chinese 好词好句

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记得像热锅上的蚂蚁--团团转 (jì dé xiàng rè guō shàng de mǎ yǐ -- tuán tuán zhuǎn )

Conveys panic

怒火顿时冲上了我的大脑(nù huǒ dùn shí chōng shàng liǎo wǒ de dà nǎo)

anger rushed to your head

气呼呼(qì hū hū)


焦急万分(jiāo jí wàn fēn)

anxious, worried


ashen with agitation; livid; extremely angry

大吃一惊 (dàchīyìjīng)

be shocked or startled

百口莫辩(bǎi kǒu mò biàn)

beyond dispute

笨手笨脚 (bèn shǒu bèn jiǎo)


一干二净 (yì gān èr jìng)

completely; thoroughly

得意洋洋(dé yì yáng yáng)

elated; exaltedly;triumphantly

恨不得自己长出一对翅膀 (hèn bù dé zì jǐ cháng chū yī duì chì bǎng)

fast heartbeat

心中的大石头中算放下了(xīn zhōng de shí tóu zǒng suàn fàng xià liǎo)

finally stopped worrying

一五一十 (yīwǔyīshí)

full of detail

胸有成竹 (xiōng yǒu chéng zhú)

have a well-thought-out plan in one's mind, confidently

伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué)


失去平衡(shī qù píng héng)

lose balance

毫无恐惧(háo wú kǒng jù)

not afraid

来龙去脉(lái lóng qù mài)

origin, development

挥了一拳(huī liǎo yī quán)


似乎看穿了我的心思(sì hū kàn chuān le wǒ de xīn si)

see my thoughts

晴天霹雳(qíng tiān pī lì)

thunder from a clear sky

横冲直撞 (héng chōng zhí zhuàng)

to barge around

夺眶而出(duó kuàng ér chū)

to burst into tears

充耳不闻(chōng ěr bù wén)

to turn a deaf ear to

三步并作两步(sān bù bìng zuò liǎng bù)

to walk with quick steps

窃窃私语(qiè qiè sī yǔ)

to whisper

高兴的一蹦三尺高(gāo xīng de yī bèng sān chǐ gāo)

very happy

历历在目(lì lì zài mù)

vivid in your mind

津津有味 ( jīnjīn yǒu wèi )

with relish, with keen pleasure

二话不说 (èr huà bù shuō)

without hesitation

想都没想(xiǎng dū méi xiǎng)

without thinking

费笔墨所能形容(fèi bǐ mò suǒ néng xíng róng)

words cannot describe it



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