CIS 41A Ch 2

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Assume that you have an integer variable, pennies, that currently contains an integer number of pennies. Which statement determines the number of dollars and cents for that number of pennies? 1. dollars = pennies // 100 2. cents = pennies % 100 3. dollars = pennies / 100 4. cents = pennies % 100 5. dollars = pennies // 100 6. cents = pennies / 100 7. dollars = pennies % 100 8. cents = pennies / 100

dollars = pennies // 100 cents = pennies % 100

What is returned by the function: round(3.14159, 2)? 1. 3 2. 3.14159 3. 3.2 4. 3.14


What is returned by the function: abs(x) if x = 5.64? 1. Nothing, there is an error in the statement 2. 5 3. 5.64 4. 6


What is returned by the function: round(x) if x = 5.64? 1. Nothing, there is an error in the statement 2. 5 3. 5.6 4. 6


What is the value of 4 ** 3? 1. 12 2. 64 3. 1 4. Nothing, there is an error in the statement


What is printed by the following code snippet? num = int("45") * float("1.5") print(num) 1. nothing, this causes an error 2. 46.5 3. 45 * 1.5 4. 67.5


What is wrong with the following code snippet? num = 78A 1. The num variable is never assigned a value 2. 78A is not a valid value in a Python program 3. The name num is not a valid variable name 4. The num variable is never initialized

78A is not a valid value in a Python program

Which of the following variable names follows the Python naming convention for constants? 1. maxSize 2. MAX_SIZE 3. MAX SIZE 4. max_size


Which of the following is an appropriate constant name to represent the number of pencils in a pack? 1. NUM_PENCILS_PER_PACK = 12 2. numPencilsPerPack = 12 3. NUMpencilsPERpack = 12 4. numpencilsperpack = 12


Which of the following names is not a legal variable name? 1. bottle-volume 2. cans_per_pack 3. four 4. x2


The Python code that represents the formula c = (a / b)3 is: 1. c = a / b ** 3 2. c = (a / b) ** 3 3. c = 3 ^ (a / b) 4. c = (a / b) ^ 3

c = (a / b) ** 3

what function is used to read a value from the keyboard? 1. input 2. print 3. keyboard 4. next


What functions can be used to convert a string into a number? 1. stri and len 2. int and float 3. sqrt, abs and round 4. integer and float

int and float

Which of the following symbols can be used to begin a string literal in Python? 1. * 2. # 3. " 4. >


Which output format correctly prints an item description left justified with up to 10 letters? 1. "%10" 2. "%10s" 3. "%-10s" 4. "-%10s"


Which output format string correctly allows for 5 positions before and two digits after the decimal point? 1. "%8.2f" 2. "%5.2f" 3. "%7.2f" 4. "%5d.2f"


What is displayed by the following code segment? print("\"Hello World!\"") 1. Hello World! 2. "Hello World!" 3. \"Hello World!\" 4. The program reports an error

"Hello World!"

. Which of the following items is an example of a floating-point literal? 1. 100000 2. 100,000 3. 100000.0 4. 100,000.0


What is the value of length after this statement: length = len("Good Morning")? 1. 10 2. 11 3. 12 4. 13


What is the value of x after the following code segment? x = len("Hello World!") 1. 10 2. 11 3. 12 4. 13


What symbol is used to begin a comment in a Python program? 1. ! 2. @ 3. # 4. $

3. #

. Consider the following code segment: x = 12 print("%d%%" % x) The output generated by this code segment is: 1. 12 2. %12 3. 12% 4. 12%%


Which of the following statements computes the minimum of the variables a, b, c and d, and stores it in x? 1. x = minimum(a, b, c, d) 2. x = min(a, b, c, min(d)) 3. x = min(min(a, b), min(c, d)) 4. min(a, b, c, d) = x

x = min(min(a, b), min(c, d))

Consider the following code segment: title = "Python for Everyone" newTitle = title.replace("e", "*") After this code runs, the value stored in newTitle is: 1. "Python for *veryone" 2. "Python for Ev*ryone" 3. "Python for Ev*ryon*" 4. "Python for *v*ryon*"

"Python for Ev*ryon*"

Consider the following code segment: product = "Cookies" product = product.lower() After this code segment executes, the value of the product variable is: 1. "cookies" 2. "cOOKIES" 3. "Cookies" 4. "COOKIES"


Which of the following statements correctly calculates the average of three numbers: num1, num2, and num3? 1. num1 + num2 + num3 / 3 2. num1 + num2 + num3 % 3 3. ( num1 + num2 + num3 ) / 3 4. ( num1 + num2 + num3 / 3 )

( num1 + num2 + num3 ) / 3

Consider the following code segment: x = 5 y = 7 z = x - y * 2After this code segment executes, the value of z is: 1. -9 2. -4 3. 5 4. 7


What symbol is used to find remainder of a floor division? 1. // 2. / 3. % 4. #


What is the index value of the letter 'h' in the string below? message = "hello" 1. 1 2. 0 3. 3 4. 4


What is the value of result after the following code snippet? num1 = 10 num2 = 20 num3 = 2 result = num1 // num2 // num3 print(result) 1. 1 2. 0 3. The code has an error 4. 0.25


What is the value of result after the following code snippet? num1 = 10 num2 = 20 num3 = 2 result = num1 / num2 / num3 print(result) 1. 1 2. 0 3. The code has an error 4 . 0.25


What is the value of result after the following code snippet? num1 = 20 num2 = 10 num3 = 2 result = num1 // num2 // num3 print(result) 1. 1 2. 0 3. The code has an error 4. 0.25


What is the value of result after the following code snippet? num1 = 20 num2 = 10 num3 = 2 result = num1 // num2 / num3 print(result) 1. 1.0 2. 0.0 3. The code has an error 4. 0.25


Consider the following code segment: a = input("Enter the value of a: ") b = input("Enter the value of b: ") print(a + b) When this code segment is run the user enters 1 at the first prompt and 5 at the second prompt. The output displayed is: 1. 1 2. 6 3. 15 4. 1 + 5


Consider the following code segment: x = 5 y = 3 z = 2 result = x // y + x % z After this code segment, the value of result is: 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 5


What letter is displayed by the following code segment? title = "Python for Everyone" print(title[3]) 1. e 2. h 3. o 4. t

2. h

What is returned by the function: max(1, 4, 15, 2, 3, 24)? 1. 1 2. 24 3. 15 4. 2


What is printed by the following code snippet? cost = 25.45378 print("%.2f" % cost) 1. 25.45378 2. %25.45 3. 25.45 4. nothing, there is an error


What is returned by the function: sqrt(64)? 1. 8.0 2. 32.0 3. 4.0 4. 64.0


What is the value of the variable num after the following code snippet? num = 5 num2 = 6 num = num2 + 3 1. 5 2. 9 3. 8 4. 11


A variable is: 1. A storage location with a name 2. An assignment statement 3. An expression 4. A point in a program where a decision is made

A storage location with a name

What is wrong with the following code snippet? result = num1 // num2 / num3 num1 = 20 num2 = 10 num3 = 2 print(result) 1. A variable is used before it is assigned a value. 2. Nothing, the code compiles and runs. 3. The // symbol cannot be used in a Python program. 4. One or more of the variable names is not valid.

A variable is used before it is assigned a value.

What convention is normally used when naming constants in a Python program? 1. Constant names are normally written in all capital letters. 2. Constant names normally begin with a # character. 3. Constant names normally begin and end with an underscore. 4. Constant names normally begin with a capital letter followed only by numbers

Constant names are normally written in all capital letters.

Which of the following suggestions is the best way to make code easier for other programmers to understand? 1. Use more statements in the source code. 2. Give each variable a name that explains its purpose. 3. Avoid using complex calculations in the source code 4. Use single-letter variable names in the source code

Give each variable a name that explains its purpose.

What is the value of words after the following code segment? words = "Hello" + "World" * 3 1. "HelloWorldWorldWorld" 2. "Hello World World World" 3. "HelloWorldHelloWorldHelloWorld" 4. "Hello World Hello World Hello World"


What is printed by the following code snippet? name = "Robert" formalName = name.upper() print(formalName) 1. Robert 2. robert 3. ROBERT 4. formalName


Which of the following names is the best for a constant variable holding the price of a can of soda? 1. soda_price 2. soda-price 3. SodaPrice 4. SODA_PRICE


What is wrong with the following code snippet? 2ndNum = 78 1. The 2ndNum variable is never assigned a value 2. The 2ndNum variable is assigned a non-numeric value 3. The 2ndNum variable is not a valid variable name 4. The 2ndNum variable is never initialized

The 2ndNum variable is not a valid variable name

What is the output for the following code snippet: area = 25 print("The area is %05d" % area) 1. The area is 25 2. nothing, there is an error in the code snippet 3. The area is 00025 4. The area is 25

The area is 00025

5. Assume that s is an arbitrary string containing at least 2 characters. What is displayed by the following code segment? print(s[0], s[len(s) - 1]) 1. The first character of s, followed immediately by the second last character of s. 2. The first character of s, followed immediately by the last character of s. 3. The first character of s, followed by a space, followed by the second last character of s. 4. The first character of s, followed by a space, followed by the last character of s.

The first character of s, followed by a space, followed by the last character of s.

What is wrong with this assignment statement? num + 10 = num2 1. The left hand side of an assignment statement cannot include an operator. 2. Nothing, this statement compiles and executes. 3. The value of 10 must be defined before this statement can be executed. 4. The num variable must be defined before this statement can be executed

The left hand side of an assignment statement cannot include an operator.

What output is generated by the following code segment? a = 10.0 b = 0.50 print("The total is %.2f and the tax is %.2f." % (a, b)) 1. The total is .00 and the tax is .50 2. The total is 10.0 and the tax is 0.5 3. The total is 10.0 and the tax is 0.50 4. The total is 10.00 and the tax is 0.50

The total is 10.00 and the tax is 0.50

What is printed by the following code snippet? name = "today is thursday" newName = name.replace("t", "T") print(newName) 1. today is thursday 2. Today is Thursday 3. Today Is Thursday 4. Today Is thursday

Today is Thursday

Which of the following statements about variable names is not correct? 1. Variable names are case sensitive. 2. Variable names can begin with a letter, an underscore or a number. 3. Variable names cannot be reserved words such as if and class. 4. Variable names cannot contain symbols such as ? and %.

Variable names can begin with a letter, an underscore or a number.

What is a variable called that should remain unchanged throughout your program? 1. a constant variable 2. a data variable 3. a string variable 4. a boolean variable

a constant variable

How is a value stored in a variable? 1. an assignment statement 2. an expression 3. a print statement 4. an equality statement

an assignment statement

Consider the following code segment: from graphics import GraphicsWindow win = GraphicsWindow(400, 200) canvas = win.canvas() The line of code that should be added to the end of the code segment above to draw a diagonal line connecting the upper left corner to the lower right corner is: 1. canvas.drawLine(0, 0, 0, 0) 2. canvas.drawLine(0, 0, 200, 400) 3. canvas.drawLine(200, 400, 400, 200) 4. canvas.drawLine(400, 200, 0, 0)

canvas.drawLine(400, 200, 0, 0)

Which of the following statements draws a circle? 1. canvas.drawOval(100, 200, 100, 200) 2. canvas.drawOval(200, 100, 200, 200) 3. canvas.drawOval(200, 200, 100, 200) 4. canvas.drawOval(200, 200, 200, 100)

canvas.drawOval(200, 100, 200, 200)

Which statement draws a square on the canvas? 1. canvas.drawRect(0, 50, 0, 50) 2. canvas.drawRect(50, 50, 0, 0) 3. canvas.drawRect(0, 0, 50, 100) 4. canvas.drawRect(0, 0, 50, 50)

canvas.drawRect(0, 0, 50, 50)

Which statement writes the word Hello on the canvas? 1. canvas.setString(10, 10, "Hello") 2. canvas.setText(10, 10, "Hello") 3. canvas.drawText(10, 10, "Hello") 4. canvas.drawString(10, 10, "Hello")

canvas.drawText(10, 10, "Hello")

Which statement sets the fill color when drawing shapes on the canvas? 1. canvas.setOutline("black") 2. canvas.setFill("black") 3. canvas.fill("black") 4. canvas.fillRect("black")


The statement that sets the fill color to red is: 1. canvas.setFill(0, 128, 0) 2. canvas.setFill(64, 0, 128) 3. canvas.setFill(64, 255, 64) 4. canvas.setFill(128, 0, 0)

canvas.setFill(64, 0, 128)

The following code snippet has an error, how can this be corrected so it prints: 123 Main Street? 1. street = " Main Street" 2. address = 123 + street 3. print(address) 1. change the value '123' in line 2 to a string using the str function 2. reverse lines 1 and 2 3. change line 1 to read: street = 123 + "Main Street" 4. change line 2 to read: address = 123 + "Main Street"

change the value '123' in line 2 to a string using the str function

What is it called when you join two strings together in Python? 1. concatenation 2. addition 3. repetition 4. conversion


Which statement correctly saves the price in the variable cost? userInput = input("Please enter the price:") 1. cost = float(userInput) 2. cost = userInput 3. cost = int(userInput) 4. cost = float[userInput]

cost = float(userInput)

Which statement creates an expression in SymPy form? 1. f = x ** 2 2. f = sympify("x ** 2") 3. f = sympy(x ** 2) 4. sympy("f = x ** 2")

f = sympify("x ** 2")

Which statement imports the entire contents of the sympy module? 1. from sympy import * 2. import contents 3. import * from sympy 4. sympy import

from sympy import *

A(n) _____________________ is a collection of programming instructions that carry out a particular task. 1. argument 2. parameter 3. function 4. literal


What is printed from the following code snippet: message = "ho.." print(message * 3) 1. ho..ho..ho 2. ho.. 3. ho..ho..ho.. 4. nothing is printed, this code snippet causes an error


Why is it important to follow Python naming standards for variables representing constants? 1. it is good programming style 2. it is required by the Python programming language 3. it is required by graphic programs 4. it is required for all non-zero numbers

it is good programming style

Which statement finds the last letter of the string variable name? 1. last = name[len(name)] 2. last = len(name) - 1 3. last = len(name) 4. last = name[len(name) - 1]

last = name[len(name) - 1]

A(n) _____________________ is a collection of code that has been written by someone else that is ready for you to use in your program. 1. variable 2. argument 3. function 4. library


A numeric constant that appears in your code without explanation is known as a: 1. floating-point number 2. magic number 3. string 4. variable

magic number

A ___________________________ is a collection of programming instructions that can be appllied to an object. 1. function 2. method 3. class 4. object


Which statement correctly creates a new variable by combining the two string variables: firstName and lastName? 1. name = "firstName" + "lastName" 2. name = firstName + lastName 3. name = first name + last name 4. name = firstName & lastName

name = firstName + lastName

What is printed by the following code snippet: street = " Main Street" address = 123 + street print(address) 1. 123Main Street 2. 123 Main Street 3. 123 "Main Street" 4. nothing is printed, this code snippet causes an error

nothing is printed, this code snippet causes an error

What output is generated by the following code snippet? firstName = "Pamela" middleName = "Rose" lastName = "Smith" print(firstName[0], middleName[0], lastName[5]) 1. nothing, this causes an index of bounds error 2. PRh 3. P R h 4. PRS

nothing, this causes an index of bounds error

Which of the following statements correctly multiplies num1 times num2? 1. num1 * num2 2. num1 x num2 3. num1 · num2 4. num1 ** num2

num1 * num2

What will be the values of the variables num1 and num2 after the given set of assignments? num1 = 20 num2 = 10 num1 = num1 + num2 / 2 num2 = num1 1. num1 = 20.0, num2 = 10.0 2. num1 = 15.0, num2 = 10.0 3. num1 = 25.0, num2 = 25.0 4. num1 = 15.0, num2 = 15.0

num1 = 25.0, num2 = 25.0

What is the right way to assign the value of num + 10 to num2? 1. num2 = num + 10 2. num = num2 + 10 3. num2 + 10 = num 4. num + 10 = num2

num2 = num + 10

Which of the following variables should be coded as a constant in Python? 1. character: 'a' 2. string: "hello" 3. number: 1234 4. pi: 3.14159

pi: 3.14159

Which SymPy function is used to display a graph of a mathematical function? 1. diff 2. draw 3. plot 4. subs


The line of code that displays the floating point number stored in the variable x using 3 decimal places is: 1. print("%.3f", x) 2. print("%.3f" % x) 3. print("%3.f", x) 4. print("%3.f" % x)

print("%.3f" % x)

Which of the given print statements generates the following output? ABCDE"\ 1. print("ABCDE\"\\") 2. print("ABCDE"\") 3. print("ABCDE"\) 4. print("ABCDE\"\")


Given the code snippet below, what code is needed to print the person's initials? firstName = "Pamela" middleName = "Rose" lastName = "Smith" 1. print(firstName[1], middleName[1], lastName[1]) 2. print(firstName[0], middleName[0], lastName[0]) 3. print(firstName + middleName + lastName) 4. print(firstName, middleName, lastName)

print(firstName[0], middleName[0], lastName[0])

The message used to tell the user what input is expected is known as a(n): 1. input 2. keyword 3. comment 4. prompt


Which statement correctly saves the number of items in the variable quantity? userInput = input("Please enter the quantity:") 1. quantity = float(userInput) 2. quantity = userInput 3. quantity = int(userInput) 4. quantity = int[userInput]

quantity = int(userInput)

Which statement computes the square root of 5 and stores it in the variable, r? Assume that the math module has already been imported. 1. r = math.squareRoot(5) 2. r = math.sqrt(5) 3. r = math.squareRoot[5] 4. r = math.sqrt[5]

r = math.sqrt(5)

What is printed by the following code snippet? name = "Robert" formalName = name.lower() print(formalName) 1. Robert 2. robert 3. ROBERT 4. formalName


Which code snippet is the correct Python equivalent to the following Algebraic expression ? c = √(a2 + b2 ) 1. sqrt(a ^ 2 + b ^ 2) 2. sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2) 3. sqrt(a * 2 + b * 2) 4. squareroot(a ** 2 + b ** 2)

sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2)

A sequence of characters is referred to as a: 1. string 2. module 3. variable 4. expression


What is the data type of the value returned by the input function? 1. integer 2. string 3. float 4. character


What must be done first before you can use a function from the standard library? 1. the function must be defined 2. the function must be imported 3. the function must be included in a module 4. the function must be enclosed in parenthesis

the function must be imported

What is wrong with the following code snippet? ((num1 + num2) * num3 / 2 * (1 - num4) 1. nothing, the code compiles and runs 2. there is an extra parenthesis 3. parenthesis are not required 4. illegal expression

there is an extra parenthesis

. What is printed by the following code snippet? name = "today is thursday" name.replace("t", "T") name.replace("i", "I") print(name) 1. today is thursday 2. Today is Thursday 3. Today Is Thursday 4. Today Is thursday

today is thursday

To store a value for later use in Python, the programmer needs to create a: 1. number 2. character 3. variable 4. boolean


A graphics application shows information inside a ____________________ 1. panel 2. window 3. form 4. page


Which of the following statements causes Python to report an error? 1. x = 17 + 18.4 2. x = 17 + "18.4" 3. x = 17 + int(18.4) 4. x = 17 + float("18.4")

x = 17 + "18.4"

Which line of code creates a variable named x and initializes it to the integer 5? 1. x = 5.0 2. x = 5 3. x = '5' 4. x = "5"

x = 5

The line of code which reads a value from the user and stores it in a variable named x as a floating-point value is: 1. x = float() 2. x = input("Enter the value of x: ") 3. x = float(input("Enter the value of x: ")) 4. x = input(float())

x = float(input("Enter the value of x: "))

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