Civics: The American Party System

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What are examples of left-wing protest groups?

Socialist Labor Party Communist Party U.S.A. Democratic Socialists of America Socialist Workers' Party

Two reasons why voting in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or North Korea, is not representative of a democratic process:

The ballots offer only offer one choice for each position. Voting rights can be removed by a court decision.

What happened tho the Democrats in the 90's?

They won the presidency but lost control of Congress.

_____-party systems are most common in the English-speaking countries of the world.


The headquarters for both major parties are located in ________.

Washington DC


a country with a one-party leader who is in complete control, usually one who is unfair


a designation to serve, based upon ability and other qualifications

voting booth

a device used in elections; it's privacy curtain or shield ensures the citizen of secrecy while voting


a group that may not be in agreement with the general direction of the larger population

The Republican

a monthly digest of information for Republicans

Whig Party

a party formed mainly to fight the Democratic Party and Andrew Jackson; formed in the 1830's


a plan of action


a political plan of action


a public shame or disgrace brought about by illegal or unethical actions

What is a coalition?

a temporary alliance of political parties

short ballot

a ticket for voting that shows only the names of the candidates for the highest offices


a type of person who will staunchly campaign or vote for only one political party


a unified and organized effort with a goal in mind

In most states, an independent candidate may file a petition of nomination _____.

after the primary election


an early election in which delegates select and nominate candidates for office

economic unrest

an uneasiness due to the lack of stability in the financial market


appointing individuals to political offices

The Democrats fought bitterly at times over _____.

banking policies slavery issues tariff rates

Why did divisions in the Republican party occur?

because conservative Republicans re-elected Taft at the party's 1912 national convention

During the early 1800s, candidates for the positions of president and vice president were chosen by _____.


specific leaders

chairman of the national committee and presidential candidate

Voters in a district who elect a public servant are known as a(n) _____.


Five methods of nomination used today include:

convention caucus direct primary petition announcement

Which types of conventions came into being after 1830?

county & state

A person can get his name put on the primary ballot of his party by _________.

declaration and payment

state convention

delegates nominate candidates for offices and Congress, and delegates to the national convention

county convention

delegates nominate most county officers and chose delegates to the state convention

represenative democracies

democracies where the people elect representatives to act as their agents in making laws

The parties have to depend largely on ______ for their campaign funding.


What best characterizes the county convention?

elected the county chairperson nominated county officers chose delegates to the state convention

Election officers are chosen by the:

election board

How often is the party platform written?

every four years


executive branch of the American government,

The ______ believed in a loose construction of the Constitution.


stock market crash of 1929

financial panic where the market lost so much power that many people lost their fortunes in days

What is the advantage for the use of voting machines?

fraud is nearly impossible assure absolute secrecy do away with the need for numerous officials to count ballots

Alien and Sedition Act

gave the President power to deport any alien he deemed dangerous

The Chairman of the Democratic National Committee: _____.

has skills in fundraising, organizing, and public relations decides where national funds are spent during campaigns grants favors and rewards party faithfuls by recommending them for political appointments


having the larger number in a house of Congress, assuring strong voting power

Characteristics of election officers include:

inspectors and judges who make certain ballot boxes are not illegally stuffed

Political parties are _______ to express the wishes of the people.


America's voting system could be considered ineffective because _____.

it is nearly impossible to ensure the majority of voters have enough information on all of the candidates and issues to make informed decisions at the ballot box

strict construction

limit the Federal government strictly to the powers which the Constitution specifically delegated to it

landslide defeat

losing by a large margin in an election

A duty of the "________" is to take a firm stand on the program of the administration and publicize its views.

loyal opposition

The primary responsibility of the precinct captain is to _____.

make sure that all members of their party are registered to vote

What are the basic units of each party at each level?

mass meeting & committee


members of one party move into the primary of the other party to choose candidates

war chest

money designated for the purpose of conducting a winning campaign

party column method

names of the parties appear at the tops of the columns; titles of various offices are shown at the sides

What committee sends political leaders to certain states to campaign for their party's candidate?

national committee

By using the caucus, the people took no part in the _________ process.


In absentee voting, a person marks the ballot and then swears before a ______ that he is a registered and qualified voter. He then sends his ballot to the county _______.

notary clerk

Limiting the frequency of elections could have the following result _____.

officers would be elected annually

national level

on a country-wide scale

local level

on a smaller, non-widespread scale

Anti-Federalist party

one of the first two American political parties; they wanted a weak central government

A(n) _______ primary is one in which voters may vote of for the candidates of the party they desire.


Which are types of primaries that lend itself to "party raiding"?

open & wide-open

In the early days of our democracy, voting was done:


Functions of state committees include what?

organizing and managing campaigns for state offices assisting in local campaigns organizing state conventions raising money

Many times, a political party is accused of _______ if it appears it puts its party's agenda ahead of the good of the people.

partisan politics


people of a region who elect a representative who is then answerable to these people; the region itself

declaration of candidacy

person wishes to be a candidate for the party, so he makes an announcement of intention

Parts of the party platform in the form of issues that are presented to the people such as civil rights, taxes, and energy are called _____.


A _______ watcher is a citizen who is paid by the parties to keep a watchful eye on the voters and the officials.


Each county, district, or city is divided into:


absentee voting

process made for those who cannot be present at their polling place because of health or obligation

Which of the following are possible changes to elections that might help with voter fatigue or low-voter turnout? Select all that apply.

putting national elections in November and State and Local elections in March making few elected officials responsible for their actions so they can appoint others

open primary

qualified voters vote for the candidates without revealing their party membership

What are types of public buildings used for polling places?

schools libraries police stations fire stations

What are methods for a candidate to be placed on their party's primary ballot?

self-announcement petition

The Populist Party of the 1890's was an example of a party formed chiefly to help a ______.

specific group of people

To vote a _____ ticket requires a knowledge of the qualifications of every candidate.


The long ballot encouraged _____ voting.

split ticket

The long ballot encouraged ______ voting.

straight ticket

Third parties play a highly important role in the _____.

strengthening of the two major parties

The Anti-Federalists believed in a _______ interpretation of the Constitution.


A characteristics of short ballot voting is _____.

the candidates voted in at the upper levels probably have more understanding of who would serve the public best

mass meeting

the convention that mobilizes the national agenda and announces the candidates for the national election


the declared policy of a political group

A significance outcome of the 2000 elections is _____.

the election results were challenged in court up to five weeks after the election

direct primary

the members vote, by secret ballot, to choose their candidate for the general election


the most votes cast, but not necessarily a majority

What are sources of funding for political campaigns?

the party the average taxpayer the candidates themselves

Two convention delegates may be chosen by:

the people & party leaders

The Anti-Federalist would limit the Federal government strictly to _____.

the powers the constitution delegated to it

electoral votes

the vote each state is given to cast for a national candidate for President of the United States

The short ballot movement would institute which of the following voting measures? Select all that apply.

those running for mayor would be the only candidates on municipal election ballots state elections would include the governor, mayor, state legislators

office-bloc arrangement

titles of the offices appear across the ballot, candidates of parties for each office are below the titles


to accept and agree upon


to formally suggest and recommend a candidate for election


to yield or surrender, to admit or acknowledge

One way to cut down on the number of elections is to not have an election when all the persons running are ______, which happens frequently.


Throughout the 20th century, Republicans have done what?

won majorities in both the House, Senate, and presidency during the middle of the century had their strongest showing with Ronald Reagan who won all but one state elected Dwight D Eisenhower- twice

The Democrats won all the elections from 1828-1860 EXCEPT in ________.


What are the major political parties in Canada?

Alliance & Liberal

This form of voting was introduced in the United States in 1888:

Australian or secret ballot

The only Democrats to serve as President from 1860 to 1916 were _____.

Cleveland & Wilson

What party do the large U.S. cities tend to support?


Which U.S. political party controlled the South from 1861 to the early 1960s?


______ was praised for his efforts in the Gulf War, but was criticized for his poor efforts in strengthening the nation's economy.

George H. Bush

What describes the early Republican party?

In 1856, John C. Freemont won eleven northern states on an anti-slavery platform.

Which of the following best describes Republican dominance from the time of Abraham Lincoln?

Its policies appealed to a wide variety of constituents, including farmers, merchants, and industrialists.

Which of the following are Democratic presidents?

Kennedy, Carter, & Jackson

The "_______ way is a logically consistent approach to politics based on the moral principle of "self-ownership."


Debt-ridden farmers founded what parties in the late 1800s?

Populist Greenback

The party formed by Texas billionaire Ross Perot 1990s was a member of the _____ Party.


How much was spent by candidate Donald Trump on his presidential bid?

343 million dollars

The_____ Party is a left-wing protest party that was formed in 1919.

American Communist Party

What are the major American political parties?

Democratic & Republican

Which characteristics make the long ballot ineffective?

It offers a lot of detailed information about the candidates. Voters can be overwhelmed and vote by randomly guessing. It puts too much of the onus of learning about the issues and candidates on voters.

What are the major political parties in Great Britain?

Labour & Conservative

The first place in the United States where the Australian ballot was used was:

Louisville, Kuntucky

The _____ stands for prevention-oriented government, conflict-free politics, and proven solutions designed to bring national life into harmony with natural law.

Natural Law Party

The _____ party is an example of a single-issue party.


Which parties began by splitting away from the two major political parties?

Roosevelt Progressives Liberal Republicans Dixiecrats

What are the official publications for the Republican and Democratic Parties?

The Republican & Democratic Digest

Who are Republican presidents?

William Howard Taft Theodore Roosevelt Ulysses S. Grant Dwight D. Eisenhower Ronald Reagan


a gathering of party leaders to talk over possible candidates

political parties

a group of people organized with a governmental agenda in mind

The Democrat Digest

a monthly digest of information for Democrats

The Prohibition Party was founded in 1869 solely for the purpose of preventing the manufacturing and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States. The Prohibition Party is an example of _________.

a party that only has one goal


a person who currently holds an office


a person who desires a position in a political office


a person who does not hold an office but who is trying to unseat an incumbent

When a person votes in an election using a ballot obtained from his county election officer either in person beforehand or by mail it is called:

absentee voting

The state convention nominates which groups?

all candidates for state offices candidates for Congressional office the delegates to the national convention of the party

loose construction

allowing the federal government powers not denied it within the Constitution


an election region or section of a community


an issue that may not be agreed upon by many different sides, and causes many debates


an issue upon which the campaign may build such as civil rights, taxes, energy, or education

oral voting

an older, less private form of voting where the voters would call out their vote

What are duties of the national chairman?

campaign manager and fund-raiser campaign fund spending and fund management public relationships assisting the President in awarding loyal party workers

A(n) _____ primary is one in which voters get the ballot of their announced party.


Dictatorships are most commonly found in what type of places?

fascist countries & communist countries

The ______ believed that the Federal government should possess all powers not specifically denied to it.


The president and vice president are elected once every _____ years.


What are negative characteristics of political conventions?

fraud, bribery, & corruption

The Republican party originated _____.

from a firm political stance against slavery

What are the ways that a Republican state chairman can become a member of his party's national committee?

if most members in the Congress from his states are Republican if his state has a Republican governor his state cast electoral votes in the last election for the Republican candidate


in a national election, a candidate won the vote in a particular state

What are the differences between straight ticket and split ticket voting?

in a straight ticket you vote for all one party voting a split ticket means that you vote for some Republicans and some Democrats depending on the candidate

Three distinctive features of the Australian ballot are:

names of all candidates appear on a single ballot it is prepared by the state or county at public expense it is distributed at polling places by election officials

Today the caucus is widely used _____.

on the local level


one who is nominated or designated to a position


one who is responsible for the proper conduct of the election

In most states, committee members chosen by _____.

party primaries


pertaining to political divisions in Canada; regional or territorial

A contested election means that the losing candidate is demanding a ______.


Political parties organize people together to select candidates who most nearly ______ their goals and political desires.


Functions of political parties include what?

selecting the candidate designing the platform conducting the campaign financing the campaign

Most states do what they can to encourage a higher voter turnout, including:

sending out ballots to those who may be absent, disabled or unable to get to the polls for whatever reason allowing people to vote in front of a notary public encouraging as many voters as possible to mail in their ballots keeping polls open eight to twelve hours

On the _______ ballot only the names of the candidates for the highest office appears on the ballot.


polling place

specific voting area; each voter is assigned a particular place within the district where he lives

ballot box

the container into which votes are put

Why did Democrats hold power for so long in the 30s, 40s, and 50s?

the country entered the Great Depression

Which is the oldest political party in the US?

the democratic party

campaign manager

the director of a political agenda whose goal is to place a chosen candidate in office

public relations

the effort to establish a favorable impression with the populace

During the first three presidential elections the president and the vice president were elected by _____.

the electoral college

central government

the federal power of the country


the group of leaders who make the major decisions in the political party's election strategy


the individual fills out documentation and pays a filing fee to announce that he seeks a political office

closed primary

the voter declares his party allegiance and votes for the ballot of his own party

Voters will more likely turn out to vote if _____.

they are well-informed about the candidates and the issues on the ballot

The Democratic split was so severe during the 1860 elections that _____.

they ran two candidates for the presidency

There are generally between _____ to _____ election officers at each polling place.

three five

The Democratic National Committee sends ______ representatives from the Panama Canal Zone.


An argument to separate national elections from local elections is _____.

unqualified candidates can be elected to local office simply because they are the same party as a popular presidential candidate

straight ticket

voting by marking an "X" at the top of the ballot beside the name of the party of his choice

split ticket

voting for the best candidates for each office regardless of party

A(n) _______ primary is one in which the voter is given one ballot that has the names of the candidates for each office in each party.


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