Chpt 10 Identity Set

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Corporation Benefits

-limited liability -unlimited life -specialized management

Common stock Preferred stock Additional Paid-in Capital

3 types/accounts used to track Paid in Capital

Treasury Stock

A corporation's own stock that it has issued and later reacquired (ie. repurchased).


A debit balance in Retained Earnings will appear in stockholders' equity as __________ .

stock dividend

A distribution by a corporation of its own stock to its stockholders instead of paying them a "cash" dividend

The right to VOTE on certain major issues (ie. Voting Rights)

A non financial benefit a shareholder get from owning stock

accumulated other comprehensive income You said not on test but just know this one slide. See pic here:[email protected]

A separate portion of stockholders' equity that reports certain gains and losses on hedges, foreign currency translations, and pension liabilities that were not part of net income shown on the income statement is __________ .

record date

A specific date on which the company will determine the registered owners of stock and, therefore, who will receive the dividend NO JOURNAL ENTRY IS MADE ON THIS DATE

warrant option

A stock _____________ and a stock______________ both the owner the right to buy or sell shares of stock at a set price within a defined period of time.

small stock dividend

A stock dividend where the new shares being issued are less than 25% of the total number of shares outstanding prior to the stock dividend.

large stock dividend

A stock dividend where the new shares being issued are more than 25% of the total number of shares outstanding prior to the stock dividend.

APIC = (Stock Price - Par Value) X number of shares sold

Additional Paid in Capital (APIC) equation for each sale

Additional Paid in Capital (APIC)

An equity account that reflects the difference at the time of issue between the par value and the issuance price of any new stock sold by a company.

Annual Divident = Dividend % X par value For example, if the preferred shares have a par value of $50 and a dividend rate of 6 percent, multiply $50 by 0.06 to find that the preferred share pays a $3 annual dividend.

Equation to calculate the annual dividend for preferred stock

Ending Retained Earnings = Beginning Retained Earnings + Net Income - Dividends

Equation to determine end of period Retained Earnings

a corporation must restate its beginning retained earnings balance Example: Beg Ret Earnings. $xxxxxx Adjustment to error in prior period +-x End Ret Earnings. $xxxxxx

How are Prior Period adjustments reflected in a company's financial statements?

In case of bankruptcy and liquidation the bondholders have seniority over preferred stockholders in their claim to assets.

How is preferred stock different than bonds?

Dr Treasury Stock x,xxx Cr Cash x,xxx

Journal Entry to record Treasury Stock repurchased

State Laws to protect creditors from shareholders taking all the money out of a company so then the companys cant pay them back their money.

Name the main reason that Retained earnings may be restricted?

before note: that is why it is "preferred"

Preferred Stockholders have to be paid their dividends ______________________ (before/after) common stockholders

Participating Preferred Stock

Preferred stock that shares with common stockholders any dividends paid in excess of the percent stated on preferred stock.

Convertible Preferred Stock

Preferred stock with an option to exchange it for common stock at a specified rate.

stock certificate

Proof that a person owns a portion of the corporation. It shows the name of the company, the number of shares it represents, and the type of stock being issued.

=> Paid in Capital (ie C/S, P/S and APIC) and Retained Earnings Cole: cut and paste this link and study it briefly:

Stockholder's equity is subdivided into two major sections: __________ and __________ . qqq

Stockholders' Equity = Assets - Liabilities

Stockholders' Equity equation

preemptive right

Stockholders' right to maintain their proportionate interest in a corporation with any additional shares issued. Each shareholder therefore has the right to buy additional shares in any future issue of the company's common stock before the shares are available to the general public Basically if I own 3% of a company and the company issues more shares they have to give me the right to buy 3% before offering them to other people. If I do I will still own 3% after the issue of the new shares. If I dont my share in the company will be DILUTED and I will own less. Watch video here=>

1) Stock appreciation (Capital Gain) 2) Dividends 3) residual claim on assets

The 3 financial benefits a shareholder gets from owning stock

1) Paid-in Capital 2) Retained Earnings or deficit 3) Accumulated other comprehensive income 4) Treasury Stock

The 4 main components of Stockholders Equity

debit contra Note: Cole study this pic in light of the question:[email protected]

The Treasury Stock account has a __________ (debit/credit) balance and is considered a __________ stockholders equity account qqq

Paid in Capital

The amount stockholders paid in to the corporation in exchange for shares of ownership.

Prior Period Adjustment

The correction of an error in previously issued financial statements. (Usually an error that effected he Earnings or Income statement)


The investors are only liable to the extent of their investment (ie. limited liability) in this type of entity. This means that they cannot be sued personally.

Dr Retained Earnings x,xxx Cr Dividends Payable x,xxx

The journal entry for when a dividend is declared

Dr Dividends Payable x,xxx Cr Cashx x,xxx

The journal entry for when a dividend is paid

stock warrant

These are given as an ''equity kicker,'' to make the bonds or preferred stock more attractive. They give the bond or preferred stockholders the legal right to purchase a shares of common stock at a set price within a defined period of time.

stock options

These are given to employees to buy a given number of shares of stock within a set time period. It allows startup/cash-poor companies to compete for top talent in the employee market.

1) Reduces the market value of the stock 2) Total number of shares increases (disclose only) 3) Par value of the shares decreases (disclose only)

What effect does a stock split have?

A STOCK SPLIT (This one is a 2 for 1 stock split)

What is the following and example of: a company which has 100 issued shares priced at $50 per share, has a market capitalization of $5000 = 100 × $50. If the company give to each stockhold 2 shares-for-every 1 share, there are now 200 shares of stock and each shareholder holds twice as many shares. The price of each share is adjusted to $25 = $5000 / 200.

Trick question as there is not one. Note: A stock split will not change the general ledger account balances and therefore will not change the dollar amounts reported in the stockholders' equity section of the balance sheet. (Although the number of shares will double, the total dollar amounts will not change.)

What is the journal entry for a stock split?

Dr Cash (30x$29) $870 Treasury Stock (30x$20) $600 APIC Treasury Stock $170

What is the journal entry to record a corporation selling 30 shares of its treasury stock for $29 per share that it originally repurchased for $20 a share.

to make shares seem more affordable to small investors even though the underlying value of the company has not changed. Example: Shares of company X are $1,000 per share. then Company does a stock split of 10 to 1 so Shares are now $100 per share The overall value of the company is the same so it really means nothing than just perception.

What is the primary reason that a company will do a stock split?

residual claim on assets

When a company goes bankrupt, the assets of the company are sold/liquidated, The fact that the Common Stockholders get last claim on the firm's assets after all the debts are paid is called a _____________ ________________ _____ _______________.

Preferred Stock

a nonvoting share of ownership in a corporation that pays a fixed dividend. (the dividend is shown a a % of par value) (Very similiar to bonds if you think about it: Companies offer corporate bonds and preferred stocks to investors as a way to raise money. Bonds offer investors regular interest payments, while preferred stocks pay regular set dividends.)

Cumulative dividend preference

a preferred stock feature that provides for the current stated dividends plus dividends in arrears before any dividends are paid to the common stockholders.


a separate legal entity that can be publicly held (ie. sold to the public) versus privately held

preferred stock

a type of stock that entitles the holder to a fixed dividend, whose dividend payment takes priority over that of common-stock dividends.

Par Value

a value assigned to a share of stock and printed on the stock certificate

treasury stock

amount of previously issued stock re-purchased reduction of stockholders' equity

Par Value

arbitrary (ie. randomly made up) amount that establishes a minimum price for the stock when it is first issued. It really has NO ECONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE. qqq


common stock preferred stock additional paid-in-capital

payment date

date dividend is actually paid to the stockholder of record

Dividends in arrears note: Means that these past due dividends MUST be paid before the common stockholders get their dividends. Not a liability though until DECLARED.

for preferred stock these are dividends on cumulative preferred stock that have not been declared/paid in prior years

Callable Preferred Stock

issuing corporation has the option to "call" or buy back issued shares at predetermined price at a specified time

Authorized shares

maximum number of shares of stock that a company can legally issue.

Issued Shares

number of shares that are currently held by stockholders. (ie. these have been sold to stockholders)


people who own a corporation through shares of ownership

strike price (or exercise price)

price at which stock can be bought


pro-rata distribution to stockholders, usually quarterly

stock certificate

proof of ownership

Issued Shares

represent the total number of shares of stock that have been sold to stockholders

stockholders' equity

represents the owners' claims against the assets of a corporation

Current dividend preference

requires that dividends be paid to preferred stockholders before any dividends are paid to common stockholders

stock option

right to buy stock at a set price - compensation for employees and executives

retained earnings

the accumulated earnings (or losses) over the entire life of the corporation that have not been paid out as dividends

declaration date

the day on which the board of directors officially declares that a dividend will be paid. This is the date it is officially a liability for the corporation. qqq

Stock Split

the division of each single share of a company's stock into more than one share

articles of incorporation

the document filed with a state government to establish the existence of a new corporation. qqq

authorized shares

the maximum number of shares allowed to be sold

Common Stock

the most basic form of corporate ownership which includes giving owners voting rights on major issues. If a company only issues one type of stock it would be this one. qqq

outstanding shares

the number of issued shares actually in the hands of stockholders

issued shares

the number of shares actually sold to stockholders

outstanding shares

the number of shares issued less the number of shares held as treasury stock

Restricted Retained Earnings (note: these are also referred to as "Appropriated Retained Earnings")

the portion of Retained earnings not available for dividends because of legal limitations.


this type of entity is given the same rights as a person under the law


type of entity that is organized under the laws of a particular state.

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