Theory of Planned Behavior

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What are the 3 antecedents to intention?

1. Attitude 2. Subjective norm 3. Perceived Behavioral Control

What 2 things influence attitude?

1. Behavioral beliefs (expectancy) - perceived consequences of carrying out a behavior 2. Evaluation (value) - personal appraisal of these consequences (ie. do I care about the outcomes?)

What 2 things influence perceived behavioral control?

1. Control beliefs (facilitators and barriers) - perceived presence of resources and opportunities - anticipated barriers 2. Self efficacy - a person's belief they can complete a certain task/behavior given the known resources and barriers

What are the 4 important considerations when comparing PA to EX using the TPB?

1. Intention-behavior relationship is stronger for Ex than PA 2. PBC is statistically better at predicted EX than PA 3. Complete TPB model is statistically better at predicting EX than PA 4. Subjective norm is a stronger contributor to intention in PA than EX

What 2 things influence subjective norm?

1. Normative beliefs (expectancy) - the perceived expectations of those important to us 2. Motivation to comply (value) - personal desire to meet those expectations (ie. do I care about what other people think?)

What are the take home messages of the TPB?

1. TPB is a versatile and flexible theory that helps us understand how people develop and lose intentions 2. Still a significant "intention-behavior gap" especially as time between intention and behavior increases 3. Robust meta analytic evidence supports application of the TPB in PA settings 4. For adults, attitude and PBC appear more important than social norms in predicting exercise.

What are the 5 critiques of the TPB?

1. Unidirectional model - cannot reflect possible reciprocal nature of variables 2. Does not account for past behaviors 3. Role of volition of PA unclear - works best if behavior requires planning, effort, potential barriers, etc. 4. Role of alternative or competing behaviors is unclear 5. Stability of intentions is unclear

What are the important considerations of predictors of PA intention across age groups?

1. Within age groups, subjective norm is generally the smallest contributor to intention 2. Across age groups, the strength of the ATT-intention connection seems to decrease 3. Across age groups, strength of the subjective-norm-intention connection increases 4. Across age groups, the strength of the PBC-intention connection seems to increase

What is attitude?

A positive or negative appraisal of behavior. Intrapersonal contribution (within yourself)

Describe intention and behavior

Intention - "do i plan on engaging the behavior?" - use a 2 week window Behavior - "did I actually execute the intended behavior?

What does the dashed line from the perceived behavioral control to action (behavior) represent?

PBC accurately depicts behavior ONLY WHEN perceived control closely approximates actual control

What is the major collective assumption of the TPB?

People make rational decisions about engaging in behavior. Expectancies and values are based on this assumption. If we know something is good for us, we will do it

What is the major limitation to the TPB?

People still make decisions even though they may be bad for them. We don't always meet the collective assumption

What is subjective norm?

Perceived social pressure to perform or not perform a behavior Interpersonal contribution (between people)

What is perceived behavioral control?

The perceived ease or difficulty of completing a behavior "How hard is it going to be?"

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