Classes of Joints

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Disorders of the Joints: -Inflammation of a bursa, often due to forceful contact or prolonged contact. -Most are deformations of the first metatarsal -Inflammation of tendon sheaths, often from overuse -Movement of bones out of their correct alignment of a joint -Stretching or tearing of ligaments supporting a joint

-Bursa -Bunion -Tendinitis -Dislocation -Sprain

Disorders of Joints Match the description to the joint disorder. -Bursitis -Rheumatoid arthritis -Sprain -Osteoarthritis

-Inflammation of fluid-filled sacs associated with a joint -Inflammation of a joint due to autoimmune condition -Torn or overstretched tendons or ligaments -Degenerative disorder of joints

Types of Arthritis: -General connective tissue autoimmune disorder that predominantly affects joints -Most common type of arthritis; affects 85% of Americans over age 70; characterized by gradual degeneration of a joint with advancing age; can be delayed with exercise -Group of metabolic disorders that lead to increased production and accumulation of uric acid crystals in tissues, including joint capsules; can lead to arthritis -Caused by a bacterial infection that affects multiple organs, including the joints; can lead to chronic arthritis

-Rheumatoid arthritis -Osteoarthritis -Gout - Lyme disease

How Each Theoretical Medical Condition Alters Body Function Drag each label into the appropriate position to identify how each theoretical condition would alter body function. 1. Symphyses replaced by synotoses. 2. Syndesmoses replaced by synotoses. 3. Synotoses replaced by synchondroses 4. Hinge replaced by condyloid 5. Condyloid replaced by hinge 6. Synovial rib attachments replaced by syndesmoses 7. Sutures replaced by plane joints 8. Ball-and-socket replaced by hinge 9. Gomphoses replaced by pivot

1. Decreased spinal mobility. 2. Inability to pronate or supinate 3. Unfused os coxa resulting in separated ilia, pubis, ischia in adulthood. 4. Knee capable of adduction or abduction 5. Inability to abduct or adduct fingers 6. Increase in respiratory difficulty 7. Decrease in nervous system protection 8. Increased stability of the shoulder 9. Decreased tooth stability and resilience

Types of Joint Movements Correctly match each term with its corresponding joint movement.

Abduction- Movement of a body part directed towards the midline of the body Elevation-Movement raising a body part in a superior direction Extension-A movement that decreases the angle of a joint posterior to the coronal, or frontal, plane Adduction-Movement of a body part directed towards the midline of the body Flexion-A movement that decreases the angle of a joint anterior to the coronal, or frontal, plane Depression-Movement raising a body part in an inferior direction Hyperextension-Extension of a joint beyond its normal range of motion

From a relaxed, standing position, as you bring your arms up laterally so that they are straight out from your sides to stretch in the morning, the motion of the arms is called ____________. When you put your arms straight back down to your sides and then reach both hands up to rub your eyes, the motion that results at the elbow joint is called __________.

Abduction; flexion

The passive and active ranges of joint mobility are

About the same

The synovial fluid in synovial joints consists of ___________.

All of the choices are correct Serum filtratre, hyaluronic acid, proteins

Which of the following examples represents a bony joint (synostosis)?

An infant is born with right and left mandibular bones, but they soon fuse into a single bone

___________ is an example of a joint that contains hyaline cartilage.

An intercarpal joint

Adduction and abduction are examples of ____________ movements.


Flexion of the forearm is an example of a/an ___________ type of movement.


Which of the following are age-related changes with the joints?

Answer: All of the choices are correct. -Range of motion decreases. -Production of synovial fluid decreases. -The rate of cartilage replacement decreases.

What limits a joint's range of motion?

Answer: All of the choices are correct. Bones are joined by ligaments that limit their movement. Well-exercised muscles of a shoulder joint will limit the possibility of a dislocation. Joint movement is limited by the shapes of the bone's articular surfaces. When extending the elbow, it is the shape of the olecranon of the ulna and the olecranon fossa of the humerus that limit its range of motion.

The multiaxial joint in which the spherical end of one bone fits into the cuplike socket of the other bone is called a ___________ joint.

Ball and socket

Cartilaginous joints unite two bones by means of __________.


Movements of Joints Correctly match the term with the joint movement.

Circumduction - A movement in which one end of an appendage remains fairly stationary while the other end makes a circular motion Rotation- A movement in which a bone spins on its longitudinal axis Inversion- A movement that tips the soles medially Eversion- A movement that turns the soles laterally Supination- A movement that turns the palm to face anteriorly or upward Pronation- A movement that turns the palm to face posteriorly or downward

Joints are classified structurally according to the _________ that binds them, and functionally according to their __________.

Connective tissue; degree of motion

In the acromioclavicular joint, the ____________ ligament binds the clavicle to the scapula and provides most of the stability to the joint.


Which of these joints is correctly matched to the type of synovial joint?

Cubital (elbow) - hinge

Which bone does not contribute to the medial longitudinal arch of the foot?


Passive vs. Active Movements After Injury Place the labels under the category that most likely represents the outcome of the injury described.

Decrease Active Range; Passive range unaffected-Injury to a nerve controlling a muscle around a joint. Increase both passive and active ranges- Stretching ligaments on the sides of a joint capsule. Decrease both active and passive ranges- Pressure from tissue swelling around a joint. Disuse of a joint

The temporomandibular joint is a combination plane and __________ joint. The latter type of motion dominates in this joint, and is similar to a ball-and-socket joint.


Lateral movement of the mandible for chewing or grinding the teeth is __________


Prolonged stretching of the calcaneonavicular ligament can cause

Fallen arches

The joint capsule of synovial joints consists of an outer ____________ and an inner ___________.

Fibrous layer, synovial membrane

Beginning in anatomical position, what movements of the forearm are involved in bending your elbow and then turning your forearm so that your palm faces the floor?

Flexion and pronation

An instructor describes a joint as freely mobile. This description refers to the joint's ___________ classification.


A soccer player rushes toward a ball, considering two options, kicking the ball hard to the left or kicking it hard to the right. In kicking to the left or right, the joint that will influence the direction most significantly is the __________, and will largely involve ___________ of that joint.

Hip joint; rotation

Which of the following is not an example of a fibrous joint?


Types of Excursion -Lateral Excursion -Medial Excursion

Lateral- Moves mandible to either the right or left Medial- Returns the mandible to the midline position

Correctly pair the class of synovial joint with its description.

Multiaxial joint- Ball and socket Monaxial, moving freely in one plane with very little movement in any other-Hinge Biaxial joint that exhibits an oval convex surface on one bone that its into complementary shaped depression on the other- Condylar (ellipsoid) Joint in which adjacent bones slide over each other and have relatively limited movement- Plane (gliding) Monaxial joint in which a bone spins on its longitudinal axis-Pivot

Alexis was a creative baker who constantly leaned on her elbow in applying fanciful decorations onto cakes. She was supporting Jeff, a hard-working nursing student who spent endless hours writing and researching. One evening, both noticed that each had a puffy, balloon-like swelling at the tip of one of their elbows. These were later diagnosed as cases of___________, which luckily resolved after a few weeks for both of them using minor treatment and a change in work habits.

Olecranon bursitis

The ligament that is an extension of the quadriceps femoris tendon is the __________.


Joints and Their Movements Match the joint and the movement.

Protraction An anterior movement of a body part in the transverse plane is called. Jutting out the jaw Rotation Turning head left and right, as in saying "no". A movement in which a bone turns on its longitudinal axis Pronation A movement of the forearm that turns the palm posteriorly or downward Circumduction A motion in which one end of an appendage is stationary while the other makes a circular motion

Protraction vs. Retraction Match the joint and the movement.

Retraction- A posterior movement of a body part in the transverse plane Pronation- A movement of the forearm that turns the palm posteriorly or downward Protraction- An example ________ is sliding the mandible forward.

The largest bursa of the knee joint allows the anterior thigh muscles to move over the distal end of the femur. This is called the ___________.

Suprapatellar bursa

Joints made up of fibrocartilage that are sometimes flexible are ____________.


Which is the highest of the three arches of the foot?

The medial longitudnal arch

The ligaments of the foot functionally serve as

a flexible complex of bones and ligaments that responds to bending much like an archer's bow.

The range of motion determined by the joint's muscular contraction is_______, whereas ______range of motion requires some external force such as manipulation in therapy.

active; passive

The type of movements where one linear part of the body bends relative to another part would be ______ movements.


Joints joined together by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage would be classified as __________ joints.


Disuse of a joint results in __________ range of motion, and swelling of tissues surrounding a joint results in __________ range of motion.

decreased; decreased

Which of the following joints is the least stable?

glenohumeral (shoulder) joint

If you were to insert a needle through the skin at the patella, the structures you would hit, in order, would be

subcutaneous prepatellar bursa, patellar ligament, patella.

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