CIS2321 Test #6

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Kevin, the trainee analyst at Lynach TechSystems, is in charge of allocating suitable Unified Modeling Language (UML) notations to a particular class diagram. ​ ​ In a given diagram, Kevin is designing a relationship in which a given employee can have no payroll deductions or he/she can have many deductions. Which of the following notations should Kevin write to mark this relationship? a. ​ 1 b. ​ 0..* c. ​ 1..* d. ​ 0..1


The Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation _____ identifies a zero or many relation. a. ​ 0..1 b. ​ 0..0 c. ​ 1..* d. ​ 0..*


In a use case, the _____ is shown as a stick figure with a label that identifies its role. a. ​ association b. ​ service request c. ​ linkage d. ​ actor


An object has certain _____, which are characteristics that describe the object, such as the make, model, and color of a car. a. ​ attributes b. ​ indices c. ​ keys d. ​ elements


The number of _____ needed to describe the characteristics of an object depends on the business requirements of the information system and its users.​ a. ​ keys b. ​ indices c. ​ packets d. ​ attributes


An object can be viewed as a(n) _____, because a message to the object triggers changes within the object without specifying how the changes must be carried out. a. ​ use case b. ​ activity diagram c. ​ class diagram d. ​ black box

Black Box

Object modeling requires many types of diagrams, creating which by hand is very time consuming and tedious, so systems analysts rely on _____ to speed up the process. a. ​ CRC modeling b. ​ extreme Programming (XP) c. ​ whiteboard sketches d. ​ CASE tools

Case Tools

Inheritance enables an object, called a _____, to derive one or more of its attributes from a parent.


In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a _____ line. a. ​ curved b. ​ red c. ​ solid d. ​ dashed


_____ allows objects to be used as modular components anywhere in a system. a. ​ Technical feasibility b. ​ Encapsulation c. ​ Dynamic addressing d. ​ Linear addressing


A method is like a blueprint, or template, for all the objects within a class. True False


In a state transition diagram, the circle at the right with a hollow border is the initial state.


In a state transition diagram, the circle at the right with a hollow border is the initial state. True False


Just as objects are similar to adjectives, attributes resemble verbs that describe what and how an object does something. True False


The same message to two different objects produces the same results. True False


In a sequence diagram, the _____ indicates when an object sends or receives a message. a. ​ request link b. ​ lifeline c. ​ focus d. ​ command line


A red Mustang is a(n) _____ of the CAR class. a. ​ metric b. ​ index c. ​ instance d. ​ key


A(n) _____ is a specific member of a class. a. ​ index b. ​ instance c. ​ key d. ​ file


In a sequence diagram, a _____ represents the time during which an object above it is able to interact with the other objects in the use case. a. ​ focus point b. ​ schematic matrix c. ​ lifeline d. ​ validity link


A _____ is a command that tells an object to perform a certain method. a. ​ pronouncement b. ​ message c. ​ dictum d. ​ pledge


A car performs a(n) _____ called OPERATE WIPERS when it is sent a message with the wiper control. a. ​ role b. ​ method c. ​ objective d. ​ command


A(n) _____ resembles a verb and defines specific tasks that an object can perform. a. ​ attribute b. ​ command c. ​ message d. ​ method


The Unified Modeling Language (UML) symbol for a use case is a(n) _____ with a label that describes the action or event.


A(n) ________ represents a person, place, event, or transaction that is significant to an information system. a. child b. parent c. pool d. object


An _____ shows the objects and how they interact to perform business functions and transactions. a. ​ object interaction diagram b. ​ object precedent chart c. ​ object relationship diagram d. ​ object antecedent chart

Object relationship Diagram

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) represents an object as a _____ with the object name at the top, followed by the object's attributes and methods. a. ​ circle b. ​ rectangle c. ​ rhombus d. ​ pentagon


When a use case diagram is created, the first step is to identify the system boundary, which is represented by a _____. a. ​ rectangle b. ​ circle c. ​ square d. ​ triangle


_____ describe what objects need to know about each other, how objects respond to changes in other objects, and the effects of membership in classes, superclasses, and subclasses. a. ​ Clusters b. ​ Aggregates c. ​ Relationships d. ​ Instances


_____ enable objects to communicate and interact as they perform business functions and transactions required by a system. a. ​ Aggregates b. ​ Clusters c. ​ Relationships d. ​ Linkages


_____ describes how instances of one class relate to instances of another class.


The _____ of an object is an adjective that describes the object's current status. a. ​ encapsulation b. ​ state c. ​ polymorphism d. ​ resemblance


A _____ shows how an object changes from one state to another, depending on events that affect the object. a. ​ business process diagram b. ​ state transition diagram c. ​ case tools diagram d. ​ scatter diagram

State Transition Diagram

A class can belong to a more general category called a _____. a. ​ catalog b. ​ subclass c. ​ register d. ​ superclass


A black box does not want or need outside interference. True False


By limiting access to internal processes, an object prevents its internal code from being altered by another object or process. True False


In a state transition diagram, the states appear as rounded rectangles with the state names inside. True False


Some objects might have a few attributes; others might have dozens. True False


A(n) _____ represents the steps in a specific business function or process. a. ​ data flow unit b. ​ interaction diagram c. ​ relationship diagram d. ​ use case

Use Case

For each use case, a _____ in the form of a table is developed to document the name of the use case, the actor, a description of the use case, and so forth. a. ​ use case description b. ​ use case schematic c. ​ use case outline d. ​ use case diagram

Use Case Description

A _____ is a visual summary of several related use cases within a system or subsystem. a. ​ use case matrix b. ​ use case description c. ​ use case diagram d. ​ use case schema

Use Case Diagram

A(n) _____ resembles a horizontal flowchart that shows the actions and events as they occur. a. ​ sequence diagram b. ​ business model diagram c. ​ state transition diagram d. ​ activity diagram

activity diagram

A(n) _____ shows the object classes and relationships involved in a use case. a. ​ modeling diagram b. ​ class diagram c. ​ use case diagram d. ​ association diagram

class diagram

The black box concept is an example of _____, which means that all data and methods are self-contained. a. ​ polymorphism b. ​ inheritance c. ​ encapsulation d. ​ use case modeling


Use cases cannot interact with other use cases. True False


In a sequence diagram, a _____ is identified by a line showing direction that runs between two objects. a. ​ response b. ​ method c. ​ message d. ​ procedure


In a class diagram, each class appears as a(n) _____, with the class name at the top, followed by the class's attributes and methods. a. ​ oval b. ​ circle c. ​ triangle d. ​ rectangle


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