "Is there nothing in middle school recently?" Qin Hui said, "You can see it from the memorial in front of you." In fact, there are not many memorials in front of Gaozong. Gaozong also slowly noticed Qin Hui's behavior of deceiving the monarch. He once told people that Qin Hui did whatever he wanted and didn't want to let himself know about the affairs of the world. But knowing that he was being emptied, Gaozong could only do nothing at this time. At that time, a peasant uprising led by Yu Ba broke out in Quzhou. Qin Hui did not report Gaozong, but sent troops to suppress it without authorization. Gaozong's son, Jinan County King Zhao Shen (later Song Xiaozong) told Gaozong about this matter. Gaozong was shocked and questioned Qin Hui. Qin Hui replied that this incident was not enough to cause trouble to the emperor, and he would report it after it subsided. After retiring from the court, Qin Hui immediately traced the source of the source. After learning that it was Zhao Shen who informed him, he used the method of deducting two hundred yuan of Zhao Shen's salary every month on the grounds that he should not be paid during the bereavement period. Gaozong had no choice but to use domestic money as a subsidy. Even if a prince of the clan was so threatened by Qin Hui, most people wouldn't dare to discuss it lightly. Therefore, for a time, the speaker either praised Qin Hui's merits or attacked Qin Hui's political opponents. Even if they had suggestions, they were afraid of offending Qin Hui's taboos and feared national affairs, so they could only say something painless. After the Shaoxing peace agreement was signed, Song Gaozong and Qin Hui imposed the burden of paying 500,000 taels of silver and 500,000 horses of silk to the Jin Dynasty on the people of the Southern Song Dynasty. Officials of the Song Dynasty increased numerous levies and miscellaneous taxes in various places. For example, people in Zhejiang and Zhejiang prefectures have to pay miscellaneous taxes such as cotton, silk, taxes, tea donations, miscellaneous money, and white rice. Some acres of land have to pay four or five buckets; Hunan has local household money, vinegar interest money, and song Money, etc., are of different colors. After Qin Hui became the prime minister, he secretly asked all localities to secretly increase people's taxes by nearly double. The people of the Southern Song Dynasty really lived in dire straits. The evil Qin Hui aroused the hatred and hatred of the people. In the first month of the twelfth year of Shaoxing (1150), when Qin Hui was on a sedan chair, Shiquan, a small school in front of the temple, held a saber, and was ambushing under the Wangxian Bridge to assassinate Qin Hui. Unfortunately, only the bridge pillar was cut off. After Shi Quan was arrested, he fervently rebuked Qin Hui: "The whole country is enemies with Jin, and you are the only one who wants to surrender, so I want to kill you!" Qin Hui has a guilty conscience and has to bring 50 armed soldiers to protect himself every time he goes out. . On October 22, the twenty-five years of Shaoxing (1155), 66-year-old Qin Hui ended his criminal career due to illness. In people's impression, Qin Hui has always been synonymous with traitorous officials. Later, Qin Hui and other four masterminds who murdered Yue Fei used white iron to cast statues and made him kneel in front of Yue Fei's tomb forever, with a joint saying: "Qingshan is fortunate to bury the loyal bones, and the white iron casts innocent officials." It can be seen that people hate Qin Hui. Obai-not born to be a minister of power Obai, a minister of power in the early Qing Dynasty, was born in the Guerjia family, a man with a yellow banner in Manchuria, three generations of Yuan Xun in the Qing Dynasty, one of the ministers of the Kangxi Emperor in the early years, and was named duke with military exploits. In the first half of his life, Obhai was known as "the first warrior of Manchuria". In the second half of his life, he held power and formed a party for personal gain. Under the leadership of Pan Husuo and Huang Xigun, the left servant of the Ministry of War, Wang Hongzuo cooperated with Huang Xigun to assist Kangxi in governing the dynasty, and arrested Aobai for meritorious deeds. Wang Hongzuo Shangshu of the Ministry of War, Pan Husuo, Huang Xigunsheng Dongge Scholar and Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War. As a result, he was captured alive and died in prison for many years. He was an important figure influencing the political situation of the early Qing Dynasty. Brave and proficient in fighting, repeated outstanding achievements. Before entering the customs, the Manchus all mounted their horses as soldiers and dismounted for the people. All men formally became warriors from the age of 12, so Obai was trained in riding and shooting since he was a child. When he grows up, he has strong martial arts skills, adept bows and horses, and is a powerful man. In December of the first year of Chongde (1636), Emperor Taizong Huang Taiji led his army to invade North Korea for the second time, and Obai served as the guard, and followed Huang Taiji around. In the first month of the following year, North Korea surrendered and Huang Taiji triumphed. Before his departure, Emperor Taiji ordered Bei Zishuotuo, Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, and Shang Kexi to attack the Phi Island occupied by the Ming army. The Suo Tuo army could not attack for a long time. In February, Huang Taiji ordered Ajige, the king of Wuying County, to lead his army to the next generations, and obey and conquer. Since the first year of the Apocalypse (1621), the Ming army occupied Phi Island. The town was opened here. Generals were stationed here. They threatened Houjin from behind. They often attacked the Ningjin front line by imaginary attacks. There were many Liaodong Han people who had escaped. Hou Jin's confidant troubles. Nurhaci sent troops to attack several times when he was alive, but they were all unsuccessful. The emperor Taiji is thinking about it day and night, and he must try to extricate it. At this time, Azig was ordered to attack the island, discussed with the generals, and decided to attack in two ways. On the eighth night of April, the Houjin Army lined up the giant ships all the way, which was actually a feint to attract the Ming army who defended the island. The other way rushed forward by boat and attacked the north corner of Phi Island, which was actually the main attack. This road shoulders heavy responsibilities. The general Azig asked who could take the lead. Obeyed to fight, and Zhunta issued a military order to Azig: "If I can't wait for this island, I won't come to see the king. I promise to return to the island." So he agreed to raise the fire after landing. Obai and Zhunta crossed the sea with boats, but the attack team of Obai and others was still discovered by the Ming army on Phi Island. The Ming army immediately fired all fire. After Jinjun rushed several times but failed to land, the situation was urgent. In this case, Obai, regardless of his life or death, shoots arrows, and when he reaches the shore, he jumps up, shouts and slams into battle, fights forward with artillery and arrows. The quasi-tower succeeds, and his team boarded the island, and then raised fire to guide. Successor Jin Jun. As Ober led his troops to occupy the beachhead position, the rest of the gold army swarmed up and attacked Phi Island. After hearing the news, Huang Taiji was overjoyed and wrote an article to commemorate Nurhachi to comfort the spirit of heaven. Taizong's island is comparable to a big city, and Ling Congyou discusses it. Obeyed on the first merit, highly rewarded, from Niu Luzhangjing Chao to the third-class Mailer Zhangjing, awarded the title of Baturu, inlaid with a yellow flag to protect the army commander, ranked minister. So it was agreed to raise fire after landing. Obai and Zhunta crossed the sea with boats, but the attack team of Obai and others was still discovered by the Ming army on Phi Island. The Ming army immediately fired all fire. After Jinjun rushed several times but failed to land, the situation was urgent. In this case, Obai, regardless of his life or death, shoots arrows, and when he reaches the shore, he jumps up, shouts and slams into battle, fights forward with artillery and arrows. The quasi-tower succeeds, and his team boarded the island, and then raised fire to guide. Successor Jin Jun. As Ober led his troops to occupy the beachhead position, the rest of the gold army swarmed up and attacked Phi Island. After hearing the news, Huang Taiji was overjoyed and wrote an article to commemorate Nurhachi to comfort the spirit of heaven. Taizong's island is comparable to a big city, and Ling Congyou discusses it. Obeyed on the first merit, highly rewarded, from Niu Luzhangjing Chao to the third-class Mailer Zhangjing, awarded the title of Baturu, inlaid with a yellow flag to protect the army commander, ranked minister. The battle of Songjin in the Ming and Qing Dynasties was a decisive battle concerning the survival of both sides. In June of the sixth year of Chongde (1641), Obai followed Prince Zheng Jierhalang to besiege Jinzhou. Ming Ji Liao Governor Hong Chengchou led an army of 130,000 to assist him and set up camp northwest of Songshan to attack the Qing camp. Ming Jinzhou defender Zu Dashou also sent troops to attack the Qing army. Jierhalang commanded the right wing and lost. Azige, King of Wuying County, commanded the left wing and sent elite guards to help. Obai commanded the inlaid yellow flag to protect the army, and saw that the Ming cavalry came out of Songshan, fighting hard. The Ming army was defeated, so Obey did not wait for the order, and pursued the victory, went straight to the Ming army, ordered his troops to dismount, rush into the enemy's battle, and then defeat the Ming army. Obey fought back and forth, and he was the first to fall into the battle. The five battles were all victorious. Because of the merits, the third-class Mailer Zhangjing was promoted to the first-class Mailer Zhangjing. In August, Huang Taiji was the teacher of the whole country, led the support of brocade, seized the rations of the Ming Army's Bijiashan, and cut his way back. On the evening of the 21st, Hong Chengchou commanded the Ming army to break through. Obai was ordered to lead the Qing army to the left to intercept and break through the Ming army. Ming general soldiers Wu Sangui, Wang Pu, Tang Tong led horse infantry to break through coastal borders. Obey led his army to pursue. The Ming army was defeated. The Ming army also demonstrated extremely tenacious fighting spirit in this battle. According to records, soldiers of the Ming army still regarded death as home when they were in desperate situation. There were few beggars who surrendered and stood in the sea with their arms and wings outstretched to hide. "The Qing people searched and killed the soldiers without returning for three days. It was extremely cruel." After this battle, the Ming army lost more than half of it, and the defeat was set. In November of the seventh year of Chongde (1642), Obai followed Rao Yubeile Abatai to destroy the border wall and enter the Ming Dynasty. He commanded his banner soldiers to break through the Ming Great Wall defense line first, and then drove straight in to advance against Yanjing. Xuan followed the left wing to attack Shandong, and captured Yanzhou Prefecture, Linqing and Wenshan counties. The two Qing armies reunited at Miyun, and then defeated Wu Sangui and Fan Zhiwan's reinforcements. In the eighth year of Chongde (1643), it was cut off from Qiangziling in June. In this battle, the Qing army captured 88 inland cities in the Ming Dynasty and captured the Ming Lu King Zhu Yipei and other 6 kings alive. There were more than 1,000 dead in the Ming clan, more than 360,000 people were plundered, hundreds of thousands of livestock, and countless gold and silver properties. Ming people said: "The Qing army entered in the Renwu year (1642), went straight to Qingqi, and stopped at the Huai River. (Qínguì bì yù hài sǐ yuèfēi, jiàn hé, zhōu'èr rén bù kěn zàishěn, jiù qǐyòng wàn qí xiè zhè tiáo fēnggǒu qù bànlǐ cǐ àn. Wàn qí xiè yòng jìn mièjué rénxìng de shǒuduàn kǎodǎ yuèfēi. Yuèfēi bèihài dé sǐqùhuólái, jiùshì bù kěn wū fú. Wàn qí xiè qiánlǘjìqióng, zài yòng zhāng jùn gù jì, ràng shǒuxià rén biān gè kǒugòng, shuō yuèfēi céng lìng shǒuxià jiànglǐng yú péng, sūngézhì shū zhāng xiàn, wáng guì, ràng tāmen huǎngbào díqíng yǐjīngdòng cháotíng; yòu shuō yuèfēi céng yǔ zhāng xiàn tōngxìn, ràng zhāng xiàn xiǎng bànfǎ hái yuèfēi de bīngquán. Yīn méiyǒu zhèngjù, tā jiù shuō:"Shū yǐ bèi fén, wúcóng kān zhèng, yīng zài qiúzhèngrén, yǐbiàn yàn yù." Qínguì yòu xuánshǎng mùjí zhèng rén. Liǎng gè yuè hòujìng wú rén zuòzhèng. Wàn qí xiè zài biānzào qítā zuìmíng, yě háo wú zhèngjù. Qínguì, zhāng jùn děng rúcǐ bèinì chāngkuáng, rě nùle cháotíng zhōng de jǐ míng zhōngchén. Xuērénfǔ, lǐruòpǔ, héyànyóu děng dōu céng shàngshū wèi yuèfēi hū yuān. Gāo zōng kàn guòhòu yā xià bù fā. Hánshìzhōng zài dàtáng shàng zhìwèn qínguì, yuèfēi jiùjìng fànle shénme zuì. Qínguì dá dào:"Fēi zi yún yǔ zhāngxiànshū, suī wèi dé shíjù, kǒngpà shì mòxūyǒu de shìqíng." Hánshìzhōng qìfèn dì shuō:"'Mòxūyǒu' sān zì héyǐ fú tiānxià?" Qínguì yě bù dáfù. Hánshìzhōng jiàn zhuàng, huí jiā yǔ fūrén liánghóngyù shāngliáng yīxià, gāncuì cízhí huán xiāng yǐnjūle."Mòxūyǒu" de zuìmíng jí láiyuán cǐ chù. Yuèfēi cóng shàoxīng shíyī nián (1341 nián) shí yuèfèn rù yù, zhídào niándǐ yě wèi néng dìng'àn, suǒyǒu de zuìmíng dū bùnéng chénglì. Qínguì yòu zhǎo xīn zhèng, shuō yuèfēi zài yǔ zhòng jiāng xiánliáo shí shuōguò "wǒ hé tài zǔ yīyàng, dōu shì 30 suì dāng de jié dù shǐ", zài zhǐshǐ jǐ gè qīn dǎng zuòzhèng, shuō yuèfēi shì "zhǐchì chéng yú, yǒu bù chén zhī xīn", yúshì yǐ zhè tiáo zuìmíng hé dòuliú huái xī liǎng tiáo gēnběn bùnéng chénglì de zuìzhuàng bǎ yuèfēi dìng chéng sǐzuì. Hūnyōng de sònggāozōng jūrán pīzhǔn zhè yīqiān gǔ nán píng de yuānyù, xià zhào cì yuèfēi yù zhōng yì sǐ, zhāng xiàn, yuè yún zhǎnshǒu. Shí'èr yuè èrshíjiǔ rì (1142 nián 1 yuè 27 rì) zhè yītiān, lín'ān chéng shàngkōng yīnyún sìqǐ. Jīngzhōng bàoguó, jīng pò dí dǎn de kàng jīn yīngxióng yuèfēi bèi qínguì pài qù de zǒugǒu lēi sǐ yù zhōng. Liǎng yuán měngjiàng zhāng xiàn hé yuè yún bèi shā sǐ zài xíngchǎng. Xiàng zhīzhū yīyàng dàochù jié mǎn zhuānzhèng zhī wǎng qínguì wèi gǒnggù zìjǐ de quánshì, jìnyībù kòngzhì nánsòngcháozhèng, pòhài yìjǐ, xiāomiè zhèngdí jiù chéngle tā rèn xiāng yǐhòu de zhǔyào mùdì. Qínguì wúxiàn de shǒufǎ jíqí yīn zhà xiǎn'è. Tā yǒushí tōngguò zìjǐ cāozòng de tái jiàn tánhé zhèngdí, ér zhèngjù bùguò "yuē bàng shàn, yuē zhǐchì, yuē yuànwàng, yuē lì dǎng gūmíng, shén zé yuē wú yǒu jūn xīn", zuìmíng shì kěyǐ suíxīnsuǒyù niēzào de. Yǒushí tā hái qīnzì shūxiě zòushū, jiāo gěi zhǎoyá chūmiàn dài zòu. Rénmen yī kàn biàn zhī zhè shìqínguì de bǐfǎ. Qínguì jūxīnpǒcè, fánshì hé cháochén zài gāo zōng miànqián fāshēng zhēngzhí shí, tā wǎngwǎng bìng bù jílì biànjiě, ér shì zuìhòu yǐ zhīyánpiànyǔ bǎ duìfāng yī gùnzi dǎ sǐ. Yǒu yīcì, qínguì hé lǐ guāng fāshēngle zhēngchí. Lǐ guāng shuōle xǔduō zhēnduì qínguì de yìjiàn. Qínguì chénmò bù yǔ, děng lǐ guāng shuō wán hòu, tā cái mànyōuyōu de shuǎi chūle yījù "lǐ guāng méiyǒu rén chén zhī lǐ", yánwàizhīyì shì bù zūnzhòng huángdì. Jiù zhè yījù huà shǐ gāo zōng duì lǐ guāngdà wéi bùmǎn. Qínguì hái dà gǎo kǒngbù zhèngzhì. Tā de zǒuzú bùmǎn jīngchéng. Guānlì bǎixìng shāowéi shuō jǐ jù bùmǎn dehuà jiù yǒu kěnéng lìjí láng dāng rù yù., Yánwàizhīyì shì bù zūnzhòng huángdì. Jiù zhè yījù huà shǐ gāo zōng duì lǐ guāngdà wéi bùmǎn. Qínguì hái dà gǎo kǒngbù zhèngzhì. Tā de zǒuzú bù mǎn jīngchéng. Guānlì bǎixìng shāowéi shuō jǐ jù bù mǎn dehuà jiù yǒu kěnéng lìjí láng dāng rù yù. Zài páichì yìjǐ, qiánzhì yúlùn de tóngshí, qínguì hái jiélì péizhí dǎngyǔ, sōuluó qīnxìn. Fánshì yīfù zìjǐ de rén lìjí yǔyǐ rènyòng; jíshǐ shì pǐndé xiàliú de bùxiào zhī tú, yī yán qìhé, tā yě lìkè shòuyǔ gāoguān xiǎn zhí. Dāng cháo sàn láng wángyángyīng yínghé qínguì de zhǐyì shàngshū jǔjiàn qínguì de érzi qín xī wèi xiāng, qínguì jiù "bào yǐ táolǐ", tuījiàn wáng yáng yīngzhī tàizhōu. Qítā xiàng sūn jìn, zhān dàfāng děng rén dōu yīn màishēntóukào ér xiāngjì jīshēn zhèngyào. Shùn wǒ zhě chāng, nì wǒ zhě wáng, shìqínguì de chǔshì zhéxué. Jíbiàn duìyú qí qīnxìn zhǎoyá, tā yěshì shēngshāyǔduó, suíxīnsuǒyù, yòng dézháo shí tiányánmìyǔ, shōumǎi lǒngluò, yòng bùzháo huò shāo yǒu cāijì shí, hěn xià dúshǒu, liùqīnbùrèn. Zhènggāngzhōng céng yīn duì qínguì gēgōngsòngdé bèi tíbá wèi jiānchá yù shǐ, hòu chūrèn sìchuān xuān fǔ fù shǐ, zhǐ yīn chǔlǐ yī jiàn shìqíng wèi qǐngshì qínguì jiù zhí zòu gāo zōng, rěnǎole qínguì, bèi yī biǎn zài biǎn, zuìhòu língnüè ér sǐ. Yīxiē qīnxìn dǎngyǔ wéi qínguì chūmóuhuàcè, pǎotuǐ chūlì, bèi shòuyǔ gāoguān zhīhòu, zài qínguì de wēishè xià, dōu bù gǎn shuōhuà, chéngwéi qínguì de péichèn. Jíshǐ zhèyàng, qínguì réngrán bù huì ràng tāmen jiǔ zài qí wèi. Zài qínguì dú xiāng qíjiān, xiānhòu yòngguò 28 gè zhízhèng fùzhí, hái qìtú ràng qí zǐ zǐsūn sūn yǒngbǎo fùguì. Shàoxīng shí'èr nián (1142 nián), tā zhǐlìng kējǔ kǎoguān jiāng qí érzi qín xī lùqǔ wèi zhuàngyuán. Cǐhòu qín xī bùbùgāo shēng, bù chū sān nián jiù dāng shàngle zhī shūmìyuàn shì. Qínguì hái xiǎng ràng sūnzi qín xūn yě dāng zhuàngyuán, yú shàoxīng èrshísì nián (1154 nián) jiāng qí qīnxìn wèishīxùn, tāng sī tuìrèn wéi zhǔ kǎoguān. Zhèxiē rén yī kàn dào qín xūn de shìjuàn jiù déyì dì shuō:"Zhè yīxià wǒmen kěyǐ fùguìle!" Yúshì gòngtóng zuòbì, jiāng qín xūn dìng wèi dì yī míng. Zhǐshì dào diànshì shí, yóuyú gāo zōng kàn dào qín xūn cè wèn shìjuàn shàng de huàyǔ dōu shì qínguì hé qín xī de yǔyán, cái jiāng tā jiàng wèi dì sān míng. Qínguì yīn dǎng de liǎng gè zhǎoyá zhōu yín, chénxìngjié yě dū zài zhè cì kǎoshì zhōng dé jìnshì tóuxián. Qínguì lìngwài de jǐ gè sūnzi, dà de bùguò jiǔ suì, xiǎo de shàng zài qiǎngbǎo zhī zhōng, yě bèi cì wèi "sānpǐn fú". Qínguì fùzǐ qīn dǎng jiù zhèyàng bù mǎnle cháotíng, chéngwéi xiǎnyào rénwù. Qínguì tì jīn cháo zuò nèijiān, shíxiànle jīn rén "yǐ héyì zuǒ gōng zhàn" de mùdì. Jīn rén yīncǐ yě shífēn gǎnjī tā. Shàoxīng shíyī nián qiāndìng héyuē shí, jīn cháo jiānchí yào zài méng shū zhōng xiě shàng "wú dé shàn yì dàchén" de tiáokuǎn, sìwújìdàn de yāoqiú nánsòng wángcháo yǒngyuǎn bǎozhù qínguì dì dìwèi. Qínguì yúshì "wài yǒu nǚzhēn yǐwéi yuányǐn, nèi yǒu qún jiān yǐwéi zuǒ mìng", xiàng zhǐ zhīzhū yīyàng zài cháoyě shàngxià dàochù jié mǎnle tā de zhuānzhèng zhī wǎng. Tā ànzhōng jié nàle gōngtíng nèishì yǐjí yīshī wángjìxiān děng, ràng tāmen liúyì hé guānchá sònggāozōng de dòngjìng, jiāng gāo zōng zhì yú zìjǐ de kòngzhì zhī xià. Tā yāoqiú tiānxià jùn xiàn suǒ shàng de zòuzhāng bìxū xiān yóu tā chǔlǐ, yánjìn zhíjiē sòng dào huángdì miànqián. Yǒu yīcì, gāozōngjuézhe bùduìtóu, jiù wèn qínguì:, Xiàng zhǐ zhīzhū yīyàng zài cháoyě shàngxià dàochù jié mǎnle tā de zhuānzhèng zhī wǎng. Tā ànzhōng jié nàle gōngtíng nèishì yǐjí yīshī wángjìxiān děng, ràng tāmen liúyì hé guānchá sònggāozōng de dòngjìng, jiāng gāo zōng zhì yú zìjǐ de kòngzhì zhī xià. Tā yāoqiú tiānxià jùn xiàn suǒ shàng de zòuzhāng bìxū xiān yóu tā chǔlǐ, yánjìn zhíjiē sòng dào huángdì miànqián. Yǒu yīcì, gāozōngjuézhe bùduìtóu, jiù wèn qínguì:"Zuìjìn guó zhōng nándào shénme shì qíng dōu méiyǒu?" Qínguì shuō:"Cóng nín miànqián de zòuzhāng kěyǐ kàn dào." Qíshí gāo zōng miànqián yǐ jīng jiàn bù dào duōshǎo zòuzhāngle. Gāo zōng yě màn man de kàn chūle qínguì qī jūn wǎng shàng de xíngwéi, tā céng duì rén shuōguò qínguì rènyì suǒ wéi, bùxiǎng ràng zìjǐ zhīdào tiānxià shì. Dàn míngzhī bèi jiàkōng, gāo zōng cǐ shí yě zhǐ néng zuò wúkěnàihé zhī zhuàngle. Dāngshí, qúzhōu bàofāle yú bā lǐngdǎo de nóngmín qǐyì. Qínguì méiyǒu bàogào gāo zōng, ér shì shànzì pàibīng qián qù zhènyā. Gāo zōng de érzi jìn ān jùn wáng zhào shèn (jí hòulái de sòng xiàozōng) bǎ zhè jiàn shì qíng gàosùle gāo zōng. Gāo zōng dà jīng, zhìwèn qínguì. Qínguì huídá shuō shì zhè jiàn shì bùzú yǐ gěi huángshàng tiān máfan, děng píngxí yǐhòu huì zài bàogào. Tuì cháo hòu qínguì mǎshàng zhuīchá xiāoxī láiyuán, zhīdào shì zhào shèn gàomì hòu, jìng yǐ jūsāng qī bù yìng dāng fā gěi fènglù wèi yóu, yòng měi yuè kòuchú zhào shèn èrbǎi mín de xīnfèng de bànfǎ lái duì qí shìwēi. Gāo zōng yě méi bànfǎ, zhǐhǎo yòng nèi tǎng jìnxíng bǔtiē. Yīgè zōngshì qīnwáng shàngqiě rúcǐ shòudào qínguì de wēibī, yībānrén jiù gèng bù gǎn qīng yì qí fēile. Yīn'ér yī shíjiān xiàn yán zhě bùshì chēngsòng qínguì de gōngdé, jiùshì gōngjié qínguì de zhèngdí, jíshǐ yǒu suǒ jiànyì, yě wéikǒng chùfàn qínguì de jìhuì, wèi yán guóshì, zhǐ néng shuō xiē bù tòng bù yǎng de huàyǔle. Shàoxīng héyì qiāndìng hòu, sònggāozōng hé qínguì bǎ xiàng jīn cháogòng nà yín wǔshí wàn liǎng, juàn wǔshí wàn pǐ de fùdān quánbù qiángjiā dàole nánsòng rénmín tóu shàng. Sòng cháo de guānyuán zài gèdì zēngjiāle míngmù fánduō de kējuānzáshuì. Rú liǎng zhè zhōu xiàn bǎixìng yào jiǎo mián, chóu, shuì juān, chá juān, zá qián, báimǐ děng zá shuì, yǒu de yī mǔ de yào jiǎonà dào sìwǔ dǒu; húnán yǒu tǔ hù qián, cù xī qián, qū yǐn qián děng, gèsè bù yī. Qínguì rèn xiàng zhīhòu, yòu mìmì yāoqiú gèdì àn zēng mín shuì jìn yī bèi. Nánsòng de lǎobǎixìng zhēnshi shēnghuó zài shuǐshēnhuǒrè zhī zhōng. Zuò'èduōduān dì qínguì jī qǐle rénmín de chóuhèn hé zēngwù. Shàoxīng shí'èr nián (1150 nián) zhēngyuè, zài qínguì chéng jiào shàng cháo de shíhòu, diàn qián sī hòu jūn xiǎo xiào shī quán shǒuchí zhǎn mǎdāo, máifú zàiwàng xiān qiáo xià zhǔnbèi cìshā qínguì, kěxí zhǐ kǎn duànle qiáo zhù. Shī quán bèi bǔ hòu, kāngkǎijī'áng de nùchì qínguì:"Jǔguó shàngxià dōu yǔ jīn wèi chóu, zhǐyǒu nǐ yīgè rén xiǎng tóuxiáng, suǒyǐ wǒ yào shā nǐ!" Qínguì zuòzéixīnxū, cǐhòu měi féng wàichū dōu yào dài 50 míng wǔzhuāng shìbīng bǎohù zìjǐ. Shàoxīng èrshíwǔ nián (1155 nián) shí yuè èrshí'èr rì,66 suì de qínguì yīn bìng jiéshùle zìjǐ de zuì'è shēngyá. Zài rénmen de yìnxiàng zhōng, qínguì cónglái jiùshì màiguó jiānchén de dàimíngcí. Érhòu rén jiāng qínguì děng sì míng móuhài yuèfēi de zhǔmóu yòng báitiě zhù xiàng, lìng qí yǒng guì yuèfēi mùqián, bìng yǒu lián yuē:"Qīngshān yǒuxìng mái zhōng gǔ, báitiě wúgū zhù nìngchén." Cóngzhōng kějiàn rénmen duì qínguì de zēngwù. Áo bài——bìngfēi tiānshēng jiù yào dāng quánchén áo bài, qīng chū quánchén, chūshēn guā ěr jiā shì, mǎnzhōu xiāng huángqí rén, qīng zhāo sāndài yuánxūn, kāngxī dì zǎonián fǔ zhèng dàchén zhī yī, yǐ zhàngōng fēng gōngjué. Áo bài qián bànshēng jūngōng hèhè, hàochēng "mǎnzhōu dì yī yǒngshì", hòu bànshēng zé cāo wò quánbǐng, jiédǎngyíngsī. Zài bīngbù zuǒ shìláng pān hú sǒu, huángxīgǔn de shuàilǐng xià, wánghóngzuò pèihé huángxīgǔn mì zhù kāngxī zhǔ zhèng yú cháo, dàibǔ áo bài yǒugōng. Wánghóngzuò jìnbīngbù shàngshū, pān hú sǒu, huángxīgǔn shēng dōng gé dàxué shì jiān bīngbù zuǒ shìláng. Jiéguǒ tā bèi shēngqín zhīhòu, lǎosǐ yú qiú láo zhōng, wèi yǐngxiǎng qīng chū zhèngjú de yīgè zhòngyào rénwù. Xiāoyǒng shànzhàn, lǚ lì qí gōng zài rù guān zhīqián, mǎnzú rén jiē shàngmǎ wèi bīng, xiàmǎ wèi mín, suǒyǒu nánzǐ cóng 12 suì qǐ, jiù zhèngshì chéngwéi zhànshì, yīncǐ áo bài cóngxiǎo jiù shòudào qí shè xùnliàn. Zhǎng dà hòu, áo bài wǔyì gāoqiáng, gōng mǎ xiánshú, wéirén kǒng wǔ yǒulì, chūrèn hù jūnxiào wèi, yīn gōng shòu jiǎ lǎ zhāng jīng shì zhí, cān lǐng děng zhí. Chóng dé yuán nián (1636 nián) shí'èr yuè, tàizōng huáng tàijí lǜ jūn dì èr cì qīnlüè cháoxiǎn, áo bài rènzhí hùwèi, suí shì huáng tàijí zuǒyòu. Yìnián zhēngyuè, cháoxiǎn tóuxiáng, huáng tàijí kǎixuán. Lín xíng huáng tàijí mìng bèizǐ shuò tuō yǔ kǒngyǒudé, gěngzhòngmíng, shàng kěxǐ gōngqǔ míng jūn zhànyǒu zhī pí dǎo. Shuò tuō jūn jiǔ gōng bùxià. Èr yuè, huáng tàijí mìng wǔyīng jùn wáng'ājì gé lǜ jūn wǎng dài shuò tuō, áo bài cóngzhēng. Míng jūn zì tiānqǐ yuán nián (1621 nián) zhànjù pí dǎo, zài cǐ kāi zhèn, zhù yǐ dàjiàng zhòngbīng, cóng bèihòu wēixié hòu jīn, shíshí chéngxū xíjí, yǔ níng jǐn qiánxiàn hù wéi jījiǎo, liáodōng hànrén táowáng zhě shén zhòng, chéngwéi hòu jīn de xīnfùzhīhuàn. Nǔ'ěrhāchì zàishì shí céng jǐ cì pài jūn gōngqǔ, dàn jūn wèi chénggōng. Huáng tàijí wéi cǐ rìyè chóu sī, bì yù bá zhī. Cǐ shí ā jì gé fèngmìng zhǐhuī gōng dǎo, yǔ zhū jiāng jí yì, juédìng fēn liǎng lù jìngōng. Sì yuèchū bā yè, hòu jīn jūn yīlù páiliè jù jiàn, shí wèi yánggōng, yǐ xīyǐn wàn yú shǒu dǎo míng jūn; lìng yīlù chéng chuán qīngzhōu jí jìn, gōng pí dǎo běi yú, shí wéi zhǔgōng. Cǐ lù jiānfù zhòngrèn. Ā jì gé jí zhū jiāng xúnwèn shéi rén nénglǜ jūn xiān dēng. Áo bài qǐngzhàn, yǔ zhǔn tǎ xiàng ā jì gé lì xià jūnlìngzhuàng:"Wǒ děng ruò bùdé cǐ dǎo, bì bù lái jiàn wáng. Shì bì kè dǎo ér huí." Yúshì yuēdìng dēnglù hòu jǔhuǒ wèi hào. Áo bài yǔ zhǔn tǎ lián zhōudù hǎi, dàn áo bài děng rén de tōuxí duìwǔ háishì bèi pí dǎo míng jūn fāxiàn. Míng jūn lìjí pào shǐ qí fā. Hòu jīn jūn chōngle shù cì jūn wèi néng kào àn, xíngshì jǐnjí. Zài zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng xià, áo bài bùgù shēngsǐ qīn cāo zhōu shèjiàn, dào àn biān hòu, yī yuè ér shàng, dà hū xiànzhèn, mào pào shǐ zhíqián bó zhàn, zhǔn tǎ jì zhī, suǒ bù dēng shàngpí dǎo, ránhòu jǔhuǒ yǐndǎo hòujì hòu jīn jūn. Yóuyú áo bài lǜ bù duì zhànjùle tāntóu zhèndì, suǒyǐ qíyú hòu jīn jūn fēng yǒng ér shàng, suì gōngkè pí dǎo. Huáng tàijí wén bào dàxǐ, tè zhuànwén gào jì nǔ'ěrhāchì, yǐ wèi zàitiānzhīlíng. Tàizōng yǐ cǐ dǎo kěbǐ dàchéng, lìng cóngyōu yì xù. Áo bài lùn shǒu gōng, yīng zhòng shǎng, yóu niúlùzhāng jīng chāo zhuó wèi sān děng méi lēi zhāng jīng, cìyǔ bā tú lǔ chēnghào, xuán zhuó xiāng huángqí hù jūn tǒnglǐng, wèi liè dàchén. Yúshì yuēdìng dēnglù hòu jǔhuǒ wèi hào. Áo bài yǔ zhǔn tǎ lián zhōudù hǎi, dàn áo bài děng rén de tōuxí duìwǔ háishì bèi pí dǎo míng jūn fāxiàn. Míng jūn lìjí pào shǐ qí fā. Hòu jīn jūn chōngle shù cì jūn wèi néng kào àn, xíngshì jǐnjí. Zài zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng xià, áo bài bùgù shēngsǐ qīn cāo zhōu shèjiàn, dào àn biān hòu, yī yuè ér shàng, dà hū xiànzhèn, mào pào shǐ zhíqián bó zhàn, zhǔn tǎ jì zhī, suǒ bù dēng shàngpí dǎo, ránhòu jǔhuǒ yǐndǎo hòu jì hòu jīn jūn. Yóuyú áo bài lǜ bù duì zhànjùle tāntóu zhèndì, suǒyǐ qíyú hòu jīn jūn fēng yǒng ér shàng, suì gōngkè pí dǎo. Huáng tàijí wén bào dàxǐ, tè zhuànwén gào jì nǔ'ěrhāchì, yǐ wèi zàitiānzhīlíng. Tàizōng yǐ cǐ dǎo kěbǐ dàchéng, lìng cóngyōu yì xù. Áo bài lùn shǒu gōng, yīng zhòng shǎng, yóu niúlùzhāng jīng chāo zhuó wèi sān děng méi lēi zhāng jīng, cìyǔ bā tú lǔ chēnghào, xuán zhuó xiāng huángqí hù jūn tǒnglǐng, wèi liè dàchén. Míng qīng sōng jǐn zhī zhàn, shì guānxì dào shuāngfāng shēngsǐcúnwáng de juézhàn. Chóng dé liù nián (1641 nián) liù yuè, áo bài suí zhèng qīnwáng jì ěr hā lǎng wéikùn jǐnzhōu. Míng jì liáo zǒngdū hóngchéngchóu lǜ 13 wàn dàjūn láiyuán, lì yíng sōngshān xīběi, gōngjí qīng yíng. Míng jǐnzhōu shǒu jiāng zǔ dàshòu yì qiǎn bīng chū, jiájí qīng jūn. Jì ěr hā lǎng zhǐhuī yòuyì shīlì. Wǔyīng jùn wáng'ājì gé zhǐhuī zuǒyì, qiǎn jīngruì hù jūn zhùzhàn. Áo bài tǒnglǐng xiāng huángqí hù jūn, jiàn míng qíbīng zì sōngshān chū, fènlì bóshā. Míng jūn dà bài, yúshì áo bài bùdài jūnlìng, chéngshèngzhuījí, zhídǐ míng jūn bīng liè, lìng suǒ bùxià mǎ bù zhàn, chōng rù dízhèn, zài bài míng jūn. Áo bài wǎnglái jiē zhàn, zhé dāngxiān xiànzhèn, wǔ zhàn jiē jié, yīn gōng yóu sān děng méi lēi zhāng jīng zhuó wéi yī děng méi lēi zhāng jīng. Bā yuè, huáng tàijí qīng quánguó zhī shī, qīn lǜ yuán jǐn, duó míng jūn bǐjià shān jūnliáng, duàn qí guī lù. Èrshíyī rì wǎn, hóngchéngchóu zhǐhuī míng jūn fēn lù túwéi. Áo bài fèngmìng lǜ qīng jūn zuǒyì, jiéjí túwéi míng jūn. Míng zǒng bīng wúsānguì, wáng pǔ, táng tōng děng lǜ mǎ bùbīng yánhǎi biān túwéi. Áo bài lǜ jūn zhuījí. Míng jūn kuìbài. Míng jūn zài zhè cì zhànyì zhōng yě biǎoxiànle jí wánqiáng de zhàndòu jīngshén. Jù jìzǎi, míng jūn shìbīng zài xiànrù juéjìng shí réng shìsǐrúguī, xiān yǒu qǐxiáng zhě, yōng hé qí jiāng, lì yú hǎizhōng, shēn bì yì bì, bǐ bù zhòng jiàn, bù shī jìnglǐ, sǐ érhòu yǐ."Qīng rén duì bù jiàng shìbīng sān rì sōu shā, jíqí cánkù". Jīng cǐ yī zhàn, míng jūn sǔnshī dàbàn, bàijú yǐ dìng. Chóng dé qī nián (1642 nián) shíyī yuè, áo bài yòu suí ráo yú bèilè ā bā tài huǐ biān qiáng rù lüè míng jìng. Tā zhǐhuī běn qí bīng shuàixiān gōngpò míng chángchéng fángxiàn, ránhòu, chángqūzhírù, jìn bī yàn jīng. Xuán suí zuǒyì gōng lüè zhì shāndōng, gōngxiàn yǎnzhōu fǔ jí lín qīng, wèn shān zhū xiàn. Liǎng lù qīng jūn fù huìhé yú mìyún, zài bài wúsānguì, fàn zhì wán yuánjūn. Chóng dé bā nián (1643 nián) liù yuè yóu qiáng zi lǐng zhǎn guān ér chū. Zhè yī zhàng, qīng jūn gòng gōngxiàn míng nèidì chéngchí 88 zuò, shēngqín míng lǔ wáng zhū yī pèi děng gòng 6 wáng. Míngzōng shì sǐzhě qiān yú rén, lüè luǒ rénkǒu 36 wàn yú kǒu, shēngchù shù shí wàn tóu, jīn yín cáiwù bùjì qí shù. Míng rén shuō:"Qīng jūn rén wǔ nián (1642 nián) zhī rù, zhí zǒu qīng qí, jí huái ér zhǐ, suǒ zhì tú lüè yīkōng, huò wéi zhì jù)




Side by side


Simple (Dānchún)


Supply and demand (Gōngqiú)


Sweet meal


Territory (Jìngnèi)

住这里是暂时的,凑合过吧!"哲学家不以为然地说。 她朝丈夫笑笑,并不停下手中的活。不多会儿,哲学家已经舒坦地把身子埋进妻子刚安放停当的沙发里,吸着烟,沉思严肃的人生问题了。 我忍不住打断哲学家的沉思,说道:"尊敬的先生,别想了,凑合过吧,因为你在这世界上的居住也是暂时的!" 可是,哲学家的妻子此刻正幸福地望着丈夫,心里想:"他多么伟大呵......" 三 幸福的西绪弗斯 西绪弗斯被罚推巨石上山,每次快到山顶,巨石就滚回山脚,他不得不重新开始这徒劳的苦役。听说他悲观沮丧到了极点。 可是,有一天,我遇见正在下山的西绪弗斯,却发现他吹着口哨,迈着轻盈的步伐,一脸无忧无虑的神情。我生平最怕见到大不幸的人,譬如说身患绝症的人,或刚死了亲人的人,因为对他们的不幸,我既不能有所表示,怕犯忌,又不能无所表示,怕显得我没心没肺。所以,看见西绪弗斯迎面走来,尽管不是传说的那副凄苦模样,深知他的不幸身世的我仍感到局促不安, 没想到西绪弗斯先开口了,他举起手,对我喊道: "喂,你瞧,我逮了一只多漂亮的蝴蝶!" 我望着他渐渐远逝的背影,不禁思付:总有些事情是宙斯的神威鞭长莫及的,那是一些太细小的事情,在那里便有了西绪弗斯(和我们整个人类)的幸福。 四诗人的花园 诗人想到人生的虚无,就痛不欲生。他决定自杀。他来到一片空旷的野地里,给自己挖了一个坟。他看这坟太光秃,便在周围种上树木和花草。种啊种,他渐渐迷上了园艺,醉心于培育各种珍贵树木和奇花异草,他的成就也终于遐迩闻名,吸引来一批又一批的游人。 有一天,诗人听见一个小女孩问她的妈妈: "妈妈,这是什么呀?" 妈妈回答:"我不知道,你问这位叔叔吧。" 小女孩的小手指着诗人从前挖的那个坟坑。诗人脸红了。他想了想,说:"小姑娘,这是叔叔特意为你挖的树坑,你喜欢什么,叔叔就种什么。" 小女孩和她的妈妈都高兴地笑了。 我知道诗人在说谎,不过,这一回,我原谅了他。 五 抉择 一个农民从洪水中救起了他的妻子,他的孩子却被淹死了。 事后,人们议论纷纷。有的说他做得对,因为孩子可以再生一个,妻子却不能死而复活。有的说他做错了,因为妻子可以另娶一个,孩子却不能死而复活。 我听了人们的议论,也感到疑惑难决:如果只能救活一人,究竟应该救妻子呢,还是救孩子? 于是我去拜访那个农民,问他当时是怎么想的。 他答道:"我什么也没想。洪水袭来,妻子在我身边,我抓住她就往附近的山坡游。当我返回时,孩子已经被洪水冲走了。我什么也没想。洪水袭来,妻子在我身边,我抓住她就往附近的山坡游。当我返回时,孩子已经被洪水冲走了。" 归途上,我琢磨着农民的话,对自己说:所谓人生的重大抉择岂非多半如此? 六 罪犯 一个老实汉子进城,正遇上警察抓小偷,被误抓了起来。审讯时,法官厉声喝道:"你犯了什么罪?从实招来!" 汉子答:"小的不曾犯罪。" 法官冷笑道:"你不曾犯罪,为何偏偏抓你,不抓别人?" 汉子无言以对,于是被定罪,判了一年监禁。 刑满释放后,汉子回到村里,依然老实种地。但他从此遭到了众人的唾弃,连小偷见了也要朝他的背影啐一口唾沫,骂道:"呸,罪犯!" 七 生命的得失 一个婴儿刚出生就夭折了。一个老人寿终正寝了。一个中年人暴亡了。他们的灵魂在去天国的途中相遇,彼此诉说起了自己的不幸。 婴儿对老人说:"上帝太不公平,你活了这么久,而我却等于没活过。我失去了整整一辈子。" 老人回答:"你几乎不算得到了生命,所以也就谈不上失去。谁受生命的赐予最多,死时失去的也最多。长寿非福也。"中年人叫了起来:"有谁比我惨!你们一个无所谓活不活,—个已经活够数,我却死在正当年。把生命曾经赐予的和将要赐予的都失去了。" 他们正谈论着,不觉到达天国门前,一个声音在头顶响起: "众生啊,那已经逝去的和未曾到来的都不属于你们,你们有什么可失去的呢?" 三个灵魂齐声喊道:"主啊,难道我们中间没有一个最不幸的人吗?" 上帝答道:"最不幸的人不止一个,你们全是,因为你们全都自以为所失最多。谁受这个念头折磨,谁的确就是最不幸的人。" 八 寻短见的少妇 夏天的傍晚,一个美丽的少妇投河自尽,被正在河中划船的白胡子艄公救起。 "你年纪轻轻,为何寻短见?"艄公问。 "我结婚两年,丈夫就遗弃了我,接着孩子又病死。您说,我活着还有什么乐趣?"少妇哭诉道。 "两年前你是怎么过的?"艄公又问。 少妇的眼睛亮了:"那时我自由自在,无忧无虑......" "那时你有丈夫和孩子吗?" "当然没有。" "那么,你不过是被命运之船送回到了两年前。现在你又自由自在、无忧无虑了。请上岸吧。话音刚落,少妇已在岸上,艄公则不知去向。少妇恍若做了一个梦,她揉了揉眼睛,想了想,离岸走了。她没有再寻短见。 九 流浪者和他的影子 命运如同一个人的影子,有谁能够摆脱自己的影子呢? 可是,有一天,一个流浪者对于自己的命运实在不堪忍受,便来到一座神庙,请求神允许他和别人交换命运。神说:"如果你能找到一个对自己命运完全满意的人,你就和他交换吧。" 按照神的指示,流浪者出发去寻找了。他遍访城市和乡村,竟然找不到一个对自己命运完全满意的人。凡他遇到的人,只要一说起命运,个个摇头叹息,口出怨言。甚至那些王公贵族,达官富豪,名流权威,他们的命运似乎令人羡慕,但他们自己并不满意。事实上,世人所见的确只是他们的命运之河的表面景色,底下许多阴暗曲折唯有他们自己知道。 流浪者终于没有找到一个可以和他交换命运的人。直到今天,他仍然拖着他自己的影子到处流浪。 十 白兔和月亮 在众多的兔姐妹中,有一只白兔独具审美的慧心。她爱大自然的美,尤爱皎洁的月色。每天夜晚,她来到林中草地,一边无忧无虑地嬉戏,一边心旷神情地赏月。她不愧是赏月的行家,在她的眼里,月的阴晴圆缺无不各具风韵。于是,诸神之王召见这只白兔,向她宣布了一个慷慨的决定: "万物均有所归属。从今以后,月亮归属于你,因为你的赏月之才举世无双。" 白兔仍然夜夜到林中草地赏月。可是,说也奇怪,从前的闲适心情一扫而光了,脑中只绷着一个念头:"这是我的月亮!"她牢牢盯着月亮,就像财主盯着自己的金窖。乌云蔽月,她便紧张不安,唯恐宝藏丢失。满月缺损,她便心痛如割,仿佛遭了抢劫。在她的眼里,月的阴晴圆缺不再各具风韵,反倒险象迭生,勾起了无穷的得失之患。 和人类不同的是,我们的主人公毕竟慧心未灭,她终于去拜见诸神之王,请求他撤消了那个慷慨的决定。 十一 孪生兄弟 生和死是一对孪生兄弟。死对他的哥哥眷恋不舍,生走到哪里,他就跟到哪里。可是,生却讨厌他的这个弟弟,避之唯恐不及。尤其使他扫兴的是,往往在举杯纵饮的时候,死突然出现了,把他满斟的酒杯碰落在地,摔得粉碎。 "你这个冤家,当初母亲既然生我,又何必生你,既然生你,又何必生我!"生绝望地喊道。 "好哥哥,别这么说。没有我,你岂不寂寞?"死心平气和地说。 "永远不!" "可是你想想,如果没有我和你竞争,你的享乐有何滋味?如果没有我同台演出,你的戏剧岂能精彩?如果没有我给你灵感,你心中怎会涌出美的诗歌,眼前怎会展现美的图画我宁可寂寞,也不愿见到你!" "好哥哥,这可办不到。母亲怕你寂寞,才嘱我陪伴你。我这个孝子怎能不从母命?" 于是生来到大自然母亲面前,请求她把可恶的弟弟带走,别让他再纠缠自己。然而,大自然是一位大智大慧的母亲,决不迁就儿子的任性。生只好服从母亲的安排,但并不领会如此安排的好意,所以对死始终怀着一种无可奈何的怨恨心情。 十二 小公务员的死 某机关有一个小公务员,一向过着安分守己的日子。有一天,他忽然得到通知,一位从未听说过的远房亲戚在国外死去,临终指定他为遗产继承人。那是一爿价值万金的珠宝商店。小公务员欣喜若狂,开始忙碌地为出国做种种准备。待到一切就绪,即将动身,他又得到通知,一场大火焚毁了那爿商店,珠宝也丧失殆尽。小公务员空欢喜一场,重返机关上班。但他似乎变了一个人,整日愁眉不展,逢人便诉说自己的不幸。 "那可是一笔很大的财产啊,我一辈子的薪水还不及它的零头呢。"他说。 同事们原先都嫉妒得要命,现在一齐怀着无比轻松的心情陪着他叹气。唯有一个同事非但不表同情,反而嘲笑他自寻烦恼。 "你不是和从前一样,什么也没有失去吗?"那个同事问道。 "这么一大笔财产,竟说什么也没有失去!"小公务员心疼得叫起来。"在一个你从未到过的地方,有一爿你从未见过的商店遭了火灾,这与你有什么关系呢?" "可那是我的商店呀!" 那个同事哈哈大笑,于是被别的同事—致判为幸灾乐祸的人。据说不久以后,小公务员死于忧郁症。 十三 执迷者悟 佛招弟子,应试者有三人,一个太监,一个嫖客,一个疯子。 佛首先考问太监:"诸色皆空,你知道么?" 太监跪答:"知道。学生从不近女色。" 佛一摆手:"不近诸色,怎知色空?" 佛又考问嫖客:"悟者不迷,你知道么?" 嫖客嬉皮笑脸答:"知道,学生享尽天下女色,可对哪个婊子都不迷恋。" 佛一皱眉:"没有迷恋,哪来觉悟?" 最后轮到疯子了。佛微睁慧眼,并不发问,只是慈祥地看着他。 疯子捶胸顿足,凄声哭喊:"我爱!我爱!" 佛双手合十:"善哉,善哉。" 佛收留疯子做弟子,开启他的佛性,终于使他成了正果。 1988.11-1991.7 孔子的洒脱我喜欢读闲书,即使是正经书,也不妨当闲书读。譬如说《论语》,林语堂把它当作孔子的闲谈读,读出了许多幽默,这种读法就很对我的胃口。近来我也闲翻这部圣人之言,发现孔子乃是一个相当洒脱的人。 在我的印象中,儒家文化—重事功,二重人伦,是一种很入世的文化。然而,作为儒家始祖的孔子,其实对于功利的态度颇为淡泊,对于伦理的态度又颇为灵活。这两个方面,可以用两句话来代表,便是"君子不器"和"君子不仁"。 孔子是一个读书人。一般读书人寒窗苦读,心中都悬着一个目标,就是有朝一日成器,即成为某方面的专门家,好在社会上混一个稳定的职业。说一个人不成器,就等于说他没出息,这是很忌讳的。孔子却坦然说,一个真正的人本来就是不成器的。也确实有人讥他博学而无所专长,他听了自嘲说,那么我就以赶马车为专长罢。 其实,孔子对于读书有他自己的看法。他主张读书要从兴趣出发,不赞成为求知而求知的纯学术态度("知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者")。他还主张读书是为了完善自己,鄙夷那种沽名钓誉的庸俗文人("古之学者为己,今之学者为人")。他一再强调,一个人重要的是要有真才实学,而无须在乎外在的名声和遭遇,类似于"不患莫己知,求为可知也"这样的话,《论语》中至少重复了四次。 "君子不器"这句话不仅说出了孔子的治学观,也说出了他的人生观。有一回,孔子和他的四个学生聊天,让他们谈谈自己的志向。其中三人分别表示想做军事家、经济家和外交家。唯有曾点说,他的理想是暮春三月,轻装出发,约了若干大小朋友,到河里游泳,在林下乘凉,一路唱歌回来。孔子听罢,喟然叹曰:"我和曾点想的一样。"圣人的这一叹,活泼泼地叹出了他的未染的性灵,使得两千年后一位最重性灵的文论家大受感动,竟改名"圣叹",以志纪念。人生在世,何必成个什么器,做个什么家呢,只要活得悠闲自在,岂非胜似一切

Staying here is temporary, let's make do! "The philosopher said disapprovingly. She smiled at her husband and kept working on her hands. After a while, the philosopher had comfortably buried herself in the sofa where his wife had just been parked, smoking cigarettes, and contemplating serious life. There is a problem. I couldn't help interrupting the philosopher's meditation and said: "Dear Sir, don't think about it, just make do with it, because your residence in this world is also temporary!" However, the philosopher's wife is right now. Looking at her husband happily, he thought to himself: "How great he is..." Sisyphus, a three-happy Sisyphus, was punished to push the boulder up the mountain. Every time he reached the top of the mountain, the boulder rolled back to the foot of the mountain, and he had to renew it. Begin this futile hard labor. I heard that he was extremely pessimistic and frustrated. However, one day, I met Sisyphus who was going down the mountain, only to find him whistling and walking lightly with a carefree expression on his face. . I'm most afraid of seeing people who are misfortune in my life, such as those who are terminally ill, or those who have just died of their relatives. Because of their misfortune, I can neither express anything, nor be afraid of committing taboos, nor can I express nothing. I'm afraid I'm heartless. So, seeing Sisyphus walking towards me, even though it's not the sadness of the legend, I still feel embarrassed, knowing his unfortunate life experience. I didn't expect Sisyphus to speak first. He raised his hand and yelled to me: "Hey, look, what a beautiful butterfly I caught!" I looked at his fading back, and couldn't help thinking: there are always things that are the power of Zeus. What is beyond reach is something that is too small, and there is the happiness of Sisyphus (and our entire humanity). The garden poet of the four poets thinks of the emptiness of life, and he wants to live. He decides to commit suicide. He comes to a piece of land. In the open field, he dug a grave for himself. He saw that the grave was too bare, so he planted trees and flowers around. Planting and planting, he gradually became fascinated by gardening, and was fascinated to cultivate all kinds of precious trees and exotic flowers. The strange grass, his achievements are finally well-known, attracting batch after batch of tourists. One day, the poet heard a little girl ask her mother: "Mom, what is this?" The mother replied, "I don't know. , You ask this uncle. "The little girl's little finger pointed at the grave that the poet had dug before. The poet blushed. He thought for a while and said, "Little girl, this is a tree pit that my uncle dug specially for you. Whatever you like, uncle can plant it." "The little girl and her mother both laughed happily. I know the poet is lying, but this time, I forgive him. Five choices a farmer rescued his wife from the flood, but his child was flooded He died. Afterwards, people talked a lot. Some said that he was right because the child could have another child, but his wife could not die and resurrect. Some said he did it wrong because the wife could marry another, but the child could not die. Resurrection. After listening to people's comments, I also felt puzzled: If only one person can be saved, should I save my wife or the child? So I visited the farmer and asked him what he thought at the time. He replied : "I didn't think about anything. The flood hit, my wife was by my side, I caught her and swam to the nearby hillside. When I returned, the child had been washed away by the flood. I didn't think about anything. The flood hit, my wife was by my side, I caught her and swam to the nearby hillside. When I returned, the child had been washed away by the flood. "On the way home, I pondered what the peasants said, and said to myself: Isn't the so-called major choice in life mostly like this? Six criminals, an honest man entering the city, was caught by the police when he was caught by the thief. During the trial, the judge shouted loudly. : "What crime did you commit? Retrieve it from the truth!" The man replied: "The little one has never committed a crime. "The judge sneered: "You have never committed a crime. Why did you catch you and not arrest others?" The man was speechless, so he was convicted and sentenced to one year in prison. After his sentence was released, the man returned to the village and still farmed honestly. But he has been spurned by everyone since then, and even the thief spit on his back when he saw it, cursing: "Bah, criminal!" A middle-aged man died violently. Their souls met on the way to heaven and told each other about their misfortunes. The baby said to the old man: "God is too unfair. You have lived for so long, but I have never lived. . I lost my entire life. "The old man replied: "You hardly get your life, so you can't talk about losing it." Whoever is bestowed by life will lose the most at death. Longevity is not a blessing. "The middle-aged man cried out: "Who is worse than me! It doesn't matter whether you live or not, you have lived enough, but I died in the same year." The life that was once and will be given is lost. "They were talking, and when they arrived at the gate of heaven, a voice rang above their heads: "Sentient beings, the ones that have passed away and those that haven't come are not yours. What can you lose?" The three souls said in unison. He shouted: "Lord, isn't there one of us who is the most unfortunate?" God replied: "There is more than one of the most unfortunate, you are all, because you all think you have lost the most. Whoever suffers from this thought is indeed the most unfortunate person. "A young woman with a short sight in Yahiro, in the summer evening, a beautiful young woman threw herself into a river and was rescued by a white-bearded man who was rowing a boat in the river. "Why did you look for a shortsight at a young age?" asked the man. "I was married for two years, and my husband abandoned it. He killed me, and then the child died of illness. You said, what fun is there for me to live?" The young woman cried. "How did you live two years ago?" asked the man again. The young woman's eyes lit up: "I was free and carefree at that time..." "Did you have a husband and children at that time?" "Of course not. "So, you were only sent back two years ago by the ship of fate." Now you are free and carefree again. Please go ashore. As soon as the voice fell, the young woman was already on the shore, but Gong Gong disappeared. As if the young woman had a dream, she rubbed her eyes, thought about it, and left the shore. She didn't find any short sights anymore. The fate of the Nine Wanderers and his shadow is like a person's shadow. Who can get rid of his own shadow? But one day, a wanderer was really unbearable for his fate, so he came to a temple and asked God to allow him. Exchange fate with others. God said: "If you can find someone who is completely satisfied with your own destiny, you can exchange it with him." According to God's instructions, the wanderer set out to find. He visited cities and villages, but he couldn't find a person who was completely satisfied with his destiny. Everyone he meets, as long as he talks about fate, he shakes his head and sighs and murmurs. Even those princes, nobles, wealthy officials, celebrities and authority, their fate seems enviable, but they themselves are not satisfied. In fact, what the world sees is indeed only the superficial view of their river of destiny, and there are many dark twists and turns underneath that only they know. The wanderer finally did not find a person who could exchange fate with him. To this day, he still drags his own shadow to wander around. Ten White Rabbit and the Moon Among the many rabbit sisters, there is a white rabbit with unique aesthetic wisdom. She loves the beauty of nature, especially the bright moonlight. Every night, she came to the grassland in the forest, playing carefree while watching the moon in a relaxed manner. She is indeed an expert in admiring the moon. In her eyes, the moon is full of charm. Therefore, the king of the gods summoned the white rabbit and announced to her a generous decision: "Everything belongs to. From now on, the moon belongs to you, because your moon-appreciation is unique in the world." White Rabbit Still go to the grassland in the forest to enjoy the moon every night. However, it is strange to say that the former leisure mood was wiped out, and there was only one thought in her mind: "This is my moon!" She stared at the moon firmly, just like a rich man stared at his golden cellar. When the dark clouds obscured the moon, she was nervous, lest the treasure would be lost. When the full moon was missing, her heart ached, as if she had been robbed. In her eyes, the yin, sunny and roundness of the moon no longer have their own charms, but dangers are repeated one after another, evoking endless troubles of gains and losses. Unlike human beings, our protagonist's wisdom is not extinguished after all. She finally went to visit the king of the gods and asked him to revoke the generous decision. Eleven Twin Brothers Birth and death are twin brothers. He is nostalgic for his brother, and he will follow wherever he goes in life. However, Sheng hated his younger brother and avoided it for fear. What made him particularly disappointed was that death suddenly appeared when he toasted and drank, knocking his full glass of wine to the ground and smashing it to pieces. "You friend, since my mother had given birth to me, why should she give birth to you? If she had given birth to you, why should she give birth to me!" Sheng shouted desperately. "Good brother, don't say that. Wouldn't you be lonely without me?" He said calmly. "Never!" "But think about it, if you didn't compete with you, how would your enjoyment feel? If you didn't perform on the same stage, how could your drama be wonderful? If you didn't give you inspiration, how could your heart be There are beautiful poems, how can there be beautiful pictures in front of me? I would rather be lonely than see you!" "Good brother, this can't be done. My mother is afraid of your loneliness, so she asked me to accompany you. How can I be a filial son? From the mother's fate?" So she came to Mother Nature and asked her to take away her nasty brother, and don't let him pester herself anymore. However, nature is a mother of great wisdom and wisdom, and will never give in to her son's willfulness. Life had to obey the mother's arrangements, but did not understand the kindness of such arrangements, so he always harbored a helpless resentment towards death. The death of a small civil servant There is a small civil servant in a certain organization who has always lived a life of peace and security. One day, he was suddenly notified that a distant relative who had never heard of died abroad and appointed him as the heir to the estate on his deathbed. That is a jewelry store worth ten thousand gold. The small civil servants were ecstatic and began to make various preparations for going abroad. When everything was ready and he was about to leave, he was notified again that a fire destroyed the shop and the jewels were also lost. The small civil servants rejoiced and returned to work. But he seems to be a different person, frowning all day long, and telling everyone about his misfortune. "That's a lot of fortune, and my lifetime salary is not as good as a fraction of it," he said. His colleagues were so jealous that they sighed with him in an extremely relaxed mood. Only one colleague, instead of showing sympathy, laughed at him for asking for trouble. "Aren't you the same as before, without losing anything?" the colleague asked. "Such a large amount of fortune, I said nothing was lost!" The little civil servant cried out in distress. "In a place you have never been to, there is a shop you have never seen before that was caught in a fire. What does this have to do with you?" "But that's my shop!" The colleague laughed, so By another colleague-to someone who was convicted of gloating. It is said that the young civil servant died of depression shortly afterwards. Thirteen The obsessive enlightenment Buddha recruits disciples. There are three examinees, one eunuch, one client, and one lunatic. The Buddha first asked the eunuch: "All colors are empty, do you know?" The eunuch knelt and replied: "Yes. Students never approach female sex." The Buddha waved his hand: "If you don't get close to all colors, how can you know the empty?" The Buddha asked again. Client: "Anyone who is enlightened is not obsessed, do you know?" The client replied with a hippie smile: "I know, students enjoy all the female sex in the world, but they are not obsessed with any bitch." Buddha frowned: "If there is no obsession, where can I get enlightenment?" Finally it was the turn of the lunatic. The Buddha opened his eyes slightly and didn't ask questions, but looked at him kindly. The madman beat his chest and his feet, crying sadly: "I love! I love!" The Buddha folded his hands together: "Good, good." The Buddha accepted the madman as his disciple, opened his Buddha nature, and finally made him a true fruit. 1988.11-1991.7 Confucius' free and easy I like to read leisure books, even if it is a serious book, I might as well read it as a free book. For example, Lin Yutang read "The Analects of Confucius" as Confucius's chat and read a lot of humor. This kind of reading is very appetizing to me. Recently, I have also read this saint's words and found that Confucius is a very free and easy person. In my impression, the Confucian culture, which emphasizes merit and dual human relations, is a very worldly culture. However, as the ancestor of Confucianism, Confucius was actually quite indifferent to utilitarianism and quite flexible to ethics. These two aspects can be represented by two sentences, namely, "a gentleman is not an instrument" and "a gentleman is not benevolent." Confucius is a scholar. In general, scholars who study hard in the cold window have a goal in their hearts, that is, to become a specialist in a certain field one day, so as to mix a stable career in society. To say that a person is not a good weapon is to say that he is not promising, which is very taboo. Confucius said frankly that a real person is inherently useless. It was true that some people ridiculed him for being knowledgeable and lacking expertise. He laughed at himself and said, so I would take horse-drawn carriage as my specialty. In fact, Confucius has his own views on reading. He advocates that reading should be based on interest, and he does not approve of the purely academic attitude of seeking knowledge for the sake of knowledge ("Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who enjoy it"). He also advocated that reading is to perfect himself, and despise the vulgar literati who seek fame and reputation ("the ancient scholars are themselves, the current scholars are human"). He has repeatedly emphasized that the important thing for a person is to have true talents, and not to care about external reputation and experience. Similar to the words "Don't know oneself, and seek knowledge," the "Analects" repeats at least four times. Times. The phrase "a gentleman is not a tool" not only speaks of Confucius's academic outlook, but also his outlook on life. Once, Confucius chatted with four of his students and asked them to talk about their ambitions. Three of them expressed their desire to be military strategists, economists, and diplomats. Only Zeng Dian said that his ideal is to set off lightly in the late spring of March, make appointments with a few big and small friends, swim in the river, enjoy the shade in the woods, and sing all the way back. After listening, Confucius sighed and said: "I'm the same as I thought." This sigh of the saint sighed his untainted spirit in a lively manner, making him the most spiritual literary critic two thousand years later. I was so moved that I changed my name to "Sheng Tan" to commemorate him. Life is alive, why do you need to be a tool or a home? As long as you live leisurely, isn't it better than everything? (Zhù zhèlǐ shì zhànshí de, còuhéguò ba!" Zhéxué jiā bùyǐwéirán dì shuō. Tā cháo zhàngfū xiào xiào, bìng bù tíng xiàshǒu zhōng de huó. Bù duō hui er, zhéxué jiā yǐjīngshūtan de bǎ shēnzi mái jìn qīzi gāng ānfàng tíngdang de shāfā lǐ, xīzhe yān, chénsī yánsù de rénshēng wèntíle. Wǒ rěn bù zhù dǎ duàn zhéxué jiā de chénsī, shuōdao:"Zūnjìng de xiānshēng, bié xiǎngle, còuhéguò ba, yīnwèi nǐ zài zhè shìjiè shàng de jūzhù yěshì zhànshí de!" Kěshì, zhéxué jiā de qīzi cǐkè zhèng xìngfú dì wàngzhe zhàngfū, xīnlǐxiǎng:"Tā duōme wěidà hē......" sān xìngfú de xī xù fú sī xī xù fú sī bèi fá tuī jùshí shàngshān, měi cì kuài dào shāndǐng, jùshí jiù gǔn huí shānjiǎo, tā bùdé bù chóngxīn kāishǐ zhè túláo de kǔyì. Tīng shuō tā bēiguān jǔsàng dàole jídiǎn. Kěshì, yǒuyītiān, wǒ yùjiàn zhèngzài xiàshān de xī xù fú sī, què fāxiàn tā chuīzhe kǒushào, màizhe qīngyíng de bùfá, yī liǎn wú yōu wú lǜ de shénqíng. Wǒ shēngpíng zuì pà jiàn dào dà bùxìng de rén, pìrú shuō shēn huàn juézhèng de rén, huò gāng sǐle qīnrén de rén, yīnwèi duì tāmen de bùxìng, wǒ jì bùnéng yǒu suǒ biǎoshì, pà fànjì, yòu bùnéng wú suǒ biǎoshì, pà xiǎndé wǒ méi xīn méi fèi. Suǒyǐ, kànjiàn xī xù fú sī yíngmiàn zǒu lái, jǐnguǎn bùshì chuánshuō dì nà fù qī kǔ múyàng, shēn zhī tā de bùxìng shēnshì de wǒ réng gǎndào júcù bù'ān, méi xiǎngdào xī xù fú sī xiān kāikǒule, tā jǔ qǐ shǒu, duì wǒ hǎn dào: "Wèi, nǐ qiáo, wǒ dǎile yī zhǐ duō piàoliang de húdié!" Wǒ wàngzhe tā jiànjiàn yuǎn shì de bèiyǐng, bùjīn sī fù: Zǒng yǒuxiē shìqíng shì zhòusī de shénwēi biānchángmòjí de, nà shì yīxiē tài xìxiǎo de shìqíng, zài nàlǐ biàn yǒule xī xù fú sī (hé wǒmen zhěnggè rénlèi) de xìngfú. Sì shīrén de huāyuán shīrén xiǎngdào rénshēng de xūwú, jiù tòngbùyùshēng. Tā juédìng zìshā. Tā lái dào yīpiàn kōngkuàng de yědì lǐ, jǐ zìjǐ wāle yīgè fén. Tā kàn zhè fén tài guāng tū, biàn zài zhōuwéi zhǒng shàng shùmù hé huācǎo. Zhǒng a zhǒng, tā jiànjiàn mí shàngle yuányì, zuìxīn yú péiyù gè zhǒng zhēnguì shùmù hé qí huā yì cǎo, tā de chéngjiù yě zhōngyú xiá'ěr wénmíng, xīyǐn lái yī pī yòu yī pī de yóurén. Yǒuyītiān, shīrén tīngjiàn yīgè xiǎo nǚhái wèn tā de māmā: "Māmā, zhè shì shénme ya?" Māmā huídá:"Wǒ bùzhīdào, nǐ wèn zhè wèi shūshu ba." Xiǎo nǚhái de xiǎoshǒuzhǐzhe shīrén cóngqián wā dì nàgè fén kēng. Shīrén liǎnhóngle. Tā xiǎngle xiǎng, shuō:"Xiǎo gūniáng, zhè shì shūshu tèyì wèi nǐ wā de shù kēng, nǐ xǐhuān shénme, shūshu jiù zhǒng shénme." Xiǎo nǚhái hé tā de māmā dōu gāoxìng de xiàole. Wǒ zhīdào shīrén zài shuōhuǎng, bùguò, zhè yī huí, wǒ yuánliàngle tā. Wǔ juézé yīgè nóngmín cóng hóngshuǐ zhōng jiù qǐle tā de qīzi, tā de háizi què bèi yān sǐle. Shìhòu, rénmen yìlùn fēnfēn. Yǒu de shuō tā zuò dé duì, yīnwèi hái zǐ kěyǐ zàishēng yīgè, qīzi què bùnéng sǐ ér fùhuó. Yǒu de shuō tā zuò cuòle, yīnwèi qī zǐ kěyǐ lìng qǔ yīgè, háizi què bùnéng sǐ ér fùhuó. Wǒ tīngle rénmen de yìlùn, yě gǎndào yíhuò nán jué: Rúguǒ zhǐ néng jiù huó yīrén, jiùjìng yīnggāi jiù qīzi ní, háishì jiù háizi? Yúshì wǒ qù bàifǎng nàgè nóngmín, wèn tā dāngshí shì zěnme xiǎng de. Tā dá dào:"Wǒ shénme yě méi xiǎng. Hóngshuǐ xí lái, qīzi zài wǒ shēnbiān, wǒ zhuā zhù tā jiù wǎng fùjìn de shānpō yóu. Dāng wǒ fǎnhuí shí, háizi yǐjīng bèi hóngshuǐ chōng zǒule. Wǒ shénme yě méi xiǎng. Hóngshuǐ xí lái, qīzi zài wǒ shēnbiān, wǒ zhuā zhù tā jiù wǎng fùjìn de shānpō yóu. Dāng wǒ fǎnhuí shí, háizi yǐjīng bèi hóngshuǐ chōng zǒule." Guītú shàng, wǒ zhuómózhe nóngmín dehuà, duì zìjǐ shuō: Suǒwèi rénshēng de zhòngdà juézé qǐfēi duōbàn rúcǐ? Liù zuìfàn yīgè lǎoshí hànzi jìn chéng, zhèng yù shàng jǐngchá zhuā xiǎotōu, bèi wù zhuāle qǐlái. Shěnxùn shí, fǎguān lìshēng hèdào:"Nǐ fànle shénme zuì? Cóngshí zhāolái!" Hànzi dá:"Xiǎo de bùcéng fànzuì." Fǎguān lěngxiào dào:"Nǐ bùcéng fànzuì, wèihé piānpiān zhuā nǐ, bù zhuā biérén?" Hàn zǐ wú yán yǐ duì, yúshì bèi dìngzuì, pànle yī nián jiānjìn. Xíng mǎn shìfàng hòu, hàn zǐ huí dào cūnlǐ, yīrán lǎoshí zhòng dì. Dàn tā cóngcǐ zāo dàole zhòngrén de tuòqì, lián xiǎotōu jiànle yě yào cháo tā de bèiyǐng cuì yīkǒu tuòmò, mà dào:"Pēi, zuìfàn!" Qī shēngmìng de déshī yīgè yīng'ér gāng chūshēng jiù yāozhéle. Yīgè lǎorén shòuzhōngzhèngqǐnle. Yīgè zhōng nián rén bào wángle. Tāmen de línghún zài qù tiānguó de túzhōng xiāngyù, bǐcǐ sùshuō qǐle zìjǐ de bùxìng. Yīng'ér duì lǎorén shuō:"Shàngdì tài bù gōngpíng, nǐ huóle zhème jiǔ, ér wǒ què děngyú méi huóguò. Wǒ shīqùle zhěngzhěng yībèizi." Lǎorén huídá:"Nǐ jīhū bù suàndédàole shēngmìng, suǒyǐ yě jiù tán bù shàng shīqù. Shéi shòu shēngmìng de cìyǔ zuìduō, sǐ shí shīqù de yě zuìduō. Chángshòu fēi fú yě." Zhōng nián rén jiàole qǐlái:"Yǒu shéi bǐ wǒ cǎn! Nǐmen yīgè wúsuǒwèi huó bù huó,—gè yǐjīng huó gòu shù, wǒ què sǐ zài zhèngdàng nián. Bǎ shēngmìng céngjīng cìyǔ de hé jiāngyào cìyǔ de dōu shīqùle." Tāmen zhèng tánlùnzhe, bù jué dàodá tiānguó mén qián, yīgè shēngyīn zài tóudǐng xiǎngqǐ: "Zhòngshēng a, nà yǐjīng shìqù de hé wèicéng dàolái de dōu bù shǔyú nǐmen, nǐmen yǒu shé me kě shīqù de ne?" Sān gè línghún qí shēng hǎn dào:"Zhǔ a, nándào wǒmen zhōngjiān méiyǒuyīgè zuì bùxìng de rén ma?" Shàngdì dá dào:"Zuì bùxìng de rén bùzhǐ yīgè, nǐmen quán shì, yīnwèi nǐmen quándōu zì yǐwéi suǒ shī zuìduō. Shéi shòu zhège niàntou zhémó, shéi díquè jiùshì zuì bùxìng de rén." Bā xúnduǎnjiàn de shàofù xiàtiān de bàngwǎn, yīgè měilì de shàofù tóu hé zìjìn, bèi zhèngzài hézhōng huáchuán de bái húzi shāogōng jiù qǐ. "Nǐ niánjì qīng qīng, wèihé xúnduǎnjiàn?" Shāogōng wèn. "Wǒ jiéhūn liǎng nián, zhàngfū jiù yíqìle wǒ, jiēzhe háizi yòu bìngsǐ. Nín shuō, wǒ huózhe hái yǒu shé me lèqù?" Shàofù kūsù dào. "Liǎng nián qián nǐ shì zěnmeguò de?" Shāogōng yòu wèn. Shàofù de yǎnjīng liàngle:"Nà shí wǒ zìyóu zìzài, wú yōu wú lǜ......" "nà shí nǐ yǒu zhàngfū hé háizi ma?" "Dāngrán méiyǒu." "Nàme, nǐ bùguò shì bèi mìngyùn zhī chuán sòng huí dàole liǎng nián qián. Xiànzài nǐ yòu zìyóu zìzài, wú yōu wú lǜle. Qǐng shàng'àn ba. Huàyīn gāng luò, shàofù yǐ zài ànshàng, shāogōng zé bù zhī qùxiàng. Shàofù huǎng ruò zuòle yīgè mèng, tā róule róu yǎnjīng, xiǎngle xiǎng, lí àn zǒule. Tā méiyǒu zài xúnduǎnjiàn. Jiǔ liúlàng zhě hé tā de yǐngzi mìngyùn rútóng yīgè rén de yǐngzi, yǒu shéi nénggòu bǎituō zìjǐ de yǐngzi ní? Kěshì, yǒu yītiān, yīgè liúlàng zhě duìyú zìjǐ de mìngyùn shízài bùkān rěnshòu, biàn lái dào yīzuò shén miào, qǐngqiú shén yǔnxǔ tā hé biérén jiāohuàn mìngyùn. Shén shuō:"Rúguǒ nǐ néng zhǎodào yīgè duì zìjǐ mìngyùn wánquán mǎnyì de rén, nǐ jiù hé tā jiāohuàn ba." Ànzhào shén de zhǐshì, liúlàng zhě chūfā qù xúnzhǎole. Tā biàn fǎng chéngshì hé xiāngcūn, jìngrán zhǎo bù dào yīgè duì zìjǐ mìngyùn wánquán mǎnyì de rén. Fán tā yù dào de rén, zhǐyào yī shuō qǐ mìngyùn, gè gè yáotóu tànxí, kǒu chū yuànyán. Shènzhì nàxiē wánggōng guìzú, dáguān fùháo, míngliú quánwēi, tāmen de mìngyùn sìhū lìng rén xiànmù, dàn tāmen zìjǐ bìng bù mǎnyì. Shìshí shàng, shìrén suǒ jiàn díquè zhǐshì tāmen de mìngyùn zhī hé de biǎomiàn jǐngsè, dǐxia xǔduō yīn'àn qūzhé wéi yǒu tāmen zìjǐ zhīdào. Liúlàng zhě zhōngyú méiyǒu zhǎodào yīgè kěyǐ hé tā jiāohuàn mìngyùn de rén. Zhídào jīntiān, tā réngrán tuōzhe tā zìjǐ de yǐngzi dàochù liúlàng. Shí bái tù hé yuèliàng zài zhòngduō de tù jiěmèi zhōng, yǒu yī zhǐ bái tù dú jù shěnměide huìxīn. Tā ài dà zìrán dì měi, yóu ài jiǎojié de yuè sè. Měitiān yèwǎn, tā lái dào línzhōng cǎodì, yībiān wú yōu wú lǜ de xīxì, yībiān xīn kuàng shénqíng de shǎng yuè. Tā bùkuì shì shǎng yuè de hángjiā, zài tā de yǎn lǐ, yuè de yīn qíng yuán quē wúbù gè jù fēngyùn. Yúshì, zhū shén zhī wáng zhàojiàn zhè zhǐ bái tù, xiàng tā xuānbùle yīgè kāngkǎi de juédìng: "Wànwù jūn yǒu suǒ guīshǔ. Cóng jīn yǐhòu, yuèliàng guīshǔ yú nǐ, yīnwèi nǐ de shǎng yuè zhī cái jǔshì wúshuāng." Bái tù réngrán yè yè dào lín zhōng cǎodì shǎng yuè. Kěshì, shuō yě qíguài, cóngqián de xiánshì xīnqíng yī sǎo ér guāngle, nǎo zhōng zhǐ bēngzhe yīgè niàntou:"Zhè shì wǒ de yuèliàng!" Tā láo láo dīngzhe yuèliàng, jiù xiàng cáizhǔ dīngzhe zìjǐ de jīn jiào. Wūyún bì yuè, tā biàn jǐnzhāng bù'ān, wéikǒng bǎozàng diūshī. Mǎnyuè quēsǔn, tā biàn xīntòng rú gē, fǎngfú zāole qiǎngjié. Zài tā de yǎn lǐ, yuè de yīn qíng yuán quē bù zài gè jù fēngyùn, fǎndào xiǎnxiàng dié shēng, gōu qǐ liǎo wúqióng de déshī zhī huàn. Hé rénlèi bùtóng de shì, wǒmen de zhǔréngōng bìjìng huìxīn wèi miè, tā zhōngyú qù bàijiàn zhū shén zhī wáng, qǐngqiú tā chèxiāole nàgè kāngkǎi de juédìng. Shíyī luánshēng xiōngdì shēng hé sǐ shì yī duì luánshēng xiōngdì. Sǐ duì tā dí gēgē juànliàn bù shě, shēng zǒu dào nǎlǐ, tā jiù gēn dào nǎlǐ. Kěshì, shēng què tǎoyàn tā de zhège dìdì, bì zhī wéikǒng bùjí. Yóuqí shǐ tā sǎoxìng de shì, wǎngwǎng zài jǔ bēi zòng yǐn de shíhòu, sǐ túrán chūxiànle, bǎ tā mǎn zhēn de jiǔbēi pèng luò zài dì, shuāi dé fěnsuì. "Nǐ zhège yuānjiā, dāngchū mǔqīn jìrán shēng wǒ, yòu hébì shēng nǐ, jìrán shēng nǐ, yòu hébì shēng wǒ!" Shēng juéwàng de hǎn dào. "Hǎo gēgē, bié zhème shuō. Méiyǒu wǒ, nǐ qǐ bù jìmò?" Sǐ xīnpíngqìhé de shuō. "Yǒngyuǎn bù!" "Kěshì nǐ xiǎng xiǎng, rúguǒ méiyǒu wǒ hé nǐ jìngzhēng, nǐ de xiǎnglè yǒu hé zīwèi? Rúguǒ méiyǒu wǒ tóng tái yǎnchū, nǐ de xìjù qǐ néng jīngcǎi? Rúguǒ méiyǒu wǒ gěi nǐ línggǎn, nǐ xīnzhōng zěn huì yǒng chū měide shīgē, yǎnqián zěn huì zhǎnxiàn měi de túhuà wǒ nìngkě jìmò, yě bù yuàn jiàn dào nǐ!" "Hǎo gēgē, zhè kě bàn bù dào. Mǔqīn pà nǐ jìmò, cái zhǔ wǒ péibàn nǐ. Wǒ zhège xiàozǐ zěn néng bù cóng mǔ mìng?" Yúshì shēnglái dào dà zìrán mǔqīn miànqián, qǐngqiú tā bǎ kěwù de dìdì dài zǒu, bié ràng tā zài jiūchán zìjǐ. Rán'ér, dà zìrán shì yī wèi dàzhì dàhuì de mǔqīn, jué bù qiānjiù érzi de rènxìng. Shēng zhǐhǎo fúcóng mǔqīn de ānpái, dàn bìng bù lǐnghuì rúcǐ ānpái de hǎoyì, suǒyǐ duì sǐ shǐzhōng huáizhe yī zhǒng wúkěnàihé de yuànhèn xīnqíng. Shí'èr xiǎo gōngwùyuán de sǐ mǒu jīguān yǒu yīgè xiǎo gōngwùyuán, yīxiàngguòzhe ānfènshǒujǐ de rìzi. Yǒu yītiān, tā hūrán dédào tōngzhī, yī wèi cóng wèi tīng shuōguò de yuǎnfáng qīnqī zài guówài sǐqù, lín zhōng zhǐdìng tā wéi yíchǎn jìchéngrén. Nà shì yī pán jiàzhí wàn jīn de zhūbǎo shāngdiàn. Xiǎo gōngwùyuán xīnxǐ ruò kuáng, kāishǐ mánglù dì wéi chūguó zuò zhǒngzhǒng zhǔnbèi. Dài dào yīqiè jiùxù, jíjiāng dòngshēn, tā yòu dé dào tōngzhī, yī chǎng dàhuǒ fénhuǐle nà pán shāngdiàn, zhūbǎo yě sàngshī dài jǐn. Xiǎo gōngwùyuán kōng huānxǐ yī chǎng, chóng fǎn jīguān shàngbān. Dàn tā sìhū biànle yīgè rén, zhěng rì chóuméi bù zhǎn, féng rén biàn sùshuō zìjǐ de bùxìng. "Nà kěshì yī bǐ hěn dà de cáichǎn a, wǒ yībèizi de xīnshuǐ hái bùjí tā de língtóu ne." Tā shuō. Tóngshìmen yuánxiān dōu jídù dé yàomìng, xiànzài yīqí huáizhe wúbǐ qīngsōng de xīnqíng péizhe tā tànqì. Wéi yǒu yīgè tóngshì fēidàn bù biǎo tóngqíng, fǎn'ér cháoxiào tā zì xún fánnǎo. "Nǐ bùshì hé cóngqián yīyàng, shénme yě méiyǒu shīqù ma?" Nàgè tóngshì wèn dào. "Zhème yī dà bǐ cáichǎn, jìng shuō shénme yě méiyǒu shīqù!" Xiǎo gōngwùyuán xīnténg dé jiào qǐlái."Zài yīgè nǐ cóng wèi dàoguò dì dìfāng, yǒu yī pán nǐ cóng wèi jiànguò de shāngdiàn zāole huǒzāi, zhè yǔ nǐ yǒu shé me guānxì ne?" "Kě nà shì wǒ de shāngdiàn ya!" Nàgè tóngshì hāhā dà xiào, yúshì bèi bié de tóngshì—zhì pàn wèi xìngzāilèhuò de rén. Jùshuō bu jiǔ yǐhòu, xiǎo gōngwùyuán sǐ yú yōuyù zhèng. Shísān zhí mí zhě wù fú zhāo dìzǐ, yìngshì zhě yǒusānrén, yīgè tàijiàn, yīgè piáokè, yīgè fēngzi. Fú shǒuxiān kǎowèn tàijiàn:"Zhū sè jiē kōng, nǐ zhīdào me?" Tàijiàn guì dá:"Zhīdào. Xuéshēng cóng bù jìn nǚ sè." Fú yī bǎishǒu:"Bù jìn zhū sè, zěn zhī sè kōng?" Fú yòu kǎowèn piáokè:"Wù zhě bù mí, nǐ zhīdào me?" Piáokè xīpíxiàoliǎn dá:"Zhīdào, xuéshēng xiǎng jìn tiānxià nǚ sè, kě duì nǎge biǎo zi dōu bù míliàn." Fú yī zhòuméi:"Méiyǒu míliàn, nǎ lái juéwù?" Zuìhòu lún dào fēngzile. Fú wēi zhēng huìyǎn, bìng bù fāwèn, zhǐshì cíxiáng dì kànzhe tā. Fēngzi chuíxiōngdùnzú, qī shēng kū hǎn:"Wǒ ài! Wǒ ài!" Fú shuāngshǒu héshí:"Shànzāi, shànzāi." Fú shōuliú fēngzi zuò dìzǐ, kāiqǐ tā de fú xìng, zhōngyú shǐ tā chéngle zhèngguǒ. 1988.11-1991.7 Kǒngzǐ de sǎtuō wǒ xǐhuān dú xiánshū, jíshǐ shìzhèng jīng shū, yě bùfáng dāng xiánshū dú. Pìrú shuō "lúnyǔ", línyǔtáng bǎ tā dàng zuò kǒngzǐ de xiántán dú, dú chūle xǔduō yōumò, zhè zhǒng dú fǎ jiù hěn duì wǒ de wèikǒu. Jìnlái wǒ yě xián fān zhè bù shèngrén zhī yán, fāxiàn kǒngzǐ nǎi shì yīgè xiāngdāng sǎtuō de rén. Zài wǒ de yìnxiàng zhōng, rújiā wénhuà—zhòng shì gōng, èr chóng rénlún, shì yī zhǒng hěn rùshì de wénhuà. Rán'ér, zuòwéi rújiā shǐzǔ de kǒngzǐ, qíshí duìyú gōnglì de tàidù pǒ wéi dànbó, duìyú lúnlǐ de tàidù yòu pǒ wéi línghuó. Zhè liǎng gè fāngmiàn, kěyǐ yòng liǎng jù huà lái dàibiǎo, biàn shì "jūnzǐ bù qì" hé "jūnzǐ bùrén". Kǒngzǐ shì yīgè dúshūrén. Yībān dúshūrén hánchuāng kǔ dú, xīnzhōng dōu xuánzhe yīgè mùbiāo, jiùshì yǒuzhāoyīrì chéng qì, jí chéngwéi mǒu fāngmiàn de zhuānmén jiā, hǎo zài shèhuì shàng hùn yīgè wěndìng de zhíyè. Shuō yīgè rén bùchéngqì, jiù děngyú shuō tā méi chūxī, zhè shì hěn jìhuì de. Kǒngzǐ què tǎnrán shuō, yīgè zhēnzhèng de rén běnlái jiùshì bùchéngqì de. Yě quèshí yǒurén jī tā bóxué ér wú suǒ zhuāncháng, tā tīngle zìcháo shuō, nàme wǒ jiù yǐ gǎn mǎchē wèi zhuāncháng bà. Qíshí, kǒngzǐ duìyú dúshū yǒu tā zìjǐ de kànfǎ. Tā zhǔzhāng dúshū yào cóng xìngqù chūfā, bù zànchéng wéi qiúzhī ér qiúzhī de chún xuéshù tàidù ("zhīzhī zhě bùrú hǎo zhī zhě, hǎo zhī zhě bùrú lè zhī zhě"). Tā hái zhǔzhāng dúshū shì wèile wánshàn zìjǐ, bǐyí nà zhǒng gūmíngdiàoyù de yōngsú wénrén ("gǔ zhī xuézhě wéi jǐ, jīn zhī xuézhě wéirén"). Tā yīzài qiángdiào, yīgè rén zhòngyào de shì yào yǒu zhēn cái shíxué, ér wúxū zàihū wài zài de míngshēng hé zāoyù, lèisì yú "bù huàn mò jǐ zhī, qiú wèi kězhī yě" zhèyàng dehuà,"lúnyǔ" zhōng zhìshǎo chóngfùle sì cì. "Jūnzǐ bù qì" zhè jù huà bùjǐn shuō chūle kǒngzǐ de zhìxué guān, yě shuō chūle tā de rénshēng guān. Yǒu yī huí, kǒngzǐ hé tā de sì gè xuéshēng liáotiān, ràng tāmen tán tán zìjǐ de zhìxiàng. Qí zhòng sān rén fēnbié biǎoshì xiǎng zuò jūnshì jiā, jīngjì jiā hé wàijiāo jiā. Wéi yǒu céng diǎn shuō, tā de lǐ xiǎng shì mùchūn sān yuè, qīngzhuāng chūfā, yuē liǎo ruògān dà xiǎopéngyǒu, dào hé lǐ yóuyǒng, zài lín xià chéngliáng, yīlù chànggē huílái. Kǒngzǐ tīng bà, kuìrán tàn yuē:"Wǒ hé céng diǎn xiǎng de yīyàng." Shèngrén de zhè yī tàn, huópō pō de tàn chūle tā de wèi rǎn dì xìnglíng, shǐdé liǎng qiānnián hòu yī wèi zuì chóng xìnglíng de wén lùn jiā dà shòu gǎndòng, jìng gǎimíng "shèng tàn", yǐ zhì jìniàn. Rénshēng zàishì, hébì chéng gè shénme qì, zuò gè shénme jiā ne, zhǐyào huó dé yōuxián zìzài, qǐfēi shèngsì yīqiè)

小原二郎忙赔笑脸,"总理大人方才回头,我以为有事叫我呢。"说罢后退几步,与张景惠拉开距离,也摆手让其余侍从远离。 白月朗觉得好玩,她问:"到底是他怕你呢,还是你怕他这个秘书?" 张景惠瞥了她一眼说:"你胆子太大了,敢问出这样的话来!这可是大不敬之罪呀。不过,不知者不为罪。咱东北人有一句土话,用上正合适,这就叫麻秸打狼,两头害怕。" 白月朗心想,这倒够形象的了。 走着看着,张景惠看见一只花狸猫从走廊里横向蹿过来,口里叼着一只老鼠,那老鼠没致命,吱吱地叫着,蹬着四脚,甩着尾巴挣扎着。 张景惠神经质地大声呼叫随从快过来,围住这只猫,一定要救下这只老鼠。 白月朗感到滑稽不解,只见小原二郎心领神会,指挥侍从们围上来。 于是展开了一场对老猫的围追堵截战,刘月也敏捷地抓猫。连张景惠也亲自上阵,可笑地弯着腰,平伸双臂,口中还向那花狸猫呼喊着:"快松开,快松开,这不是大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米了吗?" 人们想笑又都忍着,只有白月朗咯咯地笑出声来。 小原二郎提醒她不要笑,说:"总理大人会不高兴的。他是最仁慈的,从不杀生,也看不得杀生。" 白月朗讥笑说:"这是君子远庖厨的论调,他不也吃肉吗?" 小原二郎说:"你没见他动筷前口中念念有词吗?那是在给猪啊、羊啊、鸡呀念往生咒呢,好让它们超生。" 白月朗又忍不住乐起来。

Xi Jiangyue can understand Japanese, and Xi Jiangyue who stood at the door cursed in his heart: Beast, this is the civilization you brought. Bihara warned him: "Do you want to taste every trick? If you don't want to, you should understand how to cooperate." At this time, someone added a word behind him: "No, our poet is noble. People, how can they suffer such inhuman torture?" Motohara Shizhao turned his head and saw his immediate boss Kishinobu Ishisai Osa, standing behind him with another man without military uniform. It was Masahiko Kanazawa who was speaking. Motohara Shizhao immediately salutes Masahiko Amazuke and Kishishin Ishisai, implying that the door of the large torture chamber is closed. The subordinate pressed the button, and the wall slowly closed again. Back in the adjustment room, Kishishin Ishisai introduced to Hoshihara: "This is our predecessor, Mr. Masahiko Amazawa." Xijiang Yue was surprised and looked at him intently. Motohara Shizhao stared in surprise, and said, "Oh," a standing salute came and said, "I am so honored to see the pride of our Japanese military." Masahiko Amadaru smiled and said, "I am already. I retired from the military and now specializes in making movies, and I am considered to be colleagues in the arts and literature circles with this poet." He even reached out to Xi Jiangyue, Xi Jiangyue reluctantly shook his hand, and Masahiko Kanazawa politely asked him to sit down and said: " I heard about Mr. Xi Jiangyue's name, read your poems, watched your dramas, and it's too late to meet each other. It's a shame that I shouldn't have met on this occasion." Xi Jiangyue can't figure out that it's a blessing. Woe, he had an illusion, maybe Xu Qing asked someone to rescue him, right? is it possible? The Japanese asked about the flyers. How did you know that the flyers on the wall were not sold by Xu Qing? From the moment he entered, he racked his brains to remember where there was a mistake, only Xu Qing was suspicious. Masahiko Kanazawa pulled Nishie Yueqiang and sat side by side on the sofa. Kishishin Ishisai said to Mihara Mizhao: "You don't have to be there." He smiled humbly at Masahiko Amazawa and said that he had something to do, and asked them to talk first . He and Biyuan Sizhao both went out. Masahiko Amazure poured a cup of tea for Xi Jiangyue, and said elegantly: "This is the first time I have come to this place in so many years. I was at the Prime Minister's Office to accompany the Prime Minister for dinner, and when I got the news, I rushed over. I'm very special. I don't want the literati to be in trouble. I also said this at the Art and Literature Alliance Conference. That year, I have been regretful about the Jin Jianxiao incident. Although I tried my best to rescue, it was a mistake. I didn't get what I wanted. Jin Jianxiao still gave it away. Fate. This is the first time I have come to this place for so many years. I was at the Prime Minister's Office to accompany the Prime Minister for dinner, and when I got the news, I rushed over. I especially don't want the literati to have trouble. I have also talked about it. I have been regretful about Jin Jianxiao that year. Although I tried my best to rescue, it was a mistake, but I didn't get what I wanted. Jin Jianxiao still died." Masahiko Gansu left Xi Jiangyue very well. Impressed, he had heard colleagues talk about Akasu Masahiko, who is elegant and generous, and would like to make friends with literati. Xijiangyue couldn't help but place high hopes on him, hoping that a miracle would happen. Masahiko Amadaru said: "You know, the Japanese military's vision is very different from that of our cultural people. I have always been tolerant. The literati has the temperament of a literati, and things called national spirit are often stronger than others. This is normal." Xijiangyue said: "What does sir want to say? You don't have to turn such a big turn." Masahiko Kanazawa said: "One sentence to live, save you. Of course, it is not easy. The military bites to death. But I think this is like two people walking on a single-plank bridge. It is not necessarily a narrow road meeting and the brave wins. Sir, think about it, if both sides take a few steps back, wouldn't they both protect each other?" , Masahiko Kanazawa still let himself write a book of repentance and let him betray others. Doesn't Masahiko Amazuke mean mutual preservation? Masahiko Kanazawa said: "I don't want to discuss this with my husband today. I am not appointed or entrusted by the government or the military. The one who really entrusts me is a woman who loves her husband. Shouldn't you know who it is?" Xi Jiangyue's heart was beating wildly, it really was Xu Qing, she didn't betray him? Masahiko Kanazawa said: "Who doesn't know about Xu Qing's background? Even if she is in trouble, no one dared to move her. This is also a favorable factor for your hope of being acquitted." Xijiangyue asked incredulously: "You mean, you can let me go?" Masahiko Amazuke said: "If Xu Qing can't even do this, it's not Xu Qing." He added, "We won't talk about this today. To be honest, I came too timely. If they give you a torture, if they can't survive it, they will recruit something in black and white. It's not easy to handle it. In order to increase his trust, Masahiko Kanazawa said: "You just saw it, even though I'm not in the army. They are still polite to me, and you shouldn't let this opportunity pass. "Xi Jiangyue said politely: "Thank you for your kindness." Masahiko Kanazawa pressed the bell on the table, and Motohara Shizhao came in. Masahiko Kanazawa asked him to change Xijiangyue to a clean house, and served him meals according to the standards of the food and drink for Xijiangyue. Xijiangyue was granted permission to read books and newspapers. Prepare pen and paper for him so that he can write poems. Mochihara agreed one by one. Masahiko Kanazawa stood up, patted Xi Jiangyue's shoulder and said: "I'm wronged, Xu Qing will come to see you. Take care. "He walked out. Sending away Masahiko Amazawa, Hoshihara said: "You are so lucky, writing a few lines of broken poems has such a supernatural power, even a big man like Masahiko Amada will come to take care of you. "Xi Jiangyue said: "Don't talk nonsense, send me back." "At this moment, he has the bottom of his heart. As long as Xu Qing is fine, and he is willing to extend a rescue hand, he will see the day again. When something happened to Xijiangyue, two women called him to worry. Xu Qing is fine and might become a savior. How about Feng Yuezhen? Didn't she escape? 9 Zhang Jinghui and Bai Yuelang walked along the long corridor on the second floor of the State Council. Zhang Jinghui heard that Bai Yuelang was going back to Man Ying to try makeup, so she asked her to take a photo. What kind of play? Bai Yuelang told him that it was a costume play, "Lin Zexu", Liang Fuyin's book, very moving, and nationalistic. Zhang Jinghui looked very excited, but looked back at the secretary Jiro Ohara, they ...Is it possible to shoot "Lin Zexu"? Probably he was suspicious of his manners and eyes, Ohara Jiro quickly stepped up and listened. Zhang Jinghui found out, very annoyed, and said, "What are you doing so close?" Do you want to listen to me if I speak a little bit of a whisper? Ohara Jiro hurriedly made a smile, "The Prime Minister just turned around, I thought something called me." After saying that, he stepped back a few steps, distanced himself from Zhang Jinghui, and waved his hand to keep the other attendants away. Bai Yuelang thought it was funny, she asked: "Is he afraid of you, or are you afraid of his secretary?" Zhang Jinghui glanced at her and said, "You are too courageous, dare to ask such things! This is a big deal. Respect your sin. However, those who don't know are not guilty. We in the Northeast have a native dialect, which is just right. This is called stalks beating wolves, and both ends are afraid." Baiyuelang thought, this is quite vivid. As he walked and watched, Zhang Jinghui saw a civet cat jumping laterally from the corridor with a mouse in his mouth. The mouse was not fatal, squeaking, kicking its feet, and struggling with its tail. Zhang Jinghui nervously called out his entourage to come quickly, surrounded the cat, and must save the mouse. Bai Yuelang felt funny and puzzled, and saw Jiro Ohara understand his mind and command the attendants to surround him. So a battle of chasing and intercepting the old cat started, and Liu Yue also caught the cat agilely. Even Zhang Jinghui went into battle, ridiculously bending over, stretching his arms flat, and shouting to the civet cat in his mouth: "Quickly let go, let go, this is not the big fish eating the small fish, the little fish eating the shrimp? People tried to laugh and endured, only Bai Yuelang giggled. Ohara Jiro reminded her not to laugh, saying: "The Prime Minister will be unhappy. He is the most merciful. He never kills, and he does not look at killing." Bai Yuelang sneered and said, "This is the argument of the gentleman Yuan's chef. He doesn't Do you eat meat too?" Ohara Jiro said, "Did you not see him chanting a word before he moved his chopsticks? That was chanting the rebirth mantra to pigs, sheep, and chickens, so that they could be superborn." Bai Yuelang endured again. Can't help but have fun.

张景惠看出她脸色不好,就向她解释:"平时并不放在钱夹里,今天不是听说你要来吗?现找出来的。" 白月朗不好发作,推说:"这张照得不好,傻傻的,不如还给我,改天到大光明照相馆好好拍一张,若不,拍完《林则徐》,放大一张剧照给你也行。" 张景惠明白她的心思,就点着她鼻子说:"小小的人儿,你挺狡猾呀。" 白月朗说:"我怎么狡猾了?" 张景惠说:"你这是不想让照片保存在我手里,寻找借口。" 白月朗只好说:"既然总理大人这么说,爱留就留着吧。" 张景惠叹了口气,眼望着迷蒙了天空的霰雪粉尘,渐渐发起呆来。白月朗说:"你这大总理,好像也有不开心的时候。" 张景惠突然冒了一句:"你来当两天总理大臣就知道滋味了。" 白月朗咯咯地乐起来,她弦外有音地说:"若让我当啊,我就挺直了腰,当个堂堂正正说了算的总理,当一个受气包,有名无实,看人家日本人脸色,仰人鼻息,我才不当。" 此言一出,吓得张景惠面如土色,了站在走廊里的小原二郎一眼,低沉而严厉地斥责道:"胡说,这话是随便说得的吗?还没有任何一个人敢在我跟前如此放肆呢!" 白月朗并不惧,她说:"那请总理治罪好了。我一片好心,替你叫屈,却换来这么个下场。" 张景惠语气又缓和下来:"你是不晓得厉害呀,初生的牛犊不怕虎。也正因为这个,我跟你挺对脾气。不单是我,皇上更憋屈,从来没有一个能说心里话的人,对我也是藏一半掖一半的,实在憋不住,有话就对着墙壁嘟囔。皇上都这样,何况我?

Zhang Jinghui noticed that she had a bad face, and explained to her: "I don't usually put it in the wallet. Didn't you hear that you are coming today? I found it out now." Bai Yuelang was uncomfortable and said, "This It's a bad photo, it's silly, it's better to return it to me and go to the Daguangming Photo Studio another day to take a good photo. If not, after filming "Lin Zexu", you can enlarge a still picture and give it to you. , She lighted her nose and said: "Little man, you are very cunning." Bai Yuelang said: "Why am I cunning?" Zhang Jinghui said, "You don't want to keep the photos in my hands, look for Excuse." Bai Yuelang had no choice but to say: "Since the Prime Minister said so, you can keep it if you love it." Zhang Jinghui sighed, staring at the haze dust that had clouded the sky, and gradually became stunned. Bai Yuelang said: "You, the prime minister, seem to be unhappy." Zhang Jinghui suddenly said: "You will know what it's like to be a prime minister for two days." Bai Yuelang chuckled in amusement. The voice said: "If I were to be, I would straighten my waist and be a prime minister who is upright and upright. I am a dignified person. I am not really good. It depends on the Japanese faces and snorting, I am not appropriate." As soon as he came out, Zhang Jinghui's face was earthy, and he glanced at Jiro Ohara standing in the corridor, and reprimanded in a low and severe manner: "Nonsense, can this be said casually? No one has dared to be so presumptuous in front of me! Bai Yuelang was not afraid. She said, "Then the Prime Minister will be cured. I was kind and screamed for you, but in exchange for such a fate." Zhang Jinghui's tone eased again: "You don't know how good you are, newborn." The calf is not afraid of tigers. And because of this, I have a good temper with you. Not only me, the emperor is even more aggrieved. There has never been a person who can say what is in his heart. Mutter to the wall if you have something. The emperor is like this, let alone me? (Zhāngjǐnghuì kàn chū tā liǎnsè bù hǎo, jiù xiàng tā jiěshì:"Píngshí bìng bù fàng zài qián jiā lǐ, jīntiān bùshì tīng shuō nǐ yào lái ma? Xiàn zhǎo chūlái de." Bái yuè lǎng bù hǎo fāzuò, tuī shuō:"Zhè zhāng zhào dé bù hǎo, shǎ shǎ de, bùrú hái gěi wǒ, gǎitiān dào dà guāngmíng zhàoxiàng guǎn hǎohǎo pāi yī zhāng, ruò bù, pāi wán "línzéxú", fàngdà yī zhāng jùzhào gěi nǐ yě xíng." Zhāngjǐnghuì míngbái tā de xīnsī, jiù diǎnzhe tā bízi shuō:"Xiǎo xiǎo de rén er, nǐ tǐng jiǎohuá ya." Bái yuè lǎng shuō:"Wǒ zěnme jiǎohuále?" Zhāngjǐnghuì shuō:"Nǐ zhè shì bùxiǎng ràng zhàopiàn bǎocún zài wǒ shǒu lǐ, xúnzhǎo jièkǒu." Bái yuè lǎng zhǐhǎo shuō:"Jìrán zǒnglǐ dàrén zhème shuō, ài liú jiù liúzhe ba." Zhāngjǐnghuì tànle kǒuqì, yǎn wàng zháo míméngle tiānkōng de sǎn xuě fěnchén, jiànjiàn fāqǐ dāi lái. Bái yuè lǎng shuō:"Nǐ zhè dà zǒnglǐ, hǎoxiàng yěyǒu bù kāixīn de shíhòu." Zhāngjǐnghuì túrán màole yījù:"Nǐ lái dāng liǎng tiān zǒnglǐ dàchén jiù zhīdào zīwèile." Bái yuè lǎng gēgē de lè qǐlái, tā xián wài yǒu yīn de shuō:"Ruò ràng wǒ dāng a, wǒ jiù tǐng zhíle yāo, dāng gè tángtángzhèngzhèng shuōle suàn de zǒnglǐ, dāng yīgè shòuqì bāo, yǒumíngwúshí, kàn rénjiā rìběn rén liǎnsè, yǎngrénbíxī, wǒ cái bùdāng." Cǐ yán yī chū, xià dé zhāngjǐnghuì miànrútǔsè,le zhàn zài zǒuláng lǐ de xiǎoyuán èrláng yīyǎn, dīchén ér yánlì de chìzé dào:"Húshuō, zhè huà shì suíbiàn shuō dé de ma? Hái méiyǒu rènhé yīgè rén gǎn zài wǒ gēnqián rúcǐ fàngsì ne!" Bái yuè lǎng bìng bù jù, tā shuō:"Nà qǐng zǒnglǐ zhìzuì hǎole. Wǒ yīpiàn hǎoxīn, tì nǐ jiàoqū, què huàn lái zhème gè xiàchǎng." Zhāngjǐnghuì yǔqì yòu huǎnhé xiàlái:"Nǐ shì bù xiǎodé lìhài ya, chūshēng de niúdú bùpà hǔ. Yě zhèng yīnwèi zhège, wǒ gēn nǐ tǐng duì píqì. Bùdān shì wǒ, huángshàng gèng biē qū, cónglái méiyǒu yīgè néng shuō xīnlǐ huà de rén, duì wǒ yěshì cáng yībàn yē yībàn de, shízài biē bù zhù, yǒu huà jiù duìzhe qiángbì dūnāng. Huángshàng dū zhèyàng, hékuàng wǒ?)

为了增加他的信任度,甘粕正彦又说:"你方才看到了,我虽不在军界供职,他们对我还是客气的,你不应当放过这样的机会。" 西江月出于礼貌地说:"谢谢你的好意。" 甘粕正彦按了一下桌铃,币原司照进来,甘粕正彦要求他给西江月换一间干净的房子,按币原司照的饭伙标准给他开饭,特许西江月可以看书看报,给他预备纸笔,可以写诗。 币原司照一一答应下来。 甘粕正彦站起来,拍了西江月肩膀一下说:"委屈你了,徐晴会来看你的。保重。"他走了出去。 送走了甘粕正彦,币原司照说:"你真走运啊,写几行破诗就有这么大神通,连甘粕正彦这样的大人物都来关照你。" 西江月说:"不必废话,送我回去。" 他此刻心里有底了,只要徐晴没出事,肯伸出援救之手,他就有重见天日那一天。西江月出了事,有两个女人叫他担忧,徐晴没事,还可能成为救星,冯月真怎么样?她也没逃出魔掌吗? 9 张景惠和白月朗沿着国务院二楼长长的走廊走来,张景惠听说白月朗要回满映去试妆,就问她要拍一部什么戏。 白月朗告诉他,是一部古装戏,《林则徐》,梁父吟的本子,很动人,又有民族气节。 张景惠显得很兴奋,却又回头看了秘书小原二郎一眼,他们......能让拍《林则徐》? 大概对他的举止眼神产生了怀疑,小原二郎马上加快脚步跟上来,侧耳倾听。张景惠发现了,很恼火,说:"你跟这么近干什么?难道我说点悄悄话你也要听吗?

In order to increase his trust, Masahiko Amadaru said: "You just saw it. Although I don't serve in the military, they are still polite to me. You shouldn't let this opportunity pass." Xi Jiangyue said politely: "Thank you for your kindness." Masahiko Amaki pressed the bell on the table, and Motohara Shizhao came in. Masahiko Amaki asked him to change Xijiangyue to a clean house, and to serve him according to Motohara Shizhao's meals, and to license Xijiang Yue can read books and newspapers, and prepare pen and paper for him to write poems. Heiyuanji agreed one by one. Masahiko Kanazawa stood up, patted Xi Jiangyue on the shoulder and said, "I'm wronged you, Xu Qing will come to see you. Take care." He walked out. Sending away Masahiko Amada, Kihara said: "You're lucky, writing a few lines of broken poems has such a supernatural power, even a big man like Masahiko Amada will take care of you." Sai Jiangyue said: "Don't talk nonsense, send it. I'll go back." He has a bottom right now. As long as Xu Qing is fine and is willing to extend a rescue hand, he will see the sun again. Something happened to Xijiangyue, and two women worried him. Xu Qing was fine, and she might become a savior. How about Feng Yuezhen? Didn't she escape the clutches? 9 Zhang Jinghui and Bai Yuelang walked along the long corridor on the second floor of the State Council. Zhang Jinghui heard that Bai Yuelang was going back to Man Ying to try makeup, so she asked her what movie she was going to do. Bai Yuelang told him that it was a costume play, "Lin Zexu," Liang Fuyin's book, which was very moving and had a national character. Zhang Jinghui looked very excited, but then looked back at the secretary Jiro Ohara. They... can they make "Lin Zexu"? Perhaps he was suspicious of his behavior and eyes, Ohara Jiro quickly stepped up and listened. Zhang Jinghui found out and was very annoyed, and said, "What are you doing so close? Do you want to listen to me if I whisper?" (Wèile zēngjiā tā de xìnrèn dù, gānpò zhèngyàn yòu shuō:"Nǐ fāngcái kàn dàole, wǒ suī bùzài jūn jiè gòngzhí, tāmen duì wǒ háishì kèqì de, nǐ bù yìng dāng fàngguò zhèyàng de jīhuì." Xījiāng yuè chū yú lǐmào de shuō:"Xièxiè nǐ de hǎoyì." Gānpò zhèngyàn ànle yīxià zhuō líng, bì yuán sī zhào jìnlái, gānpò zhèngyàn yāoqiú tā gěi xījiāng yuè huàn yī jiàn gānjìng de fángzi, àn bì yuán sī zhào de fàn huǒ biāozhǔn gěi tā kāifàn, tèxǔ xījiāng yuè kěyǐ kànshū kàn bào, gěi tā yùbèi zhǐ bǐ, kěyǐ xiě shī. Bì yuán sī zhào yīyī dāyìng xiàlái. Gānpò zhèngyàn zhàn qǐlái, pāile xījiāng yuè jiānbǎng yīxià shuō:"Wěiqu nǐle, xúqínghuì lái kàn nǐ de. Bǎozhòng." Tā zǒule chūqù. Sòng zǒule gānpò zhèngyàn, bì yuán sī zhào shuō:"Nǐ zhēn zǒuyùn a, xiě jǐ xíng pò shī jiù yǒu zhème dà shéntōng, lián gānpò zhèngyàn zhèyàng de dàrénwù dōu lái guānzhào nǐ." Xījiāng yuè shuō:"Bùbì fèihuà, sòng wǒ huíqù." Tā cǐkè xīn li yǒu dǐle, zhǐyào xú qíng méi chūshì, kěn shēn chū yuánjiù zhī shǒu, tā jiù yǒu chóngjiàntiānrì nà yītiān. Xījiāng yuè chū liǎo shì, yǒu liǎng gè nǚrén jiào tā dānyōu, xú qíng méishì, hái kěnéng chéngwéi jiùxīng, féngyuèzhēn zěnme yàng? Tā yě méi táo chū mózhǎng ma? 9 Zhāngjǐnghuì hé bái yuè lǎng yánzhe guówùyuàn èr lóu zhǎng zhǎng de zǒuláng zǒu lái, zhāngjǐnghuì tīng shuōbái yuè lǎng yào huí mǎn yìng qù shì zhuāng, jiù wèn tā yào pāi yī bù shénme xì. Bái yuè lǎng gàosù tā, shì yī bù gǔzhuāng xì,"línzéxú", liáng fù yín de běnzi, hěn dòngrén, yòu yǒu mínzú qìjié. Zhāngjǐnghuì xiǎndé hěn xīngfèn, què yòu huítóu kànle mìshū xiǎoyuán èrláng yīyǎn, tāmen......néng ràng pāi "línzéxú"? Dàgài duì tā de jǔzhǐ yǎnshén chǎnshēngle huáiyí, xiǎoyuán èrláng mǎshàng jiākuài jiǎobù gēn shànglái, cè'ěr qīngtīng. Zhāngjǐnghuì fāxiànle, hěn nǎohuǒ, shuō:"Nǐ gēn zhème jìn gànshénme? Nándào wǒ shuō diǎn qiāoqiāohuà nǐ yě yào tīng ma?)

战果辉煌,狸猫终于被逮住,服输地松了口,眼睁睁看着到嘴的美味痛失,那老鼠在地上打了个滚,从张景惠脚边急速溜走了。满头大汗的张景惠这才如释重负地直起腰来松口气。 张景惠带白月朗站到了二楼宽大的平台上,从这里可见对面军事部V字形大楼绿色尖顶。纵深望去,伪满八大部建筑尽收眼底。外面正飘着霏霏霰雪,张景惠问她冷不冷?他回头令小原二郎去找一件斗篷来,特别嘱咐,不要别人穿过的。 白月朗心想,他还有心细的一面呢。 张景惠又谈起了方才的话题,说:"拍《林则徐》好,林则徐敢和洋人斗法,可是我挺纳闷,日本人怎么会喜欢拍他?甘粕正彦是再精不过的人了,去年康德皇上建议他拍岳飞、文天祥,他一口回绝了,明摆着的道理,甘粕正彦怕诱发东三省人反抗情绪,对日满亲善不利。" 白月朗说:"这次拍《林则徐》,恰恰是他首倡的。听人说,甘粕正彦特别恨英国人,英国人羞辱过他,让他吃过闭门羹。" 张景惠笑了,她这一说,张景惠想起来了,甘粕正彦是吃过哑巴亏。那年他跟满洲国访欧团去欧洲,张景惠是团长。英国人说甘粕正彦杀过无辜大臣,判过无期徒刑,有劣迹,不让他上岸。差点没把他气得背过气去。 少顷,小原二郎拿来一件斗篷,替白月朗披上,也给张景惠带来一件大衣,他也披上了。 过一会儿,张景惠又问白月朗:"你演个什么角色?" 白月朗说:"是女主角,是林则徐的女儿,文武双全,给她父亲出过很多好主意,最后让英国鸦片商勾结琦善给害死了。" "有这回事吗?"张景惠怀疑是编剧这小子瞎编的吧? 白月朗笑道:"这不叫编,叫艺术虚构。

The result of the battle was brilliant, the civet cat was finally caught, and he let it go, and watched the deliciousness of his mouth be lost. The mouse rolled on the ground and quickly slipped away from Zhang Jinghui's feet. Zhang Jinghui, who was sweating profusely, straightened up and breathed a sigh of relief. Zhang Jinghui took Bai Yuelang to stand on the large platform on the second floor, from here you can see the green spire of the V-shaped building of the military department opposite. Looking in depth, the eight buildings of the Puppet Manchukuo can be seen in full view. Faey Feixue was floating outside, Zhang Jinghui asked her if she was cold? He turned around and asked Jiro Ohara to find a cloak, and specifically ordered that no one else wears it. Bai Yuelang thought to herself, he still has a careful side. Zhang Jinghui talked about the topic of his talent again, saying: "It's good to shoot "Lin Zexu". Lin Zexu dared to fight foreigners, but I was quite wondering how the Japanese would like to shoot him? Masahiko Kanazawa is an excellent person. Last year, the Emperor Kant He suggested that he shoot Yue Fei and Wen Tianxiang, but he rejected it. It is clear that Masahiko Amara is afraid of inducing resistance from the people of the three provinces, which is not good for the goodwill of Niman." Bai Yuelang said: "This time, "Lin Zexu" is exactly what he advocated Yes. I heard people say that Masahiko Amara particularly hates the British. The British humiliated him and told him to shut the door." Zhang Jinghui smiled. She said that, Zhang Jinghui remembered that Masahiko Masahiko had suffered a dumb loss. That year he went to Europe with the Manchurian delegation to Europe, and Zhang Jinghui was the head of the delegation. The British said that Masahiko Amazure killed innocent ministers and sentenced him to life imprisonment. He was delinquent and prevented him from going ashore. He almost didn't let him get angry. After a while, Jiro Ohara brought a cloak and put it on Bai Yuelang, and also brought a coat to Zhang Jinghui, which he also put on. After a while, Zhang Jinghui asked Bai Yuelang again: "What role do you play?" Bai Yuelang said, "It's the heroine, the daughter of Lin Zexu, who is both civil and military. She gave her father many good ideas, and finally let the British opium dealer The collusion with Qi Shan killed him." "Is there anything like this?" Zhang Jinghui suspected that the scriptwriter was making up it, right? Bai Yuelang smiled and said: "This is not called editing, it is called artistic fiction. (Zhànguǒ huīhuáng, límāo zhōngyú bèi dǎi zhù, fúshū dì sōngle kǒu, yǎnzhēngzhēng kànzhe dào zuǐ dì měiwèi tòng shī, nà lǎoshǔ zài dìshàng dǎle gè gǔn, cóng zhāngjǐnghuì jiǎo biān jísù liū zǒule. Mǎn tóu dà hàn de zhāngjǐnghuì zhè cái rúshìzhòngfù de zhíqǐ yāo lái sōng kǒuqì. Zhāngjǐnghuì dài bái yuè lǎng zhàn dàole èr lóu kuāndà de píngtái shàng, cóng zhèlǐ kějiàn duìmiàn jūnshì bù V zìxíng dàlóu lǜsè jiāndǐng. Zòngshēn wàng qù, wěi mǎn bādà bù jiànzhú jǐn shōu yǎndǐ. Wàimiàn zhèng piāozhe fēifēi sǎn xuě, zhāngjǐnghuì wèn tā lěng bù lěng? Tā huítóu lìng xiǎoyuán èrláng qù zhǎo yī jiàn dǒupéng lái, tèbié zhǔfù, bùyào biérén chuānguò de. Bái yuè lǎng xīn xiǎng, tā hái yǒu xīnxì de yīmiàn ne. Zhāngjǐnghuì yòu tán qǐle fāngcái de huàtí, shuō:"Pāi "línzéxú" hǎo, línzéxú gǎn hé yángrén dòufǎ, kěshì wǒ tǐng nàmèn, rìběn rén zěnme huì xǐhuān pāi tā? Gānpò zhèngyàn shì zài jīng bùguò de rénle, qùnián kāngdé huángshàng jiànyì tā pāi yuèfēi, wéntiānxiáng, tā yīkǒu huíjuéle, míngbǎizhe de dàolǐ, gānpò zhèngyàn pà yòufā dōng sān xǐng rén fǎnkàng qíngxù, duì rì mǎn qīnshàn bùlì." Bái yuè lǎng shuō:"Zhè cì pāi "línzéxú", qiàqià shì tā shǒuchàng de. Tīng rén shuō, gānpò zhèngyàn tèbié hèn yīngguó rén, yīngguó rén xiūrùguò tā, ràng tā chīguò bìméngēng." Zhāngjǐnghuì xiàole, tā zhè yī shuō, zhāngjǐnghuì xiǎng qǐláile, gānpò zhèngyàn shì chīguò yǎbākuī. Nà nián tā gēn mǎnzhōu guó fǎng ōu tuán qù ōuzhōu, zhāngjǐnghuì shì tuán zhǎng. Yīngguó rén shuō gānpò zhèngyàn shāguò wúgū dàchén, pànguò wúqí túxíng, yǒu lièjì, bù ràng tā shàng'àn. Chàdiǎn méi bǎ tā qì dé bèiguò qì qù. Shǎo qǐng, xiǎoyuán èrláng ná lái yī jiàn dǒupéng, tì bái yuè lǎng pī shàng, yě gěi zhāngjǐnghuì dài lái yī jiàn dàyī, tā yě pī shàngle.Guò yīhuǐ'er, zhāngjǐnghuì yòu wèn bái yuè lǎng:"Nǐ yǎn gè shénme juésè?" Bái yuè lǎng shuō:"Shì nǚ zhǔjiǎo, shì línzéxú de nǚ'ér, wénwǔ shuāngquán, gěi tā fùqīn chūguò hěnduō hǎo zhǔyì, zuìhòu ràng yīngguó yāpiàn shāng gōujié qí shàn gěi hài sǐle." "Yǒu zhè huí shì ma?" Zhāngjǐnghuì huáiyí shì biānjù zhè xiǎozi xiā biān de ba? Bái yuè lǎng xiào dào:"Zhè bù jiào biān, jiào yìshù xūgòu.)

宫女闻听,立即给冯太后和拓跋弘各斟一杯茶。拓跋弘刚才紧张得出了一身汗,此时正自口渴,端起茶杯就喝。刚喝几口,就脸色大变,腹痛弯腰,惨呼声声。冯太后厉声喝道:"逆子,我吃了宫点,恐怕也和你一样吧!"拓跋弘一听,只来得及喊了一声"母后"便气绝身亡,时年只有23岁。 次日早朝上,满朝文武朝拜之后,忽然惊奇地发现已退隐十年的冯太后神态威仪地出现在10岁的皇帝拓跋宏身边。别人还不觉什么,只是李欣吓得当场就尿湿了裤子。他本以为这次冯太后必死无疑,正做他的升官发财的美梦呢?今见冯太后忽然出现,料想事情败露,恨不得插翅飞出皇宫,但这是不可能的,只有暗自祷告,希望冯太后别发现他。 可是想什么有什么,正当李欣在默默祷告之时,冯太后的声音在大殿中响起:"李欣李尚书何在?" "臣在。"李欣极不情愿,哆哆嗦嗦地出班站列。 "念你在相州为官清廉,劳苦功高,太上皇特赏你一盒宫点,拿去吃罢!"冯太后眼睛盯着他,一字一顿地说道。 李欣一见宫点盒,吓得顿时脸色惨白,连连后退,双手乱摇道:"不,不......" "怎么,你不吃吗?"冯太后厉声喝问。 "太后饶命,我鬼迷心窍,意欲怂恿太上皇毒死太后,真是罪该万死。但还请太后网开一面,饶小臣一命......"李欣为求活命,在朝殿之上说出了自己犯上作乱的罪行,众臣一时哗然。 但冯太后岂肯放过这个害死自己情人,又使自己母子相争,导致儿子惨死的奸佞小人。见他求饶,也不搭话。那李欣见此情景,知道活命无望,便抓起一块宫点,吞食下去,当即七窍流血而死。在场群臣,人人自危,不敢言语。

Upon hearing this, the court lady immediately poured a cup of tea for the Empress Dowager Feng and Tuobahong. Tuobahong was nervous and sweaty just now. He was thirsty and drank his teacup. After a few sips, his complexion changed drastically, his stomachache was bent over, and he screamed. Empress Dowager Feng sternly shouted: "Nizi, I have eaten the palace point, I am afraid it will be the same as you!" Tuoba Hong only had time to shout "Mother Empress" and died in anger. He was only 23 years old at the time. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The next morning, after the Manchu civil and military pilgrimage, the Empress Dowager Feng, who had been retired for ten years, appeared majesticly next to the 10-year-old emperor Tuobahong. Others didn't notice anything, but Li Xin was so scared that he wetted his pants on the spot. He thought that the Queen Mother Feng would definitely die this time, and he was having his dream of getting promoted and getting rich? Seeing that the Queen Mother Feng suddenly appeared today, I expected the matter to be revealed and wished to fly out of the palace, but this is impossible. I only prayed secretly, hoping that the Queen Mother would not find him. But there is nothing to think about, just as Li Xin was praying silently, the Queen Mother Feng's voice sounded in the hall: "Li Xin, where is Li Shangshu?" "The minister is here." Li Xin was very reluctant, and trembling out of the station. Column. "I thought you were a clean and honest official in Xiangzhou, and you worked very hard. The emperor will reward you with a box of palace points. Take it to eat!" Empress Dowager Feng stared at him, saying every word. When Li Xin saw the palace, he paled with fright. He backed back and shook his hands arbitrarily: "No, no..." "Why, don't you want to eat?" Queen Mother Feng sternly asked. "Queen dowager forgive me, I am obsessed with my heart. I want to persuade the Emperor to poison the Queen Mother. It is a crime that deserves death. But please let the Queen Dowager open the Internet and spare Xiaochen's life..." Li Xin said that he committed the crime on the court in order to survive. The crime of committing chaos caused an uproar among the officials. But the Queen Mother was willing to let go of the traitorous villain who killed her lover and caused her mother and son to fight, leading to the tragic death of her son. Seeing him begging for mercy, he didn't say anything. Seeing this, Li Xin knew that there was no hope of life, so he grabbed a piece of palace point, swallowed it, and immediately bleeds to death. The officials present, everyone is in danger and dare not speak. (Gōngnǚ wén tīng, lìjí gěi féng tàihòu hé tà bá hóng gè zhēn yībēi chá. Tà bá hóng gāngcái jǐnzhāng dé chūle yīshēn hàn, cǐ shí zhèng zì kǒu kě, duān qǐ chábēi jiù hē. Gāng hē jǐ kǒu, jiù liǎnsè dà biàn, fùtòng wān yāo, cǎn hūshēng shēng. Féng tàihòu lìshēng hèdào:"Nìzǐ, wǒ chīle gōng diǎn, kǒngpà yě hé nǐ yīyàng ba!" Tà bá hóngyī tīng, zhǐ láidéjí hǎnle yīshēng "mǔhòu" biàn qì jué shēnwáng, shí nián zhǐyǒu 23 suì. Cì rì zǎocháo shàng, mǎn cháo wénwǔ cháobài zhīhòu, hūrán jīngqí de fāxiàn yǐ tuìyǐn shí nián de féng tàihòu shéntài wēiyí dì chūxiàn zài 10 suì de huángdì tà bá hóng shēnbiān. Biérén hái bù jué shénme, zhǐshì lǐ xīn xià dé dàng chǎng jiù niào shīle kùzi. Tā běn yǐwéi zhè cì féng tàihòu bìsǐ wúyí, zhèng zuò tā de shēngguān fācái dì měimèng ne? Jīn jiàn féng tàihòu hūrán chūxiàn, liàoxiǎng shìqíng bàilù, hènbudé chā chì fēi chū huánggōng, dàn zhè shì bù kěnéng de, zhǐyǒu ànzì dǎogào, xīwàng féng tàihòu bié fāxiàn tā. Kěshì xiǎng shénme yǒu shé me, zhèngdàng lǐ xīn zài mòmò dǎogào zhī shí, féng tàihòu de shēngyīn zài dàdiàn zhōng xiǎngqǐ:"Lǐ xīn lǐ shàngshū hézài?" "Chén zài." Lǐ xīn jí bù qíngyuàn, duō duōsuō suo dì chū bān zhàn liè. "Niàn nǐ zài xiāngzhōu wèi guān qīnglián, láokǔgōnggāo, tàishànghuáng tè shǎng nǐ yī hé gōng diǎn, ná qù chī bà!" Féng tàihòu yǎnjīng dīngzhe tā, yī zì yī dùn de shuōdao. Lǐ xīn yī jiàn gōng diǎn hé, xià dé dùnshí liǎnsè cǎnbái, liánlián hòutuì, shuāngshǒu luàn yáo dào:"Bù, bù......" "zěnme, nǐ bù chī ma?" Féng tàihòu lìshēng hèwèn. "Tàihòu ráomìng, wǒ guǐmíxīnqiào, yìyù sǒngyǒng tàishànghuáng dú sǐ tàihòu, zhēnshi zuì gāi wàn sǐ. Dàn huán qǐng tàihòu wǎng kāi yīmiàn, ráoxiǎochén yī mìng......" lǐ xīn wèi qiú huómìng, zài cháo diàn zhī shàng shuō chūle zìjǐ fànshàng zuòluàn de zuìxíng, zhòng chén yīshí huárán. Dàn féng tàihòu qǐ kěn fàngguò zhège hài sǐ zìjǐ qíngrén, yòu shǐ zìjǐ mǔzǐ xiāng zhēng, dǎozhì érzi cǎnsǐ de jiānnìng xiǎo rén. Jiàn tā qiúráo, yě bù dāhuà. Nà lǐ xīn jiàn cǐ qíngjǐng, zhīdào huómìng wúwàng, biàn zhuā qǐ yīkuài gōng diǎn, tūnshí xiàqù, dāngjí qīqiào liúxuè ér sǐ. Zàichǎng qún chén, rén rén zì wéi, bù gǎn yányǔ.)

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